The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 20, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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exchange i-.eal ttstate si
$TF Per Acre
r nrh-autin, inm:t o Muum, I'lrmj
r Minor crop this year, all kinds of live-h-nVi.
horson,. sheep, cattle, etc.; all
neoensnry farm Implements, all In good
frd.r; 8 miles from R. R. near good
town; nill sell or trade for good Port
land property t
J, R, Horning
819 AUky bldg. Main 4S23
IF you want to trade what you
have for something you want
more, see Repass & Woodyard,
300 Henry Bldg. -A
FIVK room house been held at $2250
cash. Well take $2000. part trade
modern and fine home. Another 6 room
held at 11800, we'll take $1250, part
trade like stock of goods or cheap acre.
are. Homes & Jnv co- owners,
Hamilton bldg. '- '- ' '- 1 '
TWO restaurants for sale or trade for
lots or good rooming houses. Call and
fee M. BurK. 18 f ront si-
EDISON phonograph and two sewing
machines, trade far gas range, counter
and stools. ' 228 Harrison.
Want Income Property
$15,000 TO $20,000 ,
Apartments or flats preferred. '
.. Must Act Quick .; "
v THE BEST house and lot $8500;
' will bu" What have you?
- Fisher &
251 Washington st
RESIDENCE lot wanted within 4 blocks
of 23d and Kearney sts.. not over
$5000; one with old Improvements will
do; answer quick. ; Ward Realty Co., 809
Lewis bldg. Main 1975, A-6326.
WANTED-7 or 8 room modern resl-
dence, east or west side, $3000 td
$6000, on easy terms;. answer quick, our
client means business. Ward Realty
To., 809 Lewis bldg. Main 1975 or A-6826.
WANTED lOOxioO, will consider inside,
not over $1600; must be within 2
blocks to car, on east side; owners only,
Fhone Marshall 1948. " '
WANTED- Modern 7 or 8 room house,
with one or more lots;" can pay $200
fowji. Dudley Woodward, 312 Madison
t. Oregon city, or.
lit WILL pay spot cash for good Income
property up to $35,000 and will deal
with ownera only; give full particulars
In first letter. L-672, Journal.
; Ideal Farm
40 acre's 10 miles from Portland. All
level; soil black loam; fenced and cross
fenced; all In cultivation except 2 acres;
well watered; 160 fruit trees; roses and
shrubbery. Fine 8 room residence; good
barn. One mile- from railroad station;
near school. m. splendid equipment of
all kinds and farming machinery go
with the place. 10 acres now in oats,
6 acres In potatoes, 86 tons of hay, 6
horses and 7 head sif cattle are also In
cluded and go with ' -he place. Magnifi
cent country home and situated on one
of tne best- Improved .county rends
leading Into Portland a regular boule
vard. It will pay you to Investigate
this place before purchasing elsewhere,
A. M'GREGOR, . ,:,
602 Corbett bldg. ' " '
- ?S1000 DOWN
' 40 acres of good soil. 25 acres In cul
tivation and crop, balance pasture and
timber, living stream of water. 6 room
frame houci end outhouses,. ! acre of
good, orchard, small team, 2 cows, year
ling heifer, 35 chickens, 8 sheep, some
Implements, 1 mile from school, Vi
miles from Oregon Cltr on good roads,
wake up! This is cheaper than 10 acres.
Buy while - you can get your money's
worth. You see this man wants to sell
end his price is Hxhfc-'-'The new R. R.
going into Molallasill run through his
place, and it will double in value.- Get
wise and act quick. Price is $3000. .
JDnd Suspension Bridge.. Oregon City, Or.
42 acres In high state of cultivation,
balance In pasture, joins the Willamette
river, -good house, barn and hop house,
water, a 'small mountain trout stream
through the place, crops, stock and
Implements included, 21 miles from
, Portland on the Salem Electric; this Is
an ideal country home at a bargain
price as parties, must sell; as for price
ana xurtner particulars see
626 Henry bldg.
FARM for sale by, owner; i50 acres,
right in the. heart of Willamette val
ley; 116 acres In cultivation, 36 ucres in
timber and pasture, good 12 room house,
t barns. 1 hophouse, good water, t.lso
running' water, orchard of apples, pears,
plums, prunes, cherries and berries; farm
mostly under woven wire fence good lo
cation,' 6 miles west of Broadacres on
Oregon Electric R. R., 2 miles east of St
Paul, iy miles south of Charapoeg, and
river landing. Part of crop goes with
place if taken at once; 3 horses, 4 milk
cows,i- 8- young cattle, 4 brood sows, 4
hogs, 4 dozen, chickens and some farm
Implements go with place; talephone and
rural delivery, $100 per acre, terms.
Woodbum, Or., R. F. D.. No. 1.
-10 Acres, $600 Cash, Balanoe
... Easy Terms.
K clear and In high state of culti
vation, balance light brush easily
cleared, best deep soil, near country.
town, gooa scnooi, cnurcn ana stores; s
miles from electrlo carllne, near good
graveled road, 16 miles from Portland:
price $1600. $600 cash, balance 3 years
"-percent - ' "' . r
M. E. Thompson Co.
Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgage Loans,
Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oaks StS..
' - Main 6084, A-3327.
Must Sell
Farm, 158 acres, 13 miles of Portland,
126 cleared. 85 cultivated, balance easily
cleared: 4 streams, close to depot (elec-
trib une nntof f tnr ,,,-u
grange : hall and school adjoining, on
main county Toad, fine soil, good family
orchard. 7 room house. Koorl 'hnrnn
fine well, at low price for immediate
sate; reasonaDie casn payment or trade;
a good platting proposition. Owner, 603
Commercial block.
I $5000 Terms Easy -
160 acre; 85 In cultivation; 4 cows
team, wagon ; and harness; all imple
ments, cream separator and household
goods; good well of water, fair house
and barn; 80 rods from school; 2 miles
from railroad station; lots of fruit
ideal place for home. - . '
Atkinson & Akers
Room 1. Commercial Bank Bldg., -
Vancouver, Wash.-
Country Home
8 miles from Portland on macadam
road, near electric car, 11 acres of first
class soil, in high state of cultivation,
over 300 assorted fruit, trees, 8 years
old, 1" acre ech of strawberries, rasp
berries. Concord grapes, acre ach of
Loganberries, black caps, gooseberries
end Perfection currants; price $7600.
620 Board of Trade.
IF YOU WANT a farm see me Befors
you buy, I have all sixes st right
prioea Oeo. -A. Houck. 2274 Wash. '
vun.Ai jria irom to iso per acre. I
X U lirower. Box j 5, Jxmftpn, Or. I
S S S S S S S S B !) a S S 3 S 5 S S S
i and'
S 60 acres near Estacada Electrlo S
S line, 37 acres cleared, balance Very 3
8 easily cleared; some timber. Land S
S all level and the very best of Boll. S
S All fenced and cross fenced with S
8 good wire fence. Fine bearing or- S
S chard, abundance of small lrulf, 8
S fine crop of hay 'and grain; good 8
S housa and barn, fruit dryer and S
S othor outbuildings. Good team. 2 S
S cows, poultry, binder, mower, wag- s
S on ana full equipment of farming 5
8 tools and croo go with place. Close S
H to . school, on main county road, S
a miiK route, phone una. rrice oouy, a
8 good terms. I have Just sold the 8
8 adjoining Drooertv to a Hood Klver 8
8 man. ., , . - g
S - t
8 20 acres, all cleared and In crop. B
S All level land and fine soil. On S
S main county road, close to Estacada 8
S Electric. Crop goes with, place. 8
S Frlce $2600; good terms. 8
S .--- ,-- ' 8
8 20 acres of unimproved level land, 8
S some timber. This la a fine tract. 8
8 best of soil. Price $75 per acre, y 8
s v , -a- t -, , e
8 87 acres, 4 milo from Estacada. 8
S 80 acres cleared. to of this properly 8
8 fine farming land, balance fine for 8
8 fruit. fine creek crosses piace. d
.3 200 fruit trees, part in bearing; S
8 buildings of little- value. Price $66 8
8 per acre, terms half cash, balance 8
8 on long time at' 6 per cent- Bar- 8
8 gain hunters look at this, placet , 8
S 197 acres, 30 acres cleared, 60 S
8 acret slashed and seeded, some 8
S good timber. 60 acres of this place 8
8 Is fin bottom land, 60 acres level 8
8 bench land, balance good pasture. 8
8 Fine Water supplies; 4 room, house, S
8 barn and other buildings. Also 8
8 7 good cows, 8 young cattle, team, 8
8 hogs, poultry and all farming im-8
8 plements. This place is 1 miles S
8 from postoffice. close to phone line' S
8 and 6 miles from stores and cream- 8
8 ery.v Price $5500. Reasonable terms. 8
S , 8
H ' ISn acres. Sn acres plowed. 60 8
8 acres slashed and seeded, $0 acres 8
s fen! i Knn n o rent timne.r wmcn h
8 can be easily marketed. 60 acres 8
8 line bottom iana, Daiance nearly u o
S level, not over 6 acres rough land, S
S 3 fine creeks, water power Installed 8
R in Arivm farm m&ehlnerv. ' Good 8
8 bearing orchard! good house, good 8
S large barn and other buildings.' 8
8 Also 15 dairy cows. 3 mares, 1 year- S
8 ling colt, all farming tools and crop 8
8 Trritmri miK 8
S from stores, postoffice, creamery, 8
S school and church. Price ; $8000. 8
8 good terms. Good residence prop- 8
a erty in Portland win oe consiaerea b
S as part payment 8
S . 8
8 40 acrea of good unimproved land, s
B 1U' miles ' from railroad station. 8
S Plenty of cord Wood. Price 3600. 8
.y, ua pjiuuuiiaifaia'a . '
8 205 Gertlnger Bldg., cor. 2d and 8
S Alder. Office Main 8430. 8
S Residence Woodlawn 2169. 8
On Easy Terms . .
160 acres, 60 in cultivation, with 30
more, open and easily put under plow.
18 cows, 1 bull, team of mares, wagons,
harness, .machinery and : tools: good
house and. two barns; also household
goods; fine crops; everything ready to
go to work; mils to school, 1 to
Ry. and boat landing. Only $9500; cash,
$8000 or $4000. bat to suit -
122 acres, 85 In cultivation; house and
barn, machinery and tools; two mares
and colt, 7 cows; mile to school, 1H
to Ry. and landing. Everything in good
shape: Price, $55 per acre, half cash.
v 134 acres, 60 In cultivation; 6 room
house, barn 60x100; a lot of machinery,
cream separator and butter outfit; 15
cows, 5 heifers. 1 bulL'some Digs, chick
ens, aucKa and turkeys. 2 brood mares
and colt; a good diversity of crops; 1-3
mne 10 scnooi, 4ft to By. ana janaing.
Price, 110,000, only 1-8 cash. -
. 160 acres, 75 in cultlvatkm; house and
two barns, plenty all kinds machinory
and tools, 14 cows, 9 young stock, 1
bull. 6 horses, T pigs. A well Kept place,
paying good money; 2 miles from Ry.
and landing. Price, $4,500, only $5000
toon uuwu. . . ,.a...J;
211. acres, fine location and view;
ffOOd 7 rnnm YiniiBA a m.uGn all fa T-m
implements and tools; 12 cows, 1 bull, 8
work horses and yearling colt: some
pigs and chicKens. A place with good
reputation; old folks moving to town;
everything goes for $14,000, only $4000
caan aown. oaiance long time li desired
17i acres, 35 In -cultivation: small
new house, barn 30x40; Implements and
iuois. a gooa Duy at jssqo, on terms.
The above are all good buys, on easy
terms, deferred payments at 6 per cent
interest" - Well located, on milk and
cream routes, phones, and up-to-date in
every particular.
Come and rp them at nur exnenne.
We have smaller, low priced places,
aiso cnieKen ranches and fruit lands.
Free Round Trip
On Columbia river at Washougal, Wash.,
and return, via sferrir Jennie Harklns.
leaving Washington , street dock, Port
land, at 2 p. m. -
Present this advertisement to Cap
tain Hosford, of the Bteamer Jessie
Harklns, and it will be accepted as( a
ticket, then call at our office and we
win supply you with a return.
Provided, that von re hnneatlv- look
lng for a good dairy, fruit or ranch for
general farming, in a ' country that
grows things, and has the highest qual
ity or son, ana tine climate-.
A place especially adapted for grow
ing pears. . .
If you wish further information be-
lore- maicw g the-trlp,-jwri te-us. T
Washougal Dairy & Land Co,
Washougal, Wash.
200 acres, almost Joins the best town
with the best school in Willamette val
ley; all first class soil, no waste, fenced
ana cross fenced; 120 acres cultivated,
80 acres In pasture and timber: watered
by well, spring and stream; fruits and
berries; new 7 room liouse, well , fin
ished, barns and all outbuildings; 6
horses, a cows, 60 sheep. 50 aoats
wagons, harness, buggy, separator, all
farm Implements, fronts on-main coun
i V roaa excellent tract to subdivide, and
double your money; sickness compels
I owner to give up the farm, make easv
1 terms. Better see us at once; $85 per
1 acre.
511 Gerllnger Bldg.
60 acres, 31 miles from Portland," 3
miles from electric lines 15 acres in
crop. 10 more almost ready to dIow.
some ciover ana auana; young orchard
just beginning to bear; good spring and
well; 8 room house, barn and woodhouse,
tnn .
4 - 40 acres-. 3 In crop, young orchard set
out: 3 room house, only $1200 this wenk
For complete description of farms and
acreage see O. W, .P signboard 1st and
Aider sis. ..
5 Acre Farm
f Highly improved, with buildings and
orchard, in city limits of Vancouver.
City water on place. Fine orchard
i nis in. a Dargain ior a rew aays. Own
er, in nenry . piqg.
WILL exchange my 15 acre farm foF
house and lot in Portland. It ! 1k
than L mile from electric car line; good
ouuainjs ana orcfisra; Jana arouna sell
lng for $300 an acre,. This Is 13 mile;
from Portland. Price, cash or trade,
Muww. 4U iienry pia t 1
Small Farms Near Portland
$2500 will buy this choice little farm.
There are 8 acres, 6 acres In cultiva
tion, 2 acres nice timber. Choicest of
rich, mellow soil, no gravel. New 3
room house in first class condition,
barn, wood house and chicken house. 1
acre 2-year-old orchard, some straw
berries and ' raspberries. - This little
farm is only 8 miles from the city lim
its of Portland, in splendid community.
Price only $2600; about $1500 down.
This Is decidedly the best buy In
a small farm home near the city of
Portland; It is only 6 miles east from
the city limits; 11 acres of the richest
land In this section, not a rock or gravel
on entire tract, lies ." perfectly, living
stream of water, new 6 room plastered
house, conorete foundation, full size
basement, a splendid large barn, concrete
foundation, concrete casement unaer
barn; lots of putbulldlngs in good con
dition, young orchard and lots of ber
ries. Personal property; ' 1 horse, 8
wa irons., harness. 1 Jersey eow. 100
chickens, all farm Implements, and all
crop goes; price only $3500, 11600 cash.
Daiance easy at s per cent interest, il
ls a difficult matter to combine the
best of soil' nd there Is none better
the best of. Improvements, . running
water, and good location . In one email
farm; but they are all Included In this
one ana you get everytning ior oniy
$3500; this is certainly a bargain. '
20 ACRES FOR $3700.
This is a splendid buy in a 20 acre
farm. The soil Is exceedingly rich, lies
perfectly, has no rock or gravel; 8 acres
in oult li-a tlnn hnlanna ftnn first ffTOWth
of fir with splendid living stream - of
water. Good 8 room housei- new barn.
The timber will more than pay for the
place, You get-a good team and wagon
to haul the wood, and have only 6 miles
to go where you get $5 per cord for It
Personal property, 2 horses new. 3
Inch wagon, spring .wagon, double and
single harness, 40 chickens, 78 cords
wood cut all implements. Price $3700;
6 miles city limits or roruana. rigm
at new 3 room modern school building.
W make a specialty of good farm
buys, close In. We are well acquainted
with the properties we handle.
-Hargrove & bons
122 Sixth st. Cor. Sixth and Gllsan.
- Main 4381, A-7259.
Colonists Take Notice'
T have S rood opportunities, one in
niithrn. one in eastern and one In west
ern Oregon. Have aiso two tracts oi
logged orr iana. t or aairyjng ana stpca
raising tnese last are laeai.
Lumber Exchange. Phone Main -4949,
Want a Good Dairy Farm?
If so come In and get particulars about
an A-l. 50 acres with 35 acres in cul
tivation' and all in crop, 3 acres orchard,
good buildings, 30 miles from Portland,
1 mile from good town and R. R. For
this place with all crops, stock and Im
plements, $4760. . This cannot be beat
m uregon .ior tne price-, . jseai urown,
709 Swetland bldg. .: -' :
" $6.50 PER ACRE
This, is good land, A-l for stock.
splendid outrange; land fronts on coun-
road ana river Dana; mne irom
school and store.
McCarthy, 403 Koth-
child bldg.
. 806 acres all In cultivation, fine build
ings, very best soil, , running water, 3
miles , from good town, near Albany.
Terras. Owner, 402 Lumber, Ex. bldg., 2d
and 8tark.
54 Acre Farm
This Is 17 miles from Portland. In
Clarke county. Has 22 acres under cul
tivation. 12 acres in orchard, two
barns, small but good and a small
house. ' Land worth much more than
price asked. $4000, on easy payments,
ill Henry bldg. -
15S acres in Willamette valley. 1 all
clear, fine soiL house and - good barn,
fenced, near station; terms. Owner, 402
Lumber Ex. bldg, ----- -
FOR, SALE By owner, 10 to acre tractr
mile town limits Corvallls; good 7
room house, good barn, young orchard
and berry garden. For price and terms
address W. W. conaer, uorvauis. or.,
R. F, P. 1.
160 acres 7 miles from Elk City $2500;
6 acres at Elk City, market 'garden
land with good buildings, $2100. -
Elk City, Or.
FOR SALE East 10 acres of the Mor
gan farm near Tualatin station on Sa
lem Electric, Owner, A. Morgan, Til
lamook, Or.
FOR SALE 85 acres; 80 cultivated, 2 to
miles k. k., -7600. 49 acres, u culti
vated, $4200; 20 acres, 12 cultivated.
220 ACRES fine fruit land. 4 miles
from good country town, in large fruit
belt: 50 acres cleared, rest heavy second
growth fir and stump iana; only xso per
acre. .
80 acres, all cleared bottom land, fair
fences, near good town, at $55 per acre.
26 acres, all cleared. IM miles from
R. R. station and town, , only $50 per
acre. -, :
120 acres, 6 acres cleared, small cabin
and stable, .rest fairly easily cleared,
only $1500. ' r
80 acres fine river DOttom tana, wen
improved, all cleared, good 6 room
house aad .good barn, price- io per acre.
Hyland, Jones & Cor
409 Gerllnger Bldg.
Forced .to Sell -Hood
River Orchard :
15 acres,- all planted to strictly com
mercial orchard, being Yellow New
towns and Spitsenbergs from 1 to 6
years old; boh is very best and has
perfect drainage; place has been de
veloped along scientific lines and is
one of the best in this - famous little
valley: only 3 miles from town. If you
have $4000 cash to invest it.wlll jay
you-o-ee"thts;-fofthe price is $2000
under the market for quick sale; might
consider good Portland property in part
payment. T-6 86, .Journal. - - -;
OUUU - -
upon this purchase of one acre. With
one new 6 room bungalow one new
building with little expense can be
made a fine large house, complete water
system, makes two homes on lot En
100, worth, cash-, $7000 and JLjoU wouiJXOMXN'G,..iou -to
wrr-a-Torner, near Mt. Scott line.
Kendall Station, on O. W. P. Ry. Co.
21 acres choice fruit land near Carson.
V Wash,' Deep - black soil. ; 11 acrea
cleared small orchard; house and barn.
Price $3500. G, A. NaUet 10 iE. 63d at
N, Portland ,
7 1-2 Acres All in Fruit
7 acres all in apples, pears,
peaches, nluma and cherries. 72
trees In full bearing-, insuring an
Income to start. 4 acres planted
to potatoes between the trees..
Balance in 1 year old trees, alj
first class varieties. 8 acres Ir
rigated, all can be Irrigated. 8
room house, good barn, water
piped to house and barn; wood
house, good garden, all crops - go r
with place. This la an ideal fruit .
ranch and a' money maker from,
the start. Located right in the
liood River fruit belt, 10 mln--u
tea from railroad station. Come .
In .and let us give you full par- .
tlculars. Price $4600; $1000 cash, -balance
good time; would consid
er improved acreage close to city .
at cash value. .
. Repass &-Woodyard
800 Henry bldg. .
' We have sold about 500 acrea
of land to a syndicate headed by
, an experienced Hood River or
chardUt who will set a large
acreage as soon as possible. If
you are looking for fruit land, get
our booklet and Investigate. Mt
Hood Electrlo - begins building
right -. away; 160 acres, half
cleared, $115 an acre. -'.
711 Rothchlld Block.
Estacada and vicinity is rapidly com
ing Into. prominence. as- a fruit growing
section, and already. has a large acre
age set to : a commercial variety i of
apples. , We have a choice selection of
10' and: 20 acre tracts all cleared and
ander cultivation, ready for trees, on
good roads, R. TP. D convenient to
school and church and close to trans
portation. Prices range from , $76 to
$160 per acre, on terms to suit It will
pay you to see this favored district be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
1 332 Chamber of Commerce.
Best Bargain on Market
$900 equity in 800 acres fruit andd
pasture iana, rronts on jonn uay river,
about i miles from O. R..& N. Ry.: price
$3000, $900 cash, balance 6 yearly pay-
lUCUlB. i
M. E, Thompson Co. 1
Real Estate. Insurance, Mortgage Loans.
nenry iag., 4tn ana Oaks sts.
Main 6084. A-8327. ' -
FOR RENT 20 acres. 6 in voune or-
- chard, 15 In timber; pasture, house,
Darn ana cnicgen parK; jot Baiem isiec
tric, near Tualatin, Station address, A.
Morgan, Tillamook, Or.
160 ACRES land for rent on North Bank
R. R., in Nutland Hills, Klickitat
county; cash or shares. V-682, Journal.
Heavy demand on us for acreage has
run our list low; we now have cus
tomers waiting for tracts from 2 acres
to 20 aores in size; if you want to
sell or trade for city property please
send complete desorintion. nrfce and
best terms and you will receive prompt
alien nun.
419 Henry bldg., Portland, Or.
WANT to buy 10 to 40 acres of 4m
proved acreage, something with good
buildings, for home near city, on car
line; prefer to deal with owners. Phone
eany mornings or evenings, Main 4575.
For Sale Several Good tracts
of fir timber in 'Washington
suitable for holding or imme
diate operation. ; Price reason
able; terms if desired. Z-682
Journal, -
: TITlBEr :.:
If you want to double your money
in two years or less and have left to
section of fine fruit land in one of the
beet districts on the Upper Columbia,
for terms and location see, -
Lumber Exchange, cor. Second and
Stark. Monday or Tuesday. Don't fall.
WE are headquarters for timber and
lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin
ney & Stampher, 631-3 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
MINING oil .and Industrial stocks
bought and sold. Davidson- & Co..
Lewis bldg.. Marshall 778. A-1712.
MINING and industrial stocks; tele
phone and other bonds bought and
sold. C. S. Fletcher. 125 Ablr-gtoo bldg.
IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining
stocks, call on J. B. Purcell, 310 Oak.
New four story brick apartment house
for term of years. Situated-Ja- Nob
HilL Automatic elevators, dumb ele
vators, steam heated and all other mod
ern improvements. For Information see
owner. XY-. Journal.-- 1 -----
22 ROOMS 22 .
Rooming and boarding house; have 39
steady boarders: v brand new furniture;
located in the heart of the city; well
worth $2500. Price todatr $1500; terms.
See Peters. 16 N. 5th st.
' Swell location, .18 rooms, corner, all
large rooms, nice and clean ; full of
paying roomers ; good furniture and
carpets. Price cut to $1500. Terms or
trade cty lot. Inquire 88 10th. ,
HERE is your chance to buy from Own
er, 9 room well furnished and paying
$40 over all expenses, rooms always
run, rigm aown town, can for Land
lady, M. 4028.
HAVE a party wants desirable rooming
house will - deal with owners only.
If you have above at. reasonable terms
address with particulars, R-681. Journal.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4 room flat
for sale cheap for cah. Call anv
time after 6 p. m 649 Taylor. .Mrs.
Brown. - - - - ,
$130021 ROOMS housekeeping, well
furnished, swell neighborhood, clears
$90; $600 down.- 402 Commercial block.
10 ROOMS, new furniture; cost $1300
to luraisn: you can nave-it ror 1700
cash; rent,, $3o. Room 203 Gerllnger
BEST transient rooming house, lease
ana location is u. ..; Dest or furni
ture, $1600., Call room 203 Gerllnger
bldg., 242 to Alder. B
ROOMING houses, any size, at prices
to suit! We buy. Sell and exchange.
- - - 213 Henry bldg. ; : V
DO YOU own a lot? You can trade It
on a gooa paying rooming house.
10th st. v . - s
I.' ...... , r. -) O ') 1 U'nKI
Phone Marshall 1194. i -
WANTED Rooming house, 12 to 18
rooms; state terms; no agents. 'V-689,
Journal. - - - - ''..
FOR SALE .Furniture of 11 rooms;
good location; low rent; cheap for
cash. 268 Jefferson. , . ... ." ...
rr.urr lakts
A well located grocery store, close In
on east side, enjoying a Very good pa
tronage; will Invoice between $2500 and
$3000; will give long lease on building
If so desired. ., . ;
v. f .... ' ' ' v.,
A nice butcher sop, entoylng a fine
patronage, close In ' on east side; stock
and fixtures will Invoice at about $1260.
There la a 2 years' lease on the building
at $20 per month. This la a fine propo
sition and will bear the closest Investi
gation. ' 7 ,
133H First Street ,
WANT' furniture 1 of 8 or 10 room
Vl All WO ttnmAthlnV' tirltK nliA . a A
home and good furniture, or will not
consider It Main 4575, . morning 'or
evening. -
GROCERY STORE 'doing good business.
i-nce 3tuu, including lot, stocK,
buildings and fixtures. Lot and build
ings alone worth the money. Stock In
voices $1000. Living rooms, in build
ing, musi seer tnis to: appreciate it.
$2000 cash will handle. Deshon & Hawk,
407 Lurnbemens Bank bldg. Main 2018.
COMPLETELY funnlshed. well located,
short order -restaurant run in con
nection with good hotel., Bar service
adjoining. Fully-equipped modern hotel
Kitcnen. ; Kent paid witn service, u
sold , by end of month $300 takes thi
business. Splendid ..opportunity for a
cook. - W-684, JournaU : ' ,
Cigar k Confectionery
Best corner location in cltir. laundry
commission makes free rent, .doing $30
daily,- good lease,., well worth $800, on
account of sickness will " sacrifice for
J40U. see meters, is n. 6th st.
FRENCH automatic card press, 20 fonts
type and cabinet wltlr full equipment
for sale, hustler can - make big money
with this press, price $300. will take
$100 down, Daiance easy payments, work
turned out- should soon pay balance.
Room 609 Cottch bldg. -
HERE is your chance if you are -not
afraid of work, to invest. $700 cash
and, manage one of the' best manufac
turing businesses in city. Well guaran
tee $6 per day salary and profits. If
you mean business call 693 Glisan st '
INSPECTOR who knows of a rich gold
mine and copper deposit in northern
California, will stake, locate and record
a few claims at $60 each, which will be
wortn tnousanas; Dest or, rere.rences,
V-686j Journal. .
IF you have a moving picture theatre
fpr sale or if you wiBh to buy or open
one, communicate-with a permanent and
successful company. Peoples' Amuse
ment Co., 610-515 Rothchlld bldg., Port
land. Or. . v
A CHANCE for two first class stock
salesmen to get In on ground floor
with best proposition On market today,
Liberal contract Apply room 618 Swet
land bldg., 3 to o p. m.
WILL sell you a neat, clean business,
good location, long lease, part cash.
bal. monthly. Investigate this if you
are looking for a money maker., W-685,
Journal. - -
GIVEN away free to those answering
this advertisem tt within 30 days, a
map of all the California oil fields. 8a-gar-Loomis
Co., 701 Oregonian bldg.,
Portland, Oregon. - '-
A in a business location for a
butcher; complete fixtures; 4 living
rooms, snop, everything complete: zsouo,
$900 cash, balance easy terms. Call 623
Henry bldg. ' '
CONFECTIONERY, best location on the
west side; 2 confectioneries , doing
good business, on the east side- 1 res
taurant outfit Yltt Bros., 404 E. Mor
rison st . . '
LOOKING for an opening? Might have
something, to suit; commission' busi
ness every description, xxiuis -urcnt
61o Rothchlld bldg.
FIRST CLASS restaurant man wants
partner in the best paying lunch coun
ter .in Portland; will stand closest m
veatigation. Call at 248 Madison st
HIGHLAND notion store; confectionery,
cigars, tobacco; 4 want to go on home
stead; good business, : rent $16. 1017
Union ave. N.
WE CAN place you in paying business;
neiore muring oe sure ana see us.
631-2 Lumber
Exchange bldg. A-4881.
FOR SALE Barber shop and confec
tionery. Also 4. room cottage and 4
lots. Good business. No competition.
Cheap. Box 45. Dilley, Oregon.
doing good' business; must quit - on
account of health; terms, u-686, Jour
nai, -v -' - --- -
PHOTOGRAPH studio, bargain at $600.
for a quick sale $300 takes it Swan
son's, 4th and Morrison. Everything
complete. . - '.'-,-
WE HAVE splendid proposition in the
amusement line ror party navmg
$260; big money. Pacific Amusement
Exchange, Marquam bldg. ;-- - '
SPLENDID opportunity in book busl
. ness: low price for cash; state amount
of cash or trade youwould Jnyest-.. V
Bxa, journal. -
FOR SALE Office furniture and list
19R.-wAMt- lAnlllritncr Tlhnn. IK
203 GeVlinger bldg.
CONFECTIONERY Will sell at right
price; call at 411 Hawthorne ave.,
near Grand. A. F. Schunlck. , "
WANTED A man to take Jialf interest
in a business established eight years;
$500 required. W-689, JournaU'
$200 Cleaning and dye business, nets
$30 per week; terms. Phone Tabor
2384.' ' ' v.--''-- . -r.--. . ;
WANTED At once. Saloon close in or
- good eeeond hand furniture store. T-
682, journal.
FOR SALE Restaurant and confection
ery an east side; good ice cream loca
tlom price $250. 8-687, Journal.'
I HAVE cash buyer for moving picture
theatre in small town or city, jm., -w,
Werth, 404 Rothchlld bldg,
lease; spot cash. Inquire 216 Oregon'
tan Didg.
FOR SALE Py owner, not paying rent
restaurant In large rooming house. T-
683. Journal,
FOR SALE Coffee house and lunch
room v a moneymaKe Z4 Maaison,
CONFECTIONERY store, Washington
st; snap. 422 Ahtngton, bldg.'
RESTAURANT ler sale or trade, 411 to
Morrison st.
WANTED-i-Me.n to learn buck and wing
dancing at the Chicago school of act-
Ing, 343H: Yamhill, room 16.
WANTED Young man for cream "de
partment. Aldon Candy Co., 12th and
WANTED Man to work on boat. 6ne
who, can run gas engine preferred.
Call at Rays Gas Engine hospital.
YOUNG man 19 years uld wishes out
door, employment of any kind. ? Tel.
A-1705. Henry. - . ' "- .. .
SIGN painting wanted in exchange for
weniarr-ironi. nouin zu t AHSKy bldg.
cor. 3d and Morrison st M-8002. '
CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call
- fornia Wine Depot 286 Yamhill, next
itt rjurriHi.
WANTED Lady and gentleman presa
er,. Inquire .224 Second or 687 Union
ave. N. -' ' -. f .
SELL-"tea and coffee.' If you are a
. hustler call bet 8 and 10, 49to 2d et
net. i-inti ana Asn. v-
FIRST CLASS barber wanted at- 24S
-Davis st; experienced man.
WANTED A partner to go in a small
buHlnesa. in work. T-686, Journal.
NEWS agents for railroad train service,
apply to Burkalow Bros.. 326 Johnson.
SALOON porter, 240 Salmon st
:ai.:: 1
WANTED Able bodied men for the L.
S. Marine Corps, between the ases of
1? and 35. Must be native born or hnve
first papers. Monthly pay 115 to $fi';).
Additional compensation possible: Food,
clotlilne-, quarters and medical' attend
ance free. After 30 years' service -can
retire with 75 per cent of pay and al
lowances. Service on board ship and
ashore in all parts of the world. Apply
at Breeden bid., 3d and Washington
sts., Portland. Or
Competent Real Estate Sales-
- - man , y '
Wanted to handle new plat close in,
with right prices and terms. Apply
. , HART LAND CO., .
146 2d st. ,
Independent or nonunion
. -a commercial ClUD oiag.
WANTED At once, good all-around
. country printer, One capable of tak
ing charge of up-to-date plant and
turning out high-class work. Steady
Job for the right man at $18 a week.
Address The ' Journal. Kelso. Wash. .
10.000 POSITIONS ;
For graduates Inst year; reri and wo
men learn barber traf.e in 8 weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn 96
to t25 weekly; expert Instructor: tools
tree: write for. catalog. - Moler Ssten
of Colleges) 88 N. 4th st. Portland.
OUR motion picture, operators' depart
ment me oest on tne cMstt compe
tent Instructors teach in two weeks;
make men competent for position; we
havn applications dnllv tor nnnratnm!
pays $26 to $40 weekly. Paclflo Amuse-
ment axenange. Marqunm tildg. v -
lenced man to assist In delicatessen.
Apply at once to superintendents o;-;
Ul.tia, .WUK1MAN .c KING,
WANTED Salesman: many make $100
to $150 oer month: aome even more:
stock clean, growa on reservation, far
from oia orcnaras, casn advanoe week,
ly; choice of territory. Address Wash
ington Nurserv Co.. Toptntsh, Wash.
International correspondence
. HCtiUULH , , ,1.
- 1 MOVED -
233 Alder St.. near 2d. 'Main 671S. '
WANTED Wood ' working machine
'hands of all kinds, framemakers. stair
and cabinet builders; steady work, win
ter ana summer; apply at once. Segeike
& Kohlhans Mfg. Co., Lacrosse, Wis:
WANTED 6aismn In every locality
In ' the northwest: monev advancml
weekly; many make over 8100 monthly;
choice of territory Yakima Valley
Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Wa.
MARRIED man wanted for permanent
.jod, livery staoies. isew, moaern
housekeeping rooms, convenient to work;
food wages and rent reasonable. , Room
18 Henry bldg. - -
WANTED Man , or woman to take
charge of restaurant: must be willing
to -take interest In business, should it
prove a success; present owner, alck.
W-687, Journal. S --- "
WANTED At once, young man to learn
to spin yarn; fair wage guaranteed to
start; steady work guaranteed through
out the year. Apply to superintendent
Portlan'd Woolen Mills, St. Johns, Or.
MARRIED man wanted for-permanent
lob. llverv stables. New modern hoime.
keeping rooms, convenient to work; good
wages and rent reasonable. Room 618
Henry bldg. -
LEARN' operate motion pictures;
operators 335 weekly: easv ' work.
Motion Picture School, 628 to Washing-
ion, pet. letn ana ran.
$5 PER MONTri Telegraphy taught in
practical forms. Day and evening
sessions. Address Myers, 329 llth at,
A-l SALESMAN wanted by old estab
lished house; city and road work; per.
manent position; exclusive territory.
ti-OBU, journal. ... ... ,
WANTED Two good farm hands. Call
Thursday morning 1004, Mllwaukle
st. v Take . Sellwood car to Gratton'a
grove. , ;- ' -
WANTED Honest sober and competent
- motion picture - operator, good salary.
pox v-8i, journal. - - -
FINE opening for energetic young man.
small capital requirea. can 326 to
Washington st., room u.
A-l INSURANCE and stock - salesmen
wanted; best stock .on the market
WANTED at once, 2 men to learn to
drive and , repair ., automobiles, . Call
bu-oz in. an bu - ; i
MXCHINISTS call at 270 to Alder street
before going to work" Strike on for
eight hours. Ed. Carlson, business agent
CARPENTER work wanted In exchange
for dental work. . Room - 207 Alisky
bid g., cor, aq ana Morrison- sts. M-8P0 Z,
TJf.ARN driving automobile, day or even
mg, asoiit vvasmngion, ioom H
main o.ini.
WANTED Boy or young man with
reference and one that Is good "for
snmethlncr! Kellwnod Sfifi
TEAMS wanted for grading and haul
ing gravel.; steady worn. u. Paulson,
13Z0 .tjrnana ave. , vvooqiawn
WANTED A boy over 14 to carry
down town - Dally News route; Ap-
piy-at Liany News.
J...". FE.MALE 20
GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write
for Portland examination schedule.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 248 R. Roches
ter, N. Y, y, - ---- - -
n D U A MCuM . rn
Main office 23 .24- et, Portland.
Ladies' depurtratnt 7th and Wash. sts.
: 1
upstairs, rortiana.
424 Front ave., Spokane. ,
17-89 4th at. Ban Francisco.
Established 1176.
CO.. Headquarters for R. R. work,
28to N. 2d at '
AGENTS With 81 to 15 capital make
$10 day. Send- 10 cents for sample
and information.; Kruiiers Dutch eup;
piy Co., uept. A. Hiusnoro, ur,
AGENTS wanted to aid us sutply the
-demand for choice nursery stock: out
fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital
city Nursery company, sal em, ur.
MIDDLE aged or elderly lady, family
or two, nomeiiice, -easy piace, '
Portland boulevard, , Arbor
tion, St. 'Johns car.-
Voage -sta
EXPERIENCED pressors pn lady's gar-
rr.ents; good wages. Vienna . Dye
works, Z28 3d st.
WANTED Young ladles to learn fancy
dancing at tne cnicago scnooi or act
lng. 343to Yamniu, room is. -
WANTED Girls to work in shooting
gallery. Appiy cor. m ana couch
sts. 810 a ween ana up,
WANTED Young man, solicitor, good
canvassing. Anty Bwetianq Ding.
WANTED A young girl over 1 6 to take
care or iwu cimureu. can in ti.
15th, car.
GlRu for general housework call 828
East 8almon. 'References required. .
GIRLS to work on mangle and shirt
press operator.- 5UQ rj. Morrison.
YOUNG girl to .make hair rolls."
--E. 9th
GIRL- for general housework.
WWWWk.-;! TTTTTT-l 41 B.
WANT ,, girl for general -: housework,
Appiy 641 Washington St.,
WANTED At once, waitress. Nationa
Hotel, Front ana.yemniii sts.
WANTED Waitress at Swetland's. 309
Morrison st
EXPERIENCED lroner -wanted for hand
laundry. 345 Yamhill. ,
i:i:lp ivAXiri) female '2
titk; orkatI'Th wortman a
KINll SI'OUK np,l th. cfi-vtefn nf a
larno ninnher -of experienced sales-
women in thu followinar departments:!
years of age and over who wish the
opportunity to enter a business career.
vljux, WURTMAN .& KING.
STRONG middle aged woirian to cook
and keep house for family young men
on Hood River ranch.
manent position and splendid home for
iipm imriy. AaarOBS DOX 617, HOOd
mver, nr,
CARPET SEWERS Experienced work
ers wanted at once.
WANTED Girls to work in laundry,
experience not necessary"! nlc.: nUan.
healthy employment and good pay those
who will - work. Taoltlc - Laundry Co.,
231 Arthur st ' '
GIRL for cooking and housework. 74T
isast Madison; st, Hawthorne or East
Morrison cars. ' , - '
MAIN S665, A-6624. ,x
ALL. on one floor, 36 rooms; center of
cuy. iteni oniy i(; gooa, 4ease;, oor
ner - building; A-l : transient place; big
money maker; leaving city; will sacri
fice for $2600. Terms. f -; -H.
us xem;n ist. . Marshall izas.
HONEST young man of 19,' Just fln
'lshed high .school, wishes work -in
reliable business office where there is
good chance for advancement for a
willing worker. Has tome, knowledge
of bookkeeping and is a good penman.
References. Sellwood 78. - ' .-i---.
POSITION wanted as clerk in hotel or
tobacco stand bv voung man with
two , years' experience: reference f ur
nlshed S-685, Journal, 4
CARPENTER work wanted of every de
scrlptlon; Jobbing, remodeling, repair
ing a specialty, cummings & cauin, m
r irst nt.- jviarsnau Z3S7.
YOUNG man, married, wants position, in
store; grocery, conieciionery or gen
eral store. (Can give best of references.
B-esz, journal.
WANTEDSteady work by young mar-
nea man; mui preierrea. Bcosti, jour
nai. -" ,.-:'-.-
LICENSED chauffeur desires private
car: - careful and competent: knowa
the city: experienced on repair work.
SITUATION wanted by experienced
engineer, stationary or traction.1 steam
or gasoline. k-bi. journal, v
CARPENTER and builder. new or re-
pair work, day or contract, sen woa
171$. - ' ' - - ',' -
MOVING picture operator wants Job.
salary fZ5. zi-bbs. journal.
YOUNG man with family wants farm
work, experienced. S-684, journal.
CARPENTER work, any kind, day or
contract. Phone' Marshall 2837.
WANTED-i-Curtalns to launder, on
- tracts and terms to hotels and apart-
ment houses: - called for and delivered.
Phone Woodlawn 2634.
WIDOW with son 18 years old wbuld
-like work on ranch together. Keier
ences exchanged. T-684. Journal '
EXPERIENCED woman with, baby
wants housekeeping; $25 month witn
one room, bi n. tn.
RELIABLE mlddleage woman wants
place - housekeeper; prefer ; , widower. :
Address 1812 Macadam st. - , '
GIRL of 16 wants work as nurse girl, .
or ligtrt housework, w-688, journal.
WANTED Woman to work 2 hour in
- the mornings.---Call 26to 1st st-, -
WOMAN wants work by day. Phone
Mrs. Thompson, Woodlawn 1854.
FOR trained nurse, hospital graduate.
Phone Sellwood 1658. City or country-
" " ' 1 ' - " ' ' " ' -
TRAVELING people can find pleasant
rooms dajt or night running water In
rooms, seven Blocks postoffice. 211 12th
also other rooms suitable for two per
BUnfl, . ' ' ' " ' - - -
re pnone ana oatn. main i .ee. ;
FURNISHED rooms, new place, will :
rent cheap to get roomera. 1 ,rront
room. 228 Harrison. -'
NICELY furnished rooms, cool, com-
- fortable: everything moaern:- rea-
sonable. 775 Savier St., A-7748. yjr
FURNISHED Bleeping room for rent -
private. 829 Hall st Main 3938, f
NICELY furnished front room, suitable
for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 168 18th st
FURNISH!!) room with board. .Mrs. &
a, Norinup, 4H iv. ;(za. --
EAST SIDE ' , ' S3
PARLOR, dining room," front bedrOonv
clothes press, path, in private family,
first floor, one block from carllne; gas,
lawn, use or pnone. soma use or Kitcnen.
For adults only. Call phone East 3958,
or inquire 802 E. Ash. - ' ' ,
FOR RENT Large, airy front- sleeping
room, suitame ior t gentlemen; noara
nntlnnnl- within welkins distance of J.h :
central part of theclty. 848 Borthwlck.
it jra
to Ma
'$3.50. 190
larket st'
WANTED -Room and board by younf
men; private iamuy preierrea; rersr.
ences. . T-6g9, journal.- 1 - -,
FRONT room with board for two,- $6,60
wek. 61 N. 9th; private boarding
house. "': . . '
ROOM and board, private family close
in, 15.60 per ween; good car service..
207 Union ave. N. - -.;-" -.
liOOM .and board for young' women, ' 6
(.irarn avo. w. i-none cast zbi.- y '
GOOD home cooKing, close in. reason
' able prices. Main 8822. 262 7th.
TWO young Germans want quiet room
in' good home near business district
V-680, Journal. -
HOTEL FOSTER Portland's newest ...
medium priced fireproof hotel; 194
rooms; steam heat, hot and cold run
ning water in eevry room; rates 75 J
and $1; full half block; 247-2fcfr Davis
st. 2d to 8d. -;v'-' -vv".v -".-----';
HOTEL" PORTLAND European ' plaa
onh; $3. $5 day. - ' - - - - - .
VALLAMONT Furnished ,
rent. 376 Yamhill. ,
rooms fof
BELVEDRKE. European. 4th and Alder.
LARGE, clean roam, furnished complete
fnr. hnnuekeenlnr. 631 Thurman St.
or pingle room.--modern. 367 12th st.
rM,i .. 1 .... .... .nnnifi (luu '. ru n a ,
FRONT - alcove rooms. - uus range,
llghjui. batn ann pnone. ,na ri. ivtn,-
2 SNKiE large housekeeping rooms; all,
modern. 226 13th. - r - - - v
313 14th, cornt-r Clay, large, light 1 and '
2 room hotmekeeping suites '
MITCIIELL Housekeeping rooms; llcht,
gas; moUurate.-, I th & if landers. A-4U7
- t