JfT r-" T , .y. T t ... ? ' -Y T1 - - ' T T " JULY r, i:r;. r.rriKO r. :j.;t eiph . Wr-I Tj furnished hoiis''i.pppin.? rooma; ' $g n-imth; 3 for $13; furnished cot-trc'e- Juraa rooms, $-'0; lower flat, 4 room's, J 1(5. 864 26th, North (west Ride river). W car trom depot, Bth or Mor- rtf-on to Zfitn; mors norm rlNEONTA" npartmenta, 187 17th near . Yamhill, (uana w car m ucyuw. -. und 4 room furnished aultea. Hot and cold. Phones and batha free. 829 per month. 35 per -week and up. Mala 497.A-4739. - - HOUSEKEEPING R005IS EAST SIDE 48 FOR RENT Private s family, 4 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, large veranda and yard. 615 E. 74th st N., .Montavllla. 2 ROOMS Completely furnished, house - keeping; walking distance. Call 147 B. 20th. Phone East 6901. "' '-, ' TWO nicely, furnished housekeeping rooms; gas. Datn.pnone. ivm um field ave.- Phone Woodlawn 1909. JMICKLY furnished housekeeping apartments- ,301 Halsey at Phone East $2 per week; clean, rurnlshed houseKbep ' lng rooms; laundry, bath, heat, yard, phone, clean linen. 406 Varffcouver ave. FOR RENT HOUSES . 12 WHEN you move youH neta now fur niture. Buy Judiciously and your savings will exceed moving expense Our NO-RENT PRICES made" us ons of . the largest furniture house In th cltyla lesa than two years. Lookers shown urn courtesy as buy MORGAN-AicHLBY FXTRNITURB CO, tfrand ave., eor. E. Stark st, Bant Ankeny and Russell-Shaver - Cart ; ,., pass our door. - . WB WILL BUILD- YOU A HOME "AND PROVIDE TUB LOT IN ONE OF THE BEST RESIDENCE DIS TRICT8 ON THE T5AST SIDE. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN - AND THE BAL ANCE LIKE RENT. FOR FULL PAR- CLEAN modern 9 room, house, unfur- 1 nishedj yaro, rruit vegetaoies, quiet, sightly neighborhood, near 'In;., occu pants 4 rooms will remain If. agreeable. t)o i"Toni M. Bfjo. FIVE) room house, large yard, Reser- voir Park.-Call "tbor 1922 or 4722. 67th Bt S. E.- Take Mt Scott .car, get off at Kerns am, go norm FOR RENT $15 per month, modern new house, 7 rooms, closets and yard, water Included. , 815 E. 74th Bt N., ftlon- tavlll. -.-'..,'..'." :' ..- ' HOUSE 605 Harrison Bt, west Bide. EL H. Cahalin, room 327 Chamber of Com ; rnerce. -- - - merce. sou wui tana it room rooming nouse, easy terms; good lease, from owner. Main 4155. . , - PHEE rent In' Greerory Heights. ... Ores- ory Investment Co. End of Rose City farn car nne. FOR RENT Convenient cottage, five large rooms, hard finished. C51 4th Ei. tjaii 2 to anernoons. MODERN i room house, big yard,-fruit trees; wilt sell or rent Corner E 44th arid Main st. - " "SEVEN room-house, large basement and yard in good condition, $11.50 per montn?-- 3 jwoouer. NEW modern six room, house. 772 Sec- r ond; apply next house, 229 Grover et, blk. to car. - - COTTAGES, tenement . house, rooms, , from 4-30. Cheap rent 795 First, cor. Glbbs. . - v .FIVE room cottage on carllne at Mon- tavllla, $11. Tabor BT4. - $10r6 room cottag, good condition and locrttlon.. Main 8686 or 1X4 8d at HOUSES FOR RENT. - FURNITURE FOR SALE ' 82 0 ROOMS, housekeeping, good furniture, west 8iae, rent fsoy. price 37 cash. nti , journal. - t SEVEN room furnished house for sale; Close in;-iuu. Main voio. Si otn St. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 I'TRNISHED cottage, $20; lower' room . ziat sis montn; . two nouseKeeping : rooms, $10 month; west side river. Ap ply 264 'N. 26th. - W car from depot tnrtn or Morrison to jetn, diock norm, FOR. RENT FLATS 13 ELEGANT ' unfurn Ished upper flat,- rooms, wawtnorne ave. - - SPEER & CO.. Tabor- $86. ' 1000H Belmont st YTTT7D mnm n rnlik.it flat TT. rison st, rent $18 per month. Inquire FOR RENT Modern - 4 room flat; gas .. and water, close in. $12. 614 Tth st . IRSw modern 5 and 9 room flats, east FURNISHED FLATS .50 BEAUTBFUL furnished flat S -or 8 ' rooms, close In; all modern; new fur niture, piano; will rent reasonable; call lorenoons. cifc ifl. Btn st. w. FIVE room nloely furnished lower flat 406 . 7th. near Harrison: reasonable. Phone East 291, or call Sunday ,10 to 2. will be vacant on 20th; rent $32. 405 Montgomery si. rial A. FURNISHED three room flat, $25; no children. 504 " E. Couch, near 10th. Phone B-2668. ' " ; FURNISHED flat; central; reasonable. ' 267-Clay st ' '. .--y APARTMENTS 43 . : ' , . LOIS APARTMENTS. 1, . . 704-706 Hoy t St New brick apartments now ready for .occupancy; 2, 3 and 4 room suites, pri vate bath, phone, electrlo and f lreless cookers, electrio lights, large sleeping porches, steam heat, beautifully fur nished;' 4anttor service; references re- quirea. Phone Marshall 2010 "W' car to 21st- and Northrop, - , Beautiful 6 room apartments fur nlshed and unfurnished, with all mod ern conveniences, bath, 'telephone, hot and cold water, steam heat, refrigera tor, gas range, gas, electrlo light,. Jani tor service, etc. , . ;r" - Wellington Court J - Beautiful 2, S, -4 room fArnlshed apartments, etetm heat, frerf--phone, Janitor service, rent reasonable. . 15th ana Everett eta. -Main 1246.-' THE RE-UKAN - APARTMENTS Mar shall between 19th and 20th; elabor ately furnished, all the latest improve ments, ideal location. $30 up. See .these hefors .deciding on others. SUMMER KESORTB." 70? RENT (Summer Re-sort) Two '. bice housekeeping rooms, with two -good double beds, also single rooms, at Long Beach station. Inquire C-683, COURTNEY cottaee." 1 .-?r?iei' Lont Beach, .Wash. - Inquire E? 4 Front st, Portland. - . lFC;R;it.iTJagav.ash,-----rooni rtipet 6n .Hs!t- nlulrf 651j'North- 26 COTTAGES to rent I'ai deavlew. 1 t Heitkemper, 286, Mortiiison at STORES AND OFFICES 11 STORES frre surrounfled by a re strlcted residence district on three sides and no drug store or melt ttiarket to compete with nearer than a mile: a grocery . store .across the street, and another in this row of stores, which are located at: E. 28th and Kalaey sts.,.ln . ..a.u.t, -o uiutrvn jiui m oi 4 ins con crete bridge ever Sullivans,' .gulch; fin .est k.lnd ef ajQcaUojpx.A. drust: store, -.with confectionery and a, soda fountain; oiv jusi me iocation ior a meat mar ket! for test cuts and coarse meats; shelving furnished: modern stores, plate glass fronts, cement basements,. See owner. 820 '35. i Morrison st, or phone Fast 92 or B-1362. i . FOR KENT; ground floor office space, southwest (corner Front and Ankeny streets. .Apply,, phona, .Main 422. 6To:::;;3 axi c-rricr ;j FOR RKNT Ptore etid llvlnsr roimi gonfj lorntlon for miirinpry, dry gnr'.t or confectionery; rent $20. 731 U liflms' eve. FEW nice offices in tits Couch . and Ch ambers bid g. 601 Conch bid t?. for rent at Gray's Cro&alng. Mrn. J. Gray, at Lents. for rent Si 7 A 11a a bids. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 FOR RENT CHEAPv i - Finest horse pasture with running wa ter arn for 6 horses, hayloft E. 26th and Powell. Phone owner, H, Grebe, Tabor 2144. HOUSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 WantedTeams Heavy teams handled by owners can find steady employment at high wages, also in winter with Edlefsen Fuel Co., barn and office foot of Russell st. UDRSES and buggies ror rem by day, week end month: special rates to business housea 6th and Hawthorne, fclact 12. " -. . HAMBLETONIAN standard bred driver, age 6, weight 1150, Bound, city broke; also single harness and buggy. Phone Tabor 2270. FOR-8ALE-0ne team of fcay horses, harness and farm wagon.- Inquire of Owner. 24S Broadway, near Vancouver ave. . ..... FOR SALE Good horse, wagon, har ' neas, for a buttermilk or baker wag on, with sida doors. Call C-8014 after 6 O'clock. ;'.-' ;.';.. "''- TOP delivery wagon for sale, cheap; In good condition. Pucker, Union aye. 4-YEAR-OLD standard .and registered drtaflng' mare, rubber tired runabout and harness. 241 N. 17th Bt FOR SALE Team, harness and wagon, . cheap. A. Bane, 486 Lorlng si, Al- Milton HORSES bought sold and hired: lo several good stalls for rent st 470 JH sin u FOR SALE A (rood dellverv horse. weight 1060. Inquire Irvlngton sta bles. Phones C-1008. East 470. BUY Keller's Ouaranxeea Harness, NORTH 8IXTH BT. DRIVING horse and buggy for sale. rPloneer paint Co.. 185 First 'st LIVESTOCK AND FOTLTRT 85 'ssBSaB)MSSihasMai 117 HEAD of cattle for sale, 26 3 -year-old steers all high grade Durhams, 10 head 2-year-old steers all Durhams, 7 head 7 fat : cows. - 7 head fat 2-vear-old heifers, balance milch cows and you n stock, all. high grade Dunhams and Aberdeen Angus; no . traders, M." J. ttrown, uaBton, ur. 1 have 10 cows and a milk route that! wish to sell horse and wagon for sale cheap. Kendall sta., Estacada ? car. Ask for Hickey. - ' '- -' ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 Duraia UAH 1 H. P.. 8 H. P., SOME GASOLINE ENGINE SNAPS. air cooled. 245.00. water cooled. $66.00. water cooled. $126.00. . , 4 H. P.. water cooled. 2186.00. 5 H. P. portable woodsaw outfit, $275. All engines are guaranteed-in first class i-unnlng order; 'will last just as Ion? and do just as good work as a new engine. Foott Machinery House, Union andTamhlll sts. - - TWO 12x14 tents, ' frame, flooring, fur nishings, mower, hose, , gas range, Buck range, -cook stoves, lamps, lino leum, shutters, etc.; house for rent 686 Front st. - - FOR SALE Tent 60x50, round top, mar quet, seats, stage scenery, etc;' inAl condition; one crazy house, portable, all complete. Dreamland , Theatre, Castle- NEW and second' nana pool anC blU Hard tables bouvht and sold on m terms. Bowling- alleys, refrigerators for Immediate delivery." Address, the crunsa-icK-HaiKe-couenqer Co., 4 5th. FEED' store, team and wagon, 1 block irom eiectno aepot m brick building, cement floor, well located; will sell at invoice price; . Hlllsboro, Or. L-666, journal. RUSSELL 10 -h. p. traction engine and . planer 24x8, with tan shaft, etc., all In Sood running order. Burley A Stafford, regon City, Or. , FORSALE Tent house. . 14x20. com pletely furnished, "cheap. . Inquire Yates- store; Tremont station. quick. Mt. Scott ear. - - FOR SALE Half batch Smith concrete mixer, good condition. Further par ticulars write N. W. Ball. Wenatchee, Wash. ' ' - .- 4 h. p. gasoline wood saw, in first class order, with team, and harness; $460. 678 E. Oak st Phone E. 2575. - "-s FOR SALE New 1910 American motor cycle; a bargain. George L. Emery, Hood River. Or. ; -v ' CARD PRINTING PRESS. About 200 pounds type to-exchanga, match up. Call 54 6th. . : HAVE Bush & Lane piano check for 1105. will sell for 215. .Call aftr s . m; F. A. Miner. 184 Porter st. ILL some" one please buy this 8110 " certificate for $10. on the Bush & jane piano nouse? u-bsi, journal. $115 check Bush & Lane Piano Co., good f- until July 22; make an offer. Y-686, Journal. .-. . . TWO 1910 second band Harley David . bod. motorcycles. ... 189 Morrison. Main 1909. - -. ; VIOLINS, banjoes, mandolins, guitars at half regular prices. Uncle Myers, 71 Din ou LAUNCH for sale 'cheap. Add. L. D. ! Johnson, 74? E. 6Sth at, N. Tabor IB IB. FOR . TRADE OR SALE A canvas flove tnaklnr outfit fnr nt n nionn FOR SALE $116 Buah"& Lane piano - check - for $10- or best cash offer. rnone aeuwooa WILL - sell $106 Bush & Lane" piano -vcertlficats, ,yoT cheap.- ? phone Mar- snail Z144. ' ' - - ; - . ' A SET of painter's falls. George Wll lerry, 49th and Brasee s'ts., Rose City Park at Rorebrook's house. - $10 Domestic sewing machine with at tachments. -Call 35.1 E. Morrl BOY'S printing press, 2x4. self-lnklni; ' 86, Beattie & Hofmann, 204 Stark st. TYPE to be sold cheap, Hofmann, 204 Stark Bt Beattie & .ANTElmsCjEiLLASrfBOta 8 GET. our price oiryour furniture, st It will pay you. we want the goods. Savage and Fennell,- 851-8 1st st Main 860..'.' " .. WANTED People of Portland to know ' that wo pay highest cash pries for second, hand j household goqds. Seater fc uustavson. 143 ituesen. jist Jritl. WANTED Second hand rolltop desk; office table, revolving chair and 1yd. BE WISF; get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co. 211 1st Main 8961, A-2445. . SHT of loalnter'S falls. Georara W: Merrv. 49th and Brazes t'tsV. Rose CI tv fdTK. at KoseorooK i nouse. OLD auto Urea 7c per lb.; old rubber - boots and shoes 8c per lb. . J.' Leve, 186 Columbia st. Main 6198. SPOT cash paid for your rurniture; prompt attention always given. E. 1067 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 8t i TORK BAND rifSTRUMENTS.. J''" From the "House of York." - The Chns. E. York Band Instrument and Mnslo House.- - ."Special Dlstrinuting Agents." " 884 3d St. f FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 ' tauuu car, so. i conaiuun, xduu; wouia 675, Journal TWO-CYUf u-i, jajjiiusciv uiusuiguuo. kuou en- 1nA. HOE, ,nl...1. Jit U..U.. . . 1 1, f 1 V T . I - V. AtJ Lll.. . Blue, ,J.W, will . avriiiUJIIQ ave. Phone Eflst 649. - . SEVEN passenger White steamer for sale cheap. Inquire United Cigar store,- 4th snd Wash 4 - FOR Sil.E-40 hoiPpowr Haines, in gv.a uruer, juu... j-tut, journal, i cr. s.iLi-AUTcr.:ouiLi:3 41 I'tU P ALn or exchsnee: One 7 r'HfferiKer Thomas, 2 Franklins. Two Buicks, 4 Reos, 1 Mitchell, 3 Ca dillacs. On Chalmers Detroit. 1 Wayne, 1 Pope Toledo. One runabout. ' . AH in first class condition. ,' PORTLAND AUTO COMMISSION HOUSE. 60-62 N. 7th st HOME FOR SALE OR TRAPS. 5 room modern bungalow, rented for $15, will trade for automobile, or sell for vacant lots, or-diamond as first pay ment E-6HS, journal. CITY RTPYCT.K WOS'PTT jlT. New and second hand motorcycles ffr sale.-, Repairing a specialty. 189 Mor- rison. tnona wain 1909, '09 4-passenger 4 cylinder. Oldsmoblle car, gooa as new, ruuy eqnippea, win sell cheap for cash if taken at once. C-684: Journal, FINANCIAL 51 Quick 'loans on furniture and t pianos, storage receipts, life insur- t ance policies, livestock, real estate. I etc. U. S. Real Estate & Brokerage i Co., 112 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. $ LOANS WANTED SO FROM private parties; $3700; will pay 8 per cent: good real estate security; mi Bjjniua. u-o to, journal WANTED By private party, loan of ,zsv ior s years, on good City prop erty, u-68 z, journal. 1 MONEY TO JJOAS 7 HUTTON CREDIT CO. . An Easy Money Proposition. Money is easy to get If you know where to get it We nave ready money at all times and you can get from $10 to $100 on your salary, furniture, piano, storage' receipt, real estate contracts, etc, at half the usual rates. ' We. loan on the easy payment plan- the plan that helps you and gets you out of debt: you get the cash,, all . you ask for, and repay in amounts you can conveniently spare each pay day, . Will . remove to 807 Spalding bldg. when mpleted, corner 8d and Wash ington fits. . v HUTTON CREDIT CO., 613 Dekum Bldg. - Phone Main 2869. SALARY LOANS 1 ON PLAIN NOT338. $10 TO .$100.' " LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND . $10 repaid In Jnstallments of ,.....$ .45 $20 repaid In installments of .90 $60 repaid In Installments of 2.00 Larger amounts in proportion. . All we require is your personal note; no mortgage, no lndorser or security; very thing strictly confidential. . STATE SECURITY CO., "T; 308 Falling bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCT. ' ' 402 Rothchlld bldg., corner 4th and Washington The tecognlsed bank of the wsge earner. .' A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can ob tain money of us on his not without security. ' security. $15 return to us.. ...... .2 4.09 a : 30 return to us ....$ 8.00 a ' $60 return to us........ .$18.35 a : montn month month Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. bpeciai rates on pianos, lurnitura, etc MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 46 princi pal cities; svs money by getting our terma xoiman, sit mumper nixcnanga MONEY . loaned confidentially by prl vate citizen for short time In small amounts : on diamonds, or other good security. Give name, address, jmone number. C-685, Journal. - TO loan, large and small amounts at 7 and 8 per cent Interest on good city or suburban real estate. C F.- Pfluger & Co., room 6, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison sts. . - CASH paid for mortgages oc seller's interest in contracts on, real estate in Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negoti ated on improved property. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark. ' '- YOUR CREDIT vf14" ": Is good st tbe Employes' Loss C&. 821 v. -,-Abington,, 10614 d st. , t , . WE LOAN money on diamonds andjew lry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage. Jewelers, 269 Washington st : ; $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. X H. Mc Kensle & Co.. Gerlinger bldg. 2d and Alder, MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per Cent Goodnough at Belts, 718 Board $100,000 on mortgages, olty or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenzle A Cq.. Gerlinger bldg., 2-. and Alder. MONEY to loan on Portland real estate. Harding A Reynolds'Co., $1$ Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans- lowest rates; fire in- surance. w. u. Becx, ui waning. ISAAC 1 WHITE, money to loan, fire Insurance. 881 Sherlock bldg. ANY part $50,000 to loan at 6 per cent interest, zus uoucn piag, SUMS ef $2000 upward on real estate. ooaaara ft weinncit. J4S Btars. LOAN tor the asking, salary or chat tel, ine Lioan wo.. 414 ueirum oiag. QUICK loans on all securities. B. WT King. 4EWashington old. Main 6106. NOTICES 20 MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE Sealed proposals will be received at the office of -Whidden A Lewis, archi tects, 701 Corbett building, ' Portland, Oregon, until noon, Friday, July 22, 1910, for roofing and sheet metal work, glas lng ornamental iron work, carpenter and cabinet work, electric clocks -and inter-communlcatlna- telephone system .' as called for. in specifications, tor the east win or a new courtnouMs to ne erected for the county of Multnomah, state of! Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of the architects. No proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the order of the county court of Mult nomah county, certified by a responsi ble bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam ages In case the bidder neglects or re fuses to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful per formance Of Said work, in th vnt tha contract is awarded to him. , 1 : xns-.Tignt to reject, any and all bids Is hereby -reserved. '--.- ..... ........ ,..,.,w,. h -'-': - FRANK 8. TTTKT.ns y2':L2 Countv Clerk. NOTICE OF STOwKH6LDERS' MEgF lng The annual meeUng of the stock holders of the Caour d'AIene Develop ment Company, for the election of al board of directors for the ensuing year, and for the - transaction of such other business as may regularly oome before them, will be held at the office of the CompAny, rooms 601 to 504 Chamber of Commerce building, Portland, Oregon, on August 1, 1910. at 10 o'clock am! GEORGE F. HOLM AN,' ; Secretary Coeur d'Alene Development Company.. ' - . - - . r . jrortianq, uregon, juiy 7, II0. , , . NOTICE of stockholders' meeting. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mid way -Oil company1 will' be held at the office of-thcompany,-224 Stark st., Portland, Or., at 3 o'clock p. m. on Wed nesday, the 20th day of July, 1910, for ' I wi yvoo vs. -'-. nil s bi uwn, u j Ul rectors, and for the transaction of such other business as may legally come be- fore the! meeting. a. ti. UAV13, Becy. LOST AND FOUUD 1 $25 RIivVARD Black, male dog, short . "ir, swrnio buui in urease; Jiiso iront feet: left eye little dim; weight 25 to 35 lbs.,f on Front end Morrison sts. if ruin tn oi4 In n f. EtBmn.- f b,k.j i . . i L03T-sBetween Angela aoartmenta and Imnetlal hotnlL diirlns- T(r k.n... SUltca8; name, A. G. Emmett. " Return in vueiin cuio. ji,inerai reward, iHAUl'WEUR'S badn-a No' Mi liMnH'; i. stnrtr-OSQeTMngwrl)ldgT 2d nnd iAlder. Reward. - - LLOST-llWoodstock) dark Maltese male v cat, wnwe nose, neck and paws; tail miKnuy peni rewara. Mam J7g,- IOIJND A place to Ret calling cards; 60c per 100. 185 Madison st Mar shall 1SI6. , LOST Wilt Spits dog. Call 266 Clay ; st, off pbon Main 7180..,, Kward,. 21 $10 r.nWARD for return or whev abouts of one bay ridinij pony with Rtar in forehcsid, four white feet, branded 60 on left shoulder and anchor on right hip; when last seen, Julv 14, KOlnff to ward Montavllla. Addrpss Charles M. Ll8tar, No. 1, Box 104, Columbia Boule vard, or phone Woodlawn 769. FOX terrier strayed from Sarpent hotel, Hawthorne and Grand aves.; mixed black, brown and white; has small col lar and answers to name of Buster. Reward as same is pet of email child. s. w. ureene, sargent hotel. LOST Bull dog, white, yellow, one utvvvn car, icincutt, weigusi 4V ior., answers to name ."Queenle." Finder please return to fire dept headquarters, HO J,V . . n 1 J LOST On July 4, pocketbook contain ing note, deeds, contracts ana mining papers; $20 reward if returned to 205 Main st, Portland; no questions asked. LARGE tiger p;ay cat answers to name irixy. rnone j a nor m. PERSONAL SC2 1101 ORS W lElilO! - " PAY WHEN CURED , ' The Paelfio Coast Medical Co, Th leading Specialists of Port-. . land, no Money required to com mence Treatment- w treat all chronic nervous and complicated diseases of men, Our methods are modern and up to date. We . want to talk or write to svery., man In Portland and th North west, whoMs a sufferer. . In the treatment of Diseases of men, we acknowledge no superior. We Vlll tell you all about your case without charge, and you need not take treatment unless you wish to do so. Sepa rate parlors. Padf lo Coast Medl- ' cal Co., cor. 1st and Washington sts., Portland, opposite City Mar ket If unable to call, write for list of questions. Office hours,' 9 a m. to 8 p. nv; , Sunday. 10 a. m. to l p. m. - $40,000 office equipment, 14 treating . rooms in. the most expensive and fin est equipped private office Irr America: 4 years' practice in Portland and never lost a patient; thousands of testimonials from-ti.ose who have been saved from operations; every modern method known to man 1s used- to save life and cure disease. The methods used ara radium, OC-ray, violet light, electricity, heat, hot ovens, baths, etc. Free lectures Wednes day evenings. Dr. W. 33. Mallory, 812 RotnchlM bldg. , DR. ALICE A. GRIFk. Diseases of women and children ex clusively; Women are often saved; se ver surgical operations by consulting m. Nervous diseases of children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor respondence solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones, Main 8928, A-6407 Office rooms 10, Grand Theatre bid. vvMnmgion ana rant. Wisconsin Picnic ' ; . Come and Join us on a trip up the river on the Bailey Gatxert July 17 at 8:80 a, m. . Bring all of your Wisconsin friends and have a good time. Elmor Brown, Secretary Badger State -Assn. Men Cured Quickly Modern electrlo treatment for atseases of the prostate, nervous debility, piles, etc. WT L Howard. M. D 804-6 Roth chlH bldg.. 4th and Washington. DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon: treats women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations; - examinations free.; Main 4047. A-2411. 506 Common- weaun oiog., Bin anq A.nseny, GERMAN books, magasines, novels, etc, German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian : dictionaries; for eign books of alt kinds. Schmals Co, l IV i.m st. DR. WAXKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases. Bores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney bladder and pile, 181 1st, Port- MEN When weak, nervous or despond- ent, use Bexold Fills as a bracer; re stores Jost vigor: price $1 per . box, 6 poxcb tor 93. i. j. nerce. sii auskv. SANDERSON CO.'S Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 per box or 8 boxes tor $5, t. j . fierce, an AiiBKy piqg. LIQUOR and drug habits permanently Cardlola iiTstitute, 1627 Peninsula ave.! rortiana, ur SEE Thomas Kay for confidential re- ports secret service. McKay bldg. WOMEN Use Femoids when others zau; soia ana ruaranteea ry tne Aus plund Drug Co.. 110 N. 6th st. Main 8106 tlfio books. Jones Book Store,. 84 DR. T. J. PIERCE, Specialist Diseases no exposure. Call or write 811 Allsky. BATTLE Creek Baths, ladies days, men nignts. ti. i-rexei notei. jvi. I BALM -of figs, remedy for diseases of women. -z tieimont st. East 2498 fifYlMIil -Pill, nnlu IK Vmv in 7 1 nH A dress Bridge Pharmacy. 11 Morrison. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, nicture framing. E. H. Moorehouse & Co.. 411 Wash, si. AasATERS WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana- tyticai cnemiBts. HU4 wain, M. 768s. MONTANA assay office, l&boratoiy and -.au A.a.a. I. t oa .1 v iwuiig wuift, icq avj urn a un. ATTOKNEYB CHRISTOPHERSON A MATTHEWS. General practice 411-12 Buchanan bid. BUSINESS CARDM HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 108 Id st - Blank books m'f'g; agts. for Jones' Improved LooSe-Leaf ledgers; see th new Eureka leaf. A-3 183. Main 168. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and- cross- 1 77,1,, W - ." . TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and ings. 317 Beck bldg. ,Bvlcitti juuuiiiH. j, uvbii, in 4v&&er son et. Main 14 24. HE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office, 404 Worcester bldg. JAS." Mbl. WOOD &. CO., all kinds of in surance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. BICYCLE REPAIRING , NEW, -second hand wheels, repairing1, key, sare anq iock worn. Mummer. 183 iota. CARPET CLEANING THE IONE. Carpets cleaned, refitted. B-22B6 ' . IBUU1 tcUU . QV, CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST Rug Works Rugs from old carnets. ras: ruxs. carpet cieaninc. ies union ave, near tu. Morrison. WE ijeve rag carpets, bath room tugs, to. ibis ration ave. w ooaiawn zsst. , , COAL AND WOOD SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO, Main 21B3 A-8842. Dry inside wood. frees slabwood, clean sawdust for bed ding. cut uel blockood. - j we wiiili saw your wood promptly. Caecad jWoodyard. " Phone Marshall H. Edles nerce, Bnl I sen, the tuel dim Ch. of Com merce, anils aininraclte and oaonelT . laa cneaper grades or coal and dr wood. IfTEEL Bridge Fuel Co.. wood and coal. Phone C-1773, E. 424. SHORT dry board wood,. 82.50 pr load. CEDAR block, $1.60 for 40 -J,'he.i,,Mln- 2168, JlUl.. ays. I- ICGT A0) FOUND REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY NAME ' . Baker, D. If City. Farm Property Brong-Stel Compuny Bruhukrr A BunMllrt..' .'. Biitterworth-Stepbeimoti Compuny, Ine...... "'S ira itealtj & liiTestment U. Cook A Co., B. S thapio 4b Herlow.... Fine, D. T. Co. (Wooditock) Hobart ft Marshall, Farm. City Property.. Houck, Oeorxe A. (ColonlwtloB)..., Knapp ft Mactey. ....., Oregon Real Eat ate Co., -The.. Bchalk, Oeorte D. Shields, J. H. .... ............. inomptoo, u, E. Co.... COAL AND WOOD HGTICBprSalnSLABW0(SD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per l?ad.. $2.19 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. $2.69 INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load ... .$3.50 BLOCK WOOD, per load ....... .$3.60 SAWDUST; for fuel and bedding. Tie Portland Slabwcod. Ca Main 3119. A-7001, pacTfic blabwood co. , Dry Inside wood, per load. $3.80. B.nall dry ineld wood, per load. $2 80. Green short slabwood, per load, $2.60. Planer trimming, $3; blockwood, per load. $4. -.... . - ,-.. .'. , , Phones Main 8709. A-7256.' Yamato Wood and ; - Coal Company. Cbarcoal PROMPTLY Wool DELIVERED , Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st Wood, Coal and Dry Slab WESTERN FUEL COMPANY, m 187 K. Morrisou. East 226. B-1026. White & Benson Fuel Co, 416 East Morrison, East 914. Formerly O. K. Wood and Coal Yard. BEST4'T6orf ircordwood5:66dellv. ered. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPOD1 AND PEDICURIN3 Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. CLEAN ISO AND DYEINQ 1 . PHONE MAIN 8081 To call for your suit to be enonsed and pressed by pne who understands the Dusiness, xne uiite uieaning rress Ing Works, 818 3d. corner Clay. COLLECTIONS. CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 708 Board of Trade bldg.. e'th and Oak sta Portland Collodion Agency All kinds of debts collected. 817 Allsky bldg. CONTRACTORS AND PUILDEKS A. C. FURLONG. 238 11th St Main 8526. --Building loans, plans . and, estimates ir?e. WILLIAM F1SHBECK. carpenter and bunder, jobbing ana contracting. u itn. Main szii A J. F. BOWMAN, carpenter and builder; plans and specifications free. Phone WoOdlawn -2868. FOR cement work, plastering, briok work and excavating, call on Olson, Marshall 1441. , A-4020. BRICK and cement work; all kinds. J. Wempe, 1020 E. 24th st. N. DAHCTNO WALT25, two-step, stage dancing, les sons 26c; now opening summer classes tonight. Prof., Wal Willson's;- school, 8S6 Wash, st, bet. W. Park and 10th. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Motors for rent or sale. Paclflo Eleo trio Engineering Co., 21$ Second st ' ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluo S hair re moved. Mrs. M- D Hill. At Flledner. GASOLINE. ENGINES STATIONART and marine; electrlo equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Beleraon Machinery Co., 186 Morrison. LEATHER FINDINGS CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO, 74 Front Leather of every description; tap maufacturers. findings. LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library, 188 Bth. bet Taylor and Yamhill. Books 8c per day. MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES Laemmle Film Exchange handles all kinds motion picture supplies, new or second hand machines, parts, films, slides. Over Pantages theatre, Portland, Or. (inaepenqent) PARTS, complete machines, films, song slides, films, reasonable. 526$ Washington st. MtaiC TEACHERS PIANO lessons, special rates for pupils beginning during summer, xeiepnone East 1171. E. TH1EJ HORN, violin teacher, t pil cevciK. mar, iota, amicu. waniuam PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolin, Prot B. A. Smith, 292 12th St. osteopathic; physicians DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe clillst on nerves, acut and chronic diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Main 8f-6 1. DR. SMITH, graduate Klrksville. Ma, - 1898i nost .f rad,r 1907.-918 Swetland bldg. DR. F. J. BARR. A. 8. 207 Monawk bldg.t 3d and Morrison. Main 2226. TAINTING AND PAPERING FOR painting, tinting, paperhanglng, phone East 1366.. All work guaran- FOR painting, tinting, phone East KOHa, . o3iis. - a. & usoourn, aso t. wasn-. Ington st, FOR best work, prices right, call V. A. PAINT OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. u at aayior. an. a-ivvi. F. E. BEACH & CO. Pioneer paint Co.; 135 1st st. M. 1334, A-7043. PATENT ATTORNEYS kAM. mn nl.t.ln VM, ualii. a . v. rademsi-ks registered. Beeler- & Robb, . a WRIGHT, U. 8. and foreign pat ents: Infringement cases 604 Dakum. PRrsraa f EL6H f RIHOTtBSG "GOKH PiW ..... uosrs ot stover. i"sjio type oa Ink on paper." 141H 1st " THE EAGLE PRINTING' CO, not In trust; close figures, good work. 602 Goodnough. bldg.- Phon Main 4iil. I KU41UEK HTAMFS AND SEALS iKU SEALS J 11 .1.1111 llllll'., -..Ilf' atlonery. Cun. STENCILS and office stationery. Cun. alngi.am Co.. 281 Stars). Main 140T, SHOWCASES i'AIW liTUKES SHOWCASES of,' eve description; bank, bar, and s(ore fl lures m-id to orcer. The LutkeuMtg. HE JAMES I. MAKSHASLl MFCS CO.. ..new oi)dola. shqjwcasesJcablhetJiSBtor nd office -flxlureiir 289 ouchl'M'Ol' SIGN AND BUOWj CARUij 6's'sjaaSjaaatfii FOSTER ft KLEISE1R, signs; the larg est sign makers In the northwest; 6th ind Everett sta. Phone . Priv. Ex. ii, Horn A-1155. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland U-Slga jCe.a8t-fitalu-- Pacific .1698. ADDRESS TBLEPftoSB ..303 Corhett Bldf. A-4W2, Mala H'M ..110 Se,na gt Main aud A-2".:h ,.fr'i Mc-KUT KIdff . Wlnrf.nr nlKI. Xf.ln f.it Lfytt Bld...6tb and Wash.-Main 2 . i1p?rJ B!rtlf Milrsball 15flT, A-l'T 2 S?rb,t Wd ilala .3. k-SjXl ...j... vDnomer oi lomroerc .Main ; ...K'heater and Yukan.. Sellwood 6TT ...Bjwii i 7. 250-4 Alder ... Main 6071 " .Ii?bb ..Min 12fa ... 7 Chamber of Commerca. ...Main and A-2010 . ...rana Are. and Mniinnm.h tr... at, r.i7o "S5 t"rJ "."'.M1n 8na.a.2:l ,.. GetHnger Bid ,. Main MHO ...Henry Bldg,, 4tu-0ak...v....M, 8061. A-822T FLUMBING AND GAS FITTING THE most essential part of p'lumbing is good work. It avoids after-expense. We guarantee our work. Independent Plumbing Co., 220 Grand ave. E. 952. BUR VETOES Walter m. ober, piatung. subdivtd- tdalty. 160 E. 28th et N. B-2099. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co, 108 Id st Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened: bargain In second hand safes SHINGLES BEST In Portland. See 1 them, 201 vHningxon st. b. B. Gilbert TOWEL SUPPLY ( LEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, SI tmr niAnll. Dn.,l.,, T , a. roruana xunarjr 9th and Couch sts. 4ywei ouppur o., tn I bone Main 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AND UTOKAQU . Oregon Transfer Co. - ' - Established 1870, . Transfer and forwarding agents. . ... v Storag. free trackaae. Office, 910 Hoyt.st, bet 6th and 6th, rnone: main e, A-l). C. O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co., of flc and commodious 4 story brick Warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; north went corner 2d and Pine sta Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ship ment Main 696. A-1996. - " OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. ."" 'General transfer and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed and snippeo. zu uia st Main 547. A-2247. INDEPENDENT Baggage ft Transfer , VyiT10'.. sunt. Main 407, A-4169. 1 -" TYPEWRITERS ; ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cuo Bingham Co, 281 Stark. M. 1407. VETERINARIAN OB A. G. SMITH. V. S.. U. 8. BUbles, riont. Mam 416. Ke. Main isox, DR. L. R. DILLON, Hawthorne avenue laoies, iliast 12, 67. B-13B8. WALL PAPS- HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, ' and the goods that go with them. E. H. Moornnouse-ft Co, 411 Wash, st WHOLESALE JuiiliEKa "l,BsSBSssa,ss1sBSst EDVERDINU ft. FARRELL. nroduc and commission mei chants. 140 Front St,. Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. M. A. GUN8T et CO, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. FORT LAND, OR. WADHAMH JL. Cry hiiUu 1 . .rhiuM manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th d Oak sts. - ALLEN ft LEWIS -GROCERIES. RANKS f EEMAN-AMCRICAlf - BA!TK Portland. Or. T Corner Sixth and Waablneton Sta. - Tran. seta a genertl banking biulnea. : Drafts issued aritlable In til the principal cities of tot unitea etater ana Europe. . roar per cent Intereet paid oa - MTlcga aocoonta. Safe , de posit vanlta. DONDS AND INVESTMENTS M ORBIS BROTH EES. Chamber of' Cora. mem B.'ldlng. Municipal, railroad aad Vublle service oorpotatlon booda. TRANSPORTATION mm ALASKA and back. Includinar Berth and Meals ' - SUMMER EXCURSIONS via Smooth "Iniide Pauage" Twelve delightful excursions from Seattle to ALASKA and badecheaper than staying at home. Don't wmtt unttt tUammrt irm told out Writ quick for dttaih and rtnationt Pacific Coast Steamship Co. 249 WsshlnsTtoti St PORTLAND ColumbiaKivcrSccncry Fast Excursion Steamer CHA8. R. SPENCER Leaves daily except Wednesday, 8 a. m. For Hood River and way landings and return leave Hood River, 2:30 p. m.; arrive Portland 8 p. m. , SUNDAY EXCURSIONS . Leaves-9 a. m.; returns, 6:30 p. m. First Class Meals Served. Fare, One Dollar Round Trip. Up-town Office, 69 6th st. Phones Marshal 1979,-A-1293. Landing and Office, Foot Washington st Phones Main 8619, ' A-2466. Lowest Rates to Picnlo Parties. E. W. SPENCER. OWNER San X?raolsco a Portland Steamship Co. 2Tw Berrle to to Angeles, via San Francisco, every rfv Days. From Alnsworth dock, Portland, 9 a. m. S. S. Bos City, July 87i Beaver, July . 17; Bear, July 23. , From San Franclsoo for Portland, 12 m S. S. Beaver, July 33, Bear, July 15 j Boss City, inly 30. 1 From San Pedro, northbound. S. B. Bear, July 28; Rose City, July 18; Beaver. July S3. .H. G. Smith, C. T. A., 142 Third at! phone, Main 402, A-1402. J. W. Ransom, agent; Alnsworth Pork: phone Main 268. The Open Blver Transportation Company P S r. . N. TLAL Pot TED DALLIS 111 WIT tanfllno-e .Leaving Oak street dock Monday, Wed- iicnu?i.Y ,uivji a u i. , nr.,. re turning, leyring The Dallies Tuesday, Thursday ana Saturday, j making m nectioiis at Celllo with STXAKXJl TWIN CITIES for Pasco, Kennewlck. and all points on ths ttotumbla as-Tar as Priest ttapiu!. CAPT. W. S. BUCHANAN Runt A. 8 WHITING. Agent. COOS BAY . S Say Servio Str, Breakwater Wv Portland 9 a. m July 3, 8, 13, 18, 83, 88. worth docK. for North Bend, Mrshflld, no ivwi ?r ! - ibikiii recejvca until 6 p. m. on day before. PasHehirer fare, 1st -class, , 210: 2d clasi 37; Includ ing; oertn ana meaia inquire city tick et office, 8d and Washington streets, or jAinsworth dock.' 'PHone Main 2 6 A. SAN FRANCISCO AND i ! '.'. NORTH PACiriO S. 8. CO. 6. B. ROANOKE and S. B. ELBZB CAI1 Every Wednesday, alternately, at 6 n. m. Ticket office 122 Third, near- Alder. Phones MJ 1314. A-1314. MARTIN J. HIGLEV, Pass. Agent " $6S W. ILLUS3ERFMUJit Aaant I'-M K i . ... Ahlar.d p,, hiwi'tiurjf 1 tflBla 1 lmiti.H - . - . 4 i . fl r- ' II . : (.. L . T. p. 1 -.) a. Hi. T '. . n 4 i.i (. Ii. 6 m p. Ik a. i.i. t no p. , 'Iter Califonil. I,,.,.". Ban tram-lsco iipresi!" Corvallla lHsnetig-r ,j HilTertun Paeti)Kir .. " F.,ret Cr.,e la,Dg,t., - - vawTV rai.ier, Arrning Portlan Oreeon Expreaa ...... -,o a. T :W a to. aiiono rsn.i , . PoTtlasd1 kVpT:. ' .,,,. b.'Mt p. ". .......11(11 o ....... 2 Hi' p- nr. t ou a. a. Wn Side Corraliu l-aanger Bilrerton -faaaenier ..... Suenda-n la,enier SiljO a. tn. , a, ov. 8 .no a. aw, 11 :5u a. iu 4:40 0, iu. Norther FaolTlo. I.eu1,i0 Li ,1 , ilm1" -UfflHed- via Pnget DUUM ' ,.,,,, 4 1 200 sa Atin!'J. ?fr'lV'ni'i.t' BoonilllailS a. tu. i wi. Vw. . wut -ia ttaun... viuwa. oj. b-MHi.r,. . r-- .urui iniia., i,wini"i li!jf.S 1 fuset aV3iu4.'..UiU . iu. . uil..!tt U - Nudk Wank... S;uoa- Bi. w2 . nre . TU ruset taua; , 7-o0s.8 ''",' 'i"WB, -ntt''Bwittl "Kx- " m.Tt ,u"r, OlaipU aud " p.7tfc. ?,e,ul lrBcne 6:4ft. sa. (ut aouud Umitoo; Unj But- NAf'S tTuani-" ," .S0"' llmued via North Bank. 8.U p. to. w. Co"t UaH'4 vU Pnget Sound. tU a. an nJ- raiw axPi- via Jiwta wanS ..,.,,,,,,,. 7:30s. nu " XP ,, via Puget . w2.S V'"'"" :,'. . TIM JTUif Bl BOIinU..lVSVr S4 Uloari luVV.,kipr'';LI,i ' bound , 4:00 p. m. Fortlnd-Teoai-Bttle Kxprew Snd . trom wiyupia,. , Uouth , bead sa4 ' - ruget Sound Limited, ....,...,.. 7:1 p. m. ynucouTer-fortlauu , special.. ......lo:40 1. iu. 1 a colt faaaenyer , , Vtiiu a. bi. .Oregon JUHroXl ft yigw ce. Leatlnj Portland t ' ' Baker ('It P.u,n, Urecon-Wiwlilngiou - UuUiVd.V,, ... 7 40 a. ,.10 :uu a. uiun uoqh ............ Hpokane k'ljer ....... ... s, . , . f ua Soo-BDAkana-Pniillanrt ... UU p. O0 p. 30 p. M ;uu ii lS a. ao a. . 6 otegua tiptt.a AreiTmg rortund . . ., Th Deuu Local,. ........... Bpokan rier .,.....,,. ...10 ... I Bo-spokan-fwtlind ...ll ... a ... 7; .. 7; ... s :&i a. :ou a .00 a. oo p. aai uall ....,..........., Baker City LfK-al Pataenger,. Or((on-Wahliigton Limited .. Astoria Is Columbia Errer. Leariag Portland ' , Seaaide Kxpreaa eaa Shore Lliaiu-d Saturday Seaaide Special., Seaaide Express Halnler Piuuenger Balnlur Paaaeuges Arriving Portland Seaaide Exprea Monday Seaaide Special ,. Seaaide Expreee Oceun ' RhAfA . HtnftmA 8:00 a. m. 0:20 a. m, . Si:&Ji p. tu . 8:dO p. u. . 1:15 p. tu. . 1:45 i, m. .12:09 p. ni. ' ..12:80 p. m. ,.10:uu p. to. .10:15 p. Si. .. 8 -rO a. ci. .. 8:00 p. Bt. Rainier and Portland' Paaeenger .' ttaluler sad Portland faaaengei . . Oncaiilaa faclfle Ban way oo. Leaving Portland - ''- '. i y-'-M'i C. S'. H. Short Uue Tla-Spokane.,.. T;0O p. a, Via Seattle .......,..,...,,,.. r.l2:14 . m. -Arriving Portland (VP. it Short .Ui)e.tU,SDokoe..,. 9:00 a. m. via Seattle ........... 7:00 a. id. Oregon' ft Washington Railroad Company. Lea Ting Portland ' : ' .X-v'. Seattle Piaaenger - 8:80 a. at, Bhaata limited .................... S:uu p. iu. V ' ; .....". ..,.. 11:40 p. oo. -ArrlTlng Portland, ".,,,. P.l .......,............ 7fl8 a, a. Shaath Limited ..,,..'...,..,.. 6:20 p. m. Portland Paaaenger ... 2:46 p. m. rerrissoir street btatiow. Bouthera Faoifio, j,LeaTlnjr Portland Dallaa Paaaeuger T:0. m Dallas Pasaeuger .................. 4;D0 p. m, Arriving Portland . Dallas Paasenger ..........10:16 a.m. Dallas Paaaenger 8:6 p. an. . ELZTI3IIB AND K0TT STKXXTI PA. BEMQES BIATIOM. Spokane, voiUand Seattle Railway Ce. Leatlng Portland - -''':;''-' .-"..:.,. .1 Inland Empire Kxpree .......,,,,. :00 ae m. - Vot Chicago, St Paul. Omaha, Kanaaa Cit, Si. Loula, BlUlnga, Spokane, Waabtarna, Kahlotus, Paaco, ttooierelu Ortnddallee. Got. dendale, Lrle, White Salmon, Kteteaaon aud Vancouver. , .' . ., .-. The Oregonlan ......11:00 a. a. For St. Paul. Spokane,' Paam, Ornoddallen, Lyle, White Salmon, SteTeneoa and Vancouver. Columbia ltlTer Local 4 :so p. m. North Bank -Limited .............. T:tW p. ta. for Chicago, St Paul, Omaha, Kmaas Ctty, St. Louis, Billings, - Spokane, Waabtucna-. Kahlotua, Peaco, Roocerelt, GranddaHes, Ljle, White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. Arriving Portland , , The Oregonhin 7:08 a. m. - t'ma St. Paul, Spokane, Paaco, Mary hi 11, Lvte, White Salmon. Stevenson tad Vaucouvs.-. North Bank Limited T;3o a. ni. From Chicago, St Paul, omana, Kanaas City, St. Louie. BlUlnga, Spokane, Waabtucna. Kahlotua, Pasco, Uooaevelt. Oranddallea, Lle. White Salmon, Stevenson and -Vancouver. Columbia Klver Local. ........... ..12:35 . m, luland tmplre Expree. ............. S:16 p. nu From Cblcego, St. -Paul, Omaha, Kanta City, St Louis, BlUlnga, Spokane. Waahtucca. Kahlotus, Paaook Rooaevelt, Oranddallea, Ljk-. i White Salmon, Stevenson and Vaneouver. Oreat Korthera Railway Company. Leaving Portland 11th and ajyt sts. -Oriental Limited, via Seattle. ID :00 t. The Oregonian, via North Bsuk...ll:00 a. Oriental Limited, vlaxNorth liak... 7:00 p. Taconia, Seattle and Vaneooverj B. C.10;OO a, Tacoma, Seattle-and Vancouver, B. C. 6:00 p. Taroma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. 11:30 p. Arrlvitif Portland 1 lib and Uot ,.-- , Oriental Llmlte. v J. Seattle. , . . .J:4i' a. The Oreg"nin, via 'orth Bank......7.( a, Oriental Limited, via North-Bank.,..:15 p. Vancouver, B. C, Settle and Tacoraa.e: a. Vancouver, B. C.. Seattle and Tacoma .3:80 p. VancouverJjajC.. Seattle and Tacoma, 8 :mp m. : m, m. tn. ta. ta. s- :J m. m. m. m. i tn. tu. Tim Card Oregon geotrto Railway C. Dsoot foot of Jefferson st, Poruand, Or. liavlut Portland tot Salem and Int.-atatloua JrBU j.50. U;oo a. m.i S!:O0, B:i0 :. S -W ool LlnVited tor TueW and Salem-Sui T m? local or WilaonvUle and Int. station-. Sho p. llr itI ' J'f to. '"f on the 8. tern, Vails .City Wester By., via . : a. m.. 2;W 3., a. Swday onii, fel:W)'a. ..,...'JLi ,!.' i. .,. I atatLLK 1 Oilin uu it" rv'" ew 'rtatlona-:toV- 8:bU,- W:JO . .; 12 2-1". t&Y 60. : T Saturday , euljr. U.. A?Hvlnt at Portland from Salem and lai. .t..ton:40. U:W a. ki. i:l. 4:00.' 6.i. V&' feOsnd Ttttwn--8:, 9W, 11:40 S. m, l.JU, 'W,T.n.l.:v only, 4:e0 P. J r Portland Rllw.iglJ5jPrJi. Ticket Ortlc and Wailing Boom, ' trst and Alder and hH Water and Bast Mprneon , Slreete. fare lave Mt atlT. ana ntnnmm irr,. oreit" Cliy-4m :3o 4. m. and .very ' 80 mlmite. to and lui'idlng t car o.l.Jutgiit. .. J:, 9"5! 1Q:4S a(n, 12:4. 3.43, .. ;44. !tralwUW M?''TToif'!'l--6.55; if:,. '".A . :46 10: a,-JSV-13:fo.. 1:48., S.fl, :.' Oasaner J . , ii 10 10 .. . i.i, e.w. f. ml... Ij'oe. .vnnrun'ir n-f'i w,-n. i n,"i aura room, Second end Wwt:ltitoi, aii-tina, , rt 15. 6:!W. 7:24, 8-"). n-.ns. .ln ... 1'. i, :I0. U R'). 4:. S.IO. 5:.ki, 6.4 t .-.'., 1 . w. a ir. s-at l:35. "II :4-'.. On third Mor.d-ir in every Be -:-'i t cur . Iravew at 7:l'S P r . Pally eti-ent F-iu'M. 4 V i Ctx I m. u. to. m. iu. tn. :' 1