( THE OREGON CUHDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY HORNING, JULY 17, 1310. sun r" , .-, Fancy Bibboao t " Best Values Special for iSt) This is an extra special offering of fancy Ribbons, shown in stripes, checks, plaids, Dresden, Persian and all woven floral effects, s.uitable for'all purposes hair bows," sashes, millinery' purposes and trimmings. -They come full Z inches wide and Tho Host in ValuoTIio Best in quality -.-OpeoialB'in IlndliercIiiefG ; Another great special offering of Handkerchiefs, made of excellent quality materials and shown in plain colored and fancy effects. They are suitable for women, misses and chil , , dren. Three special lots" tcf choose from. ' Regular 5c and 7c values special, each. ; . . . .' . . . . 31 are best qualities up to 50c a yard. Special for this 1P sale at ... . . . LDL Regular jOc values, special, each &C Regular 15c values, special, each. ...... 8 VrT:vr: lSSSIBisSBSBSBM Coat Hangers 15c Values at Be An extra' special offering of 1000 Nickel-Elated Coat and . Trousers Hangers. Extra heavy Folding C6at Hang ...ers. .Heavy Flat Trousers Hangers. Reg. 15c , kinds. Special price for this ; A - -sale.. i... 5C A S ale Tliat EHpneyS i-.eseiit&:.-iMajiy TK J Every yard, of goods, every garment and every article which should be disposed of during' this sale now bears revised prices In t every case the sale price is greatly under that regularly asked in many cases the figures hardly represent the original cost. Involved Us a greatet quantity ' of merchandise than have ever heretofore o event a much broader variety is placed at your disposal and the -values surpass anything we have ever offered. There's plenty ECONOMY IN THESE OFFERINGS. Fine. Wash Belts 5 Oo Values at S9e A choice line of Fine Wash Belts, made of t pure linen, finished with embroidered; eyelets, peart buckles; Shown in neat new-designs and sell regularly at 50c each. ; OA For this sale at .OuC ' f '"'7".. Avery ftel,Jf,i. costisthe One of the Best Silk Offerings of the Season Oa ar 91.00 and 51.25 Pongee Silks, Yd. V CU special purchase of some 800 yards at less than regular import cause of this important sale. Beautiful New Pongee Silks shown 1910 weaves, in natural color and desirable shades. 36-IN, CHEFU PQNGEE SILKS IN $1.25 QUALITY AT. . 36-IN:CLOTH-OF-GOLD PINGEB IN $1.25 QUALITY. . : 27-IN. TUSSAH PONGEE SILK IN $1.00 QUALITY AT. . 27-IN. SATIN STRIPED PONGEES IN $1 QUALITY AT 27-IN. ROUGH WEAVE PONGEES IN $1 QUALITY AT 27-IN. REAL SHANTUNG PONGEE IN $1 QUALITY AT 27-IN. PEKIN DUCK PONGEE SILK IN $1 QUALITY AT ALSO PLAIN AND SEMI-ROUGH PONGEES, $1 QUAL. Best 01.00 and 51.25 Grades Popular New Weaves Black, Color ed and Fancy Sillxs All Thia Season's Goods in a f rr J Regular 75c-$1.00 Grades OjIJ tTlC Si JL SbPO. If you -want new and handsome silks at about half value this is your .buying oppor- Swiss If you have been waitinsr for bargains, this ii vour sale. If v tunity. Here is a MOST EXTRAORDINARY SILK SALE. Included in -this lot are: Black taffeta, black satin Duchess, and enuine wiss Fancy taffetas, messalines and-louissines in taffeta in all desirable shades! also Swiss messalines. diagonal and wide wale silks in plain colors. - choice new designs, pin stripes,- grunmetal stripes and. shepherd checks, as well as silk and satin foulards and fancy, A Vo Extraordinary Bargains in Our Suit Dept. : Roberts, Bros.' bargains are ever the best. This is particularly noticeable in our Suit Department' Here we are always offering season able merchandise at prices worth while." Tailored suits, wash dresses, bathing Suits, waists, and all manner of children's wearing apparel figure prominently lit this midsummer carnival of bargains. An all wool Tailored suit at twelve dollar leads the following list of remarkable wearing apparel reaucuons: , . x : .-; Twelve-Dollar Stilts Newly arrived Tailored Suits of a good .quality all-wool . diaonALJierriogbQnjterge- in black, navy, tan. Rray A-'real smart appearing garment coat of medium length, with notch collar. of metnaterial lined with silver gray, good grade satin skirts in a new pleated effect flile, quality and value are all in their favor Mtrv1nm BTii? valne aV"!fxI. . . W . W M U U U . . . U.M VM, .V ........... Lawn Waists A great showing of dainty white lawn waistssuch numerous pretty styles that space will not permit description.. Neat plain effects with pleated,, fronts or tucked yokes. Others with beautifully embroidered fronts in many designs. Some with yokes of lace and otherwise daintily trimmed with lace extraordi nary vahies at 48e, 05f, $1.25 and up to 3.50 Wash Skirts Reduced New-styles, in Wash Skirts of linene and poplin, in the natural color, white, light blue, and black, or blue with white polka dots and stripes. Several styles, including plain gored, pleated and pan eled effects., These serviceable summer skirts , in women's and misses' sizes- prices for sale from- this 11.25 to$3.50 $12.00 Bathing- Suits lor $1.08 A special reduction in Bathing Suits, made of two excellent Bathing Suit ma terials in a diagonal or poplin -weave. Two pretty styles one with sailor col lar and another style with square neck finished with "wash braid dt 16 $2.50 values, special reduction $100 Long 2&monos Only 98c Full length Kimonos of Tapanese crepe or fine challie. Plain colors, with bor ders to harmonize or beautiful flowered and . Persian . designs in many colors. Satin edging to match $1.25 val- QO ues,' at ....!............,... .5IOC . i Wash Petticoats Gingham, chambray and , percaline Pet ticoats, in blue, gray, tan or black and white stripes. , Some plain stitched flounces with ruffle. Others with double ruffle, underlay of same material 48c 65c 85c Sk f w. Some Extra Special Values in Dainty v Mnslin tJMdeirwear - Here Is one of the most Interesting sales of Muslin Underwear we have ! held in many months. It is a sale worthy of the name, wherein unusual assort-' l-ments of garments are shown and extraordinary values are offered. If you have undermusTins of any sort to buy, don't miss this sale. " TOM Combi'tion Snitf Q Q $l,50-$l75Val9. .UW: A fine line of Women's' Combination . Suits,, consisting of ,, corset cover and j, drawers, or corset cover and skirt, " made of - fine quality nainsook or . cross-bar dimity, trimmed with enw ; broideries, , laces and . ribbons. All ' - extra -well made and neatly finished, t Regular $1.50 and $1.75 values. QQ Specially priced for this sale....5'OC; Summer Corsets at 30c Just received another shipment of allv Uhe latest models in Summer Corsets, t : i i , .:i fit every figure. At the popular price or 50c 75c IXnslin Gowns. 01-51.25-Vals. s These dainty garments come? in the: high-er low neck styles and are made of fine quality cambric or nainsook,' 'trimmed with dainty embroideries and laces. They come very full and . are . well made and-neatly finished. Regu-' , Iaf $1 and $1.25 values. Spe-.-dally priced for this sale ....... I DC $1.50 Corset Covers 98o A choice lot 'of fine' Corset Covers, made of extra good -quality nainsook.' wh" yuKc oi very une laces ana em "batiste ot summer net, and boned - able garments, well made and neatly with rust-proof steels. . A model to finished.' These , garments sell retu- ' finished.' These, garments sell retu- larly at $1.50 each... Specially QQ ' ; priced for Monday and Tuesday VQC Patent Finger-Tipped t Silk Gloves 50c up Look out for silk gloves that wont wear. You anhaJCsysejnBtand "lnTsSlo ITayser "tip-tha guarsn tee in every pair. You ge them here at the price of the cheapest all with "Kayser" in the hem. (1 ; 7 - ' SHSSBHBIBHBMBBBSflBIBIBSSMBBBIBBBBSMBflBHBIBHBSI Special Showing and Sale I In the special sale you will find an unsurpassed'assortmcnt of Wom an's Nobby Sweaters and Sweater Coats.; 'All are fresh, new and extremely desirable, There arfe over 500 garments in the sale, and fully half are worth twice the price we have marked them ; the rest 'are one third less than tegular. Shown in all-colors, styles and' sizes, i Fine: for-the beach and mountains. Priced from 5 to MM Sale of Blanket oand Hucls To welo HmiVMn'm will do well to look to their needs and ourchase a full season's supply at this sale. Baby Blankets 60o, 05o, $1.25 I ' Bath Kobe Blanket! at 82.50 'A th.. rir. vnu have choice from an ' unsur- A soecial sale of new Bath" Robe Blankets. They passed assortment fine full size Baby Blankets, in come in beautiful colors in a wde range ofneat and Teddy Bear Chicken and Rabbit patterns; also attractive designs, are extra, large, 72 by 90 inches, pretty flowered effects in neat colorings. They are and are the best values we have ever. .ffO PA very much underpriced at 60f , 95 f and fl.25 offered at this price ..4KtJV. Huok Towols 75o a Dozen About 100 dozen White Huck Towels of splendid wearing quality, hemmed all ready to use and 7Cr f,nie,A f.cf mnrA red border. Thev are li-hv 27. inches. oriced for this sale at, per dozen I Knit Underwear and Hosiery We know that hundreds of people will be greatly interested in this sale. Many special lots were secured manufacturers' sample lines and overstocks and all will be offered at money-saving prices. Values run like this: . Women's Hoie 35o Values at 19c . . ; This offering consists of over 2000 pairs of women's fine Lace Lisle Hose, in black and tan colors, shown in a full variety of pretty new de signs in boot, ankle and allover patterns. They are made with double heel and toe and wear splendidly; all sizes in best 35c grade, 1 A priced for this sale at .. . ... ... .. .', '.. . I, . ..... 1C Children's Hose 25o Values at 12 l-2o We were fortunate to , secure 1rom one" of -the best mills, 10 cases of. we offer them to you the same way. Fine ribbed, lisle finished, best grade . Maco Cotton Stockings, made with double heel and toe. They come in all sizes in both black and tan colors standard quality stockings that sell regularly at 25c a pair, priced for this sale atl2C Women's Union Suits 75c Values 50c ' Don't miss this sale of Women's Union Suits if you. value fine form-fitting garments for little money these are of fine lisle thread, made in low neck sleeveless style, with tight and wide knee, are neatly finished and trimmed at knee with tine orchon lace, all sizes. Best 75c F A- values, on sale at ................ .uwt I 'n H II I f K.AV. U tiff If Men's Underwear and Furnishings All the leading Summer Lines are fully represented.' There can be no better future time to select your needs. Here are special price inducements for tomorrow: ' - Men's $1.50 Union Suits 81.10 A great -showing" of Men's, Union Suits, made of excellent quality mercerized silk material and shown in a plain blue or flesh color good form fitting suits that sell regularly at $1.50. C in "Specially priced for this sale 1.1 17 Boys' 31.00 Bathing Suits 19o An, exceptional offering of Boys' Bathing Suits, made of good. quality material and shown in two: pieces. They come 'trimmed in red or white and are regular $1.00 values. Specially priced 7A for this sale, suit I C Men's Silk Shirts, Kegular 82.50 Values at 81.70 An' extraordinary showing of Men's Pongee Silk Shirts, made of good quality pongee, with, soft but tondown collar, sleeves' are faced and finished Jvith two buttons.' These shirts wear fine and M 7Q are regular $2.50 values. Specially priced for this sale . Reductions Shoes and Oxford r" Tor Men, Women, Misses and Children We- are snowing most complete summer stocks of men's, 'women's, misses' and children's shoes. 'The styles comprise boots, oxfords, low ties and strap pumps made on lasts that are beautiful in appearance yet per fect fitting, insuring ease and comfort, from the first, These specials for tomorrow, . - - . Children's five-syap Roman Sandals, in patent colt, tan and red top, with patent cuff; all sizes 3 to 8 CA $2 to $125 values, spVVK.'JU A' line of misses' one-rap Pumps, shown in patent colt . They come in all styles from 11 to 2. AA -Regular $2.50.. value,., spl VU 111 Women's White ' Canvas Oxfords, turn and heavy sole, "low and high heel. They come in U sizes. CQ Values to $2.50, special at, WL Misses' and Children's Oxfords, in all sizes ,and weights; good, solid Shoes throughout. Regular OQ $1.75 and $2 values, special Vl0J Women's Oxfords, in. all styles, all leathers, patent colt, ' gunrrietal and vici kid. ' Regular $J and.frn 07 ... $3.5Q .valw r-apeeial at .ir.J i -Women s Uxfords and ' one-strap Pumps, in patent colt and kid, shown in all sizes; high and low 1 A( heel; $2.5& value, special ,14 llllly i .I, i i at