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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1910)
I P-Tf T" p v r rr f u::day jouhijal, roniLAHD, suiiday i;g:;:ji:;g, july j I,, - ' i . 1 ; , ' I. . i , , , ' ii mi. i m . , ii i . ; . . . , ; i I SiMFOIIIiS liEEDED TO REPAIR TO SEATTLE Inspection Committee Reports, However, Can Be- Patched Temporarily for $400; Auto ists MaAppearto State . The committee sent by, the Vancouver Automobile club, at the Instigation of th Portland Automobile club to Inspect the ; portion of thaw ; Fortland-Seattls highway , between Vancouver .and Kelso, returned' to Vancouver Thursday even ing, after a two days' trip. ' - - -The committee was headed by B. E. Beard, editor of. the Vancouver Colum bian, and comprised also Commission ers Blaker, Edgings and Aa guard of Clarke county, V and Commissioners Downing,' Bulen and Rulofson of Cow llts county. .-: ... . E. E. Beard, irr his report,' says the portion of the bad road In Clarke comity had been made fairly passable by the county commissioners, and that the Cowlltx county section Is to be worked In the near future by the com missioners of that county, t , Half of the expense of sending the Committee on the Inspection trip of this toad was paid by the Portland , Au tomoblle club and ; the other hlf by the r Vancouver, club. Formal - reports will b4 submitted and then further ac tion IS regard to means of securing Improvement of the road will be taken. :t.;:v..:;r,:::i. Go to Bssttla ton w ' Ab the Portland club probably will hold a run to Seattle In a few weeks, following acceptance of the Invitation just aent out by the Seattle Automobile club, there is considerable, anxiety to havo more Improvement work done on the road Immediately In order to Insure an easier trip. As the result of E. E. Bro"s inspec tion trip It is bis opinion that the bad portions of the road could be made quite passable In a few weeks at an expense of about $400. "Although It would cost several hundred thousand dollars permanently to Improve the whola -road with a, full width, a gopd grade and macadam," said Beard yester day. ; "A couple of men with teams and powder could smooth out the rough spots, take away the rocks and render the highway comfortably passable for autoists this summer for about $400. "In I. M. Baker's SO horsepower Max well, 1898 model, we went over . the roads against which most of the com plaint has been, registered. We found that Clarke county's portion of the road, between La Center and Woodland, had been made passable and we drove right over it without any trouble. i County Spends f300. .. . "Clarke county has spent about $800 on the read between La Center and Lewis 'river? and a "wonderful showing has been made with that amount of money. At Kalama we met the com missioners of Cowllts county and drove over the hill with them. They . said they : were ready to Improve their, por tion of the road with as much thorough ness as the Claxke county commission ers bad shown. "The worst place in the road through Cowlitz county is the heavy grade over Carrol's point Here the commissioners promised to remove the loose rock, wid en the road some and grade , it In general the road through Clarke and Cowllts counties Is good, and when the road through Cowllts county has been smoothed, the whole route will be quite satisfactory for temporary purposes. "We found the Cowllts county com missioners to be good fellows, and anx ious to do' ail in their power for good roads. They have hesitated to put much money into the road above Car- i rol's bluff because the sjate road is to I be built around this point, and has al " ready been extended half & mils from over the worst portion. ; . 140,000 Sequlred. "To blast the road through-the 180 j foot bluff at' Carrol's .point the state I will be required to expend about $40,000, I but this work will be accomplished in j time, and thereby the worst part of the Seattle-Portland road will be in shape lor travel. - "We were surprised at the amount and quality of the road work being flone by the Clarke county commission ere. The military' road for miles out Of Vancouver has been cleared ' to the full, width of the right of way and brought down to er good grade. With the funds at their disposal,, the commission ers have accomplished wonders. The La Center-iydgef leld road, one of the most traveled In tthe county, ' has been graveled and the La Center hill brought oown ioi i per cent grade. "From Kelso north the road is in good shape and needs no immediate work for summer travel, although to make It an Ideal auto road the whole route should be repaired. For six miles the other side of Kelso the old Northern Pacific road is being abandoned and this right of way can be converted into a first class auto, road with an almost level grade. -v v, riv xues aood, ' ,. 1ve miles of the 12-mlU stretch between Woodland and Kalama' Is on the old Union -Paoiflo grade, and is In lino condition. "WKti good brakes, careful driving and a good engine, no one should ex perience any trouble In traveling over the whole route a It la. We went over the road In our old model little Max well, with five passengers In It. and had n trouble , whatever. In wet weather the roads are considerably worse but even then tho trip can be made. When thfti Work is completed shortly by the county commissioners on a few of the bad spots, the trip front Portland to . Seattle can be made in safety and with, out trouble.-- -.. ' ..-, .. "The expense of permanent work on the road would be entirely too great for me. counties or-a lew individuals, and h win m up iu i no siaie 10 ' come tnrougn .witn ine necessary apnroDrla ttons for the work. Automobile club members of both Vancouver and Seattle, I think, will pull hard for the neces sary legislation. The Portlanders can also help out In various ways, and it Is uirocuy to-tfteii-Mrterest to do so." V i' n 1 1 i ' j ' i in'' in i . ii . John Matthleson, a prominent hotel man. of Portland, and his family, ars on an extended automobile tour through Europe in a Locomobile 80. Thev have alreadybeen out.tWO. months and thavs ctverea a total of 6000 miles, being out in the car every day but one. The trip will last Ibout a month longer. ; The party Is now in Germany. The return trip will be by way of New Tork,' and then across the cpntlnent. to Portland r.y':i '.-v! f J f . i -. : ,' , it .M' I. - ' . .i - J i.i I...I.IM.M. m npniuMifi niiiLin.iiini.iii..i- ..iijiiiHrttximiiwwei This is one of tho new expensive Franklin Torpedo carg which has been ordered, by Ellsortll Picked 1029 East' Madison t?eet. It Is a 42 horsepower, 6 cylinder, 1 passenger car with an edged shaped front. It will arrive In Portland the latter part of September or October, . . v SETS EXAMPLE IN gon State Automobile association, is an ctlye organsation recently launched by Jtollle W. Watson, vlcep resident for the tate association in his county- and a well known booster. ROAD BUG Tillamook County Has Rock Crushing Plants, Rollers, Etc., in Operation. TIRES GET HE -PUNCTURES ON TRIP Tillamook "county is setting-an en viable example in the conatructlon of good roads in the state or Oregon, wun rock crushing plants, road rollers and graders in operation, the county - and the boosters of ; the section are trans forming rapidly the mountain and vaj ley highways of the western part of the county into drive way a as pleasant as any that can be found In the nortnwest, The scenic attractions along these roads are great vsnd with its beautiful ocean. beaches and mountain streams, toe in ISmook Bay country ls- becomlng-Hhe mecca-of autoists of this part of the state., f Numerous parties are motoring to the many beautiful beach and moun tain retreats of Tillamook county which are all within an easy one day's drive from the Willamette valley and the me tropolis of Oregon. - It is considered by those who have been over the. Tillamook route that there Is no other drive out of Portland. 100 miles in . length, that affords the seeker after pleasure, health and sport SEAnLE SPIRIT W ..V."1 ' T 0 GUEFT CLUB .ocal Auto Owners invited to Queen City by Organization i There. - ' The Automobile club of. Seattle has extended an invitation to the Portland Automobile club to make a run to the Queen City, the date or which is to be decided by the local club. The Portland- era, as guests of the Seattle, club, will be shown as .good a time as the Seat- tleltes enjoyed during their recent run to the Portland Rose Festival. President Hanford, of the Seattle club first planned side trips to Mount Rain ier, and Snoqualmie Falls for the enter tainment of the visitors, but this idea has been abandoned as it was thought that the Portland motorists would not know the routes well enough to thor oughly enjoy the trips, so runs will be made , over (Seattle s , oouievara 1 ana park systems instead. In this way the machines will be able to keep close -together and the motorists to become well acquainted f with, each other. , Xnds WKb Banquet Runs will be made as far north as the country club and as far south as Orlllla, to Washington park and Mount Baker park, and In fact, over the entire boulevard system. The climax of the entertainment will be a banquet The Seattle autoists gained much valuable experience on their trip to Portland and they are anxious that the Portland peo ple should enjoy the same. George W. Miller, of the Wlnton Mo tor Carriage company at Seattle, has offered free garage accommodations for all the visiting machines, though wash ing and polishing will, not be included, The Wlnton people have just completed a fine six story building and can easily accommodate 100 cars. At present the two big northwestern clubs - are actively instituting good roads campaigns and it is thought by becoming better acquainted, as they will be able to do on these club runs, and working together, that they will be able to accomplish much more than- they nave in tne past. One direct result of the run. to Seat tie will be to make a large number of Portland autoists acquainted with the condition of the road, and arouse them to active effort to' have it improved as soon as possible. Tbls highway Is considered the most Important in the northwest from the tourists' standpoint and there is great anxiety on the part of the officials of both the Portland and Seattle auto club to have it put into good shape as soon as possible. From Seattle to Kelso, about half the dlstanoe, the road is quite passable, but from Kelso to Van couver, Wash., the condition of the road Is deplorable in spots. It is directly of importance i to Portlanders to have the vancouver-Kelso section of tho nro- posea ooutevara improvea. H. C Kinney, of Grants Pass, drove to Portland the first part of the week and left his 1909 Wlnton with the Port land Motor Car company for sale and placed bis order . for a 1911 fully equipped touring car,, delivery to be made at the factory at once. Mr- Kin ney and family left for Cleveland and will take delivery of their oar at the factory and tour the east! They will then drive the car by the southern route to California,; and up to their home at Grants Pass, expecting to arrive there the first of the yean ' jemmmmmaammmmmmmmBm sf sw-a.V'.v;-. k..;- ).. .:;:..;.y..:.:::..:.. v '- inl'MMl'"'r;""JTf""' r" i" i il.iii'ki-.!' f'Wsisj. -'?-?'.' : Mi, I ; fTNi ly, . 1 VL SflSVSSBBlSBSSSSBSSSBSSSBSliSSSSBSailBSSBSSSSSBJS ' . ' ,."y-i This Is an Overland car recently purchased by Dr. E. O. Clark. Seated at the wheel Is his daughter. Miss ' Dorris Clark. In the other front Beat Is Miss Margaret Haussman and in the back seats are Mrs. Oliver G.. Walker on the further ;slde and Mlsg Ann Ditchburne, a well known stage artist, whose nom de plume Is Ann Swinburne. Miss Ditchburne will star in "The Climax," which opens in Boston in August, - and she will then come west with the troupe. ' She expects to purchase an Overland machine in Boston PIONEER RUN fH ' THIRTEEN HOURS Former Trip From Astoria via Nehalem Valley Took Two ; Weeks. four places, necessitating the use of block and tackles. In some olaces the route traveled was along cliffs which dropped off at the edge of the road for a distance of 100 feet or so. fn other places It passed through sinks .40 or EO feet long,. In which the mud was bad. It was "Port land or bust," however, and the pioneers came through with flying colors. Dr. C W. Cornelius, proprietor of the Cornelius hotel, returned Thursday from an auto trio to Mount Rainier in a Premier six-cylinder. 60 horse power car. He will start . presently on another trip to Crater Lake. . W. J. Clemens, vice president of the Portland Automobile club, who ; drove were George Ryer and E. Evans, last week to Wllholt . Springs, had tun less than nine punctures on the rourni trip. With Mrs. Clemens, Arnold Roth well, C. B. Duffy and Miss Ann O Brien in the machine. Afr.. Clemens drove to. Salem Saturday afternoon and vlsitejl the Salem Cherry Fair, and the next morning returned to Oregon City anJ drove to Wllholt Springs. The party found a very dusty stretch of road leading out of Balem toward Portland. From Oregon City to Wllholt Springs, 24 miles, the road was' varia ble. v.,. : ,i.'';.,.;f ... , ' " ii ir -i i "i " - .i i. , i - '."Among"" those who drove to Mount Hood lest Sunday in Maxwell mac"hlues Northwest Bulck Co. f. W. VOGLER, Gen. Manager 7th and Coach Sts. A 2320-M 4335 BALLOU & WRIGHT AUTOMOBILE SUPPLES J- Korean & Wrht and". Goodrich Tires fi6 SIXTH STRUT Mala 1834, A-1834 Archer, Combs & Company, Auto Supplies, 306 Oax Street auS iy A. J. WINTERS CO. Vuka- & Hardware ; : ss lzinS ana UlAiVlUINU 1 IKtSb Rereading DEALERS Auburn Motor Car Co. 605-7 Burnslde Street A 7339 Main 3074 Bclmore, MacDougall, Moores Co. AUTO REPAIRING AND REBUILDING GLASS FRONTS A SPEQALTY oAsuaa, ooam anranti jjtd auisx. Cr o weAuto Co. Mon t lom arid Aider Oldsmobttc Overland M w? ,jr& yjvjp the varied attractions that the trip ta Tillamook now affords, Work on the roads of Tillamook coun ty is an evident fact From the bin coin county line to the Clatsop county line are 70 miles of drive unexcelled in any other section of the state. Oyer $300,000 has been expended for good roads In Tillamook county in the last two years. Three rock crushers, three road rollers and various other kinds of up-to-date machinery are now in use in the construction of these roads, and money, time and labor are accomplishing wonders for roads in this gem of the counties. The automobile club of Tillamook City, which is affiliated with the .Ore- The second ' pioneer automobile run from Astoria to Portland by way of the Nehalem valley was made last Thursday by C S.' Brown, F. L. Parker and Sher man Mitchell of Astoria. The trip was made in exactly IS hours, and the party arrived in Portland at 7:30 o'clock in the evening. - . The only other automobile run, over this route was made five years ago, and the party that made it took two weeks for the trip in order that they might stop ocasionauy , to waix aneaa ana inspect the road to see if it was safe. When the Astoria party started out Thursday morning, it was the Intention to go to Flshhawk Falls and spend the day fishing. , The roads were , found good, however, and they decided to come straight through to Portland. The run of 129 miles as indicated by the speedometer, was made in 13 hours, an average of 10 miles an hpur, which is considered good on account of some of the conditions encountered along ' the route. , ; v '-; The route was by way of Astoria, Jewell, vesper, Mist, Pittsburg, " ye- ronla, Buxton, Forest Grove and .Port' land. In the machine was a complete camping outfit. The auto was shipped back to Astoria by train Friday, and It is probable the party will start out again early this week to finish the contemplat ed fishing exourslon to Flshhawk Falls, 13 miles out or Astoria., , The whole trip was made without the use of a skid chain,' Deep mud was en countered in a few places and the axles of the machine became imbedded at "The Easiest Riding Car In The World" hbbv sisssbp" .r 1911 ROADSTER 327SO F. O. Be PORTLAND HolfenljecIfMoldpCapCo; . 86 TENTH STREET, PORTLAND M and W NOBBY TREAD PREVENTS skidding and wears longer. Ballou & Wright Auto Supplies, bicycles and Motor Cycles 81 SIZTB STREET, POBTUND . 3 The following used cars must be sold at once. No reasonable offer refused. Six-Cylinder Model K Ford Six-Cylinder Stevens-Duryea Four-Cylinder Studebaker n Four-Cylinder Popeflartfdrd y : Model 0 White Steamer ALL THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED AND y GUARANTEED IN GOOD ORDER. Automobile Clearing House Vulcanizing & Retreading R. E. BL0DGETT. 510 Alder St Main 70D5 'It's All In the Tire" West Coast Supply Co. 326 Burnslde St H ESS & O'BRI EN, Inc AUTOMOBILE MACHINISTS Cor. Union Avenue AUTOS REBUILT, PAINTED, and East Davis St. FOR HIRE PHONE EAST 78 AUTOMOBILES COMPARE WITH ANY CAR. REGARDLESS OF PRICE. ' ' WATSON AUTO CO. Xilesnssd Vnto leidsa ratost " A-7612, MAIN 8121 , 303 ALDER STREET tAolojt Cars BARNESAUTO MOBILE CO. 88 North Sixth 5t. Phone Main 7022 AGENCY ALDER ST. f. B;E.C01iEU.HGR.; ." raoirs x. 4337 yyy i yb Palmer-Singer Parry Car Clement-Bayard Aeroplanes DENRY FUNK AUTO CO.. 335 Anberiy Street Auto Co. 7fW) I .;,',".. ""..';" y,.x, 5ALESMDM, ' FUtcwtb aad blntoa Sti "OFflCEJi . Jlf-JlEtiirilBllCiil ISIXTH-AND-MADISON-STREETS: WE ALSO HAVE-POPE-WAVERLY ELECTRIC TO SELL FOR OWNER AT GREAT SACRIFICE O'GORM AN, Y0UNIE GO. nfaUATTUTinrn ntuc MJiMmnc rmcc AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES 71 Seventh St. -3520, Main 3520 Gasoline, Electric 1 9th and Alder Sts., Pcrl!:n J 308 First AvenasSo., Ztzttte PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. SIXTEENTH AND AUTOMOBILE HOY Demonstration by Appointment I'bons !'n j'