' 7 L i A UNO, JULY 1 ! . A. 1 - 4 A " 1 TU: 12 imji W7' rprv uu u WIS WILL BUILD YOU A HOME AND FROVIT'E THE LOT IN ONE OK THE P.KST" rtKSIl'EN'CE DIS TRICTS ON THE KAST SIDE.' SMALL, PAYMENT M)WN AND THE BAL. ANTE LJKE-RENT,- FOR FULL PAR TICULARS, H-670, JOURNAL. JIVE room house, large vard, Reser voir Park. Call "bor 1922 or 8722. 67th st. S. K. Take Mt. Scott car, get off at Krn "ark., sro north. , HOUSES FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR SALE SS NICELY furnished 9 room flat, a bar- - gain, easy terms. Furniture S room flat. $180, close in. Furniture 4 room flat, nicely fumtehed. Main 7695. 'OK SALE Furniture of 5 rooms; ' everything new; owner .leaving city; f?",! barg''"-': 421 12th; Marshall 1701. I OR BALE cheap Complete furniih i Ings of 4 room flat. Phones Wood lawn 1602; C-1197. . II HOl'SKKEKPING rooms, good buy rent $30; 1150 cash, bat, terms. , Own. cr. 629 Raleigh st. " .room furnished flat, rent $17, room all full; good location; walking, dis tance. 641V4, First SEVEN room furnished house for sale; - close in; $400., . Main 9575. 387 6th st FCRMSHED HOUSES' .30 STJRNISHED cottage, $20; lower 4 room flat, $11 month; two housekeeping rooms, $10-month; west aide river. Ap Tly 364 N. 28th. W car from depot Fifth or Morraon to 2th. block north. r ' VI3 FOR REr T FLATS ; 6 room modern flat........... ,$25. 00 ' 8 room modern house. . v. .., $23.00 Walking distance. . ' 621-625 Chamber of Commerce. NEW modern 4 room flat on Williams , ave. "and Fargo v Call 290 Fargo or OdBl OQVO i'OR REIT Four modern 4 room flats, every conveniently, Phone East 6, B-1404. ElX room upper flat, 101 E. 19th, cor! Washington; rent $33.50, VlVB room lower flat, 728 .Belmont sti rent tan, rnone xaPor 414. ,TEW modern 5 and 6 room flats,' east side, central. ' Marshal 1446. v ?TWO modern flats, close in,: $18 and fZZ.DO. pnone M. 7167 or E. 2173. rooms, 625 Overton; low rent M. E. Leey 411 Corbett bldg. "" " UPPER 4 -room flat with bath, $25 per month. 886 Parle. A"ly 388 Park st. & ; FURXKinEP -.I Flats j ; so ELEGANT 5 room, flat close In on east side; furnished . .completely in every Way; fine furniture, cut glass, piano, dishes; $40 per -nonth. Phone East FURNISHED three room flat, $25; no children. 804 , E. Couch, .near 10th. Phone B-2853. - - - APARTMENTS 43 ' LOI8 APARTMENTS, ' 704-708 Hoyt 8t New brick apartments now ready for occupancy; S, i and 4 room suites, pri vate bath, phone, electric and firelesii cookers, electric llgrhts, large .sleeping porches, steam "heat beautifully fur nished;; Janitor service; references re- quirgq. rnonc jaarsnan zuiu. "THIS WARHTTCflTON" . "W car to tlat-nd Northrop, N Beautiful 6 room apartments fur nished and 'unfurnished, with all mod ern conveniences, bath, telephone, hot and cold water, steam heat,, refrigera tor, ga range, gas, electric Jight Jani tor service, etc. 1 r -.Wellington Court . ' . Beautiful , 2. X, 4 room furnished apartments, steam heat, f re - phone, Janitor service, rent reasonable, .,15th anq mvereii ets. juain liiu "OR RENT Two Jour room modern apartments, $15 per month. 8 three room modern- apartments at - $13 per month. Four . single rooms at $6 a month;" fine locations: See Johnson, n fiawinorne, cor." etn. THE RE-UKAN APARTMENTS Mar- shall between 19th and 20th; elabor ately furnished, all the latest improve ments, ideal location, $30 up. See these before deciding on others, SUMMER KESOKTS. 15 COTTAGES to rent at Seavlew. O. Heltkempef. 288 Morrison st. ' STORES AND OFFICES 11 - A SPLENDID HIT . ' To the man who wants an opening ehanoe Jn the retail business; there is a restricted residence district for a mile and a half in three directions from the Sew stores for rent- at E. 28th and alsey streets; location here means suc ; cess, as there are no stores to compete with except the grocery across the street and those a mue away, at E. 16th and .Broadway; finest kind of a location for a drugstore with a soda water fountain; Just the location for a meat market for : both the best cuts and coarse meats, and a number one location for groceries with a side line of hardware in the big ' corner Store; shelving furnished, modern stores, plate glass fronts, cement base ments. See owner-at $20 E. Morrison Street. Phone East 82 or B-1862. - ! .. FOR LEASE Store building,, 21st and .murium bib., juuu curnar mr dubi- iness. James & Sigglin, 141U 1st et FEW. nice offices in the' Couch and 1 Chambers bldg. S01 Couch bldg. " - DESK room for rent 817 Alisky bldg.- -- osiaiix loll: WANTED TO RENT WANTED About August 1. email fur nished , cottage or flat' About $20, J-669, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 FOR SALE Gentls combination horse, .nearly-new Bailey buay and har ness, r Roberts Bros.. Sd and Morrison, 6NE Morgan mare 8 yr. old, and one 4 yr. old mare, city broke. ! Rubber tire runabout , Leavina i city,- cheap price. W-W car - to Mann station, 6 blocks, east on Kelley ave. to ( tent $110 takes a. light team. Oood and sound. Work, single or double. Take Ketlton Car and innulre at Kenton arm. cerv. E. Hartle. Phone Woodlawn 161 - week and monti:; epeoial rates to business houses. th and Hawthornal UsBt 71..' r. i- -Jfcr. A , NICELY . galted- saddle horse, city broke and well bred, 8 yearv old. Phone Tabor 1645. Address Bast1 47th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE One mule teamj 4 years old, 2 horse teams, each 4 and 6 years; $ sets of double harness' and S wagons. inq Hire iivv a tstvu mi. n. FOR SALE Good big horses from 1400 to 1600 lbs. Inquire Donald Liverv Barn,. Donald station,. Oregon Electrio railway. HAMBLETONIAN standard bred driver, age a, weigni iiov, ouna, city broke; also single harneas and buggy. - Phone j anor zaiu. L6ST MATE; must sell good, 1800 lb. mare ; 7 years ; bid, guarantee work anywhere. $160, easily worth $250; vwner leaving city. can aep 7tn st JlONEST young, team, guaranteed sound reliable handle 2 1-3 yards. $376, In- , quire yame, Blacksmith, Kern Park. BUT KHers Guaranveea Harness. ' WRTH-S1XTW mTr DRIVING horse and buggy for sale. Pioneer Paint Co., 186 First st , LIVESTOCK AND FOULTBY 85 60 for thoroughbred Ladd Jersey cow, Fresh soon, worth $80, going away, must fell. Chrisman's, Anabel station. Mount Scott car. D 1 r.LT.T.. : 117 HEAD of cattle for sale, 26 8-yflr-o)l cter8 all lilcli prade 1 "irhi":. 10 head 2-year-old steers all Dnrhama. 7 hend.fat cows, 7 . head fat 2-year-old heifers, balance milch cows and yotinif stock, all hlRh grade Durhams and Aberdeen AnRua; no traders. y M. J. Brown, Gaston, Or. THREE - cholceTTamlly cows, Jersey; have been tested; bargain; 9 gallons per day. 185 E. 78th st. south, Monta- vina I have 10 cows and a milk route that i wish to sell; horse and wagon for sale cheap. Kendall - sta., Estacada ; car. mbk ror iiicKey. tWO good fresh Jersey cows,709 Her ald street. Take Sellwood car. Phone Seliwood 1171. WILL sell stock of pure bred poultry and lease land and buildings. Phone Sellwood 480. FRESH cow for sale . See janitor Ken- ton bank bldg. - ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 I HAVE a lot of household goods, that I want to ' sell1. Refrigerator, gas range, 2 dressers, 2 iron beds, lot chairs, dining - table, sewing- machine, some screen doors and windows, extension, table ana lot or otner tnings. t'aji at 885 East Alder. : v FOR BALE cheap for cash, need money, v beautiful new piano just bought a few months ago. Call at 809 Jefferson St., Mr.Garnerj $200 can buy It, bufnO rea sonable offer refused. It cost .me $400. No takers or dealers need answer. FOR: SALE Tent 50x60, round top, mar quet, seats, stage scenery, etc.; in At condition; , one crazy house, portable, all complete. .Dreamland Theatre, Castle- rocK, wasn. NEW and eocona narva pooi an bit- iiara laoiei oougnc ana soia on easy term a Bowling alleys, refrigerators for Immediate delivery. 'Address, the HrunswicK-BaiKe-Collendar Co., 48 Ith, FEED etore. team and wagon, 1 block from electric depot in brick building, cement floor, well located; will sell at invoice ; price; s iHIllsboro, Or. L-668, Journal. -v.. : " '-av - - OASOLINE WOOD SAW. First class condition, 5 h. p. engine, t extra saws, big gasoline tank, engne covered worth new $460; need money; will sell 176. M-676, Journal. FOR - SALE Tent house, 14x20, com pletely "furnished," cheap. " Inquire Tales' store. Tremont station. ' oulck. If' M A . " 1 1SO0 assorted premium pictures, caft be usea ior calendars, pads rurmstiea. Call for ; Middlebrook. care' Baggage & irsnsier companyt ctn ana yak sts. LAUNCH for sale, complete -with house and top, cheap. Phone after Sunday, -1 ,uur hi o. THREE electric fans for sale, $15; fan for $7.60 two $26 fans' at 111, each. 408 Rotncnua biog. VIOLINS, banjoes, mandolins, guitars at half rearular prices. Uncle Myer,-1J 6th St- ' ( - -r''A DAIRYMEN attention About 40 tons of hay near city at a sacrifice. Room 206 Boara or Trade biag. SECONP HAND phonograph machines and .records bought, . sold and ,ex- Changed, iim Third st. LAUNCH for sale cheap. Add. L. D. Johnson," 74 E. (5th at. N. Tabor FOR TRADE OR SALE A - canvas glove, making outfit for lot or piano. u-oo. journal FOR SALE $115 Buah eV Lane piano check for $10 .or best cash (Offer. Phone Bell wood is. WILL sell $106 Bush & Lane piano certificate, very cheap. , Phone Mar- snau WILL sell my $10 piano check for $1 caah; trade for anything,' 631 East istn, near minion. FOR SALE New Thor motorcycle cheap. Phone Main 4736. l0 Domestic sewing .machine with at- tacnments. call 3 B. Morrison, FOR SALE Edison moving picture ma chine. Schilling. 71 H ET 22d st' LAUNCH, complete, $65. . Masons, foot asx wasnington. BOY'S printing press, 3Hx4. self -inking, $6. ' Beattle A Hofmann, 304 Stark st. FOR SALE Wheel, good as new; coast er oraKc; $zy, aena w, I7tn. TYPE to be sold- cheap, Beattle ' A -Hofmann, 304 Stark st 1 v WANTED MISCELLAXEOU8 8 GET our price on your furniture, at It will pay you. we want the goods. Savage and PennaU. 361-1 1st st Mala seo, WANTED People of Portland to know that we pay highest cash,' price for second hand household goods. Seater ft Guetaveon, 148 Kusseu. - East isbi. BE WISF; get more for your aecond - nana lurnnun oj seuing n to rora Auction jo zu ist . Mam &i. a-Z44. OLD auto tires 7c per lb.: old rubber boots and shoes 8c per lb. J. Leve, 1R6 coiumnia st, -Main FOR plumbing, repairing and gas fitting can .East 4414. 6 POT cash paid for your rurnlturei prorrrpt attention always given. K. 1067 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS U YORK BAND INSTRUMENTS. From ! the "House of York." . The Chas. E. York .Band Instrument and MusHo ilouse.-; T - "Special Distributing Agents." ' i 88 V4 3d St. ' FOR ; SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 luifermif Are a Few Snaps IN USED AUTOMOBILES 1909 Chalmers-Detroit "40" rosdster with . Preeto-lite tank, Warner speedo meter and top, fine condition, only $1600. 1909 Oldsmobile touring ear, top, hood, glass front speedometer, Presto-lite tank, slip covers, all yours for $1500. 190 Cadillac touring car, fully equipped; car is in good condition and an elegant buy at $1250. : 1908 model "G" Cadillac touring car, a dandy car, all the way through, $1000. Babcock electrio Victoria, never been run a mile, price complete $1260. - . "COVEY' MOTOR. "CAR "CO."" r,' 7TH AND COUCH. X FOR SALE cf ' exchange: - One 7 passenger Thomas, 3 Franklins. Two Buicks, 4 Reos, 1 Mitchell, 3 Ca dillacs One Cha,mere Detroit. 1 Wayne, 1 Pop Toledo.' One runabout ; All" in first elass condition. ' PORTLAND AUTO COMMISSION - HOUSE, .' ' Hft SJ K. 7th st. ' . HERE is your chance to get a superb ocean-front -lot on the famous boule vard at Long Beach in trade for a four cylinder '09 or '10 auto. Send full par tic u 1 are. E-673. Journal. SEVEN;' passenger White steamer for sale cheap. Inquire United Cigar store. 4th and Wash. I'OR ' SALE 40 " hdrsepower ' Waln'es, ' in good order, $950, 'J-S64. Journal. : FINANCIAL 51 Quick loans on .furniture and pianos,- storage receipts, life Insur. ance policies, livestock, real estate, etc. IT. S. Real Estate ft Brokerage Co., 812 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. LOANS ; WANTED SO $20,000 loan wanted on 947 acres fruit and farming land, '"Jackson - county, near Med ford; valued at $70,000. Addi tional security Improved property In Mertfnrrl ,-raittd'-a-9S.e Hite--an- terms to be agreed upon. . V-8 7 h Jour nal. w "f WANTED Loan of $3000, on a 320 acre farm near Walla Walla, value $8000. 250 acres wheat Will pay 8 per cent Ann rett 1-911, journei EIGHT per cent $3700, first mortgage; Al real estate security, 4V4 year run. E-876, Journal. livi:;; HUTTON CRKPIT CO. "An i'-asy Money ' Propoaition. ' Money is easy to fret if you know where to get It. We have ready rnorey at all tlmrs and ynu can get from $10 to $100 on your salary, furniture, piano, storage receipt, real estate contracts, etc.. n,t half tne usual rates. . We loan on the easy pavment plan the plan that helps you and gets you Out of debt; you get the cash, all you ask for, and repay in amount you can conveniently spare each pay day. Will remove to 807 Spalding bldg. when completed, corner 3d and Wash ington sta. - - - " HUTTON CREDIT CO., 512 Tekum Bldg. rhone Main 2869. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10 repaid In installments of $ .45 $20 repaid in Installments of .90 $50 repaid in installments of ...... 3.00 Larger amounts in proportion. . All we require is your personal note; no mortgage, no indorser or security; everything strictly 'confidential. STATE SECURITY CO., . 308 Falling bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. - 402 Rothchild bldg.. corner 4th and Washington. - The lecognized- bank of the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist engineer or employe can ob tain money of us on his note- without security. $16 return to ns. ,.......$ 4-00 a month $30 return to us..,rv,. 8.00 a month $60 return to us., $18. 85 a month Confidential ; no unpleasant Inquiries. Special rates on. pianos, furniture, etc, MORTGAGE loans on Portland real es- tale for borrower or lender, : , - a - JOS. C GIBSON, . , " Successor to Gibson ft Holliday, t - 804-6 Gerlinger Bldg. : MONEY advanced aaiarlea people, nouse , keepers and others upon their own names without security; eheapeet rates, easiest payments; office In 66 princi pal cities; save money by getting our terms. Tolmanv 817 Lumber Exchanga TO loan, large and small amounts at 7 and t per cent interest, on good city or suburban real estate. C. F. Pfluge,- & Co., room 6, . Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison sti. ' " - CASH paid for mortgages or sellers Interest in contracts on real estate In Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negotl ated on Improved propertyrH. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark. , YOUR CREDIT la good at the Employe' Loaa Co 131 , Ablneton, 106 3d st WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jew . elry at reasonable tnlerest for long or liatmj lierei euovi aq wiHimmwu w i $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. J.' H. Mc Kensle Co Gerlinger bldg. 2d. and Alder.: : -" MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per ent Goodnough ft Seits. 713 Board Of Trade. ' -- -' -' - -' MONEY to loan on city or farm prop erty, low rate." E. R. Hickson, .617 Board of Trade bldg,; MONEY to loan tm improved city prop erty Wm. MacMasUr, $03 Worcester block. - : - 1 --'. MONEY to loan on Portland real estate. Harding &, Reynolds Co., 313 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans- lowest rates; fir lw anranee. w. u. uwk, sis ti'imi, MONEY loaned on city properties, build ing loans, contracU and equities pur chased. Cowllshaw, 615 Commercial Dlk. $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenai ft CO.. Ueninger piuk., nu iar. ISAAC L. ' WHITE, money to loan, fire Insurance. 881 Sherlock bldg. SUMS of $2000 upward on real estate. uoqaarq at yveiurio. tin f LOAN for the asking, salary - or chat teL ine ixan co., eie uenum pius. OCICK loans on all securities. 8. W. King. 46 Washington bldg. Main 6108, NOTICES 26 MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE Sealed proposals will be received at the office of Whldden & Lewis, archi tects, 701 Corbett building, 1 Portland. Oregon, until noon, Friday, July 22, J910. for roofing and sheet metal work, glas lng ornamental Iron work, carpenter and cabinet work, electric clocks and Inter communicating - telephone system as called for In specifications, for the east wing of a new courthouse to be erected for the county of Multnomah, state of Oregon. , . .. ., . . . . .. , . Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of the architects. . No proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the Order of the county court of Mult nomah county, certified by a responsi ble bank, for an amount equal to 10 per eent of the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam ages In case the bidder neglects or re fuses to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful per formance of said work, in the event the contract is awarded to him. - The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. FRANK S. FIELDS, ' ' county Clerk. NOTICE T6 CREDITORS In the dis- trict eourt of the United States, for the district -of Oregon.n the matter of Tharval Thompson, bankrupt; No. 1603 in bankruptcy: Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of July, A. A, 1910. Tharval Thompson of Portland, Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly ad Judlcated bankrupt; and thAt the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the offices of the undersigned, rooms "-, x cuiun Duuaing, t-ortiana, Ore gon, on the 22d day of July, 1910, at 11 a m at which-time said -creditor may trustee, examine the bankrupt, , and u im.wvi ,utn , vunr Diuineii as may Claims must be presented In form re ?ui?Jt,5r thJ nkruptcy act and sworn to. i The schedule field discloses assets amounting to $100. JJMBTER O. MURPHY, , Refer In Bankruptcy. Tinted .Tlllw O 1D1A " NOTICE OF S'rGwKH6Ll)ERS' ME'EF . " momi Hiocung or tne stocK hnldera nf th run. A i... r-.... ment Company, for the election of a uuaiu ui uiictiuu lor.tne ensuing year, and for the transaction of such otner buelness as may regularly come before thm will rito a Via AffU. - . Company, rooms 501 to 604 Chamber of PMviiMAina Ki414mw Ba.1.uA a aujupv if 171V, eat iv v cjock a. Tn. v Secretary Cour dAlcna Development VUtil pkll J :,'.. ;"f " '' Portland, Oregon, July 7, 1910. NOTICE of stockholders' meeting. meeting of the stockholders of the Mid- "i; vii' cuuiwuj'wuii B ueia ai tne office of the company. 224 Stark st, roniana. ur.. ai a o ciock p, m. on Wed nesday, the 20th day of July, 1910," Jof ciio yuipuB, ui- vicvvuiB m DOaXQ OI 'al- rectors, and for the transaction of such Other business as may legally com be fore the meetlng,' A. Ea DAVIS, Becv, ' LOST 1 ANt) FQPNP , 21 $25 REWARDBlack cocker spaniel, hnrt note wriltA nnti in Kaab,, i front feet; left eye little dim; weight 25 10 0 3 ids,, on rrom ana Morrison St., .11 returhed to B, O. Stanyre, Esmond hotel.- '-.-- " - . .-. ..: LOST Spectacles and case, between Chamber of Commerce and 411 East Couch by way. of Washington street market Reward. Phone E. 6197, or leave ai on t,;naraqer or uommerce. LOST On Mt Tabor, scissors with orna mentat handles; finder wlll ba liber. ally rewarded by returning eame;to 81$ o 818 M(Ma Monawk Ding., an ana Morrison sts LOST 3 horses, one Iron brown, branded 04. on right gray, one nip. Phone LOST Man' nurse containing between $60 and $70: , liberal reward. United Cigar store. 4ttr ana Washington. LOST Bowling medal with letters N. ' wv a. v. on ii; unaec Kinaiy 'notity w. i.. weuperger, t'lTt Miiwankie st. LOST Bird, canary, yellow "with dark' wings; lost yesterday; return to 231 E etn st;(ne gaimon. Liberal reward,; lc::t A?n) rorp LOoT Brindle and white male bull pup' 7 weeks old, white tip on tail; reward, t S31 Wheeler st. Phone Kast 3745. LOoT Gold nugget warf rin on W-W car Tuesday evening. Leo Simon, 167V4 it st. , FOUND A place to pet calling cards; 60c per 100. 185 Madison st Mar shall 1545. ' - LOST Lady's white Jacket on Sandy road or Vancouver ave.; reward. Phone Woodlawn 2459. ANYONE can make $5 by returning necklace having 7 coral peashaped drops; lost Sunday on Graham or Rod ney to Union; money at Journal. FERSONAli 3 ' PAY WHEN CURED . The Paefflo Coast Medical Co. The leading Specialists of Port land, no Money required to .com mence i Treatment '. W treat all ' enronio nervous and complicated - diseases "of men; Our methods are modern and up to date.- - We want to talk or' write to every man In Portland and th North west, who is a sufferer. - : : In the treatment of Diseases of men, we ' acknowledge no strperior. We will tell you all ' .about yonr case without charge, : and you need not take treatment unless you wish to do so. Sepa : rateparlors. Paclflo Coast Medi cal Co., cor. 1st and Washington' sts., Portland, opposite City Mar-,- - ket II unable to call, write for list of questions. Office hours, . 8 a. n. to I p. m.; Sunday, 10 , a. m. to l p. m, i i.: i4000 office equipment 14 treating rooms In the most expensive and fin est equipped private office In America; 4 years' practice in Portland and never lost a patient; thousands of testimonials from tnose who have been saved from operations; every modern method known to.- man- hr-used-- to--sav -life and cure disease. The methods used are radium. X-ray, violet light, electricity, heat hot ovens, baths, etc. Free lectures Wednes day evenings. Dr. W. E, Mallory, 813 Kotncniid bldg, DR. ALICE A. cIRIFb. , Diseases of women and children ex clucively; Women are often saved se vere surgical operations by consulting me. ' Nervous disease - of. children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tion a Confinements 'cared for. Cor respondence solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones, Main 3928, A-6607 Office rooms 10, Grand Theatre bldg. wasnington ana yarn. Men Cured flnicklvi : Modern electrio treatment for diseases Otwlhe m-oatata, nervous debility, piles, to. WT L Howard, M. D.. 804-6 Roth- child bldg.. 4th and Washington. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlcesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as - best safest Always 'reliable. .Take no other. Chi chester Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggist everywhere. r . DR. LEWIS, Physician and surgeon: treats women and children exclusively; private hos Fltal accommpdatlppsj' examinations ree. Main 4047. A-2411. 606 Common- weaitn piag., otn ana Anneny, GERMAN books, ftiagasine. novels, eto uerman, ngusn. jrrencn, opanisn, Swedish and Italian dlctionarWs; for eign book of all kinds, Schmal Co, 229 1st st. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cure diseases of man, blood and skin, dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 1st, Port land. ' v- - LIQUOR and drug nablts permanently cured In three day; no suffering. Cardiola Institute, 1627 Peninsula ave. rortiana, ur. , ' -. MEN When weak, nervous or despond ent use Sexoid Pills a a bracer; re stores lost vigor; price $1 per box, 6 boxes for 85. T. J. Pierce. 311 Alisky. FREE readings Cushions for sale like nobody -else makes. 129 10th, between Alder and Washington. Ladles please call. .-. ' SANDERSON COS Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods, $8 per box or S boxes for $6. T. J. nerce, bii Aiiaay oiag. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and SDlrltual scientist 21 Salllng-Hlrsch Pig. M. BBZ4. SEE Thomas Kay for confidential re ports secret service. McKay bldg. Marshall zoa. j YOUNG, man of means desires acquaint- - r,..i.i. .. - , - j . . ance OI ia-inoiiu younf 'Buy; main- monv ir iuuea m-o i i, journal WOMEN Uae - Femoid when - others fail; sold and guaranteed by the Aus- piunq urug v-o.. xm i-. otn eu main aim OCCULT, new thought, Hberal, sclen- uric nooks. .. j ones tiooa store. 334 uaa su WRINKLES removed, sagging oorrected in 16 minutes; iree oemonstrations. 216 Fliedner bldg. DR. T. J. PIERCE, Specialist Diseases or women; an irregularities corrected: no exposure. Call or write 811 Alisky BATTLE Creek Baths, ladies days, men nights, zzi i.rexei tioiei. m. i38. BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of women, szg Belmont et East 2498. 6EXINE Pills only 75c box. Call or ad- dress-Bridge rnarraacy, ins Morrison, v BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARTIST'S (materials, picture framing. E. H. Moorenouse ft Co., 411 wash, st ASoATEftS WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana lytical chemists. 204 H Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA assay 'office, laboratory and. ore -testing wora. ie Morrison. ATTORNEYS CHRI3TOPHERSON ft MATTHEWS. General practice. 411-11 Buchanan bid. BUSINESS CARDS l HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 109 3d St Blank books mTg; agta. for Jones' improved Loose-Leaf ledgers: see th new Kureaa tear, a-jiss. main iss, W"A R R B N CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalk and oross mga. Becic piog, TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and .general lobbing, J. Losli. 312 Jeffer- i et. Main 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.A foruana orrice, 4 Worcester oiog. JAS. Mcl. WCOD ft Co.. all kinds of in . surance. surety bonds. McKay bldg. BICYCLE REPAIRING NEW, second hand wheels, repairing, key, sare ana iock worn, Hummer, mi lutn. CARPET CLEAN ESQ THE IONE. . Carpets cleaned? refitted, laid, Feathers renovated. ' E. , 860. B-2288. s.,- .- -- CARPET WEAVTNQ NORTHWEST Rug Wprka-rRugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. its union ave., near m. 'Morrison. WE A-eave rasr carnets. bath room ruts, etc. -1518 Patton ave. WToodlawn 2686. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS A. C. FURLONG. 233 11th st Main 3626. Building loans, plan and estimates WILLIAM F1SHBECK, .carpenter, and DUiiaer, . joosing ana coniraciing, wi 4th. Main 8241. A J. ,F- 'BOWMAN, , carpenter and builder; "plan and epeciflcationa free. Phone Woodlawn-2358. FOK cement work. ' plastering, brick . work and excavating call on Olson. Marshall 1441. A-4020. liOTOIS W REAL ESTATE-DIRECTODY. NAME lUker, D. M., Cltf, Farm Property Broug-Rtwl Coiripnny Bnibuknr A Benedict Butlerworth-RtepheDxiB Compnny, Inc.... (aril Renltjr & InTeatnieat Co.. .......... Cook A Co.. B. S.... fhpln A Herlow.... Fine. D. V. Co. (Woodstock) ;' Hobart A Marshalt Faftua, City rroperty. Hoock, George A. (ColoulMtion)... Knapp A Macaer. .. On-fmn Keal Eatata Co., The P'-hslk. Oeorra D.. ' Bhlelda, " J,' H... ..... ,., ' Thompaon, U. E. Co... CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURIN3 Mre. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. CLEANfnd AND DYEING To call for. your suit to be eponged and pressea oy one wno unaaraiaum business. The Elite Cleaning, & Press- Ing Works, 813 8d. corner Clay. COAL 4ITD WOOD NOTICEaSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per l?ad..$2.50 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. 12.63 INSIDE DRY SHORT, per loaa ...- ov BLOCK WOOD, per load $3.60 SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwcod Ca - ' Main 3119. A-7001. PACIFIC 6LABWOOD CO. 4 A " Dry inside wood, per load. 13.60. m ' Snall dry inside wood, per load, JJ-eO. Green short slabwood, per load, $3.60, Planer trimming, $8;, blockwood, per load. $4. ' - f nones- Main iu, a-hbh. Yamato Wood and Coal Company. - Qarccai .PROMPTLY . DELIVERED Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st WoodrCoai and Dry Slab - WESTERN FUEL COMPANY. $87 E. Morrlsou. East 226, B-1028. White St Benson Fuel Co, : 416 East Morrison. East 914.v . Formerly O. K. Wood and Coal Yard. SOUTHPOWLTNDnBlBOOCO.. Main 216$. A-3843. Dry Inside wood, rreeo slabwood, clean sawdust for bedr aing, cui ruei; Diocawooa. ' WE WILL saw your wood promptly, s Cascade Woodyard. ' Phon Marshall 1908. --' - : -. A. H. Edlefsen, the fuel man Ch. of Com, merce, sells anthracite and cannel;; Jao cheaper grade or coal ana ary weoa. STEEL Bridge Fuel Co., wood and coal, Phone C-1773, K. jit. SHORT dry board' wood. $3.60 per load. - Phone Marshall 1906. -- - -- --- - CEDAR block. $1.50 for 80 days. .A Phone, Main 2163. A--BEST 4 foot fir cord wood $5.60 dellv ered. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones. COLLECT! ON1S CURRENT and delinquent accounts col. lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 70S Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak sta Portland Collection Agency All kinds of debts collected. 817 Alisky bids. DANCTNO WALTZ, two-step, stage- dancing, les sons 26c; now opening summer classes tonight Prof. Wal WHlson's school, 886 H Wash, st, bet W. Park and 10th. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES - Motors for rent or sale. . Pacific Eleo- trio Engineering Co., 213 Second st ELECTROLTHUJ MOLES, wrinkles, superf luo s hair re moved. Mrs. M- P. Hill. 429 Flfednen, GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY , ,nd marine; electrio equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; enginerepairing. Reierson Mschlnery Co.. 18f Morrison, LEATHER ft FINDINGS r CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front Leather of every description; Up raaufacturers, findings. i - LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library, 186 6th. bet Taylor and Yamhill. Books 8c per day. MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES' T .avMtwU ITIIvm TTSrrtVta et sta han11a4i all AXaClIllll C A till! aii5V aia4WB kinds motion picture supplies, new or second, hand machines, parts, films, slides. Over Pantages theatre, Portland, ur. ixuucyoiiuoiii.; L . I J. I '. 1 " PARTS, complete machines, films, song slides, films, reasonable. - 626 Washington St. : .'J MUSIC TEACHEns E. THIEIHORN. violin teacher, pupil 6evclk. Mar. 1629, A-4160. 900 Marquam PIANO, violin, eornot mandolla Prof, - E. A. Smith. 392 12th st OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. - LTT.T "'-1" PATTERSON. 4ip cialist on nerves, acute and chronic diseasea 217 Fenton bldg. Main 8061. DR. SMITH, graduate Klrkavllle, Mo., 1898; pot grad, 1907. 818 Bwetland bldg. DR. F. X BARR, "A. a O. 207 Mohawk bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Main 2226. FAINTING AND PAPERING FOR painting, tinting, paperhanglng, phone East 1356. . All work guaran- af Infactorv. '-'. FOR painting, tinting, phone East 2094, . C-Z3UK. ...a. e- UBDOurn, joa t, waan- lngton st FOR best work, price right call P. . Doane, I0 union, ttotn pnonea PAINT, OIL AND GLASS RASMUSEEN ft CO., i' "High Standard" paint ne, cor. 2d ft Taylor. M. A-1771. F, E. BEACH & CO. Pioneer Paint Co., 135 1st at M. 1334, A7043, PATENT ATTORNEYS HANDBOOKS ror Inventor free; tells bow ro : obtain and value of patents, trademark registered. Heeler ft Robb. 177-181 Mcuill oiog,. wasningxon. u. kj. 3, K..MOCK, late of the examining corp tion iree. aza iioiiimn wg. R, C. WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign pat ' ents; Infringement cases. 804 Dakum. PRrNTTNG --"Doeia of clever things with type aiml inn on paper. ma mu , THE EAGLK - PRINTING CO., not In trust; close figures, good work. 108 Goodnough bldg. Phon Main 4121.' PLUMBING, AND CiAS FITTING , THE most essential part of plumbing Is good work. . , It avoids after-expense. We guarantee our work; . ' Independent Plumbing Co-t 220 Grind ave. E. 952. -UBBKJ6lAMP,-AXDKAJ STENCIXS and - of f ice atatlonery. Cnn. nlngl.am Co., 281 Stark. Main 1407, 6URVEaOXC& rVALTER M. OBEk plattlng?:ubdlvd iog and topographical .maps a ! 4alty. , 160 E. 2Stb st N. B-2099. ' ADDRESS ' TELEPIiONB ,.8i3 Corbett Bldg... ..A-4t;.2, Main Till r ...110 Feiv.nd St Main and A-2.'"( ,..6i2 McKay BlrlR.. ..Windsor Eif:bt. Main 513 Hi Lufajette hldj...6ia and Wash. Wain i ,,..(5.1 Henrr Bids Marshall 1P67, A-liHT ,...Ni3 Corbett iiidg..... Main 8S3. A-3!'-3 Clumber of Coromerca Main lira ....Kocheater and Sukon.....k Sellwood M7 ....Kjiom 7, 2504 AWar.. Mala 6d71 " 42 ibl Bld ..Main 19 ...a 7 Chamber of Commerce Main and A-2010 i...rand Ate. and Kultnomali.,..Kaat 87. C-1708 ...S2H Btark Bt. Main 8P2. A-23fiJ ... Garllneer Kldff,vi-ii,vi..--..-.m-.-.Maln 430 : ....Ilinry Bldg.,.4th-0ak ...M. 8064.. A-8327 ' SHOWCASES Aaro fTSTTJRES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and atore fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Ca THE JAMES L MARSHALL MFG. CO., new and old showcases, cabinets, store and Office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703. - HiaS AND BXIOW CARDS FOSTER ft KLEISEH, signs; th Urg- - est sign maaer in tne nortnwest; eta Ind Everett sta Phon Priv.t Ex, 66. nuiu, A'llDil 'SIGNS . THAT ' ATTRACT" Portland eigrr vo.,-. .t starK. Pacinc 1698. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co, 108 Id St Safe at factory prices; repairs,' lockouts opened; bargains In second hand safea SHINGLES BEST 'tn ' Portland.'- 8eef them, 301 Washington st S. E. Gilbert TOWEL SUPFLX nnii-iin"i inn CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. $1 per month. Portland Laundry ft wwel Supply Co.. 9th and Couch sta, 1 hone Main 410, A-4410. V IRANSFKR AND. HTOKAaU Oregon Transfer Co Established 1870. ' '' ' Transfer -and forwarding agatV--x j Storage, fre trackage., Offtoe. 810 Hoyt st, bet 6th and 6th. f nones: Main . A-lies. C O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co of- flee and commodious 6 story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults - for valuable; north west corner 2d and Pine sta Piano and furnltur moved and packed for ship ment Main 696, A-1996. - - - . OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer and storage, safes, pianos and furnltur moved, paoked and snippeo. z9 uaa st. Main 647, A-Z247, INDEPENDENT Baggage ft Transfer Co. Storaga 124 Stark, Main 407, A-4169. ' "":',-,- ' A'.-,., TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun- amfnm v;o.. zti ptara. ja. ivi. - VKTEUINARUII DR. A O. SMITH, V. 8, U. & Stables, 348 Front Main 4166. Re. Main 1803. DR. L. R. DILLON, Hawthorne avenue WALL PAPK-. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, and the goods that go with them. E. H. Moorehouse & Co., 411 Wash, st WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING ft FARRELL, produce and commission meichants. 140 Front st. rortiana. ur. fnone Mam irj. M. A. QUNST C.Cl , DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS, PORTLAND. UK. WADHAMS ft CO.. wholesale arocera manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th ana uaK ts.' ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES. BANKS GSRMAN-AMERICAIT - BANK Portland. Or. Corner Sixth and Waabingtoa 81a. Trana. acta a general banking bualneas, 'Draft laaued arallflMa la all tn principal cities of tS United Btatea and Europe. Four per eent interest paid on strings aeooant. , Safe da poalt vanits. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS OR StS BROTHERS. Chamber ot Com merce B.Mdluf. Municipal, railroad and - mbllo service enrporaUwa bonda. - DOWXINO-HOPKrNS CO Stock Bed train brokers. Batabllahed 18SS. Portland, Beattle, Taooma, Spokane, Private wires, 201-2-8-4 Coucb Bldg. , TRANSPORTATION CoIumblaRlverScenery v.'.-J-"';.,' Fast 'Excursion Steamer"': ";:'v:v's CMaAaaS. R. SPBNCBR Leaves dally except Wednesday, S , m., For Hood River and way landings and return leave Hood River, 2:36 p. m.; .- arrive Portland 8 p. m. EtriTOAT EXOtTBSIOWa Leaves 9 a. m.; returna, 6:30 p.' m. First Class Meals Served. - Fare, One Dollar Round Trip. ; Up-town Office, 69 6th st Phones Marshall 1979, A-l 293. Landing and Off ice. Foot WaahingtoaAt, Phones Main 8619, A-2465T . Lowest Rates to Picnic Partlea . E. W, SPENCER, OWNER... San Tranoisoo 81 Portland Steamship Co. ICew Service to I Angel, via Ban 2 Pranolsoo. vry Plv Says. From Alnsworth dock, Portland, 9 a m. & B. Roa City, Jnly Jr7j Beaver, July 17; Bear, July 8Jt From San Francisco for Portland, 11 m S. & Beaver, July 83, Bear, July 15 j Hose City, July 80. - , From' San Pedro, northbound, S. & Bear, July 88 Bos City, July 18) Beaver, July S3, H, G. Smith, - C. T, A., 14 8 Third st; phone Main 402. A-1402. J. W." Ransom, agent. Alnsworth Dock: phone Main 268. The Open Blver Transportation Company Str. I. N. TLAL Tor TBI) : baXiXiES and Way X,asdlngs Leaving Oak street' dock Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 7 a, m., re turning, leaving. The Dalles Tuesday, Thursday and' Saturday,4 making close connectlona at Celilo with 8TSAMXB, TWIN CITTEB for Lewiston. also ZH IiANS EMPIBB for Pasco and all points up the Columbia as far as. Priest Rapids. CAPT. W. S. BUCHANAN, Supt A. S. WHITING, Agent COOS ti AY UIN6 6 Bay Service Str. Breakwater leases Portland 9 a. m July 3, 8, 13, 18, 83798, Aug-. 8. 7, VI. 19. . 99. from Alns worth dock, for Worth Bend, Marshfield and Coos Bay points. Freight received until 5 p.'mon day before., Passenger fare, 1st class, $10; 2d class, $7f includ ing berth and meals; Inquire city tick et office,. 2d and Washington -streets, or Alnsworth dock. Phone Main 268. 'r v. HONOLULU C I 1 Cr Special Bedneed Jtound Trto n" v First Class (Formerly 8135). fiolendtd S. S. Sierra sails from San Francisco July 30, eto. XJn to Ta hiti and Hew Zealand, 8, S. Mariposa, sails August 6, etc. Tahiti and .Iback $125. New Zealand , (Wellington) $248.28. first class round trip. Secure your berth now. Address Oceanic 8. S. Co., 013 fliarKei etreet, tsan t ranclsco, SAN FRANCISCO AND ' . LOSrANGFJLFS DIRECT NORTH PACZTIO S. S. CO. 8. 8. ROAHOKB and 8. 8. XUJEJt 8AXJ, Evei-y "Wednesday, alternately, at 6 n. m. Ticket office 183 Thira, near "Alder. Phones M. 1814. A-1814. 1 MARTIN J. HTGLKY. Tp-i. Airent W. H. ELVSSER, Freight AsnnC Aiiiin,l Vmium .,,, fcuiiur tns.wnidr t'liasta LiinUcd fciiTprton t'aaiisr : alllnmia Kxpr- Ean FraneU-o tapIe,..,; Went biiie CorTiilMa I'asntnjpr .... 1 - : 4 iK f, -i IV I 8 . 'i i. 7.-1 p. l.,-j a. i '0 biiTerton Paaei)iti.r ,,o o. forest Groa l'Maenp . Forest GroTe Paauencer.. Arrlring Portland town Eipreaa ....... Aahland Passenger ..... Koaeburr paMeilgor " Portland Exp I i a) n. b .4 p. . Sl. T'.SOa. at. ....... .ll-'ll p. I S:. p. 1 ...,.i..H-ii a. 1 2 SO . 1 ..... M HO . 1 fo"am P,aD ..... ........ J Itlp. Sheridan Paaaenf!' Foreat Gro" riei'' tontt We p..L. V:U a. lU:iit)a. 8 00 a. ....... .11 a. .:4D p. a Northers Po no. Aorta Uout l.,.nu.4 :'.'"-"'- Sound 1 ,i rut AuSSai! ?;-'''i''and::i5;i0I". Iwl2 M,. IrM fuaet Bounds p. Bt, V Pu" fcu"l...l3:l . Bound r - ' -. . - Z -w"j luurua , via fnaTakE - ' u,i rwvaUpM'vir ;vtk , grVs Harbor, Olnjpl aud Pat toC0rTrr'..Bpclal :la.SH iSSrSS t7m Tla Rortn Bank. 8:18 '. k Bank tfcm aaaavU Martll v Paeiflo . coaat I KxpraU vU Paget wS?5 ' T-.S6a.Sa, wrltS tJpr tU Nta Bank... 8:i&p. aa, uEZZr, Ju Souad..lOUJ., aSSk " ""fM tia North Grays Hcrbor 4Mb. m. Paget Bound LunlUd -. " f5,S? Oragoa aaQjes A nTHmo . tMVlng Portland . ' v Balt.r City Paaaenger. THassi . J0;00 a. 1 opoaane aier. .... a-.., u.n E , wvw ... a:ue . 1 .. 8:00 . 1 Soo-Spo4 ana-Portiiar .. 8:30 n. 1 8:38 p. 1 SjUUp. 1 urriun UDma V ArrlTlllv Portland The CaUea Local... 10:16 a. epoiaa tiftt .... SJa. 7:30 a. ,.4. ,10:1)0 a. ureaoaxpreaa Bwpokane-PortUad .r.......I S:oo a. ...... 7 KM) a. ..., 7:00 p. 8:00 p. w uau ...'....,-. ..v., Bakar City Local Paaaenger. Oregon-Waahlngtoa Limited . Aatoria ft Colombia Imc, Laarlnr Portland Seaalde fiiprea ............. I amain fiKA. Y J a. .a 8:00 a. tu'JV.fleasid' epecial...;...! ACaMlilsi KvnwAaaaa --t 0.4VV at, 3:80 p, aV.Oii m. m -m. u. m. m. n. , vw y. 1 .1 at Z iii "T',w , .... ft.AU Ua 6:16 P. Annuls roruano .: A2M a. 4.t7V B, Ocaan Share .Umtted!:.X""" iitViVV Ua, ,.10:15 p. .. 9:40 a. ,. 6:00 p. iuir ana rortiana Paasentu Balnler and Portiaad rtaaengat. Ounadlan aoltlt Baflway 00. LeaTtng Portland , . , , , . . 1 P- R- Bhort Uu via Spokane.... 7:00. au ,VU SeatU .V.........U:L Arriving Portland - - Via eeattla T:00 a. la. Oragea ft Waahbjgte Baflroad Oampany. Learing Portland- - ' Bbaau UuiIUhI ;u0 p. i.jl1;",Ar:,r,4'a-U;ea. at ArriTlng Portland , Portland Paaaenger J;4 J. u.l JCTTBflOir BTHJET STATIOX. Bouthara PaoifU. Laavlng Portland . V48 tKa Dallas PluaniM ... 4aK) 9b ) Dallas Passenger ....v.....ii..101'l a. ayi IlB 11 11 al Daaaanaaa m .. ! iirmn. wtni.u a nwr a. a QOQ p WU EXll-EJITB A WD HOTT BTBXXT8 ' Bpokan., Portland A Beattl. Railway C. LwtIuc '- Portland . . Inland Kmpire Bzpraas i:o,a.I ror.cnicago, Bt. Puu, Omaha. Sanaaa CUT.! St. Loula, BUJisfa, SpokaiM, W&ahtacaa. Kahlotua, Paaco booeevelt, Oranddallea, Ooi. daailale Ly la. White galmoa. Btavenaoa aadi Vancouver. ... , - , ; , . . . . Th Omonlaa ii-ona . . V H: p,i't "Pne. Peo, Granddsllea, ! ITle. White Salmon. Starenson and Vnim7 i rlHrnkU. DIM. TM.l . .... " i VT.K tal. limits " " I. .... .wui u.u, .u..mu .a............ ajb p. na. for Chicago, Bt. Paul, Omaha. Sanaaa Cllr. Bt. Louis. BllltnEa. SmkanA. Wukhn. Kahlotua, Paaco. Rooaarelt, Granddallea, Lyleal irmw imuiiiuui piniwiva iu v ucooFar. - ArrlTiu Portland - ; 't The Oregonlan ...aa.u...... f :0S a n.' rram St. Paul. Bpokane, Paaeo, MaryhfU,! trie, Whit Salmon, Stevenson and vanconiar. ' North Bank (4mlted 7i30 . nwj From Chicago, 8t Paul. Omaaa, Kanaaai City, St Lonla, Billings, Spokane, Waahtnona, ! Kahlotua, Paaea, Baoaevelt. Oranddallaa, Ll,f White Babnon, SteTtnaoo, and Vaacouver. ' Columbia Blver Local......... .....12-.H5 p. na., Inland Empire Eiprtwa. ............. :is p. ' Proni Chicago, Bt Paul. Omaha, kaaaa! City. Bt Louts. Billing a, Spokane, Wathrutoa.1 Kebkitua, Paaco, RooaeTelt Oraaddalkia, Xdrla! White Salmon, Stevenson and Vanonerer. a . . . 1 v rn - great Korthara Bailway Qoapanyi Laaring Portland Utb and Hot at. Oriental Limited, via Seattle. ...... 10:00 a. The Oregonian, via North Bank.... 11:00 a Oriental Limited, via North Bank 1. 7:00 p. Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. 0.10:00 a. Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. 6:00 p. Tacoma. Seattle and Vancouver, B. COl:30p. ' Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt au. Oriental Limited, via Seattle.. .... ...8:40a. The Oregonlan, via North Bank..;, ..7:06a Oriental limited, via North Bank. ...8.16 p. Vaneoavw, B. C.( BMttl-. aad laona.6:40 a. Vancouver, B. C. SeatU and Tacoma. 8:80 p. Vancouver, fi. C, Seattle andTacoma.9:,yi p. m, m. . a. Tim Card Oragoa Kleetrla Xanwy Oo, Depot foot of Jefferson at, Portland, Or. . leaving rortiaou tor Daiem ana tat. aintion 41:80, 7:50, 11:00 a. m.i S:00, 8:60. 8:80, 8:4 p. m. Limited for Tualatin and Salem a ui a. m. Local tor Wllaonvlll and- Int atatlona 6:10 P. m." Daily acr.I Sunday lor polnta on the 8alem, Pali City ft Western By. vi Salem, 6:80 a. m,, 3:00 9 m. Sunday eolj, U:uo a. m. ' Leaving Portland for Forest Qrove and Int, station-7:05. 8:, 10:30 a. Ox; 12:10, t.V 8:50; .6:80, 8:2a p. m. Baturda enly, U;s4 p. m. - ' Arriving:, at Portland from Salem and Int. ttation-5:40. 11.00 a. m.; 1:15 40 6,o., 8:20, 10;lO p. m. Local trora WilaonvUlt and lut. autiooa, 8:40 a. cu -Dally except Sun day, and 7:36 a m.1 dally. Arriving Portland from Forest Orove and Int stattilia 8:00,.' 9:50, 11.40 a. m.1 l:bii, Z:aft--B:flrB,l-V.-'-4fcttda.eal UM p. m. Sunday only, 4:40 p. m. Portland Bailway, light 4V Pevrer Company. ,m Ticket Office and 'Wal ting Room, , ' Flrat and Alder and Kaat tVata and East Morrison ree'a. Car leave Kaat Water and Morrison VtmSm. Oregon City 4:00. 8:80 a. m. and ewy 80 miuate' to and including laat car mldrltiif. Gresbam and tntermadlete polnin 8 1 i 8:45, 10:45 a. .. 13(46,-8.46, 8.40, 4 rf, 4. 6:4, 11:38 p. m. r.lrviev and TrouttUl 8 M. 4. 1 8:4,10:48. 1U45. a. a., 12.it, 3.4 1 1:45 48. 6:45, 8:45 p. m. . T.i'aj-rn ajid intcrn'liote nfnf-:'L IS;4.VJM5 ''. in.', 12 '45, 2.l4:45, 8 45 p m. T For V;ica:vf-i?f'--frr -vr!f-f- room, J!iv.nl ana wanrinrTnii arr! . m . H IS, -5'i, I.Xi. 800, .1., 9 n. r.i J.( 11 10. 1100: P. m. 12 I'M, 1H i . 1, 8fiO, i-H 6.1i, 6 W, 6 Hi. 7 : 1 , 8 i,i. n io " "li. .. on t'llrd M-"i1J' In .vy Burn. Hi . s car lou.tia at 7;X p. m. Daily etrcpt in. 1:1