HIE OREGON- SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1910. i k peksoxtl. S.fM oily : PAY WHEN CURED - ; ,. The Pacific Coast Medical Co. The leading Specialists of Port- land, no Money required to com nience Treatment. We treat all cnronio nervous and complicated 1 diseases of men. Our methods ; are modern and up to date. We want to talk or write to every,; man In Portland and the North .vest,, who is a sufferer. , In the , treatment of Disease! , of men, ', we acknowledge no superior. We will tell you" ail about your case without charge, , i: and you need not'' talte treatment ; unless you wish-to do-so. - Sepa rate parlors. Pacific Coast Medi- ? cal Co.. cor. 1st and Washington -sis., Portland, opposite City Mar- r: ket. If unable to pall, write for ' list 'of questions. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p.;m.; Sunday, 10 , - a, m. to 1 p. m. ' r ' v. " -' rmrss . zr7:?ZCZZ I o.opu omce etiuipmeni, , room in the mont exponsive anu in- st erjuipped private office la America! 4 years practice in i-oruana anu lost la jmwuxii, uiuuwuuo from jtr.oee who have been saved from onerntlonsf everv modern method known to man Is iised to save life and cure disease. . The. methods used are radium,. X-ray7vldlet( light, electricity, heat, hot ntimi hatha tr TTrBft lARturea WedneS- I baths, eto. Free lectures Wednes '. day evenings. Dr.' W. B. Mallory, 312 ' Eothchild bldtr. ; v. You Can Remove Those Wrin- Z : ' -i k es, . ? , gave this ad ' and ' Bhona Sellwood .1169. or write Vril Co.. 1631 E. 6th St. After proving; beyond . doubt that - we have the only harmless preparation that removes wrinkles nermflnentlv. we IU sell you the formula. Price within the reach of ell.- OK. ALICE A. ClRIF. Diseases of women ' and children eluelvely; Women are often saved -tm.-rm. Burial.! nn.r ttnnai hr ionsuitina 1 me. Nervoua diseases .of children, a I specialty. Private hospital accommoaa- i t)ons. Confinemeats cared f or. i Cpr- onsuiUtlon. Phones, wain saa. a-oowi Office rooms 10. Grand Theatre Wdt, OfXtce rooms 10, Grat . Washington and Park., Housewives Attention - My process for preserving oerrjes. fmifs and vegetables for 2 , years a? cattmrftn. ' mil no raw; no heat or scalding; costs but a (trine; nrt.i H vol v Tin humhiifi.. Tinrmulfl and full Inatructtorrs mailed for only 26c silver . or atamps. - Address,. M. Johnson, 60 uibiki i-., i ui uoiiu, v.. WB ARE organizing a, pony ballet of IS.younir ladiea for the city; prefer ladies who have had somo-xperlence, ir talented, Our instructor will teach and rehearse ymi; must be Bhapely as well a noasessimr some smarm voice. ia- elflc Amusement bld. Exchange. Marquam Men-cured Quickly Mrutm lpf trie treatment for diseases f the pw'atate, nervous debility, piles, j eto. w. l. tiowaru, m.. u.t ov.- vm4- chlltl bids., 4th and wasnmrxon. LADIES Ask your druggist for LADIES Ask your druggist, ior Chtcesters Pills, the Diamond Brand.. For, 25 . yeara -known as. best, safest Alwavs reliable. Take no-other. "Chi- Aiwaya reuaoie. "l"ef- chesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold I by druggists everywhere DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon: treats women ami nhllilrpn eirlnul Vfilv: . private hOB- A ',lmeLCiUH82y KlVftLASS: fltal accommodations; examinations ree; Main 4047, A-24U. 808 Common wealth bldg., th and Ankeny. Cionn oni7noinpnt for Minffins and rianC- lng soubrette,. city: prefer a profes- MOLES, wrinkles, su Prf luo s hair rs Slonal; amateur might be accepted It moved, Mrs, M. D Hill. 42 Fllednsr. talented. - Pacitie Amusement fcxenange, Marquarri bldg. ' Wlih lflStt VitnlltV. nr WPHrt. ffi.il in sT 1 or wrecked -powers, write for free booklet "For M en OnJy," mailed sealed .In nlnlr, airvetnnn Kin Rpmpilv Co.. box I 76 C H. Junre. Chih.. Mexico. A WONDERFUL experience will be In cluded In Mrs. Haynes-Sohoenertli'a lfcture In Mai-quam bldg.. Sunday, July JO, at 3 o'clock. Admission 25c. Take elevator. . 4 GERMAN books, magasinea, novels, eto. German, ungiisn. rencn, Dpaninn, BwedlBh and Italian dictionaries: for eign books of all kinds. Schmale Co. 229 lat at DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and akin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and pues. 181 isut" on- land. .Um4nTwdmarryT'ha s-i r m r .Mi i x rl.. ,.1,1 11 mUh borshlp- botn xes; many wealthy. Ad- oress. Mrs. tiuv iuao tuim si,, uiuimna, Cal - 5000 LADIES and gants'want to marryi send 10c. silver or stamps, for big list. with .photoa and . postof f fee addresses; manv weait iiy. cu.riu. t . u. dox izi, Oakland. Cal. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ARCHITECTS D. fl. FLICKINGER, designer of Ideal homes, szz MonawK diss, rnones i A-736. H-ifta. Main lauz. - ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Moorehouse & CO.. 4ia vyaan. at, i ABsArERS WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana lytical chemists. 204 H Waah. M. 7608. ! i MONTANA assay offioe, laboratory and ore testing work. 186 Morrison. j r I r . , TIT- -- ATTORNETS rnniSTOPHERSON A MATTHEWS, 'General practice. 411-12 Buchanan oj&ljrpH beat work, prices right call P. . :.- ... t,,. v HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d St. Blank; books MT; agts.'f for Jonas Improved Lopse-Leaf ledgers; see the new jcurena leai. a-oioj. jnnin ia. s73faV,wry- : " i Jiv"7V.--t.i ----- Ings. ,817 Becfc bldg. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general lobbing. J..Losli. 812 Jeffer- son t. Main 1424. " vjJ THE BARBER ASPHALT "PAVING CO. rortianq otnee. 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl . WOOD ft CO.. all kinds of la- g. surety bonds." McKay bldg. su ranee, BICYCLE REPAIRING NEWi fcecond hand Whtelfc, repairing, key, . safe, and lock work. Hummer, 133 10th, CARPET CLEANING : THE 10NE. - Carpets cleaned, refitted. IB lit. . earners renovated is,. 360. B-3236; - CONTRACTORS AND RUILDER9 A. P. FURLONG. 233 11th at. Main SS2S. Building loans, plans and estimates s fren. ' '--.; . .. WILLIAM F1SHBECK, carpenter and builder. Jobbing and contracting. 206 4th. Main 6241. - Iril-A. J. F. BOWMAN, carpenter and y builder; plans and specifications free, . fy i'none vvooaiawn aaait. """" .".""""' . , i W.L'' P,a"fr"5- iir,-clc Marshall 1,441. , A-4020. wuin auu , CAtnt tx bin a vu. via vinuifc X6UOriXivjKATK.CL NORTHWEST Hug Works Rugs from " Old carpets, rag rugs,-arpet cleaning. Jb3 unton ave., near m. Morrison. WE Aeave ran- caroeta. bath room tubs. C1UKOPOD1ST5 .-CHIROPODY - ANI . PEDICUKIN3 Mra.M. v. mu, 1.9 iieaner plug. REAL ESTATE NAME ' Kak.-r, n. M., City, Farm Property. Erong-Steele Company Bruhnkef ft Beni'dlct.... ........ Hutterworth-Kteihetin Company, Ine Card Itealty & Invejtment Co....... Cook Co., B. t Chapln A Herlow Hobart Marahall, Farnia. City Property..... bwii it. S30V4--Alder .,,.; ..MainCWil Moaok, Ueorge A,- (Colonisation). ""V 4S i?bbl Bld .....r --Main 1' Knarip ft Marker.......... ......- Loamber of rommerea... .Main and A-2O10 Oregon Heal Ratal. Co., Th. '""Z'l"! Are. and Multnomah.,,. EaBt 07. ' C-JW8 Bhalh, Geoitte D,.., 4....,.....K Stark St., Mala 803? A-2392 Shlelda, J. H. ....,. ..J Gerllnger Bids'. ..Main S430 Thompson,,, II... E. C. .,........ CLEAN 1SQ AND PTEEVQ ' PHflNIP. M4TN S0R1 To call for your suit to be sponged and pressed by one who - understands '. tha business.- : The Kiite vteaning . -.jr.rooo-; inff Works. 313 13th.. corner Clay. VO&h AXV WOOD NOTICEpifpf-ciAi.N SLAB WOOD INSIDH DRY 8HORT, per Joad-,... .fS.BO BLOCK WOOD, per load ...... ..$3.6 SAWTJUSTV for fuel and beddln. - j ci.Wr.n4 v Tie POrtUCU SUlSWCCfl U r;! ' Main HUB.- A-7001 PACIFIC SLAB WOOD CO . Dry inside wood, per load, $3.60. ': SmM dry inside wood, per load, 82.60. Green short slabwood, per load, 83.80. lo5dlan,e4 lnmmu,' f :r ,. ..a warn i H;' : rnones Main mm. " Yamato Wood and Coal Company; Qarccal STn Wood Chll Main 8767.- Foot of Curry at. Wood, Coal and Dry ab WESTERN FUEL COMPANT,. 87 E. MorriBoo. East 82. B-1026. -White & Benson fuel Co. 416 East Morrisdn. East 914. TTnrmerlv O. K. Wood and Coal Yard. SOUTH 1ORTlXND SLABW6135C67, Main 2153 A-3842. Dry inside wood, Eree giabwood. clean sawdust for bed- Tirt 'm,f t Qw vnnr wood nromDtlv. WE WILL saw . hone Vaahili 1908. ".-( 'I A. H. Edlefsen, the fuel man Ch. of Cona- 'a-Tade sTf "a 1. woo:4." Reaper grade, of eoal and dry wooo. Phone C-1773, E. 424. SHORT dry board wood.- 33.60 per load. Phone Ma fnrahall 10R CEDAR block, $1.50- for SO days. . : Phnna. Ma n SIRS A-3H4Z. bEST 4 foot fir cord wood '35.60 dellv- ertfd. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones. COLLECTIOITB kaaiaMSksMaBMaaaaHl CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. u. Board of Trade bldg.. th and Oak sts. Portland Co'.Ioctlon Agency All kinds of debts collected. 317 AUsny oiog. DANcnvo WALTZ two-sten. stage ;5c; now owning' niBht. Prof. Wai W C(!V7 w.v. w stage dancing, les- summer classes '(Harm, rhonl. 886 Wash. St., bet. W. Park and tl 0th. ? . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES trie Engineering Co., 213 Second st . . -a. n I t ELECTROLYSIS 1 . . GASOLINE ENGINES aawvtawiaaMiieavaaaa STATIONARY ,'and marina; electrlo eaulDmentstv launches, accessories, nrhnUaala anil retail: enalna repairing. Reierson Machinery Co.. 188 Morrlaon. LEATHER FINDINGS CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO- 74 Front Leather of erery descnptlont tap maufacturera, findings. ' LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library, '186 Bth. bet Taylor and Yamnm. hooks ao per pay. MOTION PICTURE SITPLIES Laemmle Film Exchange handles all second nrPXnThVa"BPorl YXZ oi.uv v. .- - . . Or. (independent.) PARJB. -Complete nMlla(.uv slide Washington at MUSIC TEACHERS E. THIEI .HORN, violin teacher, rupll Sevcik. Mar. A-41ou. vw iviarquani PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolin. Prot E. A. Bmitn. zz mt-n .u OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, scute and chronic alseasea. in rnuuiiuiua. mm .t-.i. tin HTTH.-craduate Kirkaviiia. Ma. 1398; post grad. 1907. 81 BweUand bldg. DR. F. J. BARR. A. S. O. !!07 Mohawk bldg.. 14 IM Mornaoit. Main ssto. PAINTING AND r A PEKING FOR palntlniE, tinting, paperhanging, phone lasi uoo. au wora guaran teed satisfactory. ' s van naintlng. tinting, phone East 2093. C-ov9. ' A. a. ysogurn, jo a mo" lneton st loane, 1U uniOH; ovin imiuuc PAINT; OIL AND GLASS RASMUSS:N ft CO.. "High Standard' piht nXcor. 2d & Taylor. M. A-1771 F. K. BEACH & CO. Pioneer paint Co., 135 1st at M. 1334, A-7043. PATENT ATTORNEYS HAMnBOOKS tor Inventors free: tells u n nhaaln and- Value of nataata. trademalks registered, Beelervf Robb, I 177-im mcuui pmy nmmwn,,i u J. K. MOCK, late of the (examining corpa U. S. patent office. bookof Informs- I tlon tree, aaa wimfv" "" H. C WRIGHT, IK- B. and foreign pat- ants; lnrrinKwnwui. kbit uui, PRINTING mnm . "JJoera OX. Clover f.ti.i.a .iiu muv Ink on. paper. " . Thutn Tr.Artl.R PRINTING CO.. not In Goodnough bldg. trust: close llgurea, gooa wor. ev. jodnough bldg. Phons Mala 41 2L PLUMBING AND GAS PITTING THE moBt essential part of plumbing; is good work. . It avoids after-expense. 1 We guarantee our work, independent Plumbina?-Co., zao .uranrj aye. jtj. vos. SHOWCASES AriU FIXTURES SHnwr-ASES"- of sverv descrlDtlons - bank? bar and stora fixtures mads to At-rW. The Lutke Mfg. CO. TlTiniMEg I. MARSHALL MFG. CO- I new and old showcases, cabinet", store rind offlceixrares. cencn. m. rroB. RUUUIEK STAAU'S AND SEALS l flTDTVCTT JJ and nffloa atntlnnnrv. ; Cun. 1 m i'n siti etark- Main t07 SCKVEYORS tVALTER M. OBER. platUng, subdlvld .4 ln - and - opo;Tphleiil -mana i spa ' t-iaity, iti Jk sutn su 14. ti-zus. DmECIQDY ADDRESS " TELEPHONE 808 Corbett Bldf .......... .A-4402, Main 7401 110 Second St... , Wiitn awl A-2ft5o 602 McKay Bldg....Wndaor lloight. Main 649 5 Lafayette Bldj. . .fltq and Wash. Main 8T,t -'5 Henry Bid ;.. Mart all 1517. A-.1MT ,.6"S Corbett Bliig ......Mala 853. A-KW B:)2 Chamber of Commerce ..Mliiu 1'2 .....nocneater and Yukon Sellwood fiTT nenry muj., La-ua, ........ .oi. now, ' SIGN ANU SHOW CARDS FOSTER A- KLE1SER, signs; the lars est sign makers in the northwest; 6th Ind Bverett sta. Phone Prlv. Ex. ' 66, noma A-lloo. '6IGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Bifnco.. 887 Stark. PaolfJf 1698. 8AF2 THE Mosler Safe Co, 108 Id at Safes at factory price!; repairs, lockouts opened; bargains in second hand safe. SHINGLES BEST . in Portland. . See them. 201 Washington st. S. E. Gilbert XOVVKJi SLfFLT aBaaaBlkfaJSAaaBBfjaaakBaBI CLEAN towels dally, omb, brush, soap. $1 per month. Portland LAunary Towel Supply Cov, 9th and Couch ta. I hone Main 410. A-4410. ' TUAN8PK AND flTORAOU tasa8aaaaiaapja awianBaasawanf ' aasapaajaaks Oregon Transfer Co. ' " EsUbllehed 1870. . . Transfer and forwarding agents. , Storage, free trackage. v Office, 810 Hoyt st. bet 6 th and tb. Phonea Main 69. A-1168. ' C. O. PICK Transfer & Bun age Co., of flee and ' commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; -northwest corner 2d and Ptna sta. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ship ment Main 698, A-1998. . . . OLSON-ROB TRANSFER CO. General transfer and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oafc st Main 647. A-2247. INDEPENDENT Baggage & Transfer Co. Storage. 824 , Stark. Main 407. A-4169. - 1 XYFEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cub? ; Blnghajn Co.. 231 Btark. M. 1407. VKTUIUNAIUAN DR. At Q. SMITH, V. &V. & SUbles, 248 Front Main 4158. Res. Main 1801 DR. L. R. DILLON, Hawthorne avenue atames. East 72. 687. B-r36 WALL FAF3U'. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, and the goods that go with them. E. li. Mooreiiouse & co 411 wasn. st. VVMOHiWAl.K JOBliiOiS EVERDINU & FARRELL. produce and commission meicnants. no roni su. Portland, or. Phone Main in. M. A. GUNST 4 CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. , v .: PORTLAND; OR. - WADHAMS & CO.. wholesale grocers. manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th eund Oak sts.- ALLEN 6 LEWIS GROCERIES. BANKS "ERMAN-AMERICAN BAKK Portlaad. Or. IT Corner Sixth and W.abln.ton 8ta. Trana- Sets a ccneral banklnc EuatneM. Draft. lamed .rail.ble in all tha principal eltlea of the United States and Earope. , Four per cent Inttreat paid . on aaflnga aecoanta. . Bafa dt- poait vault.. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS H0BRI8 BROTHERS. Chamber of Con aierce B. '.ldlng. Municipal, railroad and T0WNIN0-HOPKIrt CO. Stork and grtln Iff broken, saUDllinea isva. Portland, " Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane. PrlT.U wlrea. SUl-S-B-t COUCb Bldf TRANSPORTATION aaa4Saaaaaiaaaiawa ' Incfudlnss Berth and Meals SUMMER EXCURSIONS via Smooth "Inside Passage" Twelve delightful exctmlon from Seattle to ALASKA and back cheaper than . staying at home. Don't wait until tttamurt ar anof oaf Writ muich for JttaiU mnd rT9tio Pacific Coast Steamship Co. 249 Washington St. PORTLAND Columbia River Scenery - Fast Excursion Steamer CHA8.R.SPGNCBR Leaves daily except Wednesday, 8 a. m., For Hood River and way landings and return leave Hood River, 2:30 p. m.; arrive roriiand p. m. SUITDAT EZCTJBSXOSTS Leaves 9 a. m.; returns, 6:30 p.. m. First Class Meals Served. Fare, One Dollar Round Trip. Up-town Office, 69 6th at Phones Marshall 197-9. A-1293. Landing and Office, Foot Washington st Phones Main stns, A-24t5. Losrst .Rates to Picnic. Parties. E: W. SPENCER, OWNER. San Francisco tb Portland Steamship Co. Hew Berries to Xios Atwelea, via San rranclaco, every rive says. From Ainsworth dock. Portland.. 9 a. m. 8. a. Bxse City, July .12; B.aver, July 17J Bear, jniy w. i - From San Francisco for Portland. 12 m a S. Beaver, July 10 i Bear, July is; sose taty, Juiy so. From San Pedro, northbound S. 8. Bear, July IS; Boss City, Jtaly 18; Beaver. July 23. , M. u. esmiin, j. it-unira st; phone Main 402. A-J02. J. -W. Ransom, agent, Ainsworth Dock; phone' Main 268. The Open Siver Transportation Company Str.T.N.TLAL Tot TKB DALIES and Way landings Leaving Oak street dock Monday, Wed nesday ,.and D riaay at 7 a, m., re tuminar. leaving ' The Dalles Tuesday. Thurlday jnd Saturday, making close connection at ceino wini dxajo.H TTATTir CITITS for Lewiston. also in. LAND EMPTRB for' Pasoo and all points up the Columnia as rar as r nestnapids, cXPT. W, a BL'CIIANAN, Sunt . , L t A, 8.-WHITING.- Agent COOS BAY UIINB S . Beyvloe Str. Breakwater Imvh Portland 9 a.' m Jul 3, 8, 13. 18, S3, 38, Aug. . It 9, 14, 19, 84, 89, from Ains worth dock, for Worth. Bend, Mar.nfield and Coos Bay points. Freight received until 6 p. m. on day before. Passenger fare, 1st class. $10; 2d class,; $7j lnolud- lng bertn ana meats, inquire city tick et office, 3d and Washington streets, or Ainsworth docK. pnone Main 26 tsAK FiLStjGcb And , . XfO&TS PAOITIC 8. B. CO. n. EOAWOKB and 8.' 8. EIJOEB BAXXi Rvsry Wedneaday, alternately, at 6 n. m. Tloltet office 132 Third, near Alder. Phines' M. .-1314.' A-1314. ;lAIlTJN. J. Ill OLE rr raaa.. Agent W V 6LUSSEU, Frelsht Aeent GHand CFTJTRAt frCAVtow. Southern imoiio. L-alLg I'ortluud AKUianiJ i'agsenger 8:30 . m. 4:15 p. m. I liowburg 1 senser Miaata Limited 6 H) p. Mirwrton tnaaenger ................ 8:20 p. m. bipr,-. .- ........... 7:45 p. m. Ban Francisco Kipre...,..., 1:60 a.m. West Side , Cott.UU Wenirer , T:20a. m. hnericin Paaaenger ....... I. ....... 4:00 p. B. Sllverton Paaaenger .8:00 p.m. loreat Grove f.ajK-nger 8:50.. m. oreat Grov. Paaaengar.. ..... ...... 1:00 B. B. Forest Grov. Paaaenstf. a:44 u. m. Arrlvlnc Portland Oregon ixpre,, T:SO a. m. a-.auu rutmengef ' fn-nog bnZi f "Men 6:80 p. to. suTertonzs r.:::.:;;::::::::: SraS f. Weat Side Corraui, P.Men.r ..7..;. 8:20 p. , enger M.. 8:80 a.m. kwI 9 " "tf'- 8:00 bu vSZt rro .Paaaeuger .....;ll:6Ua. m. t Of eat f.ruire p.gaengar 4:40 p. m. Korthern Paolflo. ' N,!rlD8 Portland- " !lndlft....Ulua, lo, Uut ' Lljultd Bunk Paget " .....10:10 a. su Nwtk Tla AtiaSJl Sxpr" a fuget 6oBnt..M:16aIu. Twf tfitlJr"" u Vorth Bank... :0U a. u. iwlS hiiJ pre Boiiud.. 8:110 p. m. tS2 -'bii-r-.T .10:W a. b. T:O0 p. m. ' Cr..V ."""Mi ajirmuu auu araacaes 7. .7.. . ... t, 8:40 t. sa a uiLuuu-vsnivHi,.. s i i , . . . n Wrt SSfJ Hfi? a' .Sort B.k. 8:tt p. . Korinrn:.T.. S rut won- ?:2Q a. 10. Jla eUW iprtM . via Norm S U)t Kxprea. vu North ! P..-rv--:. -...r-...iw 8:18 p. sv sound . ,...-.7....7...:.ur7 vvati art umu Wi.;; Ps North B.nk... 8:15 p. . LfJ," a Pug.t " Bound.. 10;ao p. m. .prea. t. Aorta MUaourl BlVeV Kxn'rH tU "pnV.t 7:301 r , i . oelll"a sxprea. and . . Oregon Railroad lUyigaw. tn. oruon.w..hin..-'r.'J.v.v vl-a. a. la.' DrUea Lwla ":r":Zi n! S oiMisiann k ivao : - Fmji? lwtiiT v :oo p. m, WUDIWIIJie.rarUlnft m.amZ- Arrlvln. P..l."i" ..... ..OOy. Bk Tb. OaUt-a Loci io-is . Diwaaa .iyw T-SO a m Oregon Kxprea. Suoipokana-Portland .10(0 a. in. I. 8:00 a. m. raiiuati ."...vH uiuitLsu ....., a:uo D. rjn Aatorla ft Columbia Btnt, Seaside Kx press ' eau Shore Xiiaited , , . .. 8:00 a. .. 8:80 a. .. 2:30 p. .. 6:00 p. .. 1:16 p. 6:40 p. ..12KW p. ..12:30 p. ..10:00 p. ..10:15 p. ... 0:40 a. 4deaide Express ....... ntuuiar I'Mreuger , . n-niniRr KRnAtisrr Beasido Eipj-eag aionaay Heasids Special ..... Seaside Kxpreaa , Ocean 6nor Limited. ; jjuni er na Portland P.Pnger. Rainier aud Portland Pawenget . . .. 8:00 p. m, QtnadUn' Paolfl. B.ntray Do. Arriving 14,10 a. m. G. P. B. Short Lin. Tla Snnkan- V' fcattls. .T. rior. Or-goa ft Waihlngton Eallread Oampaay. Leaving PortUnd Baattle Paaaenger ...... Bhaata Limited ........... Owl . ArrlTin. Portland'-L""" 8:80 a. m. 8:00 p. m. JX:ff p. Owl ; j Mtaisa LimiMd I.."."". Portland Paaaenger .... ... 7:13 .. 6:0 p. m. 2:49 p. m -nirFEB801f BTBgETBTATIOSr Boutbern Pacific Le.rlng PorUand Dallna Paaaenger . . , Dallaa paaaenger ... 7:40a. Arriving Portland Dallaa Paaaenger . . . ItulUa Paaaenger . . . e:80B. .10:10 a. m. . o:&B p. m ELEVENTH AND H0YX 8THEET8 6EN0EB STATION, PAS. Bpok.ne, Portland ft Beattl. Railway QoT Le.rlng PortUnd loianu empire tiprcw B-00 . - " - . .... -, uuiul aan... i -it St -Looto, BlUlng., Spok.ni: nrttacnT' K.hlotua. Paaoo. RnnaeTelr ,;r..n!- lulV dendale, Lyl Whit. Salmon. Bt.renwn and V aiioouTer. Ine Orogunlan 11 KW a m For ISt. Paul. SDokane. Paarn Lyle, Whit. Salmon, SteTenaon and Vancouver' Columbia lilrar Local .............. "R J' North Bank Limited 7-00 D m! For Chicago. 8t. Paul. Omaha. K.n... !ni. 8t LouU BlUlnga. gpok.n., W..htucni; K.hlotua, Paaco, Rooeevelt, Urandd.llea Lla! Whit, dim., flf-amn-. XT. ' ' uumwu, ... 'V UUU ,UU , U1COU WWW. ArrlTlng Portland . The Oregonlan 7:OBsm tram St. P.ul, Bpokane, Puco. M.ryhlll. Lyle. Whit. Salmon, SteTenaon and Tanconrer North Bank Limited a. m From Chicago, St. Paul, omasa, K.n... City. tit. Loula, Billing., Spokane, Waahtncn. Kahlotna, Paaco, Uooaerelt Oranddalle., Lyla. White Salmon, Sterenaoa and Vancouver. Columbia River Local 12:36 p. m. Inland Empire Exprea. .-. . 8:1ft p. na. Prom Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, K.naaa City. St. Lonis, BlUlnga, Spokane. viHahtncna, Kahlotna, Paaco, Roosevelt. Qranddallea. Lrl.. Great Northern Railway "Company. . Leaving Portland Uth and Hovt at. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10:00 a. a' The Oregonlan. via North Bank... .11:00 a. m' Oriental Limited, via North Bank.. 7:00 p. m. Tacoma, Suattle and Vancouver, B. C.10:00 a. m Tacoma, Hunt tie and Vancouver, B. C. 6:00 p. mi Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C.li:30 a. m. AfltTillK r"lVWUT"JlU ISO UOt .tA, . Oriental Limited, vik Seattle ..6:40 a, m. The Oregonian, vl. North B.nk...... .7:09 m Oriental Limited, via North Bank. .. .8:15 p. m! Vancouver, n. i;., Seattle and Tacoma. 8:40 a. m Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and Taooma.3:30 p. m. Vancouver, B. C. Seattle and Tacoma. 8:60 p. m. Time, Card Oregon Electrio K.nway Co. Depot foot of Jefferson Bt, Portland, Or. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. atatlon. 8:80, 7:60, 11:00 a. m.; 2:00, 8:60, 6:80. 8:48 p. nr. Limited for Tualatin and Salem 9; j a, m. i.ocai ior nuagnTuw ana int. atationa- 6:10 p. bi. Daily exceft Sunday for point, on th. Salem. Falls City ft Weatarn Ry. via ?nir m, w.ov . .w i. ouauar eniy. 11:00 a. m. , I..tnf rortlaDd for Forest flrov. na tb. tatlona--r:05,n8:30. 100 a. m.; 12:10, S:lfr :ou, ", o. v ""'"x. onjy, u;&o p. m. ' . i Arriving at Portland from Salem and Int tatlon.-8.40, 11:00 a. m.; 1:15, 4:00, 6:00. 8:20, 10 i0 P. m. Local from WUaonvlll. and Int. station., 8:40 a. m. Dally except gun, ria and 7:36 a. m. dally.' . Arriving Portland from roreat Orove and Int .tatloM 8:00, 9:50, 11:40 a. m.( 1:30, m, San4ay only, 4:40 p. m. Portland Railway, Light ft Power Company? Ticket Office and Waiting Room, Firat and Alder and En it Water v . and Baat Morrlaon Street.. Cars leave Ka.t Water and Mm-toon atreeta. Oregon Clty 4:00. 8:BO S. m. ..nd every BU minuiea u anu iumumu( ii car mionignt; .(Jn-yiiam and Intermediate point 8:55. 7:i.i 8:45, 10:45 a. at., 12:45, 2:45, 3:46, 4:40, 6:46, 6:45, 11:U5 p. ta. - - -, - . " '. , -Falrvlew and Trotdale-l:65, 7:45. 8:48, 6:45, 10:45. 11:45 a. m.. 12:45, Ii4,v 2:45, A.M.-. I III. I CaxaoVo , ud interuiBdiate polnta 6.50, 8:45. 10:46 B.-m., 12:45,-S:45,-4:46. 8:45 p. m. - Fur VancotiTer Ticket office and waiting , . root., oecona .no ty biwiiiiieiuh u.eta -a. in a-fUY" 7:2S. 8:00. RMi. 0:10. 6:50. 10.5MV 11:10. li:uo; p. m. . :m,. i wi, z:so, 8 10. 8 60. i"h 6.1i. 6.50, 6 80, 7.06. 7:40, 8 15, 26. a-lO-RS, 11 4ft. On third Monday In evety month th. last car Itavea at 7:05 p. nu . , ... - -'fsfty-wept" 8tmdy;-lfly exrept Hon- TOO LAtE TO CLASSlEt BARGAINS. . ' , . 6 room house with furniture, on East 8th St., clone in. $2200, on terms. 6 room new bungalow, in Laurel wood, $2200, pn terms. 5 room new bungalow at Lents,- $2000, on terms. . . 8 room now bungalow? in Ladd's add. This is grand. .Johnson has them for sale. 414 Haw thorne ave.. cor 6th, , - - A Little Gem of a House - Consisting of Dutch kitchen, toilet paneled dining room, living room with open ura place and sleeping room, two blocka from car, l, lot 45x100. Price $1,650. Some terms. THOMPSON & UNDSLEY. End of Hawthorne Ave. Car Line. ' ' BARGAINS. 2. lota for IinOfl: rlnaa tivV.T line. Terms. ..(-- : ' ,: a lots ror 600, close to car ; una. 6 acres on car .line,, all Improved, $326 ou. xerm Johnson, has them for sale, 414 Haw thorne ave., cor 6 th. BARGAINS In acreage near Portland; li acres 5 mues rrom postornce, i mile, new carl Ine, 6 acres in small fruits, good house and barn, 10 acres mile to car, near Portland; rich loamy soil, epienaia irun ana Derry rancti, low price, easy terms. 680 Worcester block, Portland, Or. Quarter blo:k, 100x100," , " Clcss In, East Side. - OEDER, ' " ' Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ank&nv. 47 ACRE RANCH CHEAP One mile to f electrio car Jlne and town, near Port land, running' wafer,' good well, good buildings, fruit, for only $126 per acre. eunwKeaity uo.,' 630 Worcester block, Portland. ' $300 : . Good oorner 62x127. ML ficott car line. For particulars see J, J. Oeder, Cor. Grand Ave, and East Ankeny. Rose City Park , Nice lot 60x100 on East 48th fit . nna block to car line. Price 3750. ' J. J. Oedor, Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny st 1 ACRES deep rich soil, no rocks, In cultivation, oIobs to county road and but half mile f rom Electric Railway, len miles from Portland, $1700, easy terms. A-oii, journal. FOR SALE or exchange for lots, $500 eaulty in 7 room mnilern hnuan minutes walk from Kenton. 1H blocks w r-euinsuia sta,, price tzsoo; seeing 1 believing. A. Talbot, Peninsula sta. CORNER LOT in town nf Soaaidi.- tar oaj r exunaiige ior atocK cows pre ferred or sell on installments. Price auu. f-6, journal. WEST SIDE."close in, walking distance, lot 60x100. 2 honana Home or soeo' ulaUon. $6000; easy Journal. terms. X-670, APARTMENT site: lot 64x100. within jeet ot wasnington street, near 20th street $16,000, easy terms. : X- 12600, 6 acres near Garderi Home, good VleW. 4 lA mile, tmm o.nt.r nt Vnri. mna; cau arier B p. m., 190 Park st acre on Montgomery drive. FOR SALE CHEAP New 7-room mod ern Dungaiow; good home or invest- mem. vvooaiawn l&s. MEETING NOTICES 41 ANCIENT Order United WorVmon Port. muu juuugo, no. it, on uTiaay nignt tha grand Indira nfflnlnia will install nur Officers. An imnortant matter nartain- lng to our Relief Fund will come be fore the lodge. Every member should oa present. Members or other A. O. U. w. lodges are invited to be present. Attest: F. WYNN, T. H. FEAREY, Master Workman, Recorder. - CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS-- AiemDers are xinuiy requested to at- fpnrl thA rnnaral nt ah. lat. KvnthAv William H. Carney, to be held Monday at 8:80 a. m. from residence, 288 North Twentieth street thence to St. Patrick's cnurcn, COMRADES of Lincoln-Garfield Post ' ar requested to meet at tha ceme- Ltery or aeuwooa today at e o clock sharp, capt. Geo. Williams of our post died and will be cremated. Take Sell wood cars. R. A Wohlfarth, Adjt, i nag, uuggan. ommanner. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 4. B. A. Y.. meets every Wndneadav evening InfWestern Academy of Musio hall, corner Second and Morrison. Vis itors welcome. YETTA HAINES, 609 -E. Stark. Correspondent W. A.. Rose City camp 8466. meets Monday evenings. Selllns-Hlrach blda West Park and Washington F. J. Darlington, 'clerk. Phones, Main 9294, A-4KX6. R. N. A., Oregon Rose camp, meet Wednesday evenings, Allaky nail, ad and Morrison. R. N. A.. Marguerite camp, meets every Thursday evening at 10a 2d st, bet Wash, and St irk. MARRIAGE LICENSES Rofiis S. Palty, 664 Flanders street 31, and Isma Clifford. 27 Anson E. Hiatt. 1463 East Couch street, 23, and Ethel M. Galloway. 18. Collns B. Baker. 1463 East Couch Street 22, and Orba A. Galloway, 17. Olon Brooks, 776 Savler street 21, and Olive Griffin, 18, George Connor. Portland. 26. and Nelle Lough, 19. J. B. Miner, 674 Glisan street. 24 and May Barrett 23. Fred Winston. sclo. Ore. 21. and Eva Smith, 19. A. J. Hazeltlne. Milwaukee. 27. and Cecelia Bates, 18. WEDDING cards. W. G.- Smith ft Co.. Washington bldg.. corner of 4th and Washington sts. 1 WEDDING invitations, announcements, wuuam Kjumpp tjo. 3zs wasn. st. DRESS suits for rent all sixes. Unique , Tailoring Co;, SP Stark st CLARKE BROS., florists and floral designs 289 Morrison st DEATHS HEED In this city. Colonel T. A. Reed ai uaa renowi nonte, a.a and Hoi gate, age 86 years, June 14, LEMERY Joseph Lemery, aged 73, at his home in Oswego. Saturday, July 9. Funeral notice later. MAX M. SMITH, florist 160 6th st, opp. Meier ft Frank's., Main 7 2 1 5 FUNERAL NOTICES ANDERSON The funeral senlecs of Jonn p. Anderson win be held at St. Mark's church, corner 21st and Marshall sts., at 2 p. m. today (Sunday). Friends invited, interment Kiverview cemetery. CARD OF THANKS WE hereby 'tender our most sincere and heartfelt thanks to all kind friends who remembered us with their syra pathy; and floral offerings' in our sad bereavement In the death of our beloved brother.' , , M. J. KENNEDY. . MRS. V. M CULLOUGH, MRS., M. P. SHEER A K FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dimninn X. UriVniaa Undertaker UUllillllg. vx ivioliuu Modern every detail 7th and Pine. Main 430, A-4658. Lady assistant Zeller-Brvnes Co. Jv. boT2 phones; lady assistant Most mcdera establishment In city. The eadt ilda undertaker. B-1888. East Lady assistant .781. E. E. (th and Alder. XPrFInlefOon Lady attendant Main 9. A-1699, EAST SIDE 'funeral director., buccc-s.. ore to F. S. Dunnina. Inc. E. 62. B-2526 ERICS0N Undertaking Co: Idaln 38. A-2285) lady an.'t Trose err? cemetery. - phones C-2114 and A-4444, EDWARD MiniAf AN.- andertaker. - 929 td st -i'Jy assistant Main 50T.. TiEXh ESTATE TR.INSFERS CERTIFICATES of title wad by tha Title & Trust company, Lewla bldg.. 4th and Oak. S. E. Chambers and wife to Wll 11am V. Smith, lota 6. 6. 21. 21. block. 3. Vautrhton Park $ Martin L. McMinn, and wife to . Hazel Anderson, lot 2, block, 18, Rose City Park ............. 3,600 George P Lent and wife to C. R. Welcb.- lota 18. 19. block 6, Kern Park ' R, L- Stevens (sheriff) to Mer - chants' Loan ft Trust company, pant of block 298, East Port land C, F. Myers.andL.wlfs-lo.-A.. . watneraon, lot 14 and south : balf of lot 16, Gray tract; also .21 feet from north aide of lot 18 Mt. Scott bank to A. L. Deaton et aU lots 1, 8, 9, block 1. Mt Scott Park . . a . ......... Frank Roshak and wife to J. E. Reynolds, tpt 21, block 2, High--land Park .... ! . . Gates & Young , to J. A Hall, lots 27, 28. Block - , Brazoe street addition . , . . . . . . . . .' . . Osmund Madison and wife to Ole B. Madison et al south 16 feet of lot 12 and all of lota 14. 15. 3,100 3,000 6,0(50 -7.500 18 and north 10 feet ot lot 17, block 5. Point Vie '.'I . . . 1,500 Martha E, Rogers to N. J. Baxter, lot 16, block 9,. Fox Chase addi tion ........ . . ..... ... ........ 450 Portland Lumbering ft Manufac turing company to j. v. coyne, lots 85 and 86, block 11, Penin sular addition - 400 Mary Angerstein to Will Jackson north 4 feet of east 50 feet, of said lot in Hanson's addition . . 4,800 Elisabeth O. Gray and husband to Charles A, Feenaughty, lat s, block 20. Rossmere addition 4,109 Ida Premo and husband to An- gelo Santavloca et al., lot 4, 00 AXV, - vvuuucftuua - ....... West St. Johns Land company to jonn Jodi ana wire, lot is, block 10. Whitwood court .... M0 B. M. Id-mbard and wife to C. B. Woodwortb, lot 4. block 8, Han cock street addition ........... 1,000 R. L. Stevens, sheriff, to E. V. Berwick, south half of , lot . block 62. Alblnayvv,.... ...... 1.200 E. V. Berwick and wile to Star Sand .company, south naif of lot 6. block 52. Alblna 1,700 J., C. Roberta and wife to Luoy A. King, lots 6, 8, 7, 8, ana east auarter of lota 1. 2. block 25. Hanson's second addition..... 28.000 G. W.. Priest and wif a to 'Edith K. Slanderer, lot 7, block 38, Roae City Park 3,650 . 429 806 475 R. E. Bryan and wife to Pauline voeipei, lot m, diock .4, Mount. Tabor Villa A E. Cook and wife to Mat Klci- wov. lot 8. block 80. Sellwood.-. William J. Broderiok and wife to n.mma a. wuae. lots l, z, diock . 1, Reg;ener's addition to Ore-ham '. . . . Josephine Mitlehner and hus band to A. Neppach, 4uxiuo feet beginning at southwest coiner of lot 3, block 21, Gold Smith's addition 4,920 C. W. Weils and wife to Allen McDonnell, land in section za, township 1 north, range 4 east 1,500 Mary Schell to Allen McDonnell, 4 v. acre, in section -o. town ship 1 north, range 4 east 2,000 T. H. Powell ana wire to jnaries S. Mitchell et al. west 33 1-5 feet of lot 6. block 7. Richmond 3,000 George Reed and wife to I. M. Bramhall, lots 81 ana 88, diock 88, Irvlngton Park , Portland' Realty & Trust com pany , to Michael Orewiler et al. north ft of lot 23. block 20. Chicago , Laura M. Gamniane to H.nTy Miller et al, Jot 8, block 7, Lin coln Park 600 225 800 LAWYERS Abstract Trusv ut, room I Board of Trade bldg.: abstracts a specialty. ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander ab stract office. 418 Oorbett bldg. Main PACIFIC Title ft Trust Co, the leading Abstractors. 204-6-8-7 Falling bldg. t.tV ON TUESDAY and THURSDAY NEXT AT BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE, 162 Park 8treot We have received instructions from tho owners, who are leaving, to sail, their first class furniture, etc., comprising UPRIGHT PIANO, Oil Paintings and Pictures, Genuine Mahogany China Closet, Leather couch, mbrary Tables, several fancy Rockers, Green Rep Drapes, Lace Curtains, Mirrors, SIZE BRASS BED, several full size Iron Beds, best Steel Springs, Elastic Felt and other MattreBses. Feather Pillows. Blankets and Quilts, CirRLY MAPLE and QUAK- T hilt-OA iv UKUHSsr.ris, tjniiioniers. Commodes AXMINSTER and BRUS SELS Carpets? PEDESTAL DININO TABLE'S, Chairs. Sideboard, Buffet, Chinaware, Brio-a-Brao, Bookcases, Couches, Center Tables, Gas Range, Re frigerator, Step Ladder, Utensils, Lawn Mowers, MONARCH Automatic Gas Wa ter Heater (cost $45), and many other lThis great TWO '.DAYS' SALE wiU start on TUESDAY NEXT at 10 o'clock. ON VIEW TOMORROW. BAKER & HON, 152 Park. St. Auctioneers. Auction Sales At 211 First St. Monday, Tomorrow, AT I P, ft Fine furniture of 8 room house from Monta villa, at 211 First street, for con venience of sale. No reserve. Tuesday Next at 10 a. m. At 211 First street. The usual amount of splendid housefurnishings will be sold. by auction also on. Thursday Next at 10 a.m. at 811 rrasT bt." Our Regular "Auction of Furniture ry Ford Auction Co. Main 8951. A-2445. Auction Sales AT COR. SECOND and YAMHILL Regular Sales Days Monday, Wednes day and Friday Each Day at 10 a. m. , AT OUR SALES YOU WILL FIND ALMOST ANYTHING , FOR , THE HOUSE, or if you want to furnish yoyr summer cottage we can supply your wants: our sales rooms are full to the In doors with all kinds of good second hand PURNIT TJRE, CARPETS, hPIANOS. ORGANS, offioe desks ani Chairs, SET. ENCYCLOPEDIA BR I i - TANICA, set CENTURY DICTIONARY AND ENCYtOPBDI A, GROCKR1 ES, SHOW CASES CASH ? REGISTERS. Hardware, etc., at bargain prices, in oar store 171 Swond St., adjolnlng'auction rooiit. . . , - r J.'T... WILSON, Auctioneer. I Cah "falrf -for-Kumltttrv tXtoT-ks -nf Merchandise, eto. CaH Main l(!2tf. X-iZii. ' Jk 9a ' Wilson s Auction House NHV TODAY Heads the List of the High-Class Resid'nceDistricts It Is the Best Improved Most attractively . 1 : ; laid out with parks. ' Nearest to business. Has the best car service. Is decidedly the cheapest. Can be bought on I easiest, terms : tUot3 $2000 and up, on Easy Terms Including All Improvements, ' -Asphalt Pavementi Sewer, Water and Gas., 16 Down Wo Month 6 Interest F. W. TORQL.ER 106 Sherlock Bldg - STROINQ & CO. 605 Concord Bldg.. . Also Agents on Ground. " Six miles west of Council Crest, close in, lies beautifully; is very fertile, no rock, gravel or' hills; good water at 25 feet Only 45 minutes' ride and reached by both Oregon Electric and Fourth street line. " We can convince you that this land will sell for double our prices in 12 months. . . - Good roads along each tract; good churches, schools and stores convenient. - - Brush and timber land $125 to $200 per acre.' 1 , Cleared and in crop $200 to $300 per acre. , ' We will sell on your-terms. ; THE SHAW-FEAR CO. my2 STARK STREET Main 35 " '. A-3500 BOISE'S ADDITION 50 xlOO lots, Cement Walks - ' Sewer Laid. - i" ' Water Will Ba in Soon. Prices $650 Up; Terras-IO Per Cent Down . I Per Cent a Month Take Bellwood car io Center SI. , A 10 minute oar rlda Will take (mi from the wtfit .sldn buslneaa dtstii't In BOISE'S. ADiITJON when the MnOlxou street bridge la opened. Don't-wait un til the prices go ip; pay -matt rnv metit down and gi'V the pi-netit of ttie present low prices: . , Sengstake & Lyman " laclnirtTS AgentB. 80 PIT th 8. Tualatin Valley Acreage 5 Ain 1 ACAJD TJ8ACT3 S all.u, tlvatinn, wtttiln 15 miles of ("-n tl in.t near R. R. Btatln;-a the bt fruit garden land tn th4 siato, . Price CCSTix Aire 414 AUl?t'j TC :I 1 ,! . . n n n9. boo 1 1 rs r r r mm y 86S j Addition Beaverlon led vile Acreage