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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1910)
I h'sikid CMS11ITII j Oakland Dangerous at . Times but Beavers .Grab Game ! v in First. . George prt and Pearl Casey won yes terday's ball game from Oakland In the ' first jnnlngr. and the test of the players held the Oaks safely during the fame. The score was S to 2. Steen and Nel son were on the -mounds,, and tor six In nings the Portlandex hung It on the at tenuated one. However. In the latter stages Nelson showed atronr recupera tive powers and was going better at the end than the Portland sweetmeat . While Portland cinched, the game In the first Inning, the Oaks grew danger ous in the last rounds. In -that eighth. Inning they had the bases full with wto out, when; Bill Hogan came to.bat- With" ; two strikes on htm. Bill ' knocked one Into Steen and the tatter saved himself by tossing to first Thanks to the slippery fingers of Mr. , Mltze, Buddy Ryan was able to' reaoh first In the opening Inning after fan ning out Then began a bunting bee and Nelson got decidedly the worst of It Olson laid one In front of the ant" mated beanpole, and he made a good 'peg to first, but Cutshaw went after the ball with one hand and Olson was safe. Bapps dropped the ball In front of the plate and was out at first, Hogan to Cutshaw, - but both many moved up' a notch. ' Ort In Bight plaoe. - Owing to a southpaw pitching, Mc Credle had put Ort In to bat fourth, ami the choice was a happy one. Ort slghtr ed a beauty coming, met It - squarely and the globe took - long Journey through spaoe, lantlng In deep center. It - cleaned, the bases and Chawgle perched on third. Enter now, the co-hero. Pearl Casey, who grab a stick and advances menac ingly on the stronghold of -the villain, Jack Dalton Nelson. "Ha? hat slbl lantly laughs the warm hearted little Irishman; "Jack Dalton Nelson, you are doomed. la! ha!" Then the villain, In the center of the stage, hisses: "Curses! I will win her yet" , As he flung the words at the co-hero, a round,- dark ob ject suddenly shot out of hi s vicious looking paw. But our co-heror' was on the Job. He dropped the hurtling thing, , which proved to be a baseball, directly In front of the villain, and ourNhero was saved from an Ignominious death. There was loud clapping of hands and raising of voices and little attention was paid to the rest of the show until the -curtain fell on the act ' In the fourth inning Maggart Hipped by with a two bagger to left field and Hogan's out placed Margiirite on third. Carroll was there with the necessary bingle and Maggie registered the first run. - Bally In mnth. . - ' In the ninth Inning Oakland started an incipient batting .rally that was nipped In the bud when Lively, batting for Nelson, filed to Olson.' - Carroll . doubled io right and took third when Cutshaw - grounded out Wares hit to Casey, but the Moose played. It safe and took hla man at first, while Carroll scored, i Thomas, the Sellwood slugger, batting for Mitre, singled, but died on first when Lively popped out Score: V . ' OAKLAND. . .' . AB. K. H. TO. A. E. Bwander,' rf. . ....... 4 0 0 S 0 0 Wolverton. 3b... ..... i J ,1 16 0 Maggart. If. ........ S 1 1 J 0 0 HoRan. lb. 4 0 1 IS . I 0 Carroll, cf .... 4 1 2 0 0 0 Cutshaw, 2b. .... 4 0 0 1 2 1 Wares, ss : . . 4 0 O 0 S 0 Mltze, c. 2j 0 0 1 ,1 2 Nelson, p. .,........$ 0 8 16 0 Thomas, e. 1 0- V 0 0 0 Lively l 0 0 0 0 0 Total 33 8 24 19 "T PORTLAND tV" ".. '." -' . AB. It II. pa A. B. Ryan. If. ... .... .... , 1 - 0 2 . 0 0 Olson, ss, ....... .v.. 2 1 O 2 2 0 Rapps, lb, I 0 011 1 I " 6 Ort rf, 4 I 2r.-i 1, 0 Casey,, 2b. .......... 2 0 11 4 0 . Hetlfng, 2b. , . 2 0 1 t 1 0 Ppeas. cf. . 2 0 0 0 0 0 Murray, o. ' . 2 0 0 4 2 0 Bteeh, p. ........... 3 0 0 1 2 0 Total .28 3 4 27 13 0 Batted for Nelson In ninth. SCORE BT INNINGS. . Oakland ,...... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 12 Hits . . t....t...O 112 0 0 0 2 22 i Portland . ,3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 , Hits 2 010100, 0 4 -" ""' SUMMARY. ' Struck out By Steen, 8; by Nelson, J. Bases on balls Off Steen, 8; off Nel son, 1. Two base hits-JCasey, Maggart. Carroll. Three base hit Ort Double plays Murray to Rapps. Sacrifice bits Olson, Rapps, Cattey, Ryan. , Stol- en bases Maggart First base on er rora Oakland; Portland, 2, Wild pitch es Steen. Left on bases Oakland, 7; George Ort V Triple Wpn the Game -This gives us' first plac again by good margin. We "are in the lead also with the best assortment- of Hot Weather Underwear for Men y- 50c a Garment ' Balbriggan long and short'-sleeve'd shirts, -knee arid ankle-length drawers. Bv V; D. Shirts and Drawers. American Lile Athletic Shirts, knee drawers. .Cotton Mesh short-sleeved shirts, knee-length drawers, ..' White and ecru colon ! ' - ' -' Haberdashers ,1? to the, ran 5 'mimsrmntmi yn :r,:Mi--;.-i::;"va, ,mw i,isuno;iitL Nat Emerson, Former Western Champion, Is Coming; En-( tries CJose Today. While muoh regret has been expressed over the Inability of Miss May Sutton, the world'B champion tennis player, to come north for the Oregon state, tennis tournament ". which will be held on the Irvington ' tennis courts under the aus plo4a of the Multnomah club, there was considerable pleasure Over the , arrival yesterday of the entry of Nat Emerson. theformer: western tennis -champion, who is now making hla home In North Yakima.. Emerson was ranked among the first 10 tennis players In the United States; f.:'".-.'- ' , Entries for the tournament close -at midnight " tonight, .and while . they are coming hi nicely, the committee desires that no time be lost this afternoon In filing entry blanks. Among the Ever ett players who have entered are L. JB. Duryea and F. S. Rldgeway. The Sutton family Is moving Ita home from Pasadena to Los'' Angeles, ' and Miss Sutton felt that' It would be im possible for her to make the trip at this time, though she saya ahe has for years desired to make a tour of the northwest She said she hoped to be able to come in another year, ' ' , Portland, 4, Time of game One hour 35 - minutes. Umpires -Hlldebrand and Finney. . V STANDING OF THE TEAMS Pacific Coast League. Won. Lost P.C. .653 .538 .523 M0 .505 .366 Portland 63 67 Ban Francisco .... .. . Los Angeles ......... Vernon ............... C 62 87" 61 60 63 4 Oakland . .M(n. ... ... . Sacramento ....... , Won. Lost P. C. Chicago .... 45 28 .616 New York ........... 42 30 .683 Pittsbur ... 88 32 .643 Cincinnati ............. 89 37 .613 Philadelphia ......... 35 37 .486 Brooklyn . 83 40 .452 St Louis ............ 32 , 43 .42-7 Boston, - 81 4$ .292 American League, ' Won. Lost P.C. .680 .GOO .684 .644 .457 .413 .495 .315 Philadelphia ....... . 61 24 New' York 45 Boston , M. . ... 45 Detroit . . ., 43 Cleveland . 32 Chicago 31 Washington 30 St. Louis 23 30 32 36 38 44 46 60 NATIONAL LEAGUE At St Louis: Brooklyn-St Louis game postponed; rain. . , t At Chicago: ' Philadelphia-Chicago game postponed; rain. . . At Pittsburg: .- R.H.E. New York-.... 7 81 rittsburg .-. 8 12 2 Batteries Wiltae, Raymond and Mey ers, Schlel; Maddox, Leever and Gib son. At Cincinnati R.H. E. Boston '....1111 1 Cincinnati . ... 6 8 0 Batteries Curtiss. Ferguson and Gra ham; Suggs and McLean. AMERICAN LEAGUE At Detroit R.H.B. Washington - 7 12 1 Detroit . .. 2 8 3 Batteries Groom and Beckendorff; KlUlan, Works and Schmidt - At New Torlt : ' , ? : R. H. E. Cleveland .....7 2 1 New Yoxk t. 9 2 Batteries Falkenburg, Harkness and Bemls;- Manning, Qulnn-and Sweeney, Mitchell. At Philadelphia R. H.E. Bt Louis m 0 S 0 Philadelphia 3 6 1 Batteries Pelty and Stephens; Coombs and Lapp. At Boston: R H E Chicago .....j.. 2 t 2 Boston ... .66 1 Batteries Scott, Lang, - Payne and Block; Smith and Carrlgan. A general strike of the cloakmakers in Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Newark, N. J., was called last Friday, and It is aald to Involve more than 60. 0.00 workers, 10 per cent of whom are women,- ,. . Haberdashers to the Fans ! - , , t CHIMMIE' The Beavers are; still climbing and It looks as If they have the Oaks an gora, j ' With all the ladles present, the boys played . , great ball and deserved to be on the long end - of the score. Stop your kiddlrig. "V : S ff I L i.,,.- , A I wai about j 'l to say, the Wol- ?ZZJZZZZ) vertnes annexed lust tw ice as many hits as the Beavers but ; ' JS ), ,.'..: y ;;. ; ;. A? ;-;,"V You don't often sea the Oaklanders or any other team play the game of "bunt" In front of the grandstand dur ing the warming up moments. . but on account of the ladies being present yes. teraay in ail their finery, Willis. Hark Ina, "Handsome" - Lively, - Tbomaa, Moser and a few more worked It to death. At that boys you're all good looking, but Ralph Willis was the main evenf . . . k; JP:i.r r t'v George Ort played a great game yes terday in right field and was there with a triple and single In the swatting line. Let George do It and ha will. . Handsome Bill Steen twirled a nice game but slackened up along about the eighth and ninth Innings and allowed 4 hits In those two Btansas. This Is Hill'a only fault, he gets a little care less jafter the bunchUkea a little Jead. MUie waa asleep at the switch - In the Vtry first Inning and dropped Buddy Ryan'a third strike, allowing Buddy to reach first base in safety. This was the starting of the run getting. The Beavers crossed the plate "awl" ' times In this Inning, i j '., ... . V . . Ort's three bagger went over Car roll's head and rolled out to the fence, It took a bad bounce, but no matter how thick the" apple sauce may be, It was a triple Just the. same. ' . The Seals are still sliding down the ladder and we're all strong for Sacra mento. When Long's tribe arrive here next week, you will iffrr, team, because no matter how bad they piay against the other clubs, they al ways make our little boys hustle, ao beware. '; ' Casey and George Ort pulled, off the faetest and cleanest squeeze play that has been seen on the local grounds for sometime. You can't atop those atal warts of Portland, once thef make up their mind to atart something. ; "" . . . Mltse waa attacked with that terrible disease known as "dropsy" and. helped Leading Foreign Firms Will Enter Specially Built Cars for Event. New York, July 16-Although the tomoblla raoe ;ip be held on the Vaa derbllt cup course on October IS la some time In the future, entries are being received here by the governors from various leading drivers ' Three Marmon cars will be among the entrants In the big race. They will be driven by Ray Harroun, Joe Dawson and a third man to be selected later. It is believed that aU the leading for eign firms barred from the Vander bilt cup races by restrictions aa to sice will enter especially built cars for ahe grand prize In competition with Ameri can racers. Among other cars already entered are three Bens racers, to ba driven by Rob ertson. Oldfield and Pomery, and three Fiats to be driven by Nazarro, Wagner and De Palma. ' The race will follow two weeks after the Vandervllt race is run. Hlnkle Pitches Good Ball. Spokane, Wash., July 18. Hlnkle, the Oregon college lad, will remain on the Turks payroll for a while at least In last evening's twilight game, which was called In the sixth Inning on account of darkness, the Oregon lad showed that he could pitch. Twice with the bases full and no one out, he pitched ball that the Indians could not hit and re tired the side. Holm allowed the Turks one hit while the Indians gathered three off Hlnkle. Score: R. H. E. Seattle .....j... 0 1 l Spokane 0 J 0 Batteries Hlnkle and Akin; Holm and Ostdlek. -. ' Senators Win Again. San Francisco, July 1 With the score ons and one in the eighth Inning, the Sonators started a little rally and scored another run, enough to win the fourth game from the Seals by the score of 3 to 1. The Seals' only run came In the seventh Inning, when Bodle hit the ball over the . right field fence. , This numbers 20 that Bodle, has put over the fence this year. Bcor: R. H.E. Sacramento k.... 2 9 2 San Francisco 1 9 1 Batteries Hunt and Splesman; Hen ly and Berry. . t Angels Trim Villagers. Los Angeles, Cal July 16. The An gels defeated the Villagers again yes terday by the score of 7 to 2.' Bracken ridge waa pounded to all corners of the lot and was relieved by Schafer, who made his first appearance In the box for about ' three weeles. K, Brashear got anotheL.homi'. .yesterday, gcore: : - R.H.E. Vernon ..........,.....,.,.. t 6 Los Angeles ? 12 0 Batterios Brackenridge, Schafer and Brown; Nogle. and Waring. - , Conacks I Take First Game Vancouver, B. C, July George Engle,' the ex-Turk, held the Tacoma Tigers' to two hits and shut them out by thi siore of 1 to 0 yesterday. jThiS Is the first game the Canucks jhave won from' the Tigers In ' the prent series: Score: ' i r. tj. fj Tacoma' 0 ny j Vancouver ... 1 8 1 Batteries Hall and v Byrnes; Engle and Lewis. The Photogravers International, re ports $50,000 in the treasure. EBMIU FOR BIS AUTO RACE 1 I ' " COLUMN the Beavers along to the Initial sack. You are the candy kid with the sticky face. . -The boy with the lovely shape and known as "Silvers1 "Toothpick." "Flag- poW and "Splinter,1 and, whose father's name was nelson, twined nice ball and deserved more than he was credited with ; yesterday. A few of the girls with those Persian turbans were after "Slim" all during the game and kept up a rapid fire line of "Junk" that had the grandstand patrons on the giggle. - V -v - " - ". j (?reat catches are made and soon for gotten, but the one that Buddy Ryan pulled off in the third Inning of yester day'a game, will nover be forgotten?TT Wares drove one like the shot out of a cannon which looked like a. hit in any league. It waa on a line and Buddy started in after It. He ran fully' 100 feet and then went down, with toth hands and grabbed It off his shoetops. The fans were astonished and couldn't believe that vthe little Irishman- had copped It It was as . sensational a caton as has been .made on the local grounds. ' He took about three somer saults before he held up Ida hand with the ball safely clutched therein. The umpires were a little puzled themselves but Ryan had it - ' Bobby Groom, was th hero at De troit yesterday when he held the .Detroit Tigers down to 6 runs and 9 hits. Bobby haa struck his gait andgreat things are expected of him. . t . ,i. , i f - -. .' . 1 ..: ..' The Philadelphia Athletics slipped the St Louis team a 'Whitewash yester day and went ahead in the percentage column. Connie Mack's boys are the real pennant winners this year and If they keep up the good work there'll be nothing to It . : ." ., :- . ., ' ' Hetllng waa all around the field yes terday after those fouls and grabbed them off safely. He did a rushing busi ness, in left field rop against the grand stand. Gus also soused one for a single. Keep up (the good work Gussle. ... .fi. , . ............... The eighth fhntng looked bad for Portland for awhile. With three men on Hogan camei to bat and- there was a shudder among the local fans. Usually Hogan sends it over the fence when a hit Is needed .bu the best he could do waa to hit an easy one to Steen. Horseshoe for Portland because good single woum nave tied the score and might have helped win for Oakland. Mltia was hit on. tfe lr Vn.. one that Rapps fouled off. He retired in iavor or J. nomas. Looks like a battle royal today with Gregg for Portland and Mamaf fnr tti Oaks. Moser' Is the leading twirler of the league and there Is sure to be a pucacr s oaiue. Never to Be- Foreotten. The S000 square miles of panoramic scenery viewed from Council Crest is Pronounced DeerUsa Am th wnri -. h.. tourists who have seen everything In that line. Snow-capped mountains from 40 to 100 miles away, cities, rivers, states and over a score of counties com prise this greatest of all picturesque "Halley's Comet." Halley's Comet" at the Lyrio thea tre has been drawing crowded houses all week notwithstanding the warm weather. The comet will be visible to night at 7:45 and 9!16 and tomorrow for the last times at 2:45, .7:45. and :15 You can see 4t without the aid of glasses. Last Time Tomorrow. Nr Theatre sroera will Viava ht. 1... chances to see the excellent .program at . wujjiu una tomorrow, ror the last performances will be given to morrow evening. The Four Bards, the world's greatest acrobats and balancers, tcpllne the bill. Concert at Oaks. There was another evidence last night of the admirable arrangement at the Oaks made for. the eomfsrt of ihi The big auditorium was packed to the aoors wun an audience composed of Mystld Shriners and others," attracted by, the fine concert rendered by the Na vasaar Ladies1 Military band. Clever Bill at the Grand. Cleverness, is stamped all over the Grand program. This bill will be re peated until Sunday night For all round fun and a -high standard of merit this program has not been excelled this season. Laugh at Murray K. Hill In his monologue. Features at the Orphenm. There are 'only four more perform ances of this week's bill at the Or pheumi, matinee today and 8unday, to night and Sunday night. All In all it IS a most excellent bill, with a -choice lot Of feature acta offering an Inviting entertainment of worth and merit. fELLOW WORKERS SEND :i: YOUNG TED A PICTURE (Cnlt4 Pren Leaned Wire.) Hartford. Conn.. July 16 The eiti- swis of the little town of Thomnsonvllle hare presented Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt Jri., With a landscape paint- lng. The nicture haa been sent to th Roosevelts at San . Franoisco. Though the donors ht thu nlrtnrA ara Mfl carpetmakers employed at the factory wnere ,Tneoapre jr., got his training In the nlcturesaua nnnneptlput: rlvr. nrlh th . factory in the background. Tho rt-Inter is Willis, Beaver Adams, of Suf fitld. ,V , ' . ' Mrs. Bnrrltt Obtains Divorce. (Cnlted Pre teued Win. . 8nn Francisco, July 18.-Mrs. Flor- e'nc I.-Burri tt,-wall known In San Fran oisco society, is making preparations to leave for Shanghai,-where she will rest in the home of her sister following the trial of her divorce suit at Reno, jJev., aratnst Charles H. Burritt, former fed eral Judge In th Philippines. As soon as the decree wasgranted Mrs. Burritt left tor San Francisco, where she joined her. sister, Mrs. C- A. Blddle.i whoso hvsband owns th fashionable Hotel Envoy at 6feangha and who will ac company hef sister to tho Orient Mrs. Kurrltt sought divorce on the ground of The carpeuters1 union ml St. Paul, MInn4 acting upon 'jthe reoommendatlon of the building committee; I has' decided to buy a lot and will ultimately erect a - - - - - - t -. f AT THE THEATRES building of Its own, I i tin .MM ? ! : ! , , ISOII "Braggart Ethiopian" Has No Charms for Citizens of the Kaiserland. 1 . Uerlln, July H-Jack Johnson, heavy weight champion of the world, Is not wanted In Berlin, nor anywhere In Ger many, for that matter, so far as a com mittee of Berlin citizens is concerned. If the committee has Its 'way the col ored champion won't appear In Kaiser land as an ' attraction. I Decrying what the" committee terms mo ucjiiujouio tn.-nun vi ins lew jiegroes in Berlin since the fight, the members of the committee are preparing to -appeal to the authorities to prevent Johnson from giving exhibitions here. Incite appeal Johnson is called the "braggart Ethiopian," whose appearance. It is I charged, "might result In sensationalism In Germany," PITCHER RALEIGH IS GOING BACK TO VERNON 'Los Angeles, July 18. Pitcher Ral eigh of the St. Louis Nationals, will Join the Vernon Coast league club next week. Manager Hogan announced today that he -has completed negotiations for the purchase of the young twirler, whom he sold to St Louis two years ago. Raleigh did fair work for the St Louis club. Catcher Hasty, whom Hogan turned over to the San Jose State league club, has been returned to Vernon.' He will be given another, tryout . , "He's Just Like Nelson. Oregon City, July 18. A new light weight fighter has appeared In the per son of "Pug Lewis of Oregon City, who has Issued a challenge to any one of IIS pounds. Young Lewis has been training for some time In Portland. He has .the same style of fighting ' that characterized "Battling1 Nelson. This Date in Sport Annals. I860 At Philadelphia: Lip Pike, of the Athletics, made six home runs, five in succession in a game with the Alert club. 1874 The Boston and Athletio base ball clubs sailed from Philadelphia for a tour of Great Britain. 1891 At London, Eng.: Joey Nuttall swam 150 yards la one minute 43 sec onds, beating record. 1900 At New York: Terry MeGovern won from Frank Erne In three rounds. 1903 At Pijrt Huron. Mich.: Mike Ward won from Buddy Ryan In 10 rounds. 1907 At Philadelphia: Jack Johnson defeated Bob FlUalmmons "In two rounds. .". .., ... ' ' ...j : Navassar Ladies' Band The following is the program for to night: ' , - . . March. ; , ' Overtu "II Guarany"........,'.Qomes Duet for Comets, "In Switzerland". . . Bent Misses Selger and Sllsby. Suite. Raoul Pugno (a) Valse Jbente. (b) Purchlnelli. (c) Farmandole. Selection, "Woodland". Luders Doges' inarch from "The Merchant of Venice"........ Rossi Stern song for four trombones Bullard Misses Miller, Meyer, Brsdy, Allen. Operatic selection, "Martha" Flotow Descriptive, "Cavalry Charge". . .Luders J i h n iLn'r.t" i II i'OLiilill it OF COOS IHCRUiSES Census Shows 70 More Pupils Than LasUfear, but Fewer Teachers.- (Salem purrtn of The Journal.) Salem, Or., July 18. According to the annual report of the school superin tendent of Coos county, just made to State Superintendent " Ackerman. there was an Increase In the enrollment . of school children in the schools of Coos county last year of 70 pupils, the total enrollment being 1943. The : census shows art Increase of from 8427 to 6489. Ther -were 158 teachers employed in 09 and but 138 in 1910, however. In 1910 there were 151 eighth grade grad uates, as against 13 1 in 1909. The ay- lit ' s 'M The Wise Trainer of Athletes Knows that the moderate use of a mild stimulant is beneficial to nis'charges. The -vast majority of such men recommend ; mi Because it is nourishing and refreshing and . cjuicldy relieves the tired feeling that may result from physical exercise. - Budweiser is highest in price yet leads in sales, which proves that its superiority is recognized everywhere : Bottled only at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery ST. LOUIS, MO. Blumauer ft Hoch, Distributors, Portland, Or, t 1 W IK II Phone ff 1 11 rJ:H Jfll'gKymm---'r- - ssr 'sjssssr.rV-. -rEry-yift'-Syl iirT ri-.tzr ,,,,7.'. - Prr 111 Cof county 1 ::,-:. ; - ! f; s ; In 1909 to 158.83 In 1910 a,-. ! f s fpmale teachers from 147.77 t. ;., There were but ). t'i,S?3 SO d!::tvir. t ? school purposes In C.o county r , year, as against 8214,565.72 l.iM -.--r In Sherman eounty there t shown to be a decrease In the pnrollrmuit )u the public schools from 763 In 1'jOS t 750 In 1910,' and a decrpase in the cen sus from 1086 to 10R1. There 'wern svn more teachers, employed, however, tho total being 62. Tha number of eighth graJ- graduates Increased from i!6 io 34. ' The total disbursements for schnui purposes were 130, 823. 19. -which ai a dt-creass of J29.48 over the previous year. - The average monthly' salary nf male teachers Increased in Shrm.iit ecunty from $76.60 in 1909 to 87$ 34 In 1910, and the average salary of female teachers from 153.80 to 855.67. - Journal Want Ads brlnar result . Is Main 211. ' .i, v..