JULY roii SAL! 51 ::c.:.::x to loan 1 r - A J- i-1, j it::Miu::::io:tSALa r-T'T? VITI'HS of 7 room 'house reasnn . fltte; house for rent Call afternoons ' FI'UNISHbn house to rent. 6o3 E. Ral- FURXISIIED HOUSES 83 FURNISHED cottage, $20; lower 4 room flat, $18 month; two housekeeping room $10 month; west etde river. Apply 364 N. 26th. W car from depot, 6th .or Morrison to Zbtn. niocn imrui. j FURNISHED 5 room house for rent S 894 15 th. or Information call 804 E. 14th st. N. :" '- - ' FOR KENTFLATS - IS ELEGANT unfurnished tippef flat, 6 rooms, Hawthorne ave. , SPEER & CO.. Tiihor 388, . , ..lflOOtt Belmont et TWO new modern flats, swell location, iHhi an4 3014 XV 12 th, 1 block from J. I Ca- TV iiiuj tfy m t -ma ' " v - - f ROOM modern flat, large andt eon. Hawthorne ave., rent wm venlent, n Mississippi Inquire week flays. ; MODERN 1 5 roorn flat, Wlllameue Heights, beautiful VlewrlOiO Savler st. Phone A-2660- MODERN lower flat. In Irvington. In quire 405 .& 10th at N. f . ocki Broadway car, or phone East 6608. , MODERN flat, inquire. 31 4 V4 Eugene 608. et., ' or , pnoriB' y-jnoi. UW .modern 6 and 6 room flats, eaei side. 'central. Marshall 1445. i MODERN . 5 room flat for rent 771 Williams ave. MW . modern upper- )fUV $17. 'Thone Sell wood 902; 855 Clinton et. APARTMENTS 43 LOI8 APARTMENTS, V '. V s 704-706 HoytBt. - . r New brick apartments now ready for i occupancy; 2.. 8 and 4 room sunes, pn ' 'vate bath, phone. ilctrlo and tireless okrT ele2tr& ht. la "leeplng porches, steam heat, beautifully t ur ZnhA: . lanitor service; references re- , quired. Phone Marshall 2010. .TYm Twr k a trTMnTOM" 1 "W car to 2 1st and Northrup. Beautiful P room apartments fur nished and , unfurnished, w th all mod ern conveniences, bath, . tele-phonv hot and cold water.-steam heat. h tor, gas range, gas, electrlo light. Jani tor service, etc. ' u , fe:. Wellington Court , . - Beautiful - 2. 8, ; 4 room tarnished apartments, steam heat, free pnn. lanitor service, rent reasonable. ,Itn and Everett ets. Main 1245. . THE RE-UKAN- APARTMENTS Mar shall between 19th and 20th; labor etcly furnished, all the latest Pave ments. Ideal location, $30 up. Bee these before deciding on others. ELEGANT three room apartment nloe ,..MtBk4 Tnoiiin, nkno. -In private home. All new and food. Close in." 424 6th St. ; VIVE room . apartment, bath, gas,. One view. $15. Inquire 213 Kelly street "B" car- south. ' ' -;,: ' ' ' ' " BUJniEB RESORTS.'. 25 COTTAGES to ' rent at Be qeltkemper. 28 Mory0 Sea view. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BEST location in city for meat market .or other bualnees, cheap rent, long lease.. Apply proprietor Yamhill House, B8i lamnui. good location for millinery, dry goods or coniecuoncry, niu v. "' " name ave ; FOR RENT ; around floor of f ice space, southwest corner Front and Ankeny A etreets. Apply, phone Main 422. FEW nice, offices In the Couch and i i'hYihor Mrta- Krt1 rmtch hide. 1 LESK room tor rent AUeky t HORSES, ' VEHICLES, ETC. 18 . Horse v Wagons & Harness ; : ' - - ' FOK sale, j , -Having bought the Merchants1 Ex- tirn Himmnv'i Outfit and all Of Mr, ; ichulderroan's mail wagons, we will sell all. or part at a very reasonable price; . we aiso Keep an Kinas oi uun mi lend for sale: all of our horses are guar anteed to be as represented or money refunded. Hawthorne Btao.es. u aw ttiorne ave, WantedTeams , Heavy teams handled by owners can , find steady employment at high wages, - bam and ornc root 01 nueaeu FOR-RENT Large farm, suitable for ieea ana uwmvj uubiucdo, bhuhicu mrsr unsa jjino i uau, iuuuie),iiii v-vt- ble; or will sell cheap.- Inquira at 333 Vj An ulu ttiieramAss Tnf runt V1T tlalV. week and, monthr peclal OUiin"ss nousee. iu.uiu bwi Kast 71. FEW good horses for sale, weighing from 1"200 to 1700 lbs. all guaranteed. 1S6K Madison St., west approach! of new tvriage. suitable for lady, also runabout and harness; A-l condition, M-8, journal. ' TOP delivery wagon for sale, cheap; in good condition. Pucker, union ave. cor. Yamhill. HORSES bought, sold and hired; also several good siaus lor rem at ziv to. eth st WANTED Wagon for express business. Must be In good condition-. Call 102 H . r llOt fit. rilUUQ rTcnuiflw wswv yyyo BUY Keller's Guaranteed HarneaeT WANTED A work horse at once, weighing about 1500 lbs. Tabor 3137. LIVESTOCK AND POt'LTKY S3 PHILO'S all metal 60 egg hatchers; have more than will use this winter; will sell one new Cycle hatcher for $8.60.- Two. for- $13. One brooder hatcher for $8.60 or two for $16. R-688, journal, FOR 8AX.E One 1100 2-year-old colt, also 2 fresh cows. E. Williams, th and Gtbbe, Marquam hill." Phone Main FOB SALE -RnSCELLAXEOUS 19 BARBER SHOP FOR, HALE. - Three chairs. ha.hrnnm. evervthlnar In first class shape, located in one of the best towns in the Willamette vallev. old- est I shop In city, and has good .paying ' patronage. Box 64. Springfield. Or. W i. ' IllQ 4.V. Vl V to draw from, no opposition, 'small 1 deposit, balance 6n insUllment any way to suit buyer. Dreamland theatre. Cas- "ReaTThis . I have a lot 60x90 in thriving railroad division townHp exchange for diamond or motorcycle. , Pnone evenings, A-7478. FOa SALE-18 foot . Racine speed launch, 6 h. p. Lockwood-Ash engine; makes 12 miles per hour; a bargain at 2200; terms; 5 bej-cent off for cash rnone moor noi, or jas. u. weloli. NEW and aecond nana poo, nw oil Hard tables bought, and sold on easy terms. -Bowlln alleys.,, refrigerators for immediate delivery. ' Address, the prunswicK-ame-v;tuenaeF co... ee . gth. $125 piano check, for 15 cents cash; I ' Was nearly roped in but fortunately escapedJ it was a close shave! Nextt tuK bale Kelley steam drag saw complete, prloe $100, Russell 16 H. P. traction engine, $1600. Address 1144 E. I.lnnoln v . F WILL trade green and gray .piano -Xhecka,ior.ak-browaov.pal- ptnk, to complete collection, object matri mony. i-t8. journal. ' 1 FOR SALE Half, batch Smith concrete mixer, good "condition. Further par ticulars write N. W. Ball, Wenatchee, Wash. ' tOR SALE Counter, showcase, res taurant dishes. 6 6 9. Savler. st MY girl made $643 a month answering; pu,,;!es; how old la Ann? N-688, Journnl. iOH SALE 75 horne power biair p nd i0T 4o iioraa power engine- uooq sawmill. L-fi81, JournHl, $10. Singer sewing marhine with at- tarhmentH. Call 3Sa K. MorrlMon. $100 Eiiera' Piano check for se for J20., p. O. Box 205. Portland, ur, WANTED -BnsCEIXATffiOrS 0 GET our price on your furniture, as It will pay you. we want ins gooaa. Savage and Pennall, 851-1 1st at Main 880. -. WANTED People of Portland to know that we pay nigneet caon price ior second hand household goods. Seater ft Guwtavson. 143 Kusseu. n.asr BE WISF; get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Forfl Auction Co.. m 1st . Main 8951. A-244j OLD auto tires 7o per lb.; old rubber - boots and shoes hc per id. j. ieve, 188 Columbia et. Main 6H8. 6POT cash paid for your rurnlture: prompt attention always given, is. iue FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE'S 44 CITY BICYCLEHDSPITAJU New and second hand motorcycles flor sale, f Repairing a specialty. 1$ Mor rison. Fhone Mam SECOND hand phonograph machi and records bought, . sold and nes ex- changed. ! 190 3d st, TWO-CYLINDER Oldsmoblle: good en gine; $125; will trade. 445 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 649. 6EVEN passenger White steamer for nl. . h V a n n TnAl.fl). United Cigar tore, 4th and wash. FOR BALE 40 horeepower Haines, lu good order. $950. J-664. journal. MUSICAL INSTROIENT8 84 . YORK BAND INSTRUMENTS From the "House of York." The Chas. E. York Band Instrument and Muslo House. V v-:-5 Special Distributing Agents.-- THINK twloe! Then make me an offer for a beautiful trass arson $115 piano cheok, green folks take notice, nq un- reaeonaoia oner rexueou. n.-vaa, 16 assorted piano checks, all sices and colors to-match any soheme except the dealers who take them, G-681, Jour nal. : . V ' NOTICES. 20 NOTICE OF BALE OF STATE LANDS. Jotlce Is hereby given that the state land board will receive sealed bids until 11 o'clock A. M.. August 1, 1910, for the following described school lands, to-wlt: Northeast 4 and east of northwest u of section 16, township J, south range $2 east ' All of seotion 36, township 6 south range 28 east- East Vs and east Of west H of seo tion 16, township 6 south rangd80 east South and south H of north hi of section -16, townnhlp 5 south range 4 east. ' West ; y of section 16. township 6, south range 84 east. ' All of aectlon 16, township T south range 26 east East H of section 16, township 1 south Mnpn SK Aftt., Fstttt-ectie$f-4ttshlBn4 south range ii east - Northwest X and south H of section 16, township 8 south range 36 east AU of section $6, township 8, south range 32 east All ' of see-on 86, township 8. south range 24 east. - Northeast H. north of northwest southwest M of northwest hi and south H of section 86, township 10 south, range 28 east 'Northeast U. of southwest '&'.' south H of southwest 14. southeast of nortnwest ana east A or section le, township 10. south -range 29 east 'Northeast quarter, north of north west M and southwest V of northwest of section 36, township 10 south ranee 21 east - North y,. southwest U and nerth H of soutneast A oi section , townsnip ii. south range 81 east All of section 36. township 12 south range 85 east All Of section 16, township 13 south range 23 east . All of section It, township 14- south range zo eaat - All of seotion 88, township 14. south range 80 east East Vt of northwest U. southwest U. of northwest M, northwest of south west . south Vt of southwest M and east m oi section st, townsnip 1 soutn range 33 east. . South H of section It, township 15 south nnn 24 east . All of section 16, and north H of seo tion s, townsiuir e souta range IS east All of section 16, township 15 south range 36 east ' - All of section 36, township 16. south range 86 east ' All of section 16, township 18 south range sv east. XII of section 16 and all of section 16, townshin 19 south ranee 80 east Southwest L of section 16, township 20 south range 14 east t North H of north M, southeast of iiurineasi kl una sou in y oi section. IS, township 20 south range 81 east Northeast and south of section is, townsnip xo south range 83 east All of section 86, tpwnshlp 21 south range 18 east, - - . , - West of section 36, itownshlp II south range 14 east AH of section 84, township 21 south range 27 east All of section 16 and all of section 86, township 22 south range 12 east All of section 16 and all of section $6, townsnin Z3 soutn range 14 east. All of section 16, township 28, south range 12 east - All of section 16, township 25 south ntnge - east. All of section 16, township 34 south range 17 east. All bids must be accompanied by a regularly executed application to pur chase, and at :east one-fifth of the amount onerea. - No bid of less than $15 per, acre will be considered. Tjuright is reserved to reject any and Applications And bids eliould be ad dressed to Q. a. Brown; Clerk fitate iuand Board. Salem.( Oregon, and marked "Application and bid to purchase state Und"'" 1. . Q. G BROWN, 4 'Dated April 22. 1910. viom, oimo jutiuu iuaru. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the dis trict court of the United States for the distrlot of Oregon. In the matter of John a Sheets, bankrupt No. 1612 in bankruptcy. ' , Notice Is hereby given that on the 14th day of July A. D., 1910, John E. 8heets of Portland, Or., the bankrupt above named,- was duly 'adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned, rooms 401-2, Fenton building, Portland, Or., on the 27th day of July, 1910, at 10 a m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other butt- Mess as may property come Before said meeting. A.iaims ,muHi, D. presente in form required, by the bankruptcy act, ana sworn 10, ine scneauie inea aia closes no assets. -"j v CHESTER O. MURPHY. ; Referee in Bankruptcy, Bated, July 16, 1910. - kNOTICK Of stockholders' meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mid way Oil company- will be - held at . the office of the company, 324 Stark st; Portland. Or., at 3 o'clock; p. m. on Wed nesday, the 20th day of July, 1910, for the-purpose of-electing a board of di rectors, and for the transaction of such other business as may legally come be fore the meeting. A. B. DAVIS. Becy. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET- ing The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Coeus d'Alne Develop ment : Company, for the election of board of directors for the ensuing year, ana-ior ina,, uiisaction-.otuuft otnirf Dustness as may regularly come before them, will be held at the office of the Company, rooms 601 to 604 Chamber of Commerce building, Portland, Oregon, on August 1 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. r .. -' - ' GEORGE F, HOLMAN. ' Secretary , Coeur d' A lane Development Company. ;; . 7 Portland. Oregon, July 7, 1810. NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANP3: Notice is hereby Riven that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids un til 11 o'clock a. m.. August 1. 1910. for the following described school lands, to- All of section S. T. 1 S.. R, 40 F.. All of secton S6, T 3 S... R. 31 E. W. H or section 16, T. 3 S K. 34 E. E V, and E. ". of the W. of Seo- tlon 3S, T. 6 8., B, 30 E. N. E. Vi and N. , of S. E.- of sec tion 38, T. 6 8., R. 28 E. W. V, of W. H of section 1. T. I S ' R. 31 E "E; H of N. E. U and S. E. M, of seo- tion 8, T. 7 S.. R. 30 E. N. hi of N. E. ht. N. W. M of N. W. hi. S. hi of N. W. JA. S. W. U. W. hi of 8. E. hi and S. E. H of S. E. of section 36, T. 8 8., R. 26 E. w. or section is, T. 8 b.. r. zt sa. E. hi and E. hi of W. hi of section 16. T 9 8 ft. 3 1 E All of section' 16. T. 13 6.. R. 29 E. N, E. hi,, E. hi of N. W. hi and N. . of S. E. hi of section 86. T. 12 8.. R. 91 K. 1 : All of section 16. T. 13 S.. R. 36 E. All of section 16, T. 14 S., R. 26 B. ah or section 18, x. 14 d. b. z b. N. W. Va. end S. of section 16. T..14;S., R. 30 E. - - .-iv oi section 10, t. i o., . m. - N. hi of section 86, T. 15 8., R. 81 F , W. hi of section 86, T. 16 R. 86 E. . All of section 16, T. 16 S., R. 27 E. E hi and E. hi of W. hi of section 86. T. 18 B.t R. 26 E. N. E. hi. and S. hi of section 16. T. 20 8.. R. 12 E. All or section s. r. zo B., K. 16 E. All of section 86. T. 20 8.. R. 30 E. All of section' 16. T. 25 S.. R 9 E. N. hit N. hi of S. W. hi, B. W. hi. of S. W. hi, N, w. hi of S. l3. and lots 1, 2,- and 8 of sectron, 86. T. 26 8., R. 29 E. - ' All of section 16. T. 14 8 R. 4! E. ' N. hi of N. W. k. B. W. .ot N, W. U. N. E. Vi and E. hi of & E. hi of section $6, t. 87 B., R 18 E. . N. E. hi, E. hi of N. W. hi and N. W. hi of N. W. hi and 8. hi of section 86, f. S8S.. R. 1?E. , : s. hi or n. w. ana e. h or section 16. T. 88 S.. B, 22 E. . N. E. hi and 8. hi of section 16, T. 41 S.. R- 2t E. BV k U of N. E. U . W.: U of N. E. and 8. E. hi of N. W. hi of section 86. T. 21 S., R. 7 W. ' r N. H of N. E. U and S. E. hi of N. E. of section 16. T. 24 R. 12 W. N. hi, N. E. of S. W. and N of 8. E. M -ot section 16, T. 25 S., R. 12 W. N. yL.of N. of section 86, T. 80 8 R. 14 W. All bids must be accompanied by a regularly executed application to pur chase and at least one-fifth of the amount offered. .. r1 - No bid of less than $7.50 per acre will De consiaerea. . The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, Applications and bids should be ad dressed to O. G. Brown,. Clerk State Land Board. Salem, Oregon, and marked "ADDllcatlon and bid to purchase state tanas." , O. G. -BROWN, i Clerk State Land Board. Dated. April 32. 1910. - . FINANCIAL 51 Quick loans on furniture and pianos, storage receipts, life Insur ance policies, livestock, real estate, etc. U. 8. Real Estate & Brokerage Co.. 818 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. LOANS WANTED SO LOANS- On A-l-lmnrovedreal estate In' the city as follows: 1350 on $1050 5 room house, g per cent. $600" on $2100 6 room house, 8 per cent. ; $821 on $2150 6 room house, 8 per cent - . ' $1000 on $3700 8 room 2 story house and 2 lots, 8 per cent $1400 on $3000 quarter .block and 6 room cottage, 8 per cent $1500 on $3500 6 room bungalow, 8 per cent. , -'t . v,, $1800 on $4000 7 room house, 8 per cent. $2250 on $6000 6 room dwelling, 8 per cent $6000 on $13,000 business corner on Front street, 7 per cent. 13,000 on $58,000 east side corner, 7 per cent And many others' lust as rood. ' M'KENZIE & CO.. , 615 Gerllnger Bldg Second and Alder. MONET loaned on timber lands, con- tracts or city property; easy terms. Room S. 221H Morrison. FROM private parUes. $2700; will pay 8 per cent: good real estate security; no agents. L-676. Journal WtLL pay 8 per cent ior $600 on lots ror one year. M-ggQ, Journal. WANT $900 8 years 8 per cent on 6 lots 6 blocks from car. E-682, Journal. MONET TO LOAN 47 - BUTTON CREDIT CO. ' An Easy Money Proposition. Money Is easy to get if you know where to get It - We have ready money at all times and you can get from $10 to $100 on your salary, furniture; piano, storage - receipt, real estate contracts, etc., at half the usual rates.. ' We loan on tha eajiv narment nlan the plan that helps you and gets you oui or aeoi; you get tne casn, an you ask for, and repay in amounta you can conveniently spare each pay day. Will remove , to 807 Spalding bldg. when completed, corner $d and Wash ington sts. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 612 Dekum Bldg. Phone Main 2369. salart "Loans on PLAIN NOTES. 110 TO- $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10 repaid in installments of $ .45 $20 repaid in installments of ...... .90 $60 repaid in installments of ...... 2.00 Larger amounts in proportion. All we require is your personal note; no mortgage, no lndorser or security; everything strictly confidential. t STATE SECURITY CO., : 308 Falling bldg. ' THE CRESCENT LOAN AtiENCY. 403 Rothchlld bldg.. corner 4th and Washington. The 1 ecognixed bank of the wage " earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can ob tain money of us on bis note without security, $16 return to ns to u.. ..,,..,$ 4.00 a month to us ...8 8.00 a month to us.... ,....$18.36 a month 130 return $60 return Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries, npeciai t-ates on pianos,- furniture, ete, MONET advanced salaried people, bonse ' keepers and others upon their owe names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 46 princl- ?al cities; save money by getting our erms. Tolman. $17 Lumber Exchanae. CASH paid for mortgages or seller's Interest in contracts on real esute in Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negoti ated on Improved property, H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg,, tth and Stark. TOUR CREDIT Is good at the Employes' Loan Co. 821 Abington. lOihi 8d st TO loam large and small amounts at 1 ana per cent interest, on gaoti city or 'suburban real estate. C. F, Pfluge.- & ; co room o, Muikey Diag., sd and Mor LrlBon sts. 100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance.. J. H. Mo Kenxls A Co.. Gerjlnger bldg. 2d and Al'r. MONEY to loan on Imnroved citv nmn erty: Wm. MacMaster, 802 Worcester bfock, MONEY tu loan; any amount 6 to 9 per . cent QoodUOUgh ft. Salts. 718 Board of Trade. ..- -- . MONEY to loan on Portland real estate. Harding & Reynolds Co., 313 Chamber of Commerce. ' ' - MONEY to ioan from $1000 to $5009 ior l year at 8 per cent. John B. Goddard,- 816 Board of Trade. ' MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building -loans; lowest rates; fire in surance. W. O. Beck. 812 Falling. , - ISAAC L WHITE, money to loan, fire - maurance i Mnriocs-oKis, ANYpart" $50,000 to loan at 6 per cent . interest. 205 Couch bldg. M ; SUMS of $2000 upward-on real estata Goddard & Weldrlck. 248 Stark. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat-. teL The Loan Co..- 414 Dekum bldg. SjUlCK loans on all securities. 8. W7 King.. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6101 V.'n LOAN money od diamonds and Jew elry at reasonable Interest for Ion or short time. A. & M. Delovage, Jewelers, 29 tVtuhlTKtton st. $100,000 on nionaftes. city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenile. A Co.. Orllngpr bid?.. 2-. end Alder. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Fox terrier, white except brown spots on neck, black tall. Answers to name of Bob. Last seen night of fire. Liberal reward. Main 5759. 321 Chap man, ror. Clay, ' LOST A purse containing $31 in cur rency, 2 gold rings, 1 gold locket, one pair ear rings, , Return to 304 2nd st Good reward. ' - LOST A. brooch containing a picture of a little boy and girl; Sunday, between Piedmont and Grace M. E. church. Call Woodlawn 2874; receive reward. LoST Ladies' Elgin watch' with fancy dial and O. W. engraved on the case. Return to 405 Flledner bldg. and re ceive reward. - - LOST Between" St. Vincent's hospital and 19th and -wash., small circular brooch with leaves set with 5 amethysts; t rewara. can mam boki LOST Gent's pocketbook," on "L" car, between Patton Home and Alder 'at; finder please return to Journal office; reward.' " ' ; LOST Two, keys on small chain, on 8 th .or Washington. 211 2d. McDill. Beward. FOUND- A place to get calling cards; BOo per 100. iuu, iMn Maaison st. Mar shall 1646. LOST A lady's small gold watch irlth cnippea aiamo Suitanle reward. ed. diamond set In back of case. 434 7th. personaxj : lEliW PAY WHEN CURED ' The Paclfio Coast Medical Co. The leading Specialists of Port land, no Money required to com-' menee Treatment We treat all cnronlo nervous-and complicated diseases of men. Our methods are modern and up to .date. We . want to . talk or write to every man 1n Portland and the North west, who is a sufferer. In - the . treatment of Diseases , ; of men, we acknowledge no superior. We will tell you all' about your case without charge, and you need not take treatment unless you wish to do so. Sepa- -rate parlors. Paclfio Coast Medi cal Co., cor. 1st and Washington -sts., Portland, opposite City Mar ket. If unable to call, write for list Of questions. Office hours, . 9 a. m. to 8 p m.; Sunday, 10 - is a. m. tp 1 p.' m. ,., ;,.. i40;000 office equipment, 14 treating , rooms in the most expensive and fin est equipped private office in America; 4 years' practice In Portland and never lost a patient; thousands of testimonials from tiose who have been saved from Operations; every modern method known to man Is jiaed 4o sayeltfe Hind -cure disease?' The methods Used are radltfm. X-ray, -violet light eleetrhsity, heat, bot ovens, baths, etc. Free lectures -Wednesday evenings.' Dr. W. E. Mallory, S12 Kotncntia bldg. ' .- , DR. ALICE A. ORIF. Diseases of .women and children cluelvely; Women are often saved se vere surgical - operations by consulting me. - Nervous diseases of children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Conflnemeats cared for. Cor-respondence- solicited. No charge for consultation, phones, Main 8938. A-6807 Office rooms 10, Grand Theatre bldg, Washington and Park. - ? v Men cured Quickly ; Modern electrlo treatment for diseases of the pi-ostate, nervous debility, piles, etc. WT L Howard, M. D.. 804-6 Roth chilal bldg., 4th and Washington. DR LEWIS. Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively; private hoa pltal accommodations; ''examinations free. Main 4047. A-2411. 606 Conmoa wealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. ;. Noxall Foot Remedy Will cure the worst of stinking and tender feet; at your druggist; price 25 cents. - - ' j GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries: for eign books of all kinds. Scnmtle Co, I7 1ST si. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, eorea, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and pllea 181 1st, Port land.. MEN When weak, nervous or despond ent, use sexoid run as a bracer; re stores tost vigor: price i per box, boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce. 811 Allsky. SANDERSON CO.'S Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed penoas, per dox or a Doxes ior is, T. J. Pierce. 811 AHsky bldg. LIQUOR and drug bablts permanently cureo in tnree aay; no surrerlng. Cardlttla lhstltute; 1627 Peninsula ave., yortiana, ur. WRINICLE3 removed, sagging corrected 1 In - ID minutes; free demonstrations. g peiunar-niracn piag. Main till. tin. Hi 1 nomas ivay ior conimentlal re. ports secret . service. McKay bldg. jaaranBii go. WOMEN Use Femoids when others -fail; sold and ruaranteed by the Aus plund Drg Co.. 110 N. 6th et Main 8106 OCCULT, new, thoufeut, liberal, sclen- tiiio dooks. jones book store, Hi Villi DR. T. J. PIERCE. Specialist Diseases of women; all Irregularities corrected; no exposure. Call or write 311 Allsky. BATTLE Creek Baths, ladies days, men nignts. gzi jurexei Hotel. At, i93g. BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of .women.' 629. Belmont st East 298. 6EX1NK Pills only 75c box. Call or ad- - press image i-narmacy. ii Morrison. BUSINESS DIRECT0HY ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Moorehouse St Co.. 411 Wash. st. WELLS 4c PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana- iytical cnemista t0 wasn. M. 7", MONTANA assay office, laboratory avnd . ore testing wora. ii Morriaon. ATTOKNETS CHR1STOPHERSON , MATTHEWS. General practice. 411-13 jiuchaaan bid. uusiNEso CAitrnr HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 3d St Blank books m'f'g; agta, for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-3183. Main 188. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sldewalka and cross ings. 817 Beck bldg. ; - TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general lobbing. J. Loell. 213 Jeffer nn st Main 1414. - ' THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland orrice, 404 Worcester nidg. JAS. Mcl. WCOD Co . all kinds of In- auranoe. surety bonds. McKay bldg. COAL AND WOOD WE WILL saw your wood promptly, Cascade Woodyard. . Phone Marshall 1906. A. H. Kdlefwen, the fuel man Ch, of Com merce, sells amnraclte and cannel; 'so STEEL Bridge ".Fuel Co., wooa ind coal. . - xenons 1-17(3, re. 44. - -.. .. y : SHORT Ary board wood. $3.50 per load. Phone Marshall 1906. CEDAR block, $150 for 30 days. Phone. Main 81511. A-384J. BEST 4 foot fir cofdwood $350 deliv ered. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones. REAL ESTATE NAME Bakr, P. M., City. Farm Property., Brong-Steel Company Bnihakor A Bnell't Bnttaroorth-8tpher.on Company, Ine, (ara Kealty A Inrestment Oo. . Cook A Co.. B. 8. ....Ch3 Chapln ft Herlow. .. . Una. D. V. Co. (Woodatockj .....Roeheater and Yukon gllwood 6; Hobart A Marshall, rarma. Oty Proprty.....Eoom .7, 230 Alder Main em Hemes, George A. (ColoaUatlon) g Ibbe Bldg ..Mala 12 Knapn ft Macify ' 7 Chamber of Commcrc.... Main and A-201 Orfty.n Real Eatate Co, The Sr&alk, Oeonra D...... Shield. J. H , Thompson, M. H, Co. BICYCLE REPAIIUNO NEW, second hand wheels, repairing, key. safe and look worn. Hummer, ia. iviu. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST Rugf Works Rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning; 158 Union ave., near B. Morrison. WE ea ve rag carpets, bath room rugs, 618 Patton ave. Woodlawn 2886. etc, 1618 COAL AXD WOOD N0TICEpISAiNSLABW00D GREEN SHORT WOOD, per Id.,$2.50 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord..3.B0 INSIDE DRT SHORT, per load ..?,! BLOCKS-WOOD, per load $3.50 BAWCTJST, for fuel and bedding. Tte PortlaECl SlabwcodCo.. Main 8119. A-7001. PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO. , Dry inside wood, per load. $8.60. Small dry lnaide wood, per load, JJ eO. Green short slabwood, per load. $2.6(1. Planer trimming, $3; blookwood, per load. $4. r ...... : , J fnones Main siu, a.-o. Yamato Wood and Coal Company Qarcoal PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st White & Benson Fuel Co, -416 East Morrison. ' East 814. " Formerly 0. K. Wood and Coal Yard. Wood, Coal and Dry Slab I7 K. Morrison. East 3ZS. B-10ZS. 66WTH PORTLAND "BLAB WOOD' CO.'. Main 2163, A-3842. Dry mstde wood, green slabwood, clean sawdust for bed ding? cut fuel; block wood. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODT AND PEDICURIN3 Mra M. D. HlC 42 Flledner bldg. CLEANING ANP DJTEKVQ - PHflKTO MAIN S08I ' To call for your suit to be sponged and pressed by one-who understands the business. The Elite Cleaning & Press ing Works, 818 Sd. corner Clay. X)LUCTIOHS CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 701 Board of Trade bldg.. th and Oak sts. Portland CflHoctlun Agency Alt JtlndsJ,iMKJrentea, repaired. sold. Cus oPaehtMlect Co.. 131 Stark. M. 1407. - COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only: L. Plnckney White. Main 6074; A-7026. CON T RACTOKS AND BU1XDER9 CUMMINGS A CATLIN Building - In every branch of the building trades: joDDlng, remoaeiing,. repairing a special ty: show cases: counters.- sneiving, eto, Office and shop .71. 1st st - Phone Mar shall 21 il WILLIAM F1SHBECK, carpenter and builder, jobbing and contracting. 200 4th. , Main 6241. A. J. F, BOWMAN, carpenter and builder; plans and specifications free. Phone Woodlawn- 2SB8. , ' FOR cement work, plastering, brick work and excavating call on Olson Marshall 1441. A-4020. DANCTNO WALTZ, two-step, stage dancing, lea- sons sec: now opening summer classes tonight. Prof. Wal Wlllson's school. jsim wasn. at., net, w. faric ana lutq. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Motors for rent or sale. Paclfio Eleo trio Engineering Co.. 218. Second st ELECTROirsra MOLES, wrinkles, superfluo 's hair re moved Mra M T. Hill. 4t Flledner. LEATHER TIN DINGS CHAS. L. MA8TICK ft CO- 74 Front Leather of every description; tap maufacturers. findings. , LIBRARIES. CIRCUIATINO library. 186 6th. bet Taylor and Yamhill. Books 80 per day. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY; : and marine; electrlo equipments; ..launches, accessories, wholesale and retell; engine repairing. Reieraon Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES Laemmle Film Exchange handles all kinds motion picture supplies, new or second nana macninee, parts, films, Blidest Over Pa mages theatre, Portland, Or. (Independent) PARTS, complete machines, films, son slides. films. reasonable. 626 Washington st. MUSIC TKACUEK3 E. THIBH HORN, Violin teacher, rupll Sevclk.- Mar. 1629, A-4160. 900 Marquam PIANO,' violin." cornet, mandolin, Prof. ' E. A. Smith, 293 12th st ' OS1 EOP.Vf HI U P Ul'SI CIANS DK. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, spe- cuuist on nerves, aou.e ana enronio diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Main 8f81. DR. SMITH, graduate Kirkavllle. Ma, 1S98; post grad.,1907. 318 BweUand biag. . . DR. F. J. BARB, A. & ao7 Mohawk bide;., 3d and Morrison, Main 122s. PAINTING AM) PAPKKIXG FOR palhtlng, tinting, paperhanging, pnone r,ast iaa. ah worn guaran teed satiaractory, FOR beat work, prices right, call iJ. A. Doane, 104 union. notn pnonea PA1N1V OIL AM GLASS RASMUSSEN ft ' CO., "High Standard" , paint ne. cor. 2d ft Taylor. M. A-177L P. E. BEACH & CO. Pioneer Paint Co.',' LiB isi i. m. itat, a-ivm. PATENT A T1UKNEVB HANDBOOKS ttt Inventors free; tells how o obtain and value of patents, trademalks registered.-- Beeler A Hob, Ill-ill mcuiii uioy., yraaningron. U. U. R C WRIGHT, V, 8. and foreign oat - ents; Infringement cases. : 04 DMcum. PRINTINO welch, mimim mnum "Doers of piever things Willi cyy uU ink on paper." 141 1st' , THE EAGLE PRINTING CO., not in trust; close figures, good work. 803 ; auou 4X1 FIX (I Hfcjs SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures- ra.d to orCer. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES L MARSHALL MbU. LU.. , new and old showcaaee, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch, IL 3703. DIRECTORY ADDRESS , TFXFPnnjfW ...W18 Corbett EUg .',...,A-41P2. Mala 741 ...110 Peot.nd 8t Mala nt A-2."v'.t MrKar Blrty... .Windsor Hlgliti, Mala f9 ... NS Lafj-tt llld...6tb acd Wash. Main ""nr.r Bldg , .Marshall Corbet t Kl,iV .Mala ..Main lera i-Dimper or commerce; gallwood 577 enTi Strand At, and Hnltnomah Eaat T. O-170 ...25M 8tark 8t ,: ....Main JBJ, A-2.WJ . Garllngor Bldg.. Main M,0 Henry Bldg., 4th-Oak.,..,.....M. 8064. A-832T BL'BUEB STAJV1P AND SEALS STENCILS and office statlbnery. Cun ningham Co., Ill Stark. Main 1407. B1UN ANi SHOW C Alt US FOSTER A KLEISER, signs; the larg est sign 'makers in the northwest; 6th and Everett sta Phone Prlv. Ex. ti. Home A-1166. J 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland 8lgn Co.. 887 Stark. Pacific 1696. PLUMBING AND OAS FITTING THE most essential part of plumbing Is good work. It avoids after-expense. We guarantee our work. Independent Plumbing Co., 220 Grand ave. E. 952. SCUVKYOfia . , log and topographical maps a spe dalty. 160 E. 28th st N. B-8099. !Tr- SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co, lot 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs, lockouts openea; Dargaina in second nana seres, SHINGLES BEST In Portland. See thern. 201 wasnington St. B. E. Gilbert. TOWKL SUPPLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, $1 per month. .Portland Laundry 4 Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch st. I1 none Main 410, A-4410. . IKANSFEU AND BTOKAGU Oregon Transfer Co. - jEsUbllshed 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents.' Storage, free trackage Office, 810 Hoyt at. bet 6th and 8th, Phones:. Main 49, A-1169. C O. PICK Transfer & Stotase Co. of. , flee and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults -ton- valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sta Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ship- ment. wain odw. a-i. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed and nippeo. 211s uan st. main ei, A-J247. INDEPENDENT - Baggage 4b Transfer Co. Storage. 824 . Stark. Main 407, A-4169. - irPEWRITERS V EX KlUM Alt AN DR. A. O. SMITH. V. &, U. a Stables. ii Jiunu main tin, yes, mauai DR. L. R. DILLON, Hawthorne avenue stables. East 72. 697. B-1869. WALL PAP5L. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, and the goods that go with them. E. H. Moorehouse -ft Co., 411 Wash, st WHOLESALE J0BBEU3 EVERDTNG V FARRELL, produce and oommiseisn meicnania. 140 Dront st Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. M. A. GUNST A CO DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. ' ' PORTLAND. OR, WADHAMS V CO- wholesale grooers. manufacturers and coffee roastera 4th khd Oak sts. ALLEN c. LEWIS GROCERlKii. BANKS GEEMAIT-AMEttlClN BANK Portland. Or. - Corner Sixth and Washington gt. Trena- laanad svallabl la all th principal cities ot th Unlud States and Europe, , Kour pr cent Interwt paid on- saving accounts, Bat da-poalt- vaalta. 1 - BONDS AND INVEST5IENT8 M ORRIS BROTHER. Chamber ot Cbav sieree B.'ldtng. Mnnlclpal, railroad and pabllo jerries earporatloa booda. TRANSPORTATION Columbia River Scenery Fast Excursion Steamer CM AM. R, SPEINCBR Leaves dally excent Wedniav : c ra., For Hood River and way landings mm iuru leayo nooa tuver, z:u p. JO. arrive roriiarvj s p. m. ST7JTDAY EZt70XSZ0278 . Leaves 9 a. m.; returns, 5:30 p. in. -First Class Meals Served. Fare, One Dollar Round Trip Up-town Office, 69 6th st Phftnaa farahfll1 1B70 i.l.ai Landing and Office. Foot Washington st x-uo-ncs auain boi. A-.460. Lowest Rates to Picnic Parties. E. W, SPENCER, OWNER. The Open Blver Transportation Company Sir. J. N. TLAL Ior TCB DAU-XS and Way Landings i-eavtng uan street aocic Monday, Wed nesday and. Friday at 1 a. m re turning, leaving The Dalles Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, malfine- -ni- nectlons at Celllo with STJlAMXa ITWIir CITIES for Pasco, Kennewick, and all points on the Columbia as far as Priest nsmns. - . , CAPT. W. 8- BUCHANAN, Supt A. S. WHITINQ. Arent. COOS t5AV aUIlNB 8 Day Service Str. Breakwater leaves Portland 9 a m., July 18, S3 and SS: August 8, 7, la, 17, M. 87. from Alns worth dock, for Horth Bend. Marahfiaid end Ooos Bay points. Freight received until 6 p. nu on day before. Passenger fare, 1st class, $10: 2d class, $7; Includ ing berth and meals. ' Inquire city tick et omce, u aou WBenington Streets or Alnsworth dock. Phone Main 26, San rranolsco ft Portland Staanahtn nn Wew Service to Los Angeles, via San jrranoiaco, every rive says. From Alnsworth dock. Portland m 8. S. Boss City, Jnly 37; Beat1, July 81 Ftom San Francisco for Portland H m B. B. Beaver, July 86; Bear, July noi Kose City, July 80. ' y- au' From tsan .rearo, norrnoound, " m. 8. Bear. July 33 1 Beaver. Jnl m H. G. Smith. C. T. A, 142 Third sf phone Main 402. A-1402. J. W. Ransom! HBriti. nnio-w ui iwn, yimna iuaia- .Cos SAN FRANCISCO AND - t i IX)S ANGEJjES DIRECT If OBTH PaCITIO S. 8. CO. 8. fl. BOA270XB aad 0. 8, EUJEB CAtli Every Wednesday, alternately, at 8 n. m. Ticket office 183 Third, near Alder. Phones V. 1814. A-1S14. MARTIN J, HIQLET, Pass. Agent. Wh H. SLUSSER, Freight ' Agent S. S. QoldenQate For Tillamook, Bay City and Garbaldl; teaves Wash. fct. dock Tuesday 5 p. m, , FreiKht and Passenger.. I'hone Main S19, A-246a A wl; lit n 1 i'fi)iifctf A p. . I IK 1 - p. :. p. v.. -j a. i. Piiaam Llmltnl ....... tiivrton i'anncnesr falllornla Kiprv- .... Ban I'rar-lsco Eipree. Wet bide CorVallia I-aasencrer ... torliisa Psaiwrn-.p SIlTerton Paaaeneer ... ...... - ' ' l" ...... P. . A -1 n n, roiw i,rot laaw-niter.... roraaj Grot Paawnsw Fort Gro Paaaencar .. a M a. w. .. 1 :) p. ,. 5:40 p. nu .. T:90 . n. ..iO.i") P- .. ;30 p. m. ..11 : a. m v... falWerton iMctl 'i .iP p. it. .... a- sTi'.?,." a:op.n. KTi,0 ,P,wt 9:30a.m. J-n faaaenger 10 JO t. m. Ofo faweocer. ............ 8:uO.in. ' iZZl ,71 .raaaanger. 11 a. n. koreot Urort paa-nf.'.... :40n. m. Korthern Ialfle,' Lea Tlr.ir Portland Tin nuria lM (oajtt 1 . 1,. .4. Dp... NoiU cot LUoitad ,i Httih ,.' i.. T0.i AUantJo Kxpres via tuget 8oinil..ia:16 . a . Atuutic xurcw -1, turUi Bank.., t:OU s. IC, lwl tity kiprea via tMgat iJoaad.., S:u p. .ir via f.oru BauK.. 1 ,ou p. "H. , .: Jkxyren u ort Una... a. m . - bound . . ...1040s. m.- iiuaoiui , &irw Jixpreaa vie Korth Ban T;O0 p. tat Vr, Oraj, ii arbor, Olnipi awl atouts Bad branches 6:45 i. SW FarUaud-VanceuTer Speelal ....... .10:10 a. to. funet, aouud LimltoO. Urars Hat- , Ur and boum haul Uaacna..... :S0t.m, "colt a'aaaencct v Arriving foruana , - Si0" Ua"t4 via Kortb Bank. 8:1s "a. . ; kortH Coast Umlud tU Paget Boand. 1 JO s, '"fa a-aoilie HixpccM vUerta Bank , ... ...tdOa-s, koriBKra Pacllle SJxnrca tU lugat Sound , .......,.r.m ..77., 7O0 8.SW Pacltie Ooaat Exnrtas via .Worth Bans. . ...... ,.r... 6:15 a. a. Paciiw Coaat , Kxpreas tU Paget Sound ......................... Td ..-,.. Wb. j.0 iipr u Jiorth Bank... V- JVaawrn kxprra via fuget Bound.. lu;W f av. Mlaaoun airer Ixvreae via Morth .Bu'f ............. ............ 7:80 a. sj.7' UUuuutp Elver aiinrcM tU Fttgrt "ouad ; ....... .:......... 4rfSk, Portlaud-Tatwma-Baatile Kxpraae sad -yt ; from vlmpia, Soutk Bend and "Grays Hurbor 4M0p.ow Pugt Bound limited ............. 7:10s. m. ifaucoavar-i-urtlaud 6pclal,.,......l0:d0 p. m. ICacolt faawngBf . .'. S:QU aa, . ' Litavtcg Portland ; '. '1 ' : Baker City Paaaengef....... ........ 7:40 a. su Urekon-Waablngtoa Uid1i4...'.m..-.10:uu a. m. lb Ueliea Lucal 4:00 p. n. Bpokan gift :OU p. B. Fast Kail .6:30p.m. 8oo-Spokan-Portland . :3S p. m. Oregun aUprm .................... S:uU B. . AiTlvlag PortUad- , Th DUe Local.. .............. i. .10:13 a. nu Bpokan firer ...................... 7:30 a. m. Oregon Kxpreas ....10:U a. na Hoa-tipokan-iirtland ,. :ooa- m, Faat Mall T:O0 a. m. . Bakar City Local Paeaenger........ 7:00 p. m.v Umgon-Waahlngtoa Limited B:ot p. m. - Astoria V Oolumbls Krrr. LeaTlng Portland Beaaide Exprea 8:00 a. nw an Short Llal ted 9.10 a. an. Saturday Bcaaid Bpaclal. .......... 3:30 p. m Baald tixpre , 0:30 p. u. Kalnler Paucnger 1:15 p. JUr' Rainier Paaangr 6:44 p. m, - . ArrtTiflg Portland , . . v Beulde xpra ....... ...... .12:05 B. mK' Monoay eeaam epeciai f.,.......i:au p. m. . Beaaide Kxpraas ............10:00 p. u. Octan Hbor Limited. ... .iu:id p. n. Sainler and Portland PaaMnger.,.. 0:40 a. m. aiuler and Portland Tanget . . . . 6:00 p. m. Oanadiaa Paelfl EaDway e. Lcalna Portland '" : C. V. K. Short Uut via Spokane. .. . 7:00 p. Via Beattl ....uaa a. m. " Arriving Portland ..".iVj; C. f. tU Short Un via Spokane.... -.00a. m. Via 'Ceatlle 7:oe a. a. Oragon ft Waahlngton Eaflroad Company. . Lea t lug Portland BeatUe rauenger ! lJnltwl''. .............. o.w Y up Owl ...........ll-io p. m. Arriving fortlaad Owl . T:13 a. m. BhasU Umliad 6Jp.n. Portland Paaaengtr 8:48 p. . jurrrESOir stkiet statiom. Southtra Paclfle. 'Leaving Portland " V '-"'J''" ' Dallna Paaaenger .................. T:40. nu, Pallas Paangr .4:80 p. m. Arriving Portland Dallas Psangr ........ .........,10:1s a. BU" ; pallaa Paeiiga 6:66 p. m. ELEVElfXK AVT HOYT STEIITS ' Bpokan, ortland ft Baattl Hallway Ce. LraTlnc Portland Inland Empire Kxprea ............. S:0Oe. aa, - For Chicago, si. ram, umua, a ana a cur, St. - Iul. Billing, Spokane, Waantoena, Kahkjtua, Paiea, KooMVelt. Qranddall, (Jul-., dendale, Lyls, Whit Salmon, . Stwnoa and . VaocMver. - t - - - . The Oregonian ......11:00 a. u. For St. Paul, Spokane, Paacv Granddallev; Lyle, Whit Salmon. SteTCnsoa and VancouTer,, . Colniobla Hirer Local , ,.,.v, 4:3op. m, . , North Ba nk Umlted . . ..... . . ..... 7 0 p. in. for Chicago. st- PaUl' 0naba aanaa City, , -Bt. Louia, Blllinga, - pokan.- Waahtucna, -Kahlotua, Paaco, Kootetelt, Granddalle. Lyle, White Salmon, StTnoa and VancouTer. , ; Axrlflng Portland . ,r;Z: The Oregonlan 7:08 a. , - From St. Paul, Spokane, Paaco. MaryhlU, Lyle, Whit Salmon. Steteuaoa aad Vaucouw. , North Bank Limited 1:30 a. m. j rrom Chicago, St. Panl, omasa, Kana City St. Louia, Billings. Spokan. Waahtucna, ,, Kahiotu. Paaco. RooTlt. Granddalle LlV Wbtto Salmon. Sterenaon and Vancouver. " Columbia River Local 12:86 p. m. Inland kimpir Kxpraa. ............. S.lo p. bk . i-roni Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha. Kanaas City, St LouU. BilUng. Spokane. Waahtucna,., Kahiotu. Paaco, Eooalt Granddalle. Lyl , White Salmon, Stevenaon and VanoouTT. , Great Korthern Ballway Oompaay. Leaving Portland Uth and Hoyt sts. Oriental Limited. vU, Seattle.... . ...10:00 . S. . Th Oregonlan. via North Bank... ,11:00 s. mi" Oriental Limited, via North Bank.. 7:00 p. a. 5 Tacoma. Seattle and Vnav B. C.10:O0 a. m. Tacoma Seattle and Vancouver, g: C. 6:00 p.m.. Tacoma Seattle and Vancouver, B. C.ll:80 p. m. Arriving Portland 11th and Boyt t. OrlontalTlmlted. U. Beattl. .v, , . , ,.6:40 . to. The oreeontee, via North Bank...-..T-6 a. utK 0?lental Uuilted, via North Bank.. ..8:18 p. aa,-"-Vancoirei: C Beattl. and Tacoma.8:40 . nv' Vanevr B. C, Seattle and Tacoma .3 80 p. D v v!.""' K C. Seattle and T.com.9:60 p. m. ; Time Card Orgo gfotrl lUIfWy Ce. Depot foot of Jefferson st, Portland, Or. Liatlng Portland tor Salem and Int. ataUon - so! 7-60 11:00 . m-1 a oo, 8:60. 8:44T United for Tualatin sndle-ii T m- 'Local lor WtlsoaTUW and lnt autloua , r,ro ni. Dally exceft 8unday for point : the' aSem. rails tity a Wuiara By, m; aSlem? 400 a. .. 8:00 P. . Sanaa al., UitUavusBlporttand for Forest Orov and lnt? athto-.OS, 8:30. 10:20 S. SM 12:10, 2:10. 8:80, JO, .n p. m- Saturday only, ll.0: ; P afr'wins at Portland from Saleaa - and lt i rt.ttona-5:), 11:00 a. in.; 1.16, 4:00. S WJ, , ?if statioo. 0.40 a. m.,, Ually ct Sua da' and 7:8s a. ra. dally. , - Awltlu 1 Portland from rorst Grove an4 1 tnt .taJoni-:00, 90. II:) ai l:iu,, . i sb 6 -o, ilO P' m- aatorday only. 1L0M b. 'Sunday onlr. 4:40 p. m. - ;- fortlapd Ballway. tight CV7iJ. Ticket Office and Waiting Boom, . First and Aldvr and Kat Wtr . and Eaat Morrifm' 8'raet. Cars Uave Eaat Water and Aiorriaon strt. Oregon Cltr -3' a m. and r.y SO iniuutet to and tncniiilng Uat car midnight, Gretham and intermediate point 0:56. i.t 8:46, :4, 10:46 a. m..; 12:46. g;4p, :, 4 ;,, falrriew 'ita-M. ritt. 8 i 9:46, 10:46 a. t-, 13;j,U:45, e.45, g j. ,,,r ' raiadere' and . tntermadlafe pi sis, I SI4.W i.6-a Ma... Yi-li. 4.t. Sf.M , .,tm - -o'-Vatieoaw Ti-kt -"vt wl wfvi,t Mora,- Second., and -Waahlngton trw-. ,a . IV.lOi 11:56; P- P-T-V-l:n ' ''.'. ''. :io,- 8.50. 4;3fc. O:!". ,:". u a-4.v H:35. U:4S. On third fm!r In "rr B" ear leave at 7:00 V- . r i. Dally xclt Sunda. d T, i .'!; e-'it