THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, rORTLAIJD, I RID AY for sale houses' - ei A new, cosy, little house, ready to move into, fine corner 5x95 feet, city wate.r.- nice lawn; lots of flowers, Br rien; fine garden, chicken house andTUn, near school, churches, stores and trol ley; E cent fare. 20 minutes' ride; price - nTilyISfiOr'ttrmsrtSOfr-cash.-tMilance "if"! are looking for ?W little home, you cannot beat this for tne "Trti Mt 'scott car to Archer Place, fee J. C Mltoheltree at station. TWO SNAPS 1 acre, in city limits, with house, nice orchard and, small , fruits, faces county road.--prtce $2800. term This Is worOi $3500; must : go this i weelt. ' 1 4-roomed cottage and J lots, in good locality, 11000, terms. This is worth I1S50. Don't answer unless you mean his, - ' . j.j,;; , ', p-t-ifNIMMO BUKBY. ' i". ' J 1 3 Hamilton bldg. SAVE-Y0UR RENT. ' We will seli you home and you can pay us in monthly payments; we will also build to .auit yu anywhere la the - PROVIDENT : INVESTMENT & TRU8- ' - TEE CO., --'.' t Cl " 824, 6! Board of Trade bldg. -' Phone Marshall 478. ' , z:, A Snap for $750 . '. New : t room house, front porch,a side porch, good shed, chicken yard, water and shade, trees; 10 minutes walk to Firland station; $250 down, balance $10 per month, 4 per cent Address W, E. Waterman.-box 644, Arleta. Or. . - A SNAP ' s room modern house, and lot 80x100, fenced, lawn, fruit trees, ,$1475; $600 cash, $10 per monthand interest Crest, on 49th and Powell Valley Road, Mt Scott car. W. E. Allen. -. : . BUNGALOW New, modern 8 room bungalow in ' Vernon, full lot, full basement, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; a good .buy, at ,$3300; easy terms, Osburn Bros., 503 McKay ; bldg. - - ' -' - ' A NUMBER choice homes cheap; splen did investment. Will rent well, big interest. 8 and 10 H per cent; fins loca tions; Irvington, Hoi laday additions ', a surprise, i CV1866, Herdmsn. ; ' " , THE MAN THAT WANTS' A' safe Investment should deposit his monev with us and recflve interest on tee same, from I to per cent Port- land Trust Company. , S. E. corner Id ana uas "is. BEST buy in Portland; 4 rooms, pantry, closet plastered, tinted; $200 furni ture: lot SOxlOO: lawn: must be sold at once. Call and see at 34$ E. 45th S., 2 blocks south or ttawmorne are.; IISOO, $400 cssh. $16 per month. nrKrtALOW 5 rooms, larae attic, fur nace, fireplace, reception hall, large closets, all tinted concrete walks, faces oast Owner will el on "mall cash payment, balance terms, mono -ast 530. : '" Js MUST bo sold: beautiful 100x105 feet corner; carrying all improvements; in Alameda Park; $500 below value. . Call ifta T.awln bide. ';" . '"j- i : ' ' ACREAGE 57 : IIP0E ,; : Near Multnomah station, $350 per acre; 6 acres. -..-.,-. Near Llnnton, 5o farej $300 up per acre;5 acre tracts. ,: ',' Near Orenco; t acres, house? orchard; ,1900. v t Brown,' 41'1'Couoh bldg. night or Sun day, phone East 2337. The above offerings are to be. sold on" terms. .. 5 1-2 Acres, $1250 $250 Cash, $25 Per Month 1 1 1 1 1 , r -I. M.I..I.-.- wiin. Bungalow, omuwin House, Etc, - Half hour's' ride from Portland." . One milo from the station. Over a good, well traveled road, , . With a very- easy grade. But sufficient to have a magnificent view of the Columbia valley. With 6 know capped mountains In sight Call and arrange to see it FRED F. HUNTRESS, 630 Lumber Ex. SWAr" COLUMN 3 TO TRADE 1 check $105 Bush-Lane Piano Co., double seated btipity, gen tleman's' wheel or hall tree, -Phone Sell- wood 1584 READ THIS $110 check on Bush & Lane piano house ior L"",t'" V change for diamond. Phone Wood- exchange lawn 815. WlLL trade first class talking ma - chins outfit for good orgn;,. P- land Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder. A PROMISING song copyright to trade "for a second Tiand aufomoblle. ' Wrtte T. L. Lampltt. Huver. ur. PHONOGRAPH to exchange for house painting. T-ns. ooarni. 7 1 FOil SALE FAIU113 17 Beautiful Country Home Nice 7 room house in -beautiful srrovs of large oak and walnut trees, with 6 acres of fine, level land, all in cultiva tion; plenty of fruit; berries, grapes and asparagus bed. On corner of two main county roads, adjoining, Hillsboro; 15 minutes' walk to electric line; a second electric line will pass ths door. Price $3000; $500 cash, balance 110 per month or 10 per cent discount for cash. See owner, - r . P. REIMERS. ' 709 Corbett Bldg. . 130 ACRES Joining 8tayton, Or. We Just bought this tract to divide In 6 and 10 acre lots, finest land for alfalfa, berries or fruit mile ftota main street, gTaded school; we wllK-give you your choice of this land for $200 per acre before we lot it off; Joining land sold for; $309 per acre; It all can be Irrigated good water; or will sell J-SJnterest in tract Call and see it i A bargain. R. M. Cramer, 289 H Washington st; room 6. Good Chance HERE 18 MY POIWTI have adop tion on 100 acres of the best fruit land in Oregon. I can only handle' 20 acres mvself. and I want 6 to 10 people to buy the balance. , By purchasing tha entire tract we can get it cheap and save $200 to $300 per acre by p'attlng and caring for the trees together. - v v Write me at once, and I will explain more miiy my plan. ij-g7i. journal. ONE house and lot Jor sale Jn East. - portlana oy owner, v-aii ana mo t 9lH 7th st cor. Flanders and 7th. V. M. Dopson. If you Avant a bargain 'see me. -, . - I ROOM ihouse; must sell lath and clustered. electric llahts: $1400: terms $200 down, balance monthly. In- ulre Howe s store, aiu . ocoti car to Jravs Crossing. - $500 equity for $350; modern 6 room bungalow, nrst Class, eieciric ivxiures, Beamed ceiling, paneiea aining room, c 7 room house, t1 acres and 1 acre good onion land; lffnd all in crop: young trees, garden and potatoes a3 miles from Portland. 300 varda from depot on graded streets, sidewalk.' Price $2600: $800 down, balance 7 per cent For further Information address C.E. Bpence. Beaverton, or. R. F. v. wo. . i on eali: rAi;!:3 17 SPECIAL BARGAINS On Easy Terms ' 150 acres. 60 In cultivation, with SO more open and easily put under plow. 13 cows, 1 bull, team of mares, wagons, harness, machinery and tools; good house "and two barns; also household goods; fine crops; everything ready to go to work; V, mile to school, 1V4 to Ry. and boat landing. Only $9500; cash, $3000 or $4000, bat to suit' Comes to most of us but once in a life time.. This is your opportunity to make a itood safe Investment in real estate. Do not let It slip by. Read over -the following descriptions, and If none suits you tell us what kind of a place you want and w will furnish, you with it: oit in upm In cultivation. 4o easily cleared, 200 acres practically level. mostly ail xencea ana cru ihk, b"" well and running water, 10 acres bearing orchard,' large frame house, barn, black- mlh hnn rrnnarv. other buildings, all kinds stock and implements on place, 8 1 miles from Oregon City, good road, 18 miles from Portland, close tp B. F. D. aud telephone; prica $10,600. lift acres. ft acres in cultivation, large room house, larsre barn, Other outbuild ings, fenced and -cross fenced, Hi acres fruit, 3 Vt miles from Canby, ft. miles from Oregon City; ; good roads; price XBUUO. , 14 acres. 18 in cultivation, large orch ard, fenced, roads on I sides, 1 good spring, land practically level, house and barn, mile from streetca Una, own and schools;, pries $3200. , ? ' 80. acres. 25 In cultivation. 6 acres easily cleared, 7 acres timber, balance stump pasture, land all lies level, good spring .and well,, S room house, large barn, other outbuildings, fruit and. ber ries, lencea ana cross rencea, on gooa roads, 8 'miles from Oregon City; price $4500; crop, stock and , implements to value of $1500 to go with place for $5500. 128 acres, BO acres cultivated, all fenced and cross fenced, half level, bal ance rolling. 40 acres timber, good run ning stream through place, house, large barn and outbuildings, fruit of different kinds, stock and implements, l miles from, Oregon City;' price $78 per aore, : 240 acres, all tillable land, lit acres meadow, good black loam, all level BtiKimy ruiung, kii rencea, no acres in cultivation, y 100 acres timber, spring and well on place, 6 or 7 acres young rruii, o acres oia oronara, x houses, one 10 room frame house, other 4 room, barn 80x40, other outbuildings, R. F. D. and telephone, 1' mile store, 1J miles from Oregon City, g miles from Molalla, about zuuo wortn or stock, and Implements; price $100 per acre. .;;.; ' V 1 'WV F.' BCHOAlW a m i . 812 Main st, Oregon City, Or. 128 acres, 35 in cultivation; house and barn, machinery and tools; two mares snd colt, 7 cows; H mlle to school, 1H to Ry; and landing. Everything in good shape. Price, $55 per acre, half cash. -134 acres, 60 in cultivation; 8 room house, barn 60x100; a lot of machinery, cream separator and butter outfit; 15 cows, 5 heifers,' l bull, some pigs, chick ens, ducks and turkeys, 2 brood mares and colt;, a good diversity of crops;- 1-8 mile' to school, 4 to Ry. and landing. Price, 110,000, only l-J cash. v Dl t IXL 3 CIIANCi:3 ,1 mm lUlfttn One of the largest, best and. most centrally located laundries in the northwest, located in a -large town, doir- over $2000 per month, all new machinery, for sale, or will sell two-thirds in terest in same; best of reasons for selling. Don't answer this ad. buaHmess. Wa lt a money maker. D. S. Cameron RealtyvCo, 610 Washington st, Vancouver i Wash. v - i:::Lr y.wm: : : : 'i.' Competent Real Estate Salcs - man Wanted to handle hew plat, close in, With right prices and terms. Apply HART LAND CO., 148 2d st WANTED Able bodied men for the l. MUNICIPAL mUfn.YZ: L VcmA . .... .u"uu MUIIU.UUS :,wy vwm. ancn free After an vr,' ncrvice can xtTV? .y 11,8 HKl. PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE. Fine local Inn Nft rnmnet Hton. ES- 160 acres.' 75 in cultivation tinnae and I tablished huslness: chean rent. Must be . , ' . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . i . iww oarns, pienty ail Kinds maenmery soiq mis ween. f-su. journal. iooib, I cows, young stocx, i bull. 6 horses. 7 nigs. A well kent rtaca. a '..movtn . plctura . tbcatra lone, communicate with successful company. . Peoples" Amuse paying good monev: 2 miles from Rv vo bu or open Snd Ending! "iX&l iflioo. nly '$5oY6 one. communicate witha permanent and u a VT iyw, a v i ..,...,, ..mniinv. Pennies' Amuss- - 7 '' t' " . " ment Co., 510-815 othchlld bldg. Port III acres. fin lncatlnn nA view: fJj2m n0"!1 barn 65x80; all farm given away free to those answering implements and tools; 12 cows, 1 bull. 3 , thiB advertisement within 30 days, a wit- ih2rs!T and ye.arl,P Co": omS map of aU the California oil fields. Sa- ?ISnaH .ch,0enA,' A plaf Kod gar-Loomia 00.7701 Oregonian bldg., ,u jui, uimiiii iv wiii fortiana, ur'gon caon aown, Daiance long time if deairea . Rooming House Bargain wvixo, ou III . VUUIVAL1UJI, 0 1 II Baa I if a vwilin, ucoi iiauuu i imi new house, bam 80x40; tmplementa and clears $125 monthly; Bicknesa; sacrifice luuib. j a gvoa Duy at oouut on tenrsvjf , ior yui on easy xerma. inquire xvi- The aboWar. all good buys, on'- easy Q1T. parlor. I lease. Small rent cream route nhnn.. ..n. .u in 6 fine living rooms. Will consider soma every particular. . . . - trade. C-874, Journal. Four Chair: Barber Shop . Reasonable rent, good west side loca tion, good fixtures and priced below cost for quick sale. Call S4H 6th st. immm -t ' . . . . I One of the best. 1 Everything modern interest, w.n lV.t ,1iir Good location. Good lease, bmaii rent. o . coma ana sea them at xur expense. We have smaller, low priced places, aiso cnicnen rancnes ana fruit lanaa. , ' n-Ar, i,v,A;i!.1 1 lit MODERN hotel, 67 light rooms, long .r:. , y i. oj i.Ar. i i a lease, low rent central; always' fun; vvasnougai wasn.,i(t00(i transient trade." For own and return, via steamer Jessie Harkins, t50(,o cash will take it or, $8000 on iMVinir waBninffTAn amaat irsiw i . . . d . - - . -T land, at S p. m. . Present thla advertisement ' to Cap tain Hosford, of the steamer Jessie Harkins, ana it Will be accepted as a ticket, then call at our office and we will supply you with a return. provided, that you are honestly look- time. A-1858. LOOKING for an opening? Might have something to suit: commission busi ness every description. Louis Furcht, 51s Rothchlld bldg. HIGHLAND notion store; confectionery, clears, tobacco: want-to sro on home- ing ior a good dairy, fruit or ranch for stead; good business, rent , iwa grows things, an has the highest- qual- wE CAN place yoo- in paying business; Ity of soil, and fine climate. ; I K.enr. Knvin.' mnA m Lumoer Near Grays Crossing, on Mt Scott carllne; one. halfl of It cleared and in gram; isuu per acre, nan casn. rnis offer is good to July 18 only.-; Carter-Dugan Company gzo cnamoer or commerce. ment basement Investigate this if you D-6S5, Journal, . 10. ACRES of fine, level land on main -; county road, partly in timber, balance oan be easily cleared; 16 minutes' walk to Oregoa.ElectrlCifiQ minutes'.. Jlda .to foruana, -t $1800; $800 cash, balance $16 per month, or 10 per cent dlsaount for all casn. ;, THBJ CROB8LET CO., to cometi Hiag. want a bargain. BEAUTIFUL new 6 room modern house, $2600; $200 cash, balance monthly. Ask for Beeley, 228 Lumber Exchange. Phones Main 5645, A-6652. BARGAINS in lots and houses by own- tm . j . . ti, rr -1 . er. 602. 6IX room residence, modern; 60x100 lot; sold cheap. Owner.' 231 Shaver st. FOR SALE LOTS 10 $675 Fine corner, . 80x100, on Willis ' boulevard. ' r; r. . $1075-Irf 60x100; street Improve . ments in, Including sewer, paid; 3 blocks from business center, 1 block from carllne; half cash, balance 1 year, 7 per cent- v : ; $8250 Buys modern 6 room California bungalow on full slxe lot, Terms easy. Call and see it - 11100 100x100; south front on Hum- V,,lt mt all Bh - r tlJOOOns quarter block env Michigan ave., 100 ft cement walk, streets graded, water m; terms easy, -- 10 acres near electric HP; ?'ell or trade. ot-: .;'- ' 848 Mississippi ave.-: " !' ;y r Phone Woodlawn 202, C2008. FOR BALE 31 acres In Douglas county; 17 acres In cultivation: near town and R. R.; admirable for chickens or fruit Only $50 an acre. Address T. N. Hura phreys, Myrtle Creek. Or. ONLY 145 DOWN Buys nice 45x100 lot on K. 20th st, 1 ft. above grade; city water, no rocks,, close to rood car line. 10 minutes ride (actual) to new. bridge; balance of $405 payable $10 monthly. You can't beat this in Portland. Complete abstract perfect ti tle, call at once, sis ADingtonpiag. PAT 130 DOWN And buy level lot on graded street with citv water, cement walk going down: close tOVgood car line, 10 minutes' ride to bridge balance of $270 payable $10 inunmiy. van i unto i-vvyt au bi. room 616.- ; -n '" Alberta $575 Bargain - - 40x100; on 27th atrnear AlbertaT east jront, sidewalks in and street improved. r Bit, USBUKIN1S BKUH.-4 , Cor. 80th snd Albarta. KENTON CARLINE. ( business lots. $2200 cash: -If vou know a bargain when you see it, inves- k tlgate; positively the best vmv In Port land; must ieava city; owner. i-67, Journal. ' .' ' .ONLY $5 cash, balance monthly buys choice lot that will double in value In few months. Custer, 414 Lumber Kxcnange.- -. FOR SALE 2 fino building lots 100X 100 feet, about 50 feet, from good car- line in, gooa residence aistnct:' price iuuu; lerniB. Appiy owner, juus ttei mont st, r phone Tabor 488 or B-1488 CHOICE double corner, $426; only 10 per cent casn, balance monthly, dou, ble your money In few months. Custer, v $20 CASH, $5 PER M6NTHI. I lots 60x100 each, on Mt. Scott line price $250. H. R. Black, 402 Lumber ex change bldg.. id and wtarK. CUSTER, 414 Lumber Exchange. Choice 6 double corner for $276, only 10 per cnt cash, balance monthly. UP,AUTIFUL lot on 17th near rioln . $676; easy terms-; a snap. 226 Lum- - ;' PAY balance -monthly choice ifxt. custer, 414 lot. only a few Lumber Exchange. IKjR SALE 2 lots in Irvineton. Rroa way addition, south front, 50x100, title v nencci-. jy-eaa, journal. iX)T8 only $100 each, only 816 cah balance monthly; double in value in tew moninsj custer, 414 Lumber Kx. z LOT'S Wfcarlliie.'! ESxlfl6 .' at atatlnn with sprilg watsr; So fare; for sale, 2i cash,: balance monthly buys a lot in. growing buslnsscenter. - Custer; I4 Lumner; Kxenange. : $l(l6 4 lots Rockaway beach. Tabor 1611. Phone ACREAGE A SUBURBAN farm 10 miles out on electiic line; B minutes' walk from de pot; S5 hiinutcs' ride, 16 trains a day And 6 mors-shortly;, nicely Improved with modern $ room house; -an idenl J--nTrr'hmrtrMt'fBOtl,'$B000a!ft car., balance 4 outvfll , I lv !S acres it)v evil) f uvv v i rv 4 1 t vyeara at , 6, E-676, Joininr 1L CH. ; one' mile the OCEAN south of Ft KtcvuiH. lies nice for platting. , Prlc tr.y - per ocr.i, half . cash. A. : C ijidic,N til tiiaajber of Commerca. -Tillamook Dairy Ranch Choice 180 acre lmoroved farm with food house and barns, on main road, Ina running water: owner offers place for $4250, half cash if sold .at once. This is a snap. M. V, Realty Co, Phone Tabor 24, 1998 S3. Stark st Tracts, $16N per acre good sotlrnear Portland and R R; -water on place; terms. Brown. 411 Couch bids. Nlaht and Sunday phone East 2337. , A Good Farm at Your. Own . Price1 -M:':'' Sealed bids will be received on a good I 160 acre farm, lying in Linn coun ty, Or., until Monday, July 25. at 6 p. m.; this farm is-situated within 1 mile of small railroad town, in a good up-to-date community, is mile from school, 2 churches within .1 mile, 2 R F. D. routes pass placa every day, telephone right can be -had if desired; this place IS all KOOd black Soil. 19fl iWAi In cultivation now and can all be put in cultlvationr no roct or rravet iAr rim. biuo lenuinir woven wire, running, water vn ittrm year rouna; irooa perrect ti,tle is guaranteed to purchaser; crop and immediate possession will be also riven- we will receive bids for the purchase of tha above until July 25, 1810, at 6 p. m, . Best bid to take the farm $1000 to- ba nut tin vhm hM la " . oenverv or gooai ana suf ficient title, right Is reserved to reject the bid of an unsatisfactory bidder; this land will be shown to anybody desir ing to place a bid on It by A. K. Curtlss or the Linn and Benton Real Estste C?or ?a5l,? Real Estate Co., all the above at Albany, Or- or any Informa tion can oe had from Smith & Montague, Joon?s?tan'1 17 Washington bldg., 270 Wash., st. of Portland n, TM Will be a snan for soma tin,, m f'. -o luvesuBaie mia come and see h ror yourself or telephone the owner, jy many, jt. EXCHANGE KKAL ESTATE 24 160 acre ranch, 4 miles of Wlllamlna, - with fair imnrovements: 20 to 80 aores cleared and in spring oats, house and 2 barns, fruit, enough for family; water piped in house from spring. Will exchange for Portland residence proper ty, to amount of $1500 to $2500, balance time; price, $25 per acre. Commercial Hotel,- McMlnnvlile, Or. To trade for a- cottage or sell on easy terms; land well fenced, 2 acres good orchard, barn, school hi mile, best of land for fruit or garden or stock; right by a sawmill that Joins place, where pariy can nave worn."- wwra o, uri Washington at. ... , 147 acres in Yamhill coi 00 .acres clear and in crop; fine son, running water, good house, large orchard; all stock and imnlements .koss-wltlllJlacer--Trada- for city property, all or part value; take mortgage on balance. . tt. jjiaca, ui-a Lumber Kxcnange niag. BEST 6 acres in fine, state of cultiva tion, on Oregon City canine, ror Team, wagon and harness, some casn. long time on balance at 6 per cent Sellwood 111. or D-87, journal, FOR SALE or exchange for other prop- erty, hotel ana warenouse on v;oiumoia liver, doing' a good business, no opposi tion; price $2500. Address W. U. Brown, Arista, or. SMALL Jewelry business in thriving Oregon town to exenangs' ror acre age or city propeny. Miner, no unam ber Commerce. WANT to trade houss and lot for good heavy team. Harness ana wagon; bal ance in montmy payments. K.-673, Journal. . . IF YOU have anything to trade or sell, or If you want to buy city or farm property, see J. R Horning, 318 Altsky Diag ; - IF you wsnt to sell, buv or trade, see ShoemaKer inv. uo., ii tienry, oiag. Main 4465. A-7434. TO exchange for real estate, launch 20 feet long, 6 H". ' P., speed 9 miles, value jzuu. . mom tMHt o, FOR SALE or trade; 2 city lots in San Diego, CaU for Portland real estata B. Zaek. 361 N. 14th sC ' WOULD like 'to trade a paying grocery store for. real L-673, journal. estate; owner only. FOR SALE or tradejfor yalley land; 40 st. Phone A-264$. oomi apartment house. Call 889 6th EXCHANGE Fine Income Property in one hf the bests eastern Oregon" towns M . i - i. i. Aft A I T....1 for lots See U ADE fpt anything, anywhere. toqay. tn tienry ping. f WANTEIH-BEAL ESTATE 31 WAN - cottage, Bargain r letter.! 6 ori 6 'room ! bungalow: or ot tab far out: must be a prffice and terms In first jgurnai. WANTE its, nor deal; giv journal WANT HAVE bu acreage, give Dfi tn ease I prlcei B a Uood fr tH-rooif yfer , fcf T- ! f , "SWAP 5 acras land 'Inside city 11m side preferred; casn and location. E-686, sidence lot: must hi terrn!r.-T;8trrj0urrxaI. acres unlmtiroved ri i : ' r r U UU1 II (XI i- J ? especially adapted for grow- Kinney Stampher. 131-t ing peara. r . - Exchange .bldg.- A-4881. ' .1" you, wish further Information be- Stb-m iore malting the trip, write us. Washougal Dairy. & Land Co. . Washougal, Wash, PARfNER wanted in well paying chop house; a moneymaker; must be a live man; this place is doing , a big busi ness. 248 Madison st mm PART IN WADE GOOD paying bicycle business; good chance fos right e)arty; will .teach purchaser ? the business. Cheap lent i -pip, journal. ) anca free. After so venrn' service can retije with 76 per cent of pay and al lowances. Service on hoard ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply ai tireeaen bldg., 3d ana ': wasmngiun bis., jrortiana. ur t WANT a rustling good outside man to solicit ror dvelnar and cleaning nousa. To the man who proves himself capable I 1 will plv him lrt.f..t In hiiBlnAHH TO manage same for me, as 1 am interested in other , work. This is not a snap, but will prove a good business ,opportuntty for a young man without money. E-689, Journal, -i- i ' , - . . -WANTED . - - , , Independent or nonunion '-; ' V MACHINISTS ' UNITED METAL TRADES ASSN, 222 Commercial Club Bldg. 10.000 POSITIONS For graduates Inst year; man and wo men learn barber traf.a In I weeks; helj to secure positions; graduates ears $$ to t25 weekly: expert Instructor; tools free: writ for catalog. Molar System of Colleges. SS N. 4th st. Portland, ; WAITED alesmanj many make $100 to $156 per month; soma even more; stock dean, grown, on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance week ly; choice of territory. Address Wash tngton Nurserv CO.; , Toppenish. Wash. A FEW cracker bakery men. ' Paclf lo uoasi isiscuu uo.( iztn ana uavis. INTERNAT I&NAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS - ' MOVED - 238 Alder st. near 2d. Main 6718. WANTED Party to manage best up-To-dats light manufacturing business in city. No competition; will guarantee $6 per day salary; $700- cash required. If you mean business call'693 Gllsan st. WANTED Salesmen In every locality In tha northwest; - money . advanced weekly; many make over $100 monthly; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. WANTEDAt once young man to learn to spin yarn; fair wage guaranteed to start; steady work guaranteed through out the year. Apply to superintendent i-oriiana wooien Alius, tit. JOnns, or, Torvrt T.inv n-p mniTM Of high or grammar Schools,. 17 years'" of aire and over, will find a good oppor- lumiy io enter a business career Dy ap- plyh.f? at once to OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. SITUATIONS 5L1LE NO CHARGK TO EMPLOYER OR j MAIN S566. A-6614, ,', BOOKKEEPER, coast lumber 'expert- 8- w ants position immediately; good sonable. habits; best of references: salarv rea- o a r , - - C-688, Journal. , SOPERJNTENDENT bridge construc tion, -all lines; can handle heavy woisk; best of references. C-6 80, Jour nal. - . ; ( EXPERT acountant wants set small books to keep; books opened, closed, balanced. Q-676 Journal. ' - CARPENTER, competent to take charge of residence .building, wants work. D-680. Journal. ' EXPERIENCED young man wishes po sition aa motion picture operator. : O. W, Curtis, flt. John's, Or. - CARPENTER and builder, new or re-palr-worki day or contract 333 Gllsan st., room 82.' - 1 EXPERIENCED gardener, German.' wants steady position, best references. BrfiSl. Journal. CARPENTER and builder, hew or re- pair work, day or contract. Bell wood 1712. N- 61TUATIOX8 FEMAIJS , ,. EXPERIENCED housekeeper, with girl of 11, wlBhes place In widower's fam lly, city or small town out-. Call or ad dress Mrs. H. C. Hornback, 493 E, 32d St., city. . - . FIRST class lady cook wishes gentle- : man partner in restaurant or deli catessen. Rest of city references, , C 689, Journal. ; ' ' DURING the summer months only will give beginners two piano lessons for 60c. D-689, Journal. - WOULD, like small bundle -washing Please call 873 Taylor st, basement DRESSMAKING 40 THE VIENNA LADIES' tailor - will make your suits at low rates to Intro duce work, or will teach your cutting or fitting and -to make your own suits.i Call at the Westminster, cor. Sixth and: Madison streets.- Main 6583. , FANCY gowns, plain - sewing neatly done, alteration,. lingeries dry cleaned. Main 7016. - ' FOR SALE-r-By owner, cigar and con fectlonery store; lease, good business, small amount of money reaulred. E-688, 40 acres. 25 in cultivation, balance Journal. . - pasture and tlmbr, - room frame WANTED Honest partner for travel house, chicken housa and j granary, 1 ing moving picture -show; $10 to. $25 acre of (.orchard, living stream, small made dally. Call 626 Wash., between .cam, i Biicep, 4 vcows. i yeaning, aoiltitn and X7tn nnoori0iipln,ntrrimnle ?5?? ' WANTED Young man with $50 to TOn?.JA,i?Ie?fKm. Ar?50?. 9". -learn, real estate business and show wheVaVn the Oregon CUy" car line mon7 Can b" "? nUrlarnnsi a OaIIiwaaJ 4 ).4AA 9 r Art. I LI1 Wt 9 $700 cash, balance to suit E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, End Suspension Bridge, Oregon City. FOR REXT FAEM3 . PARTNER wanted In rooming house to take full charge; lady preferred. Must have 11100 cash. Calf 133 , 12th, or phono Main 1088. By Owner, BEST RESTAURANT IN TOWN. On th St.- no-chean meals, rent only $50. FOR RENT 10 acres, all cleared, house jiM.r1 m0ney maker inveti' and barn, $200 per year. Chaa. H. 64 7 l2 " '""' '" " ' , .,; Fry, Beaverton,' Or. WANTED Partner to aot as treasurer SALESMEN for Bay City property; ter minus United Railways; good pay to good hufltlers. Bay City Land Co., 319 Lumber Ex. ' - East SIDE Cleaning & Dye House w pay $18 per week for good solicitor 1 will pay more it you are worth it In quire at 224 2d st, west side. $5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught in practical forma Day and tvenlng sessions. Address Myers, 829 11th st, Portland. Malrt 8512. ... FAM1K.Y sewing; children's work a spe - clalty.' Phone East 5465. room 63. FAMILY sewing t ; home or by day; Children a specialty, pnone Mam FURNISHED ROOMS '- , WEST SIDE FOR SALE TIMBER ii.i,i4-ii for motion picture theatre: must have $360. Room 612, Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington st ; WE are headquarters for timber and i!.? kfc iVe?"sA k'n f 'f"0' i lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin- best cash offer or exchange for pho ney A Stampher. 631-8 Lumber E- n?8"Ia?h,orrcamera ln good order- Box change bldg. !: 64 Arleta, Or. ' .-, 4,000,000 of fir and cedar near ' Hoi- PARTNER wanted with $200 for busi brook: standins- timber. A-682. Jour- uee n Washington st; $26 to $36 nal. - weekly income; , investigate. C-6 86, journal. - WANTED TIMBER mr ROOM1NO house. 18 rooms. Owner I . 1 . 1 1 . en - . . I . rlflce. $400 this week. Call early, 808 I WILL pay spot cash for good Income Board of Trade blda property up to $35,000 and will deal t!"aT ,trrT, . fl 4. 5 with owners only; give full parttculai-s RESTAURANT bargain. See this at in first letter. L-B72, Journal. 1 once umy .uu. ijwner-piusv-seii. bus xoarq pi iniii Ding. HOMESTEADS Good stock or dairy farm up val ley south of McMlnnvlile 37 miles, 1H miles from station on 8. P. R R.; 100 acres lnTfcultivation. balance pasture and timber; is all fenced . and cross-fenced; plenty of good water; 6 springs and good well; 6 room house and a large barn; 8 acres of orchard. Price, Including the crops, stock and all farm tools, No. 3 Iowa Milk separator, chickens; $35 per acre, W. H. LANG. , 414 Abington Bldg. FARM for sale by owner; 160 acres, right in the heart of , Willamette val ley; 115 acres in cultivation, 36 acres in timber and pasture, good 12 room house, 2 barns, 1 hophouse, good water, also running water, orchard of annles. Dears. plums, prunes, cherries and berries; farm mostly unaer woven wire rence, good lo cation, 5 miles west of Broadacres on Oreiron' Electric R.R.. 2 miles east of St Paul, 2 miles south of Cham poeg, and river lanamg. - fart or crop, goes with place if taken at, once; 3 horses, 4 milk cows, s young cattle, 4 brood sows, 4 hoes. 4 dozen chickens and some farm implements go with place; telephone and rural aenvery, siuu per acre, terms. MRS. JAWK CUMUKOVE, Woodburn, Or., R. F. D.,No. 1, . $18 Per Acre , 400 acre stock or dairy' ranch. - 88 acres improved, balance good range for stocic; plenty gooa water; sou is first class for hay, fruit berries or vege tables; on good county road, R- F. D. route and phone line; 60 miles from Portland, Vt mile to boat landing, 2 V to R. Rv statioaj 84 trains ever this line very 24 hours? ' A.. It GODDARD, " 291 Cherry St., Portland, Or, Phone East 786. CIGAR STORE. -' Fine location, clean stock, old estab lished business, only $300. 64V4 6th. st r jj , 111 I, i;l r - 1 iisnen ouBinesn, oniy suu. DeSCtlUteS Valley Where, rOr- PARTNER wanted, cleaning and dyeing tune Calls doinr aood business: snlendld loca tion: tired of hired help. 208H 4th st. Why be landless when there is (rood. Itim wtt.t. buv free ao.vernment land in Crook, the best t , week : mint sell at once. ' tw county in central uregon wnere rail- 1 No agents. A-l SALESMAN wanted by -old estab ' llshed house; city and road work; per manent position; exclusive , territory. H-660, Journal. THREE traveling salesmen to carry side line postcards, in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho. Inquire 608 Common wealth bldg. - - ' " - - - --r 7 HElil WAJfTEB MALE JUXD :f:-y FEMALB ' 29 WANTED Men and - women to learn drama and vaudeville, also fancy and buck and wing, dancing taught at tha Chicago School of Acting, 343 hi Yam hill, room 16, 'Friers to suijt an classes. GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write ior rortiana examination ecneauie, Franklin Institute, Debt 848 R. Roches ter, N. Y. v ' EMPLOYMENT AGEXCUOi OH rC. R. HANSEN & CO., GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AOENClBS. Main office, 21 N. 2d - at. Portland, j Ladles' department 7th and Wash, sts. -. upstairs, rortiana. , , 614 Front ave., fipokana.7" $7-88 4th si. San Francisco. Established 1I7C. HAN LEY & TRAVER EMPLOYMENT CO headquarter j for K R. worlt Uhk N. 2d st . "- unV-?Deyou1wanlt rfVeetoVe?rlnThen WILL, sell .or trade my confectionery wP.Tca?h?nU ZTUt ifw.Tl ilZ ,; ice cream and cigar stand, good loca- vmi nn'ieS Y''Vnm'M(..i.'Ti I "on, ana n pargam. journal. - -. - acre desert claims which may be Irrii RESTAURANT: doing good business, gated by gravity flow, also J20 acre rent $30; going to Alaska; make ma homesteads In the great undeveloped an offer. 626 Washington st wheat region of - southeastern Crook ONB-HALF or all of small restaurant county. Now IS the time to secure a with. rooms; cheap; terms; owner sick. uuuibbibbu ur ui cmwn uiiu uuy n i journal. vheischuteCsUlwhereVeTil0and FOR SALE-Modern printing -office; nioS'drrn1 hand11l5Htahr: ' doing goodbusinsss; must quit on ac- products were raised which captured M50""1 nettltp; t,erm8' 1f6' JO"J"al the Hill cup at the International Dry FOR SALE An interest in'one offthe Farming congress lasi year. iniDrace wnt f aroges in uny. -u-om, journal, this opportunty to become a landowner SMALL hand lauadry" for sale. , H-628, improve your own property farm Journal--- -" .' , your own luuu, ror iniormauon-diroui ver rill of Address V l, " " ' ' HELP WANTED MALB . ll nRBCHTITKa . VAT.T.Hnr LAND Xr 'm VESTMENT CO., I LEARN operate motion pictures; 301-302 Buchanan bldg.,' Portland. Or. operators $35 weekly; easy- work. Loeat Xf f ices. Culver,- Or.r Laldlaw. Or4 MoUon. Picture School, 526 hi Washing- . 1 11 , 11 ,i. I ..... 4. , 6 U 1U 1 , 4UI1, JVkll C4I1U A I 411, ROOMXNU UOUbUlB 1TU BALB 63 WANTED 2 men to learn operate motion pictures. Motion picture School, 612 Buchanan bldg., -, Ziihi Washington st ' ' Never Before on Market A Good Home Five acres. 6 miles from Vancouver. all cleared, excellent soli; 6 room house, barn and chicken houses; aborted fam ily, orchard, also grapes and , berries; crop goes with place; personal property, norse. Harness ana wagon; cnicttens. , , . Price, $2400. -v k , f N. W. MERRIFIELD. 'I , 208 W. 8th St.. Vancouver, Wash. ' FOR SALE or trad for small farm or city property, $3000 Stock-of general merchandise and store buildinai fine lo- cation, spring waterfall kinds of garden; or would traae siock ana rent store. Take train at Jefferson depot at 7:40 a. m. and get off at Rex. . Can ba back ln Portland In 3 hours; store at station. H. Fallman, Rex, or. J -m l i ) pianola; in exchange for house palnt- " COLlTilN 25 U mile town llmitsiCorvallls: rood 7 rMB-JMUsai)Oil-4aanouBgiehard and berry garden. For price and terms eddresa W. W, Conder, Corvallis, Or., . ; v. 1- 160 teres 7 miles from Elk City $2500; 5 acres at Elk City, market garden iana wungooa ouuaings, jivu, U i r, O. O. DALABA. fif' 18, room rooming nouse on vv ashing- A SPECIALTY salesman, will guarantee 4vu pu, mm . ; "f"4 salary to nusuer, airy rooms, good furniture, clearing $1304 , WESTERN SPECIALTY CO.." luuuuiij 1 4,4.v 4,w,. wv, -" 4. i ? ' o z a w orcester Diag 4 4? A . i Peters, 10 6th st. PRICE CUT! DON'T "DELAY 1 WANTED-Bov to learn nrintint? bus! ness. u. a. xtidi onop, cor. ront ana in rwunr nv. Biuj, ,u, Hi Washington. - rent, un iiuiuo, , iiwii4iuy i u.. t 1ft . ,. i nhnve all emenaea: , other buslnesa. will I WANTED 10 - men ; wages $2.50 and sacrifice on easy terms. - INQUIRE 86 10TH. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted to aid us , supply the demand for choice nursery stock: out' fit tree; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company.' Salem. Or. GOOD, light alrj? 'rooms, close ln; very cheap; pay either day, week, nionth, 268-Front. st " n; ; 347H tth it, rooms $1.64 up per wssa, Free pnone and bath, Mstn 7784. ... ' THE Colonial rooming house, 165 lOtn st, cor. Morrison; rooms from 75o to Yi per gay; 3 to 68.50 per ween. THE TEMPLE. S43U Yamhill st, OPDO- site Hotel Portland, rurnisnea rooms; rates reasonable; transient . FINE single room; hot and cold water; 7 blocks postofflce; $2.50 week. . 211 1th. - - - -- . - LARGE front room, rurnisnea, not ana , cold water; suitable ior :twor"-i w, 17th. st. -Main' 8202. - --"' RPi.mnm front rmimi. one suitable for 9. kiiKnnv mlniitra from nostofflce. all convenient 302 rara. BEAUTIFUL furnished for 1 or 8 'per sons. 446 11th st, between Jackson and College. LAKJR furnished front room on First. 210 Mead. A-4678. ' ROOMS, . wea furnished; , light; well ventilated, running hot cold . water; $3 to $5. 341 Harrison. at 188 N. 36tn.' fnone A-4B. '' NEW, clean rooms; terms reasonable 684 Gllsan. Phone Marshall 1616. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 53 GENTLEMEN Furnished rooms with . or without board; 680 E. Salmon, cor ner 14th: wanting oiatance. HELP WAITED FEMATiE x 2 THE GREATER OLDS, WORTMAN A KING STORE need the services of a large number of experienced saleswomen In the following departments;' GROCERIES; HOSIERY, GLOVES, MEN'S FURNISHINGS, NOVELTIES, JiARTNEEDLE :WORK, -GIRLS-AND . -- YOUNG WOMEN 16 years of age and over who wish the opportunity to enter a business career. OLDS; WORTMAN & KING. NICELY furnished room, bath. $2.50 per week, near Steel bridge. .350. Ben- UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 2 LARGE 'front bath, lectri lights, tance. phono C-2832; $9, unfurnished rooms, walking dis WANTED At once, young ladles to 'learn to weave woolens, ,t lannels and blankets. Good wages can be earned within a short time by those who wilt apply themselves, i Every consideration shown to steady workers. Apply at once to superintendent, r Portland . Woolen Mills,- St-vTohns, Or. UNIVERSAL shorthand is the . best; writes letters the first week, and soon. prepares ior gooa positions wnicn we guarantee.- Now is the time to enroll at low tuition rates. E. B. U., 630 Wor cester bldg. ,' - up. Portland BricK & Tile Co.. Linn- tan road.' v ' -',"- . -r ROOMING house, 8 large rooms, well P&WJiL1. tUJA 5W 'W furnished, central location', income ,lnA .S-t.rlk 00 to! $100, prlcV reasonable. - owner leaving eight hours. Ed. Carlson, business agent city; will take vacant lot IL Hatfield, WANTED Steady man, used to farm- lBDVi 4tn st;. : v - wora, ior orcuaru cioae o roruana; ROOMING houses, any size, at prices 880 and board. 709 Corbett bldg. to syit; we buy. sell and exchange. I WILL teach, you to drive automobile, PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE,CO., -cheap and-qulck.vC-CmU.JJ Wash- $1300 $600 down. 8 If Henry bldg. : ington st.,room 417 , - 21 room housekeep- WANTED Youne man. must be sober: ing. well furnished, good location. experience Unnecessary; small canital rent $80, clears $100, ,402 Commercial required, 326 Washington, room 417. block. ; " ',' .- - . . ; WANTED Eieht men for brick varrt SALE or exchange: 12 room rooming 1 Denver ave and Brainard. Take St house. . 1700: lease: rent 83'5. , Main hJosns car. 8407; evenings Main 8751. Owner. WANTED 2 Rood watchmakers: If vou , are a tinker don't apply. NINE rooms, first class, only $700 cash; close in; a pargam.- zu Henry Diqsr. STAPLES, THE J EWELER. ' .' 'A : v -.: MIXING STOCKS ; C8 FOR SALE .AND EXCHANGE ik WANTED Good shlngler, Saturday t morning, Williams' house; 4 , blocks south Mt. bcou car,.KayDurn ave. WANTED Presser on men's clothing: WILL ' sell my 6000 shares of Black . Regal Cleaners & Dyers, 270 Grand Eaale M. & M. (north Bant lam) stock N ave. . - " ' - best offer takes it i Mrs. E. Hosref; 804 l?,cDrMTL-D Li,' 'J..j .v.. 1 8 Miles From Portland T CorbMt 8t- t:rtTandr OT-- ' pnui 'hrXu; IO IVIIIDlJ I 1VMII I UlUailU I MIVIMfl Vill . anA InHnotrlol .k.kll lit anI Unnlinn - r onni 279 acre farm. 200 acres clear, about 1 mM ruvMann . cn t"4. . "...-. r-1 ? : I :.'!om.:u!i,L? J .acrcs LewlsPbldg., Marshall 7T8, A-mf - oeaverunni, nu; wire rencea, Tine Vjfxin 7w1 MdinPLlS M ia 0 buyj 1116 PnMPh!ne nad OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO., 64 U 6th. 17 ACRES in Yamhil. in crop, rest in line piling, running water, iwell and 8 springs, good house. barn, dr9nar(li : everirthing goes with place, j H,i R. BiacK, 4i-3 Lumber Ex change bid?., 2d end Stark. FOR SALE By owner, 10 acre tract --dancln g at t he-Chtoago achdol of ac t- xamnui, Toom 16,- Industrial stocks; tele- Ing. 848 soFd DC. 8 FletJhSri25n lrsUt!n WANtED at once 2 men to iearn to sold, C. g. Fietcner. i.i APirgton hiagr . drive and repair automobiles.. Call IF YOU wish to buy or sellmlnlng 60-62 N. 7th st, " stocks. !can on J, B. Purcell, 310 Oak. nainnn, I, ...i,.,.. BUSINSS tANCm SEVERAL 1 established stores, outslds CIJHi.h w.SnL'n s v?.'pk!Vi pMl town; gt-ocery. hardware. 8 gea . o,.w,M VoU 288 jYamhllL, next mdw0., for; sale, by Fike, 208 Henry bldg. V .yrna BJVrBT fri .,1. nA liuulU. JnU. i a irood Tbuslness.. rWrlta owner. As lIL.WneBSi.810 needed, no drlnWtr.? .A- Frura.' CobUrg., Or. ' s , - I " Journal. CONFECTIONERY store, good location; WANTED Boy f 15 or 16 at Portland low rent: living room: lease, jb&o. 103 -iwi 4 44.,, m a. w bu 4th st. ' 1 -' - -,- - I WANTED A first class GROCERY with living1 rooms above: fine loflaupn; oni corner, eeo owner ai wain riiiu Haujho meat cutter. no otner neeq appiy, y yo Russell. 35 Gibbs St Crest theatre. nlaver i Council Call after 7 o'clock. A GOOD old lady to look after 2 little - boys and help with housework.. : Call 415 E. Clay st, pr phone after 8 a. m. MIDDLE aged lady, general housekeep- ing, lamuy 01 z, gooa place for right party. 292 Portland blvd., St Johns car to Arpor Loage sta. . ,, WANTED Young - woman -to- operate multlgraph. ; Apply Pubno Library. 7th and Stark sts. . r WANTED Responsible lady to canvass ' staple article; permanent position; aiso agency ir aesirea, Ij-b4, journal WANTED Young ladles to learn fancy ' dancing at the Chicago school of act In g,' 348 Yamhill, room 16. ' WANTED Experienced operators . oh shirts and overalls: also learners: paid wnne learning. Appiy to isi at. EXPERIENCED pressors on ladles' gar ments.-! Vienna steam Dye works, 226 8d. WANTED Experienced chocolate dip- pers ana pacxers. Aiaon canay Co,, 12th and Glisan. ,--.,. GIRL or elderly lady to keep house for elderly couDle, Troutdala, Or. Address . box 163, GIRL or woman to do light housework small family. Apply mornings, 737 V. MuHiann Phnnn Knut 1815. . . , . -. -.. GIRLS wanted .to work in paper box factory, steady ' employment - Apply r utat riap i urn a rn unoon .--.- - V. DlQtvlci vm " 1 1 47(4 1 1 1 MATTIiJSS makers and ' upholsterers. , Portland Furniture Mfg. Co, 1249 Macadam road.. ; - A GOD reliable woman wanted for areneral housework : in country home: wages $30. Call at 858 Stark st. Immediately -Ladies ' and gentie r men to travel; 376 month; city $2.60 dayi! Call room 249 Holladay ave. $12 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms: bath, nantries. suitable for man . and IM . CIA rinlnmKlfl mt ' -hr, - WHB. illHUIIP PIV y.mi,nitji " THREE unfurnished or partly, fur nished rooms, bath, water, xie. ius 17th -N, -X-, UNB'URNISHED 410 Jefferson. housekeeping rooms, Phone Marshall 3143. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 ROOM and board ' for young women, $3 per week; privilege of laundry, library and sewing. 6 Grand ave. N. Phone E. 261. v ' " WANTED Board by the month for 2 year old boy. rnpne Main tsti aner t. rh.4 ask for Mrs. Wheeler. DESIRABLE room.and board; horns nnnlfl n ew mnl.r, . A Z I U. K S It" h Alder.' '-- ' ' ' : GOOD home cooking,' close In. -reason able prlcea Main 3822. aii a Mm 862 7th. HOTELS hotel FOSTER Portland newest , medium . nrlced ' flreDroof "hotel: 180 IVUIII.I . . ..UHW, " " " ninv water in eevrv room: rates 731 and ti: full half block: 247-260 Davis st.,-- aa to.'-aq,"- " .-' HOTKL PORTLAND only; is. is day, VALLAMONT Furnished rent . 376 Yamhill. European- plan rooms , for . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS , WEST SIDK ' 8 i iiuiiBcnrruuiK' suae, vr i in . c n , chone and all fconvenlances. very cheap to nartv that will answer clione ' and cans, , 88 lutn near Btarn. 11.7ft week larae clean furnisrieil house keeping rooms; laundry,- bath, gas. acsa sssvaa -t w vaw iiiou, m vwvi - land. '- --,. NK K rooms, fine location One block 10 . s in vr nn nu , n an, n n n - roil in able; light housekeeping if desired. 667 tuverett st. KliRNTSHF.n hoiiaekeenlns rooms. 11 d. .nil si., uriween aid unu aurhj rnone tast atua. . - - -' TWO nleasaritlv located housekeeping rooms, walkine distance. 809. Jackson St., bet. 6th and 6th. ' GIRL to assist with light housework ' and care for baby during day. Apply 114U -.lamnui.oor pnone o-iuaz ATElJManujelnJiwghtaa-WANTI -evwr 4-o-tskeTWO or three ciearr.- airy rooms, for housekeeping. z8 mu si,, apartment 24. Hot water, phone. ; " !'. ,.- 313 14th. corner Clay, large, llsrht 1 and care of two children. IStlk 8 car. h:-.-r .:-! Call -114- N, fTJuNGglrl to make hair rolls. 42$ E, 9th B. GIRLS to sew hats. Apply Lowengart Co., 92 Front st. , ', . - . WANTED Waitress at Bwetland's. 269 atornson aw '.'.mi-''.k! ,::.?. ' '-v-,? : fi -mi it i. i mnfJftrn ;Oonvenlenoes. 11.50 each weekly. - Phone Main 6425, iniU-4-4,UiAJiia 41. ....-. ,. -- - f inff- rorm wlth-sll -conveniences,.-$10 and nn. runtral location. 603 V4 Alder St NICELY furnished front nouseiceeping v'enlences. 878 Irving st, nearJ8th. i HirtH CLASS housekeeping rooms; no children: reasonable rates; easy walk In distance; modern. ag stn st. 2 room housel kaepln g suites. TWO nice housekeeping rooms in base ent. 474 ciay. vvaiKing distance. gas: moderate. 7th & Flanders. A-407t 'JL 4 w?Jik jw 'mitt 1 J -', ';, f i'-..1 '-