THE OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY iV 1C10. FRUIT f."EJ HEEDED m, CALIFORNIA Pleiu Bnrrau of Th Jouroal.) Salem, Or., July 22. California fruit growers are looking to Oregon for trained fruit men. Tne request for aid usually comes first to the Oregon Agri cultural college at Corvallls and from there the call ts sent out to the county fruit inspectrs over all the state. County Fruit Inspector E. C. Arm strong this morning received a commu nication from Professor C. I. Lewis of the Agricultural college, who Is In re ceipt of a call from the growers of Sur prise Valley, California, for an expert to superintend the fruit evaporation. , , DISOWNED COY CASTS OFF. FAMILY .HAKE Disowned by his parents because ha forsook the Jewish faith, Solomon Lltt man, who says he has long ibeen knon as Thomas Roy Jackson, desires to re nounce the family . name and legally adopt the one he has been using. His petition for permission to do so has been filed in the county court. , Toung Ltttman lei 18 years of age and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Litt man, live in Philadelphia, Pa: He savs since he quit the faith of hi fathers lie has been ostracized in social circles where he once moved. The petition for ohange of name was filed through nls guardian ad litem, Albei t J. Edwards. Every carpenter In Corvallls is busy, and contractors have all the Work thev can do. . .. .rr n rrriTTrrrri TlTnV 717, PATENT FLOUR 20 MARKET HAS VERY ENTERED LOCAL T 25 CIS. II Med ford's postoffice receipts : having Increased d8.per cent in a year, the postmaster's salay has been raised $:oo. , . ' - 11 VILD BLACKBERRY JAPANESE DRQOr.lS IS IIIID! WOULD SWEEP OUR mDE FOR VALLEY m 1 1 urn has N 1 Rffi GOOD KM STUFF OFF TRADE STEERS AT YARDS MARKET AT$1 4.50 Receipts From Lower Colum bia Country Are Heavier and Quality Is Excellent; Logan berries Are Poor. " Wild blackberries. are In greater sup ply in the Front street market and are linking an excellent demand. '.. Moat of the berries now. being- re : ceived are from the lower ; Columbia rivor section. " They are of unusually good quality because of the limited time In tranfrtt ' Cultivated blackberries ara In good supply With values generally " ruling around 21.66 a crate of 24 boxes. Raspberries are still showing- up quits well and the best of today's arrivals are around 1.76 a crate.. J Logan berries are generally coming in poor condition ana many saiee are ro poi ted far below the market price. This if because some of them have been so ripe when picked that the Juice has run aU' over me packages. An occasional crate of currants Is coming forward to the Front street trade and the price is listed around 33)2.2S. Latest arrivals have been. of i .the white variety. ' Plum Selling Low. Heavier receipts of plums are shown from the upper Columbia country, and with the great supplies of other fruit on the market sales are slow. The best fruit Is selling, around 75o a crate. , Cora Cannot Be Sold ' So. great are the offerings of local ' corn that the huge supplies now coming from eastern Oregon are finding bard sledding. Best corn is today quoted slow at 15c a dozen, while ordinary Is -a drug on the market at 10c. 1 ApricoU Move Slowly. ' According to present arrivals, the out put of apricots in this section the pres ent year is the greatest aver . shown. While the crop is heavy, slses are smalL Therefore low prices generally rule. :"; . 1 . Mini. - Local Cantaloupes Coming.' Slightly Increased . arrivals of local cantaloupes are shown on Front street, and sales are generally made around S3.503.76. The best of the southern hlpments are still going aa high as H, .' but few sales are beyond $3.50. Springs at Price of liens. Owing to the enormous., supplies of spring chickens the price "has now dropped to the value quoted for selected bens. The latter are weaker, with quo tations between 1718c. Highest price can only be obtained for selected quality. Best Eggs Moving V ell." Best quality eggs are finding a very good demand on the -street an high as zic oozen. : Borne dealers reiort an im provement in the quality of the general run, but others assert that arrivals ara :; sua generally poor. , ';., --7: ';, -Hay Crop Greater. . ): ? Redmond. Or.. July 22. The hav liar. . vest in the Redmond district ia now nn tn full blast, and the yield will be larger than tn any previous year. A number of nncinri are jirpparing xa cut mree crops this season. Clover and alfalfa hay la yieiamg oeiier man cxpeciea. ' FRONT STREET QUOTATIONS . Bops, Wooland Hides. HOPS 1909, prime ' to choice, lie; f rlme, 12e; medium.' 14cj . 19J0 ,con rats. 13c. : - - WOOL Nominal, 1910. WHlametts valley, 16(920c: eastern Oregon. 13017a. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 1026e each; short wool, - 2560cr medium wool, 80cl each; long wooL 76c3 $1.25 each. w TALLOW -Prime, per lb., I04e; No. I and grease, 22Vc c cI??'IAAr"K 1909 Nominal 8c: 1910, 4H5c. "IDfeDrL h,,de, H17e lb. , preen, 7 8c; bulls, green., salt, to lb.; kips, 8l0c; waives,, green. lJ16c"per MOHAIR Nominal; 1910. SO J2& ' Buttery Eggs and Poultry. il!?T,'?ERE5ctr creamery. 31c; store. i Hf 40. -. BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland, per pound) Sweet cream, IJUc; sour 27 Wo POULTRY Mixed Th'lckens. lic hens,: ,170 18c; stags, 14c; broilers, 20c; fryers, -20c; geese, old, 11c; young, q14e; for live ducks young, 3Bai6c; old. 16c: turkeys, alive. 202le; dressed, ( ij pigeons, !5Luab, iM dressed chickens, l2ca pound higher than alive. EGGS Local; No. 1. 27c; No. 2, 2Sc: at mark. 20025c; eastern, 25c. CHEESE New Oregon fancy fuil rream, l7Hc; triolets and daisies, 17 He; Toung Americas. lUe. . Grain, rionr and Ray. WHuEAT. NRlnal Track, club. J687cU Mn' 1 W,Uamette valley. BAiyiEr Producers price 1909 Fed, 323; rolled, 825; brewing. 124 C-RN-Whole7 836;' cracked?!!? ton. . HAY Producers price lgJo Timo thy, fancy, $1718; ordinary. $16; east ern Oregon, fl20; mixed" J1S.G0: Willamette $5.30 per barrel; local Straight. $4.054.95: bakers $4 95051$ xport grades, $4.00; graham A sack $4.80: rye $6.'75: bales! $3.15.' MILLS TUFFS Selling price, car lots B ran,. $20; middlings, $29; shorts. $21; ; chop. $19025. OATS Spot delivery, new. producers' price Track No. 1 white. $27; gray, rrolts and Teretables. - FRESH FRUITS Oranges Valen clas $3.6004.26 box; bananas, Sfcc lb.; lemona.tOOSiS.OO box; grape fruit. $3.S0; pineapples, $2.5004.00 doz.; can taloupes, $4.60.; . peaches, 40c$1.00: plums, 6075o;' cherries, (08c: Lam berts, 12 Vic't 1 watermelons, $1.7602.00: grapes, $2.00. BERRIES Loganberries. $1.1501.26; blackcaps, ' $1.8501.50; raspberries 5-5 Say! Where's That Pig? If there is a pig left in aay eorn f th Northwest -we -want- It - We want a much dressed pork as we oan possibly get We will pay as follows for produce. We never take off commission,' Ship by express: Dressed Pork ... .18Hc Dressed Teal...,,. .........,,..loc nesh Eggs. .... i ,86c JUtTt jRUckeaa-pjrwn , , 1 aa Spring Caiokens . . . . , 1 ....... g .goc V ; Address all shipments 'f v SfXAmC 11. SKtTK KB AT Ca : "righting the Beef Trust" , Portland,.. Oregon. . ;, : V Predicted Advance Takes Place Tomorrow Morning; Willam ette Valley Brands Highest With 10c Rise. Wasat aad Tlour Xlgnsr. 4 4 ' as exclusively. . predicted by 4 The Journal last M on da. v. thr : A s was an advance of 20p a barrel t day. ' At the same time- other 4 4 values were advanced from lp to 4 2tc a .barrel.'- ..'i-.W.j -";;.-'.'-'.' A ,:,:;.i::",;;v;':;:;;':;' 4 ; Flour 10 to 25 Cent Higher; y V, Patent flour. $6.35, an advanca of 20o. Straight flour, $4.30, an advance of 25c. . , Willamette' valley flour, $5.40, an ad vance of 10c. , , v All arranm if Uti, this morning following the - higher -ei.-onny . quoiea in tne wneat market "Some days ago It was gener ally believed that tha prices of patents WOUld h lift In h. - . . " " ...... V changed conditions in the wheat mar ket The advance quoted does not take place until tomorrow morning and will followed by all milling Interests of Whflflt mn.r1rat ahnwa an mA,r-..m $0 1 a bushel for bluestem and 2c for CIUH- iKM 'tter 18 " now quoted at 86c a trifle better for selected lots. The official weather forecast for the rraln belts of the Pacific northwest for the coming 3 hours follows: - Portland and vicinity Showers this day fair and warmer. Westerly winds. - Oregon Fair ' tonight and Saturday, except showers tonight northwest por tion; warmer Saturday, except near the eoaet Westerly winds. Wanhlnrtnn Shnnn 4Ma and probably tonight; SatOrday fair, warmer except near tne coast. , wester, ly winds. . , .... . . Idaho Thundershowers tonight or Saturday, cooler southeast' portion to night, warmer north portion Saturday. PRICE OF PRODUCE . AT SAN FRANCISCO ftJnJted Prets Leased Wlrt.l Ban Francisco, July $$. Wheat Australian, $1.651.70; Sonora, $1.65 1.70; good to choice California club, $1.80 1.66 1 northern bluestem, $1.70jjj l-7,8i.?ubJ, 1-0142; .Turkey $l.fl t l. H j Russian red, $i.57 V (8)1.80 . Jiarley feed Good to choice, $1.05 1-04; fancy. $1.10; poor to fair, $1,000 tiding cases, extras, 80 He; firsts, 27c; seconds, 23c; thirds. $0c. Butter, per pound California fresh, airas. j(to; nrsts, zsc; seconds, 27fl. Cheese, per pound California flats, iV?y' ,rsta, ijhc; sonfls 13 He; California Young America fan cy. lV4c; flrsU. 16c. Potatoes New river whites, choice, pet cox, Bourse; extras, 76 85c; per penult, wucyl.vv. v Onions New red, per sack,. $1.75 2.00; yellow, per cental. $1.863.00; sil ver skins, $1.8002.00. - . Oranges, per box Choice, $I.BO2.50; extra choice, $2.60 3.26: Valencies. $3.00(8)3.50 for choice, $8.004.OO for lancy. i t :.. $1.7$ per crate of 24 boxes; blackber ries,- 11.66. !" .-" J-OTATOES New, Sl.SSAl.fi0. ONIONS California, $2.66; garllo. OlOn tier lb. - - ..- VEGETABLES New turnips, $1.00 125; beets, $1.00 1.25; carrots, $1.00 &1.25 sack; cabbage, &z per cwt: tomatoes, California, 76c 1.00; local $i (31.50; beans, 2Zc' lb.; horseradish, 12Hc; green onions, 1620o per dosen: peppers, bell. 10 12 He per lb.; head lettuce. 16 w zoo cer dozen: hothnus. - I " uua , lauiDUCn, lUILViAIVU UUKnn bunches; celery,. 75 86o dosen; egg piam, ( ; io.; cucumoers, local, too box; pea. .&-.. APVUSS New, $12. ' Orooerles. Vut, Etc STTftAR. Cnhm 1 S- nii4.i t . fruit or berry, $6.26; dry granulated, to.ioj uwu. a, fo.uo; extra ts, f olden O. $5.65; D yellow, $5.65; beet. 8.05: barrels, 15c; half barrels, 30c; boxes, 55c advance on sack basis. (Above Quotations are 30 days net easn quotations.; KiCJS imperial japan no. I. - 4 He; No. 2. 6Hc: New Orleans bead. 6ffl7c: Creole 6 c. SALT Coarse Half ground. 100s. $9.60 per ton: 60s, $11.00; table detry, 60s. $18.00: 100s, $17.00; bales, $2.26; extra fine barrels, 2s 5s and 10s; $4.00 B)o.uu; lump rocit, .per ton, BEANS Small, white. 474c: large, $7.86; white, 4: pink, 7 He; bayou. i-rimae, t.o; reaa, 17.26. . HONET New. 18 He per lb. Heats, risa and Provleiona. DRESSED Front street hoars, funrw Hi.?rUnr'r!..11Jttc: eal: extra, 1212Hc; ordinary. 12c; spring lambs. 11 He; yearling lambs, 10c; mutton. 8c. HAMS. BACON. . ETC. Him tftiffi 2 2c- breakfast 'baecn, 20IOe; boiled ham, 2729c: picnics, 18o; cbttage rolL - ; regular short clears, smoked. tonrues. 40c lb. i TURPENTINE In eases. 7Be; bar rels, 9c per gallon. - LiAHU Kettle lear. es, io per lb.; steam rendered, 6s. 1514c per lb.: com pound. 6s, 12c .per lb. oiaTifiKS Bhoaiwater bay, per gl lon, $2.25; per 100 lb. sack. $5; Olympia, er tjauon, sz.vo per iuu 10. sacit, 7i? .60; canned eastern. 65c can: $5.60 doa.: eastern in shell, $1.66 per 106. , FISH Nominal Roclc cod, 10o: flounders, 6c; halibut , c; striped bass, 15c; catfish. 10 lie; fresh Chi nook. 11 012c lb.: bluaback. 110120 lb.: oles, 7c; shrimps, lie; perch, 7c; tomcod, ( -); lobsters, 26c; herrings, 6c; black bass, 20c lb.; sturgeon. 13c per lb.; silver smelts, 7o lb.; black cod, 7 He; crabs (out of season); dressed shad, 6c; roe shad, 8c; shad roe, 10c lb. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, 4c " lb.; rasor clams (out of seasons Valnts, Ooal Oil. Ste. LINSEED OIL Raw. bbls.: : 11.01; canes, $1.06; boiled, bbls.. $1.08: cases, $1.08; per gallon lots of 250 gallons, lc less; oil cake meal (none In-market). - BENZINE 66 degrees, cases, lo per gal.; Iron bbls.. lo per gat WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 74o per lb.; 600 lb, lots, 80 per lb.; less lota, $He per-lb.'.-- .,.-. .. ,v , x , aIZPe Manila.' 805 sisal, 7o. COAL OIL Pearl, astral and star. 18o per gallon; eocene 21c gallon: elalne, 28o gallon; headlight lLp gaflon: ex- ira siar, 11c gallon; water white. Tulk. ,H 15Hc per -allon; special water wet i 5 s. gallon. GASOLINE Red r rewirn immA mn n "S're.PB" "V gasoune, mw 6Tje gallon; V. M. & P. naphtha, l$H22He gallon. , ' . Ths olive tree produces alternate crops, a full yield generally being- fol lowed by a scanty one the next year. Made to Sell Retail at 35c While. Good American Arti cle Would Cost 60c; First Shipments Have Arrived. Japanese Interests have invaded the local, broom market - Brooms have been scares In the enr tire country for- two year and the highest values on record have therefore icauueu. . - . . , Now the Japanese have planted con siderable broom corn and have started the manufacture of brooms on an ex tensive scale. These they are offering through the local wholesale trade at $2.50 and $3 a dozen. .- Therefore the Japanese brooms can be sold at retail around $5c each while an American broom of quality , would cost 60c. " -.v.- .;. . :,,.!....;.:'.. The Japanese brooms have handles made of bamboo and are therefore much lighter than the American article. The shocks are banded together some what different from the American man ufacture and do not seem so strong al though the corn is excellent i i Decline Is Heavy With Enor mous LiquidationDue to Lead Dividend Drop. thA Ittnplr marbmt tnriov tnvnmA m decline in general values. The lowering of the dividend rate on National Lead from 1U ner cent tn . yvr ueut, . vftuaea severe iiquiaatlon, wrro kiixioub IO lei go ana Snorts added to their already liberal lines. In addition to the loss of 1SH points yesterday. National. lead lost 8 points today after showing an Initial advance at the opening. ' Amalgamated copper and Anaconda mining shares were two of the few to show gains over yesterday. The former C.I ftMMfv VrltH a tlA rf. 1L ..In, a . .U. latter point. . Steel stocks were weak "u " uouiuio vi -jji in common ana one point in preferred. Union Pacific and 'Southern Paclfio each lost Hi points, t Reading dropped 1 - points. Colorado i uel was extremely . heavy ni.ii uEvmie oi points irom yes terday at today's closing. Trajlnir -mmm nn an ..(...I... , i and up to X o'clock 825,000 shares had been sold. ' ' - J" " wiiu rani bid at the closing and 2H per cent Range of New Tork prices' furnished oy vvarpecK a? COOKe CO.: Description OpenJHigh Low Bid Amal, Copper Co. Am. Car & F.. c do. pfd. ...... Am. Cotton O., o. Am. Loco., c . . . Am. Sugar, c. , . . A. Smelt; c. . . . . , Am. Smelt C . . . do, pfd. ....... Ana. Mining Co.. Am. Woolen, o. . Atchison, o do. pfd. B. & 0-, c do. pfd. ..(.,. Brroklyn R. T, . Canadian Pac, c C. Leather, c. , . . r a w r. 1 49 111 68 38H 119 Ill 65 37 U 117 64 38 117 6hK 68- 68 101 88 100 184V 23 . 121H 68 158 ' 108 "76 23 i 73 H 30 63 189 30 22 120 140 70 89 Vi 62 c.; M. & St P. . . "Chicago & N., c. 141H 73 30H 63 cnesapeaxe & u. Colo. F. & I., c. . . uoio. southern, c do 2d pfd.,.,. do 1st pfd.... D. &. r. a., n 28 23 40 Erie, c... ...... do 2d pfd. . . . . do 1st pfd,... At. Kni-thAm rtA 122 Illinois Central.. mterur. Met..-. . . do pfd........ 18 n 49 60U 138 137 M. IC & T.. c... do pfd.. niatlllBm . . 30 60 27 68H lit 65 H 48 Missouri Pa.... .' .' , national Lead N. Y. Central. N. V.. O W 63 H 111 42 41 N. & W., c ao pfd ..... i- r-, c . Pac. MhI Ka di 117H 24H 127 106 99 23 Penn. R'y ...... P. G., lk & C. Co. Hi 106 30 c, o. u.,c do TtfA 187lt Reading, c. ... 139H do 2d., pfd,.- K. 1. 8 C . , (in M 80 00 29 72 Rock Is.,o . . . do nf d St L. & S. F., 2d p S9 t ju & a. w.t c So. Pac, c ...... bo. Railway, e.. do pfd ....... Texas & Pacific Union Pac, c... do pfd ....... U. S. Rubber, c. do nM 11 IS 7 158' 90 32 36H 107 108 U. 8. Steel Co.. C do pfd Wabash, c do pfd ... W if Tl 68 66 115H 114 16 84 17 24 49" IS 82- Wis. Cen., c.,, . weaungnousa .. Beet Sugar TTtnh Pnnn.1 . . . 68 30H Third Ave. !4H 101.4 car Securities . Cons. Gas Big Four Railway 8. - tin rtA j. . Va.Cheralcal.' do. pfd. K. C. Southern . jdo. pfd. ...... fln. TllAi.tHrt 68 '68' YW& 142 Wheeling Li B, , Am. war ........ do. pfd. ....... Alton, C. ....... Geoorgia, pfd. .. 68 iNevaaa cons 18 18 Total salea. 780. 200 aharea can money, 2 3H. Astoria Police Resign. "ipecI.rnitiiliiblo Tli 'iourn.Lt Astoria. Or.. Julv 22. Th hn.M nf police commissioners -met this morning and accented the rsle-ntlnn. f Debean and Joseph B. Wilson and ap- poinjeo w. h. Horren as a police of. ncer ana ti. w. Rinn as captain of ts force. .1. w . mErt Four Loads Sold at $5.70 or : $1.20 Above Same Day Year AgoFine Quality Brings : Buyers to the Front. - ..- - Cattla at Kecord. 4 w rwir ioaas of Willamette val- 4 ley steers sold today at $5.70 per 4) '. hundred pounds at North Port- 4 ' land. This Is the highest price , ever received in Portland at this 4) time of the year. The steers were 4 of exceptionally sood nn&iitv. and a 4 the meat will likely be sent north, a Portland livestock run. i " HPK"- Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Friday 30 a3l ... 1337 Wednesday , ,81 ISO 10 388 luesday ... 208 82 21 540 Monday 1223 613 ' 4 339 Saturday 26 . X7 601 iek .go .41 ... . ... 231 Portland Union Stockyards, North Portland, Or., July 22. Steers sold to day at an advance of $1.20 over the quo tations received vn this day a year ago. Todsy transactions went U $5.70 while a year ago some sales were made at $4.50 for toppera A year ago today the prlco prce all previous summer records and today the same condition is noted. Both shipments, today and a year ago, were from the Willamette valley. The lot Bold today at $5.70 averaged 1308 pounds and was among the best ever seen in the local yards. Only a nominal supply of hogs came forward during the day. and these had not been sold up to the noon hour. Sheep were in good supply, but the market was slow in opening. Condi tions in this line were similar to thoso In effect yesterday. Best iambs sold as high as $6 while poor stuff sold down to $4.60. . . ; . Amoaa; the Shippers. . J. 8. Flint had two -loads of Bheep from. Junction City on today's market. J. C. Davis of Shedd had a mixed load of cattle and. sheep offering this morn ing. - LV E. 'Wlllard of Harrlsburg shipped four loads of extra good cattle from Harrlsburg. A. J. Eoff sent four loads of ahemf from Salem. ' T. Gllllhan chipped 30 head of cattle by boat. L Goshen was in from Heppner with two loads of sheep. . Percy Hughes and George Raden were likewise shtppers from the Morrow city. f ormer naa two ioaas 01 cauie ana tne latter four -loads. A. S. Sherrett from Drain was offer ing a load of cattle on today's market. Taylor & Smith had a load of cattle from the same point- . Today's run of livestock compares with the Same day In recent years as HogS. Cattle. Sheep. 181 1909 1908 1907 1906 30 87 381 1237 . . ....... , . . 66 65 47 .25 602 ' 130 126 600 . .. . . ...... 70. 1905 48 809 A year ago- today the entire livestock situation was very firm. Hogs were the only line td show change. . These advanced 6c to $9.06. . Tard'g Official Bales. Following are latest sales. .They rep resent demand, supplies and quality of fering: ; . ' : STEERS. i Ave. lba Price. 99 steers 1808 $5.70 27, steers." 1104 6.25 CALVES, 91 calves 240 $4.60 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 17$ lambs , 64 . $6.00 5 cull lambs 44 .... 4.60 42 awes 101 i.60 " General range of livestock values as shown by actual sales: CATTLE Best Oregon steers, $5.70; ordinary steers, $5.50 6.60: common steers, $4.26; cojrs, best $4.25(3) 4.65; fancy, $4.00; poor, $3.01; .heifers. $4.75 8 6.19: buns, - $3.0V8.76. - , HOGS Best east of the mountains, 110. 3j; rancy, $105; stockers and feed ers. $9.00. SHEEP Sheared, best yearling weth ers, . 9 t.uv; oia . wemera, is.ou s. bo; spring lamos, $4.60.00; ewes, $3.00 8.60. CALVES Beat, $8.60; ordinary, $5.60 K.vo; poor, ji.uujfo.uu. ALL LIVESTOCK IS ' STRONG AT CHICAGO Chicago, July 22. Cattle Receipts, zovv; marKei strong. nogs Keceipts, iz.uoo; left over, 2000 ; market steady, heavy, $8.40 8.75; light. J8.509.OO. Sheep Receipts, , strong. Mixed, $8.45 8.90: rough, $S.058.30; 12,000; market Kansas City, July 22. Receipts nogs, uuu; came, svuo; sneep, 6000. HOGS 10CIIGHER , AT SO. OMAHA TODAY Sooth Omaha. Neb . - Julv Si, rftT receipta, luuu. aieaay to strong. Receipts, B900; market 10c higher. Price $S.258.85. Sheen Recelota. 4200:"" market mn higher. . SEATTLE PRODUCE ' : , PRICES FOR TODAY i United Preee raid Wire.) creamery, liroiB, io; rancn, zbc; east- fon.ce??ry1 V, Proces. 26c; Oregon, lected, 28c; Oregons, 28c ; Cheese Tillamook twifcs and triplets 1718e; Wisconsin twins, 1818Hc; Young Americas, 19c; Tillamook Young Americas, 18c. - Onions Texas i Bermudas, $1.25 crate; fornia, 2Hc. - - "('-.. a: potatoes Fancy graded. J17O20 per ton; fancy, eastern Washington, n? 20: new I allfornl whltoa . Xn per Back. ' 7 ; " NEW YORK COTTON URKET (Furnished' by Overbeck A Cooke Co ) auij st. voiion maraet: OriAn Hlo-h T r-i Jan. . ..... 1277 128J 1275 1287-Rg' Feb. . ...... .... v... , ..... 1288-90 March. . , . ., 1 278 , 1 23i 2;i,iaat MflV. . .--l . 1 1 nT nn July. - 1595 1600 1695 1694-96 Aug. .'..,. 1516 'J52. 1S17 1626-7 cn.. ' io,, . i. ...... :::.: Oct. . ..... 1299 1811 1297, 1810-11 NOV. 1287 1285 1294- Pec. . ..... 1280 1291 : 1280 - 1292-3 Journal Want Ads bring results.' First Arrivals Shown for 1 9 1 0 Season Bring Exceedingly . Good Price New Timothy ' Is Offering at $19.' New 1910 hsy has entered the market for the first time. . r Initial receipts of alfalfa of the new crop were received by the local trade late yesterday afternoon. - The price Is quoted- to producers at $1414.60 a ton as compared with last quotations of $17 and $1S on old crop. . The latter was for California growth mostly because- local alfalfa offerings were exhausted some months ago. -. .- r New-clover Is likewise offering and sorne sales hare been made at country points 'on the basis of J1J014 a ton, Portland delivery,-but no arrivals of th new growth have entered this city. Last quotations on old clover were $15.60 IB a ton. , Eastern : Oregon has started to ask for? prices on timothy and the trade her has responded with offerings of $171R a ton as compared with the last Of the Old crop at $220)23. With a huge hay crop In sight In practically every center-of the Pacific coast and esoeclally In eastern Oregon and In the Walla Walla country, deal ers say that the opening prices for 1910 growth are rather liberal. Wheat Shows a Sharp Decline In Chicago; Com Likewise j Affected by Rain. i Chlcaeo. Julv 22--RonnHfnl annnlUa of rains caused a nrnn nf Uo tn ILk tn wheat today and lc to 2c a bushel in corn . values. These losses were showing, at the - close of the Chicago grain market today. Rains were' reported In nearly every section and all crops are expected to benefit by the precipitation. Wheat er for September and Ho higher for De- Corn started . e tower for July, lc for September and i o for December option. , ' xnere continues a very firm feeling opened with an advance of Hd to 4d and closed Hd to & above yesterday. Bouth . Dakota reports tell of , pe culiarly ripe wheat which shows bare and shrunken heads. . Argentina grain shipments In bushels: vvheat , l.sifi.nnn ismnnn Corn ......2,935.000 8.328,000 Cincinnati price Current says today: to show improvement PreclplUtlon still deiiemnti" Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck WHEAT. Open High Low Close July. Sept. 109 109 108 108H , 1084 107 106T 106T? k . J09 1094 108 108 i uec CORN. July. , , Sept . . Dec. . . July. . . Sept. . . Deo. . . 61H 24 60 T4 61 62V4 , 62H 59 63H 83 . 63 60S em OATS. 40 40 40V4 40 PORK July. . . Sept. . . Jan. ; . July. , . . 2680; 2585' . 2172 2187 , 1.'" ' LARD. 2580 2680A 2162 2175A, .... 1820A 1175 11758 1175 1180B 1165 - U67 1180 1180 Hept, . Oct. . July. . Sept. . Oct. . 1165 1185 .. 1172 ..1212 .. 1172 .. 1US 1173 RIBS. 1212 1172 1116 1205 1162' 1105 .1210B 1165A 1112 ' NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Portland Banks. Clearina-s torlav . .81.240 1 23 OA Year ago . w... 901,134.67 t 338,987.52 2103,139.71 ...... 79,644.63 Gain todav . Balances today Year ago . . . .. Clearings today , , . . ... . Balances today .$2,840,669 . 268,926 Spokane Banks. today Balances today . . . . . . . . . .010,00 .-..... 68,616 - ' PlMAmft lla.V. Clearings today.,. . w' .$1,079,728 Balances today T7B.631 TewTork-Ix)ndon Silver! New. York. July 22. Bar silver B4Hc. London, July 22. 8llver 25 8-16d. - Bonds Investments Timber Lands McGrath & NeuhausenCo. ' 701-2-3-4-5 LEWIS BUILDING, DOM PUTS A THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK , ' V PORTLAND. OREGON" ,. ' ' i UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital " v .V..... ; ; .$1,060,000.00 Surplus and Profits 725,000.00 ' ;: : ' -4 .. officers '; . i " .;' ; ' 7. C AINSWORTH, Pres. t R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier, ' R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President . A, M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. . ' " ; , ' W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashiw. DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL. FOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TOvPARTIES ABROAD ' , WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS GEORGE W. rrr.' BANKERS :;v'. .' Streets ; ' V' ' Commercial and Savings Accounts and "Banking by Mall" Solicited from Cor ? orations and Individuals. Our 18 years of Banking: have made -us 7 many riends who will gladlv vouch for our business Integrity. .. - 4 FEB CEST XITTESXST OJff TZBCB - ASO BATIMQS AOCOVVTS , vi Lumber mens NATIONA15B CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital, - OFFICERS. ' - -Q. K. Went worth...... .....President John A. Keating. ; . . . . Vice President Ceo. L. McPherson..,..Vice President H. D. Story. ............ .. . .Cashier V. A. Freeman.. ....Assistant Cashier Graham Dukehart,. Assistant Cashier FirstNational Bank f Capitil;$r,i66,d6o ; ; Surplus Oldest National . r Rocky ' .;,; ' 'For, ,v. V STRENGTH, , WEARING , PROPERTIES 7 "And all other require- ments that go to make ' .up an ideal pavement mm rfV.-;..t(;!v?;-. BATES . CO; . Branches SS3 Williams Ave. w 161 nsseu Street ANK $500,000 ' ' DIRECTORS. O. K. Wentworth , Charles S. Russell P. S. Brumby .. , Dr. K. A. J. Mackenalt George G. Bingham , Lloyd J. Wentworth' 3. E, Wheeler Geo. L. McPherson John A. Keating Robert Treat Piatt H. D. Story $750,060: ; 1 Bank West of the i Mountains., Overbeck & Cooke Go: i ' -; . Commission Merchsnt) ; Stocks, Bonds " Cotton, Grain, 2tz. 216-21?; , . Eoard of Trade Bull Jin f Members Oilcago Poarfl ( Traa Ccrrespwdants of Loicaa A hryaa Cblcrfio. New York, Boston , We hsve , the" enly private wtr " eenneettnc Portland wttk the ' ; ira exchange I p.,' rt.. . . .