The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 16, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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v'i-iv Modern 6 room hmis -on
Mie?;int.l five, on East front
;-n I'V 10; full 'wo stories,
i( iinn foreli, furnace, fixtures,
improved. This will make
a desirable homo fir some one
wishing to be nearvthe Jcffer
Kim hi?h school.
For modern bungalow near Jef
ferson high school; lot 60 by
3 00-
l'0. . . .
$4500 This Is a good buy, being a 7
' room house, situated-on a tract
of ground 100 feet on Killings-
worth ave, bv 3 66 feet deep.
: Street Improvements paid. Terms
USSft Hhvh r modern B room Callfor-
' nlft Ming low on -full sized lot. I
Terms easy, can ana nee u.
f 675 Fins coiner, 50 by 100. on Willis
boulevard. - --, ' " "
$1900 One quarter block on Michigan
ave,, 100 ft. cement walk, street
graded, water in; terms easy.
. 10 acres near electric' line; will sell
or trade. ,
' ' . 848 Mississippi avenue.
Phones Woodlawn 202, C-20P8. '
v- Fireplace shower bath, buffet,, beamed
celling; solid brass, hardware, flush
switches; elegant buffet; laundry chute;
linen closet; pooling coll; 50x100 lot;
cement walks,' etc, pald. Close to car.
This place will surprise you. Phone own
er, Kant ma.
Only $250 Down
We have 5 new modern 8 room bunga
lows,: with full basement and attic: ve
neer paneled dining room; frlese celling
In livine- room, with firerjlace and book
cases; cloak room with full length mir'-
ror; Dutch kitchen; close to car ; ana
school;' good view, ... '-' r '
Take your choice at 12600 to
fcee ROSS, Owner and Builder,
615 Gerlinger Bldg.
' Second and Alder.
Phone Main 2801. Res. Tabor 1467.
Will take (food building lot as part
payment at market value.
Little Monev Down
A new, coiy little house, ready t
move into; city water,, nice lawn, . ioi
of flowers, fine garden, berries, young
fruit trees, fine corner lot 85x95 feet;
chicken house and run; near school,
churches, stores and trolley.. 6c" fare, 20
minutes' ride. Price only $1250; $300
cash, balance $15 monthly, or will trade
truin for rood horse and buggy;
can be inspected today or Sunday; take
Jft. Scott car to. Archer piaceA . eee j. v.
Mitcheltree at station
The mice Is 1750 and by careful In
vvestljfation we find It $750 under the
market; this should appeal to you lr you
re looking for a home at a sacrifice
price. " . " '-,.
610 Henry Bldg.
Marshall 1889. A-7105
$100 DOWN-
$15 each month and Interest
per- cent. .
Price $2400.
Modern 5 room bungalow. -ROSS.
615 Gerllnger Bldg., '
!'. Second' and Alder.
at 1
' . Bargain at Montavilla
$2400 f 400 down, ; balance on easy
terms, will buy; 5 room modern house,
full basement, street and sidewalk im
provement in and paid for, ; , one block
from car. See .
Kurt Montavilla Carllne. Tabor 246.
FOR SALE 6 room ..bungalow. '. Kalso
mined.v Cement basement under kltch-
n with. 4 -large lots on Mt. Scott 6ct
car line,; Berries, fir and fruit trees.
Good water supply. 3 blocks north or 1
' Fchtrolr -?2OO0 -"cash" bf $500 "tlowh wlthl
terms, Mrs. Max Meyer, Lents, Oregon.
ELEGANT home, bungalow style, all
modern, Including smoke ventilator in
kitchen upper. chamber for billiard and
library combined; a bargain; -built for
owner; $41o0, half cash. Phone morn-
insr. C-2063.- ; '
A NUMBER choice homes cheap; splen
did Investment. Will rent well, big
Interest. 8 and 10 per cent; fine loca
tions; Irvlngton. Holladay additions; a
surprise. ;-C-1866 East 273. !, H.
A afe investment should , deposit his
monev with us ana receive interest on
tne isme, from 2 to 4 per cent. Port
land Trust Company. 8. K. corner $d
mi Oak ts. . - ...-...
BEST buv la Portland: 4 rooms, pantry
closet, "plastered, tinted; $200 furnl-J
ture: lot ouxjuu; . lawn; must oe soia
at once. Call and Bee at 343 E. 45th 8.,
2 blocks south; of Hawthorn ve.;
JIBOO. $400 cash. $15 per month.
$2760' for a fine new 6 room house,
with den; facing east on corner, 1 block
from car; this is one of the finest for the
money in im city; . only 109 casli, bai.
terms. "65 6tn st. . 1
HI NGALOW 5 rooms, large attle. fur
nace, fireplace, reception hall, large
closets, all tinted concrete walks, faces
east. Owner will sell on small cash
ayment, baiane terms-, pnone n.ast
$2700 for the best home In Alberta dis
trict, worth $3000 easily; beautiful
vard. corner lot, 6 room new. house.
everything modern. 1 block to car. In-
fluire 3d floor Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor
ft'i'V'ra CAT unr ainnm VimiOA
easy walking distance rrom city,- 247
T. 14th St.; caah,- eay terras, or ex
change for Seattle property. - Phone B
ONE house and lot for sale in East
Portland by owner. Call and Bee me
at - 91 M 7th st. cor. Flanders and 7th.
U. M. Dopson, If you want a bargain
see me. .
JfiOO equity for $350; modern B room
bungalow,-first class, electric fixtures,
beamed ceiling, paneled dining room, ce
ment basement Investigate this -if you
want a bargain. D-685, Journal.
MUST be sold; betiu -4 04148 -faU
corner; carrying an improvements; in
'Alamedi Park; $600 below value. Call
403 Lewis bldg.
FOR SALE 3 room home, 2 lots, all
fenced. $800 cash. 144 Cherry st
Reservoir park blocks north. Kern
Park station, Mt. Scott, M. Ackerman,
Arlet a. - -
6 ROOM "house; must sell; lath and
plastered; tpleetric lights; $1400,
terms $200 down, balance monthly. In
quire Howes store, Mt Scott car to
' 'rBy y rrtswiTig.
A nice modern home at 808 E. Yamhill,
only $4000. Close In; big bargain;
part cash, balance terms; look this up
at once, B-1170.
$1300. Four room house on lot 40x100,
on Alberta car line. $400 cash, bal
anc $25-per month including interest
H-686, Journal.
GREATEST snap in the city, lot 40x100,
nf w ; 4 room house and a large wash
hel; 1 block from carllne, price $960;
terms. .- Inquire 623 Henry bldg.
MiiAT, coy cottage on 60 foot lot. $60
cash. $10 per month. Greeorv Invest.
ment fat., end of Rose City Park carlina.
$6d0Lot 63x150, 1 room house, water,
5 blocks Mt. Scott cars; $60 down, $10
montniy. u. u. ,:iarK, uepts. ur.
MODERN lower fat, In Irvlngton, In
- - jn4r. 405 E.- 10th -st- N. 2 blocks
- Broadway car or phone East 6608.'
11100 -! for- new house i worth
4 block south Mt Scott car.
hum ave.i Williams. '
FOR SALE Two houses' and two lots
n bast tn, A bargain If taken soon.
niilre Msg tc. n
8 A RGATNS in lots and houses by own
T t ' Trma ah , trafa Dhmia,
er. .Terms or ! trade.
Phone Tabor
H02. . .' ' .
MY 6 aojm liouBt and lot, No
119 K.
'd st N.. for sale.
Cash and. terms,
NRW modern houses in Irvlngton. R. B,
Kioe. owner. Kotn pnores.
pl- room
Owner, ;3f:SKaver et.
New -modern house
ni or tw.i
o-ns, journal.
joF'ERN llau ... Imiulre ili S ju'gei.
$676 Fine corner- 60x100. on WiUls
J1075 I -t 6(x.l0i; ' street improve.
meiits In, Including Hewer, pain,
2 blocks from business center ,1
block from carllne; hail casn,
balance 1 year. 7 per cent.-
32S0 Buys modern 6 room California
bungalow on full size lot. Terms
easy; Call ami fee It.
$1100100x100; south front on Hum
boldt st.; all cash. 1
$1900 -One quarter block ten Michigan
aveM 100 ft cement walk, streets
."'' (Traded, water In; terms easy.
,10 -acres near-electric line; will sell
or trade. ' ' ;
&48 Missis sipp-v,
Phone Woodlawn 203, C-2008.
$1100 for a fine large lot on Van
couver ave near walnut rant; guuu
terms; 'this is a snap. ' . .
12100 for a corner.. 100x100, on Jtiaigw
venue, near new high school.
$525 for a 60x100, lacing east, near
Portland boulevard; terms. -
$500 for a west side lot, 40xiu. in
cluding water, sewer and graded
streets; Be carfare. '
66 6th St.. Bet. Oak and Pine.
$376.. '. v . $375 EACH
2 lots face west, 67th and K. Ash.
lot Porter's addition, overlooking
Eastmoreland. Woodstock line. $375
each; Vt cash. : .
1 acre Myrtle Park. . $1600. ;
Main 2776. S2i Burnslde.
Alberta $575 Bargain .
40x100. on "27th St., near Alberta, east
front, sidewalks In and street improved.
': Cor. 80th and Alberta. . .
FOR SALEI 2 fine building lots lOOx
100 feet, abeut 60 feet from good car
line in good residence district: price
$2000;. terms. Apply owner 100S Bel
mont St., or phone Tabor 488 or B-148K.
FOR SALE Lots, 60x100 corner, near
W. W. car. Price $600. 2xl00, E.
10th and Shaver St.- Price $300. Call
778 Union ave. North. Owner.
; $20 CASH, $5 PER MONTH. .
2 lots 60x100 each, on Mt. Scott line;
price $250. H. R. Black, 403 Lumber ex
change bldg., 2d and Stark. -
LAtTRELHlTRST. : Lot 5. block 17, at
cost, Telephone E. 605 or; call next
door. ; - -! 1 -
FOR SALS 2 lots in Irvlngton, Broad
. way addition, south front 50x100, title
perfect. B-683, Journal. '
2 LOTSiOn carllne, 60x100, at station,
with spring water; 6c fare; for sale,
$600 cash. A-l 856-
2 Acres, 5t Acres, 10 Acres
$100 to $125 an Acre
1-5 Cash, 2 per Cent per Mo,
All cleared; good soil; no rocks.
30 minutes rfdo from Portland.
1 mile from the station, v . u ,
No hills, easyelope from -the station.
A view of Columbia valley and
6 snow .capped mountains. '
Not ; equaled near Portland.
Fred F. Huntress. 630 Lumber Ex
Good Chance
HERE IS MY POINT I have an op-
tlon on 100 acres of the best fruit land
in Oregon; ' I can only handle 20 acres
myself, and I want 5 to 10 people to buy
tne balance. By purcnasing the entire
tract we can get it cheap .and save $200'
to. $300 per acre by planting and caring
lor uie irees logeiuer.
Write me at once, and I will explain
more fully my plan. L-671. Journal,
Kfar Grays -Crossing- on Mt." Scott
carllne; one half - of It cleared and. in,
grain; $800 per acre, half cash. , This
otfer Is good to July 18 only.
Carte r.-Dugan. Company ' '
" 820, Chamber, 'of Commerce. -'
listen ! Consider thisi
I have some ten end twenty acre
tracts one half mile from Southern Pa
cific, deep, rich soil, with excellent
slopes for fruit; all cleared and under
cultivation which If bought now will
save you money. If you mean business
look me up at once. R-686, Journal
On main county road, with running
water;- Mt orchard, H bottom land; all
under cultivation; this Is a snap at $160
per acre; bal. asy terms. If you want
acreage this cannot be beat. Owner. 66
6th st bet. Oak and Pine.
FOR SALE 31 acres in Douglas county;
17 acres in cultivation;' near town and
R....R.; admirable for chickens or fruit
Only $50 an acre. Address T. Hum
phreys. Myrtle Creek. Or.
FIVE acres Joining the OCEAN
, BEACH, one mile south of Ft
Stevens, lies nice for platting. Prica
only $200, per acre, half cash. A. C.
Burdlck. 711 Chamber of. Commerce.
FIVE acres-cleared, fenced, on car line.
Best soil. Owner Realty association,
205 Ablngtori bldg.
110 ACRES; 7 acrea cleared, -bal. stump
land; 4 room house and outbuildings;
8 miles from R. R. and a thriving town.
A snap at $22.50 per acre. Will con
sider a trade for Portland property.
J. Mi Kerr & Co.
. 311 Henry Bldg.
147 acrea in Yamhill co., 100 acres clear
and in crop: fine sou. runnina: water.
good house, large orchard; all stock and
implements goes with place. Trade for
city property, all or part value; take
mortgage on oaiance. n. it. uiacK, 4UI-3
Lumber Kxciiange ning.
BEST 6 acres In fine state of cultlva-
tion. on Oregon City carllne, for team.
wagon and harness, some cash, long
tlma oh balance at 6 per cent. Sellwqod
1 1 t;-or- tt-cs journal;'- -
FOR SALE or exchange for other prop-
erty, hotel ana warcnouse on Columbia
river, doing a good business, no opposi
tion; price jzsoo. Address w. U. Brown,
Arieta, ur.
SMAL.L Jewelry business in thriving
Oregon town to exchange for acre
age or city property. Miller, Ml Cham
ber commerce. . ...
160 ACRES; 80 acres been In cultlva
tlon; bal. can be cultivated; 7 miles
from R. R. on good wagon road; price
$3000. Will consider Portland property.
J. M, Kerr & Co.
311 Henry Bldg.
WANT to trade houae and lot for good
heavy team, harness ana wagon; bal
ance in monthly .payments, k-673,
journal. ,
IF you want to sell, buy or trade, see
Shoemaker Inv. Co.,' 627 Henry bldg.
Main 445.. A-7434.
SNAP For nale or exchange, 10 or 20
acres improved, ' 1 telle from city
limits, ror city pvoperty. xanor iz48,
MY equity in Laurelhurst lot for first
payment on modern bungalow, R-
684, journal. - : , .-
TO exchange for real estate,- launch 20
feet lonit. 6 H. P.1; speed
9 miles,
value $200. Phone East 4980.
WOULD Ilka to trade a paying .grocery
store ror real
L-673, Journal.
estate; owner j only,
FOR- 6ALK op trad for talley lafld", 40
room apartment houfee. Call 389 6th
St. Phone A-2645. . .
LOT and 3 room houae In San Fran-
, cisco; wm iraue ror rorxiana- prop
erty., 94 N. 16th st - f
Wfe TRADE for anvthtng, anywhere.
See us today. 411 Henry bldg. j
.SURVEYING accurately and promptly
yne. 1 u..'Bniortn. Main B77. t.
HAVE "buyer for 5 acres unimproved
acreage. -687, Journal.' - 1
- i . . .. -
WANTEI, 5 or 6 room bungalow or
coitat;, not too fur out; must he a
bnrifHin; pive pi-tee nnj terms in first
letter. I-SS. journal.
To buv lots In swinton. Must be cheap
for cash. F-68S, Journal.
WANTED -6 acres land inside city lim
its, north east side preferred; cash
den.!; glye. price and location. . E-686,
Journal. - -
MODERN dwelling under 8 rooms, be
tween $2500 and $5000. W. G. Jen
klns, evenlngs, 622 Y. M. C. A,
HAND-MADR buggy and harness.
Watches for man and woman. 'Pock
et aneroid. Barometer. Bicycle, Auto
mobile lights and generator. Want cam
era and houseboat. Phone Main1 6024.
525 Mil) tit.'""-"- - : :
WILL trade first class talking ma
chine outfit for good organ. Port
land Phonograph Agency, 850 Aider.
A PROMISING song copyright to trade
for a second hand automobile. Write
T. L. Lamnltt -Suver. Or. I
-. Fine 'Farm Cheap
60 acres fine, deep black soil; 40 acres
In high state of cultivation, 20 more
easily cleared; 2 wells, spring and
crk; good 7 room house, large, barn,
all outbuilding 3 good horses, 11 cows,
3 yearling,, .J calfj S sows, 7 pigs, 11
geeso, 5 dozen chickens, 2 wagons, 2 sets
new harness, all implements and tools;
VI miles from Portland on tnaln county
road; 1V4 miles from R.-R. station and
good town; mile to good; schools; on
R. F. Ik, telephone and milk route,
and In fine Open country. Price $6000;
$4600 cash, balance 6 years. This place
la not run down, but up in good shape,
You can't beat it This place is a mor.fy
maker, r- . i,"
i , ' M. E. THOMPSON CO.i
Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak St.
Main 6084, A-3327.
Exchange 1 60 Acres:
160 acres of fine soil, lays level lor
cated on Molalla river, watered by sev
eral springs: 1,600,000 feet of good tim
ber Hi miles from power site for rail
road going from Oregon City to Molalla;
road . will be within l mile of place
when built; tWs is an A-l investment;
you can dodblei your money In . 20
months. I will take an automobile or
good lot, to the value of $1600; balance
must be cash. Don't oasa this up if
you want an investment, for you know
iana maices me pocKetoooK rat on tne
right deal.' . . . "
End Suspension Bridge. Oregon City. Or.
40 acres, 25 in cultivation, balance
pasture and timber, 6 room frame
house, chicken house and xranarv. 1
acre of orchard, living stream, small
team. 7 sheep.1 2 'cows. 1 yearling. 36
chickens, some implemerits, l mile from
scnooi. 7 & miles rrom Oregon city,
Will take $1600 In house and lot any
where on the Oregon City car line from
uiaastone to tseuwooa. price $3600;
$700 cash, balance'to suit '
End BuspenBlon- Bridge, Oregon f City,
FARM for Bale . by owner; 160 acres
.right in the heart of Willamette 'val
ley. 115 acres in cultivation. 35 acres In
timber and pasture, good 12 room house.
z earns, i nopnouse, gooa water, aiso
running water, orchard of apples, pears.
plums, prunes, cherrlga.anlbiiries; farm
motty-ttiwwr woven wire rence. gooa lo
cation, 5 miles. west or Broadacres on
Oregon ElectrlcR, R-2 mlles-east-of rSfe
Paul, miles south of Champoeg, and
river landing, jan or crop goes witti
place If taken at once; 8 -horses, 4 milk
cows. 8 young cattle, 4 brood sows. 4
Implements go with place; telephone arid
rural delivery, io per acre, terms.
Woodburn, Or., R. F. D No. I,
WE have a number of choice 10 and 20
acre, tracts, all cleared and partly set
to trees,, on jgood roads,' with R. F. D.
and close to school. In a settled com
munlty, within two to four miles of
Estacada. -Prices rrom lib to $150 per
acre,, on easy terms. You owe it to
yourself .to see this section before pur
chasing elsewhere. The conditions here
are ideal In every respect for the de
velopment or one or tne. finest fruit dls
trlcts In the entire northwest Now is
the tme to act.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
80 ACRES 20 acres cleared, 40 aores
slashed and easy to clear; 20 acres
rouRh land, all fenced, on good road
R. F. D., fine new 10 room house, bath,
sleeping porch-ana an modern improve
mcnts, good barn, water tower, several
small buildings, telephone, rme view
and an Ideal place in every way. Price
ror a short time, jbouu; one-third cash,
balance on casv terms.
. 332 Chamber of -Commerce. - 1
$18 Per Acre
400 acre stock or dairy ranch.' 85
aores Improved, balance good range for
stock; plenty good water; soil Is first
class ror hayv rruit, berries or vege
tables; on-good county road, R. F. D,
route and phone line; 60 miles from
Portland. Mi mile to boat landing. 2
to R. R. station; 34 trains over this Una
every 24 hours.
291 Cherry St. Portland, Or. Phone
East 786.
40 ACRES, all cleared and under culti
vation, with the exception of a few
stumps, 2 acres in family orchard, good
5 room house and barn, lays well, no
rock or waste land 2 wells, fine view
of surrounding country and mountains',
on first class road, near school, church
and store, and onlv Z miles from Esta
cada. Price $6000, half cash, balance
on easy terms.
'- 832-Chamber of Commerce.
A Good Home
. Five acres, 6 mllea from Vancouver,
all cleared, excellent soli; 6 room house,
barn and chicken houses; assorted fam
ily orchard, . also grapes and berries;
crop goes with place; personal property,
horse, harness and Wagon; chicken.
.... - Price, $2400.
202 W. 8th St., Vancouver, Wash.
6 ACRES; 65. acres cleared and under
cultivation; 10 acres in fir timber;
email family orchard, fair house and
good barn, no rock or waste land, all
fenced, on good road, R. F. D;, .tele
phone, close to school and ohureh- and
about 3V6 miles to Estacada. Price, $12,
000, half cash, balance on easy terms at
6 per cent.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED A good man to run a stock
. ranch on shares; must furnish team
and security; will furnish 100 sheep,. 4
hogs.turkeys and chickens and most' ull
farming tools and seed; 60 acres irri
gated, 100 acres plow land with an out
range. for stock; one of the best stock
ranches in Douglas county. See owner.
R. M. Cramer, 269A Washington et,
room 6. - .. .
FOR- SALE or trade for Bmalt farm or
city property, $3000 stock of general
merchandise and store building; fine, lo
cation, soring water, all kinds of garden;
or would trftde stock and rent1 store.
Take train at Jefferson depot at 7:40
a. m. and get off at Rex. Can be back
in Portland in 3 hours; store at station,
H. Fnllmwn. iBexr-Or. '
FOR SALE By owner, 10 H acre tract,
Vt telle tojwn limits Corvallis; good 7
rtjom ;hbuse,i good barn, young orchard
and berry garden. For price and term"
address W. W. Conder, Corvallis, Or..
R. F. D. 1. I 1 ; . '
160 acres 7 miles from Elk City $2500":
t acres a-r., wik t:ity, marker; garden
, rVpft A
$86 Ter :rei buys 100-acre farm near
r rVrhlitAtiA't ' , ftf Y I,m4 ln Iwitf
m Multnomah county.
Krider, 248 Madison sj, '
, . .......... n. , v.j.o " 1 1 1 D .l 1.1. uuy
Dement A
Comes to most of us but once In a H"e'
time.. Th a In vour opportunity to mane
a good safe Investment in real estate.
Do not let It slip by, Komi over the
following descriptions, and If none suits
you tell us what kind of a place you
want and we will furnish you with it:
24S acre:" la ncres in cultivation. 46
easily cleared, 200 acres practically level,
mostly all fenced ana cross rencea, gooo
well ana running water, 10 acres bearing
orchard, large frame house, barn, black
smith jbop, yi",'" 1 d ' " arp"'
miles from Oregon City, good road, 1 8
miles from Portland, close to R. F. D.
aud telephone; price 110,500. , .
110 acres, fin acres In cultivation, large
S room house, large barn, other outbuild
ings, fenced and croRS fenced, 1 acres
fruit,. 3tt miles from Canby, 6 miles
rrom Oregon eity, gooa roaas; price
14 acres. 18 In" cultivation, large orch
ard, fenced, roads on 3 . sides, t good
spring, land practically level,; house and
Barn, mile from streetcar line, town
and schools; price $3200.
60 aores. 25 In cultivation. 6 acres
easily cleared, 7 acres timber, balance
stumo, pasture, land all lies level, good
spring and well, - 6 room house, large
barn, other outbuildings, fruit ' and ber
ries, fenced and cross fenced, on. good
roads, 6 miles from Oregon City; price
$4600? crop, stock and .implements to
value ot $1600 to go with place for $6500.
128 acres, ' 50 acres "cultivated. , alt
fenced and, cross fenced, half level, bal
ance rotjling, 40 acres- timber,' good run
ning stream through place, house, large
barn, and outbuildings, fruit of different
kinds, stock and Implements, 3 miles
from Oregon City; price $75 per acre.
i 240 acres, all tillable land. 19 acres
meadow, good black loam, all level or
Slightly rolling, all fenced, 140 acres in
cultivation, 100 acres timber, spring
and wen on place,. 6 or 7 acres young
fruit 6 acres old orchard, 2 houses,
10 room frame, house, other 4 room., barn
30x40. other- outbuildings, R. F. lD.' and
telephones I mile store, 13 miles from
Oregon City 8 miles from Molalla; about
$2000 worth of stock and Implements;
price $100 per acre. . ' .
612 Main st, Oregon. City. Or.
686- acres. 40 in cultivation. 1 acren
In orchard. ' One 10 room house and
one Smaller Tiouse. 2 barns. This land
lies In. a valley and is rood annia land
or dairy. A good fishing stream crosses
place, only 7 miles from Oregon City.
Price $32.60 per acre. Good term.
i80 acres. 60 "acres slasiied anfl easv
to clear. 6 acres dear. No waste land.
One million feet of saw tlmbe'r, a splen
did spring, running water. On main
county road from Oregon City. Near
schodl and church, Price $32o0. $1000
down, good teims, - !
319 acres .94 In croD. 5 In hearlna
orchard. 6 room house. Barn 60x90. 20
head of cattle, 20 hogs, binder, mower.
rane aiscs, i piows, parrow, wagon,
etc. Team of horses, plenty of timber,
near school and church. 5 miles from
Oregon City. Owner must cell Only
$65 per acre. Good terms.
483 acres. 30-in' cultivation. 50 acres
Slashed, easy to clear. . 10,000,000 feet
of saw timber. Land nearly all level
and best of soil. Only KV miles from
Oregon City. Near school and church.
Good apple land and would plat well.
ror'oi-y do an acre. ,,
V 1. 1 , , ..-, l It ... V. V. 1 L 1 ' II L J V ' . . , mVkllTS 1 1 III,, I
5 room hoiisetJbfljn. Near large-Bchookj
bine wa ik to noiise. l miles rrom
Oregon City. Owner obliged to sell.
$1650. Term,-
'I.:1,'' ,
8 acres, all In cultivation 1 miles
from 'Oregon City, ''near large school,
Good fruit and berry soil. $2000. Terms.
6 acres, J miles from Oregon City.
Land all In cultivation. :1 Good soil.
Price $1100. Terms.' 4
6 Ml acres, poultry and,, fruit farm.
Nice house and all kinds of ' poultry.
Houses, Bearing orchard. Crops all
In. Near large school. Sidewalk .to
door. 1 miles from Oregon City. If
taken this week, with crop for $2600,
Easy terms. - -
Near S. P. depot, Oregon City. Oregon
77 ACRES In Yamhill countv. 20 acres
in crop, rest in fine piling, running
water, weu ana it springs, gooa nouse,
barn, orchard; everything goes with
place, h. K. mac. 401-3 number isx
change bldg.. 2d and Stark.
5 and 10 acre tracts. All or paTtly
In cultivation. Some fine timber. .20
miles from Portland. Mt mile from Rex
station. 65 minutes ride by Southern
Pacific. Fine view of Willamette val
ley. Best bf soil. . Right elevation for
apples, $100, per acre and up. 10 per
cent cash. S3 per acre per month. Ar
ranarements can be made to have these
tracts planted to apples with care until
bearing. . '
Investigate this If you are In the
market for a nice tract of fruit land.
See owner, PAUL REIMERS.
709 Corbett building.
Select ' Orchard Tracts
Partlv set to fruit trees, on carllne.
near Salem. Or. For a Bhort time wo
will sell at $150 per acre, worth double;
part cash, balance easy terms to suit.
Finest fruit land In the state. A largo
annle orchard In full bearing; Is next
door. We will show you choice foothill
land, gently sloping, with perfect drain
age,' on graded county road; no irriga
tion neeaea. rnese tracts are oeautirut-
ly located, so tba spring water may be
run into your nomes oy gravitation.
Land is mostly under cultivation, ready
ror huiness. uan or write
McFarland Investment Co,
810 Corbett bldg. Portland. Or.
21 acres choice fruit land near Carson.
Waslu Deep black eon, II acres
cleared, small orchard; house and barn.
Price $3500. G. A, NatzeL 10 E. 63d st
rn. I'oruann.
FARM for rent
160 acres, j 80 acres
In cultivation.
60 acres ready - for
plow. F-687, Journal.
Deschutes Valley -Where For
' ! turre Calls- -
Whv be landless when therein arood
free government land In Crook, the best
county In central Oregon-where rail
roads are bull din and cities springing
up? Do you want a free home? Then
we can help you get lt We. can locate
you on 160 acre homesteads .and 320
acre desert claims w'hlch may be irri
gated by gravity flow, also 320 acre
homesteads tn the great undeveloped
wheat region of southeastern Crook
county Now la the time to secure a
homestead or desert claim and buy-a
town lot In Culver, the junctlondty of
the Deschutes, where the Hill and Har
rlman railroads loin, and . where the
products , were raised ' which captured
the Hill, oup at the International Dry
Farming congress last year. Embrace
this opportunty to become a. landowner
Improve your own property farm
your own land. . For Information about
homesteads, jtiat atul.prfce list of Cul
ver, call or address k : .
801-302 Buchanan bldg., Portland. Or,
Local Offices. Culver, or,; Laldlaw.; Or,
WB -re h4rrmfrmhfnmn
lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin
jtey ift Stampher.' "581-8; Lumber E.
-mange Ding.
4.000.000 of firv and cedar near Hoi
.brook; standing timber A-682, Jour
VOll SALE I'AK.' I 5
. t ROOMING IlOl'PH.- "I
$2100 for M' well lcitti-il rooming I
lniiise on fit li St.; always f till ; nteii '
money; invrst iwale this.
6t t!i St.. Het. Oakland Pine.
ROOMING houses, any size, at prices
to suit: Wo buy, sell and exchange.
313 Henry bldg. - -
WILL sell my
of . Black
best oiler takea it. ' Mrs. E. Jloger, 804
Corbett nt. Port land, -or. '-'---- r
MINING, oil and Industrial stocks
bought and sold. 1 Davidson & Co.,
Iwls bldg.. Marshall 778. A-1712
MINING and industrial stocks; tele
phone .and other bonds bought end
sold. C. B. Fletcher. 125 Ablrgton bldg.
IF YOU wish to buy or .sell mining
stocks, call on J. B. Purcell, 310 Oak.
' , ' SAWMILL :
For eale, 15,000 capacity; now run
ning, right on .R; R.; donkey engine for
logging, team horses, wt, 2700, cook
house, everything complete, including
100,000 feet Inside' lumber;' ooVitract an
2,000,000 feet of timber at ll per 1000
stumpage. Price $5000. ' .Address,. 319
Main et, Oregon City. Or. , '
IF you have a inoving picture theatre
v for sale or If you wish to buy or open
one, communicate with a permanent and
successful company. People' Amuse
ment Co.. SJO-616 Rothchlld bldg.. Port
land, Or. . v.-.- ' '
GIVEN awtty free to those answering
hla advertlscm :it within' 80 days, a
map" of all the California oil fields. 8a-gar-Loomls
Co., 701 Orgonlan bldg.,
rvrimnu. on'non. -
FOR SALE or part trade. ' General
mdse. Nice clean .stock. Invoice
about $3000. In No. I Up-to-date town.
No wlndgalls need apply. Address, F
etf, journal. . ' ; -
MODERN hotel, " 67 light rooms. " long
lease, low rent, central; always full;
good transient trade. For sale by own
er; $5010. cash will take If or $6000 on
time. A-1856. t . - - - '
CONFECTIONERY, best location on the
west sloe: a .confectioneries aomg
ood business, on the east sldel res-?
taurant outfit Jltt Bros., 404 E. Mor
rison st. . ' 1 ' - .'" '
LOOKING for an opening? Might have
something to suit: commission busi
ness eve,ry description. Louis JFuroht J
dip Korncnnq piqg.
HIGHLAND notion store; confectionery,
ciirars. tobacco: want to'sro on home
stead;' good business, rent $16. 1017
Vplon ave. N. - ' -.- - - "
WE CAN place you in paying business;
Deiore Duying oe sure ana see us.
Kinney , & Stampher, 531-2 ' Lumber
Exchange bid A-4881.
WA'NTED Honest partner for travel
ing moving picture snow; fio to $25
made daily.. Call 264 Wash., between
10th and 17th.
WANTED Young man with $50 to
learn real estate business and show
property. Big money can be made, 242
Mil 81.
PARTNER wanted with $200 for busi
ness on Washington st.; tU to $35
weekly income; investigate. C-886,
Journal. -
FOR SALE Barber shop and confec
tionery. Also 4 room cottage and 4
lots. . Good business. - No camrjetltlen.
Cheap. Box 45, Hilley, Oregon.
SHOE store and shoe repair shop doing
good business. Investigate this. Call
773 I'nlon ave. North.
MY 6 room liwune and lot,..No. 418 E.
7 2d St. N.. for sale. Cash and terms.
$800.. .. ' : -. 1
PARTNER wanted, cleaning and dyeing
doing good business; 'uplendld loea
tlon; tired of hired help. j08H 4th st.
CONFECTIONERY store, good location;
low rent; living room: lease, 1650. 103
4th st.
$200 WILL buy business netting $35
weeK: must sen at once. Tabor 2384.
No agents. 2 v. '
WILL sell or trade my confectlonerv
, ice cream ana cigar stand, goodvloca-
tion, ana a Bargain, 1681, journal.
OKE'-HaLF or all of small restaurant,
wun rooms; cneap; terms; owner sick.
A-689. Journal. -
FOR SALE Modern printing office,
doing good business;-must oult on ac
count of health; terms. D-686, Journal.
FOR SALE An interest in one of the
best garage in city. L-670. Journal.
RESTAURANT for rent at 765 Thur-
rrlan st; Investigate., Phone A-2687.
SMALL hand laundry for sale.
Journal. s . - . . ,
WAtTTED Salesman: many make $100
to $1 SO per month;' some even more;
stock clean, grown on reservation, far
from old orchards, cash advance week
ly; choice of territory. Address Wash
Ingtor Nursery Co.. Voppen'sh, Wash.
A FEW cracker bakery mn. Pacific
uoasi Hiseuic Co., IZU ana uavis. ,
233 Alder st, near 2dT. Main 5713.
VVANTED feaiesmen In every locality
In the northwest: monev advanced
weekly; many make over $100 monthly;
choice of ' territory, , Yakima Valley
nursery yjo .oppenisn. waen.
WANTED At once, young man to learn
to spin yarn; fair wage euaranteed to
start; steady work guaranteed ,through
out the year. Apply to superintendent,
Portland Woolen Mills, St Johns, Or.,-
SALESMEN for Bay City property; ter
minus united Railways; good pay to
good hustlers. Bay City Land Co., 319
Lumber Ex. ,
EAST SIDE Cleaning & Dye House will
" pay $18 per week for good solicitor;
will pay more if .you are worth It, In
quire at 224 2d st., west side. ' .
$5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught in
practical forms. Day ,, and evening
sessions. Address Myers, 329 11th st,
Portland. Main 8512. .
A-l SALESMAN wanted by old estab
lished house; city and road work; per
manent poeitlonj .,, exclusive territory.
LEARM operate motion pictures;
operators $35 weekly; easy work.
Motion Picture. School, 626 Washing
ton, bet. 16th and 17th.
A SPECIALTY (talesman, will guarantee
salary to hustler. ' ' -- "
522 Worcester bldgi, -
CARPENTERS wanted;. Pacific Co.
court house, South Bend, Wash. Le
Doux & LeDoux, 191 Simpson st. Phono
Woodlawn 60S. .
WANTED rGood strong boy In starch
room. Aldon Candy Co., 12th and
WANTED 10 men; wattes $2.50 and
, up. Portland Brick & Tile Co., Linn
ton road.
MACHINISTS call at 270 Alder street
before going to work. Strike on for
eight hours., Ed. Carlgon. business agent.
WANTED Steady man, used to farm
work, ror orcnara close to Fortlan
$30 and board. 70 Corbett bldg.
WANTED 2 good watchmakers; if ydu
are a tinker don't apply. ; . 1 ,
CARPENTER work wanted in exchange
for dental work.. Room 207 Allsky
bldg.. cor. 3d and Morrison sts; M-8002,
WANTED Men to learn buck and wing
, dancing at the Chicago school of act
Ing. 343' Yamhill, room 16. .
fe'IGN painting wanted In exchange for
dental work. Room 207, Allsky bldg.,
cor. 3d 'and Morrison sta. M-8002. '.
vrb'Mi''r,t T' NeiyerslWCARPEWTKR'ang'-'buTlrlcr,
'fornla Wine Depot.
288 Yamhill, next
to Journal. ; . 1
FIRST CLASS barber , wanted, at 245
Davis St.; experienced man.
WANTED Boy! of 15 or 16 at Portland
. Cigar Box Factory, .43 p. 3d st
WANTED Able bodied men for the U.
S. Marine Corrs. between the aa-a of
U and 35. Must be native born or lmva
llrst papers. Monthly pay l a ,io .
Additional cninnensatlon tiossible. l'"oxl,
clothing, quarters and medical attend
ance free. After 30 years' service can
retire with 75 per cent of pay and al
lowances. Service on board ship and
ashore in all parts of the world. Apply
at Bree.len bids.. 3d and Washington
f.,f,:-J..fir.,Jan.'1- Or c - -.-''.',.
I WANT a rustlliig good outside man to
solicit for dveinir and cleaning nouse.
To the man who proves himself capable
1 win give him Interest in pusiness xo
in other work. This is. not a snap., but
win prove a cood bus ness obportunity
for a young man without money. E-689,
Journal. ' '
Independent or nonunion
. ; -iaiiiTi -
222 Commercial Club Bldg. '
10,000 POSlTIONB
For 'graduates last year; pen and wo
men leara barber trace' In 8 weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn $$
to t25 weekly; expert Instructor;, tools
free; write for catalog. Moler System
of Colleges. i5 N. 4th St.. Portland.
WAN'PED Party to manage best up-to-'date
lttrht manufacturing business in
city. No competition; -will guarantee
o per aay salary t $700 cash requirea,
If you mean business call 633 Gllsan t,
MONEY loaned confidentially by prl
vate citizen for short time In email
amounts on diamonds or other good se
curity.. Give name, address, phone num
ber. - C685, Journal, -; - " -
& ,''k FEMALE . 20
WANTED Men arid women to learn
' drama and vaudeville, also fancy and
buck and wing dancing taught at the
Chicago School of Acting, 343 Yam
hill, room 16. ' Prices to" suit all classes.
GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write
for Portland examination schedule.
Franklin Institute, Dcpt 248 R. Roches
ter, N. Y. ;.-'..,.V-.,:...:.' -v
n o uamccm jf. rr
j iii 1 mnoLii ut uvit ;
Main office, 24 N. 2d at. Portland,
Ladles' department 7th and Waa. sUk,
upstairs, Portland.
'424 Front ave.. Spoksn.
i$7-8 4th st, 6an Franclsca
Established 1876. '
CO.. neadauarterj for.
R. R. work.
8Mt N. Id st '
AGENTS wanted toaid u Supply th
. demand for choice nursery stock: out
fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital
City Nursery Company. Salem. Or.
KING STORfiJ need the services of a
large number of experienced saleswomen
in the following departments: '
16 years oj age and over who, wish the
opportunity to enter a business career.
Of high or grammar schools, 17 years
of age and over, will find a good oppor
tunity to enter a business career by ap-plauiK-at-iineuQ
,' ; 1 -
WANTED At once, younf ladles .to
learn to weave woolens, flannels and
blankets. Good wages can be earned
within a short time by those who will
apply themselves. Every consideration
shown to steady workers. Apply at once
to superintendent, , Portland Woolen
Mills, St. Johns, Or.
UNIVERSAL shorthand is the;
writes letters the first week, and soon
prepares for- good positions which we
guarantee. Now Is the time to enroll at
low tuition rates. E. B. U.. 630 Wor
cester bldg. ' , 1
A GOOD old lady tq look after 2 little
boys and help with housework. Call
415 E, Clay st, or phone after 8 a, m.,
East 646.
MIDDLE aged lady, general housekeep
ing, family of 2,. good place for right
party. 292 Portland blvd., St Johns car
to Arbor Lodge sta.
WANTED Responsible lady to canvass
Staple article;- permanent . position;
also agency If desired. i-674, Jotirna.1.
WANTED -Competent girl for general
housework. 2 In family, highest wages.
rnone A-4&tit.
WANTED Young ladies to learn fancy
dancing at the Chlcaeo school of -apt..
Ing, 3434 Yamhill, room 16.
WOMA.N or young girl desiring good
' home: little work, small wattes, nleas-
smaii wages, niei
Call 155 16th- st.
n. u , . .-n . , n 1 ( .--,.11 1 cr. 1 1? . u ' -.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower
with boy 5. 'girl 2; Scandinavian pre
ferred. 861 Harvard St.. Portsmouth, '
WAITED Girls to work in shooting
: gallery, APPly cor. 4th and Couch
sts. $10 a w-eek anil up. ,-
W ANTED Experlenced--operatere en
shirts and overalls; also learners; paid
while-learning. Apply 75 1st st.
EXPERIENCED pressers on ladies' gar
mcnts. Vienna Steam Dye Works,
i.t,n flu,
WANTED Experienced chocolate dlp
pers and t)ackeTS. Aldon Candy Co.,
12th and Gllsan.
GIRL or elderly lady to keep house for
elderly couple. Address 1)0 153,
Troutdale. Or. ' - "
GIRL or woman to do light housework
small family. -Apply mornings, 737
E. Madison st. Phone East 136.
GIRLS wanted to work in puper box
factory, steady employment. Aooly
Fw C. Stettler, 10th and Gllsan.'
IMMEDIATELY Ladles and gentle
men to travel; $75 month; city $2.50
day. Call room 249 Holladay ave.
WANTED A young girl over 16 to take
care or two cnuaren. can 114 N.
15th. 8 ear. - - - - - ?
YOUNG girl to make, hair, rolls. 428
f. nth h.. ' "- - -' - ..''-..
GIRLS to sew hats. Apply Lowengart
Co., 92 Front st -
WANTED Waitress at Swetland's 269
Morrison st.
CARPENTER work wanted xt every de
scription; Jobbing, remodeling, repair
ing a specialty. . Cummlngs & Catlln, 371
First t. Marshall 2327. : i
BOOKKEEPER, cokst lumber expert
- ence, wants posltfon Immediately; good
habits; best of., references; salary ,rea.
sonapie. c-tiss, journal.
Superintendent bridge construe-
tlon, ' all lines; can ! handle heavy
work; best of references.- C-6S0, Jour-
nal. -; - ' -. -'
UVANTED Position as chauffeur, for
(.:,.. p , .. . , . . i
driver, experienced on repair work, M'
682.- 'Journal. ' ": . v-.-.
PIANIST desires-position fn orchestra
or theatre; references. Address Musio
Teacher,-box t -'Junction City, Or.
HXI'KRT acountant wants set small
books to keep;', books opened, closed,
balanc-id. Q-6"fi Journal
WANTED Work; collecting jr sollclt-
lnc: every dav after 6 n. m. Address
736 Bl Salmon st - -
CARPENTER, competent to take charge
rot -resiuvnce Dunning, wants work.
D-680, Journal. -
EXPERIENCED young man wishes po
-sltlon as motion picture operator. , G:
W. Curtis, St. Johns, Or.,
EXPERIENCED gardener,- German.
i wants steady position, beatvrefersnces.'
B-6S1, Journal. : -'- ,
new 6r re
pair work, day or contract'-
CHAUFFEUR desires position, Private
family preferred. G-687. Journal. ,
CARPENTER work, any kind, day or
- ' Contract Phone 'Marshall 2$27, --'
S..4 A H-'.l Ud.iJ ,iklJ
KJaPLOXE. MAIN r,665. A-6624.
temperate, wants position as Janitor
xl Te-erkr ln- npartment house or hotel.
JeJ??J ai'I'XJij.XllQtiuxy or trautlon. steam-WBilsitnneTTi-BKt.
journal, : - :
A CAPABLE, middle aged lady -wishes
a situation as housekeeper for sin
gle gentleman or widower, or care for
house during , owner's absence; . Ad
dross Mrs. H7, 404 N. 19th st. citv.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper, with irlrt
or 11, wishes place In widower's fam
ily, city or small town out. Call or Hd
dres. MW. H., ; Hornback, 493 E. 32d
FIRST class'" lady cook wishes gentiet
man partner in restaurant or deli
Rtet"n' ?est of clt references. &
puRING""the summer months' only will
BOo. D-689, Journal, .
JIyiPX h,r KOod Plaln cook. iA'cityT
. Call 893 E. Yamhlll.Phone B-1330,
WOULD like small- bundle' swashing.'
Please call 37i Taylor st. basement
THE ( .VIENNA LADIES' tailor : Will
- make your suits at low ratts to Intro,
duce work, or will teach your cutting or
fitting and to make your own suits.
Call at the Westminster, cor. Sixth and
Madison streets. Main . 5682.
FANCY gowns, plain sewing neatly
,ii0na'.teratln' lingeries dry cleaned.
Main 7016. ., . .:.. ,
FAMILY sewing.ohildren's work a spe
. clalty, Phone East 6465, room 63.
A FURNISHED room, all modern im
provements, hot water all the -time.;
Tfce Chetopa, 18th ana Flanders, Apt 4.
A-6146. ' ?-',.." .".,;'.'. ".
FOR RENT Two tiiceiy ,viumialiea
rooms In private family; atrictly
modern; central; gentlemen only. 663
Mfui st. Phone Main 2380.' . - - , "
FURNISHED rooms with or without
; board; $6 per week, both phone 254
12th' 'St-- .' '
GOOD, light airy rooms, close In; very
.cheap; pay either day,, week, month.
268 y Front st.
Free phone and bath. Main 77(4.
rooms ;
THE Colonial rooming house, 165 10th V
bu, cor. Morrison: rooms rrom 7 60 to
12 per day; $8 to $6.80 per week.
U'jMlil TEMPLE, 3434 Yamhill st, oppo-
site Hotel Portland, furnished rooms; ...
rates reasonable; transient -
FINE single-room; hot and cold water:
7 blocks postoffice; $2.60 week. Ill
LARGE front room, furnished, hot and
cold water: suitable for two.
196 N.
17th st Main 8202.
SlCELY furnished sleeping room for
' one or twomen' electric lights and
bath. 61 1H Columbia. -
SPLENDID front roomsi one suitable for
- 2; balcony, 6 minutes from postoffice.
all convenient 302 Park. "
BEAUTIFUL furnished for 1 or 2 per
sons. ., 448 .11th st, between Jackson
and College.. , - ...
LAKjE furnished front room on First,
second floor. On S, car line,, aouth. -210
Mead. A-4S78. .
FRONT room, suitable for 2 gentlemen,
at 188 N. 16th. Phone A-4996, -
T.O RENT Modern furnished rooms,
use -of parlor. Call 635 E. Main. .
NEW, clean rooms; terms reasonable.
684 Gllsan. Phone Marshall 1616.
. . ,. EAST SIDE 53
GENTLEMEN Furnished - rooms wltn
or -without board; 680 E. Salmon, cor
ner 14th; walking distance.
NICELY ' furnished room, bath, $2.50
per week, near Steel bridge. . 350 Ben.
ton st
$12 3 unfurnished Iiopsekeeplngr rooms:
bath. pantries, suitable for man and
wife. Inquire 610 Columbia st.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms"
410 Jefferson. Phone Marshall 2143.
A-GENTLEMAN and two sister would
like rooms and board in private fam
ily or small place. Must be close in,
anil modern. -All permanently employed
and etrlctlv- refined. References ex
Changed. M-684, Journal.
WANTED Board bv the month for 2
year old boy. Phone Main 7371 after
6 p. m.i ask for Mrs. Wheeler.
A DOWNSTAIRS front room and home
board for two tpersons, well located.
51 N. 9th. '
GOOD home loooitlng,-loe In; reason
able prices. Main 8822. - 262 7th.
WANTED, permanently, V suite of
three or rive living rooms. No chll-
dren, dogs -or pets. Must be close in,
modern, and reasonable. References ex
changed If necessary. M-685, Journal.
HOTEL FOSTER Portland's newest
medium priced fireproof hotel; - 190
rooms; -steam heat, hot and cold run-
nlng water In eevry room; rates' 75 J
and $1; full half block; 247-250 Davis
st, 2d t& 8d.- j- ' . - . ...
HOT tCL PORTLAND European plan
' only: $3, $5 day. ' ' -
VALLAMONT Furnished . rooms for.
rent 376 Yamhill.
BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder.
- '. WFST SIDE -- ' '
pNEONTA", apartments. 187 17th near
Yamhill (Take W car at depot). 3,
f arid - 4 room furnished suites. : Hot
and cold. Phones and baths free. $20
per month. $1 per week and uo. Mala
4697. A-4789. . week, large clean furnished house
keeping rooms; laundry, bath, gas,
clean linen. 184 Sherman, Eoutlu'Port
land." : ' :. ;
NICE roQinsi fln wcatlon, one block" to
Washington; bathi and phone; reason
able;, light housekeeping if desired. 661
Everftt sO . . i i I I . '.-is.
FURNISHED liousekeeplng rooms, . 11
mt 7th st.,4 between Ash and AnJkeny.
Phone East 3605.1 1 . :.H
TWO pleasantly; located ' housekeeping
rooms M-alklng distance. m9 Jackson
St.,' bet. 5th and 6th. " ,
FURNISHED hwsekueplii g rooms, 3, i;
5 suite, - modern -conveniences, $1.60
each weekly. Phone Main 6426, ' - -
THE COLONS Furnished housekeep-.
ing rooms with all conveniences. $10
and ui. tC"ntral location. 603 Alder st
TWO or three ickan, airy . rooms, , for
" housekeeping. 1 248 Mi) St., apartment
24. -, Hot water, nhone, -' ' ' .
l TWO neatly furnished rooms for house-.
j- -keeping, reasonable. 401 1st st, flat B,,
313 14tht corner Clay, large, light 1 and
2 room: housekeeping suites.
TWO nice housekeeping rooms-In base,
ent. - 474 Clav. Walking distance.
nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. - 2W6 Cook ave., near Williams. '
gas; moderate. 7th & Flanders. A-4o7
11 1 : eastisip:
$2 per weeks Clean, furnished housekeer
Ing; rooms; laundry, bath, heat, yard,
phone, .clean llpen, ' 406 -Vncouver ave.
FOUR ' furnished . housekeeping rooms
with gas and bath, 660 E. Morrison.
1 .. - ( t . . -i I-
! :!!- v l . ' V-.' V V
. - - - ' - - f ; I