JOUI.IIAL. 1 GOTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY D, VAX ) 8T. jujn.i ku'.Ui TOPAVESTREETS Work Will Start on Main Thor oughfare; Not Single One Improved Now, ; , CiTYAUi TO SEE TvOAD S CASli hours than they are," reaJs the com munication. "We have to work every day and on holidays, too." Theso po licemen are In the city parks ana now receive J75 a month. They ask for $100. The men signing the communication are R. W. Gibbs, C. S. Smith and C. T. Kelly. St. Johns will soon have the first paved street In its history. : The pro posed paving will be on Jersey street, the main thoroughfare of the city, and will extend a distance of nine blocks.. It lias been announced tlje work will com mence within three weeks.' According to the plans, the street work in the town will not stop with the hard ' surf aclng. of -Jersey, street-'- SUi-Jahns Is In the midst of aivera of prosperity, and by paving the streets and making Tiu-1 merous other i Improvements, It - is planned tyJ make the peninsula city "one of the most attractive residence spots In the jstate. The portion, of Jersey Btreet to be payed is between Richmond and Fessenden, ; streets,' a . distance of nine blocks. ; The obstacle In the way at present Is the objection of the Weyer haeuser Lumber company the sewer going across their property, , ' , Expect Settlement. The street cannot be fmved until the sewer question. ' is -settled,, but it is thought this will be done within two or three weeks. . The sewer is to be . laid " from Richmond street lo Maple Btreet, a distance' of 27 blocks, and, two blocks of " the Weyerhaeuser property ..will be crossed. Work Is td be commenced Immediately on the grading of Fessenden street from the river to Hill's cut, around the curve along the Btreet car lint a distance of S4 blocks. The street willbe laid with macadam 'surface. 18 .feet . wide, and lined with cement sidewalks, and next spring probably will be paved. ; , Realty transfers and building In St. Johns are active. Among the important structures which will be Started imme diately are ' brick buildings for Sher man -ft Stein and C. C. Woodhouse. ' . On Portland boulevard the Catholics are erecting $18,000 worth of 'school buildings. . Tire new $40,000 high school building will be finished by the time of the opening .of the regular school term In September. . ' .... With the completion of the new school building Sts Johns ' Will have four schools to house her 1400 pupils besides the Catholic'' .Who)L'.;i.;':'.-..J:-.'.!.."Ji'Z;. " . Fine residences Are being constructed for A. C. Gesler,J. S. McKinney and others.' The ,new residences will" be modern' structures. ; v ' " -' ... The construction of the frame for- the fire bell has beenl given op because a wooden affair of this kind could not be erected under the city ordinances. No other arrangements "have been made for the construction of roost, for the bell. . '-'--a THE STRANGER ; . WITHIN OUR GATES . Mrs, J. W. Stone, Garyr Ind. Just on a visit, which I am enjoying every mo ment. We have seen Council Crest, your City park, and all the hills surround-' ing tne cuy.-r My, out mis is a neautirui city. Why, I lived in San Francisco, Detroit and Chicago, but all of -them put together can't compare with Portland for natural beauty. That's what I like about this place. , v . -j i : , ; : ' t B. C. Dennis, Sacramento, Cal. Crops -In the Sacramento valley never 'looked 'better . than this, season and everything points to one of the most -successful years In the history of northern Gali-i qnita.:;-The .mlr.ef,;too; afOMMng. up some valuable ores and the heat la not so .fierce as it might be, and altogether Jit In about time td rejoice. ; City Auditor Barbur was right, ac cording to City Attorney Grant, In f e- fusing to agree to a simple transfer of deeds with , the Northern Pacific Ter minal company Over the exchangj of the lets at Thirl and GMsan streets, The lot sold by the city to the company was purchased to secure sufficient ground for the west approach to the1 new steel bridge. The one purchased by the city from the company Is adjoining, and Is supposed to be for a fixe station. .The nrice for each lot Is the same. '. It was through clever work on 'the part of the terminal company ' and At torney Cyrus A. Dolph, representing the company, that the deal was put through the council, Everything went' all right until Attorney Dolph carried , o'ff - the deed of the lot sold the city to the Iclty hall, and asked Auditor Barbur to accept it, and to tifrnr over the deed to the other lot The city official refused. . i In giving his reasons, Auditor Barbur said the ordinance under which ,the deal was made specified, that one lot should be sold and the other purchased for the amount received for the fixst lot. He in slated ' that tils book should show the actual transfer of cash, deed and ab stract. City Attorney Grant Was asked for an opinion, and has 'told him that the terminal . company must submit ait abstract with the deed, so title to the lot can be Investigated. The auditor is ready to turn over the deed, abstract and warrant for $12,105 o the company for 'the -lot purchased. when the terminal company submits the deed, abstract and $12,105, the price of the lot. for the bridge approach. THREE, PARK POUCEMEN . .ASK. FOR INCREASED PAY ' The park policemen want their salary Increased. They advance three reasons for an Increase In a tetltlon ; filed yes terday witn ye city council. - Thejr first reason , Is that the work -Is ; becoming Tery arduous as i, the; warm weather advances. They claim ; they .have to creep under bushes, walk In dark places, be everywhere and see everything. This program of tlfe day extends over about 15'' hours. wri'.wfi :V'' c:fr't'v Their second reason for more money la that the Increase in the coBt of living has necessitated - heavier expenses in their, homes, The third reasonrls that the park policemen are Just as good as city policemen, who ; receive $100 " a month, - and do not 1 do as much work as the park police, say the latter, i Jul "We have to buy our own uniform, like the city police, and are on duty more OaGAMZE LEAGUE TO DEAL IIJ AUTO SUPPLIES - j The Automobile Owners' Purchasing league has been incorporated by James T. Weart, A. 8. Kedzte and W. II. Sei- fert, with a capital stock 6f $5000. The league will Engage in the purchase and sale of all kinds of auto supplies. The Case & Relet company has filed articles changing Its name to B. O. Case & Co. Journal Want Ads bring results. 1 . V ' - ' m QeM-Eloclu Swim Clotlics Fit you and, give. you a style that your lit- V . ,i : . j M .- . ' - a - .,i . 1 . 1 I. - tie tauor cannot give, iry r as: nonesiiy as ne may. ,You can clothe yourself with true .economy 'in these clothes the economy that ' gives you the best "for, the feast outlay. , '.r'ZiVS, j ,mw "NS.: mm. jfM r . OFF 1 ; ON ALL SUITS " : $2k.00 Suits Now S18.75 t. $30.00 Suits Now 22.50 : . $35.00 Suits Now 26.25 , . WASHINGTON STREET, NEAR FIFTH Your Last Chance for a Free Vacation at I eem , re i Oil Bound? Everyone knows the disadvantage of bad teeth. Not only are they unsightly, but bad breath,' sour stomach and numerous other undesirable . ailments ' are caused directly by them. ALL OUR WORK IS PAINLESS AND GUARANTEED OUT-OFrTVN PEOPLE Should remember that our, force is so organized that we can do their , entire Crown, Bridge and 'Plate Worki in a day of nrfpssarv. Positively oainless' extractiner free : when: dates or bridges are ordered! -We remove the most sensitive teeth and roots without the least pain. Mo students, no uncertainty, but specialists who do the most, scientific and careful jwork. READ THESE PRICES FuU Set of,Teeth : . 1 ,95.00 Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plates. . . . .$3.50 to ?5.00 Gold Crowns . . .... ... ... . . . . 3.50 to $5.00 Porcelain Crowns .......... . . ..... . ... . ,?3.50 to't$5.00 Gold or Porcelain Fillings .$1.00 UP Silver Fillines ....50 to $1.00; Whalebone or Gold Dust Rubber' Pjiatesi'. . .1.7;.. . . .$10.00 No Charge for Painless Extracting When Other Work Is Done FIFTEEN YEARS' GUARANTEE WITH ALL WORK f Houre 8 a m. to" 8 p. m. ; Sundays 9 to 12. , . FIRST AND MORRISON STREETS COURT ORDERS SOLD . RAFT OF PILES An order for the sale of 700 piles, Trhlch are In several rafts scattered along the Willamette river from Llnn tbn to Oregon Ctty.'was given by Judge ) Morrow In the -circuit court yesterday, j The piling belongs to M. P. , Hume, who : "operates several lumber camps. He has been sued by E. A. Barrlck 6n labor liens amounting to about 1800. The! falling of the river leaves the plies oh i dry land, where they may be lost unless gathered ;up and sold. , v FRISCHK0RN SAYS HE WOULD BAR TIPS! v Fred A, Frischkorn - has announced I his candidacy for constable In the Port- land district. Mr. Frischkorn seeks the Hepubllcan nomination and wants his slogan "to be "A square deal for every one; all services promptly rendered . without tips."' , . , HI IS ...--r ..' :. .' , . . . ''Ii 'III ; YveeK s rpee v acanon at - ,, t ,?r1 Bt, 'ww y w a w m m w k n tp4 1 m m '-i : : ! MJ , I . r. : :r' ..i. . l Miuv fmb 1 --m. life m : w. .-..-v .... y--x-.,.:-y-.-vs..- Low .Rates East . The Northwestern Line wiii sell round trip ticket at special low; rates to all eastern points July 22nd ' and August 8rd. r Two through trains to Chicago. Variable routes. Apply R. V. HOLDER, General Agent, 102 Third street. j ) ronr- ssenger Coupe, i toag- Wheel Base.' Ample Boom. I r Cushion Tires. ' TSo Funotuxes. ' j Frank C. RIgos SITEWTH AUTO. O AX BTS. After July 15 in Our New raokard Ber vice' Bnlldlng', Cornell Boad. Twenty- third and Washington Streets. TELEPHOITES MAIW 4542, A-1137. V- t . WW -rs'"" - v4 t i 0m- - - rr1 p.!:S;L.!Ji -1 -v "1 TRANSPORTATION AND OTHER EXPENSES PAID The RUTH TRUST COMPANY will cntcftam:-you ' .formance. This magnificent offer, which has been - toone of the best times you evef had in all your life,. . accepted' by hundreds already, is Umited..The.week!s 7-expenses paid from the time you 'leave Portland'tiU 'vacation 0ffer will be withdrawn next Mdndav: af ter- you get back home. . This includes a week at the best T . t v - r- ';'nc J b , -Vv .. ... ., , ii noon. If you would like to have a vacation ot this summer resort on the Oregon coast, including all the . , . , J . ... . ... . .. - 'privileges of the hotel. , You will-enjoy the surf,' the 1 - kindas the guest of this company, any time this year golf, the tennis, the canoeing,: the automobile garage, . you wish to take it, the only thing you have to do is- the livery stables' and" the wonderful beach, 13 niiles , " to call or write to the company t once for full par- long. And practically for the. asking, for the condi; :ticulars. One'plan is to fill out and mail thiscoupon -tions we require are simpleprofitable and eas - of per- fat once. ' , IVIaKc Arrangements Now Offer Expires July 25 .MliiiFiMC:, Room 3, Chamber of Commerce , . : Porljand, Oregon -Main-5076 , r: TA-377ri Write for Illustrated BooK RUTH TRUST COMPANY- , Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or.-- - Pleasmail literature and information regarding your FREE VACATION OFFER at once to the un dersigned, i . 7-Name '. ., ; : .Tntirnsl. ' Address Eastern Excursions July 22, August 3, Sept. 8 $ 72.50 ' $ 47.50 1108.60 -J110.00 80.00 ?hJcatro and return. ....... s... ... .,. .,....,., Bt. Louis and return. .t. i ............. . New York and return .,.,.... Boston and return .i... ...... .., ..... St Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth. Vlnnipeg.; Omaha, St, jonepn, Minias uiiy mm inuifi. ..., ....... Ijloerai siop-overs; aiso cnoice t ruuie iuii au uiuiu Ing;. THREE GOOD TRAINS EAST DAILY- thb OBZZOTA& Liairrzo, TBS OBEQOimW, THE SOTTHE ST EXPSESS r Try our Coast Line Service to Tacoma, Seattle, Kverett, Belllngham and Vancouver, B.C.. 10:00 A.L, 6;00 P. M. 11:30 P M All trains from Hoyt St. Station, Eleventh and Hoyt Tickets and sleepinr car ressrvatlons at City Ticket Office, 123 Third street and at depot . K. A. JAOKSOH, ' X. SICXSOIT, A. . T. k F. A. , C. F. k T. A. TelephonesMain 680, A-2286. ' J , Dr. Wythe's Dentists 148 5th St. HIGHEST toKASS OF MATISIAI. Opposite Meier ft rrenk'i Firth street entrance. . Incorporated Under the -J Xaws of the States of " Oreros and WasAlafton. HIGHEST CTaASS OT WOBK Fillings in Gold, Silver, Platinum and Porcelain.'..... . .50c to $J.OO Crown and Bridge Work A$3, $4, $5 I AM MAKIITO A 8FECIAX.TT OF FOBCEtAIW EKIDOE WOBX. ' This Is, without douht, the most ceaatilnL and last work known to dental . soianee. Spaces where one or more teeth" hare seen lost, X replace to look t so natural that detection la impossible.: Ask to see samples of this bean- ? tlfnl wort. . .,'. . , "1 111 Work Done by Graduate Sontlats "Who Thoroughly Undtrstand the Tr. Wythe's System of Painless Dentistry. , rmRICPH Fortland, Or, 18 Fifth' Street. .'ORPICES , Ul-'l-'IVfcSO B.,tUe, WmWIIII Second ATenna. WI r'l wii FULL TEETH $5 N Throiigli is STew I. S. "Bea" Balls A. L, Friday, July SX '. - Sailings Every Five Days, Xlrect to 5AN-FRANCISC0-AND-LQS-ANGCtCS To San Francisco First Class.. ..$10.00, flt.OO, fH.OOSe'cond ( a,i To liOS Angeles First Class.. .V..f 31.60, $33.50, $28.60 Second , 1m , Bound Trip Tickets at Reduced Rates. All Rates Include Meale a" H. O. SMITH, C. T: A., 142 Third St., Main 402, A-140Z. ' " i .. ' J. Xf. RANSOM. Arnt. A in worth !"k. Va .' .BAB FBABOXSOO ft FOBT1AWII ItEAMISHI COMfiSlf 1,1 I to. n JfS ? i r- --