The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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    ;on daily joui:::al, rc::TLAi:D,: i.ionday
til: o:
i -close .shea
i l mim.
' And see this bungalow In the next few
days. Never a better snap offered In
the select Ressmere addition.
- -property is-japldiy advancing Rval
ue in thia nsm1t. but wa bought be
fore tha rise Tidton sell cheap. .
$3000; $500 cSfe, $20 per Mo
.New 6 room bungalow with full attic
and basement; f ireplaco, beamed ceil
ings paneled -dllng room, laundry
trays. The room are large with big
closets. It's hard to give an adequate
description of this bargain. Let. us
Marshall 646, A-7183. 902-S Lewis big.
'.'Just the nobby 5 room cottage you
' will be proud to entertain your friends
' In. plenty of room' f or three rooms up
stairs 1n addition; .architecture, work
manship, material and everything con
nected,, with this house Is A No. 1 from
A to Z; can give terms. -Remember,
it Is only 3 blocks from
v I carlines; hard surface streets; take
: your choice; "nuff sed.? Come befqre
; ' 87th and Alberta.
: - . ' AND SIZES -
It you are looking for a modern, up to
date home see, me before you buy, for
I am sure I have whet ou want.
' 816-317-318 Fenton Bldg.
- - Only $250 Down
We have 6 new modern room bunga
lows, with full basement and attic; ve
neer paneled dining room; fHexe celling
in living room, with fireplace and book
cases; cloak room with full length mir
ror; Dutch kitchen; close to car and
school;-good view. .' "
Take your choice at $2608 to 88 ) 0V
See ROSS, Owner ' and Builder. '
J 615 Gerlinger Bldg. ;
1 Second and Alder.
Phone Main 2801. Res.. Tabor 1467.
Will take good building lot as part
yayment at marnet value.
I r.vGolngtoBuild?
"rt as finance the'bulldln of your
home. If you own lot small amount of
cash sufficient Our reputation for well
built houses, fair dealing, reasonable
prices is bringing us many clients. It
will pay to see us, -
' Northwestern Const, Cot
Successors to .
-: Portland Realty ft Const Co,
501-3 Lewis Dldg.
No Installments
$3200 cash buys 50x100 lot with new
R . room bungalow; double walls and
floors, oak floors; shower and tub bath,
laundry, etc.: buffet beamed ceiling.
fireplace, full attic, floored; elegant
place and fine view; 2 blocks to car; fine
district, ; ;, ... -
. Phone Owner, -East 1392
$16 each month and interest
at 7
Ber cent . ,
Price $2400.
Modern 6 room bungalow.
' --ROSS. Owner.
. . ;. SIS Gerlinger Bldg
Second and Alder.
t"IVE room new house'on car line. $2500.
Good corner lot facing south and east
80x100, and one street Improved. House
has good modern plumbing, full cement
basement, electric lights, etc. All . O.
K. This Is the snap or the neighbor
hood. Terms. The lot alone is worth
$1000. : . "P." Chapin &
Herlow, 882
Chamber of Commerce.
$600 buys 8 room modern home on E.
8th street N. -Balance $30 per month.
Price $3800.
$300 buys 8 room modern home on E.
10th street N. , Balance $25 per month.
Price $2600. - : -
Call 886 Union ave. N. Phone Wood
lawn 2720.
- :. A SNAP
6 room modern house, and lot 50x100,
fenced, lawn, fruit trees, $1475; $600
cash. $10 per month and interest Crest
on 4Jth and 'Powell Valley Road, Mt
Scott car. W. E. Allen. -
New, modern 8 room bungalow In
Vernon,'f ull lot full basement, fireplace,
Hutch kitchen; a good buy at $3300;
easy terms. Ostourn Bros., 603 McKay
A safe investment should deposit his
. money With us and receive Interest on
tne same, from 2 to 4 per cent Port
land Trust Company-fi. E. corner 3d
and oaK sts.
BEST buy in Portland 4 rooms, pantry,
closet, plastered, tlrited; $200 furni
ture; lot 60x100; lawn;- must be sold
at once, van ana see at 343 fci 46th S.,
2 , blocks . south of Hawthoirne ave.;
31600. $100 cash. $15 per month.
lJEAUTIF,UL, modern double' 6 room
house, new: beam ceillnn. - Dutch
kitchen, furnaces, large rooms, cement
casement, launary nxiures, shades and
sneens; $5700, terms. 1028 E. 19th tt
N. Take "A" car. .
$17756 rooms, 630 E. Falling; a cosy
home; large fruit trees, ornamental
Iron fence, hot' water heating svstem.
Go see it Fred W. German, $29 Burn-
siae, Main or A-ztto. -
FOR SALE 3 room home, 2 lots, all
fenced, $800 cash. 144 Cherry st
; Reservoir park 6 blocks north. Kern
Park station, Mt. Scott M. Ackerman,
CHOICE 8 room house, absolutely mod
errv every convenience, fine location,
streetcar, best in city; $5o0 cash, $100
per month. Main 273, C-186.6,
. 7 ROOM house on Mt. Tabor; all im
provements; large lot: bearing fruit
trees; bargain this month; telephone,
i'sbor 177.
tiKEATEST snap In the city, lot 40100;
new 4 room house and a large wash
ished, 1 block from carline, price $960:
terms. Inqulre,623 Henry bldg.
Uuumu rooms, block from
ITiiion avt. on Morris at: 82600.
NiAT. coxy cottage on 60 foot lot $66
cash,'$10 per month. Gregory Invest
ment Co., and of Rose City Park carline..
i.Ai.UAiAa lu ivia ana iioufses by own
er. Terms or traae.
Phone Tabor
Vl'AV' niod.'rn houf in Irvington. R.' B,
- i roiMn resiil-nc.
. modern; 50x100 lot:
er. J31 Shaver at
uld cheap. Owner,
Buy Bungalow .
. of Builder .':..
You would neyer have been able to
buy such a bungalow as we are going
to tell you about for $2600 if the man
who owns it was not a fine carpenter
and did the work himself.'
i rooms, of latest design; front and
back porch; living room, . dining room
with built-in buffet; 2 bedrooms, full
attic, well lighted; bathroom, all mod
ern; kitchen with every convenience; lat
est designed pantry; full cement base
ment, 2-part laundry trays, cement walk
to front steps,, cement walk . around
house; lot 45x100; 3 cherry trees, 1 early
apple, 1 pear tree, all full bearing; r 8
snort blocks to car, and close in.
We have brifhd new HOUSES and
BUNGALOWS in every section of the
city Portland Heights, Willamette
Heights, Irvington, Piedmont, Sunnyside,
etc., ranging in price from $2000 to
$60,000. We have a new house on Port
land Heights for-$13,600 that Is an espe
cially fine bargain. To use real estate
slang. .It is truly a, snap." and truly
modern,-, , . : . -
Wynn Johnson Co, v
Room 209' Gerlinger Bldg.
Second and Alder. . '
FOR SALE 100x100 with 5 houses,
good rental, cheap for cash, west side.
PrTo $4500. Main 6130. Vl
2 lots on Mt. Scott line, 60x100 each;
$20 cash, $5 per rfonth. H. R. Black,
402 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2nd and .Stark.
100 feet or more frontage, .with track
ago, In macadam street near manufac
turing district or south roruana. prop
erty faces two streets; good location
for blacksmith, etc. This Is for sale by
owner who will sacrifice price to dis
pose of equity. P-686, journal.
BUSINESS block, corner lot, with store
rooms; monthly rentals $36; location
Insures big increase in values, . We have
tenant ready to lease; $3000 cash will
handle It Interview Portland Homes
Co., 204 Morrison at. -
Bia corner 76x100. only $600, reduced
from 3800. in beautiful Richmond,
near car; fine, nice ground; owner. must
have some money at once: wlH sell $75
down, balance small monthly payments.
If you know values, it's your chance to
buy close in. rnone Mam vnoaay,
EAST side. ,60x100 lot. for $75 dawn.
15 monthly: fine view: near streetcar;
plenty good water and shade; not far
out; bargain, Price $476. Owner 204
Morrison t 1 - ' 1
Lots, aoreage and tracts for sale by
Wilson & Myers, end . of Hawthorne
car Unei Tabor 1560. -
LAURELHURST.- Lot 6. block 17. at
cost Telephone & 696 or can next
FOR SALE 8 lots In Irvington. Broad-
way addition, soutn rront, boxiuu, tuie
perfect ' B-683, Journal.
FOR SALBFlne 50x100 lot In M-erlow
tioh; bargain. P-688, Journal.
Only 14 miles from Portland, on a
rood county road, half mile from elec
trio R. R. station, with schools and
churches ' within- snort -distance. - rural
delivery and telephone line by the place,
we offer 4V4 acres at $225 per acre;
this is In the richest farming district
of Oregon, fine black soil, without an
inch of waste land or a rock, 3 acres
In cultivation and the balance easily
cleared: this can be bought at easy
terms, or will give a liberal discount
for cash, If taken soon. Call for par
ticulars. t
832 Chamber Of Commerce bldg.
$146 Per Acre.
11 miles from Willamette, on Base
Line road. We have two 6 and 10 aero
tracts for this price until Wednesday
all level, no rocks or gravel: living wa
ter: the finest fruit or garden land in
the world, at $100 less than value; close
to car line, school and .cnurcnes. it
you are looking for a home or specula
tion grab this at once.
Rooms 16 and 17. 27fl Washington.
The Suburban Land comoany will sell
the first 10 buyers answering this ad
vertisement an acre tract that will soon
double its present value, for a cash
payment of $10 and the balance . in
mommy payment or siu. tiring tne
money with you. 618 - Henry bldg.
Phones. Marshall 1889 and A-7105.
In tracts: running water; all land ad
joining sold for $300 per acre; timber on
these tracts will pay for clearing and
a profit; $80, per acre, and the soil is
good; terms; - ? ,
BKOVVN, 411 COUCh Bldg.
6 3-5 ACRES, 7 miles from courthouse,
mile from electric line; has fine
running stream, 8 feet wide: good fish
ing, splendid neighborhood; has acre
beautiful oaks, ash and fir. Price $250
per acre; third cash, balance terms;
cannot be duplicated. The McCarthy Co.,
403 Rothchild bldg. .
10 ACRES worth $6000 for $3500;
' cleared and In garden, bearing or
chard, enough for four families. Would
make four fine homes; two blocks to
gooa school, cnurcnes, stc.j want some
cash., balance terms. Owners, room 317,
Hamilton bldg. Portland.
ACRES in town. In cultivation.
young .orchard, rarden: small house.
3 chicken, houses, city water. 8900:
worth much more. Have other lands,
up; must sen some. Homes & in
vestment Co:; owners, 817 Hamilton
bid g.
I NEED money; will sell an acre tract
6 minutes' Walk from the street car,
cleared and piped with water, at your
own terms. The cheapest thing in or
near Portland or don't buy it P-689,
Si T IT1 91 iam. I. fl
17 acres in cultivation; near town anil
R. R.; admirable for chickens or fruit
Only $50 an acre. Address T. N.-Hura-
pnreys, Myrtle creek, or.
AjAjnjj we-re ovenoaaea; sell some
cheap; $8 up; others say we're too
cheap, but we like to see others make
money; we want money, owners, room
an, Msmnton ciog.
FIVE acres Joining the OCEAN
beach, i mne soutn or Ft Stevens;
lies nice for platting. Price only $200
per acre, half cash. A. C. Burdlck 711
cnamoer or commerce.
20 OR 40 ACRES or more at $8; have
4 SO acres; ; sell soma at low price;
rest higher. Owners, room 87, Ham-
mon Plug.'
ONE acre, right on car. line and at da.
- tint' 9R mtnlitft rlil' n anin tnw ti9E.
easy terms. The McCarthy Co., : 403
Kotncnnq oiqy. - -
FIVE aores cleared, fenced, on car Una.
Best soil. Owner Realty association
8 ACRES near town, nearly . cleared,
$900. terms. (Worth double. V Homes
& Investment Co., owners. 317 Hamll-
ton piag. .
LOT and 8 room house in San Fran
cisco: win traae ror Portland prop
SEC. 23, T. 22 N.. R. 81 B. Imnroved
wheat ranch. Trade for income prop-
rlv HfiUS Ta.,,.I ... ... T "
EJiCHANGE 2 good lots; f of -house
noiq rarnuure. zz oerllnger bldg
HE TRADE fori anything, anywhere.
u iienry piag.
Bargains in Exchange
Laree farm in Willamette valley,- all
A-l soil; running water; about 40 acres
under cultivation and more can be put
under cultivation at small expense; will
take good city property in part payment
or all. Price $12,000; a fine place.
One 10 acre tract of orchard land In
the famous Mosler country. rrlce.,$2500.
Also one 15 acre and one 20 acre tract,
with some bearing orchard, producing
good Income, to sell or exchange , for
good city property. Price $300 per acre.
60 acre vallev farm to trade for good
vacant lots la rftdmont district; a Bar
gain at $5000.
uoodjnuuuh Buna,
718 Board of Trade. ' ; " "
147 in Yamhill county. 45 miles from
Portland, 100 In cultivation, rest in tim
ber; running water, good buildings; all
stock. Implements and crops go with
place? nart or all trade. H. R. Block,
402 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark
FIVE room house been - held at $2250
cash. We'll take izouo. part traae
modern and fine home. Another 6 room
held at $1800. we'll take $1250. part
trade like stock of' goods or cheap acre
age. Homes ft my.
Co owners, 317
Hamilton mag.
FOR SALE or exchange for other prop
erty, hotel and warehouse on Columbia
river, doing a good business, no opposi
tion; price $2800. Address W. U. Brown,
Arleta, Or. - ;'-- -
HOUSE 6 rooms. Full corner lot. Well
located. To exchange lor gooa room
ing house or vacant lot H-684, . Jour
nal, . . - . i , ., , - ,
IF you want to sell, buy or trade, see
Shoemaker inv. wo-, oxc uenry piag.
Main 4465. A-7434V : ' - -
TO exchange for real estate, launch 20
feet ions-. s H. p.. speed miles.
value $200. Phone East 4980.
WbULD like to trade a paying grocery
store for real estate; owner oniy.
L-67S, Journal, t
GOOD acreage to trade
for rooming
house or groce
Commercial block.
house or grocery; agents call 811
We Want Now
Your rooming houses.'' cigar stores.
confectionery store or any other busi
ness chance for sale; we are in the
business; we exchange property.
vvKNa ft CU.. . . , .
228 Chamber of Commerce,
i Marshall 1418.
80 or 160 Acres
Of cut over or logged off land; not foo
far; from Portland; state location and
price in first letter. Brown, 411 Couch
bldg. .
HAVE client with $10,600 to Invest in
east side residence or business prop
erty. 1 Will consider smaller residence
properties. What have you? L. I Wat
ters, 201 Ltimbermens hldg. j
To buy lots in Sainton. Must be, cheap
ror cash. F-6gg, journal.
WANTED 6 room home, near , school,
on small payment; not above $1200.
State particulars and terms first let-
CASH for property, any kind, anywhere.
TO buy or sen, aaaress wortnwesiern
Business Agency, Minneapolis. Minn.
WANTED Real estate map of
land, reasonably priced.. Phone
lawn 1602.
WILL buy equities in Laurelhurst Eve.
or noon, bzz y. m. u. a. '
SURVEYING accurately and promptly
done. Danforth. Main 3787.
. ; . Don't Read This
; Farm List
700 acres. Linn county, $16 per acre;
good house, s Darns, to acres in cuiuva
tlon. .
160 acres; 100 in cultivation; good $
room house; 1800 bushel grain this year;
place has good family orchard, hops, fa
cilities for handling same; Yamhill
county, near good town. Price $10,400,
terms, or will trade.
We have a very desirable list of
choice eastern Oregon wheat farms, also
a number of desirable Portland homes
that we will trade ror Willamette val
ley acreage.
J, n, Horning
319 Allsky bldg. Mam 4222
FARM for sale by owner; 160 acres,
rlaht In the heart of Willamette val
lev: 115 acres In cultivation. 35 acres' Id
timber ana pasture, gooa n room nouse,
2 barns, 1 hophouse, good water, also
running water, orchard of apples, pears.
plums, prunes, cherries and berries; farm
mostly unaer woren wire xence gooa lo
cation, 6 miles Vest of Broadacres on
Oregon Electric R R., 2 miles east of St
Paul, 2 miles soutn oi cnampoeg, ana
river landing. Part of cron goes with
place if taken at once; 3 horses, 4 milk
cows, 8 young cattie, t Drooa sows,
hrnrs. 4 dozen chickens and some farm
implements go wnn place; teiepnone ana
rural delivery, $100 per acre, terms.
Woodbum. Or., K. F. V., JNo. 1
Must Sell
Farm, 16 8 -acres, 13 miles of Portland,
125 cleared, 85 cultivated, balance easily
cleared; 4 streams, close to depot (elec
tric line), postoince, stores, cnurcn,
grange hall and school adjoining, on
main county road, fine soil, good family
orchard, 7 room house, good barns, etc.;
fine well, at low price for immediate
sale; reasonable cash payment or trade, -a
good platting proposition. Owner, 603
Commercial block.
Colonists Take Notice
I have 8 good opportunities, one In
southern, one in eastern and one in west
ern Oregon. Have also two tracts of
logged off land. For dairying and stock
raising inese last are taeai.
Lumber Exchange. Phone Main 4949
155 acres in Willamette valley, all
clear, tine soil, house and good barn,
fenced, near station; terms. Owner, 402
ijumoer xjx. Diag.
FINK Wheat rarm. 640 acres, with
fences and buildings; mostly in cul
tivation; 2 miles to station on G. N. R
R., 75 miles southeast from Spokane;
ti an Biro. iniiui iraue.
s i jtiamiuon piag.
WHEAT and alfalfa farm of 300 acres,
6 miles from Goldendale, 100 acres
summer fallow, 7 alfalfa, 160 good al
falfa land. 7 acre bearing orchard, new
8 room house, barn 46x60, spring plped
to house and barn; price $18,000, terms
easy.. M-pga. journal.
FOR BALE; By owner, 10 acre tract,
. mile town limits Corvallls; good 7
room house, good barn, young orchard
and berry garden. Tor price and terms
address W. W. Conder, Corvallls, Or,,
r. u. x.
20 ACRES, all in cultivation excent
acre green timber; fronts on 2 county
roads and in Ideal neighborhood;'! mile
from electric line; commands fine view
of mountains and valley. Price $2760;
terms. McCarthy, 403 Rothchlld bldg.
640 ACRES at-$6.60 per acre: river and
- county road runs through land: land
Is logged over; would make a splenlld
stock ranch, .s For particulars see The
Mccartny co.,' w Kotncnuq piag.
160 acres 7 miles. from Elk City 15500!
6 acres at Elk City, market garden
1 1.1. L.'.IUI--. A.AA
mi j q wnn uuu uuiminisi, iuu,
160 at Goldendale, & chicken . ranch;
house and lot; will trade for equity
oi any- una. uoggeBS, room 6, 321
Morrison. - ' - i,
47 acre tract, 1 mile from electrlo car
line, v Good house and barn. . Only
liza an acre. iear foriiano. osu Wor
cestcr block, 68 Third. ; ': ; ; ,
fore railroads aro completed. v e (
town lots In CULVER the Junctlo
City of the Deschutes valley; wheat
lands near Culver and deeded Improved
lriiKated lands In the irrigated district
at- prices which are attractive. Deep
soil, pure water, plenty of wood; near
new, railroads and towns, good markets,
splendid climate and beautiful .scenery.
Call for our illustrated booklet "DE
801-2 Buchanan Bldg., on Washington
. St., near 6th.
Local Offices- Culver, Or., and at
' . ' i, T
' 606 acres all in cultivation, fine build
ings, very best soil, running water,. 8
miles from good town, near. Albany,
Terms. Owner, 402 Lumber Ex-1 bldg.. 2d
and Stark. . 1 .
We have sold about E00 acres,
of land to a syndicate headed by
an experienced Hood Rivet, or
chardlst who will set a large
acreage as soon as possible. If
you are looking for fruit land, get
our booklet and Investigate, Mt
Hood Electrlo begins building
right away; ; 160 acres, half
cleared,' $115 an acre.
mt. hood Land co;
711 Rothchlld Block. v.
21 acres choice fruit land near Carson.
cleared, small orchard; house and barn.
Price $3500. G. A. Natiel, 10 E. 63d st
. Why Be Landless
When there Is good free government
Mum in v-ruo, -ine Desi county in central
Oregon, where railroads are building,
cities springing up and industrial enter
prises being developedt Do you want a
home In this promising country T, We
can- locate you on a homestead, or a
desert claim within 8 to 20 miles from
Culver the Junction, city of, the Des
chutes valley, where the Hill and Harri
man railroad" 'which are pushing con
struction'; through the stats, form a
Junction. Free automobile transporta
tion from haniko and return if you
take a homestead and buy a Culver town
lot. uescnutes Valley Land & Invest
ment Co., 801-2 .Buchanan bldg., Port
land. Or., on) Washington near 6th st
Local -offjees' at Culver, Or. and Lald
law. Or. - - .
WE are headquarters for timber ' and
iumDr enterprises or all kinds. Kin
ney Stampher, 881-3 , Lumber Ex
change bldg.
i ii s"i 1 1 i i f "i i s. sji - 'i. un
FARM for rent ,160 acres.- 80 aores
in cultivation. SO nr rdv fnr
plow.- F-687. Journal. '
Suburban Grocerv Citv
Clean StOCk and fixtures . a.t Invoice.
about $3000, including team and wagon;
doing over $40 per day; rent of store
sna e rooms only 120 per month; good
lease; on the southeast side, the com
ing district; or - will trade for small
farm; very small expense, good profits.
A good chance to geta paying lum
ber business; 20,000 mill how operating;
logging, outfit and contract for several
million feet ties and timbers at good
prices. Q-688, Journal.
Wanted, honest man to take, half In
terest in well-established hunt
jijjnenoe unnecessary, only J260 cash I sold. C. 8. Fletcher. 135 Ablneton bldi
required. $80 up per week guaranteed; ' ntV f ifJ I ' AOlr,gto" p'
owner must have help. 418 Union am 1 IF .T9U wl,h t0.bHy "r e.11 mining
perlence unnecessary, only $260 'cash
North. No agent
I want to buy an up to date launary;
will pay $15,000 cash, balance good se
curity, deal with owners only. . Phones
A-8274 or M. 7699; evening and Sunday
Main 4676. . v. -
With 6 furnished living rooms, depot lo
cation, cheap rent; rooms more than pay
vAyciioca, wen wunn iuu; on account
of sickness will sacrifice for $300. See
rr, in rt. oin st.
IF you have a moving picture theatre
for sale or If you wish to nil V a. nnan
one, communicate vwlth a permanent and
uccnsiui company, peoples' -Amusement
Co., 510-618 Rothchlld bldg.. Port
land, Or.
NINE furnished or unfurnished rooms,
house and store, good for grocery, con
fectionery, delicatessen or tailor shop,
at the good Samaritan : 2
lines, cheap rent Call at 745U North.
rup st.
GIVEN away free to those answering
-his advertisement within 80 days a
t V- on. A . iieius. a-
R " ivi -vregonian bldg.,
Portland.- flnts-nn " t
A SNAP in a business location for a
Dutcner; complete fixtures; 4 llvln
' " 'T oToijfuung complete; ISQOV.
$900 cash, halance easy terms. Call 523
GENTLEMAN 46, vearS, owner of storS
in ui, wmues, to correspond with
lad v near snme ao-e wltK l , ,i . M
7 lcanj lake cnar8 01 same. Snap
...- ..p... r-uoo, uuurnai.
CONFECTIONERY, best location on the
west side; . 2 confectioneries doine
good business, on the east side- 1 res-
muiam. uuniu un Bros., 404 E. Mor
rison st.
money for mtcs. r
discount, or land where can drtuhla
money. Homes & Inv, Co.. 817 Hamii.
ton bldg.
WANTED Young man with $50 to
iearn,reai estate business and show
SthPst ty' B mone3r can made. 242
LOOKING for an opening? Might have
something to suit: commission busl-
klGHLAND notion store: confectionery"
cigars, tobacco; want Tto go on home
stead; good business, rent $16. 1017
Union ave. N. .
WE CAN place you in paying business;
before buying be sura . and see us
KlKK -A,AtmnY,lSK. dumber
FORSALE-Barber shop and 'confec':
i.w.c.7, g t mvui cottage and 4
r&n Qbin??,';', No competition
Cheap. Box 45. DUley, Oregon.
doing good business; must quit on
account of health; terms, D-686. Jour"
INVESTIGATE this gilt edge mining
stock, I want to tride t for auto r
ruunuriB iiuune. -05, journal.
WANTBD Immediately a ( partner; big
.rSyllV.f,r0?0l!lti0rt or 'ht party;
$600. J-681, Journal. ' y.
RESTAURANT snap; good location;
lease; spot cash. Inquire 216 Oregon
ian bldg... -.. 7
SALOON First-class, one of the best
locations i in city: long lease; owner
retiring, 803 Lumbermens bldg. ;
ONE-HALF or all of small restaurant
, WHQ rooms; cheap; terms; owner sick.
RESTAURANT for sale or trade, 411
,Morrlson st 1 ,7
r:oo:::;a i;ors:.3 rcr. 51.1: 3
I have -rooming houses all
sizes and locations at prices
n'ithat will surprise you.
10 rooms, elegant money
maker, $650, terms, '
12 rooms, a dandy at $900
19 rooms, transient, clears
$200,. .
40 rooms, -brick, inside, you
can't beat it, ; .
. 5 room cottage for $225,
rent $25 ( terms. . ,
- Don't buy until you, see, us)
we'll please you, .
- 615 Board of Trade .
- See Our Bargains
44 room hotel. $2500; Tease $75.
60 room brick, $85001 lease $200. '
' 20 room apartment, $1700;- lease $115.
10 room rooming house, $400; rent $35,
W hflVA thom Oil ala ton n wvo
terms on' any of them to suit : See us
for any business chance wanted We
can please you. Corns & Co., 223 Cham-
per or commerce,- Marshall 1418.
. 22R00MS22 v V
AH large, light and airy rooms, brand
new furniture, bought , 2 months ago,
?ald $2200 for; can show books; clears
160 monthly. Price today $1500, on
erms. Peters,' 15 N.' 5th st.
Fruit Land, Close in
All cleared and planted, to exchange
for rooming house or, business chance.
228 Chamber of Commerce, ' j'
Marshall 1418.
. Rooming-House $100'
7 rooms; rent $20;, lease; gas; well
furnished, modern, close n. Price $300,
$100 cash, balance easy terms. '64 6th,
ROOMING house", 8 large rooms, "well
-furnished, central location. .Income
$100, price reasonable,' owner leaving
I'i take vacant lot : H. Hatfield
H Tin at.
11 room house, rooms all rented, olose
in, eiecirio ugnt, gas, rurnace neat,
first class neighborhood. Price, 31300.
Phone A-2882, v.-- ,
30 ROOMS 30
On Washington street cheap rent, good
lease, good furniture; clearing , big
money. Price today $2000; terms. Pe
ters. IS N. 6th st. . J-
ROOMING houses, any also, at tVZR
, to suit: w buy, sell and exchange.
sia Henry bldg;
FOR SALE Furniture of 5 rooms; ev
erythlng new;. good bargala 421 12th
t Phone Marshall 1701.
Best 'transient house In city, brick,
xUrnjLPe hen t rtmnlncr vnte oil imnmm
clearing 1250 monthly. Price today
Jtnm; terms, raters. .IB N. 6th St.
FOR SALE A rooming house, cheap.
' Owner going away. Half cash .and
balance on time. 68 S. 7th st
22-R00MS 22 .
Rooming and boarding house; have
89 steady boarders; brand new furniture,
located in the heart of the city; well
worth $250Q, Price today $1500; terms.
See Peters, 15 N. 6th st
WANTED Good, clean rooming house,
- 16 to 30 rooms, cash and notes. H-684,
ROOMING houses for sale or exchange.
Mrs. Koonts. 232 -.Washington , at
Phone Marshall 1194. -
TEN room hrma In the hour r,f tv
' rent $30, clearing $55 monthly: goexi
rurnnure; price 3UO. fetera. is N. 5th,
WILL sell my 6000 shares of Black
Eagle M. & M. (north Santiam) stock;
best offer takes It Mrs. K Hoger, 804
Corhett st, Portland, Or. -
MINING, oil. and Industrial stocks
bought and sold. Davidson A - Co.,
Lewis bldg., Marshall 778, A-1712. -
MINING and . industrial stocks: tele
phone - and other bonds bought end
etocks, call on J, B. Purcell, 810 Oak.
WANTED- - - "
Independent or nonunion
322 Commercial Club Bldg.
WANTED At once, good, all-around
country printer. One capable of tak
ing charge of up-to-date plant - and
turning out high-class work. Steady
Job for the right man at , $18 a week.
Address The Journal. Kelso, Wash. ;:
For graduates last year; men and wo
men learn barber trace In $ weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn $i
to $25 weekly; expert Instructor: tools
free; write for catalog. Moler System
of Colleges. 5- N. 4th st. Portland. -
WANTED Party to manage best up-to-date
light manufacturing, business in
city. No competition; will -guarantee
$6 per day salary: $700 cash required.
If you mean business call 693 Glisan St.
WANTED Salesman: many make $100
to $160 per month; some even more;
stock clean, grown on reservation, far
from old orchards, cash advance week
Jy; choice of territory. Address Wash
Ingtor Nursery Co.. Toppenlso. Wash.
238 Alder st hear 2d. Main 6713.
WANTED baiesmen -in every locality
"nin "the northwest; money- adyanced
weemy; many maKe over sioo monthly;
choice of territory. Yakima Valley
Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. ' -'' '
WANTED At onoe. vouns; man to learn
lo spin yarn; fair wage guaranteed to
start; steady work guaranteed through
out the year. Apply to superintendent,
ruruanq WQOJen Mills, HI. jonns, Or,
$6 PER MONTH Telearranhv tniie-ht tn
practical forms. Day and evening
nt-HBiuiiB. Aaaress myeraj 3it llln St
Portland. Main 8512. - . - v
A-l SALESMAN wanted bv old entnh
llshed house: city and road work: per
manent, position; exclusive , territory
H-660. Journal. 1
A-l INSURANCE and stock salesmen
wantea; best stock en . the market,
619 Commercial blk.
WANTED at once, 2 men to learn to
drive and repair automobiles, Call
60-63 N. Vth St. ''-
EXCAVATOR wanted , to remove . 600
yards dirt. Inquire Gordon, 208 4th.
Phone Main 34S or Mam 39.
MACHINISTS call at 270 Alder street
before going to work. Strike on' for
eignt nours. kq. carison, pusiness agent.
CARPENTER work wanted In -exchange
for. dental work. Room 207 Allkv
bldg.,! cor. 3d and Morrison sts. M-8002.
WANTED Men to learn buck and wing
uuncniK mo viiicubo acnooi OI act
ing. 343 Yamhill, room 16.
SIGN painting wanted in exchange for
aentai worn, noora zu Aiisay bldg.,
cor, aa ana Morrison sts. - m-souz.
CHEF headquarters and hemers. Call
fomla Wine Depot 385 Yamhill, next
to Journal. . - .
mNTED-Youne1 man., to keen bookRj
state experience and salary expectea.
r-i, journal. -
BOY) WANTED Pioneer, Paint, Co., 136
" 1st st- :-'- - ' ' " V ;.
STRONG boy, 18 or 19 years of age, for
inctory wofK. tirand ave.
FIRST CLASS barber wanted at 245
. ' Wanted A Solicitor
One who has had previous experience,
soliciting classified for a daily paper
preferred, good wages --to start, an op
portunity for advancement, young man
given preference. See advertising man
ager Journal office. ,
WANTED Able bodied men for the U.
S. Marine Corps, between the ages of
19 and 85. Must bs native born or have
first paper. Monthly pay $15 to $69.
Additional compensation possible. Food,
clothing, quarters and medical attend
ance free. After 30 years' service can
retire with 75 per cent of pay and al
lowances. Service on board . ship and
ashore in all parts of the world. Apply
at Breeden bldg., 3d and Washington
sts.. Portland. Or " J . '
WANTED A' high class sales
man for road and - city work.
i Preferably one with office api ,
pllance or typewriter experience.
Give references and phone. Ad
dress R-687, Journal. ':'.'. v
LEARN operate motion pictures;
operators ' $35 weekly: easy work.
Motion Picture School, J26V4 Washing-
ivii, pi. irni hiiu : i m.
WANTED Young man with $50 to
" learn real estate business and show
Sroperty. Big money -can be made. : 342
th st. ' ' ' --.'; - -. '"' "
''U. X: FEMALE : C'. v- 29
WANTED Men and women to learn
drama and vaudeville, iso iancy ana
buck and wlrig dancing taught at the
Chtcago School of Acting, 343 Yam
hill, room 16. Prices to suit an classes.
GOVERNMENT, employes wanted. Writs
for Portland examination schedule.
Franklin Institute. Dept 248 R. Roches
ter, N. Y- ; ' -'' " ''' :i' '
- C. R; HANSEN & CO..'
Main , oince, 3 w. o r uano,
Ladle' department 7th and Wash, sts,
. . upstairs, Portland. .
424 Front ave, Spokane. .
v 87-88 4th st, San FrancUca
- Estobllshed 1876.
CO.. Headquarters for . K. R. work,
28 H. 2d st ' ' - -
WANTED Good second hand bicycle,
i, 20 E. 16th st. Phons E. 3160. -
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the
an A tnr ihnlre numerv tock: out
fit free; -cash weekly.' Address Capital
City Nursery company, caiem. r. - -
WANTEDi-At once, young ladies to
learn to weave woolens, flannels and
blankets. - Good wages can be earned
within a short time oy tnose wno win
apply themselves.
Every conBlderatioTttJJaget JajefosmSjlSOilower-f lat,
shown to steady workers. Apply at bnceTr
to superintendent. - i-oruana
Mills, St Johns, Or.
CARPET SEWERS-Experlenced work
ers wanted at once. .
WANTED Girls to work in laundry,
experience not necessarji- nice, clean,
healthy employment and good pay those
who will work. Pacific Laundry Co
231 Arthur st - '" .
WANTS) Today, girl for housework;
plain cooking; small family; - good
wages. ' 724 Union ave. North.
GIRL for cooking and hnework. 747
East Madison st, Hawthorne or East
Morrison cars. - : '
WANTED An experienced dining room
: girl private boarding house, , 404 Mad
ison. Main 2006. '
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, 3 in family, highest wages.
Phone A-4666. - -' ' -.- :
MMEDIATELY Ladles and gentle
men to travel: 875 month: city 32.50
day- Call room Z4 noiiaaay ave,
EXPERIENCED pressers on lady'e gar.
ments; good wages. Vienna Dye
works. 226 3d St.
WANTED Young ladles to learn fancy
dancing at tne Chicago scnooi or act
ing, 843 Yamhill, 'room 16.
WOMAN "or young girl desiring good
home; little work, small wages., pleas
ant surroundings. Call 165 16th st.
WANTED Girls to work in 'shooting
gallery. Apply cor. tn ana coucn
sts. - $10 a week ana up. ""-- ,
WANTED A young girl over 16 to take
care of two ennaren. can in N.
16th. S car. -;. - '
E. 9th 8.
lrl to: make hair rolls. 428
WANTED Waitress at Swetland's. 269
MorrlBon st - -.- . - - -
- -"; . '-.' MUNICIPAL ;:'f-V.'r.,,
' , , - EMPLOYE. . f
'-" : ' '" MAIN -365S. '
EXPERIENCED young . man. steady.
temperate, wants position as . Janitor
or cicrK in apartment nouse . or, noiei.
j i-6(, - journal.
CARPENTER work wanted of every de-
scription; lobbing, remodeling, repair
ing a specialty. Cummings & Catlln, 871
First st. Marsnau zszv.
HAVE a -delivery wagon and team;
would like steady lob with good firm:
will work reasonable. 755 Brooklyn or
phone Beiiwood 692.
WANTED Position as chauffeur, for
private ' family, careful and secure
driver, experienced' on repair work. M
682, -Journai.-
A carpenter-wanted; position as fore-
man; zu years experience; plans, spe-
cmcauons tnorougniy , unaerstooa, d
Park st T. E. , .I'-i
PIANIST desires position in orchestra
or theatre; references. Address Musio
Teacher, box 6, junction City, Or., .
WANTED Work; collecting or sdltcit
ing; every day after 6 p. m, - Address
739 Hi. eaimon st
MARRIED man with 3 teams wants to
go on a ranch; make me an offer.
87, Journal-,'
GENTLEMAN wishes position of trust.
-"Can give rererences. . Address, 8-689
SITUATION , wanted by experienced
- engineer, stationary or traction, steam
or gasoline. E-681. Journal. r -
CARPENTER and builder, new or re
pair work, day or contract Sell wood
1712. ' '
CARPENTER, experienced, wants work
)n town or out. H-ess, journal.
CHAUFFEUR desires position, private
fnmllv nreferred -Jonrnel
(JaRPENTER work any kind, day or
contract. ' -Phone Marshall 2327.
A CAPABLE, middle aged" lady wishes
'a. situation as housekeeper ror sin
gls gentleman or . widower, or care, for
house . during owner s absence.- Ad
dress Mrs. H., 404 N. 19th St., city.
WANTED Curtain to launder; -con
tracts and terms to hotels and apart'
ment houses; -called for and delivered.
Phone Woodiawn 2684.
NoR WWHANgTrlrl yirs, -wants - a
position to do house work in a ram
liy or 2 or a. -Aaaress, -so i Monroe st
YOUNG ladv winiic position as slen
ographer; po experience. K-688,.Jour
nai. : ,.
RELIABLE nuddleage woman wants
t!ace housekeeper; 'prefer .wldower,
Address 1812 Macadam st .
FANCY poTvns. nlain sewinsr neatly
UOMt wltprallrtn lintrorla Hrtf nlonnprl
Main 701 d.
a FURNISTIEP room, all modern im
provements, hot water all the time.
The Chetopa, 18th and Flanders, Apt. 4.
FOR , RENT Two nlrwlv furnish 1
rooms in tirivatn ' famflv- .trt-Hw
modern; central; gpntlemen only. 663
ltui st. Phone Mln 2380.
'JRNIS1IED rooms with or without
12thast' Per week, both phones. 254
Free phone and bath. Main 7754.
NICELY furnished sleeping room for
bath." 6H Columhial6""0 "gtU' "
NICELY furnished rooms, 'coot, com-
BEAUTIFUL 4ilgiit front room'. $4 wk!
I tf DftVin' HI.. " MX i
rate7senCI'292 loth ' ' W' dCl"
JVO very large, nicely furnished"
j;r?2t.rooma; cIose m! Phone and bath.
471'Main st' '' ' ; '; ' i -
TO RENT Modern furnished rooms;
use of parlor. Call 636 E. Main.
SLEEPING room, well furnished, front
- modern; after Sunday. 450 Yamhlll.
Nicely furnished sleeping rooms, in pri-
"w ramuy. wfr ia st near Hall.
lNEW, cleaa rooms; terms reasonable.
- 6D4 Glisan. Phone Marshall 1615. - ,
-Large, airy - front sleeping
room, suitable, for S arentlemen: hoar
optional; within walking distance of the
central part or tne city. . t4 nortnwicK.
S7CELY furnished corner room, facing
two streets; cheap rent 11 Union
ave., corner Ash st -
TWO unfurnished rooms. Phone, bath
and electric flights. , $9. Phona C
2832. . -'.--' '
FRONT room with hoard. Private fam
ily and home privileges. 20 mln. ride.
Bunnyslde. 1108 Belmont. '
GOOD home, cooking,' closs in, reason
able prices. Main 8822.' 263 7th. :
HOTEL .FOSTER Portland's ' newest :
medium - priced fireproof hotel; 199
rooms; steam beat, hot and cold run'
nlng water In eevry room; rates 7S
and $1; full half block; , 247-260 Davie
st, 2d to 8d. , ' ;
HOTEL PORTLAND European plea
only. $3. $S day.
VALLAMONT Furnished - rooms for
rent $76 Yamhill.
BELVEDERE. European. -4th and AlderT
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms; i
8. $8 month:, 8 for 818: furnished cot-
rooms, i. ss4 zsta n. twest siae riven.
W car from depot 6th or. Morrison to
86th; block north..' , - - -
VNEONTa" apartments,-167 17th near .
Yamhill.- (take W oar at depot). 2.
and - 4 room furnished suites. Hot
and cold. Phones and baths free. $20
per month, $5 per week and up, Mala
469 17, ; A-4788. , - r-. ; ,.; ;
$1.75 week, large clean furnished house
keeDlns rooms: laundry, bath. sas.
clean linen. 184 Sherman, South Port
land. - - - ; - . - ''
THE COLONS Furnished housekeep
ing- rooms with all conveniences. 310
and up, central location. 603 Alder st
1st and 2nd floor. 149 13th St. near
Morrison. - - . . . .
3 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
. 244 14th, near- Jefferson; walking dis
tance. . ';.. , , ; -s- :
Four - housekeepln
rooms,.' gas
7 th st Main
piate. steel range. i
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms
with hot and cold water and battu
$12 per month. 484 Irving' st.
LARGE, clean room, furnished complete
ror housekeeping. 631 Thurman st.
TWO very nice, furnished housekeeping
reoms ror rem. ou mm si.
313 14th, corner Clay, large, light1 1 and
2 room - Housekeeping suites,
MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; light.
; moderate. tn ft r ianqers.- a-ui t
WILL rent downstairs or two roome
upstairs for housekeeping or rooming
only. Inquire 1201 E. Madison.
NICELY furnished housekeeping apart
ments-. 801 llaisey- et-- ijnone &asc
6289. ;'''''
NICELY . furnished housekeeping
rooms, modern conveniences, private.
family; no children, 668 Williams ave.
$2 per week; clean, furnished housekeer
ing rooms; laundry, bath, heat, yard,
phone, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. :
SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms
in. brick bldg.; frheap rent, ii union.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite; front
room, ground floor, 31 li aa w. ' 1
FOUR furnished housekeeping roome
with gas, and bath. 560 E. Morrison.
On car line, beautiful view of city,
river. and Mt. Hood! In first class dis
trict. 6 rooms with bath, on first floor,
2 small bedrooms on- second floor;
cement basement and wash trays below.
$30 per month.
JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., , -lt
660. 122 6th st. A-1S80.
WHEN you - move youn need new tu.
mture, . Buy juqioiuubi wj
savings will exceed moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one
ef-the- largest - furniture house In the
city in less than two year. f .
Lookers shown same courtesy af Duy
rnd tv., tor. E. Stark at
East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Care
pass our poor.
FOR RENT Modern 9 room house on
Union ave. Holladay addition:, close
in: beautiful rounds. Plenty of roseH
and fruit. Also nice, modern barn; rea
sonable rent -
Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts.
NEW bungalow, 6 rooms, modern, cor
ner" facing east;, will lease for 6
months; - reasonable; no children, preferred:-
close , in on East Side; phon.
12 11th St N. Phone A-3J89. Call be
tween 8 a. m. and 6 p. m.
FOR REN.T 6 room nouse, convenient;
clean and neat, iiu; no smaii cnn-
dren. - 661 Fourth. Call Monday aud
Tuesday afternoons. '
7 ROOM house, large basement and
yard; good condition; $12.60 month.
293 Hooker st. -
six rnnma of double house, room for 3 ,
small families if desired.
749 Mlsais-
slppl ave.
FKEE rent in Gregory Heights. Greg
ory Investment Co. End of Rose City
Park car-line.
SEVEN rodm house, large basement and
yard .in good condltlan. . $12.50 per
montn. z5 nooKer.
FOR RENT In Irvington, 716 J
nomah st, $3. -Phone East 394
FOUR room.
furnished house. , 145
K Morns st.
ilODliRii. 6.1-ottm uouKa EJPlne-nas---
13th. . Address bit numeyj c-itBU. j
biiVEN room furnished house, 959 E.
Davis. Call at Soft a st, jn upstairs
FOR RENT Clean 4 room cottage. 453
E, Grant St. -j '' . f . ;
$106 room cottage, good cond-uion anil
location. Main 8586 or 134 id st.
ftti(i,u. Roania.4- 2:7-GlUb4V-i
: JUavls st; experienced mai
r . .. .. -i-- i"