ID CnZGOIJ DAILY JQuT.IIAL. PORTLAND SATURDAY july i:, i'ill ay; hies v.... WMWB mum V J V J i ! t M 1 .Hi LOCAL TOMATOES WALLA VALLA HAS TO ARRIVE HERE IN SPUDS OFFER : A LARGER SUPPLY ON: FRONT STREET Prices Are Dropping but Some Extra Select Goods Go as High as $1.50 Uniform ' Pack Sells Best.' Local tomatoes are beginning, to come ; to market In a steady stream. Supplies have multiplied within "the past 24 hours and. during the , coming week the market Is expected to become loaded with offerings Jfrom home .plac es. ' , V,,-' v j. ;,, Already there Is a tendency to slight the' stock from California for not only Is the local tomato fresher but sizes : are generally better than the stock from the south. Some from The Dalles-are especially fancy and naturally these and some from White Salmon are taking the lead In price and demand. Some from Wil-I l.imette valley points are within a frac tion of: the top but even these would ell higher were trie pacn uniform. Because of the large offerings of to matoes from all sections due in this market during the coming week, the trade expects a further radical reduc tlon in values. Best are today selling at $1.50 a box but some of the California stuff is down as low as 61. Scarcity , of Local Offerings, . Due to Press of Farmwork, : i Causes Importations From the Interior. ' Drop Lard Values. Lard values ar. down Vic a Bound to day for all grades In the local market This 4s due to the greater .amount of . heavy hogs offering. According to pack ers, the market is about at the bottom, - however.- - Hams and light bacon ara firm, with no price changes today. Fancy Cherries Are Higher. Selected Lambert cherrlest packed bet ter than the a vera re. are finding a very heavy demand today' and sales are be- i ing maocr as nigh as 16c a pound. , . - Ashland Blackberries Coming. , Some extra fancsMSlaekberrles snlved from Ashland this morning and found a demand around 11.1601.25 a cwte per 15 boxes. Blackberry supplies albng the street are pniy lair wun prices firm. iJnseed Oil Higher. V An, advance of 8c a gallon Is shown In the price of Unseed oil here today, a new card issued by, the Portland Xinseed Oil works. The --advance is due to poor crop conditions. , Egg Market Steady. Eggs are quoted - steady today by Front street Interests and extra fine candled stock is quoted at 27o. ' Re ceipts are quite fair. The percentage ef poor quality Is, still heavy. t FRONT STREET QlfOTATlbNS HODS. HOPS 1809 Wool and Sides. prima to choice. medium,, 14c; 1910 lie; con' prime. 12c: tracts. i3c. WOOL Nominal. 1910. Willamette valley. lfl20e: eastern Oregon. 1S017& SHEEPSKINS Shearing. - 1025c each: short wool. 25fi)60c: . medium wool, 60cll " each; jlong wool,. 75c, : y TALLOW Prime, per lb., l4o No. I and grease, 22Uc, CHITTIM BARK 190 Nominal ic: 1910. m5e. . HIDES Dry hides. 164 17 Ho lb.! green, 7 8c; bulls, green, salt, 6e lb.; kips, 8010c; calves, green, 1316o per . 10. .: MOHAIR Nominal; 1910. 80JJ22O. ' ' BUTTER Extra creamery. 31c; store, BUTTER FAT P. o. b. Portland, per poutidrj Sweet cream, 29 He; sour, 27Hc; POULTRYr-Mixed chickens, 18 18c heps. 1920o; v stags, 14c broil- ers, 2123c; fryera, 2022cgeese, old, llllc; young, 1314C; for live; ducks, young, 15016c; old, 1 Be; turkeys, alive, - 20j21e; dressed. ( ) ; pigeons, . squabs, 12.60 dozen; dressed chickens, l2e a pound higher than alive. EGGS Local No. 1, 27c; No. 2, 26e; tat mark, 2025c; eastern, 26c CHEESE New Oregon fancy ' full cream. 17c; triplets and daisies, 17 17 c; Young Americas. 1818Hc. v . Grain, rlonr and tt WHEAT r- Nominal Track, club, f 2c; bluestem, 87c; Willamette valley, BARLEY - Producers price ltOS - ft&J&i&PP-ff!'- brewing, $24. , "uie. cracaea, S7 ton. ,A Y'f reducers' price New timothy. Willamette valley, fancy. I2021; ordl rary us- eastern Oregon, I223: mixed, lB-0; eloverv No. 1, $15.60 1; 111 V 8 9 ' - "m 9 1 8 ' al"lf ' FLOUR New crop, patents, $5.18; Willamette $5.30 per barrel: local straight, $4.05 4.95; bakers. $4.9505.15; export grades, $4.06; gmham. sack. $4 80; rye. $5.75: bales? $3.16. MILLSTUKFS Selling price, car lots Bran, $20: middlings, $2S; shorts. $21; chop. $19(3)25.' OATS Spot delivery, new. producers price Track No. 1 white, $27; gray, rmlts and Vegetables. FRESH FRUlTS--Orangea Valen cia $3.604.25 box; bananas, SUe lb ; It mons. $6.00 8.00 box: rraoe fruit. 13.80; pineapples. $2.E04.00 doz.; can taloupes, $4.60; peaches, 40900 plums, 6076c; cherries, 68e; Lamberts, 12c; watermelons, 2!4c; grapes, $2.50. , - - BERRIES Loganberries, $1.151.JK; blackcaps. $1.35 160; rsspberrles, $1.80 Potat6es from Walla Walla are of fering today on Front street. Supplies front that section are al most a novelty in the local trade but they have been offered several times in' late years.'' ""-""'".-'v'' '. :.'.;. Importation' of notatoes from mitnlde oints has again Wen found necessary y the commission merchants. Because of the excellence of the potatoes grown in the Walla Walla country, one of the local trade decided to get a carload from there and today's arrival was the result. Potatoes are not being brought here from the outside because of any short age in the local crop. Local potato crop is exnected to be the heaviest in many years. Farmers are so busy at tnis time - that they do not have the time to dig and therefore are not haul ing to market.'s-': t On Front street best potatoes are bringing fronT$1.25 to $1.50 per hun dred pounds. This is an unusually high value for this period of the year. PRICE OF PRODUCE AT SAN FRANCISCO (United Press Leaaed Wire.) San Francisco, July 16. Wheat Australian,- $1.65l.$7tt; Sonora, $1.50 1.70; good to choice .California club, $1.62H1.35; northern wheat, bluestem, $1.5341.7H: club. $1.66; Turkey. $1.661.57H; Russian red. $1.62H. Barley, feed Good to choice, $1.02H 1.05; fancy, $1.07H; poor to fair, 96o Cx S 1 00" nnr ahlnntn. 1 n71Z1 in. old brewing, '$1.10; CheValier, nominal! fgso auiurnia iresn, including cases: Extras, 29 He; firsts, 27c; sec onds, 23c; thirds, 20c. , .Butter California fresh: Extras, 29c; firsts, 28Hc; seconds, 27c. 'wNew cheese California flats: Fancy, 14Wc; firsts, IS c; seconds. 12Vtc. California Youhg America: Fancy 16c; firsts, 16c. Potatoes New river whites, choice, per box, 6075e; vextras, 7685c; choice. 90c$l.00. . Onions Red, per' sack. $1.752.00; yellow, per cental, $1.J5 1.80; silver skin, $1.902.00. - Oranges, pat box Choice, $1.602.50r extra choice, $2.603.25; Valencias, choice, $2.00 2.60; fancy, $3.004.00, 1.25: beets, $1.0091.25; carrots, $1.00 1.26 sack; cabbage, $1.802 per cwt: tomatoea, California, $1 1.26;--locah $1.261.60; beans. 2$c lb.: horseradish ISSMic; green onions, 1520c per dozen; peppers, bell, 10HJc per lb,;- head lettuce, 16 20c per dozen: hothouse, 76c box; radishes, 1012e dozen bunches; celery, 76 86o dozen: egg plant. lb.; cucumbers, local, 60o uozen; vaiuornia, 3U(ftO0C per box; as ihub wji oOC oozen; peas. c. APPLES New, $1.50 2.50. Qrooeries, Huts. Etc SUGAR Cubei $8.65: oowdered ti.iR 'rult r berry, 6.t6; dry granulated. $8.26r conf. A, 8.05; extra B, $5.65; fa nV. v ,ao "uow o-66; oeet. .vu, uniiciB. ion; nan Darren, aoc boxes. 56c advance on sack basis. (A Dove quotatloiaa are 80 days net v.aii uuuiaiions. , jttic imperial Japan No. 1, FIBH1IG' , - rgies an Some Believe 10c Additional Will Be Paid for Grain Ex- ' port Flour Moving Up in Re sponse to New Condition. ' : . . northwest Crop Weather. , Portland and vicinity Fair to night and Sunday. Northwester ly winds, ... ,; -! Oregon and Washington Fair tonight and Sunday; northwest erly winds. i - Idaho Fair tonight and' Sun day. V I5S Pincus of Tacoma Claims 597,- ' 900 Bales Is Total as Com pared With 1,168,800 Year Ago Little Trade Here. ; Messrs. Isaac Pincus & Sons of Ta coma have issued a statistical card giv ing the hop crops of the various sec tions, as iouows: , Farmers Getting Excited. - Wheat growers are, getting excited because of the sharp advance recently in Chicago and European prices. These have had an effect upon local condi tions and some of the smaller millers have been forced into the market. Very little wheat is now for sale at any price and one report from the in terior says that farmers there expect an advance of 10c a bushel soon, One lot of wheat was sold in the Palouse vesterday at 69c for club and 76c for bluestem. Practically no price Is available locally at the moment although nominal quotations are 82c for club and 87c or bluestem. . , -With, the advancing price on wheat, there was a further rise of 20c a bar rel In the price of export flour late yes terday afternoon. This put the quota tion to $4 a barrel. At the former price, $3.80, quite a lot of flour was recently nurchased by both Chinese, and Japanese interests. Local patents are firmer. While no change is shown today the market re flects ,the improved tone in wheat and If the latter continues to climb, It is a mere matter of a short time before flour will h forced to follow. So say leading millers. CHICAGO WHEAT HITS A NEW HIGH RECORD No. 2, 6 He; New Orleans head. $' Creole. 6 Me. i.ALTCoarM Half ground 100s, per , ton; 60s, $11.00; table dairy, 60s.. $18.00: 100s. $17.00; bales. $2.26 fjra rine barrels, 2s. 6s and 10s. $4.00 iy,, mmp rocn, 2v.ou per ton. BEANS Small, white. 6t4c: .large, white, 4c; nlnk. 1218Hc; bayou! eu, i.i man, to. bo; reas, x.zo. HONEY New, 13 He per lb. Meats. rih and Frovlaloaa. " DRESSED Front nfraat hum ";.?r"nry 1212Hc; veala extra! i i c; ordinary, 10Hllc; spring lambs, Hl2c; yearling lambs. 10c; mutton. c ' HAMS. BACON. : ETC. Hum ia4 22c, breakfast bacon, 2030c; boiled . l""c picnics, ibc; cottage roll. I" ): reaulnr ahnrt rlaan t,nl 18 c; backs, smoked, lS'ic; pickled ton cues. 4 0c lb. , TURPENTINE In cases. 76c; bar rels. 9c per gallon. : LAKD Kettle leaf. 5s. 1794c per lb.; imuofra, o. i'o per id.; com pound. 6s. 13 Wc per lb. uxamiKSstioal water bay, per gil o; ui Ion. $2.26. per 100 lb. sack per gallon. $2.75 per 100 lb. sack, $T i.bu, i;miea easiern, ooo can; eastern In shell. $1.65 per 100. lympltt. 3.50 doz.; OS) 1. SO. per crate of 24 hni' hinoVhai-. rle. $2.00(&i2.25. . l 1 -POTATOES New, $1.251.60. ' ,1 JP.S Cafornia. $2.25.50; gar lie. T5?10c per lb. , i : VEGETABLES New turnios, $1.00 Say! Where's That Pig? - If there is a pig left in any corner of. the Norcuwcst we want It. We want as much-dressed pork as we ran possibly get. W will pay at follows for produca We never take off commission. . Sh!p by express- Dressed pork Pressed Veal ;-si ti JTesa JJygs LIts Cilckeni Hans. SpriajT Caiokeaao, rr.-, ..itr;rioe .96c .....13c . . .... .80 ' ; AJtlrsa nil shipments ymwrarirskt Tlffhtkg the Beef Trust." . . Portland, Oregon, FISH Nominal TtnoV r-nA 1 n flounders, 65; halibut, 9c; striped' baas, 16c; catfish. 10lle;. fresh chl- nooK, iiBiic id.; DiueDacK, iiizc lb. soles, 7c; shrlmDS. 11c: cerch. 7e tomcod, ( ); lobsters, 26c; herrings, c; black bass, 20c lb.; sturgeon, 13c per. lb.; silver smelts,. 7e lb.; black cod. 7Hc; crabs (out of season) -dressed na, oc; roe enaa, c; shad roe, 20c lb. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, 4c lb.; miur clams ou(. or-season;. Faints, Coal OIL Eto. LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls.. 92c; cases hi;., uuiitru. uuik.. 4c: ruAi. hui' nr rullnn Inti nf 9KA nllnm i lu,. 6til cake meal (none in m&rkn' ' . S.iiin. ss aegrees, cases, lio er '., iiwu vviB., per gau wriiiiy LJeiAi Ton lots. 74te cer 600lb. ...loU. So cerlb.1. .less lota. e per lb. . li-r js Manila 8c: sisa!. TUn. COAL OIL Pearl, astral and stair. 18c per gallon; eocene. 21o gallon; dlalne, 28c gallon; headlight. 19i4o galloi; ex Kw -tarA 21c RUon: ater whitejbulk, llH15Hc per -allon; special Water white. 15c gallon. I ' .-9A?0LIVE-"R"' crown and motor, 18(&i26c gallon; 80 gasoline, 037Hc ga Ion; V. M. & P. naphtha, 1622c gallon. i . , i . F i ''ti.rf: : 1 NORTHWEST BASTK STATEMEyT" !portland kaakL I! ' I Clearings today . .'. i ...... $1,716,159.74 Year ago 1,158,242.60 Oain todav . Balances today .... Year ago $ 659,'917.14 $ 163,311.63 15p87.95 Beattla Banks. ' " . Clearing , today . i'.'iurr-,l',iM686-.0 Balances today ....,.,.; - 182H96.00 Incoma Xanka. Clearings today $ Balances today ... , Clearlnns Balances today -Spokane- Banks. - today v , . j . .-. , . , ,$ 870,393.00 85,362.00 787.304.00 49,515.00 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET iiihJZZ Mar, I July I Sent Cut. I Nov. Dec. ( Furnished by Overbeck- & Cooke Co.) New York. July 16. Cotton range: , Open, High.' Low. Close.' f ! .1264 '!!;; lhmuii ...1650 1 653 3C38 1639140 ...1D2 1540 1520 1533I&1584 ...lS&O 1S71 1360 1366137 1.1284 1 2sfl 1282 12871288 ,1274461273 20301270 'Chicago, July 16. This was the most remarkable day of the week for the wheat trade and all records were broken for high prices. -The -market - began with a break of 1 cent or more, due to profit taking sales because of weak spots. .Some showers were reported in Russia and a little pretense of rain at some points in Canadian provinces. , The weak-turn in the market am not last long, as bull leaders who had sold out on the late advance yesterday were quick to buy again on the break. Com mission houses had a liberal volume of i rating oraers wnicn tooK care of most pf the' wheat thrown on the market Just after the opening. It soon became evident that the strong tone had not aeeenea me iraae. The market was at once Influenced by a sharp upturn In price in all northwest markets. as occurred on previous days of the ween, mis marKet was quick to follow, ininicing mat tne trade at Winnipeg and Minneapolis was in close touch with the crop situation. There was some indi cation that the public is getting into Oregon , : ... Wash. .... Cal. ...... New York. Germany . France Austria ... Belgium ... Russia ' . . . England Others , 1909. 83,600 18,800 70,000 45,000 T2.000 .. 16.800 .. 99,300 17,600 ., 86,800 ..129,900 . . 10.000 - Bales -1908. ; 67,000 40,000 318.000 47,600 190,800 46.300 . 44,600 284.900 20,000 1907. 1186,000 35,000 91,000 45.000 284,600 61,500 198,700 , 33,300 48,400 226,400 ' 20,000 Totals ...697,900 1,168.800 1,164,800 There Is very little doing in the hop market at present, although an occa sional sale is reported from 11c to 12c, and once in a while a fraction higher. There is some talk Of offering 18 o for something extra select, but growers of these seem to be holding back for more money. According to dealers the crop is not nearly as good as it was a month or six weeks ago. Little business Is reported in other hop markets. MoraiW' - OF MUCH MSI WEEK END SALES OIIWSPEUE 1 MURIUM One Transaction at $5.90 Is the Top Trade in Sheep Is Slow Nominal Runol Cat : .tie and No Hogs Arrive. . PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. ; Hogs, Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Saturday Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday f ; Monday ... Week ago.. 41 258 105 361 683 .25 203 Ml . 167, 830 78 17 2 :'; 250 . 501 281 286 886 807 me trade more larawlv than he.fnr it was Just as clear that some of the peo pl,Lwh0, have b'n heJsng cash wheat wivu siuea ot juiy were m an uncom fortable position. St Louis sent messages claiming in lury to winter wheat in shocks. The trade had conflicting reports by cable in regard to the Russian crop condi tions. The substance of whole matter appears to be that each day of dry wenmor ana nign temperatures nortn west with much of the. spring crop in vnc iiuin, wuikb irtBn injury ana re duces the harvest promise. On this the ory. the bull operations were on a large vin There was an unexpected turn In the corn trade for the day. Because of ap parently fine conditions over tha oom belt, with additional rains east of the river, me market started with an easier tone and a dip to about 60c for Sep tember and, B9c for May. The selling on this dip was led b" a number of the largest individual traders In this mar ket. Commission people appear to have gooa -Buying oroers. There was only moderate advance in oats prices for the day. The market xeeis tne cnanges m wheat and corn Aside rrom some southwest reports or damage to oats in shocks and the adverse influence of the drv weather on the northwestern crop, the conditions are generally unravoraoie. The situation in the orovlalon trod is an unravoraoie one. The trade gen erally believe that the Backers ar .-- cepting Just such prices as are ordered ror tne casn product because the de mand is poor in. the south and from distributors generally. The lower the prices on ruture contracts, the poorer the support appears to be. September pork had a break of 30c and only 10c rally from low point Lard sold off 12 He same month. September ribs had a oreaic to iito witn a little rally on ism iraes. Ranae of Chicaao rjricea furnlshud hv uveroecK as iooxe i;o. July. Sept Dec. July Sept Dec. July pent Dec. July Sept July Sept Oct i , WHEAT. Open. High. Low. 108 105 107 108- 110 106W 108 H 10X.U 109 if CORN. 6014 69 S?t 8 4 OATS. 41 41 S 39 40W ,40 ' ; 1 ..2262: ..160 , .1162 ..1175 ..1162 PORK 2270 .2162 LARD. 1165 1175 1162 69U 69 601, 67M 41H 41H I n lit 2262 2140 1160 1165 1155 July Septv Oct .1197 ..1156 ..1102 -RIBS.- ,1200 1190 1157!"-1145 1102 ' 1092 Close, 109 A 107 109H 61 58 A 2570 B 2147 , 11C0' 1170 1167 , 1190 1150A 1070 Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool. July . 18. Wheat, closed . 4 to d lower. July, 7s 3 hii; October, 7s 4d; December, 7s6d. Corn, Sep tember, 4s 9d; October, A9. sH EEP WEAK TODAY T IN CHICAGO YARDS .i:c5 i27i WoagoulyJSHogsjoo.oJ ovr, 4000; market unchanged. Miied. $8.f0ffiS.06: heavy. $g.508.85: ronirh $8.toS8.50; liaht. S8.75ffj)9.10. Cattle, S0I0: market utenAv Rhun "nnn. maw. JtBff. c1' July lHogs. $000; New York, July 16. Trading in the stock market today was dull and un interesting. Some week end covering of accounts caused' recessions in early trading, but later dullness became the feature and the close was steady. The bank statement was very favor able.; ...-',. The week closes with an absence of Intense pessimistic sentiment noted heretofore, but nevertheless there is little confidence in the stability of pre vailing security prices. The Pennsyl vania strike is perhaps the most serious. Outlook for cropa will probably have a distinct bearing oh the course of securities, and the tenor of the news emanating from the northwest, togeth er with tha from the corn belt is still such as to cause restraint on the part of financial interests. The. case "of money abroad "and the weakness of foreign exchange may have the effect of inducing gold Imports ear lier, than usual. Although call rates have , relatively eased, time rates have nevertheless displayed a hardenlnar ten dency and it seems to be the general im pression among banking Interests that the demand from the Interior will be very large this rail. Range of New York prices furnished ny uvernecK uooKe vo. Portland Union , Stockyards. North Portland.: Or., July 16.-rWhlle the sit uation in the sheen market cannot be said to have changed materially, the weeK end shows a sale of lambs at $5.90 that would have likely brought lOd more a few days ago. The market for sheep is merely holding Its , own and quite liberal arrivals coming forward this morning failed to find purchasers because. Saturday la a half holiday In the yards. Cattle receipts were but one car. these being steers, bulls and calves mixed. The steers averaged 1110 pounds for 16 head that went at $5.25. while six head that averaged 1001, sold at $5.40. No hogs arrlved,-during the 24 hours and. that branch of th'e livestock market is nominal. ? A - 1 Among the Shippers, J. E. Terton & Co.. had a ahlnment vi two ioaas oi sneep rrom Roseburg. J. S. Flint came forward with a sim ilar number from Junotion City. .r Frank Dlngea was another familiar shipper from Junction In the yards to day. He had a mixed load of catUe and calves. .. Swift Bros, had 81 head of horses In from Roosevelt, Wash. Today's run of livestock compares With this day in recent years as follows: nogs. Cattle. Sheep 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 42 ' 64 30 601 200 good Desoriptlon- OpenHigh Low Amal. Cop. Co. .. 68 Aln. Car & F. Co. 50 do pfd. . .- Am. Cot. Oil, c. ,69 Am. Loco., c. Am. Sugar, c Am. Smelt, c. ... 68 do pfd. 101H Anaconda M. Co. 37 Am. Woolen, c Atchison, c 99 do pfd E & O., c. , 109 dopfd. , Brook. Rap. Tran. 77 Cent Lea tier, a. do nfd. i Chi. & a. W.. c. C M. A St. P.. . . 122 cm. ft Norm., ca. .... COIO. ft 1., a. . 92 Colo. SO., C. ........ . do second pfd. . . . do first nfd... ... Corn Prod., c 14 an ttii D. & R. G., c. . . . 29 ao prd Erie, ...,-. 25 do second prd. I do first pfd ... I Ot. No., c 1124 111. Central 129 inter. Metrop.. c. 18 do pfd .. 61 Louis, ft Nash. .143 Mo.. K. ft T., c. 32 ao pfd I .... . Distillers I 28 Ore Lands Natl. Lead 69 N. Y. Central. . .114 N. Y.. O. & W..I Nor. ft W.. C....I 97 ao era No. American No. Pacific, c.118 P. M. S. S. Co. Pa. Railway ...1128 Q.. Li. ft C. CO Pd. Steel Car c. . do pfd. Reading, c . . . . . do 2d pfd. ... do 1st pfd. . . . Rock Island, c. L. & 8. V.. 2 p St. Lr. ft s. w., e. ao. era. s. p., c. Southern Ry c.. do. pid. T. A P. T. St. L. & W.. c. do. nfd. U. .P., c U". ! iMlU. . , . . TJ. 8. Rubber, c. do. f;pfd TJ. S. Steel Co., c. do. jpfd , Wabash, c. do. ( ntA. W. U!'fel. .... J 60 Wis. fluent.. A mr. Cons. . , do pfd ....... 69; l O j W.. pfd Nevada Cons. Westlnghouse. , ( 69 Beet a n ear .... .1. Utah Copper ... 41 Bra -avenue- v.-; . .1 to - i43' 31 I8. h'4 39 65 28 48'f 162 '36 if 68 60 69 68 101 37 '99 109 7 185 122 '73 32 14 29 25'" 124 129 18 61 143 32 28 58 60 69 68 101 87 '98 i09 77 185 122 73 31 14 29 24 123 129 17 50 143 32 '28 Bid 69! 68 114ft 114 97 118 1284 144 31 28V5 114 I 23 66 28 '48 163 86 97 117 i27 68 60 109 69 39 119 68 101 88 69 109 89 77 186 32 104 2S? Si- 96 142 93 87 30 74' 41 a; 67 118 iz 64 28 21 47 162 si 36 107 70 -70 l 70l 70 116hl6lll6H16 17 142 30 28 113 zz 64 28 48' 162 36" A year ago today there was a 'on, for, good stuff. Lamba sold at .d uunng ine aay. Sard's Official Prices Following are official transactions. They represent demand, supplies and quality offering:. . . , STEERS. , : : Avg. Wgt. Price. 15 steers , 1110 $5.25 6 'steer , 1001 v K.40 25 steers 1183 6.00 BULLS. 1 bull 1650 $4.00 I -hull , . , 1350 4.00 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 90 Sheep , , 99 $2.00 88 sheep 61 6.90 General range of livestock values as shown by actual sales: .. . , CATTLE Best Oregon steers. $5.60; ordinary steers, $5.256.40; 'best Cali fornia, $6 60; common steers, $4.00; cows, best, $4.264.65; fancy, $4.00; 1?&J12?' .1". $4.60(8)4.75; bulls! HOGS Best east of the mountains, lio.iiW 10.20; m fancy. $10.15; stockers SHEEPSheared. best vearlinff weth, ers. $4.00; qld , wethers. $3.00; spring lambs-, $5.90; ewes, $3.0008.60. yAL,v,a-tiesi.; ordinary, $5.60; puur, i.uuws.uu. STREH IMPROVEMENT Council May Extend Fire Limits 1o Cover Site of Burned Stables. ' UST BE LICEIJSEO An ordinance forbidding; the erection of frame stables is under consideration by Councilman Watkins. who is advo. eating that such a measure be passed immediately. His idea is to forestall any attempt to construct wooden shacks on tne sue of the , recent Exnosition building, and to further sure "more This Idea was taken urf the dv fol lowing the fire, andhrfa met the ' ap proval of the majority of the council- men, and also the' hearty support of Mayor Simon.- Such a measure aead- vocated by Councilman Watklns will also extend -the fire limits to Ewenty third street, along Washington street, which will prevent he erection of any cheaply constructed buildings On the site of the fire. newiouuaing ordinance extends the limits in which fireproof bulldines shall be erected, but this measure does not take effect until January 1,, 1911, uouncuman Beidlng has an ordinance extending the fire limits to the wharf. This measure is In the committee, and In view of the recent fire, the present has been, urged as a good time to get action on it. The fire limits,, on the west side of the river extend 100 feet east of Front street, leaving the water front open to any kind of ibulldlng. , . . i r 1 r I T i,- Somebody Had Hit Him. Wandering lalmlessly without hat or coat, and showing the marks of a fistic encounter, G. W. Parker, a guest at the Imperial hotel, was found last -night by Patrolman Nordstrom at tne corner of Nineteenth and Washington .streets. Parker could give no coherent account of his adventures of the night Nord strom took him to his hotel, Milk Depot License Not Suffi cient for Several Wagons That Deliver. In an opinion given out today by City Attorney Grant. It is held that all wagons delivering milk from milk de pots must have a milk license. The li cense for the depot is not sufficient for the several wagons. , This has been a point in question among the milk men and pity Health Officer Wheeler, and all such dealers have been Instructed to comply In this respect with the ordi nance, i , ( , , Deputies from the health and police departments have been instructed to ar rest all drivers of such wagons that nave not IlceiSses next weekv Many de pot dealers have signified -their willing ness to comply with the provision, and no trouble' Is expected. v; In reference to all dairymen who have not had their nerds tested for tuberou- losis, their supply of milk to- the city is being shut, of. , Two shut off last week-quickly sent for Inspectors and naa tneir neras examined, -r . " The better quality of milk supplied to Portland , Is ; very noticeable. Pre vious to the omvemerrt for better milk. dairies Were in a filthy condition,' milk was colored and watered, and the gen eral sanitary conditions throughout the handling of milk were sufficient to con demn the use of the product With the rigid, ordinance, and "'the enforcement of the same, Portland is today receiving a grade of milk equal to any produced in tne country. , ," ill .l i i wmammmm . I, Wirelesg Messages. V ; S. S. Asuncion, July 14. Off Cape Arago, s p. m. Barometer 29.98; tem perature, dry 61,' wet 68. Northwest wind and small northwest sea; fine weather. . GEO. E. BRIDGETT. BIDS ARE ACCEPTED Bids were accepted yesterday by the executive board for the improvement of four streets. Other bids aggregating $60,000 were referred to the street com mittee. The bids let are streets upon which Improvement Is wanted to be maoe immediately. The improvement of Kerbv. between Prescott and Ainsworth streets, was let to the Oregon Hassam Paving company ior ,. improvements on Fast Twenty-seventh and several cross streets were let to the Warren Con struction company for $70,014. East lenth, between . Halsey and Thompson streets, Is to be improved by the Ore gon Hassam Paving company, and their bid was for $14,744. On East Ninth, be tween Thompson and Halsey streets, the improvement waa let to the Oregon Has sam paving company at a bid of $14,-263. The- largest improvement considered was that of East ' Sixtieth and other streets-. The Pacific Bridge comnanv bid $116,633, while' the Warren Con struction company 'offered a bid of $114,697. " F0IER1 EIULO REMARRY VIOLINIST lee Securities Cons. Gas' ..,.. Big Four ....... Railway Spring - do nfd . . . . . . Va. ChemlcftrVr do pfd ...... K. City Souths Wheel. It. Erie , , Total sales 186 23 134 28" 61; 69 60 C?" 69 42" lflh 23 I t2 134fl33 69 ii 10 .69 28" 69 27 ,100 shares, 48 S 68 46 17 rs'i 82 41 9 23 133 .,1 62 31 95 69 117 27 SO. OMAHA HOGS ARE 5 TO 10 CENTS LOWER .-' i South Omaha, Neb., Jufly 18.-H-Cattle Receipts, none. Steeri. 17 on. cows and heifers, $5.00$ 00. r HogsReceipts,- 6400; fnarketl 610c lower; bulk of sales, $8.2y8 60 I 1 Sheep Recelnts.. $4 605 00;wethere, $3 60U8 90: lambs. "Jack" Rigo, violinist, who ia olavlni with his 'orchestra In a downtown cafe, did not receive with delight, today the news that Clara Ward, also Prinr Chimay, the musician's former wife, has orougnt suit against Pepplno Riccardi, whom Rlgo describes as "the servant in we nouse," ror divorce. Rlgo said today that he has received several letters a.r& a cablegram , from the princess, who would like to marry him again. He said she cabled him that she has applied for a divorce and wants td come to America and marry him. Rlgo says he fears she will come anyway) and the prospect does not par ticularly appeal to him. He says he Is married to the divorced wife of Casper Emerson,' Philadelphia artisj, and does not harbor any special regard for his former helpmate. .,v w Rlgo says Clara Ward waa too giddy a wife for him. . Bcank Nbtice Security Savings and Trust Company ' 1 Corbctt Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capita) afld Surplus, $900,000 ..' Invites Accounts of . . Merchants, Individuals and Savings First Natidnal Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus $750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains Doily River Readings." 6:00 a. re. 120 medidlan time. STATIONS. Lewlston , Rlparia ... , Umattlla ., Harrlsburg Aiuany Salem J 24 30 ;26 20 20 tr 16 s?2 4 So P1 1,2 2.7 10.8 1.6 I3 0.8 01 0.1 0.1 wi)ii)Tif8i mm, Oldest Bank on the Pacific Coast Capital fully paid , . $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits $600,000.00 OFFICERS: W. M. Ladd, Ptesldent. Edward Cookingham,Vice-Pres. W. H. Dunckley,. Cashier. R. S. Howard Jr., Asst. Cashier. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Asst Cashier. Interest paid on time deposits and savings accounts. Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and individ uals solicited. Travelers' checks . for sale and drafts issued available in all countries of Europe, :':'. v. . r e Overbeck & Cooke Co '.''I V'.' y"' '' ;r ' Commission Merchants . j . Stocks, Bonds Cotton, Grain, tite. . 216-217 . Eoard of Trade Buildlns lfmbers Chleaee ftnarA nf 1nn 4xorsponBnis'erxegfrTrra8rr -' Cbioago, New Tsra, Uottoa, '- -''r',, v'- .,! We have the only private wire onoectln Portland wlta the f eastera 'eiehangea . : For -. STRENGTH, . WEARING PROPElRTIES And all other require ments that go to make up an, ideal pavement uui ivaccp, none. $6.60(7.00; WilsnnvJUe Portland , , .76 1&3.65. .2