THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 0, 1010. EDITED BY" AVIt IiODDELL E K3. ELEANOR MARTIN, With tier two sons. Walter S.. Martin and Peter Martin, arrived Wed nesday : from San : Francisco " and has taken apartments at the Hotel Portland.- They will leavs early this week, for an interesting1 tour through eastern Oregon." Mrs. Walter Martin is at her' home In .Burlingame, while Mrs. Peter Martin is with her small eon in San Francisco. It Is pos elbJe.that Mra. Peter Martin, who was the5 attractive Miss ' Lily - Oelrlchs f Now York and Newport, will join-the Martin party for their eastern Oregon trop.' Mrs. Peter Martin has taken her place as an acknowledged leader in ins San Francisco smart set since her ar rival there last fall.,! One of the most notable features or - tne recent ,r;i an leaux Vivsnts" given lh. the Bay City, was .Mrs. Martin as"Clrce.' ?, Following their visit here,' Mrs. ficneanor. Martin and Mrs. and Mrs. Peter Martin are ex pected In Los Angeles, where the fash ionable world lsfmaaing many pjans for .tholr entertainment.' i After cou pie of weeks' visit in Los Angeles they will go to Santa Barbara. Mrs.'. Eleanor Martin's brief visit here has been tne occasion of much activity among sod sty matrons. Yesterday, Mrs. James Mcl. Wood en tertained at luncheon at the Hotel Port land complimentary to Mrs. Martin. Lavender sweet peas of shaded tints centered the table, about which were seated Mrs. Martin. Mrs. C. E. S. Wood, Mrs. ; Salomon Hlrsch, Mrs. Henry E. Jones, Mrs. E. C. Shevlln, Mrs.. Zera Snow and, Mrs. J. M. Ellicott. v.:v"'-''';: :' .. . :. '.''V-'- Miss Evelyn Carey gave an informal dance at the Golf cluli last night, asking as her guests Miss Vivian Turrlehof DuluttC Minn.; Miss Marvin of Spokaha. Miss Clair Wilcox, -Miss Mary Robert son, Miss Mary Brownlle. Miss Grac Hmiyman, ? Miss Mildred Honeyman. Miss v Laurk Cummlng, - MlssV Lillian Buhner,. MlssHelertTGoode. Miss Mil-, dred Joseelyn, - Mus Clementine Lam bert, . Miss Sally HarUMl Dorothy New-hall, Miss Charlotte Latdlaw, Miss Casei HUler, Miss Louise Burns, Miss Margaret Hewltfc-M'" Barbara Bartlett." Miss Genevieve Halley,' Miss Dorothy Hyber, William Wheeler, Berkeley Bnow. Spencer Blddle, B'enage Josselyn, Wil liam Howe, Hdllett Maxwell, Reed Rum cltn, Clarence Curry, Ferd Smith, Ernest Swtgert, Henry Buehner, Frank Bell, Joe Xamberli Percjr Hlller, Theodore Ed wards. Aneas "Mackenzie, 'John Banks, Varnel -Beach, Mr. Davenport, Henry llam Heusner, Robert Bean and Charlos MacCormac Snow. v Mr.f2M,f Mrs. Zera Snow gavs a -lanc4,r!4ay night at th Qolf club for thClTtrflmC Berkeley Snow, who is just , Cormaa Snow,-who is from Harvard. The :Snow invitational list Includes Mr aar trs.' Henry Ldd Corbett,; Mr; and Mrs. Elliott- Ri Corbett. ' Mr. and Mrs Marlon; F.'DolpHi JHr and' Mr Clifford Nichols, William D. Wheelwright, Miss Maida Hart, Miss Isabella Gauld, , Miss Meta Buehner, Miss Lillian Buehner, Miss Dorothy Holbrook, iMlss- Ilss Koehler, Miss Milla Wesslnger, Miss Leslie Weldler, Miss Clara Weldler, , Miss Anita Burns, Miss Lesley Smith, Miss : Marguerite Hume, Miss Evelyn Wilson, Miss Frances Wilson, Miss Alice Howe of Carlton. Miss Shirley ' Eastham, Miss Louise Carey, Miss Alice , Carey, Miss Evelyn Carey, Miss Dor-i " othy Josselyn, - Miss Mildred Josselyn, mjss Marjone Morrman.r miss ciaira - Houghton. Miss Mildred - Honeyman, Miss Grace Honeyman, Miss Claire Wil cox, Miss Louise Burns, 'Mls Mary I Robertson, Miss Dorothy Huber, Miss Sally Hart, Miss Kathleen Burns, Miss Nina Jones of Santa Barbara. Miss Ann Dltchburn, Miss Polly Hewitt, Miss . Margaret Boot, Miss Margaret Walter, ? H4aa T I n Tn.K4 Iff!.. TllJ Jl. Mies Helen Goods, Miss Dorothy Tay lor Of New York, Miss Elizabeth Tay lor of New York, Miss Gertrude Wood cock, Mies Peggy McNalr, Miss Gene vieve Thompson, Miss Jeanette Klauder of Philadelphia, Miss Christine Pome roy of San Francisco Miss OHvs Falling,- Miss Nan Robertson, Kurt Koeh ler, Irving Webster, B, Maurice Dooley, Lewis L. McArthur, Arthur 1 Mears. W TA -Kft Ven.a1 T n TV ,11m - 1,111,1 ajv e..t,, uiutf Hart, John R. Latourette. . Gordon , Moores. Gerald Eastham,. Erskine Wood. . Maxwell Wood. Earl Latourette, Rich ard Jones, Kenneth Beebe, Gerald Boeb. Walter Beebe, plowden ' Stott, Rodney Gllsan, Antolne bbe, Joltn ' Banks, Tom Robertson, Chester Murphy, Dudley Clarke, Harold Bates, Joseph , Bradley, Jerome Thome, Bert Whiting, Harold Strong, Stewart Strong, Tom w Eliot. John Failing, Leland Smith John M. Falling, John Mackey. Robert G. , Mcpherson, William Walters, Jack ; Burns, Spencer Biddle, Benage Josselyn ; Jr., Charles Holbrook. William Wheeler, WlUiam Howe, Louis Mills, Richard Russell, Richard Lorlng, Carl Wernicke, liana Frohman, C. B. Welker, Jordan , Zan, Henry Wesslnger, H-nry Buehner, ' John Banks, Thomas Scott Brooke, Howard Stewart. John Hatton. and Ernest Swlgert f Miss Jeanette Klauder of Phlladel- - phia and - Miss Christine Pomeroy of Ban Francisco, continue to be showered with attentions. On Wednesday, Mrs. JoserJh & Clarke gave a crawfish lunch eon t the Quelle, eompllmentarv to Miss Thompson's guests; Additional guests asked were, Mrs. Charles Scadding, Mrs. Walter Scott Newhali of Los Angeles, , Mrs. Walter F. BurrelL Mrs. Henry Rus- eell Talbot, Mrs. A e. Rockey. Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe, Mrs Dell Stuart, - Mrs. Al A Morrison, Mrs. R. M. Tuttle, ' Miss Mildred Moulton, Miss Ada Alice Tuttle and Miss Orrlce Klncalde Jose ' lya, Mrs. D. P. Thompson eutertained ' at dinner Wednesday evening, when her I guesta were Miss pomeroy. Miss Klau- - der, Miss Isabella Gauld, Mlsa Thomp- 5 f . 1 a. .i I ft till II " ' 7 - runne, Mrs. Russell Sewall, .Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Russell and Mr. and Mrs. D. O Lively. The University club gave an elabor ate dinner last night in compliment to A. L. Mills, who rras recently been elected to . the board of overseers of Harvard university. The list included A. L. Mills, Lewis Mills, Frederick H. Strong, - R. L. Donald, A. B. Wlnfree, Charles E. Chenery, A. C. Newhlll, Dr. William L. Wood, Lydell Baker. E. I Devereaux. Xr. G. N. Pease, A. L. GUe, L. A Andms, William X Brewster, Dr. A. N. Creadlck. "William D. Fenton, J. a. Wilson, E. D. Ressler, R. M. Kelly. J. Wesley Ladd, Chester O. Murphy, G. k. pmitn, Stanley G, Jewett, B. B. Beekman, Harry M. Montgomery. Judge Morrow, D. W. Hazen, Joseph M. Brad ley. H. C. Campbell, T. B. Brown, R.. J, O'Neill, Vivian Everett, Van W Ander son, Lnclus Allen .Lewis, Dr. Allan Welch Smith, W.. K. West, C. H. Labb, Dr. R. H. Ellis. W. H. Corbett. R. A. Lei tor. L. E. Latourette, Clifton N. Mc Arthur, Dr. D. Nelson, P. L. Camp bell, Dr. W: B. Hare, Lewis A. Mc Arthur, a S. Montague, John K. Kol locJc, R. J. Upton,- Kurt H. ; Koehlen, IL ' H. Herd man. Jr., W. A. Montgom ery, F. A Rasch, R. W. Montagua, M. Davis, H..W. Hogue,' Ben C. Dey. H. J. Brown, E. R. Gregg, JC. H. Gritsmacher, A. B. Slauson. Frank Branch Riley. An tolne ' Labbe, Richard Russell, C. T. Chenery, N. C- Carpenter. J. L. Hart-. man, Dr. Ernest F. Tucker, Dr. Horace B. Fenton, Dr. J. N. Coghlan. 8. G. Ben nett, W. H. Burrell. Dr. William J. Morris, Prof. Duniway. John " F. Car- roil, w. R. JucKensle, John- D. Bennett, Prof. Alderman, H. -C. Coon, George McPherson, 3. N. Levlson, F. M. Kol- lock, Mr. Lincoln. Ashler Vantine, Warren E.' Thomas and C ' Edward Grelle. f w w -Miss Gretchen Klosterman gave a pretty tea Friday afternoon, asking some fifty guests to meet Miss Mar garet Bates, who has recently returned from an eastern school. Shasta daisies were used artistically In the - dining room. Presiding over the tea urna waa Miss Virginia Merges. Assisting were Miss Dorthy Newhali and Miss Mar guerite Boschke. In the library be tween the hours of three, and four were Miss Ruth Slchel and Miss Eleu Smith. From four to five, ''Miss Lillian Buehner and Miss Dorothy Moulton were In the lihrary. , . . -' Mrs. Paul E. Froehlich complimented Mrs. Carl B. Knudsen, of Los Angeles, with a charming bridge party on Fri day. The house was a bower of beauti ful flowers gathered from the Froehlich garden. Ota the living room, pink sweet 'peas and pink roses were used with pretty effect. The library was filled with lavender sweet peas,' purple this tles and ' Sr.asta daisies, '. producing a beautiful harmony of color. The dining room was in ferns and red sweet peas. Prizes at cards were awarded Mra. A. L. Pease and Miss Mabel Ransom. The guest list included Mrs. Knudsen, Mra, Knighton" Mrs. Roscoe Ashley, Mrs. Helen Cardwell, Miss Tica Von, Bolton, pMlss Letton, Mrs. H. E. Kiser, Mrs, Frank Nau.-Mrs, G. F. Sanborn, Mrs. A. L. McCully, Mrs. Edwin ; Caswell, Mrs. Frank Fog&rty, Mrs. R. W. Wil son. Mrs. Mark - Gill, Mrs.- George D. Schalk, Mrs. I. C. Sanford, Mrs. Will iam H. Grindstaff, Mrs; Ben Gadsby, Ntrs. W. F. Sae, Mrs. Elliott Haber sham, Miss Mabel Ransom,' Mrs. Frank Heltkemper, Mrs. p. A, Lyman, Mrs. Herbert Holman, Mrs. Thomas Gray. Mrs. Norman pease, .Mrs. A. I Pease, Mrs Frank Ransom, Mrs'. A. C Pan ton,. Mra.C. A.. Gray, Mrs. Charles Rumelln and Mrs. Frank Rlgler. . Mrs. E. C. Murphy, Mrs. I G. Clarke, and Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Glesy will leave this week foir an European tour. Mrs. Murphy and i Mrs. Clarke will leave Thursday for- Toronto, stopping at Banff en route. At Toronto, they will be joined by Dr. and Mrs. Glesy, who are now In California, and on the 23rd, the party will sail from Montreal on the Magantio for the British Isles. After touring England, Ireland i and Scotland, Mr. Clarke Will Join the party, and a further itinerary planned. The date of their return is uncertain. 4 The Italtan and Greek exhibit that opens Friday at the Museum of Art wilt be of great Interest to art lovers and will undoubtedly attract a great deal of attention. Venetian glass, rare old velvets, Rhodlan embroideries, old Jewelry and old curios are among -the collection, which Is loaned. Among thosa who have .loaned articles for ex hibit are Mrs. Charles E. Lailil, Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett, Mrs. H. C. Cabell. Miss Falling, Miss Mary Frances Isorrr; Miss May Falling Mrs. Frederick Strong, Mrs. W. B. Ayer. Mrs. Lea Hoffman, Mrs. William Jones, Mrs. Holt C, Wilson and Mrs. Richard Koeh ler. The exhibit will continue until October IT. " ' ' '- " ' Mrs. Charles A. Eaotman entertained at "500" in her East Ninth street home yesterday afternoon. The house was in red and white 'carnations. Prizes at cards were awarded Mrs. George Brack en and Mrs. A. P. Gram. . Mrs.; A. M. Anderson presided at the tea urns, and Mrs. J. H. Cook- assisted In receiving. Mra Eastman's guests Included Mrs. Charles E. Runyan, ,Mrs. Charles L. Boss. Mrs. J. H. pook. Mrs. Charles Shea, Mrs. A. M. Anderson, Mrs. B. S. Pague, Mrs. Katherlne vDaly,- Mrs. A. P. , Gram, , Mm. Arthur Brasf ield, Mrs. H. F. Handy, Mrs. Ira F.' Powers, Mrs. Hershie, Mrs. George Brackett, Miss Gertrude Churchley. Miss MyrUe Gram ahd Miss Haael Tichner, ', ' Mr. and Mrs.- John Elliott have an nounced the engagement of their daugh ter, Elisabeth Rocell, to ,Edward D. Barrett ' The wedding will take place in the fall. Miss Ellott la . the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, who have recently come here from Indian apolis. Edward Barrett Is the son of Mr and Mrs. John Barrett, and,' a brother of Joseph Barrett and Miss Inea Barrett 1. Miss Camilla Dosch, ' Miss " Lillian Dosch and Roswell Dosch returned Fri day from Philadelphia. The Misses Dosch have been visiting In Various eastern olties since their return from two years abroad., Mrs. Henry Dosch and Miss Marguerite Dosch ( returned several weeks ago. w Mra. George H. Flanders, Miss Fland ers and Miss Louise Flanders, Mr. and Mrs, John C. Alnsworth, Miss Catherine Alnsworth Mr.' and Mrs. Robert W, Lewis, Hunt Lewis and Robert W. Lewie, Jr., returned this week from the Orient, where they have been aojourn ing since early In April. - Miss Eleanor EffliiRer, who accompanied the Fland ers to Jlonolulu, remained with her mother, Mrs. Effinjrer, who la' Mrs. Flanders' oldest daughter. -w Mrs, P. J. Mann gave a luncheon yesterday In her Third street noma. Pink sweet peas- centered the . tabR Covers were laid for Mrs. " Lee Iloff nian, Mrs. Frank M. Warron, Sr. Mrs. Joseph K. . Clarke, Miss Edith . Nich:- SOn. Mm PllHrB V. Wnlrtnn TWr ' - i - - ' - - - - O. E. Mitchell, Mrs. John A. Keating, Mrs. L. L. Peak of Cliattanoosa. Ten nessee, Mrs. R, M. Tuttle, Mrs. Rucben Weeks, Mrs. J. , W. Whalley, Mrs. J. G. Gauld, Mrs. William Honeyman, Mrs. A. D. Walker and Mrs. A C. Panton. , ... - v.Jf J,, . .:. ' Mr. and .Mrs. J,., A. Wasco announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Eleanor Wesco, to Robert C. McCroskey Jr. of Garfield, Wash. Miss Wesco re cently returned from the Syracuse unU verslty In New York.. ; She is a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta socioty. Mr. McCroskey Is the son-of-State Senator McCroskey of Washington and a, mem ber of the Sigma Nu fraternity of the Washington State university. No dato has been set for the wedding. ,; ky- w Y: r:r For two weeks William Moore will have on exhibition at his Eleventh and Alder street art shop a miniature replica of "The First .'Miracle," a. beautiful stained glass window, put. out by the Duffner and Kimberly studios In New York. The original was recently in stalled 'in. the St Johns Cathedral .In New York cltv. v Mrs. Fred Seller gave an Informal tea on Thursday, complimentary to Miss Estelle Seller andMlss Amy Sel ler, both of San Francisco. , Shasta daisies predominated In the pretty, dee orations... :?- r The engagement is announced ' of Miss Haiel Bean to Darwin Darrell Brlstow, Miss Bean Is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. R.' Bean. The wedding will take place early in the fall. - v . July, the month of the social events, is proving true to its traditions. .The beach hotel and mountain resorts are crowded with summer' visitors, and the V (Continued on Following Page.) vyiiijjMi AND1 CALLING tf . . 1 I SB K .hi : M. "JCi- . J . i as. aw as a 34-305-306 Bt.T4tht3th i JCMAAM ELDi V.'AS::'N0TCN5T. ion,; George. Dekumt R. .T COx; W. A, Johnson, Thomas-Scott Srooke and Le land Smith, On Thursday, Leland Smith entertained with ,a yachting party, , Mr, oraun s guests were Mvssf omeroy, suss Klauder Miss ThompsoruMiss -Isabella; uauld, Mr. ana Mrt. Walter V. Smith, Thomas Scott Brooke. Cantain L.i W. Gordon, John . Banks 'Arthur Mears and Maurice Dooly, i On Friday, Miss Gene? vieve Thompson gave a luncheon at the Motel t rortiana for her house-guests, asking in ' addiUon- Miss Maida Hart; Mies Kathleen Barns, Miss Anita Burns, Mis Use Koehler, Miss Harriet Kinney, Miss Marjorie Hoffman, Miss Gertrude pooDins or spoKane, Miss Clementine HtrscH and Miss Louise Carey. Harry Montgomery gaye . a theater party last night to see Henrietta Crosman in "An- ti-Matrimoiiy,":. asking as' his guests. Miss Klauder, Miss : Pomeroy, Miss Thompson, Stanley G. Jewett and Kirk Smith,- -r?.-.-.-,- W W .I'Sfi: Mix Ormee ; Warren, whose en gagement was : recently - announced to Donald Munro,, Mr. and Mrs. E. C Shevlln gave a dinner-dance at the Golf Club last night. A mound of sweet peas graced the table, about which were gathered -Miss Warren, Miss Kathleen Burns, Miss Anita Burns, Evelyn Wilson, Miss Claire Houghton, Miss Nan Robertson, Miss Meta Bueh nea. Miss Margarita Buehner, Miss lea besV Gauld, Miss Josephine Ellicott. Mies Amelia Putnam of Philadelphia, Miss Maida Hart, Miss Lesley Smith, Thomas Scott: Brooke, Bert McKay. Kenneth Beebe, Tom Robertson,-Antolne Labbe, Jordan Zan, " Plowderi UUtt Chester G. Murphy, Leland Smith, Irving- Webster and Lieutenant Klngs- oury, Moore's art galleries at Eleventh aiid Alder streets waa the scene of a bril liant affair Tuesday evening when Mies Llllie V. O Ryan held the opening of her exhibition and many of the smart set called to -view her miniatures and por traits in oil and pastel.,. The galleries were decorated In yellow flowers, which blended "beautifully with the shaded and artistic lighting. Miss O'Ryan'g exhibi tion Is one of the most attractive ever shown here and the discrimination, used in grouping and arrangement displays the exhlbttlon as a whole and each por trait individually to the best advantage. Each portrait bears an atmosphere dis tinctly Its .own and resembles no other in feeling; coloring, lighting or pose. On every canvas is the -same highly ar tistic 'work, and a; marked feature of the exhibition is the remarkable like, nesses in every case obtained, Even ttMtthtef eatlnanhe-portraTIire the miniatures, beautifully mounted and displayed against a background of rich velvet - -y ' One of the most attractive groups was made up of Mrs. G. Walter Gates, Mrs. George Marshall and Miss Grace Hamilton, of EaUlmore. , The portrait ma. 'mANK'A.eJF3NCiEaa ' yof uvu v. o-oifrU, of Mrs. Gates, which is both brilliant and beautiful, ; is one of the most at tractive in the exhibition. Exception ally fine are the portraits of Dr. and Mrs. A.. A, Morrison, which are indeed worthy of the admiration they are re ceiving. A remarkable character study iff that of Mrs. Lucius Allen Lewis, which Is one of the most striking por traits in the exhibition. A dashingly beautiful , portrait . of Miss Lillian O'Brien, a charming one of Mrs. Frank A. Spencer and a handsome one of Mrs. George McBride are among others of more than, ordinary interest. Among the 'miniatures Is one of Sir Wilfred Lau- rler, which won for Miss ORyan the gold medal at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exhibition. The miniature of Mrs. David T. Honeyman is one of the finest on view, as is that of Mrs.' Lucius Allen twis and little daughter. . The exhi bition will, continue, until July 19 The portraits and miniatures are of Mrs, A. A. Morrison, Mrs. Lucius Allen Lewis and ; daughter, Mrs. G. Walter Gates, Mrs. Frank ; A. Spencer,' ' Mrs. , George Marshall, Mrs. George McBride, Miss Margaret t Montgomery, Miss Lillian O'Brien, Mls Cully Cook, Miss Cornelia Ccok, Miss Jean Morrison, Miss Ann Adams.. Miss Nancy Honeyman, Miss Catherine' Alnsworth, Master- Hunt Lewis. Master Ben Lombard, Miss Flor ence Williams, of Seattle; Mrs. Harry Litt Senator George McBride, Miss Grace Hamilton, of Baltimore; Miss Claire Wilcox, Miss Alloe Howe,. Sir Wilfred Laurler, Rev. A. A. Morrison, Austin C. Wbidden at the age of 4; Miss Marjorie Arnold and Mrs. J. J. Morris. The patrons and - patronesses were: Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs.' Lucius Allen Lewis. Mrs.Solomon Hlrsch, Mr. Thomas Kerr, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Colo- rel and Mrs. C. E. 8. Wood, Bishop and Mra Charles Scadding, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayer,. Dr. .and-Mrs. Holt C. Wil son,. Miss same Lewis, Mrs. David T. Honeymarr; Mrs. peter Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. William 'Whldden? Miss Falling. William D. Wheelwright, Dr. and Mrs. A A Morrison, Mrs. G. Walter Gates. Mrs. George W. McBride, Miss Gene vieve Thompsop, Mrs, Frank A Spencer, Mr. and Mrs, Charles F. Adams, Judge Charles H. Carey, Miss Llllie White and Mrs. A E. Hockey. Among those who attended -the opening were: Colonel and Mrs. C. E. S. Wood, Miss Failing, Miss May Falling, Mr. and Mrs, Walter F. Burrell, Mr. " and , Mrs.' Warren E. Thomas, William TK ."Wheelwright, Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch,- Miss Mai Hlrsch, Miss Clementine Hlrsoh, Dr.' and Mrs. A. A. Morrison, Dr. 3. N. Coghlan, Mra. Theo dore B. Wilcox, Mrs. W. C. Langfitti Mr.: and Mrs. F. M. Seller, Miss Amy StllerMlssjloauer4.Mrao(iJMtsj Edward -Ehrmanj-Maaon -EhnnativMrrl and Mrs. G. Walter Gates, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Brien, Miss Lillian O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruhn.'Mlss Mulkey, Mr. and Mrs. Wax M. IJouser, Mr. Shears, Miss Lulie Hall,. Df. and Mrs. William V. Fieblg, Mr.and Mrs,.J, MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris,? Mrs. David Toll GSbbS9 lOCo; Morrison at Seventh Toll .Gibb'S, BltlCo In the Heart of the New Retail Section. Portland's Coolest Store The Most Comfortable Place to Shop. Breakfast, Midday Lunch and Afternoon Tea Is Best Enjoyed in the Wistaria Tea Room on the Balcony. Ladies' Rest Room Adjoining. Our Ice Cream Is Prepared on Premises and Made of Certified Pure Cream 4Fuly Glearan , . i mi A most unusualand important mid-year sale that presents many opportunities for 4 supplying seasonable as V ; weU''as,'yearound 'heeds at- helpful savings. , , ...... . ,," :: v- " " ; Y: Important News of Newest Waists Announcing the Best Bargains S6 Far This Season 90 For Waists worth up to $1.25, CT5 U fl Th For Waists worth up to ; Q)C $1.35, 1.50 and $1.75. p JL $1.05, $3.25, $2.50, $a.75 $T) 3 (Qv For Waists worth up to flJO OlOl 'or Waists worth up to .US' $3.05, $3.00 and $3.50 gOeO $3.95, $4.50 and, $4.75 - White Waists with all the smart ,and .dainty, ef fects . thac women are wanting this season. And variety real variety is conspicuona, here as at all times. They're the most exclusive of waist styles' perfect fitting and in " fascinating assortment of trimmings and materials. What ive've grouped at the above- special values should please t many.. ."".',,.' ' "... In one lot or another are Waists of real Irish linen, in tailored effects and hand embroidered. Some plain wide tucked"; others with small tucka -4 v Waists" of fine lawn, mull-and batiste, beautifully trimmed with" VaC lace ancl imita tion Irish crochet. .'' :" ' '.' ' r " ; Wasits of pretty cross-bar muslins, with small tucks and dainty embroidery.; i Waists of French -mull; -with panel front of lace insertion and embroidery and'fine tucks on either side. '-"';'-'s:...-.;' :'-',-.,-,.' Plain muslin Waists, tailored and fjnished with dark blue collar and lapel and two; narrow rows of sdutache braid. Waists of small-figured Madras,, strictly tailored and finished at neck with small-rever and pearl buttons.- , - ' :: - . Sheer dainty mull aftd batiste ' Waists in endless variety of styles, all beautifully trimmed in laces, hapd embroideries and insertions. . 34 to 44 affords a complete range of sizes 4o select from. Both high and low' neck' models, with short and long sleeves. . . - . & o More of Those Cool Cinen hVthe July Clearance at '$12.SO at r $22,SO at $29.SO $15.00 v Suits $18.75 'Suits $25.00, $27.50, $32.50 Suits $35.00, $39.0, $40.00 Suits Every woman now feels the need of the cool-, est of Summer apparel. The cool and cornfort lable tailored" suit of linen unquestionably occupies first place in many, minds as the ideal garment for Summer wear. Every style of note is here to choose from tQ please every taste, i Coats are plain tailored and semi-fitted. Plaited Skirts.- And every woman should Jhave no difficulty in choosing her fa vorite color; for in this collection are the most desirable shade's of rose, blue, helio, green," brown, wistaria, natural and white., , . ' j" :A new and very effective model is made wiith Russian blouse, finished with 'patent leather col lar, cuffs and belt. All are this season's models all show that skill and care in making that ap peals to the woman of good taste. . - . A Remarkable Clearance of ,ii ' - Choose from Suits at S 1 9.S0 worth $25 to $29.50 i '' Choose from Suits atJ.S29.S0 wprth $35 to $40.00 V1 Choose from Suits iat JS39.S0 worth .$45. to $50,00. , , : To know that In Uese'; you can choose from the smartest of Sorihg models, the best of materials to- . gether with the ' cleverest tailoring, should persuade triose wnose summer ana cariy riu pun nccus arc ui sufficiently provided for, to take advantage, of these timely offerings. ' ; " .' In these are plain tailored Coats with shawlf or notched collars. Plaited Skirts. In- the ever service-" able plain serges, small Shepherd checks and the pret tiest of fancy mixtures. . The smart Norfolk, with its belt of patent leather and panel 'skirt with knee plaits, is another favorite model. In navy serge and Shepherd check. . v "Other models in wide wale 6erges, trimmed with wide satirl revers and cuffs.,'. Novelty mixtures, hair ' line stripes and mannish effects help to make up the variety 1 of materials shown m these suits. Colors grey, mode, blue, black, copper, helio and tan. "v T Fifty Tailored Suits at ,$12.75 In This ' Clearance Group A special collection made up of WoolVTaiiored Suits that were formerly marked at $25.00 and to $35.00 of pongee, mohairy, serge, prunella and Venetian cloth, in blue, tan, white, ro6e, black and hair line stripes. Strict eoatsshawand notched CQUarsWtde tult skirfche woman who finds that she cannot well afford to expend more than this amount for an extra tailored suit will profit bymaking, selection from these. S'Sa3 Corsets . Odd sizes and broken lots in Mbdart Corsets, Lily of France Corsets and Madeleine Corsets Women who know or wish to know the merits of these corsets are not going to overlob'k this opportu nity for securing one when such price concessions are .otierear-Ana-aa mucn attention win De given to meir fitting as if purchased at the-regular values -In one model or another the sizes range from( 18 to 30. - ifTLOTriCORSET? $7.50 at ' f 3.65 of French coutil and batiste medium, high or low bust and long hip models. - Walohn boning.. An excellent assortment of sizes. ; IN LOT 2. CORSETS WORTH $10.00, $12.50 ' and ' $15.00, at f 5.95 of silk brocade, broche and French coutil.v All good, up-to-date models and for every type of figure;' stout, slender or medium. ' - SPECIAL VALUES IN BRASSIERES Odd sizes in black" satin and silk batiste'. Brassieres Worth up to $2.50 at fl.OO. , . ' white AutQ Veils at $1.87 Efa Wide AutoVeils, VA yards" ong, " i ' with satin-striped border. In two-tone ef fects.' Regular $2.50 values. - .. . Collars, Belts, Jabots, Rabats at 95c A broken lot of Lace-Trimmed and Embroidered Dutch Collars, Irish Crocheted Linen .Ccfllars and many different jstyles of lace and embroid ered Jabots and Rabats, Patent Leather Belts and Suede Beits 'Regu- lar values here from $1.25 to $2!50. - , ; ' i "," NecKwear Section," Main Aisle ; ' eehnouhcement'tom of secondeekuly Clearance offerings in the Home Furnishing Departments. In' Furniture, Floor Coverings,' Draperies, Bedding, Etc., on Page Seven.