id, wedn:.:i)Ay' t:vi::;i:;g, july r TAT T T A t T . iiij jr a, j KuS i. 4 Ui lij JUUiu. I i:3C:.r.: s j v,t;.;t .ids I I MO BEAVER 12th and Marshall. Furnished for housekeeping, gas" e ectrlc lights, hot water,- bath, laundry, all free; $15 rer month up; a i "an place; best In the city for the Immey; short distance from Ln on depot iTak ,:S" or 16th st. cars north, get otf ut Marshall at No dogs. .. W0LL- furnished housekeeping rooms; I 2, g month; 3 for 113; furnished cot :1asre; large rooms. 820; lower flat, 4 tifi si sKth N. (west side river). w car irom depot, om or otnun vu 2tith; block north. UNEONTA" apartments, 187 17th near Yamhill. (Take W car at depot). 2. 3 and 4 room furnished JUltes. -',. Hot and cold. Phones and baths free. $20 pe month. 5 per week and up. Mala 4697, A-4739. $2.75 week, 2 housekeeping rooms above storeroom; shady big yard; also 1 nicely furnished hmisekeenini room, $2.75 week; bath. 241 16th st. N. $1.75 week, large clean furnished house keeping rooms; laundry, bathrgas, clean linen, lit Sherman, South. Port land. muv irT rwia fiirFiiuhwl housekeen- ing' rooms with all conveniences. $10 and up, central location, ovait "" THETneWCASTLK, 402 3rd; furnished hniiftekeenine rooms: ires uama. phone, hot water. " HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' EAST SIDE 48 Tiooro fiat i room, furnished for housekeeping; bath and gas. $15 166H E. 20th st. Phone Sellwoofl 1176 furnished houaekeep. Ing rooms; laundry, bath, heat, yard, hon.. clean linen. 408 Vancouver ave. TV, . , ... " , i FOR RENT -HOUSES " 12 Greater Meier & Frank Store Rental & Information Bureau Unmt' Viuntflra. visit our modern, com pletely equipped Information depart ment, fourth floor, main building, and note the vacant houses and flat on our list. You'll save time in getting properly and comfortably located. We keep, in touch with all the vacant flats and .11 nortn nf the ritV. We have thb combined lists of all the real estate agents in the city, we aiso nave - n of all new buildings in course of con struction. If You Want to Rent a House Se& Usi " PORTLAND HEIGH IS 1 ..: BUNGALOW n .nr Una. henutiful VieW Of City, river and Mt. Hood. In first classdls- trict, 6 rooms with bath, on first noor s umall bedrooms on. second floor: cement basement and wash trays below, $30 per month, . . " TNn t rttahtttcy CO.. M 'RRO. 122W 6th St. A-1550. whm ikou move youn neefl new ru ntturs. . Buy Judiciously and your in will ovw1 , movinif sinenses, . Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture nous i ,lt ,l la than t-sffft " aaVS. .-."',.';' Lookers shown tarn courtesy as buy MORGAN-a 2CHLBT FURNITURE CO. . :J.rn ava nr Stark - SL East Ankeny and RuBBell-Sbaver Cart pass our poor, trnn -tcntt Mndm 9 room bouse on . Union ave.; Holladay addition; close in; beautiful grounds, plenty of roses and fruit. Also m,ce, mouern uaru, w aonable rent. ' n'RRTRN REALTY CO.. Lewis bldg.r 4th and Oak Bts. CLEAN modern 9 room house, unfur nished; yard, iruit, vegeiaDies, uuiev, olvhrlu riolirlihnrhnod. near In. OCCU- pants 4 rooms will remain if agreeable. r.Ho front, wain dio. FREE rent in Gregory Heights, Grea- orv Investment Co. Eud of Rose City Park car' line. VAR RKNT-Modern 7 room house best location, nice garden. Phona East 6845. - FOR RENT Modern 7 . large yard.' $15 month, K," Jiontavllla. room house, 615 & 74th 4 room house, some yard. 480 East Grant, corner 9 th. Phone Tabor 281. $10 month. : 1 NEW 7 room cottage. lO.miutes' walk efst of S. P. car shops, for rent rea sonable. Fhone Beuwooq zp.- MODKRN 8 room house, E Pine near 13th. Addreps ago MaiBey, u-ziou. 4 ROOM house, large yard. Inquire 398 Thompson $105 room cottage, good condition ana - location. Main 8586 or m aji HALF of barn and entire floor of rooms, bath. S. Portland. A-2564. FIVE room cottage for rent, with yard, $25. 445 7th, lift and un, Rooms 4-7. 227 Gibba, BIX room modern house, with yard, 184 Mason, near Commercial, fiv. HOUSES FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 KKlABr.T naw furniture S room house, . acr ground;' lots of garden, 80 full blood chickens lease, rent $8. Price $140. Call 88th and B. Oak, or address box 258, Montavllla, R. F, U wo. I. t.'fi 7 ROOM "modem house for ren . furniture for sale cheap; cor. E. $4th and Lincoln, rnone xanor una FURNISHED HOUSES 88 FURNISHED cottage, $20; lower 4 room flat, $16 month; two housekeeping rooms $10 month; west side river. Apply 864 N. 26th. W car from depot, 5th or Morrison to 26th, block north. HANDSOMELY furnished house with nice yard in choice residence district on east side. Inquire John-H. Burgard (t. Co., 373 Vvc street, 8 room house, Montgomery street, near llth. for terms see Fred B. wuuams, 82 M, First. HOUSE for rent furnished, rent reason able. 73s mnmby St.. isa at. car. FOR RENT FLATS 13 NEW. modern 4 room flat, corner Wll llama -ave., end Fargo. - Inquire 290 ' rRr- "One KSBt 330n, 6 ROOM modern' .flat.' large and con i-enlent, 771 Mississippi aveu, "ti" car, Inflnlre week days. 1 MODERN lower flat. In Irvinaton. In quire 406 E. 10th st. N. blocks -Hroidway car, or phone East 6608 MODERN flat. Inquire 314 Vat . Eugene St., or phone East 6608. ' NEW modern 3 and. 6 room flats, east Bide, central. Marshall 1445. FURMS11ED FLATS 60 COMPLETELY futnlehed room mod. ern flat.. Call 698 Hoyt st.j-walking ciarance. B'm neipruuurnooa. " NICELY furnished 4 room flat, .modern piano, electric ngnt, U., 1505 Oneon ta St., vvooaiawn. SUJ1MEK RESORTS. -A SMALL house for rent for the bal ance of the season, $30. Inquire .of Mrir jamw jyjaney, ptmvtew, waait, i& COTTAGES to .rent at . Sea view. a. HettKemper, o Morrison st. APARTMENTS 43 V "THE WASHINGTON" . ' "W" car to 21st and Horthrup. ' Beautiful .6 room apartments furnished- and unfurnished, with all mod . ern conveniences, bath, telephone, i hot and cold water, steam, heat, refrigera tor, gas range, gas, electric light Jani tor service, etc, iVVellingtorr Court Beautiful 2. 8, 4 room furnished .apartments, steam heat, free phone, Janitor service, - rent reasonable. 15th ana civereti stB. Main 124b. THE RE-TJKAN APARTMENTS Mar shall between 19th and 20th; elaborJ ately furnished, all tha latest Improve ments, ideal locution, $30 up. See these ,.Vn dfckiing on others, , , . 43 ' LOI5 APARTMENTS. , 704-706 Hoyt St. New brick apartments now ready for occupancy; 2. 3 and 4 room suite, pri vate bath, phone, electric and firelesri cookers, electric lights, larpe sleeping porches, stenm heat, beautifully fur nished; janitor service; references re quired. Piione Marshall 2010. STORES AND OFFICES 11 STORE building, with or without living rooms; good location lor. home and business; rent reasonable. Inquire E. Elliott & Son, Oregon City. FOR RENT; ground floor office space, southwest corner Front and Ankeny streets. Apply, phone Main 422. FEW nice offices in the Couch and Ohnmhers bljar. 601 Couch bldg. DESK room for rent. , 317 Alisky bldg. WANTED TO, RENT WANTED Furnished 3 or 4 room house on West Bide, with aas. for $15 by, July 24. Call or write 680 Second st., room 7. THREE to five room furnished apart- . ment or cottage for summer, modern, west aide preferred; give particulars. V-684. Journal. nOKSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 Horses, -Wagons & Harness . S FOR, SALE. Having bought thp Merchants' Ex press company's outfit and all of Mr. Schuldevman's mall wagons, we will sell all .or.part at a very reasonable price; we also keep all kinds of horses on land for sale; all of our horses are guar anteed to be as represented or . money refunded. Hawthorne Stables, 420 Haw thorne ave. ... . . ' Wanted---Teams . ,- - Ffeavy teams, handled bv owners can find steady employment at high wages, also in winter, with Edlefsen Fuel Co, barn and office foot of Russell st. s FOUR head work horses, with new har ness; 1 mule, weight 900 lbs.; must be sold at- once; -party leaving city. Watchman. Hawthorne Park. E. 12th and Madison. ' j -, B'OR RENT Large barn, suitable for business. situated feed and livery near isase Line road, Montavilia ; reason able; or will sell cheap. Inquire at 333 12th St., or phone A-3755. REWARD will be paid for the return or large tan Collie dog. Answers to the -name of -Charley . White collar. rich glossy body. W. L. Fulmer, 699 eonuyier, -fnone k. 4i6S or Main 8900. HORSES and tugmes Tor rent by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. 6tb and Hawthorne, iJsrt It. SPAN good horses and "harness; 1 span mules and harness for sale: int off government work. Empire ' Stable. 720 12th St., cor. Jefferson FOR SALE One team of large eastern mules. Inquire 6.. W. Lawrence, Portland Lau.idry Co.'1' ,. , . CARLOAD young horses, 800 to 1200 lbs., reasonable prices. ' Mt. Scott car to Nashville station.' 8 blocks west. TOP delivery wagon for sale, cheap; in good - condition. S Pucker," Union ave. cor. Yamhill. . - - HORSES bought, sold and hired; also several good stalls for rent at 270 E. 6th st. ' BUY Kellers Guaranteed Harness, 49 NORTH SIXTH ST. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY S3 PHILO'S all metal 60 egg hatchers; have more than will use this winter; will sell one new Cycle hatcher for $6.50. Two for. .$12. One brooder hatcher for $8.60 or two for $lj R-688, Journal. . - TWO cholue Jersey family cows, have oeen lesiea; e gallons dayi pargaln. 165 E. 78th st. S.. lontavilla. FOR SALE sa tuberculosis tested ualrv cows. Sea MnkAl-RruriA Cn.. stockyards. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 Tentsl - Tents! . Tents! And camp outfits of all kinds; also a large assortment of all kinds nf house hold furnishings gold on the installment pian, too, ; Western Salvage Co, . 627, 629, 631. 33, 635 Washington Bt OFFICE FURNITURE FOR SALR ComDlete office furniture. 2 fl tnn and one typewriter desk, 2 swivel and 4 office chairs, all light colored oak, 1 No. 6 Underwood typewriter, 1 large City wall- man. 1 , floor riisr all DAW, Also one 33x37x48 inch National safe. nere is a Dargain lor you. 626 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 1567. FRENCH automatic card press, 20 fonts type ana caoinet with lull equipment v, bia uugucr mniva uig money with this press, price $300. will take 1100 down, balance easy payments, work turned out should soon pay ' balance. rvwni oo coucn oiag, FOR SALE Two fine new house boats, -18x40;. best on the Columbia river; finished fine, and very cheap; also one speed launch, new, 25 foot 4 foot 8 inch bearn.v 11 h. p.; something fine; price $300. . Address, E. Wells, Carrol- ton; waii. BARGAIN in wood About 60 cords fir, cut and piled, - second - growth- and windfalls, one block from electrio and S, Pacific tracks, near Portland, at $1.50 a cord on the ground, 808 Board Trade bldg. Main 8407. Evenings. Main 6751. SENAC A camera; almost new: 4iAx81i Plates or films; triple convertible lens F. 4. 'Double extension for long distance views or portraits. Soliit leather case. $16. regular price $27. Adams. 362 Park, Marshal 2021. NEW and seoona , nana pom anC bll- liard tables bought and sold on easy terms. . Bowling alleys, refrigerators for immediate delivery. Address, the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 46 6th. FOR SALE Half batch Smith ,concrete mixer, good condition. Further par ticulars write N, W. Ball, Wenatchee, Wash. '' - , IflOO to 1600 cords first growth fir, 7 miles from 3d and . WanhliScrtnn-' a blocks from station on electric carllne. pee uennison. Gerlinger bldg. BRAND NEW 6x7. view camera outfTt cheap for cash. Call after 6 p. m., room 9, The Cottagp. 6th and Flanders. ELEGANT . solid mahocanv bedroom , uiro, ivib I tuv, Buuriuue 9iow jrnone taai t3vi or A-1B14. , - FOR SALE At Leitrim kennels, Aire dale pups of- the purest strain, by Charles R. Campion. Phone Tabor 125. MOTOR 'boat for sale Tabor 1818.- . cheap. Phone $10. Singer sewing machine with at tachments. Call 883 E. Morrison. , FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 41 CITY BICYCLE HOSPITAL New and second hand ' motorcycles for . sale. Repairing ; a specialty. 189 Morrison' Bt'. Phone Main 1909. SECOND hand phonograph machines and records bought sold and ex changed, 1B0 8dBt., ONE 1910 model "T" Ford touring car, complete. - - As good as new: - can be had at a bareain. 628 Henry bldg. musical Instruments si TORK BAND STRUMENTsT' From the "House of York." ' The Chas. E. York Band Instrument and Musio House. ' " ' ."Special Distributing Agents." ill. 88 8(1 st" 450 Weber piano; almost new; will sell for $176. Home day and evening. Bal lantyne. 226 Fifth et WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED People ef Portland to know '-that w"pay-highest cash price for second " hand household goods, seater ft Guwtavson. 143 Russell East !662. OLD auto tires 7o per. lb.; old rubbsr boots and shoes 8c per lb. J. Leve, 186 Columbia st. Main 5198. HIGHEST price paid tor 2nd hand fur nltnre.. Fhone Marshall-2344. SPOT cash 'paid for your '. rurnlva; prompt attention' always given, E. 1067;LLixr.cr3 5 I AM engaRlng in other business and want a good party to manage restaur ant for me. must be willing to take in? Jerest in businosa should it prove a good thinir; easy payments, if you're ffood at the business. W-6S6. Journal. lii;' our prloe on your runuture, as it will pay you. We want the goods, ravage and Penndl, 351-8 1st at. Ualo 8ti0. Lm WISP1; set more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., Ill 1st . Main 8951. A-2445. FINANCIAL 51 Quick loans on furniture and pianos, storage receipts, life insur ance policies, , livestock, real estate, etc. u. S. Heal Estate & Brokerage CO;t 312 Hamilton bldff. Main 2084. 000 first mortgage for Bale, 3 years, 7 per cent. Hartman-Thompson, Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOANS WANTED SO WANTED $1200 loan on 8 room modern ; house,' - excellent location. , v-o&a, J irnal. MONEY TO LOAS 7 . HUTTON CREDIT CO. . s An Easy Money Proposition Money is easy to get if you know where to get it. We have ready money at all times and you can get from $10 to $100 on your jalary, furniture, piano, storage receipt, real estate contracts, etc., at half the usual rates, We loan on the easy payment pla the plan that helps you and gets you out of debt: you get the cash, all you ask for, and repay in amounts you can conveniently spare each pay day. 1 Will remove to 807 Spalding bldg. when completed, corner 3d and Wash ington sts. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 61$ Dekum Bldg. Phone Main 8369. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES, $!0 TO 1 $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10 repaid In installments of ......$ .45 $20 repaid in Installments of -.90 $60 repaid in installments of , 2.00 Larger amounts in proportion All we require Is your personal note; no mortgage, - no lndorser or security; everything strictly confidential. STATE SECURI1 Y CO., 308 Falling bldg. THB CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. . 402 Rothchlld bldg.. corner 4th and Washington. The tecognlzed bank of the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer ot employe can ob tain money of us on his note Without security. $16 return to ua....,.,..f 4.00 a month $80 return to us... t 8.00 a month $50 return to us.,.....-. .$13.36 a month Confidential : no unpleasant inquiries. Special rates) ' on- pianos, furniture, etc. MONEY advanced salaried peopie, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, eaaiest payments; offices in 68 prtncl- ciues; save money ny getung our arms. Tolman. 817 Lumber Exchange. CASH paid for mortgages or seller's interest in contracts on real estate in Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negoti ated on Improved property. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg., 6th and Stark. TOUR CREDIT Is good at the Employes' Loan Co, $21 Abington, 10414,, 3d st. WE LOAN money oo Oiamunda and jew- elry at reasonable interest for long or short time. All! Delovage, Jewelers, $69 Washington st $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKemtie It Co., Gerlinger bldg.. .. and Alder. MONEY to loan, any amount 6 to per cent Goodnoueh ft Belts. 718 Board of Trade. MONEY to loan on city or farm prop erty. E. K. Hickson. D17 Hoard oi Trade bldg. ' . MONEY to loan on Portland real estate. Harding & Reynolds uo.. Sis cnamner of Commerce, MONEY to loan on Improved city prop- erty. William AlcAiaster, iiuz wor cester block. MONEY to loan, large foans a specialty, building 'loans; lowest rates; fire in surance, w. i. bock, sis railing;. ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, firs insurance. ai aneriucax viug ANY part $66,000 to loan at 6 per cent SUMS of $2000 . upward on real estate uooaara e weiuncn. ta ouirav- LOAN for the asking, salary or chat, tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. QUICK loans on all securities. 8. W. King. 4$ Washington Dldg. Main 6100. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Pocketbook, $100 In gold, $10 in - paper, some .email change, Mt Tabor car or Water St., East Morrison, b:jw p. m., Monday. Return to Mrs. Potts, 887 3d st Reward. LOST In the City park. July 17, a lady's umbrella, marked B. L C. on handle. Please return to W. Rex Bish op, care Honeyman Hardware. Reward. FOUND Large bunch of , keys on street Owner identify, pay aa. Kightlinger, elevator. Chamber o 'X I Corn- msree. LOST Man's coat with account boqk in pocket. Please notify F. D. Cham berlain, Labbe bldg., city. LOST A check for $34.88. Finder please notify Main 8488. Reward, NOTICES. 28 SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BY REF F.PRiii v virtue of that certain de cree and order, of sale of the circuit court of tha state ox uregon ror xauu nomah county, made and given on the 16th day of July, 1910, In case No. 7048. wherein Eliza J. Dalton. Hannah T. McGrath and John T. McGrath, her hus band, are plaintiffs, and Mary Fillacy and Frank H. Fillacy are defendants: I, John H. Stevenson, sole referee,, will sell at the west courthouse door of the eourthoueeof Multnomah county. Ore gon, in Portland, on August 24, 1910, at the hour of half past 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, to the highest bidder, for cash, lots numbered three (3) and four f41. in block nine (9). in East Port land Heights, now within the corporate limits or ths city or Portland, Multno mah countv. Oreaon. subieot to confir mation of said sale by the above' named court. - ...The abstract of title of said real prop erty can be seen and examined at my office, 421 Mohawk building, southeast corner of Third and Morrison streets, Portland, Oregon. - ' . Dated and .first published at Port land, Multnomah county, Oregon, this 20th day of July, A. D., 1910. JOHN H. STEVENSON. Hole Referee. SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Blf R"Ef EREE By virtue of that certain de cree and order of sale of the circuit court 'of the state of Oregon for Mult nomah county, mads and given on the 16th day of July, 1910, in case No. 7049, wherein Eliza J. Dalton, Hannah T. McGrath and John G. McGrath, her husband,' are plaintiffs, and Frank H. Fillacy and Mary Fillacy, his wife, and John Donnerberg are defendants, I, John H. Stevenson, sole referee, will sell at the west courthouse door of the court house." of Multnomah county, Oregon, in Portland, on August 24, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m of said day, to the highest bidder, for cash, lots numbered one (1) and two (2) in block nine (9), in East Portland Heights, now within the corporate limits of the city. of Portland, Multnomah county, Oregon, subject to confirmation of said sale by the above entitled court. ''., The abstract of title of said real prop erty can be Been and examined at my office, 421 Mohawk building. sou.Ueast corner of Third and Morrison streets, Portland, Oregon. Dated and first published at Port land, Multnomah county, Oregon, this 20th day of July, A. D.. 1910. JOHN H. STEVENSON. Sole Referee, NOTICE Of -'"sfocWiriTTfilrif rrieeffng Notice is hereby alven that the annnnl meeting of the stockholders of the Mid jway Oil company will be held at the office of the company,. 224 -Stark at. Portland, Oft, at 3 o'clock p. m. on Wed nesday, the 2Pth day of July. 1910, for the purpose of electing a board of di rectors, and for-the transaction of such other business as may legally come be fore the meeting,-A. E. -DAVIS, fciecy, Nonci:3 NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET insr The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Coeur d'Alene Develop' ment Company, for the election of ft' board of directors for the ensuing year, ana ror trie transaction or such otner business as may resularly come before them, will be held at the office of tha Company, rooms 601 -to 604 Chamber of Commerce building, Portland, Oregon, on August i, isiu, at io o ciock a. m. GEORGE F. HOLMAN," Secretary Coeur d'Alene Development . Company. ; - ' Portland, Oregon, July1 T, 1910. .' ! FKRSONAli S3 IEI I PAY WHEN CURED " The Pacifio Coast Medical Co. The leading Specialists of Port land, no Money required to com- mence Treatment We treat all cnronle nervous and complicated 'diseases of men.. Our methods , are modern and up to date. We want to talk or write to every man in Portland end the North west, who is a sufferer. In the treatment of Diseases . of men, we acknowledge no superior. 'We will - tell you all about your case without charge,' and you need not take treatment unless you wish to do bo. Sepa- . rate parlors. Pacific Coast Medi cal Co., cor. 1st and Washingtdn ats., Portland, opposite City Mar ket, If unable to call, write for list of questions. Office hours, i l in. to S p m.; Sunday, 10 a, m. to l p. m. ' $40,000 office equipment, li treating 'rooms in the moat expensive and fin est equipped private office in America; 4 years' practice in Portland and never Llost a patientr thousands of testimonials irom tnose wno nave oeen savea irom operations every modern method known to man is used W save life and cure disease. The methods used are radium. X-ray,, violet light, electricity, heat, hot ovens, baths, etc. Free lectures Wednes day evenings. Dr. W. E. Mallory, 813 Kotncmid mag. DR. ALICE A. GRIFU. Diseases of women and children ex- clurlvely; Women are often saved se vere surgical operations ny consulting me. Nervous diseases 01 children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions, conimemests carea tor. cor respondence . solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones, Mala 8928, A-6607 Office rooms 10, Grand Theatre bldg. Washington and. Park.. ',,:"-s-"" Mtn Cured Oiickly Modern lectrle treatment for .diseases or the prostate, nervous debility, piles, etc. W. t Howard, M. D., 804-6 KOtb- chll bldg.. 4th and Washington. - DR. LEWIS. Phvslclan and sureeon: treats women and children exclusively; private hos pital aocommooations: , examinauona free.- Main 4047. A-2411. 606 Common wealth bldg.-, 8th and Ankeny. Noxall Foot. Remedy Will cure the worst of stmking and tender feet; a.t your druggist; price 25 cents. GERMAN books, maaasines. novels, etc, uerman. isngiisn, rrencn. apanisn. Swedish and Italian dictionaries: for eign books of all . kinds. Schmale Co 329 1st St'-'"- .', DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 1st. Port- lanrt. - - - "-- - MEN When weak, nervous or despond. ent, use Bexoid Pills as a bracer: re stores lost vigor: price $1 per box, boxps for 5. T. J. Pierce. 311 Alisky. SANDERSON CO'S Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods. Vi per dox or a coxes xor $&. T. J. fierce, mi Aiisny niag, LIQUOR and drug habits permanently cured in 8 days; ho Buffering. Cardi- ola Institute, 1627, peninsula ave., Port land, ur. WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected m it minutes; rree aemonstrations. 9 Selling-Hlrsch bldg Main 8271. SEE Thomas Kay for confidential re- . ports secret Marshall' 258. service. McKay bldg. WOMEN Use Femoids when others rail; sold ana guaranteed by the Aus plund Drug Co.. 110 N, 6th st, Main- 8106 OCCULT, new thought, liberal, sclen- ttflo books. Jones Book Store, $84 Oak st DR. T. J. PIERCE. Specialist Diseases . of women? all irregularities corrected; no exposure. Call or write 311 Alisky. BATTLE Creek Baths, ladies days,- men nignts. in urexei otei m. 1938. BALM of figs, remedy tor diseases of women. 629 Belmont Bt East 2498. 6EXINE Pills only 75o box. Call or ad- . dress Bridge fnarmacy, 18 Morrison. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Moorehouse & Co.; 411 Wash, st ABksATERS WELL8 ft PROEBSTEL, assay era, ana- lytlcal chemists. 204 H Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testing work, n 186 Morrison. ATTORNEYS CHR1STOPHERSON ft MATTHEWS. . General practice. 411-12 Buchanan bid. BICYCLE REPAIRING NEW, secondhand wheels, repairing, key, safe and lock work. Hummer. 13$ 10th. BUSINESS CARDS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 109 Id st Blank books rn'f g; agts. for Jones! Improved Looae-Leaf ledgers: see .the new Eureka, leaf. ' A-S 1 83. Main 181. WARS EN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, 'Sidewalks and cross ings. 317 Beck bldg. TIN - roofing, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. Losli, 212 Jeffer son st. Main i42t. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office,. 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all kinds of in surance, surety bondsvMcKay bldg. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST Rug Works Rugs from om carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 153Unlon ave., near E. Morrison. WE ft'esve rag carpets, bath room rugs, .etc. 1518 Patton ave. Woodlawn 2685. CHIROPODISTS. a CHIROPODY AND PEDICURIN3 Mrs. M. L. Hill. 429 Flledner oiug. CLEANING AND DYEING PHONE MAIN 8081 ' To call for your suit to be sponged and pressed by one who- understands .the business. The Elite Cleaning & Press ing Works,'813 3d,-corner Clay. COAL AND WOOD Wood, Coal and Dry Slab WESTERN FUEL COMPANY, t7 K. Morrison. East 226. B-1026. SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO.. Main 2153, A-3842. - Dry Inside wood, freeo slabwood, clean sawdust for bed in g, cut fuelr blockwood. WK WILL saw'vour wood promptly. -Phonr Marshall t""CascaiJe "Woodyard." ST EEL Bridge Fuel Co.. wood and coat Phone C-1773. E. 424. - SHORT -dry board wood, $3.60 per load, Phone Marshall 1906. CFDAR block $1.60 for 30 days. Phone, Main-2153 A-3842. 4 foot fir cordwon,! SfiRO dellv- eretd. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones. 110 01 REAL ' ESTAXEf DiREGTOnY. NAME ' , ADDKESS Buker, D. M., CHt. Farm Property 3"8 Corbett Bldj.. Hi-..i,.-Kla.i1- rnmninf ......110 pe,nd Bt...... KrnhSiTn. i' 60$ Butterworth-StephensoB Company, Ine Card Realty Inrestment Co. Conk & Co.. B. S Chapin ft Herlow. . ... ...........fl Hue, D. V. Co. (Woodstock)..... ; 'S""":".""1 iuon ..uwooa mi Hobart MarabalL Farm. City Property.... .Bnpm T.SCOH Alder.. Main ft71 Ronrk. Oennre 'ATlColonisitloa) " ifboe BMg.. ..Main 19 Knapp it Ma'riey "-"w&or of Cnmroeroa. ...Main and A-SulO (ifltati Heal Estate Co.. Th......"",",l'nd At. and MultnomaU... . Est OT, C-170S S.-halk, Oeorea O....,." ..,.,..,..228 Stark, Bt..... Mala 802. A-2.TOJ Phlelda 1 H.. .,... Qarllnirer Bld Main M30 Thompiib, M. E. Co.. ....Henry Bldg., 4thOak M. 8064. A-3S27 COAL AKD WOOD NOTICEsr eci al SLAB Yf 00D GREEN SHORT WOOD, per l?ad..I2.sJ GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. $2.53 INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load ... .$8.60 BLOCK wood, per loao .. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. Tile Portland Siacwfcoa oj Main 8119. A-7001. " Pacific slabwood co. . Dry Inside wood, per load. $3.50. Biiiall dry inside wood, per load. $2.60. Green short slabwood, per load, $2.60. Planer trimmln, $3: blockwood, per load. $4.. . rnones Main , a Yamato Wood and Coal Company Charcoal PROMPTLY DELIVERED Wood Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st White di Benson Fuel Co, 416 Knit Morrison. East 914. Formerly O. K. Wood and Coal. Yard. A. H. EdlefBen, tha fuel man Ch. of Com merce, sens antnraciteana catinei; i isa cheaper grades of coal and dry wood. COLLECTIOS WHO DOES YQUR COLLECTING 7 If I don't let me. Current and delinouent -accounts. Rents collected for outside owners. Best rate; reliable; references. Armstrong Collection Agency, Z Lumbermens bldg, M. Z488, A-Z-1S8. CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 7U Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Portland Collection Ai tenoy All kinds 317 Alisky bldg, ot- (tents collected. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists collections onlv. L. Pinckney White. Main 6074; A-7026. , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CUMMINGS & CATLIN Building in every branch of the building trades: jODDing, remoaeiing, repai ig a npeciai ty; show cases, counters, shelving, etc, Office and shop S71 1st st' Phone Mar shall ,2327.. WILLIAM F1SHBECK, carpenter and builder, lobbing and contracting. 306 4th. Main 6241. FOR cement work, plastering, brick work and excavating call on Olson. Marshall 1441. A-4020. FOR cement wbrk, : plastering, .brick work, excavating, call on uison. Marshall 1441; A-4020. DANCZNO WALTZ, two-sten. staee danclnfe. lea sons 25c; now opening summer classes tonight- Prof, wal Wlllson's school, 886 Wash. Bt. bet. W.,Park and 10th. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Motors for rent or sale. Pacifio Eleo trlo Engineering Co., 218 Second st ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. M- V. Hill. 4S f Meaner. LEATHER A FINDINGS CHA8. L. M ASTICK ft CO- 74 Front Leather of every description; Up m aufacturers. findings. LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library, 186 6th, bet ' Taylor and Yamhill. Books So per day. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and , marine; electrio equipments; launches, . accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrisoa BIOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES Laemmle Film Exchange handles all kinds .notion picture supplies, new or second hand machines, parts, films, slides. Over 'Pantages theatre, Portland, Or; (Independent.) PARTS, complete machines, films, song slides, films, reasonable. 626 Washington st" . MUSIC TEACHER- PIANO lessons; special rates to pupils beginning during summer. Telephone East 1171. - .. -:, : . E. THIEI HORN rtrt1 1 n tan rVkaf .nil iba AAAAM '-V : wwM vhviivM I Sevcik. Mar. 1629, A-4180. 900 Marquam PIANO, violin, , cornet, mandolin. EL A. Smith. 292 1.2th at. Prot OSTEOPAXHrj PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELL- PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronlo diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Main 8061. DR. SMITH, graduate Kirksvlll. Mo.. 1898; post grad. 1907, 3l Swetland bldg. DR. F. J. BARR, A. R U., 207 Mohawk bldg.,' 3d ana Morrison aaain tu. PAINTING AND PAPKULNG FOR painting, tinting, paperhanglng, phone' East 1366.' All work guaran teed satisfactory. t PAINTING, tinting, PhonS East .093. ' C-2398. A. Osburn ,886 E. wash, et FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. Doane, 104 Union. Both phones. FAINT. OIL AND GLASS RA8MUSSEN ft CO.. "High Standard paint he. cor, 2d ft Taylor. M. A-177L F. E. BEACH & CO. Pioneer Paint Co., : 136 ISt St. M. ia.14, A-IU44. PATENT ATTUKXEYB HANDROOKS tor inventors free: tells how to obtain and value of patents, trademaa-ks registered. Beeler ft Robb, l((-15l Mcuiu mus.. vraBfiinyion, u. u. INVENTORS' free book. J. K Mock. 419 Board of Trade (late U. S. patent off ce. R, C. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign paN nts: infringement cases. su4 IJsKum. PRINTING Xoers of clever ibings with type and Ink on paper." 14,1 1st THE EAGLE PRINTING CO.. not In trust; close figures, good work.$01 Goodnough bldg. Phone Main 4;:l. SHOWCASES AXP FUCTURES SHOWCASES- of every description; j bank, bar and store fixtures made to oror. -me luiks Mig. v;o. THE JAMES 1. MARSHALL MFG. CVA. new end old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures, zss conch. M. zvoi. RUtfBER STAAU'5 AND SEALS BTENCIL8 an-off 1c -station r,---Clin- ninguanr Co.. zii Btara, Main iwi, S1UJN AJU BliOlV CAKUS FOSTER ft KLEISBIR. aims: the lar. , cat sign makers In the northwest; 6th and Everett sts. 'Phoh Prlv. Ex. 66, Home A-1166. . ' j "8TGNS THAT ATTRACT" Pnrtlam - Sign Co., $ Stark. Pacific 1696. - , TriLEPRONR-.A-4-(!i2. Main 71, ud A-2.' McKay Bide. .Windsor DlghU, Mala B49 o imyem mdf...atb and Wuah. Mam w.n J5!? J?5r 3M Mnrrtall 1W7, A-n'f 6l? Corbett iMg. Main W3. tnamber of rommerce...,.,......Maln rLUMBING AND GAS FITTING THE most essential part of plumbing is good work. It avoids after-expense. We guarantee our work. Independent Plumbing Co., 220 Grand ave. E. 953. SURVEYOiU. VALTER M. OBER. platting, subdlvld ing and topographical maps a spe 4alty. 160 E 2$th st N. B-2099. SAFES THB Mosler Safe Co- 10$ 3d at Safes at factory, prices; ; repairs, lockouts opened; bargain in second hand safes. SHINGLES BEST In ' Portland. Bee them. ' 201 Washington st S. E. Gilbert XOWEL BUPrLT f LEAN towels daily,1 comb, brush, soap, $1 per month. .Portland Laundry & Towel Supply Co- 9th and Couch sts, I bone Main 410. A-4410. BSSBSSS TRANSFER AKD ORACH ' Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. . Transfer and forwarding agents. - etoraaa. free trackage. Office. 810 Hoyt st bet 6th and 6 tb. rhoaem Mam , a-ii. - - C. O.. PICK Transfer & Stojage Co., of fice and i com odious 4 story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables: north west corner $d and Pine ats. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipc menu Mam , Aie CLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. V tl 1 A LI aJUSlQI SA BBt.S8 BP-.a-ivy pianos and furniture moved, packed and -a1 1-onafA aM arfl.e m. safflB snippen. zvv uaat at. jnsin oi, A-zzr. INDEPENDENT Baggage ft Transfer Co. Storage, 324 Stark. Main 407, A-41b9, TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun ningham Co.. $31 Stark. M. 1407. VETURIXARUK DR. A. G. SMITH. V. 8.. U.' & EUbles, 148 Front Main 4158. Res. Main 1803. DR. L. R. DILLON, Hawthorne avenue Btanies, East 72. 67. b-isbs. WALL PAPSS: HOUSE painting, paper banging, tinting, and the goods that go with them, E. H. Moorehouse & Co., 411 Wash, st WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDINU ft FARRELL, produce and commission meicnants. 140 Front st. Portland, ur. fnone Main n. M. A GUNST A CO- DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OR. WAPHAHfl A CO.. WhnlesalA vrocera manufacturers a4dcdffee roaster. 4th ana UU BtB. , ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES. BANK- GCBMAN-AMERICAN BAKE Portland. Or. Corner Slxta and Waahlngton Bta. Trana- F, kw.i Honij uruiiui uu.iucH. vraiLa lmaed available In all tb principal cities of to unitea niim ana siarope, roar per cent interest paid on savings accounts, Safe da- poalt vanlta, ; '- - BONDS AND INVEST3LENTS OBRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Com merce B. ldlng. Monldpal, railroad and pubUe aervloe corporation boad. TRANSPORTATION Includlns Berth and Meals SUMMER EXCURSIONS " , via Smooth "Inside Pauage" . . Twelve delightful excursion! from Seattle to ALASKA and back cheaper than . .. laying at home. ; , Don't wait until tamrt arm tWdT oat Write atrich for detail and monationo Pacific Coast Steamship Co. 24S Washington St PORTLAND ColumbiaUivcrScencry ' Fast Excufslon Steamer . - CHAS, R. SPENCER Leaves daily except Wednesday, 8 a. m., For Hood River and way landings and return leave Hood River, 2:30 p. m.; arrive foriiann a p. m. SUNDAY -jr.CUT ISZONS Leaven 9 a. returns. 6:30 p. m. First Class Meals 8erved. Fare, One Dollar Round Trip Up-town Office, 89 6th et. Phones Marshall 1979. A-1293. Landing and Office, Foot Washington at ruunes. iviain oi, a-2465. Lowest Ratos to Picnic Parties. E. W. SPENCER. OWNER. The Open Blver Transportation Company Str. J. N. TLAL ror THE DAZiZJCS and Way Xiaadlngs Leaving uaa street docg Monday, Wed nesday and - Friday at 1 a, m re turning. leflng The' Dallea Tuesdav. Thursday and Saturday, making con nrcthns at (pVlilo with BTXAMXB TWIW CITIES for Pasco, Kennewlck, and all points on the Columbia as far as Priest napins. - , - ,. . CAPT. W. 8. BUCHANAN. Rupt A. fi. WHITINGS Agent. COOS BAY LINE S Day Service Str. Breakwater leaves Portland 9 a. m.. July 18. S3 ann oa. August a, 7, 13, 17, 23, 27, from Alns-I worm dock, tor uunii aena, Marihflold end Oops Bay points. Freight received until 6 p. m. on day before. Passenger fare, 1st class, $10r 2d class, $7; includ ing berth and meals. Inquire city tick et office. .3d and Washington streets or Alnsworth dock. Phone Main 26! San Franolaoo ft Portland Stecunulifu Co" New Service to Xos Angeles, via San - lrancisco. every rive Days. From Alnsworth dock. Portland. 9am S. S. ftose City. July 87; Bear, July aa" From lan F-ranclsco for Portland, 13 m 8. S. Beaver, July 85; Bear, July 30: Rose City, July 80. , ' From San Pedro, northbound, M. 8. Bear, July S3: Beaver, July 3. H. G. Smith, C. T. A., 143 Third st phone Main 402. A-1402. J.. W. Ransom gent. Alnsworth Dock; phone Main 2 6 s! SAN RAXC1SC4.AJ; LOS ANGELES DIRECT '-' KOSTH PACirlO S. 8. CO. 8. 8. BOAHOIB and 8. 8. EIDUB CAXI, Every Wednesday, alternately, at 6 n. m. Tiiiket office 132 Third, near Alder. Phones M. 1314. 1314. - MARTTN J.. IIIGLEY, Tata. Agpnt W. H. 6LUSSF.R, Freight Agent Ashland i'ftswfniSHr .... Aoaeburg l-aanvuver .... Shanta Llti.lip,! Kiiwtoa I'snsi-ivKiT t-ailfornia l-.iptc-a ...... Ban Franc! v-0 tiprcfa... Went aide Corvalll V&mtnnn ,. , p. tia. j a. Sllverton Paanr " r. ( ! p, l;i. 8 r.-.' a. n.. 1 . viu 6 Ak) i. IB. t W . . p. m. B:8 p. ro. a. xm i ai' p. . tt;&) a. m. Ol'rist (Irnv I.. ....... Fofeat Grov Paaeu.'; Arnvlne Portland Ashland Pa, Hone burg Passenger ek . . '' uuutml bll'crtnn Loeml Wftat filu.. S?.?'.11 fnr :2' 9- m. h-.Ti " f ;3. w. 1'e8f r io .M a. at. roraat Oror. tmr.Bci!t a .wis. n. voreat Urora I'm,,..., . . it -ah a.m. oreat , Orora Paam-na 4:40 p. at. Kortharn Faoirvv. Laavlnv i ... . -----a nortn coaat i.,.h.a - t,... Kortn t'oaat " Lin'.iVi' " Vil " n,'.Vk .10:10 a. i .,7-" TWO p. V iiilUIi8 f" I'ui'it (onl..ia:15. . 7S. ' fta Bank... ;M a. a t!5 fr P'8 ia tagat tk-uud.. t:M fh . i-.jti.- f. U Ww llault.. 1.-O0 p. nv vcta jrogst Mound... M.u a- at. lti.inf,7i lki,l'e" vl WU Bauk... .Ma. Bh 4 ""ia t " ,.to;io a. a. Z1 1Utw 1 Kr sauk , J-00 B, k'1"" 'Aaconi -ad VetVli"ii- " roriland-VancAiiwA. ...i.t ia.ia . n. , fuget tiound LUnltsd, Uraja Bar- yf. , "uta Baud braacoea 1:30 p. n, Jtaoolt i'aaangr :vu n. m. kHH iwd vis North Bask. S:1S f. n, Amth Coast Limited via fugat Sound. 7:i a. m. i.oru,u racmu txptmt via dwil Pacltlc Coast airew" via 'orU Bank . ga3.B, racluo Coast idiui Via Puaat ."d . .7.. 7;SOa.m. vtern tipraaa via tugat Bound.. 10 . aw Ulaaoun fcjye, tip? via fcotUt - Bauk , .... 7d0a,aa, - HlTe.-lrw .. via Paa-at Sound , .... 440 g, SS Portlaud-Tacooia ikattla Expreas sad via v.ymyia, oouia aland ana tarava - tt...t. - - ...u. , Pugat Sound Limited . , 7:10 p. m. aoum-'rtlud Special ,.l).ao o. m. laouit faaaeninf .................1. t:oo a. m. : Ortgon aUurwH ft avlm . a , : Laatlna Pnrtln Balrar Citw d.m... "'-"'-''," - a...'- VK0?,"W'"Dn't0.,l UmliV.V."""lO:iA, a. nt. - A.-a ,,,, ,,, a:0Op.BW Ifait Mail ;39p. au Boo-Spokane-Portlana . ............. giua p. m. Oregon Oxvtm B:Uv 0. m, Arriving Portland , ( Tha DaU Local... 10:15 a. m. Bpokan riyer t:30a. m. Oregon Uxpress .10:J a. n Boo-slpokano-Portland ............... :ou a. m, faat Malt .... 7:00 a.m. Baker City Local Paaaenger.t..... 7:ou 9. nt Oragon-Waahlngtun Limited , '. S:uup. .' Aatozia ft CoIumMa Btver. Laavlna- Pnrtlant. Scaalda Gipreaa ........ ean 8aora Ll.nitad ... Saturday Beaalda Spadal ......... 8:00 a. m. ......... :2U a. m., 2;ba p. m Halnler Paacenger ......... 9.1x1 p. u. ........ 1:15 D. ai. Hiuw t-aaaengar ., Arrlvlnr Pnrtl.n- 6:45 P. ai. Beaalda xprs ....12:05 p. m. Monday Beaalda Bpeclal .....13:80 p. m. Buaalda Kxpreaa , 10:00 p. m. ycaan enora Limited .........10:16 p. at. Kainler and Portland Passenger..'.. 8:40 a. m. : Walnler and Portland rnaaepgei . , , . 6:00 p. m. Canadian Pacifio Ball way Da. Leaving Portland ' C P. R. Sbort Una via Bpokanaj... T:00p. m. Via Seattle 12;15a. Bk Arriving Portland -C. V. K. Short Una via Spokane.... 8:00 a. m. Via titan le 7:00. m. Oregon ft Waahlngtoa Railroad Com pan y. Leaving Portland saattia fasaenger .., 8:30 a. at. ouaiin unuteo Owl . .. . .................... :uup. m. Arriving Portland ........... ...,.it:aa p. m. vrri , ..,,....,, Bhaita Limited ... Portland Pasaenger ................. t:jo a, to, 6:20 p. n. ' 2:45 p. tat JEFFERSOif STREET BTATIOV. Bouthera Paoifle. Leaving Portland ' Pall.a Passenger .................. f :40 a. BW Dallaa Passenger .................. 4:80 p. Shi Arriving Portland- . .. Dallas Vtrntaget .................. 10rl8 a. m. IJallaa Paaaenger .................. 68 p. m. ELEVEHIH AND EOYT ' 6TSXSTB BEKuEB BTATIOM. PA gpokaaa, a'ertland ft Seattle Hallway Oa. Leaving Portland .- ' . 1 Inland Empire Express ............. 9:00 s. n. ror Chicago, ut. raui, umaha, Kanaaa at, St. UiUa. BUllngi, Spokane, Waahtueaa, Katalotua, Pasco, Uooaevelt, Oranddallea, (jol. dendale, Lla. : Wnlte Salmon, Slenoaon and Vancouver. ' ' The Orcgontan ....... ...,.11K)0 a. ; For St. Paul, Spokane, Paaeo, Granddalbw,' Lyle, Wolte Salmon, Btsvenaon sod Vancouver. Columbia River Local :JM p. ai, North Dank Limited ....7:00 p.m. I'or Chicago, Bt. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, fit. Louis. BiUlnga. Spokane, Waahtocna, Kablotus, Pasco, Koocevelt, Qranddalles, Lfla, Wbite Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. Arrivlug Portland ' The Oregoniaa 7:08 a. n. From St. - Paul, Spokane, Paaeo, Uatynlll. Lvle, Whit Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. ' North Bank Limited............... 70 a. m. -rrom Chicago, 6L Paul, Omasa, Kanaaa City. St. liOUla, Bllllnga, Kpokana,, Waahtoa, Kahlotua. Paaeo. Rooaevelt. Oranddallea, , LjU, Whlto Salmon. Stevenaon and Vancouver. Columbia River Local 12:35 p. Bl. Inland Empire Kxpreea.. ............ S:15 p. au; from Chicago, St. Pant Omaha. ., Kanaas City, St. Louie, Bllllnga. Spokane, Waahtucna,; Kahlotua, Paaqp, Hooaevelt, Oranddallea, Lyle, White Salmon()fftovenaon and Vancon ver. Oreat yorthern Ball ay Company, Leaving Portland llth and Hojt ats Oriental Limited, via Seattle.. i.., ,10:00 a. The Oragonian, via North Bank. ... 11:00 a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank.. T:00 p. m. Taeoma, Seattle and'Vancouver, B. C.10:O0 a. ra. Tacoma. Seattle, and Vancouver, B. C. 8:00 p. m. Tacoma, Seattle and Vancourer, B.C.11:80 p. m. Arriving Portland lllh and Hoyt ta. Oriental Limited, via Seattle ..8 40 a.m. The Oregonian, via North Bank. .....T:i a. . Oriental Limited, via North Bank. ...8:1.1 p. ta. Vancouver, B. C Seattle and Tacoma. 6:40 a. B. Vancouver, B, C, Seattle and Tacoma. 8. 30 p. m. Vancouver, B. O. Seattle and Tacoma. 8:60 p. in. ; Time Card Oregon ycrlo Hallway Co. Sspot foot of Jefferson st, Portland, Or. Leaving Portland tor Salem and Int. atatlont 4:80, 7 50, ll:Ul a. m.; 2 UO, 8:50, 8. So, 8:49 . m. Lin. :td for Tualatin and Salem tut a m. Local tor Wllsanville and Int. tUon 610 p. m. Bally crf Sunday tor point on the Salem, tails tity A Wotern By. na Salem, .0 a- m., P oi- Ituaday onl, ll:UO a. BB. 'Leaving Portland for Foreit Jret and TnU stationa TiOS. 8:30. 10:20 a. ni.j I2:li. 2.1l. 8:60, Ji-.SH p. m. Saturday only. 11. bit An-'lTlng at Portland from fialem and lit, tatioua :. - " 1:ls , in : n. m. Local from WUaouvtlla and - int ' itationa. 6:40 a., m. bally except Sua day. and 7:36 a. m. daily. Arriving PoVtland from Kort Orovs an Int atatlona 8:U0. 8.60, 11:40 a. m.; 1:3d, a 60, 5:20. S'.IO P. m- fcaturuay ouly, gt;0w p, m. Snuday onlT( 4 40 p. m. , 'Portland" Railway," light ft "owe? Company' " Ticket Office and Waiting Room, ; - i'lrat and Alder and KjM Water and lu&et jorriat.m r,rcci.. rars leave Kat Wau-r and Murrlon ttreefa, Oregon City 4:00, 8-.St( a. m. aufi rnrf 8:4R, 10 45 a. B., KM. 3M. I lil. 4 V.. "J"" 1 I,,.,.,,,,..! i. . -'aaaewfa.,,, iai.aww..Mm. 9:45, lt:45 a. m., K.., 4 4u, u-.J. i'..,co,iT cr Tdlict oirU'V an ll Vljll, wiom. Bewud and Vbi' trc-.a t, . r):i.v 8 W. 1:25. ". !". "", I" . 11:10, 11 Mi V- f - "" 8 In, 8.M. 4 5 in. 6 . (, in, I-".. !" H On t.'-ird Moti'i-'V 'n "'r ear li'vc at 7.u P. i !'l. fl : , t '., ? 't f'l IM minutes to ana tnciMtung i-ir nnwntnu OreBham and Intcrmoltate polut. .. 8-4i, 8:45, 10:45. lt:4o a. m., l;.4., 1-45 S-45. 4:45, 6:45. 6:45, 11. -at p. m. i. and Trniiidale -S3. 'I:i;. M i: Aiy,