V' r f T gtlaud, Wednesday i;vi::;k;c, july' zo, 1:10. 3 LiilJi) LiliS i OREGON'S PRIZE LARGE FAMILY f " AT COHAGE GROVE to Minn i v w Lumbermen Prepare for Big Revival of Business After Harvest. Couple May Not Know It, but That's What Italian Writes; She to Marry Abruzzi. c: at 'mm. V : (Special Dlspetch to The Journal.) 1 Cottage Grove, Or., July 20. The sawmill of the Cottage Grove territory which have an annual capacity of 240. 000.000 feet; have.-greatly depleted stock piles for this season of the year Some rnllls w'oJch usually carry 700,000 to 1,000,000 mt ln'Stock find that the active trade of the past six months has decreased tha, supply front ' 300,000 to : 600,000 feet. Advices come from the east that there: will be , a revival in trade conditions with the harvest over, 23 of the 31 mills are running full time, cutting- 620,000 feet per day; in antlcl pation fit the revival, " V 1 The manufacturera of this district as a whole were hard pressed' to meet the demands made upon them yearly in the year, especially, as regards rallroadMlas . ana oridfre timbers, nut ' have now caught up, and In some Instances are sawlngf for; future business. . Several of the mills are in idleness either on account of their temporary inability to get logs cr for want 'of, workmen, The labor situation has been quite a serious drawback this season, notwithstanding the fact that several hundred men, have been Imported. But 'It la safe to say that without material changes the mills In this territory will produce for the year no less .than, 160.COO.000 feet. And this figure will s largely exceeded In jt with a fair market ' BntUKaf More Kills. ' Two mills, each thavlng a capacity of 10.000 if st per day, are under constmo tion. whiH rlans for a' third with 100, 000 capacity are making.- This latter milt will be situated in the forest re serve, where the government recently contracted . for the sale of 175,000,000 fee of standing timber to the Fir Lum ber company of this city. - A railroad three miles In length Is being built Into the reserve from , the terminus of the Oregon & Southeastern, this being the xirst stes necessary to getting machln ery on the ground. - This timber,, under we agreement with the government, must be; removed within five years. The purchasers realizing their Inability to handle this vast amount of , timber within the specified time at their own f UlsTiave arranged to supply other muisvin tne upper end of the .valley, Including -those at Eugene, and logs to these will go forward as soon as ythe railroad 'shall i havo been completed, wnicn win ce early jn August ,, Total Output 840,000,000 r. Tha mills now sawing, together with their dally cuts, are; Brown 'Lumber company. Cottage Grove, 40,000; Cham bers Lumber company, Dorens, 40,000; Booth-Kelly company, Saginaw.. 60,000; iona Mills Lumber company, Leona, 40,000; Curtln- Spur Lumber company, uurun,' jb.ouui kow mver Lumber com pany, Star,. 30,000; Stewart & I)e Launay. Curtln, " 30,000; W. C. Short ridge, London; 86,000: .T. H. Chambers. Cottaga -Grove, 25,000; Brlggs Lumber company, walker. 20,000; Star Lum ber company, Star, 15,000; Owens & Son, Cottage Grove, 16,000; F. M. Chap man, JJivide, is.ooo; McKlbben Broth ers, Cottage Grove, 10,000: Crites & Gawley. Doolittle, 15,000; William Skid- EARLY, SIGNS OF HAY FEVER Rose Fever and Jane Colds Appear -Ascatco, Fam6ns Asthma and Hay Fever Remedy, Should Be Taken Now. ' PREVENTS - LATER ATTACKS Boss Fever and June Colds, which are really mild forma of hay fever, have already appeared as forerunners of the hay fever season. They should be checked at once bjr the use of Ascatco, the famous asthma and hay fever rem edy. Persons subject to hay fever who have escaped Its attacks in former sea sons by using Ascatco, should be fore armed and begin the treatment this year well In advanoe of the expected attack. Hay Fever is thus warded r off, free breathing is assured and the season may be passed without distress. Subjects who also suffer from asthama will find Ascatco doqbly beneficial.,, " ( " The spring demand for ' Ascatco Is larger than ever, but the Skldmore Drug Co.t Woodard-Clarke Co. and other durg stores are supplied with both the 32 size and the 60-cent bottle (for trial and mlld-ttacks) If you -a re subject-to hay fever or asthma be rfure to obtain a sample of Ascatco, which will be sent by mail free of charge to anyone who will write to the Ascatco Laboratory, 82 West 26th street. New York City. - Portland People Have Found That This Is True. X cold", a straInTasuddeTrwenchr " .A Httla'eause may hurt the kidneys. Spells of backache often follow Or some irregularity of the urine. A certain remedy for such attacks,' . A medicine that answers every call,' , Is Doan's Kidney Pills, a true spe "elflc , ' - Many Portland people rely on it - -Here Is Portland proof. ' ( A. W. , Hawklnsont 670 "Onion ' ave., Portland, Oregon," says: "1 had a bad . clase of kidney and bladder trouble that almost prevented me from working. My -kidney -were disordered :and - my- back was so painful' that I could "hardly stoop. Nothing helped me until I took Doan's Kidney Pills. Since using them, I have been in much better health, and consequently I have no hesitation In -giving--this-statemeati' f For sale by alt dealers.. Price 60 cents. Foster-Uilburn ,Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ,.. i Remember tha take no other-, . nameDoan'aand ANSWERS EVERY CALL sm Family of Antone and Mary Elasker, ; health. The oldestjchlld Is 26, mother 47. Both parents were Oregon in i$9.7. more, Combstock, "10.000; Bed ' Rock Lumber company, Bed ; Eockv 15,008; Anlauf Brothers. Anlauf, 20,000; Tay lor & Son, Divide, ,15,000; Munroa Brothers, Cottage Grove, 10,000; John Overholser, Cottage Grove, ; 10,000. n Besides the lumber industry of this section, there Is considerable activity in cedar poles andV shingle bolts. The Postal i Telegraph company has "placed an order with John Wicks .for 25,000 split telegraih poles, .These ar being taken out along the lino of tha Oregon & Southeastern, and, shipped South and east for use In the construction of a new line from San Francisco eastward.! This means a total of 250 cars of poles. They have commenced going ' forward at tha rate of three cars ; per week, though this will be increased as rapidly aa possible, rTh contractor has 66 men engaged in the camps getting out the poles, and expects to finish his contract within three month's. EXTEND "PIN ROAD . , Tt) MEADOWS, IDAHO Spedtl OUpetrh to The Joorntl.) Weiser, Idaho, July 20. The contract for the 15 telle extension of tha Pacific 4 Idaho Northern railroad from Ever green to Meadows has been let to Maney Brothers, & Co. of Ogden. Members of me nrm are in tne city arranging ror tha purchasing of hay and other sup plies for their camps and the large out fits they will work. They have a large Outfit at Nyssa, where they have just completed a large irrigation project for tne Trowbridge Nlver company. The outfit will be shipped to this city Sat urday and taken to Evergreen where work will be commenced Immediately. Tha contractors are experienced rail road contractors.. They built 300 miles of tha. Western Pacific railroad from Denver west through. Salt Lake City. The grade work is to be completed to Meadows by November l. Thousands of ties are being taken out along the line of the railroad and tha steel has been ordered for immediate shipment . It was found Impossible to run the ex tension to the present site of Mead ows and a new townslte is being laid out about two trilles' from the -present location, xne. townspeople have .agreed to cooperate with the railroad in' mak ing the new Meadows a bigger and bet ter town In every way than tha old. 4 ii i. n. .'ii . i i , in .. BAKER CITY BANK - iiaSGETS NEW HOME (Special DUpitcfc to The Journal) ' Baker Citv. Or.. Julv io Th tract has been let for the new home of tha Baker Loan & Trust When completed the new bank building will be one of 'the most 'modern and convenient on tna coast - The banking floor will be on a level with the street There will be three vaults, one for the exclusive use of patrons with safety deposit, boxes.- This vault will be so situated that it will not be for patrons to pass through the. banking room tn i-n.fh U i The bank will nr.cnnv nAnrlv en tire arround floor.- tha Rntr MinHl. company having a space of IT feet in the rear for the grocery.. There will be offices in the basement with a stair way, entrance at the al-e of the bank, Th-second -f ldprwin- be "devoted nsn tirely to offices, which will be finished and fitted up In modern style.' The In tertor finishing will be of oak, with a metal celling, and will be very ' 'hand- SOme. 7" . '. DEEPER CHANNEL OF StSCOWtlTZRIVER ' (Speclit Dlipiteli to The Inoratl.l Kelso, Wash., July 20.-The war partment Is preparing to spend $21,000 on improvements enthe Cowllti river near. uere. - , . .. .... .The decision to carry on the work Immedlately-eomee as- a result-of -the extreme low water which is unusually early this- year. , The engineers have decided upon the use of a largs suction dredge for the lower portion of the river, because of the sandy bottom of the stream. Tha first work will be done on the Monti cello bar and that part of the river will be opened for navigation as soon as possible. Other work less urgent at present, will follow.. According to the surveys of the government engi neers, the dredging which Is about to commence will give the Cowllti a four foot channel at low water from Kelso to the Columbia, ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE ; WILL COST $41,000 - (Rp!l tHtrt-t Th JflrB!.-y - Klamath Falls, Or July 20. The con tract for the construction of the Odd Fellows' temple has been let to R. K, Wattenburg. The structure ; will be built of brick, and tha cost is to be 241, 250 complete. The contract calls for tha-comPiaUgft- at iha. structure, btujaa. uary 1. . ..-.-;-..v:-i.s. u- The building will be 68 feet On Malti street and 108 feet on Fifth street There is to he a full basement- The seoond floor will contain 22 offltes. The third floor will contain two lodge rooms, a banquet hall Slid kitchen and an abundance of lorKer and tmraoher nalU rooms. - .- .j .... ... .... "V ' 1 . . : ' it. . '' " . ' ' ( i III " V 7 ;M;:s ,- t't4:M!llIlf , "c , , .... - , I , r . - ' '4 , A, : A p , y.f' f r .. 'J, , : v. :--s 'A' - . i - v. , ;a I i ; j ; Tillamook City, Or., consisting of 3 children all living and in good I and the youngest 3 years. The father is 49 iyears of .age and the born in Germany. They married in Minneeota in" 1883 and came to ' o. .. , . . EXPECTGUSHER SOON AT ONTARIO Expert Says That Oil Reservoir Be Tapped by. 1 Drill. i . (SpMal Diipttdi to The Joaratl.t Ontario, Or.,. July 'JO. That oil will be struck very soon In the Ontario oil well Is 'tha opinion of R. M. Eames, the greatest oil expert In the northwest after m thorough Investigation, This in vestigation was carried over a period of a day and a half, during which time Mr. Eames exhaustively examined the bail ings from the well. The well Is down mora than 8900 feet . .The equipment used Is the finest and most complete In the entire northwest The Ontario Oil 4 Oas company, In this well, struck gas at 900 feet then again at 1000 feet and again at 2200 feet at which latter depth the gas pres sure was 450 pounds to the square Inch. So strong was this pressure that It blew out the 2200 feet of water In the well and shot ' It 130 feet above the ground. ; -.': ). o Five thousand dollars have been spent in this well to date.-? Ontario people all have profound faith this will be a pay ing well, and they are liberal support- era or this company. Five thousand feet of new inch cable are being used. The big derrick has been greatly strengthened. A cement foundation has been made under the Sampson post and main sills. A new 26 horsepower engine has been ordered from Pittsburg and IsH expected . within a week. When it is installed this well will be so equipped that it can be put down 5200 feet or hmore. If such a thing is necessary. SEEKING BEET THAT - CAN BE CANNED (ftreclal Pltpitca to Th lonnwLt v ' Puyallup. Wash., July 20. The fruit growers of the Puyallup valley are making extensive experiments with beets rlth the purpose of obtaining one that can be canned. Twenty-five varieties were - sent t the cannery operated by the association and one can of each variety was put up to allow a study of tha beets under canned con ditions,, to see which varieties should prove most profitable for the purpose, A large number of other varieties wilt be ready for canning In a few days. Within three or four days a number of different kinds of beans will be sent to the cannery to undergo like tests. At the station there are between 95 and 100 forms under observation, all grow ing well, and a number of which are promising big yields and excellent qualities for canning purposes. COOPERATE TO BUILD ' i MACADAM ROAD - (Specttt DlijMtrb to The Jonrnal.) Twin Falls, Idaho, July 20. A com mittee from the Commercial club and one from the Automobile club has ar ranged with , the county commissioners to -build -1$ milem off modern -highway near here. -The county will pay one third of tha expense. Bids will be re ceived from thef armers and the high est bidders will secure the first mile of road and then if sufficient Interest is shown the remainder of the road will bSi buUSL.in- J.hat .section showing the highest Interest and, enthusiasm backed up by subscription. Whatever 0f ex- pense remains after the one third paid ty tne commissioners ana the farmers' bid, will be paid by the Commercial club, business men and by popular subscrip tion. ' . .. Nef Block at , Klamath Falls. CSrvytnl rMxpntrh to The Joornl.) Klamifth Falls, Or?, July 20.-Tbe two story building whifh L. F.' Willis Is to erect on the lot where the Masonic hall, now stands will be SO by 10 feet, and will have two store rooms on tbe main floor andt office room on the second floor. Tha entire front of -the building will be of plate glass. Appointed Administratrix. Mrs. Birdie Laxton has been apoolnt- ed administratrix of tho-eetate -of -her husband, Charles 71 Laxton, . in the county court ; The only property Is a claim for damages for the-death of Lax ton, against the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company.-'. Laxton left four small children. He was killed on Jan- v Gilliam Pioneer Woman Dies. ' Speell OluMtcb to The JoorniLI " ' , Vale, Or, uly 20. -The funeral of Mrs. John Palmer, of Watson, was held here Sunday. Mrs. Palmer was 74 years old.- Sha came to Malheur county from Giltlam county a year asw with her husband, who -survive hr,- fch was " i J - ) Sne it the earliest pioneers of Oil am. She leaves four children: Mrs. Mary P. Toplns ot Victoria, B. Cr Mrs. Sarah Hanna of Pendleton, and Frank Palmer and L. Et Palmer, both of Wat son, Malheur county. Police Officer Resigns at Astoria. ' , : (Sneclsl DUptch to The Joaroil.i Astoria, Or., uly 20.- Police Officer Joseph O. Wilson, tendered his resig nation to the board of police commis sioners yesterday snd will go Into the farming business. . ' ( Covey FOR THE To TACOMA Northern Pacific Railway r " 7 """JULY 26, 27 AND 29. ' UNITED STATES ; MILITARY TOURNAMENT JULY 24 TO SO. A; Solid Week of Military Drills, Maneuvers, Contests and Unusual ,1 ; Military eate. - - In the Immense Open-Air Stadium Capacity 30,000 ' . , Northern Pacific passenger trains leave Portland :45 A. M. 3:30 P. M. 10:10 A. M. 12:15 A. M. Tickets and all information it " CITY TICKET OFFICE, 255 MORRISON STREET. Main 244. . Telephones. , A4244. A. O. Charlton, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon We Ghe Away AbsdltdeH Free e People's Common Sene Medical -The English, or Medioiae Simplified, by R. V. Pierce, M. D., Chief ConsuItin Physieiaa to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur aieal Institute at Buffalo, a book of 1008 larfe pages sad ever 700 illustrations, in strong paper coven, to any one sending 21 eneeeat ' tttmps to cover cost of mailing only, or, ia French Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Over 680,000 eepiei of this complete Family Doctor Book were sold ia cloth binding st regular price of $1.50.. Afterwsrdi, eae sod a half million copies were gives away as above. A new, aptodste revised edition is now ready lor mailing. Better send NOW, before all are gone. Address World's Dis , tBNiAir M BDiCAt Association, R. V. Pierce, M . D., President, Buffalo, N. Y : DR. PllinCE'S FAVprITE PIlESCUirTION ; THE ONE REMEDY for woman's peculiar ailments good enough ; that ita makers are not afraid! to print on Its outside wrapper Its every Ingredient. No Seereta No Deception. ' THE ONE REMEDY for women which oootsins no aloobol and " ' o habit-forming drags. Hade from bsUt medicinal forest roots - of well established euradve value. - , KEEP COOL-KEEP HEALTHY When tired, wafm'or run ddwn, shake a : little BATHASWEET in the tub when " bathing. BATilASWEET softens and per- . ; fumes the water instantly. 8$ batht ims centca. , . IT'S WORTH A TRIAL . DATCHELlXRaMPORTINaXQLNEL?!L.,, (United PrM Leaicd Wire.) New York. July 20, Friends of Miss Katherlne Elklns, daughter of Senator Klkins of West Virginia, and "Billy" Hitt son of the late Illinois congress man, are asking one another where the mistake lies. ,,. ,-' A letter received from Captain Al fonso Roberts of , the Italian army has contradicted the - reported engagement of Miss jaiklns and Hitt, which was an nounced by the letter's friends several days ago at ,tbe Chevy .Chase, Club, Washington. , . i. Captain Roberte, in his - letter, says the wedding of Miss Klkins and the Duke of Abruzzi was merely, postponed a year on account of the publicity giv en their affairs by the newspapers and the adverse attitude of the Italian king and queen. He says there Is not any aouot mat tne duke will marry Miss Elklns. Hitt and Miss Elklns are both abroad and It will probaAiy require their presence in this country to clear the affair...; . n-. JUDGE CAMPBELL WANTS TO SUCCEED HIMSELF Balem, Gr., July 20.Judge ' J. , U. Campbell of . Oregon City has filed his declaration of Intention to be a candi date to succeed himself as circuit Judge for Clackamas and Washington coun ties. Mn Campbell t Was appointed by uovernor w. Benson to the position when Justice Thomas A. McBrtde was elevated to .the supreme bench upon Justice Bean's resignation from that tribunal to accept a position as judge of tne united states circuit court for Ore gon. .- Henry McOinnJs declaration 6f Inten tion to be a ; candidate for the circuit bench in Multnomah county was alsdl placed on file in the secretary of stato's office yesterday. Motor Car Co. Scvcclh and Conch Streets SO ROUND TRIP 7 dfJOostrJ Advir ia Flam . 1-1 1 Ml '4 a. ii - ii i I........ i in 11 -..i ,1 : , , .. .... . ..,.r': We Can Save You Money" FULL SET, THAT FIT..1.....: t?5.00 GOLD CROWNS, 22k :..$3.5Q BRIDGE TEETH, 22k. .773.50 GOLD FILLINGS n , $1.00 SILVER FILLINGS t 50 Call anJ have us give your teeth a free, examination, and get our estimate on your dental work. If you are nervous or have heart trouble; the Electro Painless System will do the work when others fail. All work warranted for ten years. . , " Electro Painless Dentists x E. G. AUSPLUND, D. D. S, Msnager " ; WASHINGTON STREET, CORNER FIFTH Bank References. ' ' ,' Corner Fifth and Washing OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS . ton. Across From Per . Lady Attendant. kins HoteL ' OREQOIN HOTEL HOTEL 0DE60N SEATTLE Voxtlaad'S Uve, Orowlaf HoteL Vew, Modem, OeatraUj located. ' , , i . . - i . 7th & StsrK, Portbnd, Or. Pioneer Square, Seattle, Wo, WRIGHT - DICKINSON : WRIGHT & DICKINSON : HOTEL COMPANY, Propi HOTEL COMPANY, Props. THE, PLRKINS HOTLL CO. THL PLRKINS CAFE, AND GRILL ' Prloes ModJTlea Service Improved f- Music purtnf Ziunea, 91 aasf and After Taeatze , BrrSTOaJj MAXXXB BAOTXCXS The Perkins Kotel Grill has as an additional musical attraction secured the services of Ralph and Frank Market, members ot the celebrated musical family of Markee. Cello, trombone and saxaphone solos will ba featured. Oene Wllaon, vocalist THU PORTUND. OR. Catopeas Plan Kodsra ' Bestaaraat. bUttY on THE IP4PERIAL Oregon's Greatest Hotel 350 ROOMS, 104 SUITES, With Private Baths NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING ... MODERATE-RATES PHIL METSCHAN & SONS. Props. portlai mmm THE CORNELIUS "The House of Welcome" CORNER PARK AND ALDER STREETS Beginning May 1 our rates will be as follows: Out . side back rooms, $1 per day; single front rooms, $1.50 per day. Our omnibus meets all trains, ; Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel C W. CORNELIUS .,' ' H. E. FLETCHER Proprietor Manaser . Hot and 3 "" " Hotel HOTEUS Beadqaarters fot Tourists and Com merclal Travelera Special rates mads to families and single gentlemen. The management will be pleased at all times to show rooms r and alv prices. A modern Turkisb- bath . es tabllshment ta ta hotel. B. a Bowers, tsgt. UXLZXQV SOUAXS ; '2aia.!.j:;?" ' 1, rifi'i 3aaaSS.iili?i;:.t .:!!. : Cold Water Long Distance Fhons ' IN EVEBY IUVUI eonrhv. COR. THIRD AND MAIN STS. A3XF?;. RATES S1.C0 & UP