- 7" ' nii: onEcon sunday journal, Portland, Sunday morning, july 17,. 1010. V T rj;:r.sox.iii c2ii 1 1 1 1 -ij , -- - - I lie JE111U - PAY WHEN CURED - Tho Pacino Coast Medical Co. The lending Specialists Of Port land, no -Money required to com-, inence Treatment. We treat all cnronlc nervous and complicated diseases of men. , Our method are modern and up to date. We want to talk or vwtlte to every man In Portland and the North- went, who Is a sufferer. In the treatment of Disease v of men, we acknowledge . no superior.. We will toll , you all about . your case without charge, and you need nut take treatment - unless you wish to do bo, Sepa rate parlors. - Paclflo Coast Medl chI Co., cor, 1st and Washington Ms., Portland, opposite City Mar ket. If unable to-call I write for list of questions. Office hours, 9 a. ra. to 8 p m.; Sunday.. 10 , a.-m. to 1 p.. m. -.- 1 - - 6EXINE Pills only 76c box. Call or ad dress Bridge Pharmacy, 1H Morrison. BUSINESSOIRECTORY ARCHITECTS D. B. FLICKINGER, dasigner of ideal . home. 822 Mohawk blg.. Phones At7285, B-1888. Main 190a. ARTISTS MATERIALS ; ARTIST'S materials, picture ' framing. E. H. Moorehouse & Co.. 411 Wash, st, Aso.VTKftS WELLS PBOEBSTEL, assayer. ana lytical chemists. 204tt Wash.'M. 7608. MONTANA assay office, Itboratory and ore testing work. - 186 Morrison. ATTORNET9 CHRISTOPHERSON A MATTHEWS. General practice. 411-12 Buchanan bid. BtSLES! CARDS - HOWE, DAVIS COMPANT, 108 - 2d at ' Blank books m'Ci;. acta. tar Jones' " Improved Loose-Leaf. ledgers: see to new Eureka leaf. A-8183. Main 188. , fWlRR E ti CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- . ; Ings, 817 Beck bldg. , TIN . roofing, guttering, repairing and general lobbing. J. Losll, 212 Jeffer- son st. Main HZ. THK BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. - Portland office, 404 Worcester bldg. J AS. Mcl. WOOD & CO., all kinds of in sursnce. surety , bondw. McKay bldg. . RICYCLK REPAIRING NEW, second hand wheels, repairing, key, safe and lock work. Hummer, 138 10th. CARPKT WKAVIXQ NORTOWEST Rug Works Rugs from old oarpeta, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. Ifis Union ave near 13. Horrlson. ; WE Aefcve rag carpets, bath room riiRS, , 1818' Ptton .ave. Wondlawn28851 r- t cuajj a'xd noop K0TICEpf hfj? SLAB WOOD GRKEN SHORT WOOD.-per l?ad..2.53 (J tili EN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. 82.63 INSHiB DRT SHORT, per load .$S.6 PLOCK WOOD., per load : , ,88.50 fA wr.IJST, tor fuel nd bedding. i Tte Portland Slatwccd Main ST1. A-7001. TACIFIO SLABWOOD CO. . , Dry inalde wood, per load. $3.80. -1 K.Tiall dry Inside wood, per load, $2.50. Green short slahwood. Der lo:ul. $2.60. Planer trimming, $3; blockwood, per load. $4. - Phones Main 3709. A-7856 Yamato Wood ancT"r Coal Company. Ctarccai PROMPTLT DELIVERED Wood Call Main 8787. - Foot of Curry st , White & Benson fuel Co, 415 East Morrison. East 914. ' -Formerly O- K. Wood and Coal Yard. Wood, Coal and" fry Slab WESTERN FUEL COMPANT, . 17 TTl Morrison KftHt 226. -1026. S6WtH PORTLAND SLABWOOD do., wain zis. A-asta. - ury msiae wooa, greeo slabwood, clean sawdust for bed ding, cut fuel; blockwood. ; - WE WILL saw your wood promptly. Caacade Woodyard. Phone Marshall 1906. " : - ' - A. H. Edlefsen. the .fuel mau Ch. of Com. merce, sells anthracite and cannel; . Iso cheaper grades of coal and dry wood. STEEL Bridge Fuel Co, wood Mil coaL "". Phone CS1773. E. 424. ; ; SFlORT dry board wood, 13.89 per load. Phone Marshall 1906. CEDAR block, $1.50 for 30 Phone, Main 2158. A-8842. days, BEST 4 foot fir cordwood $5.60 deliv- ered. Mnltnomah Ftrel Co. Both phones. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURIN3 -r Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. CLEANISQ AND DYEING ' PHONE MAIN 3081 - To call for your suit to be spongnd and pressed by one who understands- the business. The Elite Cleaning & Press ing Works, 81 J 3d. comer Clay. COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent Accounts col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 703 Board of Trade hldg.. th and Oak Bla Portland Co'.lnction Agency -All kinds " of debts-collected. 817 Allfkr bldg. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' (iinl rtentiKts collections 11' oniy. u pinckiVey White. Main 5074; -7028. - .i .,,. , ' . v.- .. CONTRACTORS AXD KUILDEIW CL'MMINGS, & CATt.IN--Bulldingv. In every branch Cf thp btilldihg trades; jobbing, remodeling, repairing a Rpecjal ty; show -cases, counters, -shelving, etc. office and shop 871 1st st. Phone Mar shall 2SJ7. WILLIAM' FlSlTg'ifiCK,' ct.tper.ter and builder, Jobbing and contracting. 208 4th Main 6241. A. J. F. BOWMAN., carpenter- and builder; plans and rpeclficatlona free. Phone Woodlawn ?sr3. rOK cement 'vork nlamhrin v Work and excavating call on Olson. Marshall .1441. A-420. . DANCTVO WALT. two-step, stsge rtanolnB, les : sons 26c; tiow.openinV summer classes ,tfnlghf.. Prf, WrI ' WJl Icon's school, 3S6V Wash, sty het. W. Park anrl 10th LLECTUICAL SI lTl-livS - . . Motors for rent or sale .Pacific Elec tric Engineering Co.. 218 Second st t . ELECTRO 1 1513 'MOLES, wrinkles, supeffluo s hair re- ' I- . -, - tr1. .' -' -i. -. --1 -.i-ii-i -u Tj CI1A8. U MASTICK & CO.t "4 Front Leather of evp-v description: . tap "inautHetarers. ipd1?p LIIJIMKIK. CIPC'T-T Tl'C :tli.r. lSu. Uh. .t. or. uiiu Vaiithtil. Lovis 3c p"r Jay. t REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY NAME ' linker, n. M .. City. Farm Property. Hi on e -Steele ixinipany Mralwkiv ft Benedict.... riiitU'rworth-SteDheitson Company. Ine Curd Itenltr -& Investment Co ........61!5 Henry Itlelsr. Marnhall 1567, A-1W C(K)k & Co.. it. 8 ,.....M3 Corbett UMg .......Main o-t K-VM .1 Crmpin &' Herlow . s!2 Chamber of Commerce... Main lOf.J fine. . D. V. Co. (Woodstock) Hocheater and Yukon Sellwood 6T7 Hohjrt A Marshall, Karma. City Property Boom 7. 2tWiy. Alder.. Main fl!7i llonck, Uenrge A. (Colonisation) 49 I.bb Bldg .Main 1259 Knajip A Mmicey.. Chamber of , Commerce. .. .Main nd A-2"10 Oregon Heal Estate Co., The. ..... Crand Are. and Multnomah.,. .Eaet 67, C-170S fichalk, .-Ouorge 0 ,.M,...i.Mni 8tr St. i .Main SR2. A-2'J Shield, J. II ........ Gerltneer Bldg. ... .Main 84W1 Thompson, ' M.., E. Co.t. ....... .,........... Henry Bliig. 4tu-Oak. M. 6084. A-S327 GASOLINE EXG1TVE9 BTATIONARI and marine; electrfb equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES Laemmle Film Exchange handle all kinds motion picture supplies, 'new or second hand '' machines, 'parts, films, slides. Over Pantagcs theatre,. Portland, or. (Independent.) PARTS, complete machines, films, song slides, . films,; reasonable. 526 WiiHhlngJon st. - MUSIC TEACftEKB E. THIEf T10RN, violin teacher.- r '-Pll Bevclk. Mar. 1629, A-4160. Wo Marquam PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolin.. E. A. Smith. 292 12th gt Prof, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DK LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist cn nerves, acute and chronic diseases. -,' 217 Fenton bldg. 4Maln 8f-61. n.t.n.lf A t 1-4 -V. ... 1838; post grad. 1907., 818 gweUand t)R. F. J. BARK, A. S. O, 207 Mohawk bldg., 8d and Morrison. Main 2228. P ALNTI SG AXII iPAPKRING FOR .painting, tinting, paperhanglng, phone East 1356. AU work guaran teed satisfactory. ' FOR best work, prices rlgnt, cull A. Doane, 104 Union. Both phones. - PAIXT. OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSEH & CO.. . "High Standard" paint, ne. cor, zoa: Ttyicr. at. a-wti. Ki BEACH Air CO.-ploneer Paint Co., 135 1st st. M. 1334. A-7043. : PATENT ATTORNEYS HANDBOOKS tor Inventors free; tells how to obtain and value of patents, trademarks registered. Beeler & Robb, 177-181 McUllI bit?., wasnington. ix U r, c. WRIGHT. l. S. and foreign pat- pruttwo WELCH "iUoers ot clever things with type and Ink on 'paper." 141 1st. THE EAGLE PRINTING CO.. not In trust; close figures, good work. 01 Goodnough bldg. Phone Main 4Z:i. KliitULK .Sl AiU ASI) SEAl-S STENCILS and office stationery. Cun nlngiiam Co. 231 Stark. Main 1407. SHOWCASES ASM 'FIXTURES BHOWCASES of, every desoriptlon; bank, bar and store fixtures mode to order. The LutK.eMig. uo. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MKO. CO.. , new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 28 Courh. M. 203. biUft AAU SHOW OA It lis FOSTER ft KLEISER. signs; the larg est sign makers In the northwest; 6th nd Everett sts. Phone Prlv. Ex. 55, Home A-1156. m IGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Ca.187 Stark. Paclflr 1598. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING THE most essential part of plumbing is good work. It avoids after-expense. We - guarantee our work. . Independent Plumbing Co., 220 Grand ave. E. 952. bUKVEYOtia rVALTER M. OBER. nlatUng. subdivid ing and topographical maps a spe 4alty. 160 E. 28th st. N. B-2099. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co, 108 Id st Safes at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened; bargains In second hand safes. SHINGLES BEST In Portland. See them. 201 - Washington st B. E Gilbert. XOVVKli 8UPPJLT ( (LEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. $1 per month, romana iuncur lowef Supply Co., 9th ,and Couch sts. I hone Main 410. A-4418. ' ' TRANSFER AWD HTOKAGH Oregon Transfer Co. Transfer and forwarding agents. . Storage, free trackage. Offloe. 810 Hoyt st, bet 6th. and th. Phones: Main 69. A-ll9. C. O. PICK Transfer & Stotage Co.. of fice and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate iron . rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pins sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ship ment Main A-i General transfer and storage, safes, pianos-and furniture moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oik st. Main 547, A-224T. INDEPENDENT Baggage & Transfer CoTStorage.: 124 ... SUrk. Main 40T. typewriters ALL metkes rented, repaired; sold. Cun ntngham Co.. 231 btark. M. 140T. VETEKINAUIAW DR. A. G. SMITH, V. 8., U. S. Stables, 248 Ft on t Main 4158. Res. Main 1801. DR. L. R. DILLON, Hawthorne avenue stables. Fast 72. 6S7. H-Jg. - WAIJj PAPJ5- HOU8H rsintlng. paper hanging, tinting, and tne rooos iuhi . gu wiuv um R it. Aioorehouse & Co.i 41L Wash, st U UULE&VLK JOUBERS EVER DING & FARRELL. produoe and commlJj'.on metcnants, - in rom sl, Portland. )r. Phone Main 179. M. A. OUNST A CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS, w-,POLa OR. m ; W I-iiJa7s i'r'n whnlRl rrorer manufactvrers and coffee roasters. 4th ififl .'ftK stn. -ALLEN & LEWIS (JROChllUKav, BANKS r'KRMAN-AMERIiTAN BANK PoHland, Or. T Corner rllilli and Wnalilneton Hr. Trana- act a ireneral hankinir huKlneia. Draft laaued available lir all ttla principal cities of ttw t'nlted ritatea and Kurop. our per cent poKit TU!. RON1JS AND INVESTMENTS RI" nnoTnrHV Cftaimbcr nf i Com. trier re ti IrlliiK. - ..MnulelpaU railroad and ,. tuuiic crtc corporation rand. - ADDRESS . 3i3 Corbett Bldg. 110 Second St..,.. B"2 MKr Bldar... ., TFLEt'HONR ...A-4402. Main 711H .....Muln HlHl A .Windsor Height. Main M 9 Lafayette Mela-., .6th and W.h. Main fciM WEATHER REPORT The Missouri., disturbance has moved northeastward to the Atlantic coast and the barometer is relatively low over the Rocky mountain states an relatively high along the north Pacific , coast. Showers have occurred in . the - Ohio valley, the lower lake region and n tho middle Atlantic ; states, while west of the Mississippi river fair weather has prevailed. The temperatures continue above normal In the Pacific states and it Is much warmer in the upper Missis sippi valley. In the lake region and middle Atlantlo states it Is cooler. The conditions are favorable for fair weather in' this district Sunday, with rto marked -chanpes in temperature, FORECASTS. , Portland and Vicinity Sunday 'fair, northwesterly winds. . ' - ' ( Oregon and .Washington Sunday fair, northwesterly winds. ' v t. J Idaho Sunday, probably . fair, r Maximum temperAture," 77. degrees; mlniinum temperature, 65 degrees. Rivet reading. 8 a. m., 7.8 feet; chanare In last 24 hours, 0.2 feet.. Total rainfall (5 p. m. to 5 . m.) 0 Inches. ToUI rain fall slnoev September , 1, 1909. 42.09 inches. - Normal rainfall since Septem ber 1, 44.31 Inches. Deficiency of rain fall elnce September 1, 1909, 2.23 Inches. July 15, total sunshine, 2 hours BS min utes; possible sunshine, 15 hours 24 min utes. Barometer (reduced tr sea level) at 5 p. m., 29.9S,rnches. ' - c MEETING NOTICES 41 INDEPENDENT Homestead, No. 580, Brotherhood at American Yeomen,, will lvo a dance in the ; East Side Woodman hall, E. 6th and Alder sis., Thursday evening, July 21. Good time assured. Gentlemen, SOc; ladies, 25c, Prasn's orchestra. ' :' PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 4, B. A. Yi, meets every Wednesday evening Itt Western Academy of 'Mtislo hall, corner- Second and Morrison. Vis itors welcome. , ' YETTA HAINES, 6dl,a Stark. . ' v. Correspondent. EUREKA Council No. 204. Knlsrhts and Ladies of Security, will charter car to visit Willamette Council, .Oregon City. Monday evening, July 18. Members of the order are invited to attend. Car leaves E. Water and ' Morrison 7 :45. M. W. A., Rose City camp 6468. meets Monday evenings, Selllng-Hirscu bldg., West Part and Washington , F. J. Darlington, clerk. Phones. Main 9294. A-4885. - - - - T MARGUERITE CAMP, No. 1440, Royal Neighbors, will give a "500" party and dance this Thursday evening,- July 21, mu, nan,- io za st. Ri N. - A., Oregon Rose camp, meets Wednesday evenings, Allsky ball, id and Morrison. R.N. A.. Marguerite camp, meet every Thursday evening at 109 id st, bet. Wash, and St irk. MARRIAGE LICENSES W, E. Watson- 671 East Irving street over 21. May Rose, 18. Nathaniel Dixon,' 807 Corbett street, 29. Mae Cornelius Suess. 26. C. W. Everson, 344 Cannon avenue, 21, uessie jjonson, m. Jesse Schrumpp, Woodstock, 83. Flo. sle "Wagner. 23. - - Charles Schmidt, city, 27, Amelia El well. 22. EDDINO earns TO. CI Smith a. rv, Washlns-ton bldv.. earner n Hh mni vvannington SIS. WEDDING invitations, announcements, "William Klumpp-Co. 328H Wash, st DREbtj suits tor rent' aU slsea. Unlaue lanuniu l.n Dfar SI. CLAKK E BROS., florists; fine flowers no norai qesigns. . Z8 Morrison at DEATHS V"kain in this city, July 16. at uuTO oamarnan nospitai, Andrew T. oenran, aged 64 years 9 months 23 ua.v n, MAX M. SMITH, florist. 1K0 sth t nnn U.I.. O ..- . , . . T ' "w. r x rrjnKB. Main 7Z1B, FUNERAL NOTICES . CASS July 15, Mary a,, Cass, aged 73 Baneral will take nlaca trnm lata jcaiD, iiiuLiirr ui J u ann w i dnce. 208 17th street Monday, July 18, j-"ent:e 'o tne eatnedral, fifteenth and Couch strets, at 8. a. m. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. Friends icapet'nuuy invitear BRUNS July 16. at Good Aamarllnn hovntthl.-Dr. Wllllnm r Prima O o-fwrl - - . ------- V UQU which Will -ha hrt t th i Portland crematorium at 2 p m. today 'ii 1 , , , 1 CAKLIj rhe funeral services of the - iaie josepn uaru win be held at Fin ley's parlors at 8:30 D. m. todnv. Sun day. Friends invited Tntc.m.n. t... - - - ....hl nuro cemerery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dunning & McEntee Undeftakera Mfifl-m In every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 43d A-9000. LQY KHFlBianl. Zeller-rynes Co. phones; lady assistant i94s Williams IV... hath Most mcdera estapnsnment in city. I T3KriU The 'eaa unrlerlsbAP Ladv ssiitta.nt. . B-1888. East 781. E. om ana Aiaer. J. P. Fialey Son Lad?, sad Lady - attendant" son. Main . A-16. JA3T Slum funeral dlnwlnra anonu. SIDE" ore to F. 8. PunnlBX Ine. E. 52. B-252I ERICSQN 613V aS; Co., Main lady as't ROSE CITY CEMETERY. Phones C-2114 and A-4444. iEDWARD HOLMAN. undertaker. 121 u ai. 1 ihiv mmsni. Alain B07. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of UU made by the a ma re irusi company, Lewis Dldg 4th snd Oak. Moore Investment company to M. Frankenheimer, lpt 1, block 4, Vernon , Title Guarantee & Trust company to Albert Leonard Fleming, lots 23 and 21, block 14, Dover. . . . . K Elliott A. Reed and wife to Wil liam Retd. land In serHnn 9,t 800 270 - township 1 south, range 1 east Msllnda Mitchell and husband to . V'''JT; t'rruthers. lot .8, block 8, Richmond , , t, S. S. White to J. O. IVlscoll, lot 15. hlock 7. Alhlna . , W, A.. Ijaidlaw and wife to S R . Stouter,- lot 1, block 3. Mas ' silon . . . , B, M. Lombard and wife to $,600 3,600' 600 850 Charles Plnckney, .lots 15 and . 16. block 3. Braree"street addition-. . . v,-.. v .......... 4 , 1 550 Title Guarantee & Trust company to John Elmer Lea ry et al, lot 1 11, blork 31, Rossniere ' Joo H. P. Ialmer et 1 to Mlna Ifeld- -inger, lot 7, block 4, Irving- ' ' ion ....... . i -. . 7 1 6 SoO Bertha Van "Below to Mary C ' y tf t jrrrtTiK.- Tot trtTberr:,"Lj oiis " "" " 1 ackll tion' t . , . . 1.500 Kciton Building & Contract Com- : puny to Alia M. Paterson, lota Vto. 51. 22 and 23, Kenton...... F. M. El well to t Frederick . E, Baimi, went; half if southwct quarter Of section 3, townshln 4,742 . I south, range 4 east, excepting .-rlght-nf.way of O. C... .' . .... - 00 TV. r. ... o . 11 1 1 . i.. j n una wne (u ipeda Park ........ ....... " 600 i;::.vl lstati; tiunsiixs H. E. NoIiIh and wife to Karnest A. Frieden. S. E. 40x10! V4 feet -of lot 9, block 4, Third Electrlo addition , Clayton II. Curtis and wife to E. L. Devereaux, east 40 feet of "lot 4. block 1, Pittenger's addi tion Security Building company to Mrs. T. Mutterer, Jqt 3, block 12, Walnut Park William N. Rinehart and- wife to Edward Holloway, lots I and 2, block 17, -Piedmont 495 540 6,000 8,500 David H. Ryan and wife to Frances J. Hulbert, lot I A, block-78. Rose Cltv Park...... 8.200 John A. Bell and wife to I. L. ; Losey et al, lot: 18, biocit i, Anahel ...... . 1,375 Altha N. Emmons and husband to Abner Hornbeck, lot 6, i. - block Tibbett's addition... 360 Rose City Park association to, Karl V. Berglund, lot 6, hiocn 138. Rose Ci ty Park ......... . . 650 Flrland company to A. Llppman, lot 1. block 18, Flrland. ....... William A, Henibleden and wife ; to Sophie Btolle, lot 4,diochl a. ISmiUVS SUDQIVISIOIT- IU av Vrtrllat . -i .'. i ..... . ... ... . . . . 2,700 Dennis Maloney and wife to W. Li. irianna, lots i. i. a, ii"w- ?S rnrROif HeiehtB ........... 2,300 Gertrude E. Bowe to George ..R. Slater et at, lot 1, diock. 14, Wnnrl stork . .... ; ... . . t . 100 Portland University. Land Co. to Magdalene ; Kscn. lots u. Vilrvrlr i2 tlniversltv Park, 450 John W. Kennedy t al. to Jennie is. Greenry, lot e, diock , jri"r , 155 nurst . . . . .. . ......,. E. A. Lynda and wife to Lorette d. Hunt, sou in at i-t imv y. west SI feet of lot 5. block 8. Simon's addition . . 2,250 Frank 8. Hallock and wife to ; Patrick Murray, lot zu, oioca 13, Mount Tabor Villa: lot 6, 'V block 7, Mount Tabor Villa An ne ... ....... i 4,000 $25 2,00 West St. Johns Land Co. to Frank Simon,' lot la, moc , Wtillurnnil Pcinrt : ........ Owen K. Scott and wife to Ors on Apple Orcharas uo., lots of Kiru.k 11 RnRHmere ........ W. "R. Osborne and wife to Edwin J. Scott, lotsn, is. . hlnoij 1 Htflnlev addition No. 8 450 1,600 John H. Smith et al. to Gottlieb , Schara. lot 6, biocK , aiwou ftrK J. A Harbk and wife toHelena . u. WuUer. est nnii or iw n. 2,000 2,600 Nellie Anseline Bliss et al. to Edward F. JenKins west nan - of. lots 6. 6. black 8, Ken worthv's addition ... .......... . Frank A. Paynfev and " wife to i Hattie Lee, lot 3, diock o, vrw- 2,800 100 1,000 1,100 Same to Alice 'ciover.Mots '25. 26, block 86, west f oriisum I-nra. I. C. Sanford and wife to 'Battle Mae Keating, north half of lot . in IWk 1 T.entH addition.... Kate Goff and husband to Bessie L. ROBS, SOUtn looo ieei "i lots 1, 8 and 3 and north half f lot 4, block 4, Central Al-, ilna addition ... M. E. Thompson and wire w Joseph Meyers, lot 6, uiuvn. 25,000 , 600 A. Llppman and wife to H. E. Noble, lot 1, block 18, Firland Charles B. Sarchet to H. E. Noble. lot 37. blOCK 0, Aneia ram No. 3 ". 1,800 University Land company to KeuDen u. nan. ioi "'"vv 144, and lot lOblocK. uni versity Park .......... boo 700 Hiram Edwarda and Wire t? Fred A. Keller, iota i, o, o, i, hior.k. 8 Mabelville H. E. Baker to John H. Baker, - lot 5. block 9, Mt. Scott View George Buttle et al. to John H. 1.000 HaaK. east nan oi ii i. u.vn.. 5. and east 2U feet of lot B, blocks 4, ' Mt Tabor Central "Pn rlr 1,850 John P. Sharkey company to An nie L. Maiaricey, 101 i. unna 4K Waverlnlerh Heights . 800 1,000 E. J. Nunn to E. O. Sutton, lots 6, n. block 41, University Park Mos Unterfachberger to Frlta . Droege, lot 13, biocK jo, ire- 875 Franklin Realty company to C. and Louisa wneeier, ioib a, 4 hinrk 10 Ciemson addition.- 260 Frank Sabel and wife to Mary D. Sampson, 1 acre in section 19. township " south, range 1 Ad at 4 .... 800 James D. Hart and wife to H. W. Herron. lot z. diock , lCfta.f.mont 600 Old Peoples Home to Llllie M. Davis, lot P, DIOCK 21, juau oHHfiATl 1 . . 2,000 David McKeen and wife to Em ma Hart, lot , diock uv. East-Portland 18,000 University Park Co. to J. A. Dennis, lots au ann ai, dioi:h US Ilnlversitv Park 450 Agnes H. Eskelson and husband to S, is. L,ee, lot v. diock o, East Creston Morton Cohn Real Estate & Investment Co. to Charles A. Malarkey, lots 10 and 11, block 21. 'Sunnyslde ... . . . . 1.100 7,000 Morton conn ana who io Charles A. Malarkey. lot 6 and easterly 7 feet of lot 6. block 6, Central Alblna addition ,. . . 6,600 Charles A. Malarkey and wife to S. Morton Cohn Real Es- tale & Investment Co., east erly 60 feet of Jots 1 and 4, block 45. Coucb,addition..... 100,000 Moore Investment Co. to Annie C. VariU. . lot 8. , block 12,... Vernon 760 Moore Investment Co. to Joe Varitz et al, lot 8, block 12. Vernon . : . . . '600 Richardson Sharkey Co. to ' H. C. Bales, lot 9, block 27, Waverly addition 1,000 Central Trust & Investment Co. to E. B. Holmes et al. lot, 1 and 2, block 1, Colonial Heights , 6,600 Perley B. Lent and wife to George P. Lent, lots 44 and 46, block J, Irvlngton Park 800 J. Allen Harrison and wife to Chester J. Alien, lot 9. block 7, Sunnyslde ... 2,450 Phebe Hammer and husband to V Hattie Lee, lots 7. and 8, block 4, Arleta Park No. 4... 1,600 Martha Dcaklns and husband to Rebecca Jane Rosenstock. lot 9, block 9. Oak Park additoin No. 2 to St. Johns 550 Kate E, Strickland to Amos - Burg, west H of lots 7 and 8, b'iock 242, Holladays additon 8,000 Robert Belford and wife to Anna M. Downing, lot 7, block 1. Belford addition 850 Malcolm McGregor to Barney Dl onne, lot 1, 2, block 2, Haw thorne ave. addition . 3,800 Adelbert J. Davis and wife to Sal vatore Depinto et al, south y, of lot 10, block 6, Lincoln park 1,400 F. A. Reed et al to Mrs. M. K. Merrill, south 39 H feet of Jot 1. block 17. Glencoe Park i.SIO Frank O'Neil and wife to A. E. , Dean, lot 22, 24, block 7, Irv lngton Park 600 E. G. Lantls to A. It Shepherd, lot 19, block 108, Rose City Park .'- 'W0 Laufelhurst Co. to Kate S. Horji". lot 13, block 70; lot 11, block 72; lots 8, 9, 10. block 73; lots 45, block 78, Laurelhtirst .... 13,400 Oscar Gtistaf son and wife to 8. W. Hoptenstall et al, lot 13, block 4, Lincoln Park 4 ... .' 2,000 Hattie M. Wolf and husband to Phlllpp Chaperon et al, lot 3, block 1. Colonial Heights ... : . 2,660 B. B. Holmes t al to sahie, lot 1. 2, block L Colonlal Heights . 6,800 Bessie HJends to Kate Relsch- man, lot 10. tlock 65, Vernort . 800 LAWYERS Abstract v Trusv room Board of Trade bldg.; abstracts specialty. ' ABSTRACTS' of title. D. Alexander ab stract office. 413 t.orbett bldg. Main 61 PACIFIC Title A Trust Com the leading Abstractors. 204-6-8-7 Falling bldg. AVV 7JtXJXJ i.v yuiiuuu. A. $6000. EASY TERMS. 160 acjres, 35 acres In cultivation, 4 cows, team, wagon, harness, all Imple ments, i cream separator, household goods, kood well of water, fair house and bat'n.,80 rndt from HChonl. ' tn'les from railroad sta., lots nf fruit Ideal plucaipr home... Atkinson. & Akurn., rotitn ' 1, ( oiimicri'lal Hunk bldg., an vouver. Wash CH AND CENTRA!, STATTOH. Southern tacitio. Aahland Taaaenger . Ivoaeburs 1 naaeuger Shaat Limited fcilrerton Fnaaouger , 8:39 . a. 4:15 p. m d t) p. id. 6.20 p. m. 7:45 p. m. n.i.utnia r.xpreM Ban FraneIa-o Kxpreaa..., t Side Coryalll fassenRer ..... fcnerioin pawieniter ..... ... 1;80 . mv ... :.'.. ,.. :() p. m. ... 8:00 p.m. ... 8:50 a. m. .. 1:00 p. . ni. Tenon rassenser ..... I'oreat flma Foreat GroTe raase-iKr .'. oret CroTe rajiaeatur.. 0:40 p. o. rnme l'ortland nftt.n. L' . 7:RO a. ra. '.0:00 p, to. Aahland Fauencer , Hoaebur l'aeUjW fortland Eipn.aa . Kbaau Umitod blierton iocl .... 6:80 p. ra. ll:K) a. ot 2M p. m 9;1K) . n . 8:20 s. m , :W). m. ne Hlda CJryalU. faaPtig,r , Sllyerton P.unl. Sheridan Paaa,m,r ,.,.,lltl,iV.,V II M. uroT t'aaaenrer .......... s:vu a. m-vi oret Groye Paaaanaer... .11:60 a. to. raaneligar . 4:40 P. :v. Kortharn PaoUls. Leavm, U..H.1 i . ..... m .v,MUrM ,i)rtto .... utuut Lin . ud . ...i.T.T,... via yla 1'uttt 10;)0 a. v. . . Limited lU Holla ,- ...... . aJIIS.1!' tre'Vii'l;ui,L lh)tt'ud".!l'4:14 '. a 'Iteriia a lea. .T ti iallt. , p.w a. r" Y f "Pr i fuget wuud.. liUW p. m. tltttZ .pre Via Aorta Uauk.. 7:UW p. u. Ir f1- 1 fugat lfcuna...U.la. m. . i ttt ta Hucth teaua... w:uO a. iu. t? -,.xprM via twit oouuii , ..10:10 a. ai. r1 u,v" topn; r ; 'itarik Ir' ioiu -uud oeutthl Kx-. l-lns v d e:45f.Bfc toituma-Vaucoua-t i , 1 .,..ui. ... . , ,, , . . .v. hwvwi ...... ...w.v m. w, l J VUUU JLul1. Urajrs Hat- va.,i.7 omul DikiK'o...., novo. a. Xkcolt faaaeuger :uu 1 m. vi,,,, - j"m iu .una ttiu. sua p. m. SSKSa.V.'S te5.ri ? . -JisBk .-7.7i.-I'. - 7-ao 'V "e iip,. ' VlV J ug P.U VV v. 7:10 7:30 a. m. i p. iu. 7 Omul uxpraa ft Rgru, I auuc Coast ICiura.. i. , u.,-t bound W ' - M W. .. f:20. m. wZ;. " Tla North Bauk... 8:14 p. iu. - . MtiEi- Biinront win Bwjti JSW"M ...j...... 7:30. m. via fttiiet-'- Hound PtiBd-Tcuni'bttlV ' kxprV" 'ind 4;oo p. ok v bouw uend ami rj Ucrbor 4 00 p. m. I'uget bound LuniUd ........... ... 7:10 p. a. xacolt l'aaaenger ; :ta a. u. Oragon SnQroad 4 angai ryo. teiftbj P0rClnd ' ' . Baker City Pawenger... urBou. Waahlnglou Limliea. . . .. ; 7:40 . in. .10:uu a. m, Hpokue flyer ... 'at MuU 4:uu p. tu. u o:ou p. m, .. 6:ao u. m, Soo-Spokane-Portland Uregua txurvM . ......... i;2b p. m. . .10:15 a. m. AtriTlng Fortlud The UaUea Local.... Spxko. JPIyer ....... Uregon Kxprew Boo-bpokaua-ortland .. 7:30 a. ai. ! 10' all a iu. JU.OU B. Ua aaai mail , T-Oll . m yur rasaenger. 7;00 u, iu. Urgon-V aahlugtuil LlmltaU .... b:uu p. iu. Astoria Columbia Error. Leaving Portland Seaside klxprea n Shore Liuiitad Saturday beaaitle Special.. ,. deaaida . xpree , , Kaluler faa-anger ,:....,.. Rainier Taaaenger Arriving Portland Beaetd klxprea ,,mmi Monday- bvaalda Special ... Seaald Kxpreaa , .. 8:00 a. m. .. :iO a. m. .. 2:30 p. m .. 6:30 p. m. . . 1:10 p. m, ., 5:43 p. m, ivH:t p; to. ..12:30 p. in. ..l(J;oo p. ui. lu.ia p. m. T , . runiuuu i-aeaenger. . . . w:40 a. ra. 5yLJi!d?or!llyl taaaeugei... 6:0U p. tu. Canadian gaeifie Sallway Oa. 'leaving' Portland c- P k. Short Line vl Spokane.... 7:00 p. a. via. Seattle a. ...12:15 , m. Arriving Portland C P. H. Short Uu vl Spokane.. -VU oeanle , '.. 8:00 a. ra. 7.-hi . m Oregon b Whlngtoa RaUroad Company. Leaving Portland. Seattle Passenger ... bhau Limited ...... Owl ..v Arriving Portland Owl . tiba.ta Limited Portland Puaaenser . . , 8:30 . m. . H.Oii p. ua. .11:43 p. m. . 7:15 a. ra. . 6:20 p. m. . 2:43 p. m. XXFFIHSOM 8TKEET STATION, Southtra Faciflo. Leaving Portland DalUa l'uaaeuger .... balla 1'asaenger .... Arriving Portland Dallas Paaseuger .... UallaaPaaaeng er .... .... 7:40 a. m. .... 4.30 p. Ok .....10:13 a. m. . 5:55 p. m. ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREETS BEWtiES STATION. Spokane, Portland Ic Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Kxpreat ............. t:00 r ra For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha. Kanaas city! St. tool, Billing.. Spokane, Waahrucna Kablotus, Paaoo, hooevelt. Uranddallea, Ool deudale, Ljle, Wblto Salmon, huveuaoii and Vancouver. The Orejonlan ,.H:00 a. m. 4fr- St.-Ptth fipriknne, Paaeo, Oranddalloa Lyle. White tMieoii, Bterenson and Vancouver' Colombia lUvsr Local 4:7Su p. m North Bank Limited 7:00 p. to. Vat Chicago, Ht. Paul, Ouuitia, K.naas City, St. tout. Billing., . Epokaue, Waahtucn, Kahlotua, Pasco, Uootevelt, (jranddallea. Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. Arrl vln M'or Uaud The Oregonian , y:08 . m. Krom St. Pul, Spokane, Paaeo, Mar hill. Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson and VaiicouVerV North Bank timltei... 730 . ni. From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaba. Kanaa City. St. Louis, Billing., Spokane, Waahtucn. Kahlotu., Paseo. Jtooaevelt. Oranddalles-, Lyle," While Salmon, Stevenaon und . Vancouver. Columbia Ulver liocal. . .'. . . : ..12:35 p.m. Inland Empire Gxpreaa 8:15 p. m. Frotn Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha. Kunaa. City, St. Loulst. Billluga, Spokane, Washtuona, Kahlotu.. Pasco, Itooseielt, Granddallea, Lyle. White Salmon. Htevfiisou und Vanwnvcr. Oreat Northern Railway Company. Leaving Portland -lltuv and Hoyt t. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10:UQ a, m. The . Oregon iaa, via North - Hank. .11 :ijn a. ni. Oriental Limited, via North Bank.. 7:00 p. m. Teeoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. I'.10:KI a. ni. Tacoma, Seattle and-Vancouver, B. C. 5 :i p. ui. Teeom. Seattle and Vaneoiivpr It. t'.H So p, in. ArrltluK Portlana-fllh aud. Ht t. - vniL'utui juiuiiteu, oruiur. D.tt' n. in. The Oretroiilan, via .North Bank . . . ... .7 on a, Oriental Uiulted, via North Bank ... .8: IS p. m. Vancouver, 11. C, Seattle, and Tacoma .6:40 a. m. Vancouver, B. O., Seattle and Tacoma. :i:.'tn p. ni. Vancouver, B. C. Seattle and Tacoma. !!:&o p. m. Tun Card Oregon Electrlo tUDway Co. Depot foot of Jefferson at., Portland, Or. .Leaving Portland (or Salem and lut. .tatloua 6:80. 7:50, 1 1 :Ou a. m.: 2:00, a: Ml, 0:30, 8:40 O. m. Lin.. ted for Tuulattn aud Salem W:iJ T v I U'llarmvlll tA In Htu,l..... a. ni. "..' ... 6-10 o. m. Oally ecert suunay ror point. i the Salem, (alls City & Wealeru Ry Salem, V:o0 a. ui., i iu. suuuay onif, U:ou . in. Leaving Portland for Korest Grove and Int. tatlona-7:06. 8i30. 10:20 . in.; 12:10, 2:10, 8:M. 6:80, S:25 p. m. Saturday uuly. ll:3u 'An'lvlng at Portland from Salem and Int. tatlon-:40. 11:00 -. m.; 1:16. 4:00 6:o. a. 20 M p, m. Local from Wlonvllle and Int. ' tatkn. 6:40 . m. Dtly eieept Sun da, and 7:3S s, m. dally. Arriving Portland from fr'oreit Orove and lot station S:"0. O.&u, 11:40 . m.; i-;ao, I'M. 5:20, 8;10 p. m. , Saturday only. U:uo p. m. Snudar dnly. 4:40 p. in. Portland Railway, tight & Power Compny; Ticket Office aud Waiting Boom. 1 ' Klrat nd Alder and Et Water and Eaat Morrison Streets. t Car l' lt Water and Morriaon street. Oregon City--4:00, :8u a. m. and every 80 minute, to and including last car midnight. Greahsm nd Intermediate polntf 6:55, 7:4r, 8:46, 8:45, 10:45 a. m., 12:45, 2:45. 8:45, 4: Ifl, B-45, 11 -.35 p. iu. , - . . Falrvlew nd Troutdata 6:85. 7:45, :4"i. 'Tr- ' . - Intermediate. , g:45. 10:45 . tn., .18:46, 2:45. 4:45, 6:45 . m. For Vancouver Ticket office tad waiting room, Second and Washington streets a. in 0:15, 6:60. 7:2o, :. :j. n:iu,.:sn, 10:,')ii, 11:10, 11:50: P. U:.Hi. , J : I". 1 ,2.30. Sit), SSO, 4'8. 6.10. ft , 6 JO, Toft, T.40, 8 1ft. 8 a, 10 Vi. "II 15. On third Moutliy in every month tb last car leaves st 7:00 p. m. , ', ,( Dally exwpt Suud.y. lally cep Mim- y. . M - - i -. TRANSPORTATION ALASEIA AND BACK : Including Berth and Meals "SUMMER EXCURSIONS - vis Smooth "Inside Pauage" Twelve deiiithtful excursloni from Pesttle to ALASKA and back cheaper than ataying at home. - Don't wail unci ittamin rr mold ear Write quick for JttaiU and retmrvation Pacific Coast Steamship Co. 243 Washington St. PORTLAND Columbia ifiver Scenery ? Fast Excursion Steamer CHA. R. tsPEINCBR Leaves ' daily except Wednesday. $ a. m... For Hood River and wav landlnara and return leave Hood River, 2:80 p. m.; . nrrive r-oriianrj b p. m. SUNDAY EXCUBSIOKS '. LeaveB 9 a. m.; .returns, 5:30 p. m. First Class Meals Served. . Fare, One Dollar Round Trip Up-town Office, 69 Sth st. . Phones Marshall 1979, A-1293. ' Landing and Office. Foot Washington st. ' Phones Main 8619, A-2466T , Lowest Rates to Picnic Parties. " E. W. SPENCER. OWNER. . San Francisco ft Portland Steamshin. Co. Hew Service to Los Angeles, vis, San Francisco, every 'fre Says. , From Ainsworth dock, Portland, 9 a. m. 8. 8. Ross City, July 87 Beaver, July 17; Bear, July 32. . From San Francisco for Portland, 12 m 8, 8. Beaver, July 35, Bear, July is: Rose City, July 20. From San Pedro, northbound. 8. S. Bear, July 38; Boss City, July 18: Beaver. July 83. - H. G. Smith, C. T. A., 142 Third at; phone Main 402. A-1402. J. W. Ransom, agent. Ainsworth Dock; phone Main 268. The Open Slver Transponatlon Company Sir. J. N. TEAL For THE 8A&UC8 and Way landings Leaving Oak Street dock Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 1 a. m re turning. le'lng The Dalles Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, maJtlng con nections at Cclilo with STEAMXa TWIW CITIES for Pasco, Kennewlck, and all points on the Columbia as far as Priest Rapids. '-.. CAPT. W7 S. BUCHANAN. Supt A. S. WHITING. Agent COOS BAY UI1NE 5 Bay Service -Btr. Breakwater leaves Portland 9 a. m., July 18, 33 and 33; August 9, 7, 18, 17, 33, 87, from Ains worth dock, for Worth Bend. Marshfisld and Coos Bay points. Freight received. I """I " V' '" v" l "'- j-nBsenger I -loo- tin, OA nln-. mt. 1 i"j ing nrrut nu u.caio. auuuire cny UCK- et onice, oa ana vvaBinngton streets, or Ainsworth dock. Phone Main 26A. S. S. GoldenGate For Tillamook, Bay .' City and Qarbaldi Leafves Wash. 6t. dock Tuesday 5 p. m. Freight and Passenger. Phnns Main 8619 A-a46fi. . AUCTION SALES Wilson's Auction House COR, SECOND and YAMHILL Regular -Sales ' Days MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Each Day at 10 A. M. UPRIGHT PIANOS. ORGANS, PAR. LOR FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIP TIONS, DA VENPORTS, LEATHER COtrCHES. DINING SUiTE in WEATH ERED AND GOLDEN OA1C BRASS snd IRON BEDS, Metallc and Wood Frame hprings, ielt and Floss Mattresses, Pil lows, Comforters, Sanitary Couches, Folding Beds, Carpets, Rugs. Linoleum, Steel Ranges, Gas Ranges, Refrigerators, etc.. in fact almost anything 'you may need.' WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF SECOND HAND FURNITURE ON THE COAST. GOODS SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE Al Abli tiaiivo. . ... ... Great Suit and Cloak Sale On Tuesday Next at 2 p. m., at Wilson's Auction Rooms, Cor ner Second and Wamhill. We ar Instructed by the well known and reliable firm of'TULL & GIBBS to sell about 200 SUITS, COATS, ETC, comprising LA DIRS LINKN TAILORED SUITS. ONE-PIECE DRE.S8KS IN. VELVET WOOL-AND SILK NET. - - WOOL TAILORED SUITS. ' SILK TAILORED SUITS. SEPARATK JACKETS and COATS. WASH SKIRTS, ETC. And Instructions are to sell the above st any old prices for SPOT CASH to highest bidder. Don't forget the time; Tuesday, next, at 2 p. m,. sharp. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Cash paid for Furniture. Stocks of Mer chandise, etc. ' Call Main 1626, A-4243. Grand Auction oK GENUINE TURKISH RUrtS, HIGH ;RA1E Kl'RNlTURK IN THE NEW- V'.HT STYLES AND FINISHES. CAR PETS, ETC., of a protfltnent famllv who are leaving the city on an extended tour of Europe, ' - On Tuesday Next at our salesrooms, 152 Park street, com prising genuine Turkish rugs, rich de sign Axmtnster rugH, body hrussels rugs, mission library furniture, viz., table, set-tee.-ii-orkers, arm chairs, leather couch. Webster dictionary and stand, several , ' iu I " l". "aiumni r.um, w.inu nm- 11 i ''"", uinuiriiB niailUi woathred oak bookcase, pictures; Ar- madilla lmuket. folding Davenport, sev eral parlor rockers and center tables, iipholntered parlor suite. Tho furnish ings of four bedrooms, all' like new and modern, Kdlsnn phonograph, mahogany cabinet and atmutvlBO records, quartered 1 property with sttpero view, sua neni ixj oakLdlningrooin furrrttujre. weathered! line. Handnome hoim-ij: being .'reeled oak china cabinet, dinner set. glass i I" viclnlly. Owner wilt wll thrcv nr and china ware, brle-a-brae, mattings. ! five acres at $4000 an acre. ur Morris chairs, English breakfast Uble, I tlulr apply to - . . v ntnll,...: MuhAffDn. nln. ..Kin., , ' ' 1 " fv.ost sanitary refrigerator. Bun ran up gs tvater heater, lawn hose, mower Bud ninnr Other lots. ON VIRVV TflMriB. Trw CA r 1T iM -Ti'irari 4 v XTrrvn . lo'o'ClJocK.'.. - .',..: on Thursday Next We shall havf the furnishings of. eight room house. These roods rsn he aan Wodnosdav afternoon. At.R Ht'irtu ON THURSDAY AT 10 O'CJiOCK, ., GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers, ".ICEir'TODAT" 5 room new ImnKalow, Portland Jits corner lot, nnr Liavenport street, $Jh;ni; $!ft per month, tnclitd-tii- interest at i"h: West fide hci'iira are urn ice, Ret unit. . GODDAKD, 615 Doard of Tiude. SnapuSnad! Snap! AUCTION SALS 211 FIRST STREET Monday (Tomorrow), 2 P. M, Tho contents of S room huue, from Sellwood. Tuesday at 10 A. M. The contents of rosidonce from Albirfa. ' Thursday, 10 A. M. Our regular clean sweep niu'tlon of al' . kinds of Household Goods. 1 FORD AUCTION CO. Main 8951. A-2445. neav Today Choice Acreage 3200 to $SOO Close in v STTBtnt3AJr ACRXAGB VZBS7JS CITt LOT, 121' MHUIUM TO FAB, OUT ADBITICVv . . Cltv lots cost you 3400 to $160 tsih. Carfare to and from' city home, loo per day, of per year, 331.20, Increased cost of living per year, !3'0 . to 8500. .:'' ... I" Which in turn means drudgery ex- , travagancej debts,' discouragement, cur tailed freedom, lack of playgrounds fnr tho children. No recreation nor work for e-rnwini? hovs creatlhK ". Idleness, r shlftlessness, narrowness, lack ,pf sense of duty and usefulness.- - ' . Increase of value from year 10 y-ar( little or nothing. " Time to get to city from horn on city ? lot. 25 to 60 minutes. . - 2Vi and S acres. 10 to 15 miles from postofflce, or 4 to 7 mile from city 11m Its, costs you per acre (equal to lots), 200 to 3500. Note the difference In pries. ' Car fare to and from suburban home, per year, 360 to 3100. . Reduces cost of living, per year, L-09 -to 3500. Which In turn means economy, grow ing bank account encouragement , fiv dom, large spacious playgrounds -for children, plenty of recreation and work for growing boys attending to fruits, gardens, poultry, cows, etc., training them to be industrious, active, and hav- -lng a broader sense; of duty and useful ness. - - - -. ' : - . - ' T Time required to go to city from sub urban country home. 35 to 60 mlnut.?. Every man is the architect and build er of his own fortune and: future hap; plhess, v ; ; Call ore us and let us tell you more about our choice 214, 6 and 10 acr tracts. close In, near the canine,' and how to secure on eary payments. Increased value on- acreage at least . five times as great as suburban city lot M. E. Thompson Co. Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgage Loane. Corner 4th and Oak Sts., Henry, Bldg. - Main 6084, A-3337. Big Profits Always in Busi ness Lots Small Profits in City Resi dence Lots WHICH SHALL IT BE ? Business lots in Madras, central- Ore fon, which two railroads (Hill and Ha rlman) will reach by October or Novem ber. . lA)ts $250 to 300. Best business cor ners 8800 to 81000V ' Buy now before big boom pn arrival of the two railroads now building, and reap the' harvest Easy terms. Pries advance agaan soon. Population of Madras in March, &oo, copulation In July, 1200. . .. I - Population on arrival .of, . ranroau should tie over auyv. r ... M. E. THOMPSON CO; Real .Estate, Insurance, Mortgage Loans Corner 4th aid Oak sts., Henry Bid:. Main 6034, A-3337. , APARTMENT SITE We have for sale one of the most at tractive pieces of property in the north-', west part of the citi'. suitable for an apartment house. It Is especially at tractive because It la larger than a full uuarter block, being 100x140 feet Quar ter blocks. 100x100 feet. In this vicinity are selling for 825,000. This entire piece can be purchased for -125.000. which practically means that the extra 40 feet costs notWirgv It pontb south and cast which Is th desirable facing for apartment houses. Thls l.vbarv gain. See us for particulars. Chas.K. Henry Co., KESntT . BXJXJ.. 4th and Oak sts. ' Portland, Or. Corner Lots 60x100 Near West Park, 820.000: in. . come $150 a month, , , , 100x100 14th st. J30.000: Incoin $125 & month. Fine site for apartment house. '"' . ' ' 50x100 Kllllngsworth ave., S9500. in come $86. For terms and particulars see Bloch Realty Co. 221 Lumbermens Bldg. Business Corner loo FEEt rrsnoir AVXWtrB Bd 53 feet oa Knott tome inoomi $ewo ossli,.: balanoe Price for short time. $15,000 Oet prices all around this and you will see that this iJk OOOO BUY. ohhstoi RIALtSlillCli INSURANCE 33 JtafajeMe Bidg., Washington and etj. Riverdale Property We have' for 'sale some very flgtrllv Chas. K. Mcnry Co. HESTBY BIiDtt., " m I I Fotrth anil Oak street.' Portland Of. j Vcst Side Residence A very 'attractive. hom in north M of .tivetnv. betwen Twentv-flrt .1 (Twenty-second streets, shorn Sixt" l''11'' Hn1 ,,m ,r"Iufr "f - I Hmi y , hMtf m11'"1"' tu-- and Ha.U .a.. i. l'oi tUnd, Oregon. THE VERY UUW Suburban prouertv on tlia 60 acres near rlectrH 1) fiWi (' (rovered with beminTuI - nn druewav, fine tint nf rlter slut i Tains. Will suhili vl.ti t jt-u , Prlie. ouly Jv."-'-i"r 'n...iii-0. t -TBOMiH M'tlUSS! '-, 339 X.ililibJFiiU!i p!.: