UillZZOX DAILY JOUIIII.M,, 1 CTI.1JD, WEDNESDAY. ISVENINU, JULY i310. TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS Orpheum Vaudeville Grand Vaudeville .Fantages Vaudeville -Lyric ............. "Dooley's Darlings" Star ..i... Moving Pictures The Oaks....'...Navassar Ladles' Band .. ' ' . The Journal at Resorts. d d The following agents will sap- . 4 ply Journal subscribers at regu-, 4 4 lar city rates: Seaside, Or.: Horace A. W1I- , d) ' son, agent; headquarters it d ' Lewis & Co.'s drug storo. ' Long Beach, Wash-l Kerlee & Co., agents; Aberdeen stores. Newport, Or.: William Bur- d ton, agent. ,.::'-' ; Gearhart Park, James Cellars, d agent. " Columbia Beach: E. D. Lar- d don, agent. ' ' Ilwaco, Wash., and all points on North Beach: Louis Cohen 4 news agent, Ilwaco railroad . d agent. . , ;. Breakers, Wash.t Breakers : hotel. ;; ' ' ' Collins, Wash.: C. T. Belcher.' 4 agent : : Carson, Washct vTrank; McGlnt d nls, agent ' d Seavlew, Wash. : Kerles & Co., 4 agents, Aberdeen store. Y. 4 ' Elhlperd's Springs: Mineral . Springs Hotel Co., agent ' HotLake, Or..-' HotLake Banl- d tarlum, agent . . WUholt, Or.: t.SV W. McLeran, .agent d Wenaha Springs, Wenaha Hot ; Springs hotel. ' y Parents Desert Baby Leaving their baby behind, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Booth disappeared several days ago and Mrs. D. A. Cipher, 627 - Montgomery street, mother of Mrs. Booth, appealed to the , police yesterday to find .the 'couple. She fears the wife has entered a resort and told the police she would swear out . warrants for both if they are found. ' Mrs. Cipher alleges Booth has done no work for some time and has tried to induce his wife to support him. . roldert for Hailing Special lllustrat . ed folders, ready for mailing,, have been rot out by the Portland Commercial club to distribute among delegates and vis itors to ths national convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians now being held in Portland. On the face of the folders has been printed a shamrock, in green, and words of welcome to the Hi bernians. In it. are pictures of 1 of Portland's largest buildings. i To Bold Examinations The United - States civil service - commission fe will hold examinations on August 10 for the following positions: Cataloguer in bl- ology in the Smithsonian Institute, at $720 . per annum; monotype machinist and printer in the weather bureau, - Washington. D. C. at $1150 per annum. For Information apply, to 2. A. Leigh, postofflce department, Portland. ' Policeman Suspended Captain H. A. Biurtr conauuea irom jne peculiar ac tions Of SDeckl Officer A. M PVnnt that he was intoxicated when he reported for duty last evening. He suspended Frost , after taking his badge from him. The matter was placed before Chief Cox for - iimi action loaay. . Too cant keep the Xrlsn down, neither can you keep the men of Portland from "going up" to see Jlmhile Dunn for a ; pickup in high grade suits. Regular $30 to $35 suits new selling at $14.85. Reg ular 3U to szs values now 110.85. Room i9 OregonJan building, i $1000 Damages Fire started In the power room or me uregon Box ft Manu facturing romnanv. Hit Mauitim last venlng,and damaged the machinery to tne extent or snout liooo. xhe loss Is covered by lnsuraijce. ' Received another shipment Charles . the Great cigars; new shapes. Box trade' a specialty. For a good smoke, i try the famous standby. Rich Mixture. ... Si S. Rich!, sole distributer, 267 Morri son street Seeks Sep ration Oscar B. Day has begun suit in the circuit court for sep aration from Babetta M. Day, alleging she deserted him in September, 1907. They were married in Taeoma, Wash., In 1004. ' - -' v .w Bnbensteln Pleases We take an In tense interest in every pair of eyes we examine and fit , with . comfort giving glasses. We can please you 189 3d st, i opposite Baker theatre.. ' r, " ' ' -z'' Bats .War Steamer Northland sails direct for San Francisco Thursday noon, ' cabin $10, steerage $5, berth and meals' - included. Frank Bollam, agent, 128 3d. "Irish pinner" at Miss Tracy's free cooking school tomorrow, 2:80 p; m. Woodman hall, East Alder and 8ixth ts. Truck Stakes Stolen Clay S. Morse, - - drayman, Fourth and Davis streets, re ported to the police last night that truck stakes worth. $46 had been stolen from vehicles near his barns. He also Oh Best J. GobdRoads 4 Ws never take a person out to see Banner Acres who does hot say it is the most slghtiv tract he ever saw. Indeed, it - s not surpassed- by anything in the west and the soif is of the very best to be found any where; good water the very best, purest- and coolest can ",be had at a shallow denth -tho the state ieaa tnrough the .There Is a eood - anhnni tract. good nfiirhhor rural - HaIIv... ery thing for ideal homesltes, and yetfour price is only $100 to $160 per acre, on easy term. If you will let us take you out you will agree with us that there Is no other acreage buy, AT AKT PRICE, on this' mar- F. B. H0LBR00K CO. Boom i; Worcester BldgV Oroud.rioor.- v Phones Main 5390, A-7S07. said that bolts had bern removed from wagons at Eleventh and lloyt streets and Eleventh and Irving streets. Morse told the police that he suspected 'strik ing teamsters. ' Stole Valuable King's. Charles J. Brown, telegraph operator, was arrest ed last evening by Detectives Craddock and Mallett for stealing a number of Jeweled rlnes worth 1350 from Mrs. Willoughby of the - Knickerbocker apartments.' Brown -went into the apartments to make inquiries concern ing a resident and while Mrs. Willough by was at the house telephone he. de parted with the rings. He confessed to the detectives and returned Some of the loot.-.- , Bent Boy After Beer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leroy Baker, living at the Palmer house, Park and Alder streets, called for a messenger boy this morning and when Chester Seeley, 143 Liberty street em ployed by the Western TLTn'on, respond ed, they sent him to the Pabst saloon for beer. . Afterward they are said to have given several glasses to the boy. Detective Hawley arrested the couple on charges of contributing to the delin quency of a minor and Jntoxlcation. To look for Property Mario Zappa, administrator of the estate of John'Tap- pa, ; has been, authorized by County Judge Cleeton to make a trip . to Ken neth, ' .Cai where he belieVes he can find property belonging to the estate. He is authorised to spend $50 oraj much thereof as he may .need for the trip. ' Tappa left $122 in. cash and is thou gh t itohVft thejcj?ropertyjnthe California town where sorni of his per sonal effects were U&SyWvW ,t - "4 i v Objeotlons installedCounty ' Judge Cleeton has sustained the objections of heirs' of the estate of Elisabeth Orier to the sale of two lots in Alblna Home stead to Henry H. Yost for $4350.' The sale at this figure was arranged by Frank A. Bates, the executor, but some of the heirs were dissatisfied and as serted a' larger amount should be real ized. .Th, property wlll.be resold. I - r Kay B"ot Bo Sane Fearing violence from Lawrence Holland, aged SO, a drug gist, who is believed to be insane, rel atives appealed to the police last night and Holland was taken into' custody at Sixteenth and Mill streets by Sergeant Golts. He was taken to the county Jail to await an examination into his mental condition. , ' Pell Into Manhole A. P. Chenery, 11$. Glisan street an aged . buttermilk peddler, walked into an open manhole while pushing his cart - at Third and Couch streets this morning and fell 15 feet.,. He was soaked from head to foot but., uninjured. ' r:j ,y-y Expert to Talk Professor Berhhard Boeggild,- the Danish dairy expert will address the members of the .Oregon State, Dairymen's association in v the The: Blessing; of Health "How"wouldyoulllce"lo have 'some fresh vitality passed into -your worn out frame? How' would you like to feel strong again? How would you like tn hav th athtm mil Tulna ' rHvf! and your nerves quieted so you would again sleep like a little child. How would you like to be able to breathe fully and freely, without that asthmatic clutch? ' How would you like to have your heart's action made reg ular, strong and natural? How would you like to have every function of the body strengthened? . : HOW WOXTtD TOT Z.IXB TO KATE TOUR TITAIi P0RCE8 BUT1T Vr AND TOUR MENTAL POWER IN- CREASED? ANB ALL THIS WTTH- That this can e done Is no dream. but Is demonstrated dally In my office by the use of -high potential electric and electro-magnetie currents. Latest appliances and apparatus used in the cure of chronic and nervous .diseases, Whatever your ailment J can give you the correct scientific and most effect ive treatment1 t,-,.,-, 8FECIAZ. ATTENTIOlf tA dlaeaat.a nf the prostate. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 8, and 7 to S. Sunday by appointment ; . W.' L HOWARD. M. D. 304-41 BothchUd Bldg., 4th ft Washington JU."-i..,i' !. : , :J ' . iOXi ILM ILJJ if t 1 f m .( ., , r ., . 1 ll r sV-ra-'p' . ft", 1 ;fi'::':VA':r V. 1; The - my ID; : THE HARD WARE MAN 130irst Street, Between Washington and Alder convention hall of the Commercial club. A large crowd of dairymen as well as others interested in the dairy business will be present Tonight he will .speak before the medical men of Portland on "Sanitation" in the Medical building. Train Every Hour to Gresham and in termediate points. First caf 6:55 a. m., 7:45 a. m.. then every hour up to 6:45 p. m.' Last car l:Z6 p. m, Steamer Jeiile Harklns, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. , . New Train Rervloo Train every 80 minutes to Oregon City. First car 4 a. in., 6:30 a. m. Last car 12, mid night. - . . : : ; . .. . .. Conductor . Boss Company W. F. La Shells, formerly conductor for the Port, land Railway, .Light & Power company, brought suit in the Justice court today for $43.60 fcs wages for work from June 16 to July 16, plus $25 for costs and $5 Tull & Gibbs, Agent for the f'South 'Real Economy? Gas i-ForembstrbfcA Ig In which every section of the store is participating an out-clearing that involves odds and ends, sample articles, discontinued patterns, broken stocks, etc, priced for quick disposal v Galling r Attention-Again to Those Timely Savings in Tailored Linen Suits Five Interesting Clearance Groups ' $11.50 and$13.50 Suits Now $9.75 $15, $18. 75, $20 Suits Now $1.1.75 $22.50 and $25 Suits Now $13.75 $32.50 and $35 Suits Now $18.75 $39.50 and $40 Suits Now $23.75 - No need to remind how cool these pretty Tailored Linen Suits are and how, much they- are appreciated these days. What we've grouped In these five clear ance lots express the season's cleverest styles Misses' and little women's models and in the most favored shades blue, helio, corn, pink, gray, wistaria; rose and natural. . , A That smart Linen Suit, the Russian blouse, with col-H lar, cuffs and belt of patent leather, and with full skirt, is among them. ( , . Another .model is of heavy linen crash, with tailored coat, which has shawl collar and is trimmed with small silver buttons. Plaited skirt. Sale of -Brings the-mostlcorprincingjyaluejjnd.the. greatest, variety, offered so far this summer. Wonderful assort ment of styles and materials the season's best and prettiest of course. Here is how we-ve grouped them: 89? for $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 and $1.75 Waists. 91.38 for $1.95, $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75 Waists, f 2.19 for $2.95, $3.00 and $3.50 Waists. S 3.19 for $3.95, $4.50 and $4.75 Waists. . Some of This Week's Opportunities in 94 YARD for Curtain Swiss, In flots, crosaDar ana ngurea er- fects, 36 Inches wide; worth 15c yard. . -- 5 YARD for Cotton Edging and Insertions in cream and ecru tints. Also In white; worth lOo yard. . 9 YARD for plain and figured v Silkollne, S8 inches wide; worth 16c yard. 14 YARD for figured Cretonne, 36 inches Wlda; worth 25o yard. ii I ; : ; ; ; ; 'I : : - VARRET Your Attention To This Fact: 15 Off on All The only Refrigerator that is fit for, food. ' Guaranteed perfect sanitation,-never, to foul, always dry and sweet-l jpefecit , ice box through and through. UZj ITL li-j II: which he deposited as security for punch, badge, rule book and key. La Shells charges that the company sought to hold him responsible for a number of transfers which he says were stolen from his locker, charging him Zy cents for each. He refused to sign a receipt tn full when offered $35.10 and started suit : - " r : .. ZtX. B. A. Excursion, Sunday, July 24'. Steamer Beaver leaves Couch street dock 9 a. m. Tickets, 75c. Skidmore's. Por General ; Jobbing see Becker ft Etackhouse, : carpenters ... and builders. Phone Marshall 2303. 306 Glisan st James Oarlok ft Co, the house mov ers; removed to ISO East Water street Phone East 4427. . -.' '' ' ' . ' '" ." : ' "Hop Gold" Bottled Beer An .Ideal summer beverage. , Order by phone. East 46, B-1146. ' ' Old Jewelry - Wanted. Wa buy old gold and silver. Uncle Myers Collateral Mc MORRISON Tull el at Seventh Bend ' Malleable Range, "The New Process" and Ranges Sold on terms of $1 Down and $1 a WeeK the July Clearance Waists 164 YARD for CurUin Scrim, 86 inches wide and in allover pat terns. Colors red, blue, brown r and green; worth 25c yard and SOc.yard. - 17 YARD for Cluny Edgings and Insertions lrf cream, ecru and .worth, 26c yard and 80c ryard.- "' ' ' ' - 174 YARD for Curtain Swiss. 36 Inches wide, In stripe, crossbar and- dotted effects; worth 250 " yard. . V , I sellers ths happiest man these days Is ths man with a farm- THSODOBB SOOSSVEXT. A few acres of Central British Columbia farm land properly worked. Will make a man independent for life. $3.00 CASH, BA&JJTCK ITVB YZAB8. . 'in British Columbia's greatest farming region, at the junction of four coming railroads, and 1000 miles of navigable waterways three to eight miles from the coming inland Metropolis FORT GEORGE Opportunity never comes to "you, you must take it Every one has the ability. If they have the push. : The question is, Do you want to be independent? If so, her is your chance.. . ... - Irrigation unknown,' short winters, warm summers, void of late frosts. Soil consists of brown loam to silts, with a clay subsoil anil gravel base; will produce anything that can be crown In the temperate sone. No alkali; .'well, watered with an average rainfall of 28 to 30 Inches annually This land Is easily prepared for the plow, being covered with a scat' terlng growth of spruce, poplar and willow, . Park-like land, wild vetch . pea and bean vines grow In profusion, with wild hay in the meadows. The railroad reaches Fort George this fall from Edmotton , Call and see photographs of the country and samples of grain grown there. .Tbl-i.ot--a-4iiecul&Uotr4ut.anupportualty. ox. tba-auui wha.dslcaa-A. home In a coming country that will grow, beyond all expectations. NORTH COAST UAND CO., L-td.i . aeneral Offici,vTanoouTsr, B. Oh London Offioe, Old. Jewry - RUTAN Sf AD AMS Selling: Afjents 0O CHAMBSB OT COMMEBCB, ' PH0KE8 MAIlf 3143, A-131S Bank. 71 Sixth street between Oak and I Pine. W. A. Wise and assiciates, painless dentists. Third and Washington. . , ;rufrier ft Taxidermist, 249 Columbia. Campers outfitted. Wooster, 408NWah. Wooster'g popular price emporium. Wooster's for popular prices. ' . Where to Dine ' . s Cut rate Chinese noodles, 15c. A reg ular 35o commercial lunch for 25c. We serve chop suey, noodles, steaks, chops, oysters to order. Open day and night Imperial Kantong Cafe, 452 Washington street between Twelfth and Thirteenth. ' One of a "box of "Phenomenal" ber ries raised at Bandon, which .was about the average size, measured four .inches in circumference one way and three and one-fourth inches the other' way. & : Gibbs, ' Inc. This List of Bargains Gathered " at Random From Our Furniture Stock . Payments Can Be Arranged to SuitLachlndividualConveniehce $1.50 Folding Sewing Tables for $2.75 Enameled Bathroom Stools for ?1.75. :r--; $L75 Shoe-Blackinff Stands of gold en or weathered oak for 95. -$5.50 Fumed Oak Chair with leather -seat for $3.75. t ' $G.OO Lawn Seat,, four feet long, for ?3.75. ' $7.00 Lawn Seat, five feet long, for $4.25. .. $7.50" Fumed Oak DiaV with leather seat for $5.25. ' $9.00 Fumed Oak Arm Chair with leather seat for $5.75. $10.00 Dining Table of golden ash, 6 ft. extension, for $6.25. ' $12.00 Reed Arm Rocker for $7.25. $9.50. Willow Arm Rocker $6.25, $21.00 Golden Oak Cellarette $9.75. $11.00 Willow Arm Chair in silver gray finish for $8.75. $18.00 Round Dining Table, 6 ft. ex tension, of golden ash, for $9.75. $39.00 Fumed Oak China Cabinet for : $22.50." -v. . tP- rs fy: s w $23.50 Fumed Oak Arm Chair with loose cushion seat and back covered in ; leather for $17.75. $27.00 Fumed Oak Hall Seat, 50 in. . long, for $15.25. , $42.00 Fumed Oak Buffet, with com plete buffet appointment, $28.50. July outclearing in the Carpet Store. Sample Rugs, discontinued patterns, etc, at noteworthy reductions. . ' the Drapery Store 224 YARD for figured Taffeta, 36 inches wide, in colors red, blue and pink; worth 40o yard. 354 YARD for plain Bobbinet. 54 inches wide, in ecru only; worth 60c yard. 454 YARD for plain Bobbinet in cream tint "and in white, 54 inches wide; worth. 80c yard. 7f4 YARD for imported figured Cretonne, 36 inches wide and worth $1.25 yard. At ACRE Plume O J.JSiwJ. 16-ZBCR XX.tTICB 2.50 , You will have to pay three or four times more somewhere else. They are rich, good flow. 16-inch Plume, extra fine. . . .2. 50 Ostrich Tips, 3-inch length. .81.50 We make Willow Plumes from old feathers. ,We also clean, curl, dry and make over your plumes. Our prices ars the lowest, our work the best . , Ostrich Plume Co. Direct from the Ostrich Farm to you. 303 Washington St., Bet. 6th and 6th. Sertoli oforlomil7. Don't throw the milktonl , beuehe "lde-steiw" nd qpmm milk pull. Tb erittarosn' t hel p it wh.n flie. re con it.ml prodding her hide Jorw.nn red blood. Conkey's Fly Knocker Knocks Flies knd the tim won't mm aw, It drive them war. xueirmnmaiacnverroitfieefte. bold mwi poeitiTs rniraBiee. Bprr it on om aane ih wetca the Biee keep wer ium nimi ana It I yon food for home mhoera, . Mvlni floor end annoy ' ftnee. and dmihlinv th! enpaoit tor profit in time nvin. Prire. Quart 85ci h Uoa (OOi saUoa ttQQ, ..." Your Money Back lf i 'Hot Satisfactory.' 5ve Vour Teeth Now Toil 11V. ' Mifllav tea rrntkn a rtnllor h Expensive Dentist loses iwu uDiian wnen we oo your work. We work ror prices you can pay. Open evenings until S and Sundays until 12:30 for people who work. years and our guarantee is good, il.1 OSIOM DENTISTS, Offices corner Fifth and Morrison sts.. entrance 291 Morristn st. opposite , Meier & Frsnk's and Postofflos. . AMUSEMENTS BBATI BOW BXT.T.ma BUNGALOW TIEBATRB MRS. FISKB Tomorrow and Friday Nights -BBOKY sauBP- .T : Saturday Matinee and Night . "PIXlJLBS OP SOCXBTT" .,?cS?1r-b0.t.n..Evenln8r aA Matinee, 32.00, $1.60, $1.00 and 75c. f HAT. BTEBT DAT IB-UO-BUS Vlrmta jtctki8 THEATRE m Adraaosd TaudsvlUs - ? . . . Direct from European "triumphs 4 POXHl P0BD8 4 And Eight Other Feature Acts mums AST1MOSO VAITDE VTX.T.U Special ' Engagement Extraordinary jf wrui xuwjuiji, comedienne; TBI ZABCZas, Demonstration of Mental Tel- ... f epathy. . . , . GEORGE W. DAT THE JUOG LINO MILLERS i CHRISTINE HILL & CO. Matinees Daily I VP If L4 I IV 1 W PtATHOUSB "DOOIBTTB TBOUBMa" Daily at 2:45, 7:45 and 0:15 p. m. Thursday Night, Gold Watch Given Away Friday Night. Chorus Girls' Content RFECIAJi Monster benefit July 26, pro ceeds to go to Miss Marjorie Mahr, the popular chorus girl who was maimed for life by the train on Sunday, July 10. GRAND WtekJuly 18, 1910 ABITA DIAB'S MOBXET8 , Highly Tralned Simian Wonders, in an Interesting and Amusing Per formance. BsteUs Wordatte and Company ElneU ft BonteUa Barry and Kther- 1ns MiteheU J. Pranols 0BeUly Harry Tsuda ' Ouudauunia Matinee every day, 2:30; any seat ISA Evening performances at 7:30 ana 9-ifi: bal., 16c; lower fir., 26c; box seats. 60c. OUNCIlw "P1 1200 feet above the city; S000 square miles panoramic view; best scenic rail way in wona; trip up Columbia.. observ atory, wild woods, photo gallery and score of other attractions. Ideal picnic grounds. No liquor. Thursday chll- dren's-day;-"'- j . - THE OAK. Portland's Popular in IV WAfta Amusement Park. CONTINUED SUCCESS OF ' Navassar Ladies1 Band A DISTINCT HIT Concerts Afternoons and Evening: Auditorium Meets with Entire Approval. Trains at East Morrison and East W. ter. Transfers from -Any Part of City. Peoples Amusement Co. .. prasT Btm pzotubbs '' STAB all Bew Today The Big Three, Confer,' Wilson untf Batter,' and 4" great pictures headed by a marvelous Biograpli OK JOT Brand Bew Today Con science, Wonderful Soldier Reel, Old and New Loves, Heart Interest, and a Com edy with Ko K6 and 'the Wise. Goose specially engaged OOOEOW The Children's Theatre Curly Confer and Three Big Pictures that Ap peal Both to Young and Old. ABOADE All Bew Pictures Tomorrow Bob crane, a new singer, Mazeppa and other excellent and stirring attractions. BASEBALL '. EXOBBATZOH PABB Cor. Vaughn r and Twanty-fourth sts. SAN FRANCISCO vs. PORTLAND I - Osmsa Begia week Days 3:30 P, M. ' , Sundays 3:30 P. K. Admission . Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 50c; Boxes, 25a extra. Children, Bleachers, 10c;. -Grandstand,. 25c. ; L.adlos Day Friday Boys Under 13 Free to Bleachers "'ar '-- Wednesday. af Portbnj,.r . '-orejoo i aWaawaWaW aV to. la. aTN j IheOnlr Woman' Collme an Uie Pacific Coaiit Ftclu.miy ; for Taong Women Looted amonj tht beutiful near Oakland, California dote to San Fraociaco anj tht . great Univeraitiea of tt Weit. FuB coHnbat coura leadinl Lo degree. Eotraocs and graduation requrrtm.nta equivalent to thoas ot btanlord and University of California. Training fits atadente or teaching regular lines of academic work, tad offer pecial advantage or muaie, srt, library study and borne economic. Well equipped laboratories for science. Special attention to health of students, Modern gymnasium thoroughly equipped. Out door sift and amutementa is the ideal California cli auta. Alumna is every city oa the Pacific CoaaU : ' ' POS CATALOwUS ADOKtSS ' ; plwsipcnt tuella clay carson. ll o. Mills Collkok p. o4 California North Pacific College '-. SCHOOLS OP - rDentistry andPharmacy " PORTLAND," OREGON.' " Unsurpassed in Equipment and Advant- ages, v .The Bejular Sessions Begin -';.;..', - Monday, Ootober 3, . 1910. The college is located near ths heart of the city, convenient . to libraries, clubs, large business houses and public buildings, which contribute so much to the life of the student. i For information and catalogue . of either course address. DBh BEBBEBT C. KtXLlEB. Portland, Oregon. Don't rail to zaTsstigato HILL MILITARY ACADEMY , Portland, Ore. Sen tov CaUlogTi . . Portland. Oreroa oeeiamit and vy Bctiool Tor airu ondor r care of B liter of Bt. Joha Baotiat ( Knlamnal rl CoUaaiate, Aoadainla - and- Eleraentcry Depta. Muaie, Art. Eloeuaon, Grmnaatnin. (Beaideat paplla una be over 14 7 Mrs at sea and well Moommendad. The tiumKar la llmitMt in fifty. Applieatloa ahOoU be mad earlr.) Addreaa The 6ntw nperiie,Otttc 8 wt.Helen Hall.PeHlanw.Or. POKTXiABD ACADEMY Mathematics and Science Physios Course in General PhyBics with special work la Electricity, including measure ments, primary r batteries and X-Ray work. Chemistry 1 year of General ' Chemistry, Advanced course in qualita tive and quantitative analysis, and chemistry of carbon compounds. - Math rustics years' course, including Flans Trigonometry with field practice in aur veylng. Send for catalog. Home and Dy School lor Girl, sear Stanford Unireruty. Accredited by colletei Eaat and Weat. ' Crammar and Prtm trr departments. Four new balldlnfti a Residence for 40 pupllai a Redurlon Hall of U rooniai a Gymnasium and Indltoriumi I Domettic Science Bunrilow. Extenure rroanda.- Vfiuic Art, Domeatic Science, Out-of-dobr Pay. Inl Tnlninr. School onena SeDtember 12. 1911 Writ fot Ulnirrated croe. m , m m, .,. ',,. Trlawtpal, MAS! i. lAJaJl. a.Pli , uum. TBX AJ.X.EB PREPARATORY SCHOOIi , , FOR BOYS AND GIRLS vr :j Prepares students for all eastern and western 'Colleges and technical schools. This school Is characterized by the sim plicity of the school life and the thor- oughness of the work done. Fall term opens September 12. Office hours Wednesdays. .-.-. . .. . THE AZAEB PREPARATORY BCHOOZt 685 Eaat Salmon Street, Portland, Or. Painless Dcntistil 1 Out of sdwb peopts 4mm .mtm and bridwork ft a. itnea m ono a Wewill rixHSS feed 22k gslii ST fercel.r . $3.61 t lar Crews O.t u izzkeridMTNtfcS.Sa 1 3oi Riling .J.CJ Enamel Fillings .la If J SirwrFUIingSaSU Inlay Fillings 2.53 Qooe Rubber . Plates . D.LJ Bait Red v , karPlttN 'itwrcwin,! tl nut em jmn m rwrtua PthleM tili'ttoe , WDBIC OUABAMTCKB tTOM IB VEAMS fainlee Extraotion tree when plate or bridge wmH bordered. Oontnltatloa f ree, Xoa cannot ant bettes Minlee work done any where. Ail work fully ua tin toed. Mqdefaelotrlo oqalpment. Beat metaode Wise EDental CeJ HixDaiWaaa.BT. PORTLAND, OREGON tmoiaoros: AiLuit.H. tAan.atv American plan. "European plan. Cuisine unexcelled. Prices moderate. Special rates for families. Private parties and banquets our specialty. ,. . ; . , aUocksley- Hall Hotel . -..' . ' MJSTD ABBZZ. Overlooking the ocean. Dining room snd grill under management of E. Baumar, late with the Sliver Grill, Spokane hotel. Service a la carte from 6 a. m. to 1 a. m. Buss at every train. Seaside, Oregon. Tjnltwd States and 1 Borelgn Prwoured, Defended and Sold. rACrrxo coast patewt aosbot. - Ins. Stockton, Oal. $3 SAMPLE HATI1.59 ClcanccBlockcoSois LvwKenhn Daaement Kmo. m ,. ...II:. Vompioieusnw or muunvrr. 'LADllii' HATS Kemo-I.J PLUMESOysb 313ALDi.KST..COit. CCHWA3 PRIHTinC-CO USOLICITS YOUR PATRC'IACt a-d."7i STARK CTH'IVJ jf 4liiujausi PATEWTS J"M a j