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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1910)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1310. i( it ROOMING HOUSES IOH SALE G3 50 ROOMS, brick building, 5 years' lease; rent $10; furniture good; ev erything clean; large, well ventilated rooms; trade for house and lot or good lota. $3750.. . 48 rooms, elegantly 'furnished, choice location, walking distance; easy terms; long lease.: , 34 rooms, choice location, cheap rent; handsome furniture; long - lease; $2500 handles thla. '. '. -r'-'y 20 rooms, bargain N)uy; good lease; down town; $760 handloa this, balance very email payments at 8 per cent, 1 8, 10 and 12 room houses, In all parts of citv, t slimmer prices. - SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO, (19 Board of Trade Bldg 4th .and Oak-. Elegant Nob Hill Room- ing House - 20 rooms, elegantly furnished' , furniture only two months old. located In swell residence district of the city. - Pays big Income but too large proposition for present . owner; This will bear the closest investigation. v Chester H.' Starr, , N 1023 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO, -BOOMING houses, any size,' at prices v to suit: we buy sell end "'change.. PORTLAND ROdMING HOUSE CO., , . 81 Vtanrv hid. - ! i ARK you looking for home? Its a l r room house on 3d st, close In, finely furnished, fine roses and lawn, $850. can room Z03, Z4Z Aioer si. '45 rooms; it's the best on the market, in a this la to buvi modern In every respeot and It's for trade at cash prloe. J 42 OUTSIDE rooms, rent $112.50, 8 years' lease, stone blinding; one or , the beat bargains In city. Prloe $1800; Terms. vz i;omrngrcia.i omen. .42 outside rooms rent $112.60. , Good lease. Changed hands twice In IS "years. Price-$1900-.. $1600. down, 402 Commercial block. FOR SALE Furniture of 6 rooms; ev erything new; good bargains 421 12th si. rnone warsnau nui TEN room house in the heart of the city, Vent $38, clearing $65 monthly. g-od furniture; price u rer, io - oy TTAR HAT.R A. roomina-. house, cheap. Owner going away. JIalf cash and taianee on time. s a. i in st. WANTED Good, clean rooming house. 16 to 30 rooms, cash and notes. H-884, journal. TWELVE room rooming house for sale ty owner,, gpoa lease; auu. wain 4166. ROOMING houses for sale or exchange. . Mrs. Koonts. 232H Washington at Phone Marshall H94. - WANTED To buy furnished rooming house from 10 rooms up; must be cheap for cash, 252 coiumma. ' $6 rooms, good income; owner must sell. $125"0 takes it for three days. Call room 208 Gerllnger hldg. . MINING BTOCKS 08 FOB SALE AND EXCHANGE TALK WITH FLETCHER. , ,, 8,000 Alaska Pet. & Coal treas. . Special 6,300 Almeda Con. transferable Bid 10 American Life & Acc Special 80.000sBlack Butte Iwtll trade) .... . .Bid 10,000 Black Eagle (Santiam)... Cheap 1,000 B. C. Amal. Coal .....Bargain 100 Clark WlreleBS Snap 6,000 Commercial M. (Rainbow) . .Bid 1,060 Comstock G. Gate ...15c 6,000 Eastern Ore. O. & G Special 6,000 Fidelity Copper Market 400 Gov. Standard Powders.. Bid 25 Malloy Mfg. (will trade) .Special 600 Meader-Coohrane Press. . .Market 25 National Chemists Ass'n. Special 2,000 National Copper 6c 258 H. O. Peck Auto Wheel. .Special 20 Portland Concrete Pile. .Special l.OCO Section Six. Oil 35o 2,000 Silver Trail '.,4o 1,000 Standard Fender ..75c 11 Telepost A and conv. ;.. .Bargain 8,500 Three Pine Timber Bid All other stocks and bonds; see mo before buying; may be able to do bstter. I WANT: Aimed1 Con. 15c Port. Cement St'k. Coledvke Bak. Pow. Port. Concrete. Fidelity Copper. Rose City. Kupreanof. Telepost A or B. Nehalem Hydrocarb. FORT GEORGE, B. C. Two lota, about one half company price. 225 ABINQTON BLDG. I have rooming houses all sizes and locations at prices that will surprise you, 10 -rooms, elegant, money -maker, $650, terms, r 12 rooms, a dandy at $900, 19 rooms, transient, clears $200, 40 rooms, brick, inside, you can't beat it 5 room cottage for $225, rent $25, terms. Don't buy until you see us; : we'll please you. " JOHN BG0DDARD, ' 615 Board of Trade, STOCK Salesman Wanted A few first class salesmen who- can deliver the goods; strictly legitimate, easy talking proposition ana no "skin game '; , big profits for Investors; convincing argu ments backed by government statistics; liberal commission to right parties. State experience in answering. This Is not it speculative proposition, w-681, Journal. BTOCKS Will sell 1000 shares Amor lean Water Motor -stock at 20 cents. Company's selling prtc one dollar per unnre. . h'obd, journal." Eagle M, & II. (north Santiam) stock: best offer takes It. Mrs. E. Hoger, 804 pi., roruano, ur, $50 a share, will buy 76 sharesi capital - nut oi cooper sandstone construc tion Co.; par value Is $100. J-683. Jour nal; v. 1 WANT Campbell's Automatic Safety G1a8..Bu?ner. Co. stock, and will pav cash If price la right W. E. Davidson, 8000 shares Alaska Petroleum A ' stock tor sale at 13 ft cents; need money. L-688, Journal. klNING, olf - and industrial - stocks bought and sold. Davidson Co! Lewis bldg,. Marshall 778. A-17I27 wilLuJ aS?. J.WC!Z for 6. shares i unman riioirss xeieirranh Ca stock If cheap; 209 Lewi; 1 bide Yrm' .ININGv and industrial etocks; tele" phone anil other bonds bousrht and old. V S. Fletcher.' 15 AbtnVto" Md IF y6tj wish or sell mining stocks, call on J. ti. Puree) l7 t$OtL. r BUSINKSa CHANCES i SO WE have buyers for all kinds of busl ... ness openings: w can sell yours. ') - H. STJAMES INVESTMENT CO 00 ivui. iuttrsimu itvo ROOMING HOUSE. BARpAtN. 18 rooms, best location In Portland --clears $125 monthly; sickness; sacrifice r $9" O" sy terms. Inquire 88 10th. , PLACE your business with us. We Wm. Davidson Co S0Q--602 , ftenry hldg) 2&T' haj-e cujtomer.WUliJSiOS tare tneatre in or.otit of city. Pacific ntyMlficT'CFP5 Aiiiuntnient Hixcnange, ftiarquam bldg BLACKSMITH shop in thrlTinTTiYlage. near Portland; will Invoice. InquirS IF you 4-ant to sU your business, need t more money or want partner, see 41s. ,t404 Rothchlld bid. . ' 'RESTAURANT for salo or trade, 20 One of the largest, best and most centrally located laundries In the northwest, located in large town, doinr over $2000 per month, all new machinery, for sale, or will sell two-thirds in-, tsrest in same; best of reasons for selling. Don't answer this ad. unless you mean business. Thla w a money maker. f D, S, Cameron Realty Co, 610 Washington at, Vancouver ' ' Wash. CONFECTIONERY' ' . Best, located, most complete old es tablished business, on eaBt aide,-carrying a clean line of , cigars, tobaccos, stationery, sporting goods, confections, with Ice cream parlor; a good paying business the year : round; will Invoice stock. Price about $3500. Y-486, Jour nal. . . . . - SAWMILL"; For sale, 18,000 capacity, now run ning. right on-R. R.J donkey englna for logging, team horses, wt. $700, cook hous. everything complete, Including 100,000 feet Inside lumber: -contract on 2.000,000 feet Of timber at $1 per 1000 rtMin pi., yregon city, or. ifcOR SAuE-:New three-story frame hoi to; 80 rooma furnished; all outside rooms; on corner lot 100 feet square; best location and best hotel In Wood land, Wash.; fast growing Lewis river valley town, 20 rnllea north of Van couver on N. P. railway. Price $6,600; half cash. - Better see It soon for It will sen. . p. (. Liane, Woodland, Wash. COTTON is -worth more than the an , nual production of the gold Balnea of the world, and the production la In creasing. The attention of conserva tive Investors Is directed to Our book let, sent free. National Cotton Har vester Co., 284 LaSalle st; Chloago.vill. SAWMfLI ber business; 20,000 mill now operating; iuKSug oumi ana contract ror several million feet ties and timbers at good prices. O-688, Journal. I WANT to buy an up to date laundry; rity. deil with" ownera only." Phones ivv'Av ; evewna; ana Sunday Main 4575. , $5000 to $10,000 per year in the. real ei tate business. I will teach you how. Bend for my big free boolc Herbert L 1 1 y , mo, IF you have a moving picture theatre for sale or If you wish to buy or open one, communicate with a permanent and successful company. Peoples' Amuse- ment Co.. ClO-filt RnthnhlM hlHf Pnrt. land. Or. b.. Jr . ji'.. ' ' j ' ' . '" i . . Htores for sale, first class openings. naraware, a general merchandise, good outside towns. .$900 In South Portland, splendid gro cery. . t Interurban Inv. Co., 208 Henry bldg. GIVEN away free to those answering ihls advertisom.nt within 80 days, a map of all the California oil fields. Sa-gar-Loomis Co.. 701 Oregonlan bldg., Portland. Ororon. RESTAURANT and lunch counter, 6 stools and 8 tables; good business; everything complete; cheap for cash; must sell; daughter sick In east 'M-689. Journal. A SNAP In a business location for a butcher; complete fixtures: 4 living rooms, shop, everything complete: $3000, $900 cash, balance easy terms. Call 628 Henrv bldg. . FOR SALE or exchange for city prop erty, good paying drug store, doing cash business; good reason for selling; fine location. Phone Main 1163; men tion Journal. FOR SALE or part trade. General mdse. Nice clean stock. . Invoice about $3000. In No. 1 up-to-date town. No wlndgalla need apply. Address, F- 686, Journal. CONFECTIONERY, best location on the - west side; 2 confectioneries doing good business, on the east side; 1 res taurant outfit Yltt Bros., 404 E. Mor rison HI. FORCED to sell Monday, $650 cash, clear title to 23 rooms, all furnished; Income about $70 a month, rent $40; good lease; $120 rent paid In advance. Dizft uiisan st. Mam 4968 LOOKING for an opening? Might have something to suit; commission busi ness every description. Louis Furcht PARTNER wanted In well paying chop house; a money maker; must be a live man; this plnce la doing big busi ness. 248 Madison St. HIGHLAND notion store; confectionery, cigars, tobacco; want to go on home stead; good business, rent $18. 1017 Union ave. N. . PHOTOGRAPH gallery, cheap; must be seen to be appreciated; everything complete. 8wapson's, 4th and Morrison. WE CAN ))lace you in paying business; before buying be sure and see ua. Kinney & Stampher. 631-2 Lumber fjccnange piag. a-4881. WANTED Honest partner for travel , ing moving picture show; $10 to $25 made dally. Call 528 H Wash., between 16th and 17th. FOR SALE--Barber shop and confec tionery. Also 4 room cottage and 4 lots. Good business. No comn(tlt1nn fUnnn Ha. IE TM11 - HALF Interest In: established real estate uiuoe; gooa lumiture; 8300,000 list; $170: owner has other hunlneas Ooii Tabor 629. MODERN PRINTING OFFICE for sale; doing good business; must quit on account of health; terms. D-886, Jour nal. li CAN'T make youri payment! Come ln-1 una iet us exenange your property without oavments for vour unnitv. Smith-Wagoner Co., 811-812 Lewis bid g-. SEVERAL fine lots" in St Johns to ex. chinee for eood. clean rnrrv ntnr-v at Invoice. Bmlth-Wagorjer Co., 811-312 INVESTIGATE this gilt edge mining rooming nouse. . ix-BiH; journal, WANTED immediately, a partner; big jmyiiiK rivuuouiun rignc party; PAYING picture theatre, for sale; -can ma Ira t Arm til fltrH avtw D..I4I. " , ,. , VJ i auuiu AmiiaAmanr R:v.nnara mimii.m V. 1 .1 SALOON First-class, one of the best locations in city; long lease; owner retiring, aj nmoermens oiqg. SHOE store and shoe repair shop doing good business. Investigate hls. Call 778 union ave. ortn. MY 6 room house and lot. No. 419 E. 72d st for sale. Cash and terms. $800. - $200- WILL buy business netting $36 week; must sell at once. Tabor 884. jvo agents, WILL sell or trade my confectionery , ice cream and cigar stand, good loca ti on, and a bargain. ;ju-ai, journal, ONE-HALF qr all of small restaurant with rooms; cheap; terms; owner alck. A-eos. journal GROCERY. Confectionery and cigar store for sale, close In; Invoice over $900; rent $20; 2 living rooms. 807 8d. SALOON Electric piano, grill, restau rantjUong lease; $1800. N-682, Jour- SALOON Rent $86," owne lease; $700i unlM, m , " i'i . m ooii juurna i. FOR SALE--8 years' lease, $2500; 28 .. ..... ...... ... .1. O SOt T.Z . ' m 'rortiHnu. tot iu xayior. SALOON $1300; terms; . owner has itaae; rent jo. iv-oss, journal FOR SALE An Interest In one. of tiie nem narages in city. L-7U, Journal, ll?BmmtiVt' J '. 1 i' -i nr.oiAuiiAivi ror rem at Thur- 9nan st; investigate.. Phone A-2687. C.'OD blai-kn'ntth. business in good val ley town. In'ilre 63 Sth st BUSIXLJ3 C1IANCE3 II BUSINESS CHANCES ZO Business Investments of Merit COUNTRY HOTEL PROPP:RTY. 28 rooms, tnodern frame building, well furnished, nice grounds, business center leading valley town o 3000; best hotel and making money; sacrifice price, $12,000, rood terms. Al GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE Fine valley location near city, at de pot; stock at Invoice cost; fixtures be low about ($4500) good buildings, rent $25 per month, or will sell; cash-sales run now J1200 to $1500 per month. Owner wishes to retire; good terms. SUBURBAN GROCERY CITY. Clean stock and fixtures at Invoice, about $2000, including team and wagon; doing over $40 per day; rent of store and 6 rooma only $20 per month; good lease; on the southeast side, the coming dls trlat; or will trade for email farm; very small expense, good profits. BARBER SHOP 4 CHAIRS. Good location on main west aide busi ness street; cheap rent, modern building: chairs cost $85 each, marble washatand cost $115; oak cases cost $526; cash reg ister and other fixtures all good as new; whl sacrifice " this week at half , cost; cause, partner disagree; worth, price asked to a Junk man. 'Come on, you barbers, here Is the chance of your life to get In business for yourselves." 1 .: -V CIGAR AND CANDY STOKES. . " : One for $560, rent $36; lease; will In voice a good one; smaller one for 1300, rent $80,' with living room furnished. ELECTRIC POPCORN WAGON, ' Good as new, cost $700; half cost takes this. - . i ' If you efther want to buy or sell a good business It will , pay you to see us first Seven years In business and sat isfied clients are our best advertisement Oregon Adjustment Co,, , ' 64 H th St '-;- -'. TOTJ can make $20,000 on an Investment 'of 81000. Do you want to make ItT Thla Is ho fake proposition, but one of sound and absolute merit It haa ths development of land as a basis, and If you want to make, your money make 20 for 1, and have anywhere from $250 to $5000 to' invest, would like to talk to you. Have no time to waste on "dead ones" or those who do not mean business. This opportunity only occurs once In a long time. If you want to make a fortune on a small investment, address F-681, Journal L WANTED Three parties who can fur nish $500 each for the "ground floor" In a Banana Plantation Company, being formed. A strictly legitimate money maker and not . a speculation. Big profits and no long wait for returns on your investment. Can convince you that this Is an opportunity that you will not let pass. Give phone number or address .for interview. Answer, care P. O. Box 628. STRICTLY, modern S room flat 4084 12th st... ,$30.00 Modern 6 room flat, 626 Overton st 16.00 Moaern 8 room house, 490 E. 83d st 18.00 M. E, LEE, 411 Corbett Bldg. RFSTAIIRW With 6 furnished living rooms, depot lo cation, cheap rent, rooms more than pay expenses, well worth $700, on account of sickness will sacrifice for J300. See fpiers, ifi in. 6tn st NINE furnished or unfurnished rooms, .house and store, good for grocery, Con fectionery, delicatessen or tailor shop, at the good Samaritan; 2 streetcar lines, cheap rent Call at 745 North- WE have good money making amuse ment proposition for man or woman with small capital and good business ability: unless you can furnish good ref erences, don't answer. Pacific Amusc- m A 1. m . ... iiii-iii jAinariKe, JHarquam mag. GROCERY and confectionery; here is the best buy in the city; near school, carbarns and fire station. Chance to fenlarge your business to suit Will invoice iuu. rnone fcast 664. WE have a picture theatro for sale that is showing good profits; cash propo sition; will stand closest investigation, Pacifio Amusement Exchange, Marquam bldg. BOARDING HOUSE. 20 rooms, new furniture, fine board ing district, close in; 89 steady boarders. $150 monthly profit; leaving city; snap. titfvt irt ilia. iinjutre oo ium. OPENING for 3 good parties, either Hex, oiiicers corporation: Deat chance to make a fortune (legitimate enter prise) ever offered. $3500 required. 0-681, Jonrrtal. WANT money for mtgs. Reasonable discount or land where -.can double money. Homes & -Inv. Co., 317 Hamil ton bUp. CONSIDER good paying business, 6 liv ing rooms in connection, suitable for man and woman, practically at Invoice. uwner, 780 Wasmnton st "WANTED Young man with $50 to team real estate Dusiness and show property. Big money can be made. 242 5th st. BUSINESS chances of nil kinds; gro cery stores, confectionery, hotels, lodg ing houses, anything you want God dard, 616 Board of Trade. HELP WANTEDMALE -1 WANTED At once, groo(ii all-around country printer. One capable of tak ing charge of up-to-date plant and turnlne out hi? wnrlt Rtanriv Job. for the right man at $18 a week. Address The' Journal, Keteo, Wash. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line. High commissions, with $100 monthly advance Permanent position to right man. Jess. II. Smith Co.. Detroit Mich. I WANT sober, experienced man, to work on small ranch. Separate house, two rooms, garflen, etc. Must come Im mediately. State wages. L-686, Jour- IIUl, WANTED Young man with $50 to loarn reai eaiace Dusmess ana snow property. Big money can bo mad 242 vim at. LINING car conductors. Salary $75- tiza. rto experience necessary, writ Correspondence School Conductors, 601 imperial uuuuiny, nicayo, WANTED A few clever people for our fony isauet Must nave good voice. Paclflo Amusement Exchange, Marquam PKIg. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, commission; three publications, Ben edictine Press, Ralph C. Clyda, advertls- ms manager, -uooanougn tqg. WANTEI-F4rst class metal latbers, $5 per day, or by the yard; several thou sand yards to put on. St Francis church, E. Pine and 12th sts. A-l INSURANCE and stock salesmen wanted; best stock on the market 519 commercial dik. WANTED at onoe, 3 men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call 60-52 n. itn st CAN place a good song and dance team. Pacific Amusement Exchange, Mar- quam ping. WANTED Two voices, tenor and barl tqne, for chorus. Paclflo, Amusement Kxcwange, Marquam Diog. WANTEO 2 bright men; call l:ad to 8 p. m, Hunaay, or Monday 9 a. m. 106 uwrnnger oiag, EXCAVATOR wanted to remove 600 yards dirt Inquire Gordon, 208 4th. phone Main 9348 or Main 8990. A-l PRESSER, recently from east, wishes position. Can press ladies' aa men s giwments. u-bhs. Journal. WANTED A strong boy, between IS and 18, - to run errands and leftrn trade. Apply Monday. 8 a, m, 84 N. 7th. BOY about fourteen, for light steady worif, i. noun, wujt 164 Cherry st CAN use two good sketch teams. "Clev- j.t Bmatmira will 4fv Pn nlt'L, A . . . WANTED Cement finisher. Call 145 - 8tanton st . Between 10 and II. - WANTEDi2 iman to vork on a farm. phone Woodlawn 2772. t - CEilENT Jlnlsher... wauts.. steady euv-. , pii'tnent. J. vveuanu, 119 Knott st, - ' - HELP WANTED T.IAL55 Competent Real Estate Sales man Wanted to handle new plat, close In, with right prices and terms. Apply HART LAND CO, 146 2d St , ' ! -- ', $3000 to $10,000 yearly easily made la real estate business; no capital re quired; we will teach you the business by mall, appoint you special hepresenta tlve of leading real estate company, list with you readily salable proper, co operate with and assist' you to a per rrianent success;, a thorough conimerx cial law course free to each represents tlye. Write for 62 page book, free; It will be sure to Interest yoiu Ths Cross Co Dept - 228, Chicago. - - - - - - WANTED Able bodied men for the U. ,S- Marine Corps, between the a,ges of 19 and 35. Must be native born or have ""t papers. Monthly pay $16 to $69. Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing, Quarters and medical attend ance ire,. After 30 years' service can retire with, 75 ver cent of pay and allowances.- Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at-Breeden bldg.p 3d and Washington sts., Portland. Or v - GET a Better Place Uncle Bam Is best employer, pay is high and sure, hours short, places permanent, 'promotions reg ular, vacations with pay, thousands of vacancies every month, a$ kinds of pleasant work everywhere, no layoffs, no pull needed, common education, suffi cient; ask for free booklet, GQ368, giv ing full particulars and explaining my Offer of, position or money back.. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. I WANT a rusUing good outside man to solicit for dyeing and cleaning house. To the man who proves himself capable I will give him interest In business to manage same for me, as I am Interested In other work. This is not a snap, but will prove a good-business opportunity ror a young-man without money. E-6, Journal. STOCK Salesman Wanted A few first class salesmen who can deliver the goods, strictly legitimate, easy talking proposition and no "skin game"; big proms ior investors; convincing argu ments backed by government statistics; liberal commission to " right parties. State experience in answering. This is not a speculative proposition. W-681, Journal. WANTED Independent, oc. nonunion . UNITED METAL TRADES ASSN., 222 Commercial Club Bldg. WANTED Salesmen to sell our fllver tlsing proposition, 25 per cent commis sion, exclusive territory, only men cap able of earning $100 a week need apply; references required. Write or call The Boelter-McManus Co., 201 Newton bldg.. St Paul. Minn. 10,000 POSITIONS For graduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trace in 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn $x to 26 weekly; expert Instructor: tools free: write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges. 88 N. 4th st. Portland. WANTED Man, must be willing, to learn and capable of acting as our rep resentative; no canvassing or soliciting; good income assured. Address National Co-operative Realty Co., 909 Marden bldg., Washington, D. C. WANTiJD Party to manage best up-to-date light manufacturing business in city". No competition; will guarantee o per any salary: 8700 casn required. If you mean business call 593 Glisan St. MONEY loaned confidentially by prl vate citizen for short time In small amounts on diamonds or other good se curity. Give name, address, phone num- ner. u-bbd, journal. WAfTTED Salesman: many make $100 to fibo per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance week ly; choice of territory. Address Wash lngtQB Nursery Co., Toppentsh, Wash. A FEW .cracker bakery men. Paclflo Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Dav4s. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS MOVED 233 Alder st, near 2d. Main 571$. WANTED Salesmen in every locality In the northwest; money advanced weekly; many make over $100 monthly; choice of territory. Yakima- Valley iNursery uo., xoppenisn. wasn. WANTEL At once, young man to learn T.o spin yarn; rair wage guaranteed to start; steady work guaranteed through out the year. Apply to superintendent, Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns, Or. ANYBODY can add $8 to $3S- weekly te their. Income growing mushrooms in Cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Big market Free booklet. Hiram Barton, West 4Sth st. New York. $100 monthly and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer, steady work. S. Scheffer, Treas urer, E23-9, Chicago. ' $25 weekly and expenses to trustworthy people to travel and distribute sam ples for big wholesale house. C. H. turnery, m3D, Chicago $85 monthly and expenses to reliable people to collect names and leave sam ples, large wholesale house. H. Monroe, President. T439. Chicaeo. SALESMEN for Bay City property; ter minus United Railways; good pay to gojjd huaUers. Bay City Land Co., 318 Lumber Ex. $5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught In practical forms. Day and evening sessions. Address Myers, 329 llth St.. Portland. Main 8512. SALESMAN side line; or exclusive; ad . vertlKlnir nnvpltlaa HVinral .m i slons; samples free. Andrew Paysen. Clinton, la. 100 men wanted to mail out circulars, home work, $15 to $25 a week cash. Address C M. Pub. Co., Box 121, Oak land. Cal. I MADE $50,000 in five years with a small mall order business; began with $5. 'Send for free booklet Tells how. HeftcocK. n07o, IXICKport. N. Y. EAST SIDE Cleaning & Dye House will pay $18 per week for good, solicitor; will pay more if you are worth, it In quire at'-224 2d St., west side. A-l SALESMAN wanted by old 'estab llshed'houfie; city and road work; per manent petition; exclusive territory. H-080, Journal. LEARN operate motion pictures; operators $35 weekly; easy - work. Motion Picture School, 628 H Washing ton, bet. 16th and 17th. A SPECIALTY salesman, will guarantee salary to hustler. WESTERN SPECIALTY CO., 622 Worcester bldg. CARPENTERS wanted; Paclflo Co. v court house, South Bend, Wash. Le Doux & LeDoux, 191 Simpson st Phone wooaiawn sua, i WANTED Men to work In brick yarcl Take Heights car, get off at Zlon, go west, one mile. Standard Brick --and lie company, pyivan. 'ANTED, gas ' fitters and helpers at nnp, AnnlV A. HV TVmvlaa TT...1-U.. WANTED '10 men; wages $160 and up. Portland Brick tc Tile Co., Linn- ton roaa. MACHINISTS call at 270 Alder street before going to work. Strike on for eignt noura. cu. i-arisun, ousinesg agen t WANTED- good watchmakers; If you are a tinker don't apply, STAPLES, THE JEivTELSaC" CARPENTER work wanted In exchange for dental work. Room 207 Allsky bldg., cor. 3d and Morrison sts. M-80p j WXTKtMen to-learn bucR'aadTlfil'ng' danclnsr at the Chicago school of act ing, HA'z lamniu, room . 18. &1GN painting wanted In exchange for : dental work. Room 507 AllsKy bldg.. cor, so nn Morrison sis. m-0QZ t-'HKF headquarters and helpers. Cali fornia Wine Depot 285 Yamhill, next to Journal. . .. -'i - , i. - VI K'ST .-CLASS i i'Ur- Wan tU - at - 4 i Lavis vt; experienced man. HELP WANTEPr.IATJB 1 AT C" R. HANSEN & CO., 26 N. 2d St Phones Main 1526, A-1526. Open all day Sunday. ' Eatamistiea 18 o. Offices at 424 Front ave., Spokane, Wash. " 920 2d st, Sacramento. 87-89 4th St., San Francisco. 139. S. Los Angeles st, Lqs Angeles. Headquarters for railroad, hotel and res- taurant help. We ship dailv to Klamath Falls, Eu gene, Natron and other points. . Agents for the Utah Construction Co., Erick son & Petterson and other big outfits. All free fare. We want 600 laborers, teamsters, drillers, rockmen, etc, at top wages. SKILLED AND MECHANICAL. , Camp blacksmith, $76 and board. , - 6 rough carpenters, $3.50. ": " 2 all round blacksmiths. $$,75. ' . Farm blacksmith, $60. $65. 1 2 caulkers for wood pipe, S.2S. - WOODS AND MILLS. . Head Taller. $3 25. , ' Beriond faller, $3., V . 2 wheeler foremen, logglnr road, $7s and board.-.;; . 2 wheeler holders, logging: road, $2.75. 2 rigging rustlers, $3.26. . .-. . Dogger, $2.50, FARMS AND COUNTRY-' k 4 pulp wood cutters, $1.25 per cord up -Farmhands, $30 4o $45. Helper on hay baler, $1.75 and board. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Cooks, $15 up. All kinds of kitchen hands, $9 up. 2 camp flunkies, $35, $40. Cook and helper, small country hotel. $7Bv"-''-'-v.'.. Man and wffe, cook on boat. $60, Waiter, $10. , CITY. I Teamster, dirt wagon, no strike, $2.60. . 2 assistant firemen, $45. 2 men to Improve property; $2.80. ' ' Concrete laborers. $2.60 up. " Deckhands. $36 to $40. , ' Rough carpenters. $8.60. - SPE)C1AL. 1200 yards station work, $6o solid rock, - New work coming In all the time. A lob free to any able bodied man who is Drone, "REAL ESTATE SALESMAN- Splendid opportunity to wide awake, energetic salesman; best addition In city. There Is only one Council Crest and we have the cream, all Improve ments, Including hard surface pave ment I want a few salesmen of good appearance who can make good to handle high class clientage. Ask for Mr. Henderson, 9 to 10 a. m. JNO. P. SHARKEY. CO., . - . 122 6th st . MEN wanted, age 18 to 35. for firemen, $100 monthly, and brakemen $80, on nearby railroads ; experience unneces sary; no strike; promotion to engineers, conductors; railroad employing head quartersover 500 men sent to positions monthly; state age; send stamp. Rail way Asaoclat Ion, L-667, Journal liELi' WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 Vaudeville and Picture Theatres . We have on our books at all times the best artists, dramatic and vaudeville, picture opreators and singers; also mu sicians. PACIFIC MUSIC EXCHANGE, Marquam bldg. BOY and girl agents, sell 24 packages court plaster for us, 10c each, and re ceive beautiful pair of skates or doll free. Write today. Mitchell Supply Co., Portland, Or,. 174 Front st. WANTED Men and women to learn drama and vaudeville, also fancy and buck and wing dancing jtaught at the Chicago School of Acting, 343 M Yam hlll, room 16. Prices to suit all class, GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for Portland examination schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept. 248 R. Roches ter, N. Y, - EMPLOYMENT AGEXCIEH OS . C, R, HANSEN & CO.. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office 28 N. 2d St., Portland. Ladles' Wurtrnent 7th and Wash, sts, ctslrs, Portland. 424 Front ave., Spokane. 87-88 4th st. Bah Francisco. Established 1878. HAN LEY A TRAVER3 EMPLOYMENT CO., neadquarter.t for R. R. work. 1V, N. 2d at WANTED Good second hand bicycle. 20 E. 15th st. Phone E. 3160. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted In every town and city to sell the Auto Repair Kit wonder ful Invention of the age. Autombblle owners have money, and will buy on sight Send at once for free partic ulars. Russell-Burton Co., 2908 Jack son st, San Francisco AGENTS earn $25 to $50 weekly jelling latest styles exquisitely braided em broidery, waists and Princess dresses, various novelties. Catalogue free. Na tional Importing Co., desk D, 699 Broad way , NewTork. AGENTS make 600 per cent profit sell ing our Gold Window Letters, Novelty signs and changeable signs; 800 varie ties; enormous demand; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1284 Van Buren St., Chi cago, in. MEN and women wanted everywhere, $10 to $25 week cash mailing out circulars and printed matter, home work, no office to keep up. Ad. C M. Pub. Co., Box 121, Oakland, Cal. WANTED AGENTS Legitimate substi tute for slot machines, patented; sells on sight for $1. Particulars, Gisha Company, Anderson, Ind. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the demand for choice nursery stock; out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. HELP WANTED- FKM ,'ILK 2 AT oijce; up-to-date hairdresser; good wages. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 GIRL for cooking and housework. 747 East Madison st, Hawthorne or East Morrison cars. WANTED An experienced dining room girl private boarding house. 404 Mad ison. Main 2006. WANTED Lady to cook for a gentle man on farm. No objections to one cnua. u-b, journal. GIRLS wanted to work in paper box factory,' steady employment. Apply WANTEU Competent girl tor general nousewom, z in lainuy, nignest wages. i'none A-tooo IMMEDIATELY Ladles and : gentle men to travel; $75 month; city $2.60 oay. uau room nvyt iionaaay ave. HELP In kitchen work in small private boarding house; room and $1 day; permanent If suited. 21 East 7th st WANTED Young ladles to learn fancy dancing at the Chicago school of act ing," 343 ft Yamhill, -room - WOMAN or young girl desiring good . home; little work, small wages, pleas ant surroundings, yan iot jetn st. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower with boy 6, girl 2; Scandinavian pre- rerreq. i Harvard st., Portsmouth, WANTED Girls , to work In shooting Kiiiicry. fivvu cor. m ana t:ounh sts. $10 a week and up. WANTED Experienced operators on . shirts and overalls; also learners; paid wnuo learning, jtppiy xst st. EXPERIENCED pressers on ladles' gar ments. Vienna Steam Dys Works, zzs 30. GIRL or elderly lady to keen house for " elderly eoMplai Address' j roniaaie, jr. WANTED A young girl over 18 to take care of two children. Call 114 N. lRtn. car. LADIEs) for '4 or 3 hours, alteruoous. Call C-1878 until a. m. Monday. YOUNG girl, to make hair rolls. 428 S3. 9th S. WANTED Waitress -at- Swtlana s.- S9 Morrison st TT1?TT1 tirVTT7n TTTrlTT!! ! THE GREATER OLDS. WORTMAN 4 KING STORE need the services of a large number of experienced saleswomen In the following departments: GROCERIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MEN'S FURNISHINGS, NOVELTIES, r GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN PICTURES AND TO TAKE FRAMB1 ORDERS. 18 years of age and over who wish the opportunity to enter a business career. OLDS, WORTMAN .& KING. WANTED Several bright young worn en to learn telephone operating: stu dents oald 129 tier month while learn lng; a thorough training given each stu dent Deiore assignment to position; tnis Is an exceptional opportunity for such applicants that qualify. Apply to School Principal at our East Office, E. Ankeny And fith at . liAtvAon X A. m: And fi D. m.. week days. The Paclflo Telephone & ieiegrspri-;o. YOUNO LADY GRADUATES. Of high or grammar schools, 17 yeara of age and over, will find a good oppor tunity to enter a bust ness career by ap plyli.g at once to ' OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. WANTED At once, young ladtea to learn to weave woolens, flannels and blankets.: Good .--wages can be earned .within a short time by those who will apply themselves. Every-consideration shown to steady workers. Aply at once to ' superintendent Portland Woolen Mills, St Johns, Or. OSTRICH plumes dyed, curled, ; made over; Bird of Paradise cleaned. Now is the time to have your old , plumes maae into a wiuow. ,-. OSTRICH PLUME, , 303 Washington St UNIVERSAL shorthand is the best: writes letters the first week, and soon prepares for good positions which we guarantee. Now Is the time to enroll at low tuition rates. E. B. 630 Wor- cester bldg. - CARPET SEWERS Experienced work ers wanted at once. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. APPLICATIONS' for demonstrating po sitlons. Armory food & industrial ex positions In September can be made by writing a. a. iremp, airecior, ii merciai Club bldg. 100 women wanted to mall out circulars. home work, $10 to $20 week cash.' Ad dress C M. Pub. Co., box ill, oaKiana, uai. . . V ANTED Salesladies tor "air depart ments, ' Permanent positions for com pete tit helpers. Bannon & Co., 888-390 K. Morrison. WANTED Ooed erlrl or middle seed lady to help In kitchen work, at Arleta rooming house, 1V& blocks south of Ar- . I TA 74 t D . . WANTED Responsible, middle aged lady to care for girl 8 years old. Phone A-l 366. WANTED Responsible lady to canvass staple article; permanent position; also agency if desired. L-674, Journal. SITUATIONS MALB MUNICIPAL IWElilPLiWEIiT 'OFFICE $70 MADISON, BET. SD AND 4TH. MALE Ar1!) FEMALE HELf, NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER 08 E1SPLOYB. MAIN 3655. A-6824. WANTED Work by steady, sober young man, In wholesale house where there is a chance for better. J-68C, Journal. EXPERIENCED voun man. steady. temperate, wants position as Janitor or cierK in apartment nouse or notei, H-887, Journal. CARPENTER work wanted of every de scriptlon; jobbing, remodeling, repair ing a specialty. Cummtngs ft Catlln, 371 First st. Marshall 2327. HAVE a delivery wagon and team; would like steady Job with good firm; will work reasonable. 765 Brooklyn or ptrone Beiiwood 5z SUPERINTENDENT bridge construc- tion, an lines; can ' Handle Heavy work; best of references. C-880, Jour nal. WANTED Position as chauffeur, for private family, careful and secure driver, experienced on repair work. M- 682. Journal. A carpenter wanted; position as fore man: 20years' experience; plans, spe cifications thoroughly understood. 85 Park st T. E. ' PIANIST desires position in orchestra or theatre; references. Address Muslo Teacher, box 6, Junction City. Or. EXPERT acountant wants set small books to keen; books opened, closed, balanced. 0-67. Journal. WANTED Work; collecting or solicit ing; evWry day after 5 p. m. ' Address 738 Hi salmon st. CARPENTER, competent to take charge of residence building, wants work. jj-dsu, journal MARRIED man with 2 teams wants to go, on a ranch;. make me an offer. L- B(, journal. GENTLEMAN wishes position of trust Can give references. Address, 8-689, Journal. SITUATION wanted by experienced engineer, stationary or traction, steam or gasoline. E-681, Journal. EXPERIENCED young man wishes po sition as motion picture operator. G. W. Curtis. St. Johns, Or. CARPENTER and builder, new or re pair work, day or contract- Sell wood 1712. WOOD SAWYER First class, wants work. Mr. G. phone Main 2268. CARPENTER, experienced, wants work in town or out. H-688, Journal. CHAUFFEUR desires position, private family preferred. G-687," Journal CARPENTER work, any kind, day or contract Phone Marshall 2327. SITUATIONS FEMALE A CAPABLE, middle aged lady wishes a situation as housekeeper for sin gle gentleman or widower, or care for i house durln owner's absence. Ad dress Mrs. H., 404 N. 19th St., city. EXPERIENCED housekeeper, with girl of 11, wishes place In widower's fam ily, city or grnall town out Call or ad dress Mrs. H. C. Hornback, 493 E. 32d St., city. WANTED Curtains to launder; con tracts and terms to hotels and apart ment houses; called for and delivered. Phone Woodlawn 2684. CAMP cooks, housekeepers, chaiuber malds, washerwomen, waitresses. St Louis Agency, 303' Washington. Main 2039, A-4775. IKEFINED widow of 35 will care for widowers nome. wun or without family. St. Louis Agency, 303 Wash Ington. Main 2039. ' . , WIDOW with girl, 5, desires house keeping. St. Louis Agency, 303 Washington. Mam Zv3g, A-na DURING the summer months only will give beginners two piano lessons for BUC. u-ttsw, journal EXPERIENCED woman with one child wants to care fors.roomlng' house for $25 month with ona room. 61 N. 8th. YOUNG lady wishes position as sten ographer; no experience. K-688, Jour nal. WOMAN- wants work by .day; no half days.. Tabor 1985. - :, - - EXPERIENCED woman wants day i T-,1 A c n A v . worn, fiiuno -oo. WOULD Mke small bundle washing. Please call 373 .Taylor St., basement. DRESSMAKING 40 THE VIENNA LADIES' tailor will make yotir suits at low rates to Intro duce work, or will teach your cutting or fitting and to make your own suits. Call at the Westminster, cor. Sixth and Madison streets. ; Alain 60 8 3. FANCY gowns,1 plain sowing 1 neatly "" done, alteration, lingeries dry cleaned, Msin-;T016.- FAMlf,Y sowing, children's wori? a pe cialty. i'liuna Last 6K5, luom 82. , IIOVSKIIOU) N1.L15 GUEN WEST JUST CLOF8ET ft DEVER8. PORTLAND. OREGON Prompt Delivery ' Any Length Green arid Dry Slabs, Short or 4 Foot "ALB1HA FUEL CO. Phones: E. 182 C-1117 FURJflSHED J10QM3 ... . WEST SIDE . FOR RENT By widow lady, nicely furnished front room;' suitable for one or two gentlemen. Inquire Sunday from i" to p. m. at ji;asi , zutn et i. lake East Ankeny car. 2 rooms for light housekeeping. 1 large room 1st floor. 1 small bed room. . 875 Alder st FOR RENT Large, airy front sleeping room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; board optional; within walking distance of the central part of the city. 648 Borthwick. ELEGANT furnished front room. Mod ern. Beautiful surroundings. Walk ing distance. . Rent -very reasonable. TCI. B-lSBbS. 604 E. coucn. a FURNISHED room, all modern im prqyements, hot water all the ttms. The Chetopa, 18th and Flanders, Apt. 4.. A-OHO. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms in private family; strictly modern; central; gentlemen Qnly, 683 rina st. t'fione Main Z380. FURNISHED rooms with or without board; $8 per week, both phones.- 264 12th st. - 247 6th st. rooms II Ka tin tmr nacic Free phone and bath tree pnone and batn. Main 774. LARGE front room, furnished, hot and coia waier, suitaoie ior two. iso ii. i (in st. wiain szuj. NICELY furnished double front room; walking distance, for 1 or 2 gentle- igu; xu or tie, gov jayiur st. $3.60 per week, choice cool room for rent, private nome; line residence section. 609 Morrison. NICELY furnished sleeping room for one or two men: electriq lights and patn. Hi H coiumnia. ' NICELY furnished rooms, cool, coin fortable; everything modern; rea- sonaoie. 7Y6 wavier St., A-7748. SPLENDID front rooms, one suitable for 2; balcony, ( minutes from postoffioe, all convenient. 302 Park. BEAUTIFUL furnished for 1 or 2 per sons. 446 llth st, between Jackson and college. BEAUTIFUL bright front room. $4 wk.v Fine neighborhood, close In, near del icatessen. 292 10th. THE YAMHILL HOUSE Rooms rea sonable by day or week. .381 Yamhill st., corner w. far. TWO very large, nicely furnished front rooms; close In; phone and bath. 471 Main st. IN Christian Science home. Large well furnished front room. Walking dis tance. I'none Aiarsnaii ZZ35. TO RENT Modem furnished rooms. use of parlor. Call 835 H E. Main. SLEEPING room, well furnished, front modern; after Sunday. 450 Yamhill. Nicely furnished sleeping rooms, in p;i vate family. 428H 2d .at, near Hall. FOUR rooms and bath. $25 month. 3S.6 Park st. Inquire 888 Park. NEW, clean rooms; terms reasonable. 634 Glisan. Phone Marshall 1616. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE - 52 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, bath, tram rhnrta aHfldv Vflrfl Ifll Morris st, H block 'east of Union ave. Phone C-2626. GENTLEMEN Furnished rooms wltn or without board; 680 E. Salmon, cor- ner 14th; walking distance. NICELY furnished corner room, facing' two streets; cheap rent H'A Union ave., corner Asn st. -, . NICELY furnished room, bath, $2.50 per week, near Steel bridge. 350 Ben ton st. - .- - ' UNFURNISHED ROOJ1S 10 NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms; single and en suite: quiet and very suitablo for single gentlemen, rea- sonaoie. Kamm Ding,, ibi ana rine. ONE front suite unfurnished rooms, central, brick building, rates reason- able. 842 1st st TWO unfurnished rooms. Phone, -bath and electric lights. $9. Phone C- 2832. . . $12 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms: bath, pantries, suitable for man and wife. Inquire 510 Columbia st - ROOMS AND BOARD 13 NJCELY furnished front room suitable for 2 gentlemen; also single rooms,, with or without board, very reasonable. 289 llth st. WANTED Board by the month for 3 - year old boy Phone Mnln 7$7t after 8 p. m.t SSK ior Pirn. in-ffirr. FRONT room with board. Private fain, ily and homo nrlvileKca. 20 niln, ride Bunnygiae. aeimoru. GOOD home cooking, close in, reason- able prices. Mam sn. nr vtn. WANTEDROOM. AND BOARD ai? YOUNG man desires two small, unfur nished rooms, in private house pre-ferreiC- with gas and use of bath. Am ple references. State prloa. G-6S3, Journal. . i-; i , . 1 ' Mll ;i ,, BY 10UNG couple, clean 2 r $ ronni , house furnished or unfurnished, state full particulnrs. N-HnS, Joiirnnl, t?rSTnD-I"1Td fr rtrt of ni rarm- during vacaimn; ium iuuhih'ii una terms. G-SS0. Jourjml. llOTELS VAIXAilONT Furnished . Worn - t T rent. 378 Yamhill. : - TTfRBHS ' rnIsnHt(n""iiTh'- . Wasit. ,run .Main i.sia. ELln'v f l!.i' .U. . - li. t ... - . fill I OIILS