the OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, i LAND, .Il.G, JULY CUILOIfJG PERMITS Nicholi & Son, wreck one itory frame "building, corner East Taylor and First streets; builder, Portland 'Wrecking company; 40i. . , F. A. Chamberlain, erect one tory frame store. East Stark street between Seventy-sixth and Seventy-eighth; build er, name; faOO. 5 D. B. Crawford, repair two story frame dwelling, 690 Firth street between Arthur and Meade; builder, same; $40. J.' Kunnan. repair two story frame dwelling; 484 West Park street corner Clifton; builder. H. Glaze; $1000. ,- A. R. Beekatz. erect two story frame, 1354 East Seventh street be tween Rlg-iren and Magnolia; builder, amt; $2000. ' - F. C. Jstigr, repair two story frame dwelling. 428 HaU street between Elev enth and Twelfth;, builder, same; $150. : A. Meserve, erect two ; story frame dwelling. East Thirteenth street be- twpen Knott and Brazee; builder, same $2000. A. P. Dumond, erect two story frame dwelling, Multnomah street between East Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh; builder, W. H. Slavens; 13500. Mrs. B. Whitiker, erect one story frame dwelling, Willamette boulevard between Gar and Denver; builder, T. A. Baker; $1700.. Annie E. Webber, . erect one story frame dwelling, Winchell street between Delaware' and Burrage; builder, same; H. F. Jeannet, repair on story frame dwelling, Flint street between Tilla mook and Page; builder, same; $150. - G. A. Thompson, erect one story frame dwelling, East Twentieth street between Oak and Stark; builder, same; $1700. W. R. Laldlaw, erect one story frame garage. East Fifty-sixth street between Sandy road and Brazee; builder, same; $200. M. Westegard. repair one story frame dwelling, corner Woodstock and Virginia streets; builder, same: $600, Ik 1. weir, erect two story frame flats. East Twenty-first street between Hawthorne nnd Market; builder, George R. Slater; $S000. ' Mrs. VanDuser, repair two story frame dwelling-, 681 Jaokson street, cor- Iner Nineteenth; builder, same; $600. iuuirnara & Muirnara, repair . two story frame store, Park street between M.ark and Oak; builder, Burkhard & Weaverson; $200. N. O. Nehl. repair one anil one-half story frame dwelling. 1249 Denver ave nue between Burton and Alnsworth; Duiider, v. it. uauey; jzou. M. I McMlnn, erect one" and one-half story frame dwelling, East Forty-eighth street between B razee and Wistaria; builder, same; $2000. - J. A. Becker, repair one story frame dwelling. 82 Killing? worth avenue be tween Michigan .and Missouri; builder, same; $150. .. . , . . . Robert Schuit. repair three storv frame saloon. 315 Second street between Clay and Columbia; builder, Frank Mar ietta; ivu. , B. A. Toiler, erect orie storr frame shed, East Tenth street between Hum boldt and Wygant: builder, same;, $50. Li. ju. Wilkinson, erect one story frome ,hed, Elmore street between Pippin and Kussett; builder, fame; $100. Nottingham .ft Co., repair two story frame warehouse. East Second street between Stark mid Oak; builder, Leon ard & Cq.; $3000. Arnold Myers, erect one story frame dwelling, East Ninth street between Lexington and Bldwell; builder, same $1000. J. O. Morris, erect one story frame dwelling. Patton avenue between Fall lng and Shaver: builder, same- $2000, 'Fred Gamble, erect one story frame store, corner union avenue ana on aver; builder, Johnson & Co.; $800. G. V. Mosher. erect two story frame flats, Eugene street between Union ave nue and Seventh; builder, Velguth & fierce; i4too. , Kate Panck, repair two' story frame dwelling, 844 East Eleventh street be tween Milt and Montgomery; builder, D. Lysen;'-$50. A. J. Scott, repair one story frame dwelling, East Twelfth street between Mason and Shaver: builder, same: $250 J. H. Montgomery,- drive piling for foundation, corner Sixteenth and Jef- Sole Portland Agents for Monarch Vacuum Cleaner See Demonstration Take Lunch Tomorrow in Our 7th-Fl. Tea Room-Good Service Good Music nriiie Greater Meier (H FrsiilLStdre's fferat '--t'M--'-L ------S-.- 00 -Tailored Suits , V $20-Values .$8.88 A STUPENDOUS SALE FOR ONE DAY ONLY Share in tomorrow's bargains from Portland's leading Cloak and Suit store. We offer a lot of 200 suits in serges, Panamas and fancy worsteds. They are for women, juniors and misses. Some are plain tailored styles, others are trimmed with braid or satin. A lare --- - IN' II ll)l,,IJf IJ.IUIIH.LQ .I.LI - )'! y j variety of this season's best selling models, in black, navy, gray, wine, black. and white and fancy mixtures. There is an enormous variety in allr sizes from misses size 11 to 44 bust measure. Regular values (j n run to $20. Choice one day only $0,00 1 . , 111 1 111 . "I m,.,,,..,...,,...,,,,. ... Sight RoHsing Specials From Pare Food Grocery 2-lb. brick -.Codfish on Carolina Head Rice, to-. All our 50c Teas, choice Tillamook Full Cream sale tomorrow for 17 morrow, per pound 8 tomorrow at, pound 4l Cheese, special, lb 22 Eale Brand Condensed Shredded-Wheat Biscuit- Succotash at; can 13 New York Full-Cream Milk, tomorrow, can 15 at, the package only 11 or 2 cans for only 25. Cheese, special lb 27 Special Sale Pore Aluminum Sauce Pans "" i ...... R-gnlar 85cVal 6 Be Aluminum is the most sanitary and durable material in the market for kitchen- utensils ; they are light, strong, easy to keep clean, and better adapted to gas heat than any other metal For tomorrow only we are ofiferinp- a lot of 500-2-quart size, pure aluminum sauce pans. regularly sold at' 85c each, in our: great base- ) ment housefurnishing section, at the low price, ea. il,C mmm Greai Clothing Sale--Every Man's Fancy Suit Reauced--Every Yonng Man's Fancy Suit Reduced-Boy s' Suits Reduced Boys' Wash Suits V2 Great Special Sale of China and Japanese Matting By the Roll orYard ictorl SjeaiBf feir Tteirsday lily Regular l;;?5-.jini;t$3 Pictures at 89c Framed Three groups in this Thursday special in the Picture Department. The first lot is made up of Carbonettes. size 14x16 inches, with two-inch brown oak frames The subjects are artistic copies from old masters, faith-. fully reproduced. The second lot consists of IColor Scenes in gilt frames, size 14x16 inches, while the third lot is made up of Genuine Pastels,, produced by; a famous' artist. in-Ma'rine anascapecenesUnethousandpictar sortment. un sale tomorrow in our Fifth Floor Picture Depart ment. Reeular $L75 and t52 and ferson streets; builder, Thelan C03 Btructton Co.; JHuo. ' J. Sherman, erect one story frame ened. Holladay avenue between Elirlity lton e"d Eishty"thlri1; tullder, same; Ellis Stevens," repair one utory frame saloon, Second street, corner Couch: builder, J. W. Thurnmn; J100. City ot Portland, repair four story tone building;, Fourth etrecf between Madison and Jefferson; builder. BinK ham & McClelland; $300. Ed Holloway, repair two story frame dwelling, Jessup street between Cleve land and Rodney;' builder, same; J400, H. W. Metzger, erect one story frame garage, Park street between College and Hall; builder; Hill & Slavens; $600. . S. Richardson, erect one and one-half story frame dwelling, Jessup street be- i:id. tween Vancouver and Moore; buiMer, $lu00. Sanltoritim Company, erect one Rtory frame garage, Kast ixty-nlnth ptret between Stark and Morrison; builder, same; $100. Paul Schmidt,' erect one story frame shed,. Gray and Duke streets; builder, same; $200. . , S. Moore, erect one story frame barn, East Seventy-ninth street between Hassalo and Multnomah; builder, same; $50. Mrs. Durant, erect one story frame dwelling. Cherry street between Morris and Hasel; builder, O. W. Bolster; $220. I. D. Fontana, erect one story frame shed, East Sixty-eighth street between Pearl and Hoyt; builder, same; $20. . , Robert Warrick, repair two story frame dwelling, 690 Clifton street 'be tween Nineteenth and Twentieth; but!l er, same; $2000. K. 0. Tfifwtara. repair one story fram( dwelling, l loriila street between Wlsi coriMn and Virginia; builder, C. M. Rlea man; t'oO. I- Meade. Estate, repair three storv brio2 hotel, 174 Front street between Mnni, son and Ytfmhill; builder, Ferrell Rouf lng Co.; $200. - ,; . A. B. Long, erect three story brivt "tore. Sixteenth street between Northfl run and Marshall;, builder, John Bingo ham; $22,000. , , , ; j C. J. Wright, erect one story fram' dwelling. 231 Bancroft avenue, betweer $1000 oecoa; Dunaer, Emu Mlllert C. E. Munger, erect one story frame: i j ' my-mira aireei DeTweert """" nauimore; oullder, 11600 ; ; :iiOIll: At every one of the 5 MOYER STORES Boys' Suits ; r KNICKERBOCKER . PANTS i . . : $3.95 SUITS NOW. . . . .'. . L'. ; ,$3.15 ' $5.00 SUITS NOW. ; ........ ;3.65 , ,f .$6.oo suits now. .945 . - , $6.50 SUITS NOW, . .. .$4.G5 : Wash Suits - V - ; HALF PRICE ,. ; . 50c WASH SUITS now;.....;. . 25. $1.00 WASH SUITS, NOW.. 504 . $U0 WASH SUITS NOW 75 $2.00 WASH SUITS NOW....... .1.00 it'1 1 . Men's Suits $30.00 SUITS NOW'. . . .V21.B0 $25.00 SUITS NOW , B18.75 $20.00 SUITS,NOW..; . ;.V.. .....514.85 $15.00 SUITS NOW. . ... ; . ...... . ..r.iis t REMEMBER,'When You See It In Our Ad It's So! .1 1 Third and Oak ' First and Yamhill 89 Third Street . 1st and Morrison 2nd and Morrison m j : Men's ;Pants;i (mth km 'Ml I :i mi m I if . til "J1 1.1 twin h '-.1 -it, r Pay either price arid you get from one to two dollars the best, of the deal, as compared with WicesV shown else. where the pants we sell at $3 beinpr up to the usual $4 standard, and our ?5 line cannot be matched elsewhere . under $7 : Enough variety in pattern 1 to suit any-taste. k ' : - ' - i .--'. f . . , $25. Service Guaranteed Suits at 1 Ourclothcs aremade to bring yoii back again and again, In fact," when once you become acquainted vith our, apparel youTl nevefefiewnere." Our $15 Suits will give service equal in every way.'to those shown elsewhere at $25. J. L. BOWMAN &C0. A Popular Price Clothiers , 4 Fifth aid Alder t t I v . - m -. ;-.,, , i " , , VOWlr j i III