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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1910)
THE OREGOII SUNDAY JOURNAL, TORTL AND, SUNDAY HOIinG JULY r;:. -r.r.SiS 17 ' v, FOR SALEFAKMS ' I :; s.u.i:- IN CLARKE CO., WASHINGTON. Ail under cultivation,' well watered by streams and springs; all fenced with boards land wire; tZOOQ house. 4 barns, 2 .frame and 2 cattle bams; & mae to school, S mlls to P. O., 6 miles to K. H. station: K. K. D. and cream route; 4 horses, 10 cows, 2 brood eons. 2 new wagons, all necessary farm . Implements to. run the place; good family orchard of 3 acres; all the crop goes with place;. mortgage of $5000 can run' for 4 years i a t 7 ner ceht; will take good, city property up to $ooo. oajancs ii . Pr r 1130 Der acre. X' vi further ' information chII A. C. FOSTER V 103 J Board of Trade Bldg. WASHINGTON ColN'l i JfULU , . y- a XT'! . ' ' ' 20 acres, piaca ioam , vation and set to fruit; trees arc i apple cherry and pear, lust -coming into bear ing; all kinds of berries between the rows; now yield at the rate of $200 per acre. ' Property situated only; one mile from Hlllsboro and w iVh '?5f of station on Oregon ElectrI has rods on two sides, np being Tmaln county road from Portland, ""v'fJi fenced; Rood - wellT combination house and racking house nd-, working .tools. Price SS06 an acre; small amount down, balance to' suit at 6 per cent , We have others. One acre or thousands. It will ray vou to see our nsu - HARf M & THOMPSON ! Chamber of rnmmerce Bldg. Ideal Farm" in in miles from Portland. All level; soil black loam: fenced and cross fenced; all In cultivation except 2 acres, . ien fruit trees: roses and shrubbery. Fine 8 room residence; good barn. One mil from railroad station, near school i.. tlendld equipment 01 all kinds and farming machinery go with the place 10 acres now In oats, tns 3S tons of nay, t horses and 7 head of cattle are also in cluded and go with -he place. Magnifi cent country home and situated on one ,.e ,. hot Imnroved county - rO1S leading into Portland regular boule- . ,i Tt mill notf vnn tn investigate this place before mirchastng elsewhere. A. JV1 tiKllilVJ.r. 602 Corbett bid? Dairy and Stock Farm 160 acres, 6 miles from railroad and good , town; 35 acres cultivated and in crop, 45 acres open pasture,; 80 acres A-l timber; all good soil; running water, high pressure gravity system to house nnu barn, country roaa vuruuu R. F. !., phone in house ft mil" to school, young' family orchard; buildings Rre all good; 3 horses, 6 cows, 4 hogs, fine lot of chickens: 1 wagon, 1 carriage, double and single harness, 1 mower, I, ruke, i Junior planter, 1 cream separa tor, 1 plow, 1 harrow, and numerous, small tools. Everything goes with place, Including all crops and household furni .,,, t.,.-!,. tAKniv t.rmi nn nart. Neal TtrAnrn 1M Rwetiand bid.. 6th and Washington ste. V3UU acres, mu acres tiuaicu, . bordering on th I'mpqus river; l 'or 1300 can be cultivated; son very ueey and rich; good fruit land. .,, Pries 116 per acre, with good terms ' 1340 acres near R. R. station. 600 In cultivation; deep. -rich, soil; good im provements. This Is bargain at $27 niv. .......... ... , -li jbuu acres, a un i , Isrm, Price $15. per acre. - All Of the above places are well wa tered; location, and climate or the best; have blue prints at office. - ZIMMERMAN 621 Board of Trade P.ldR. 24 ACRES' - . v , . NEAR BEAVERT0N street from city limits of Beaverton. H mile to electric and steam R. ,R.. 12 acres in 12 venr old anples now loaded, 6 ACRES BEAVERDAM - Planted to onions tyou should see them), balance in general crop; good running stream waier through place; price rea sonable. Will cut In 6 acre tracts. J. E. NICHOLS CO., - ' - 620 Board of Trade. " : " . 157 ACRES on Tualatin river, with Knkm Hinrtrifl line crosslnir in center, J 2V, miles from Portland, . Soil rlcht land lies well; about Vi cleared,, bal ance light and heavy .timber; two fair houses, large barn, large hop house, about three acres family orchard, never tailing stream on place. ' Price only $160 per acre, adjoining lands platting and selling at $250 per .acre. : This Is a . forced sale and a bareain price.. W. A.. SHAW, . ' 4 . Trustee In Bankruptcy. - :. , ' . 245 Stark St , Main 35. A-3500. . Dne of the finest farms In the Molalla vallev, 160 acres. 85 eres in high state of cultivation, ; good buildings, spring water in house and barn, phare of crop, unnin utocVt and lmnlements. Look this up If you want a fine farm. Within half mile of railroad now being surveyed; $4000 down, own time on balance at 6 per cent- E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, Knd Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Or, $5000 Terms Easy . 160 aeres; 35in-cwtlyation; 4 cows. Team, -.wagon . and iiarr.Re; all - lmpje ments. cream separator and household poods; good well of water, fair house end barn; 80 rods from school; 2 miles from railroad station; lots of fruit; Ideal place for home. ' Atkinson & Akers Room 1. Commercltl Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash.- A Farm Bargain We now have the best uuv In Cork' rpunty" for sale 'at a sacrifice.. Jui Investigate this, and see how cheap thif price Is;. $1000 for a 64-are farm. 2T a'.res in cultivation;-12 acres in prunes crop over iiuir xnis year. This is ! farm at the right price,, what we eel dom see nowadays. Terms, 411 Henry Bldg. . o - mm . M H! all. n v.n . bouse and barn; well fem-ed; on good I saleable crop, besides winter feed; 251. ,10 acr,es ofh of Springwater, Tun tounty road; oii the Columbia river; 20 miles from Portland, on . good river. ' fr'S erfc- J,0r?- , good cows; all goes; 2 miles from I Boats can come to place for freight; 6 , acres "at Wichita, 740 fare, a good Woodland, Wash. Price $59 r;r air ' miles from 8 railroad stations; 3 miles !.P' to live and work In the city. $1000. lA cash, balance 6 per cent - ilARRY BALL. 431 Lumber Exchange bldg. WHEAT! WHEAT! WHEAT! A wheat farm is the best kind of art investment ' Have a good one at only $22.50 per acre. Whole section near a good town in eastern Oregon. About iV)0 acres In fail wheat looking fine. House, barn, and runntng water. Rented lor 1-3. If taken at once buyer will get the crop. I ust-sell at once. Buy of-th owner,, b-696, Journal. ' J?l" RL'RBAN FARM HOM& - -55 ACRES. ,'1,-. $2760. Good, rich soil; 9 acres bearing or rhor.l, 3 acres timber, 3 room house, nearly completed, barn, woodshed, well, 1c; 14 miles Portland, 2 mlls carline; ' lonslder sum city j.roperty". -COLLMBU TRUST CO., -. 84 4th Kt SuBurban Home Twenty acres, hi gh state cultivation, fine 3'oun orchard, new - bungalow, large., barn; horse, chickens and furnl- mrir wt, t wo tub,'". " K'UnT 8t"Fta tion on wet wide line, close In; imme- nisie rirntef e'on; owner leaving estate, sn.m nt . ttwflQ. :fF-". Journiil lit Ani.t, irijy 12 miles from Portland will iiese o both bteatn enfl.ltrlc ifi t-r isnvih-. ntid lartre barn, fruif 1 rl' id s ii Kiin,if ' !, - ' If 18 in p T1r e, ,1p j; riiHf. v!i'1 and n eveellen.t Inn-. Pr(p ... irn. far.ff'im.uiu. ..l.'ay; good ranges Ftar route, Pealt, Box :j.:::.J'.lfA.i.- " . ' ',.; K. Qr. ; , . The best on the market, come and see me. . Will sell or trade for city property SO acres of improved land Just across the river from Hood River. Price only $2500. , ' ', '- , 40 acres, small house and barn, i acres cleared, 35 acres can be cultivated. Price 13300. Will trade for city projn For sale or trade, 60 acres of brush land with a few logs and some standing timber; about SO acres of swala with a large spring on the highest part of the place; good well, and close to school. Price $2500. ' V ,, , 10 acres, good house and barn, all in high' state of cultivation; close to school and all in.; crop; close to .Vancouver. This Jap can, be bought for 14000. terms to suit.- . . ' . ,' 90 acres, 35 seres in crop, slashed and seeded to grass; running water, ffoort snrlne arid 2 houses; 5 acres of beaverdam; ,11 cows, 3. horses, 100 chickens. go6d orchard, cream separator and all farm tools go with place; $90 per acre, :-.!-'.: -y.,.-. zu acres, xs in crop, a;ic " lty orchard, 4 acres of timber; good - 8 room . house, good bam and wellt-farm implements Included, for only $a000;.can give good terms.. . . ! 57 acres, an ciear ana in of cultivation; three fourths of a mile from car line, one half mile from school, one mile from good (own and church where land is selling from 3200 to $300 per acre. This can be bought for $135 per acre If taken soon. we nave "" ,. . dierkmaN REAwrr co., . B03 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. : Two mile from Hillsbono an4 near transportation; land K, In; neighborhood selling from $200 to $500, while for a short time ws are able "to offer this beautiful piece , for $125 per acre; about 64 acres , cleared and wood on balance will pay for clearing; about 20 .acres beaverdam and balance beautiful black loam, BM Till PACICIF ft. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 404-5 Couch bldg. 276 Acre Farm Near, Wilson- vi e. - I5n acres in cultivation, balance tim ber and pasture, -plenty of good water, creek and several springs, gooa nouso and barn, family orchard. Is all choice land, price 166 per acre, part casn, Bal ance 6 years, . ... 404 ACRES. Excellent stock and dairy farm, on Yamhill river and close .to a good town and near station on 6. P, R. R., telephone and electric light land J nearly all in cultivation, alMerte$d-wlth woven wire, good house and bai'iv la.on a milk route; the land is the best Price $95 per acre, half cash, balance long time, 181 ACRES. ' ' ' ' ' In same locality, highly Improved, good buildings, plenty of good water, price $80 per acre; half cash,-balance long time, 6 percent Interest , Stock: -and-afrtry-faH10r acres-Tn cultivation, balance pasture and oak timber; good farm house and bum. 2i) tons of hay m barn, all stock ajid farm tools go with the place. Is well watered with 6 springs and a well; Is IV- miles from gnod R,rR.J town; price. $32 per acre, terms. : .--'... -,.:... "..v.-,. , W. H. LANO CO., 414 Ablngton bldg. 63 ACRES i mile from Castle Rock, " 20 acres In cultivation. '2 acres or chard, .good bldgs., good water, to trade for house and. lot: $3750.. . . 10 acres 7 miles from" Portland 8 acres assorted fruit, new 6 room house ana z lots, to trade ior house and -lot in city. Price $3760. 22 rooms, good - income $75; rent $So; lease price $1500; to trade lor house and lot 8 room house and lot 100x100. close to carline - to trade for farm. If you have anything to trade call and see us. 401 HWBTUND BLDG." m. - 280 acres, all good land, some timber, on gooa auto roaa. 'price in per acre. J, M, Kerr & Co,- 311 Henry Bldg. TARMS ,H miles from Portland, SO acres; 3 miles from town arid R.-R. station: 12 cres cleared, small stream on place; 6 -oom house, large barn, chickens, teHm and wagon, 3 cows; rural 'delivery. Price $3000; y, fash, balance long time. We have 100 farms listed, from 6 to 260 acres, close to Portland, - $1500 ABTMAN INVESTMENT CO., Room 27 Washipgton Bldg. 100 -achks finest bottom land, all' in cmlvaMon. all can ' be Irrlimted. 1 snrln hroolra? t4fiftD worth ennrt hulld I Intra finhh titnoV anit tnnohtnafv' J55I1I1 good town, R. V, D. and telephone; $8000 equity for city property. . Room 617, Roihchlld bldg.: --..- . S15yt AvJRKb lv i miles from Junction City, Lane Co; good sotl. rural deliv ery,, 400 acres fenced. 160 acres swale and beaverdam. 606 in cultivation,' 76 nearly ready tor plow, balance timber; small house, barn and chop mill;' creek through place. An ideal grain, fruit and stock ranch; $25 per acre; third cash, balance 6 years at 6 per cent Loren Seward, Vancouver, Wash. ' ;- ' ' 440 ACRES Yamhill V.o. Good .7 room house, barn and-other buildings, creek through place; good spring; piped to house and barn;, fruit and walnuts; 60 acrea '"splendid bottom land in cultivation-, 400 acres under woven -wire fence. Some timber; $36 per acre. Take part in Portland pronertyv --Loren Seward, Van eouver,' Route No. 3. , - . .. . FIVE ACRES. 14 miles from Portland, 1 block from carline. fine bearing orchard, berries, varlouw varieties; house, barn, woodshed, etc. j niH is m uargiin ior jwuu. COLUMBIA TR U3T COMPANT. : " 1Tf-4tH St . - FOR SALE--3i acres on Willamette rivr, 28 miles from Portland, 6 room house, barn, ete.. all kinds of farm' im plements,, wagons - etc.; horses, cows, tiiz!,. tc.; one of the finest farms In. v lYlliamx-tte valley at a harvain. J. J. C'nbnlin. 827 Chamber. Commerce. 160 ACRIJ.S 1 will sail my fine stock farm pi a great sacrifice; J00 tous of 17 SPECIAL BARGAINS On Easy Terms 150 acres, 60 in cultivation, with SO more open and easily put .under plow. 13 cows, 1 bull, team of mares, .wagons harness, machinery and tools; good house and two barns; also household goods; fine crops; everything ready to go to work; V, mile to school, IVi to Ry. and boat landing. Only $600; cash, $3000 or $4000, bat to suit - 122 acres, SS In cultivation; house and barn, machinery and tools; two mares and colt, 7 cows; ft mile to school, 1A to Ry. and landing. Everything in good shape. Price, $S5 per acre, bait cash, 134 acres, 60 In cultivation; t room house, barn 00x100; a lot of machinery, cream separator and butter outfit; 15 cows, 5 heifers. 1 bull, some pigs, chick ens,, ducks and turkeys, 2 brood mares and colu a good diversity of crops; 1-3 mile to school, 4Vi to Ry. and landing. Price, $10,000, only 1-8 cash. :. 160 acres, 75 In cultivation; house and two barns, plenty all kinds machinery and tools. 14 -owh 9 onnir stock. 1 hull. 6 horses, 7 pigs, A well kept place, paying good. money; 2 Vi miles from Ry. and landing. ; price, $14,600. only $5000 cash down.. . . ,-- . - - ;. ; 211 aeresl fine ; location and view: frood 7 room house, barn 65x80; all arm mplementa and tools: 12 cows. 1 bull. 3 wont norses. and yearling colt: some pigs and. chlcicens. A place With good reputation; old folks moving to town: everything goes for $14,000. only $4000 cash down, balance lopg tlms If desired. new house, barn 30x40; Implements and tools. A good buy at $5600, on terms. The above are all rood buvs. on easT terms, deferred payments at ( per eent interest Well located, on milk and cream routes, phones, and up-to-date In every particular. tome ana see them at our expense. We have smaller, low nrlned nlaces. also chicken ranches and fruit lands. Free Round trip FOR NONRESIDENTS ONLT. 1 On Columbia river at Washousral. Wash.. and return, via steamer Jessie Harklns, leaving Washington street dock, Port land, ai a p. m. Present this advertisement to Cap tain Hosford, of the steamer Jessie Harklns, and it will be accepted as a ticket then call at our office and we tvtll hnnnlv r i , i 1 1 V. ..him . Provided, that you are honestly look ing for a good dairy, fruit or ranch for general farming, In a country that f prows things, and has the highest qual ty of soil, and fine climate. A place especially adapted for grow ing nears.'; .-. : If you wish further information be lore malting the trip, write us Washougal Dairy & Land Go, - Washougai, Wash,1 ; n Close to Portland - and a Prize Winner of Three Expositions - Ail necessary buildings;" In first class condition, This' is an exceptional opportunity for getting control of a first class proposition with little money to handle; ; . . ; " , - Pacific N.. W, Development Co uouch Bldg,,. Portland Best farm In lh vnllnv in Tamhiir county, 1 miles , from good town, all In cultivation, all Improve ments, 3 perennial springs, water piped toa house nn barn; 2 orchards, eplen ald orop .of. oats, clover, vetoh, alfalfa, r.-'i,- WHEAT 40 BU. PER ACR13. . Surrounding land sella from $125 to $150. .We will sell entire farm with crop for $100 per acre, or will divide. ROSS ENGLISH IN V. CO., 322 Mohawk bldg. 15 acres, all in high state of cultivation. 15 miles from Portland, good house and barn, . 4 acre- In grapes. acre loganberries good orchard, fine soil,. m It acres, 1 mjles from good town, i0 acres cleared, all e-ooH tvi l-mi. price $52.50 per acr, t 160 acres, all cleared, level river bot tom land, fenced and one cross fence, 1 miles from good town; price $100 per acre... . . . . . - 136 itcrea. 90 acres cleared land, fair house end barn, on ; place. 6 acres of heavy timber rest, stump land, and easily cleared; fencpd and cross fenced, place well watered with spring water, right in the heart of the big plantings of yamhill county; price 75 per acre. Hyland, Jones & Co, 409 Gerlmrer bldg., 2d and Alder. 8a acres,; in the fruit district, south or Estacada, 26 acres in crop, 8 acres young bearing orchard, fair buildings, ready for business, $4000.- tSIS wat0-r' orchard' and build ings, $2400. 40 acres, some trees set" out $1200. . -".b'o-'. ieea, running: I OW. J1UUO. ; For complete description of farms and ?l acJ0 - w p- sla board, I-lrst and Alder. , . Near electrio line In fasteat develoo lnffceetton out nf Pnrtlor,,!. ni. ning water, on good auto road; soil . viniajr IUI aaapiea to rruit culture, apples jn par- "vu;" 1. u jjouitry conaitlons. See us for a hare-nJn. Thi. 1.1 1...... incin viupci ly. cee owner. Homes & In vrnuneui . yq., ail rtamilton t bldg GOOD farm Jackson' rvniintv fine black soli, no rock, all level! 60 acres cleared and cultivated; immense crops go with the place; also cattle and all -the. implements and blacksmith out fit; 158 acres, $85 per acrej some trade. 817 Hamlf Hon Bldsr. 80 ACRES, only 1 mileffrom town, afi : clean land and of the very best, good new house, barn and other outbulldfnes . fTult and berries, JSlCerj;thJpgla.jtw 1 mimpv. fiw auw. u. banders, 427 Lumbermens bldg. SMALL, farm of 20 acres for ui miles from Hlllsboro. 17 from pi. land';; will sell cheap for cash, Wra. Eurison, Cresham, Or., Route 2. .' IF YOU WANT a farm seo me Uefore you buy. I have all si5!es st right prices, Geo. A. Houek. 2 27HWaih. ttObixbAn county fanes; dairy," grain and stock farms of difleiont eiie. 810 ChiiNiiiet-4f--4Joiu mei'&a, : l I OIi "SALE FAK.V3 IE GOIE nfl lip ik : BARGAINS I.. 17 ssssssssuassssssssa iEiii . mi xmnaim S j60 acres near Estacnda Electric S S line, 37 acres cleared, balance very B S easily cleared; some timber. Land b S all level and the very best of Soli, g S All fenced and cross fenced with o 8 good wire fence. Fine bearing or- 8 S chard, abundance of small irultj H 8 .fine crop of hay and grain; gopd S S house and barn, fruit dryer and S S other outbuildings. Good team, 2 a S cowa, poultry, binder, mower, wag- H S on and full equipment of farming S a tnnla nnil prnn en with rilace. Close S to school, on. main county road, S S milk route, phone line. Price $6500; S S good terms. I have Just sold the S S adjoining property to a Hood River S 8 man. , . -' . ' 5 S .: --J -l: S 20 acres, all cleared and In crop., b 8 All level land and fine soli. On S S main county road, close to Estacada a S Electric. Crop goes with place. S 8 Price $2500; good terms. j 8 v f " ' ' ' 8 8 ' 20 acres Of unimproved level land 8 8 some timber. This is a fine tract a 8 best soil. Price $76 per acre. , .' S S '' -, -: B S ; A bargain in a Bmall place, 8 S S5 Acres 1 mile from Estacada S S carline; 25 acres In .cultivation, 8 S 100- fine fruit .trees in full bear- g S lng, all choice- varieties;: good 8 8 well and spring; all fenced; old 8 8 house and barn; 4 mile to school, 8 S 1 mile to church ;., Price $3000 S 8 160 acres, 8 miles from Estacnda 8 S par, 80 acres in fine state of cultl- S s vauon. mostly ail level, very pesi o 8 of olt no better fruit land in Ore- 8 B gon; will divide and sell In 10 to S S 20 acre tracts. Price $100 to $156 8 8 per acre: easy terms. 8 8 SOME FINE DAIRY FARMS IN 8 3 CLARKE COUNTY. WASH.; S 8" 197 acres, 80 acres cleared. 60 8 8 acres clashed and seeded, some 8 8 good timber. 60 acres of this place 8 8 is fine bottom land, 60 acres level H 8 bench land, balance good pasture. 8 6 Fine water supplies; 4 room house, S S barn and other buildings. Also S 8 7 good cows, 8 young cattle team, 8 8 hogs, poultry and all farming im- 8 a piements. , This place mnes o 8 from postoffice, close to phone line 8 8 and 6 miles from stores and cream- B 8 ery. Price $6500, Reasonable terms. S a . 12n acres. - SO acres ' plowed. 60 B acres slashed and seeded, $0 acres 8 S fenced. .1,600,000 feet timber wnicn w 8 can be easily" marketed. - 60 acres P 8 fine bottom land, balance nearly all 8 8 level, not over 5 acres rough land. B 8 2 fine creeks, water power installed 8 8 to drive farm . maenmery. uoou a S hearlna? orchard: eood house, cood 8 8 large bam and other buildings. 8 8 Also 16 dairy cows, 3 mares, 1 year- S 8 ling colt all rarming tools ana crop b 8 go with place. , This personal prop- 8 S ertr easily worth $3000; i - mile 8 S from: stores, postofflce, creamery, R Behnnl . nriiJ. ..rniirch. . Price 18800. 8 good vterms. Good residence prop- is 8 erty in Portland will be considered B 8 as part payment B S ! ' S H I.1T.T Mffi STTOW YOTT THESB S S x PROPERTIES. S - J. H: SIHIE 55 S 205 Gerlinger Bldg.. cor. Jd and B S Alder. Office Main S430. 8 S , Residence Woodlawn 216$. - S SSSSS8SSS8S8S8 8 8 8 F TISIIBIS'HSiyiMlf! : OWNER GOING TO QERMANT. 25 barrel capacity flour and feed mill. water power, on a fine large stream; stock of groceries worth $2500; nice house, 2 large barns, wa gon shed,', po tato house, fruit house, blacksmith shop and tools, i horses, 2 wagons, harness, 4 cows, 8 young stock, 6 hogs, some sheep, all -kinds of farm implements, with 80 acres of land; 39 acres In crop, 3 acres in beaverdam land, can be irri- Sated; 15 acres In fine saw timber, near regon City; everything - for $9500; terms. ' 23 lots, all in bearing fruit, at Mel drum, on O, W. P. car line, only $3000; terms. . . ,.r .;.v v ..,;,:': - 20 acres, 3 in crop, some timber; small house, barn, good spring, and run ning water; S miles from Oregon Cjity; good soil, only $1650; terms. . ti acres, all Improved; nice bearing orchard, nice house, and all kinds of poultry houses; a dandy - fruit- and chicken-- ranch; owner must sell, ' only $2600. ' ' : ' :. .' ' s FRETTAG A 6WAFF0RD, - Near S. P. Lepot Oregon City, Or. ,:, .m How Is 'Thls?-?.r y 328 acres, 75 in cultivation, all . can be cultivated, - when cleared; well fenced and cross fenced.' trood horse. large barn, granary, etc;; good orchard, berries, etc.;. living water through place. Trice $12.50 per acre. Some terms. ' 1100 sere's, 800 In cultivation; orch ard or 16O0 trees in bearing, 3 miles, to R. R. town; fine living waterf 6 room house. Rood barn, will hold 50 head stock; lots room for hay. Fine water power. 'Which', is worth all asked for the whole place, s About 1 million feet of good fir saw timber. Price J23.50 ner acre, oue naif cash will handle, balance good terms, .. 320 acres, 100 , acres creek bottom. balance rolling, mile fr,om electric line survey, 0. million leet nr timber. No imnrovements. . Price $3200 rash. Chittenden, Otto & Neill ' 310 Oak st. - 2U acres, house, chicken house.' run. city water piped to place, also 60 young fruit trees on nlaco. BeBt noultrv nroa- pect In Oregon.v ' Price $1000; terms,, or will trade ior cneap acreage or city equity up to $1000. Owner, Homes & Investment Co 317 Hamilton bldg. 130 acre farm, fine, fruit and farm land. buildings, close to town, Eleotrlo line coming by place; a good buy. Ad. dress owner, F. Prgoks, Carlton, Or. FKUTT LAXHS 43 . . COMMERCIAL ORCHARD. 24ft acres. 100 acres in orchard. 80 acres bearing; fine crop; 60 acres ready to plant, balance easily , cleared; own fine living stream of water -sufficient for Irrigation and all other purposes;. 5 horses and equipments for running the place. Prlco with crop. $75,000, with good terms; will take - some Portland property lntrade;. fruit growers' 1 asso elation there vhloh means good prices photos at ornce. , , ZIMMERMAN, . 621 Board of Trade bldg." SNAP 85 aores 'Of fine apple ?land with about 600 bearing trees; will produce a good cr.on this year; has fine spring; house and barn. This can .be had at a bargain and if you want a paying prop-, osltlon investigate this; easy terms can be had. This Is 'located in the best apple district in Oregon. Addrefcs 87l 12th St., or phone Main 9168. - Mosier Apple, Land .. 600 ' acres fine apple land, partly cleared, new survey Electric Ry, Jusit the tilaeg-'foTTryfiaieate-to develops ITig money In it at the price, .only $30;per acre:, terjns. ' -- . ':ihy;y,,.- , - TIIOS. M'CXTSKER, ' 329 Lumbermens bldg. - Fruit Land, $60 an Aero 830 acres of line fruit land . nar Sheridan.! " Red soli, 40 acres in apples nml walnuts, 210 eeren: chaced, 40 acres liM tlnibor, 50' acres stumps. ..jooil buildlnes. A bargain tlint will 4iar ln- vsUgatiQi:....lQ13Eoari..ot...T.rftie, I FOIl 6AL1J FAi:J13 km VMM 5 WHITE. SALMON VALLEY Opposite Hood River Valley We have some . exceptionally fine lands T l . f B) 1 Both improved and unimproved Terms Easy ' , Ruv now'before the Mt, Adams Electric line Is completed, and double your money,.-- Or hold it, live on4 It,' be a fruit grower In this valley and you will be independent . Others are, "Ask for Mr, Nelson', Columbia Trust Company' Board of Trade Bldg, " Attractive Country Home With . an Income , ; . : . 80 acre fruit ranch, on the Columbia river, 2 H miles from Underwood, Wash ington, opposite Hood River, on main county road. . Magnificent view of Mt Hood and. the famous Hood P.iver val ley; 81 aores in fruit, 3 acres la 4-year-old aonle trees. 4 acres in 9 to 12-year- old Baldwin apples, 4 acres In Bpltxen- Dergs and Newtowns, 8 acres in d ab oun pears, 100 peach trees 6 to 8 years old, some prune trees and other fruits and the balance of the cleared land In 1-year-old apple trees of a commercial varletv and all in a first class condi tion, xnere are z acres ot pasture tana and the unlmnroved portion la covered with fir and brush. There is a neat little 6 room house, with fireplace and plenty of water. The place Is well fenced and the price Includes all the tools and necessary 1 farm Implement's, Including a good i road-. wagon,, spray pump, and in fact everything one needs to go right to work, and if taken at once the buyer will get the benefit of the crop which will amount to about $1200. This is an Ideal place in every way and we can guarantee it to be just as repre sented. Price for a short time, $1000; One quarter rash, balance terms to suit at e per cent. . ' Chapin & Herlow v 332 Chamber of Commerce. Hood River orchardists have bought 50) acres- of our anole lands along the auto and Mount Hood electric roads. and. will set 100 acres of orchards this Fall and Winter. It's up to you! 40 ucros, 7 in bearing orchard, 8 more cleared; less than mile to - auto road: benutlfuj, sightly location; new painted house, barn, well, etc; $3300; $1300 casn. 1 - : v MOUNT HOOD LAND CO., 711 Rothchild Bldg ORCHARD LANDS AT.F.STACADA. CHEAPEST LANDS IN . THE NORTH- r .-, WEST, .v--.,.. IVA acres' with 800, Baldwin anftle trees in bearing, $300 per acre. , . -10 acres orchard land. new 4- room bungalow, eprlng water, chicken house and yard, timner ior uu coras 01 wooa creek runs through place; $1200; $500 dowp. 9 acres beaverdam land, 60 rods south 01 depot; Tine garden lana, 'i casn. 70 4th St, Portland. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 2 6 14 acres,t close to town and only V, mile from railroad station: 26 acres of this set to trees ana balance in pas ture: good soil. This is the best buy In the valley at r $450 per acre, one third cash," balance, tong term. j. u Sanders, 427 Lumbermens bldg. Estacada Fruit Lands ' Oregorf's Coming Fruit Distric Estacada and vicinity is destined to become the center of one of the most extensive. , the most productive, and threkly populated fruit sections In the state or uregon, 1 xou win una nere all the advantages of a well settled community, splendid transportation fa duties, and hundreds of acres of cleared land available- for immediate - develop ment If you are looking for a home or an Investment there Is no place In the state where you will be able to secure better values; or where land is as cer tain to advance in value, than it will do In Estacada during the next year. We have a number of 10 and 20 acre tracts, all cleared and ready for plant ing at prices ranging from $75 to $150 per acre. Parties looking for acreage to nlant or sub-divide will do well to In vestigate this section before locating elsewhere. . We have several good prop ositions for this purpose and will be. glad to show them to you anytime at our expense. y Chapin & Herlow : 832 Chamber of Commerce, ' - ' . WANTED ' Small apartment house o reasonable lease; close in and modern, h 0, B Journal. FOUR -40 acre tracts, partly .timbered near Portland and railroad town, e-ood roads, $20 to $26 per acre, part cash; this rs a bargain, would trade for city cottages, 'call or write. . ;-. ' M'FARIJANP INVESTMENT CO.." .?! mo coroett bldg., Portland, ORCHARD tracts, set to ' apples and cherries, near Portland, half prices, best soil, no irrigation needed, double your money; by seleoting this summer. Part cash, 6 per cent ; 310 Corbett bldg.,. Portland.-! WANTED FARMS 88 GOOD farm wanted within IS miles of . Portland, about 10 to 20 acres. Will trade good Portland property and make difference either way. Will deal with owners only. . State location, price and full particulars. JourpiU. , : IT Ml LE" MIS C3 I HAVE immediate rnlo for f:irm worth about jiO'iii, sliould havo 25 iu-r m t least in cultivation, sprlntr or rvuiitin water; close to transioi't;( I Ion but need not have extra fine . buildup. Other farms wanted from owners. il. A. Unoilnough, 422 Abinfrton bldg.' 1'IVE to 15 acres, with running water, within 9 miles 'of courthouso, lve full particulars In first letter. U-G34, Jour nal. WANTED Small chicken ranch, near school, good Boil and water, buildings. 82 Vermont at, city. . IKIIIQ ATKD LANDS 42 Deschutes-Valley Bargains in Deeded Improved Land v JIZTUTU. perpetual water right $75 per acre on 160 acres five miles from Sisters; 14 miles from new railroads; perpetual wa ter right with low cost of maintenance. $40 per acre on terms.. ; r-, 640 acres five miles 'from town. 14 cultivation; 85 in clover and alfalfa. Perpetual water right with low cost of iiminienance. i,ana all tillable except' 140 aores: $3200 ncr acre on te,rms Town lot tn Plilvar nltnnl fnn.n f"vd IS,,0 may had at introductory prices, Grading being one for main, track and ' i?n wines .; on the , townsite. Splendid country to support the town. Call at onoe and make your selection of .-" vv,.n cone. ' DE.JCHUTE8 VALLEY LAND & IN. KHTM.UNT COMPANY, 801-1 Buchanan bldg., on i Washington near oin nt., rumana. vjr. LOCAL OFFICE. CULVER. OR. "iTOn KENT FARMS I HAVH two farms in' good location, to rein, m ior casn, oiner win taite im- i provemenis. j-Bia, journal loou acres ,. wheat land, 400 . acres plowed, in ' Umatilla county, or. .103 4th st - r - HOMESTEADS : 47 in r i . it .i i When ffi.S,. !?"dJ" P,e'lL0U"t2 SSfEf H,;t:,. home in this nromlslng countryT We can locate you on a homestead or a desert claim within J to 20 miles from Culver the Junotion ' city of the Des- cnuies -vaiiey, wnere uie xiiu ana fiarri man railroads which are pushing con- sirucuon tnrougn ine , state, low junction, - uree automoDiie u-ansporta- jton from Bhanlko and return if you ftS'a, ment Co.; 801-J Buanan bldg.:"Port- land, or.,, on Washington near 6th st Local offices at Culver, Or., and laid- law. Or. '; '"-- V' BEST homesteads and timber claims' In 1 southern Oregon; Just coming to the front; climate Ideal. Opportunities great Particulars. . 313 I St., Grants Pass . Or. WiT- t,."' m ohoL 820 acre homesd'nJr the cht0 ..8i, Ltvor iln "1 ..miffXnin! SinkWrtJ 7 ' - 7 Lumbermens '"" . . . . LOCATIONS made on government homesteads.. 402 commercial block. 2d and Washington. HOMESTEAD8 near Portland; good land; fees' $25 and $60: write oulck. Address W. R. Hampton, Hullt. Or. r i - r I n I or SaleSeveral Good tracts , ot tir timber in Washington, suitable for holdinsr'or imme- dlate operation. Price reason- able: terms If desired,' ZB2. 'Uitrnol . '' JOUrnai,- - WE are headquarters lor timber am lumber enterprises or all kinds. Kin ney st Stampher, (31-8 Lumber Ex change bldg. . 1100MING HOUSES tX)It SALE 53 Rooming Housesr $$$ Makers, u nooros omy ji&oo. n h,7iinn i '.".,i All Kinin l ii i n 1 1 ii m. nsnr v n h w Turin baths; only 5 blocks' of posto'ffice" rent $100. , A positive- snap at the prices $1600, $750 cash. baL easy. .... . 27 Rooma onlv 1120(1. Rooming; and Boardihir. fair furni ture, rent only $40: rooms alwava full at good prices; terms or trade Ior prop- eriy 91 wm vaiue.. -- ; . : 19 Rooms only $800. - Borne boarders, rooms all full. rint only $50: uas. bath, furniture verv fair Will exchange for property of same Tssiwat ' -f . . k. 7 Rooms only $100 Cash. . Balance easv. Trice J-TPflr onr, fur. niture; close in; rent $20; a good small una " 8 Rooms only $100 Cash , Tl.lann. rt tCA ........ ...... . 11th and Washington: well furnished; clearing $45 per month. Will trade for vacant property, same value. - r , . i Before buyintr It will be monev saved to see us as we personally Inspect everything before we offer same for sale and we will not handle anything unless the price is rlirlit OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO., 8tH flth, ivu room apartment nouse, sell ail or half Interest If you choose; rare op- tortunity to ' get a good proposition with small amount of cash, - . SO rooms, long lease, cheap rent al- ways a waiting list-make $300 per month; entertain oml trade. ... ,, . . . . ' ' . - 35 rooms, i good location, center nf city, good lease and always full, mostly transient ;,:.; f,. i..M. '.-11 17, rooms, fine little proposition, sell on terms several 8,- 8 and? 10 toom houses. Square Deal Realty Co, '.:' -4th and Oak sts. - , 619 Board of Trade bldg. room hoiisft. wpll' fiirnlph pun. I . - ,1.. t . . . ' . J,. ' - $40 Der month over expenses, besides WW ISTlZYt FA U occupying 2 room,' -cdt,. for quick sale 122 rooms, nicely furnbheil, walking dls for cash to $550. ; I tance, low rent $400 handles sume. Ap-, OIU VAiV ai. V rooms, well furnished; organ, range, J!u'1lfr .'Jl!!?1. nenint0 ?uari? S"1'-ini$V? ' ISf-lJiW'Jl ;i'"v8 7K inf m nik .i . ; vc ii. v-uou, fiui j-vu ii. x vis ot. I WANT to buy for an eastern ,man"at once, n-Bueu vroiioicin uuunq, wiin a lease; from 10 to 40 rooms. ' Main 4557, From owners only, v y-. ;:;: :- 30 ROOM3 best transient house in city ior saie oy owner on account or other business; terms, no agents. Call after 10 a, my ?7i ft Morrison st. $1300 21 rooms, swell location, house. keeping,' clears $90 monthly, $700 oown. 4la t:ommercmi oiock, ROOMING houses, any siae, -at prlcei to suit: we buy. soli and exchange PORTLAND ROOMINOt HOUSE CO .. - , ,T . V. 1 .. 1 818 Henry bldg. 48 roams, good location, -stone building, lease changed hands twice in 15 a gooa ouy, price iu, iminu, com. .JL.lyfl. HAVE buyers fgrroQiijlngo, H. E. JAJV1, fit Uth, - sa. ivin, iic.i..l.. iBiiau um, FORSALE Boardln house, in good location, doing a Rood business, win sell 'very cheap. Mr. Mackey, 634 Thur-Knonslble rjirty; I will turn -this busi man st Phone A-3091. . -. j n(,F3 over t0 you for a week and you can FURNITUHS 9-room house, rent $50, : must, sell.: cash or' terms, owner, 101 10th Bt 10 room house, f;ooa riirmture, cheap rent, paying veil, JliO;". . .HaUIeld, 1C5H 4th, room 9. :.. :...... r:oo"ixa i:or;;T.3 ron sale C3 IF YOU want to buy a rooming house, r,ct in right so you can sell when you want to, I know these places and can give you a bargain. I have the following snaps: : 20 rooms, worth $1700, for $1400; new, .;;y,- 26 rooms, new brick, leaser worth $2bUU, tcr $1900, J0 rooms, brick, clearing $600 month; my price $4000; transient, xjl rooms, tor $yuo; you'll like it, J0 rooms for $550, 8 room elegant flat, very ; (MflRfl 111, fin YftXY RtrPPf. ffir X'X " ' ' ai N 5UCCl, I UI. KShDU.V S?wyUii I, mention' these because I ; . . ... -i . I, ,i . m a position to sell them ; tOT miinh lfiSi ihan TnfiV hflVA ? IUI " UWI ,c;5? WT . 1 ,,d. f pwpr hppn ntiprprl ffir hv finv- CVtl., UCCII UMCICU iUI Vy Xy , finp PKP ' . "V ... I . ill n i nnnn i mm ! r 615-Board of Trade, A Few Rooming House SnaDS 4.. D rnnm i3AO eanV, ikeai trade la lot . iut rooms, all syigle, good furniturei fine location, $30 00- cash, balance $650: iraae in lot. 11 rnnmi rtnltf t AAA tL eeV,i MM A 13 rooms, elegantly furnished; geleet neighborhood; all single . rooms. . Best buy in the clt. 1800 cash. . . 16 rooms, mostly all single; swell lo- hntlnTi!' . rant 1 KO-. vrl Mfrttr ..1. I tiuuu, y ciurn, utntnce ciear 101. . - 1AtA , I. , , I tiol mM -CaBh' CUnC r 'PeCUlA- Ul rooms, located prominent" for down Wwti. 3.og; M,. cash; no Housekeeping; TRANSIENT HOUSE. NEAR P. O. " ' 80 rooms, rent $130: 2 U years' lease: ! price $2000, only $700 cash trade, bal- I anco for lots or take mortgage back on ! house. . ' - - " " :, 1 s BNAP3 LIKJS THIS BELL QUICK, ' ! - List your : roomlne houses with ua. w. -ui.nU. to sell in 30 days. , , - . - . - x ' H,' C 016$ mVeStmOnt C0t I- Phones-Main 1298, A-3799. . 88.10tn st -"ear Starlt- V; 33 rooms, in heart of city, S years' lease, I good furniture, net Income $200, rent I, ijaoi'-beat this. if. you .Can.- 401 Swet- ' land bldg. I ; . ; f b rooms, team neat, 9 yearn- jease, fent l5-, 00d furniture and carpets, ; income tou per ninnm; one 01 me oca locations in the lty, $5000, terms. E 2 rooms, 2 years' lease, rent $125, 8tm heat net income.$125; tliis is a . i money maker, a flne'.location nd good ; furniture. $3500, $2000 cash...- f 1 - r vnnrna h voarr itasiA TJknr aha. s- isnoO ' u eash. . rooms, rent $85, income $78; price 31200. half cash. -it 1 rooms, lease, rent $50; price $1100, $660 cash. ' '. . ..... ' .'.:-,' ' . House of 7 rooms, rent $20, good 10- I canon, gooa lurnuure, tim uuiio, ua $300. terms. s .. . U rvOIUB X year ll'ttao irviu ujr a, j can be -extended, rent J60, best loca- lean ue -exienaec rrai jm, mo and good furniture, moo, terms. : u rooms .on 2 floors, bnck wdg., 4 ":23hroomt'onn. -SStTO this is a money maker. . 2 rooms, -brick bldg., on- i floor, I 5 years' lease, rent $86; we nave many, Q .,K.. . ol lm traits Tnt .filtV OTOn- erty; come in look- over our list it won't cost you anythlngf' investlgat. -' .ORAY REALTY CO .. .. ' 833 Allsky bldg. New fotistory brick apartment house for term of years. Situated in Nob ' a, ----- - .. . Hin.:i a utomatlo elevators, -aumo eie- vators, steam heated and all other fcod- ern improyements.Fp owner, XY-2. Journal. . Snaps Today nt on Wiifihliiffton V I 9 4 tAArrll fit WkKhlnirton $900. terms; g rooms on West Park. $800; Ideal nlace for children. ' . ' Let us ltnow Vhat you have to sen.or I ,..ati Un in hnrrL i TsAam'je. r-iVPnnr.K, ' ' 70 Washington st. room T4. A-8808. t 1 I 1 a ITr lN Small i arjartment house on j reasonable lease; close in and mnnprn. F il. R.. Iniima . ltluuel11' ' yV' Dl JU". a" i, F. 0, B,, Jourr "r2"Days0nF : chance to get this A last chance to get this rooming house of 23 outside rooms, all furnished, at this price, $660; rent only $40; new ivnsn: ine.nma ahout $70 a month net: good reason -for selling. . Phone -Mala LARO-E worKlngman s ooaraing notei for sole by owner; am leaving city and wilt sell at a great sacrifice; good lease, low rent, strictly modern; all outside rooms; clears $300 per month: stand closest investigation; most all cash. Price $2760. D-696. Journal ROOMING houses, fine furniture 11 rooms, $800 H cash. Swell furniture.- 'iiot tano--. fcoie n.i, , yine furniture 22 housekeeping "rooms' only $1700, part, cash. Mrs. Koonta,,' 22' Washington st, Marshall 1194 . -xrT- . , , . ROOMINO house, 11 rooms,' good fur:' niture, light airy rooms, $h)0l; take, Some trade, or sell on paymefits. Main 8407, Bunday and evenings. Main 6751.' Owner, . v ' : ' Rooming House . . . And the best furnished one in Port- l.n nil full an fin, InnoHnn, 1 look at it Main 3280. s pTy 4 N. r : - - , . , ; ; 'A 'OA inJl.'rt'l. ' ' V.lnlr 'V..I1.4J -.'..I fn 'nrtfl nnrnflr. titnalv f ni-n4flii1 tr . rent cheap, ; 65 N. 2nd st FOR SALE Furniture of 11 rooms; ' sTood.. location; low rent;- cheap for casn. zb .eireraon. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 ton-'--.-.' BIX TOorri house, nearly new, and 8 iots UxUO; sacrifice' $3600, V, cash. 1, acre, 20 hiinutes out on Mt Scott line; win not last iong;- u iu;. Fine confectionery on Washington st with 2 year lease; snap. Also ' - A large list of rooming houses, - ex- Cl Roos $18. 326 Washington st Michigan aVc. and Alblna ave. --?--.- ' (JROCKX. '- $1000 worth . of stock ' and fixtures goes free to the party who huys this 40x100 1-ents business property, build-f lngs and lot worth more than price asked, $3500, 82000 cash' will handle;, tor lull IFOl.ivw.wi. - - ' . . 44jtmberws "bmilt-frldqy-eth and Stark sts. I'none wain- zuis. , . HEX". , A l ' ' : ,V roKtntirant with - roOma. wlilnh would be an jdeal thing for man and fi. will sell on time navments tn re seo ir U is. paying no money until you have fully 'Investigated.. R-fiflO, Journal. ":-T l .:!: :, that look a I I hi" o r 1 Cjiii Khow liii'Ke returns; $100 rcnoirc.l. -Address lor appointment, X-.t.'J. J.juriat