The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 14, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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    T't" A"ir
.,..1211 OSCi ,
' T-:s you into immediate possession f
JJl.Tsi crzv 6 room, modern, bungalow.
fw of 'the attractive features of ui'
. ldpal home are: ' -.Villi
Built In rhina closet
Paneled cMntng room.-, '
Iwamcl celling. ,
Good large porches, front and roar.
LArpe living room. " ' 1 . jJt
Is situated near carline and goou
school, excellent view. The price ormii
modern home to you is
menis .
. $260 cash, balance like rent
See Owner-.
515 Gerltnger bldg.; 2d nd ww.
Fhon. eve-ntnga or Sunday Tabor 14f.
.cash m
A new. cony, llttlo house,, ready to
' wove into, fine corner 88x95 feet city
" water, nlea lawn; lots of flowers, ,ber
: rlas.'flne -ardn. chicken house and run.
near school, churches, stores and trolt
lev; 5 cent fare, 20- minutes rlda, price
only ' $1350; terms. : $300 cash,,. balance
' IfToura looking for liW little
home, you cannot beat , this for tne
mTak8Mt." Scott car 16 Archer Place,
s J. C. Mltfheltree at station.
. 7 RUXGALOW; $3700. , ,;,; .
ONLY $100 DOWN. . ;
Balance monthly; owner 1J'9J
f days only; located in Portland s most
beautiful suburb, 4th , lot fomRose
City Park car; new, welKbuilt, 6 rooms,
Complete bath, full, basement, large at
tic, fireplace, seat, model kitchen with
flreless cooker, etc.". laundry tubs, elec
trie fixtures, tinted walls, garden,
shade trees, east front, graded view lot,
60x10ft, cement walks .... in and - paid,
chanca. lor salaried man. CaU today
for appointment to go see It Jas. t.
Logan, sole agent, 82 Wash. St,
room 404.
$676 Flna drner,
50x100, on "Willis
11075 Lot 60x100; " street improve
ments in, including sewer, paid;
i 2 blocks from business center, 1
, vi block from carline; half cash.
; balance 1 year. 7 per cent .
13250-r-Buvs modern 5 room California
bungalow on' full s'm. lot Terms I
J.BKV. .I'nn n.nn nee iu
$1100100x100; south : front on Hum
boldt trU cash.
11900 One- quarter block on Michigan
, ave., 100 ft e'emeat walk, streets
- graded, water InTterms easy,
10 acres near electric line; wlU sell
or trade.; .
848 Mississippi ave.
! '- Phone tVondlaWn 202. C-2008. -
$500 South Portland Lots
. T n th Mtste of Frederic
' I IJI L (A IVI tmm W W I
To close up the estate of peaerica
... i
Klelnsorge the administratrix is selling i.hin worth, on I
very easy terms, right on carline. rot
particular see J. A. Qoodf ellow, fut
tciinsorr estate. 269 Oak st Phone
Main 2828, A-2S28.
Tr tq inE ,r n'ost Hide nrODerty.
nila nuloklv and brings the
money. Just tninK! A tot to yum
v m ollh n v walklP- fllStanca OX
' n ri uih eo tnn frnntiri.on one of
on sali: houses
the pfihclpal streets In the city, lor
- $1500; terms. Then consider when the
. . price includes all improvements, pave--v.-rxt
mnA water mains ana
xcelWt r- serv4ce The-wrt-ide
tt: in the side to live on and to Invest your
' money. 0-B74. journal.
Owner Sacrificing -
uouDie corner in rruiw uigiuvi,
grand view, and 1 block from good
carline; 16 minutes from postoffice;.
have iald $615 on this corner, will take
no agents. journal.
$10 Down, $10 per Month;
Lot 60x114, Bull Run water and ce-
... ii -, i lien
in en i irams in uuu tm y ,
omething doing in this vicinity. Call
and let us tell you all about It, or you
will miss something gooa. - - ,
414 E. Stark, cor. 6th.
jjui VvAl Wa uuBiiicoa pwiiwii. u rat -
line, sidewalks and paving all in; will
be worth $2000 within 1 year; owner
must sell and will sacrifice for $1800;
2s0 cash, balance $20 per month, in
cluding Interest Don't fall to lnvestl-
gate. N-670, Journal. ' 1
.. , - -. ONLY $45 DOWN
Buys nice 45x100 lot on E. 20th st, 1 ft
above grade: city water, no rocks, close
to good car line. 10 minutes' ride (actual)
to new bridge; balance of $405 payable i
. $10 monthly. -. You can't beat this in'
Portland. Complete abstract perfect, ti
tle, uau at once, oia ADingion oiag.
Must Sell Leaving Towni
In a restricted district ready to build
on: $190 cash, balanre $15 monthly; 15
minutes from 5th and Washington sts. 21 Lewis mag.
Two blocks from car; Investigate thlajlj; ROOM boarding and lodging house in
Ko agents. N-676. JournaL
t lots for $1000, close to carline; terms.
2 lots for $600, close to .carline; terms.
64 acres on carline, all improved,
93Z30; terms. :.,.,
Johnson has them for sale, 414 Haw-
tnorne ave., oor. 6th.
' PAY $30 DOWN
And buy level lot on graded street with
city water, cement walk going down;
close to good car line, 10 mlnutea' ride
to bridge; balance of $270 payable $10
mommy, can at once lOtift- ta st,
room ftis.
Alberta- $575 Bargain
40x100. on 27th St.. near Alberta, east
xront, siaewaiKs in ana street improved.
bcjix uocunnia ativo.
Cor. 80th and Alberta.
BEAUTIFUL, scenic acre homestte for
me price oi iocs, aa carrare, easy
itrmi, iaJs.o uunea ny. car ai 4tn ana
Ularlr rAt nff at fllan TJ-n
agent on the ground. Glen Harbor
Keaity Co., 4 33 MonawK bldg.
business lots.
$2200 cash.
If you
know a bargain when ydu aee it Inves
tigate; positively me Dst in Port'
land;- must leave city; owner. P-675,
AN AbcoLUTfcLY unobstructed view
lot, facing proposed scenlo boulevard
oi rorxianu; ueauiuui loiiage, .easy
ininiiiis uiBiontc w kj., on west siae,
sikvv; terms, wvin, journal.
; SXR prospective builders onlv dtv
view lot irt exclusive residential dis
trict; level,, no climb, near car; exceed
ingly ciose in aim on me west side.
i", r '.r 1 - -. - i v
v liny ruM sweii oungalow
sites, on tne west siae, near City park
and canine; exclusive locality, fine
homes. $1250 to $1,800; good terms. O-
i a. journal.
"7" $20 CASH, la PER MONTH."
2.1ots 50x100 each, on Mt. Scott Una
price $250. II. R. Black, 40? Lumbar ex-
ensnge niog , iq anq otarK.
.rJ'. -MI".it1,tnc'
.. . ' ia. i , ..." 1 m.
fine bungalow site all Improvements
included In the purchase, price of $950;
! i !V i T ' "
BEAt TlFLL lot n 17th near Going
$$; eaay terms; a snap. 226 Lunv-
ber Exchange bldg. Main 6646. , --
FOR- 6ALB-7-S lots in Trvlngton, Broad-
" ' " " - " i-vaae X VCa4-
way audition, south front 60x100, title
rfect B-683. Journal. !
. LOT 60x100, East 9th, between Car
ruthers and Division; bargain,. Apply
i LOTS on carline, 60x100. at station.
witn 1 spring water; se rare; ror sale.
f 0fl cash.
$100 4 lots
Tnhof )f1)
Jloetsaway beac
h. Phone
IROOiH Ifl acres; new i buildings;
I eulth-ated; lots of fruit; best soli: not
ir 110m 60 cariina c-Bsz, Journal.
Near Multnomah station,
acre; 6 acres.
$350 per
Near Llnnton, 5o
acre; 6 acre tracts.
fare; $300 tip per
Near Orenco; 6 acres, house, orchard;
$900. "
Brown, 411 Couch bldg.. night or Sun
day, phone East 2337. '
The above offerings are to be sold
on terms, .
Joining Stayton, Or. We Just bought
this tract to divide In 5 and 10 acre
lots, finest land for alfalfa, berries or
fruit, yi mile frpm main street graded
school; we will give you your choice
of this land for $200 per acre before we
lot It off; Joining land sold for $300
per acre; It all can be Irrigated, good
water; or will ,aell 1-3 Interest In tract
Call and see it A bargain. R. M.
Cramer, 2694 Washington st, room 6.
Unimproved, . on automobile -- road,
half mile from Jennings Lodge station,
Oregon City-carline; heavily timbered,
fins view; adjacent acreage selling at
$400; this at $300 for quick sale; one
third cash, balance one and two years.
It might be to your advantage to Inves
tigate this. Owner, 830, Chamber of
7 room house, 2 V acres and 1 acre
good onion land: land all In crop;
young, trees, garden and potatoes: 13
miles from Portland; 300 yards from
depot on graded streets, 'sidewalk, Price
$2600: $800 down, -balance 7 per cent
For further information address C. E.
Bpence Beaverton, Or. R. F. D. No. 2,
Near Oravs Crossing, on Mt. ' Si-ntt
carline; one half of It cleared and In
grain; $800 per acrej half eash. This
olfer is good to July 18 only,
Uarter-Uugan Company
820 Chamber of Commerce.
Tracts, $160 per acre; good soil, near
terms. Brown, 411 Couch bldg. : Night
and Sunday phone East 2337,
A SUBURBAN farm 10 miles, nut on
electric line; 5 minutes' walk from de-
ipot; 35 minutes' ride, 18 trains a day
and 6 more ahortly; nicely Improved
wnn moaern ), room nouse; an ideal
country home, best of soil, $5000, half
caan, oaiance b years at t, i2-7!
Journal. ; t - .;. ,.
THE UNITED Railway uest Calvary
cemetery is being built: we have
small -tracts of land on "this rigjht of
way at the former prices: naw Is your
i . . ' w
iiniinriiinii v. nnnm in . n onrv miv
ja-8y - t- ,, , - ; -
BEACH, , one mile
Stevens, lies nice for platting. Price
k - f viic Jiuia nu Li l n ui n
oniy izoo per acre, hair cash. A. C
BuraicK, in unamoer or commerce.
I HAVE a few acres on the United Ry.
right of way oast Calvarr cemetery
i wouta seu my part on terms to suit';
CLOSE IN acreage for sale or exchange.
Kopen a. jwmer, 33 Worcester bldg,
Main 7105. ' .
TO EXCHANGE for city property good
zuu acre xarrn, miies irom Mcwinn
vllle, 7 room house, 2 barns, well . wa
tered by springs, 4 horses, good orchard
bearing, wagon and harness, 5 cows, 70
sheep, 2 hogs, ,70 chickens, all farm Im
plements and crop. ' Price $8000. '
McMlnnvllle, Or.
To trade for a cottage or sell on easy
terms: land well fenced i acres .rood
orchard, barn, school y, mile, best of
land for fruit or garden or stock; right
Dy a sawmm mat joins place, where
party can have. work. ' Room . 6, 269
Washington st.
FIVE fine building lots, west slope Mt
raoor, on car ana- improvea street;
snap, $4000, or would trade equity for
good acreage to $3000.
New room modern home, adjoining
Laurelhurst. $4000; mortgage' $1600, 3
years; take 1 or 2 good lots first pay
ment, or good acreage to $3000. Owner,
414 CSuch bldg. Main 8064.
147 acres In Yamhill to., 100 acres clear
and in crop: fine soil, running water.
pod house, large orchard; all stock and
mpieiTiems gues wmi jjibcc. irtiue ior
city property, all or bart value; take
mortgage on balance. H. R. Black, 401-1
jumper Kxcnange mag,
TRADE 10 acres, Vancouver, for auto
mobile; 10 acres at Lebanon for au
tomobile: lots at Bandon, Coos Bay, Til
lamook Beach and Klamath Falls for
automobiles; eastern Oregon wheat land
snd timber for automobiles. Courtois,
Vancouver, Wash., to trade for some
thing I can usa. This is a money-maker,
good building. Rent, only $40. Board
$8 week. Owner. Goddard, 615 Board
ot Trade bldg. .
FOR SALE or exchange for other prop-
erty, note! ana warenouse on tjoiumDia
river, doing a good business, no opposi
tion; price $2500. Address W. U. Brown,
Arleta, Or.
WANT to trade house and lot for good
iieavy- taam, na mess - ana wagon r Bal
ance in monthly payments. K-673,
Journal. "
IF YOU have anything to trade or soil,
or ir you want to Duy city or rami
property, see J. R. Horning, 318 Alisky
I IF you want to sell, buy or trade, sea
Shoemaker In v. Co., 527 Henry bldg.
Main 44B6, A-1 454.
WE TRADE anything and anywhere for
what you have.
Courtois A Wlggen,
tl$ Lewis bldg.
I TO exchange for real aetata, launch 20
feet long, 6 H. speeji 9 miles,
Value $200, Phone EaBt
FOR SALE or trade; 8 elty lota la fian
Diego. Cat, for Portland real estate.
B. ZeeK, 361 N. 14th St.
FOR SALE or trade for valley land; 40
room apartment house. Call 889 6th
St. Phone A-2645
EXCHANGE $2200 caah equity lii" Van-
couver residence.
Maln 8407. Even-
lnga, Main 5751.
EXCHANGE Fine income property
one of the best eastern 'Oregon towns
for lots or acreage, c-872, Journal.
BOISE valley fruit land for trade for
6 or 7 room modern house.
Room 6,
Breslln hotel.
TRADE for anything, anywhere.
aee us loqay. 411 Henry oiag, 1
1 n or n. I JI O 1IIUUQU1 uvudii. wuu
about 1 acre of ground. Let us know
SuicV what you
q f
nave. - :v
, i .
- r r 610 HENRY BLDG. "
Marshall 1889, A-7105."
I All A fi"VU 4 IDlunnvw All UD l UT3
cheap and good terms. Y-685, Journal,
h' ' - " ' :! r,
"SWAP" coumN
WILL, trade urst ciaas talking ma-
chin outfit for good organ. Port
land Phonograph Agency, S50 Alder.
SEVEN passenger Thomas Flyer: wll
, trade Tor good runabout; must be In
good snape. 411 Henry bldg.
W-J Llf-tradr"$ t i -Bush" ft7,ahe piano1
check fori buffet or what have
Phone East 808.
all I A PROMISING aong copyright to trade
. I ...... , . n ,1- 1
ior a secotia nana automobile.
T. L. Lampltt-Suvar, Or.
PITONOGRArir to exchange for house
painting. T-fi39. Journal. .
PIANOLA to exchange for house patnt-
ing. T-639, Journal.
Best 50 Acre Buy Near the City
We know this to be the most value
in the farm line for the price asked of
anything in this section. There are 60
acres, over 30 acres In a high state of
cultivation, balance fine- timber - and
pasture. It lies perfectly, not a foot
of waste land on the entire tract not a
rock or gravel. It has the best crop
you have seen this year; good 7 room
house, good large barn, lots of outbuild
ings, all in first class shape; ' over
200 fine bearing fruit trees of all varie
ties; all-kinds of berries. PERSONAL
PROPERTY S horses, the very best;
wagon, buggy, hack, several sets har
ness, 6 cows, 1 heifer, hogs, 160 chick
ens, binder, mower, rake, disc cultiva
tors, cream separator, 100 bushels oats.
60 bushels wheat, all household goods.
In fact everything goes.. It is one of
the best equipped farms' you have 'ever
seeri. Price for everything Is only $8600.
Give immediate possession, j You step
right in ana get all the crop ana every
thing. Only 9 miles from the city limits
of Portland. Convenient; to school,
churches and stores. T:'"':.: .;-;v
Mot MisrepTasented
Wa make a sneclaltv of farma tipr
the city f Portland. We thoroughly
acquaint ourselves with all the places
we handle. We represent them just as
they are. ' You will not be disappointed
when you see them. We have any size
tract you want.
122 6th st. N.. cor. 6th and Gllsan.
..:. Main 4381. A-7269.
40 acres, 26 In cultivation, balance
pasture" and timber, I room frame
house, chicken house and granary, 1
acre of orchard, .living stream, small
team, 7 sheep. 2 cows. 1 yearling. 36
chickens, some implements, 1 mile from
SCHOOL miles from Orccnn Pltv.
Will take $1600 In house and lot any-
wnere on trie Oregon city car line from
Gladstone to Sellwood. Price $3500;
$700 cash, balance to suit
End Suspension Bridge. Oregon City,
Four Miles From City Limits
.40 acres, on one of the best drives out
of Portland; over 20 acres highly Ira
proved, a beautiful country noma, '
room house; 2 full bearlna annle orch
ards, 75 large cherry trees, 75 pear frees,
160 grapevines, all kinds of berries and
small rruits, all in paying quantities.
This is a monev tnnlrpr nn wall aa
fine home; .parties must sell quick and
oner 10 iRKe. iz6o per acre: other prop
jrty adjoining selling at fronj $300 to
$600 per aero; will take as low as 83000
Vubu, Daiance 10 suit. v
622 Board 6t Trade bldg.
Marshall 849, A-7294.
, - -$20N'-AeRE-"' - -
- ' EXCHANGE 160 ACRES. " '
160 acres of fine soil, lays level, lo
cated On Molalla river. tvatereA hv aav
eral springs; 1,600,000 feet of good tlm-
otr; i muea irom power site for rail
road going from Oregon City to Molalla;
road will be within 1 mile of place
when built; this is an A-l investment:
you can double your money In 20
months. I will take an automobile or
good lot to the value of $1600; balance
must be cash. Don't pass this up If
you want an investment for you know
land makes the pocketbook fat on the
right deal. ;
End Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Or,
WE have a number of choice 10 and 20
acre tracts, all cleared and partly set
to trees, on good roads, with R. F. D.
and close to school. In a settled com
munity, Within two to four miles of
Estaoada.,' Pricea from $75 to $150 per
acre, -on easy, terms, xou owe it t
yourself to see this section before nur
chasing elsewhere. The conditions here
are Ideal in every respect for the de
velopment of one of the finest fruit dis
tricts in tne entire nortnwest Now is
the tme to act
882 Chamber of Commerce.
A Good Home
ITIvAArrs. a mtlpjl- frnnr VanMtivA,
all cleared, excellent soil; 6 room houseH
oarn ana cmcKen nouses; assonea iam
tly orchard, also grapes and berries;
crop goes with place; personal property,
horse, harness and wagon chickens
jrnce, iiuu.
202 W. 8th St., Vancouver, Wash. .
SO ACRES; 20 acres cleared,. 40 acres
slashed and easy to clear; 20 acres
rough land, all fenced, on good road,
R. F. D., fine new 10 room house, bath.
sleeping porch and all modern Improve
ments, good barn, .water tower, , several
small buildings, - telephone, fine 1 view
and an ideal place in every way. Price
for a short time, $6500; one-third cash,
balance on easy terms.
332 Chamber of Commerce.. 1
WANTED A good man to run a stock
ranch on snares; must rurnlsh team
and security; will furnish 100 sheep, 4
hogs, turkeys and chickens and most all
farming tools and seed; 50 acres Irri
gated, 100 acres plow land with an out
range for stock; one of the best stock
ranches In Douglas county. See owner,
R. M. Cramer, 269 14 Washington st,
room 6. .
40 ACRES, all cleared and under cultl-
vauon. with the exception of a few
stumps, I acres in family orchard, good
room nouse ana Darn, lays wen. no
rock or waste land, 2 well, fine View
of surrounding oountry and mountains,
on first class road, near school, church
and store, and only mllas from Esta
cada. Price $6000, half cash, balance
on easy terms..
332Ohamber of Commerce.
FOR. SALETor .trade fbr small farm or
city property. $3000 -stock of general
mercnanaiee ana uioin uuuuuig: line lo
cation, spring water, all kinds or garden;
or wouia iraae siock ana rem -store.
Take train at Jefferson depot at 7:40
a m. and get off at Rex Can be back
In Portland In 3 hours; stdre at station.
H. Fallman, Rex. Or.
78 ACRES; 60 acres deared and under
cultivation; iq acres in ur timber;
small family orchard, fair house and
good barn, no rock or waste land, all
fenced, on good, road, R. F. D., tele
phone, close ta school and church and
snout muea 10 .ceiacaaa. rrice. uz.-
000, half cash, alance on easy terms at
t; per -cent. - . ,-,
832 Chamber of Commerca
150 acre dairy ranch; good soil; 60 acres
under cultivation, 10 mux cows, farm
Implements, hogs, chickens and young
stock, horses and wagon, etc.; 1 miles
from R B. and boatlandlng. WU1 take
city property in exenange lor part N.
8. Craig. Washougal Wash.,
ii' ACRES in Yamhill county. 20 acres
In crop, rest In fine plllng, running
waiej, -wen una o spruiKB, gooa nouse,
barn, orchard; everything goes with
place. M. xt. BiacK. juumber Ex
cnange oiug., q onu otmn.
FOR SALE By owners 10 H acre trac
V. mile town limits Corvallis: good
room house, good barn; young orchard
and berry garden. For -price and terms
aaaresa w. w. , Ajonaerjjorv,
11. f. u. 1. . ;
160 acres 7 miles , from Elk City $2600; J
i acres at b;ik city, marxei garaen
land with good buildings, $2100.
, : O. O. DALABA,
Elk City, Or. j, ." ,
i o:; sale fai;s:3
L. F. Moore farm, 3 miles south of
Dayton, 148 acres, 85 acres In crop,
good 8 room house, fine barn, nice ber
ries and orchard, 60 head of hogs, 7
cows; 8 work horses, wagon , and har
ness, 40 sheep, household goods; this
la a fine home and a good buy; all for
$16,600; half cash, balance on time at 6
per cent interest.
William Forbes farm, 1 miles of
Dundee, 173 acres, all fenced. : This is
a fine stock farm, fine running water,
$2600 dwelling, good dairy barn, 17
cows, team, wagon, harness, imple
ments. This, la the best buy in the
county at the price, $11,500: $7000 cash,
balance on time at 6 per cent interest.
8. C. Dixon farm. 6 miles south of
Dayton, 126 acres, 45 acres cultivated,
gcod 7-room house, larpe barn, fruit
dryer; 80 acres fine apple orchard In
bearing, in a good neighborhood and
good land; price $96 per acre. The best
buy on earth for the money.
438 acres, good grain ana etocK larm.
rood iBulldings, water piped ; to house
and barn from fine spring; 75 acres
of crop goes with sale; price $27.50 per
acre;-possession at once.
' McMlnnviUe, Or.
$85 per acre buys 100 acre farm near
Troutdale; this Is the best land buy
In Multnomah county. Dement &
Krlder, 248 Madison st.
Fruit Land, $60 an Acre
830 acres of fine fmlt" land near
Sheridan. Red soil. 40 acres in apples
and walnuts, 240 acres cleared, 40 acres
light timber, 60 acres stumps, uooa
buildings. ,. A bargain that will bear In
vestigation. 1018 Board or Trade.
I SELL my own land in large oi amall
tracts and on terms to suit bnyer.
George A. Houck. 227 i Washington st
rnone Main i2i. - - - - '
WANTED Good dairy farm, on electric
line, witnin z& miles or fOftiana. iva
Board of Trade bldg. t V
WE are headquarters for timber and
lumber enterprises or all Kinds. Kin-
nev ft stamnher. . bll-z L,umoer ex
change bldg. - -
4,000,000 .of fir and cedar near Hol-
brook: standing timber. ' A-ssx. jour
nal. ' -
WILL trade for diamond or lot, home
stead relinquishment in Kiamatn
Falls district: 1.000,000 feet pine and
all good fruit land. See Joe. 21 N. 2d st.
11 rooms, housekeeping and roomers;
close to high school: 3350 today.
'24 room apartment nouse; rent
$izoo, terms; wortn io, - -8
rooms, near courthouse: rent $35
Price $175.. , - -
28 rooms, brick, lease, cheap rent;
worth $3000: my price $2000.
See me Friday, will manage matters
so you can ouy, or wm faae
615 Board of Trade.
V-' "'
JV SKJW.&f LIlfDO 1,1, V1CO.W , UVf lliwilbll.
$700; 11 rooms, 2 years' lease, rent
$25, close In, $850; 22 rooms, rent $75,
$1600. lease. $900 cash, balance time:
13 rooms, rent; $12, $450. it's good; 40
rooms,T finely furnished,, good - lease,
modern in every respect. Call room
203, 242 Alder sf
-" Never Before on Market -
18 room, rooming house on Washing
ton sf, rent $65; all large, light and
airy rooms,: good furniture, clearing
$130 monthly; price today. $800; easy
terms. Peters, 1 N. 5th st.
ROOMING house, 8 large rooms, , well
furniahed, central location. Income
$100, price reasonable, owner leaving
city; will take vacant loti H. Hatfield,
166 4th st. ' ' -
30 ROOMS 30 :
Rent only $76; depot location; clears
$200 above expenses, good leasn; prico
$1150, terms, Peters, 15 N. 6th St. '
ROOMING houses, any alze, at prices
to suit: we -buy." sell and exchange;
r-, 313 Henry bldg.
NINE rooms on corner near the White
Temple for $700 cash; price was $900;
sacrifice for prompt sale. 208 Henry
'bldg. .
SALE or exchange': 12 room rooming
- house, $700; lease; rent $35. Main
$407; evenings Main 6751. Owner.
9 ROOMS, fair furniture, ;low rent close
In; only $200. 805 3d kx..
NINE roonis, first class, only $700 cash;
close in; a pargam. zus Henry piqg.
ROOMS, rent $20. central location: a
money matter; onry iso. 305 sq st
WILL sell my 6000 shares of Black
- Eagle M. & M. north Santlam) stock;
best offer takes It Mrs. E. Hoger, 804
uorpett St., yortiana, ur.
MINING, oil and industrial stocks
bought and sold. Davidson & Co.,
Lwis tiidg.. Marsnaii lis. A-nis.
MINING snd industrial stocks; tele
phone ana otner Donas nougnt ana
sold. C. D. Fietcner, lis ADlrgton Diag,
IF YOU, wish to buy
stocks, call on J. B.
or sell mining
Purcelt S10 Oak.
WANTBD-rrHonestv partner-for- travel
ing moving picture show; $10 to $25
made daily. Call 626 Wash., between
lfith and 17th.
WANTED Young man with $60 to
learn real estate business and show
property. Big money can be made. 242
6th st. - -
WANTED Partner to act aa treasurer
for motion picture theatre: must have
$360. Room 612, Buchanan bldg., 286H
Washington st
$116 check on Bush A Lane piano, for
. best cash offer or exchange for pho
nograph or camera In good order. Box
64 Arieta, yr;
WE HAVE splendid proposition In ths
' amusement - Une for .party having
$250; big "money; must travel. ,Pacifio
Amusement Exenange, Marquam bldg.
SNAP Interest in maonlne and eli?
vator shop to a live, honest man, by
owner. Call evenings, 243 E. 6th st
Phone E. 6341. ;
PARTNER wanted with $200 for busl
nesa on Washington at; $25 to $35
weekly Income; Investigate, - C-686,
Journal. . .
$200 WILL buy business
week; must sell at once,
No agents, - -
netting $36
Tabor 2384.
Wanted A butcher
to Join
me in
opening a grocery and market: noon
neeaea; nave location
K-671, Journal.
ONE-HALF or all of small restaurant,
- with rooms; cheap: terms; owner sick,
A-88. Journal. r
FOR SALE Confectionery and waiting
room, no 'renf good business. Ad
dress 600, Journal, Vancouver, Wash.
FOR SALE Modern printing offin.
. doing good business: must quit on ac-
count or neaitm terms. D-S86, Journal.
PHOTOGRAPH gallery, complete,
.. a.1ha Ctiranann'd i la" awJ If..
auire Swanson'a, - 4th and
Investigate, v .-t.;": :
SEVERAL established stores, outside
towns; grocery, naraware, 8 gen.
mdse.. for sale by ylkfr, 208 Henry bldg,
BAKERY for sale, gobd location, doing
a gooa Business,
Ftum, Coburg, Or.
rite owner, A. L.
CONFECTIONERY store, good location;
low. rent; living room; lease, $660. ,103
4th st...
GROCERY with living rooms above; fine
location; on corner. s See . owner at
once. i u-inna st.
BAIlBEHshop"Yor sale $65 if taken at
once, iu E. Laquire, Springfield, or.
Wanted Partner for trip to central Ore-
gon; references. B-680, Journal.
SMALL hand laundry for sale.
Journal. ' 1
i r. in::. 4 cn ixc;;3
GCHp opportunity for a man of ability
to gel into an o la establisiied Dusmess
listiea ousmHs
chance and real estate
good money; 1 am alor,
liphed over 1 years and. find I cannot
luindla it myself ; will let the right man
In very reasonable, rail' 191 4th St. ,'
Never Before on Market
18 room rooming house on Washing
ton St.: rent $65: all large, light and
airy rooms, good furniture, clearing
$130 monthly; price today, $800; easy
terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th st
Fine location. - No competition. . Es
tablished business: cheap rent. Must, be
sold this week. P-640, Journal.
IF you have a moving picture theatre
for sale or if vou wish to buv or open
one, communicate with a permanent and
successful company. Peoples' Amuse
ment Co,,.6l0-515 Rothqhlld b!3g Port
land. Or. . - ' i
With 6 furnished living rooms, cheap
rent doing $30 dally; good, furniture
and fixtures, depot location," Price ; to
day, $200. See Peters, 15 N. 5th st.
GIVEN away fqee to those answering
.his advertlsem nt within SO days, a
map of all the California oil fields. Ba-
gar-ix)omis Co., 701 Oregonian biag.,
Portland. Oregon. '
FoutlChair Barber Shop.
Reasonable rent, good west Bide loca
tion; ' good fixtures and priced below
cost for qlilck. sale, Call 54 y, 6th st
GROCERY, bakery, ice cream parlor.
una or tne best. isverytning moaern.
Good location. Oood lease. Small rent
6 fine-living rooms. Will consider some
traae. c-674, , journal.
If you want, to get Into a money making
ousinesB puy iniB. Q mn m
MODERN hotel, 67 light rooms, long
- lease, low rent, central; always full;
good transient trade. For sala by own
er, $501.0 cash will take it or $6000 on
time. A-J866. '
LOOKING for an opening? Might have
-something to suit: commission busi
ness every description. Louis Furcht
61 1 Kothchiid ciag.
HIGHLAND notion store; confectionery,
cigars, tobacco; want to go on home
stead; good business, rent' $16. 1017
union ave. N. -
WE CAN place you in paying business;
Kinney ft Stampher, 531-2 Lumber
Exchange bldg. A-4881.
GOOD paying bicycle business;., good
chance for, right party; will .teach
purchased the business. . Cheap rent
T-676, Journal. ' ' '
WANTED AhlA hndleil men for the V.
. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of
19 and 85. Must be native born or have
first papers. Monthly pay $15 to i $69.
Additional compensation possible. Food,
clothing, quarters and medical attend
ance free. After 80 years' service can
retire with 76 per cent of pay and al
lowances. Service on board ship 'and
ashore in all parts of the world. Apply
at Breeden bldg.. 3d and Washington
sts.. Portland. Or '
Independent or nonunion
' 222 Commercial .Club Bldg. '
in una pnMiTtriNN ,
For graduates last year; men and wo
men learn barber trace In 8 weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn fit
tOA25 wwklvj -eiraert-instrne tor: toots
free: writ for catalog. - Moler 8stens
or colleges, si N. 4th St.. Portlana.
WANTED Salesman: many maks $100
to $160 per month; some even mora:
stock clean, grown -on reservation, far
from old orchards, cash advance week
ly; choice of territory. Address Wash
tngtor Nursery Co.. ToppenlSh. Wash.
A FEW cracker bakery men. Pacific
Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis.
Thorough machinist, capable of esti
mating and superintending in general
machine, shop. Man who could take a
financial . interest pref erred? P-670,
v - MOVED : , :
233 Alder St., near 2d. Main 6713.
WANTED Party, to manage best up-to-date
light manufacturing business In
city. No competition; will guarantee
$6 per day salary; $700 cash required.
If you mean business call 693 Gllsan st.
WANTED fcaiesmen in every locality
In the northwest; money advanced
weekly; many make over $100 monthly:
choice of territory. Yakima Valley
nursery jo. -l oppenisn. wash.
WANTED First class marker and as--.
sorter, reliable, capable, taking full
charge this department, good .wages,
steady employment Magnolia Laun-
cry. Aipany, ur,
$5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught in
practical forms. Day and evening
sessions. . Address Myers, 329 11th st,
Portland. Main 85lX
A-l SALESMAN wanted by old estab
lished house; city and road work; per
manent position; exclusive territory.
n-oou, journal.
THREE traveling" salesmen to carry
side line postcards, in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho. Inquire 608 Common-
weaun Diag.
CARPENTER foreman competent to
take charge of residence work...beglnr
nlng-to end ; a goad job to right party ;
give references, B-6M, Journal.
LEARN ', operate motion
operators $35 weekly;
easy work.
Motion Picture School, 626 H Washing
ton, pet,- loin ana n in. .
WANTED 2 men to learn operate
motion . picture. Motion Picture
School, 13 Buchanan bldg., 286 H
Washington st
WANTED 8 chorus men with good
voices. Call Pacific Amusement Ex
change, Marquam bldg.
WANTED 10 men; wages $2.50 and
up. poruana juhck & xne tjo.. Linn
ton road. '' ' '-
MOVED Blanchard A Clemson, now lo-
cated at 66 etn st. between oak and
Pine. ": ' ' "" ' '
MACHINISTS call at 270 H Alder street
oeiore going to worn, strike on tor
eight hours, tea, carison, rjusmesg agent.
WILL teach ; you to drive auto
cheap and quicK. call 3-6
Ington st, room n
WANTED Young man, -must be sober:
- experience unnecessary; small capital
required. 826' Washington, room 417.
WANTED Eight men for brickyard.
Denver ave and Bralnard
Take St
Johns car. 1 "-- .
CANVASSERS Best sellers In Port-
lanu; $27.bO required; 6 to 7 p. m.
Wood, 302 Commercial blk. f
WANTED Presser on men's clothing:
Regal Cleaners A .Dyers, 27Q Grand
ave. ' ' " ' '- w '
CARPENTER work wanted in exchange
for dental work.. Room 207 Allaky
bldg., cor, 8d and Morrison sts. M-8003.
WANTED Men to learn ,buck and wing
dancing at the Chicago school of act
lng, 343' Yamhill, room 16. "
WANTED at once 2 men to
drive and repair - alrtomobiles,
60-52 N. 7th st. ...
; .ij' ' ..l..A'i . . i
blur painting wnniaa in exenange for
dental work.
Room 107 .Allabv hM.
OA mwtA UawIskh If DAA.
CHEF headquarters and heipera Call-
lornia wine vepot,'Z8 xamnill, next
to journal.
WANTED Man to help in light clean
business, .$100 needed, no drinker. A
684, journal.
WANTED Boy of 15 or IS at Portland
WANTEDrA flast class meat cutter,
WANTEl Nonunion plasterer and :' 2
i!l ai latners. E. Fine and llth.
WANTED Ballyho ,plaver ' Council
urest meatre. can , after 7 o'clock.
Competent Real Estate Sales-
-, man
Wanted to handle new plat, close
With right prices and terms. Apply
146 2d st
OUR motion picture operators' depart
ment, the best, on the coast; compe
tent instructors teach in two weeks;'
make men competent for position; we
have applications dally for operators;
paya $25 to $35 weekly. Pacific Amuse
ment Exchange, Marquam bldg.
7 '' FEMALE ... ' 39
WANTED--Men and women to learn
drama and vaudeville, also, fancy and
buck and wing dancing -taught at the
Chicago School of Acting, 343 M Yam
hill, room 16. Pricea to suit all classes.
GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write
for - Portland examination schedule.
Franklin Institute, Dept 248 R. Roches-
WE HAVE openings for every line in
. the dramRtlc as well as vaudeville
lines. . Pacific Amusement Exchange.
Marquam bldg. ' - ' ' ' . . ,
. C. R. HANSEN & CO,. ; '
Main office. 2 ' N. i st, PortUnd.
Ladles' department 7th and Wash, st,
f. upsUirs, Portland. -;,,&,'-'&&!..
. , ;' ' 424 Front ave., Spokane.
. l7-8 4th st, Ban Franctaca
Established 1876.
Banley a. TRAVERS employmeni
CO.. neadquarteu for R. R. wort
18 H N.' 2d st . . .
AGENTS wanted to aid u tupply th
demand for choice nursery stock; out
fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital
City Nursery Company, Salem, Or. ;
KING STORE need the services of -a
large number of experienced saleswomen
In the following departments;
IS years of age and over who wish the
opportunity to enter a business career,
Of high or grammar schools, 17 years
of age and over, will find a good oppor
tunity to entef a-buslne.s career by ap
plying at once to. ...
WANTED At once, ypung ladles, to
learn to Weava woolens, flannels and
blankets- Good wages can be earned
within a short time by those who will
apply themselves. Every consideration
snown to steaay wonters. Apply at once
ta ' superintendent. Portland ' Woolen
Mills, St Johns, Or. (
WE want people In all
sionals and amateurs!
good engagements for
lines, profes
. have some
stock people;
salaries comparatively small.' but sure.
We co-operate with all eastern and
southern Independent, exchanges. Pa
cific Amusement . Exchange, T, 827-828
Marauam hidr. - . , w
AT . ONCE Girl
14 or 16 for cllculng
- and pasting,
Press Clipping
ton st
$20 per "month. Allen's
bureau,. 245 Washing-
WANTED Respectable married woman
without children to take care of It
bedrooms In exchange for a suite of
housekeeping rooms. 289 H 1st St.
WANTED First class- dressmaker and
tailors to share rooms with- milliner;
good opening to : right party. Phone
Benwooq 4, .
GIRL' for general housework in family
of 2. Phone
8563. Address
349 N. 29th.
WANTED Young ladles to learn fancy
dancing -at the Chicago school of act
ing, 43'iiamniu,-room is.
WANTED Experienced operators " on
shirts and overalls; also learners; paid
while learning. Apply 75 1st st.
GIRL or woman to do light housework
small - family.' Apply mornings.
E. Madison st. Phone East 136.
MATTP-JSS makers and
Portland Furniture
MTg. , Co.. ...II4
Macadam road.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
one willing to go to the beach.
4048.- "
A GOOD reliable woman wanted for
general housework in country home;
wages $30. Call at 853 Stark st.
IMMEDIATELY Ladies - and gentie-
men to travel; $75 month; city $3.60
day. Call room 249 Holladay ave.
WANTED A young girl over 16 to take
care of tw children. Call 114- N.
15th. 8 car.
WANTED 10 girls. Modern
tlonery Co., 18th and Hoyt.
YOUNG girl. tomake hair rolls!. 424
"' E 9th B. - - - -s -
GIRLS to aew hats.
Apply Lowengart
Co., 92 Front st.-
WANTED Waitress at Swetland's.
Morrison st. . . , ; . ,
f -.V ESsPLOYE. v'.
; MAIN 3665.. A-5824
BOOKKEEPER, coast lumber experi
ence, wants position immediately; good
habits; best or references; salary rea-
onoif, V-o, journal.
CARPENTER,- first class, wishes to
srr Mm - with anma mrA vaa 1
' O wv- -,vwu v aa gnioia
company; can handle any kind of work.
wi bov ant oin it. - - ,
EXPERT acountant wants set small
books to keen: booka opened. dnaaA
balanced. 0-676. Journal. -. -r
CARPENTER and builder, new or re
pair work, day or contract 832 Gllsan
st, room 82. , v. .
EXPERIENCED - gardener, German.
wants steady position, best references.
B-681, Journal. -s: , .
CARPENTER; good frame and finisher,
wants , wora. juoaerate .. wages, j
668. Journal.- - : -
GERMAN-AMERICAN, first class edu-
b cation, wants steady employment of
some king, j-ssa,-journal.
BOY wants job in printing shop; has
had experience. ?"4 Yamhill st. A
2629, 1 1 . '. ':
CARPENTER and builder, new or re-
pair work, day or contract Sellwood
1713. - - - -; -
YOUNG ladv wants position In confec.
tlonery or novelty store; willing and!
capable: can oe leit in cnarge; would
leave city if salary right; best refer
ences.-K- 70, journal.
ences. a-p ' u. juurnni.
NEAT,- lderly woman desires "sltua
tion light housework homelike couple.
Small wages, good home. ; ; St Louis
Agency, wain vsv, fl.-iia.
FlRST lass lady-- cook wishes gentle-
man partner , in restaurant or deli
catessen. Best 'ot city references. - C-
689, Journal. '
YOXJNG lady wants position as cashier
in movingf picture show or elsewhere.
Best references. - P-672, Journal.
THE VIENNA LADIES' tailor will
make your suits at low raUs to Intrn.
duce work, or will teach your cutting or
fittlngand to mske your jwn, suits.
can at tne v esiminsier. cor. oixtn ana
Madison streets. . Main 6683. ; . '
FANCY gowns, pialn sewing neatly
done, alteration, lingeries dry cleaned.
Main 7016,,
FAMILY sewing at home or by day;
children a specialty. Phone Main 8398.
:::;:) hoc
I GOOD, light, alrv rooms, close in! very
cheap; pay either day, week, month.
2 Frnt St.
th C. room
alli EiL, Luiiii'J $1.65 up
lree pnone and bath. Main
p r"r wee.
Hit. Colonial roomin house, 165 10th
t., cor. Morrison; rooms from 76c to
12 per 1nv; $rt to R 50 per wek.
iiih. TK.UPLK, -i-iihi Yamhill st., oppo
site Hotel Portland, furnished rooms;
rates reasonable; transient.
FINE single room; hot and cold water;
7 blocks postoffice; $2.50 week. 211
12th. . -
LAKJE furnished front room on First.
second floor. On S., car Une, south.!
210 Mt'ad. A-4678. , 1 j
TWO front rooms, one suitable for two
gentlemen; walking distance; baloony;
and facing park. 8024 Park. furnished room for. $3 and $2.
i"' , iir noor,
294 14th, cor.l
NICELY furnished double front room.
warning aistanee, for 1 or 3 gentle-1
KOOMH, well furnished; light: well!
ventilated, running hot, cold water;!
fj in )a, at fiarriwon.
FRONT room, suitable ior 2 gentlemen,
at g in. mm. rnone a-5. -
NEVv-,' clean rooms; ' terms reasonabla
684 Gllsan.. Phone Marshall 1616.
2. .LARGE " front " unfurnished rooms. I
Datn - eiecino ngnis, waiKing? ais-
tance, Phone C-Z832;: $9. : r
THREE unfurnished tor partly fur-
nished, rooms, , .bath, water, . $16.: 106 j
UNB'URNISHED,' housekeepfng rooms, I
410 jenerson. inone Marsnau Z143.
ROOM and' board for" young women, I
$3 per week: privilege of laundrv.l
lmrary ana sewing, i 8 urana ave.- n.
fiione is. zt.
DESIRABLE room and board; home I
cooKing; moaerata , iast 427U, an K.I
GOOD home , cooking, close in.
able prices. Main 3822,
Ally a tWOUH"
262 7th.
HOTEL FOSTER Portland's newest
medium priced - fireproof hotel; 199
rooms; steam beat hot ana "coia run
ning water In eevry ' room : rates 75a
and $1; full half block; , 247-250 Davis
st..-'Za to a. :,.::. '-v
HOTUL PORTLAND European plaa
oniy; i gay. .
VALLAMONT Furnished room (for
rent ' 87 Yamhill. - : ' ; . :
BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder.
WELL furnished housekeebin7 rooms:
2, $8 month; 8 lor $13; lurnunea cot
trge; large rooms, $20; lower flat. 4
rooms, $16. 894 26th, North (west side
river). W car from depot, 6th or Mor
rison to zstn; diock norm.
"ONEONTA" apartments. 187 17ih near
xamhULr txaKe w car at aepoij. ,
$ and 4 room furnished suites. . Hot
and cold. Phones and baths free. $2
per month. $5 per week and up. Mais
4497. A-4739.
$1.76 week, large clean furnished house-
; keeping roomer laundry, bath, - gas,
clean linen. 184 Sherman, South Port
Isnd. ' - :
NICE rooms, fine location, one block to
Washington) bath and phone; reason
abl light- housekeeping If des1ret "66r
Everett st. 1 ;- '
THE COLONS Furnished housekeep
ing rooms with all conveniences. $10
and up, cintral location. 503 4 Alder st.
NICELY furnished 4ront housekeeping
suite; also Bin gle 'room, modern con
veniences. 673 Irving st, near 18th,
HlttH CLASS housekeeDlng rooms; no
children; reasonable rates; easy walk
ing distance; . moaern., 389 sin st.
TWO suites housekeeping rooms, res
sonable; 6 mlnutea' .walk from P. O.
348 Clay st. '
TWO or three clean, airy rooms, for
v housekeeping. 248 Min st, apartment
24. Hot water, phone, ' ,
$13 14th, cornerClay, large, light 1 and1
2 room housekeeping suites.
NICE. , clean, modern housekeeping
suite at 310 llth can in morning.'
TWO nice housekeeping rooms, in base
ent 474 Clay. Walking distance. '
MITCHELL Housekeeping, rooms; light,
' gas; moderate. 7th ft Flanders. A-4076
NICELY funilshed housekeeping apartments-301
Halsey st Phone East
$2 per week; clean, furnished housekoer
ing rooms; laundry, bath, heat' yard,
phone, clean linen, 406 Vancouver ave.
WHEN-ou move youn nese new ro-
nlture. Buy juaiciousiy ana your
savings will exceed moving expense
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us on
of the largest furnlturr houses' in tha
city in . less than two yea: a. V ,
Lookers shown same courtesy as &y
irand ave., tor. K. Stark at
East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Car
' "'. ; paas our door.
FIVE room house, large yard, Reser
voir Park: Cell m-bor 1922 or 3722.
$7th st. 3. E. Take Mt. Scott car, get .
off at Kerns ark, go north.. -
$B00 will take 12 room rooming house,
-easy terms; good lease, from owner."
Main 4165. . - -: ;
SIX room, house for rent, furniture for
sale, . inquire for. owner at 1290 E.
12th st, N, . : . v
FOR RENT Well, furnished house!
' Rent, reasdnable lo right party. Calf
563 Fifth st, or Phone Main 2380, '
FREE rent in Gregory. Heights. Greg-.:
- ory Investment Co, End of Rose City
Park car line.
FOR RENT Convenient cottage, five
large rooms, nara nnishea." 661 ; 4tn .
st- .Call 2 to 4 . afternoons. ;-. ' : .'.
MODERf 8 room house, big yard, fruli
'trees; will sell or rent Corner E 4 4 tlv
and Main st. - : ; . -. "
'SEVEN room houselarge basement aha
- .yard in good 'Condition, $12.60 per
rnonth.' 293 Hooker. . ' ; 1 ,
rJEW modern alx room house, 773 Sec
ond; apply next house, 229 Grover sU
2 blk. to car. i
tenement house, roomsj
Cheap- rent - 795 First,
.from 4-80.
cor. Glbbs.
VERY desirable 7 , room house In best
residence section; modern, Jtina ordr; x
roses, yarn, r.ast tB4a.
FIVE room cottage, on carline at Mon
-tavllla $11. Tabor 614. . .
$10 6 room cottage, good condition and1
location. Main S5R6 or 134 2d st. -' ;
9 ROOMS.'ihousekeepIng, good furniture,
west side, rent $25; price $375 cash,
N-6 7, Journal, ,' - '
SEVEN room furnished house f'or aala;
close in; $400. Main 9575. 867 th st
FIVE roonramf urnished f!atHS
. rison st.( rent $18 per month.- Inquire
a.28 1st .Bt.''---'--; : ?-:.
FIVE room lower flat.. 728 Belmcnt U
rent -nona Tapor 414,
ik. KftiNi Moaern room flat; gas
and water, close in, $12. , 614 7th st