1 ! ' L CLASGIF.IED ADVERTISING SECTION THREE . " lO PAGEG mwMmm !TlTe PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY : MORNING, ? JULY ; 10, 1910. I filiSTuRATj REAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 02 It Takes Two ---Are You One of Them? GENERAL REAL ESTATE CJ If, of the two people it 'takes to make a bargain, you are' ONE, how much wpuW fT'IBLESFMl MT-' J. A i ' ten, through advertising often through want advertising; and, in Portland, USUALLY through want advertising. in The Journal. f;i;.v;;V , . . . - . . ' 1 he other one waicnes tne waiu aas prcuy cjuciy vui, 01 tuuisc, uas w uc ' convinced. If your offer is "right," that will be an easy task. 1,1 it be worth to you to tmd, the otner oner- woman dc worm me cost 01 a j-uassmea ad? Would it be worth the cost "of a small but, determined "campaign of advertising?" ' - Tn "nthr nne" neeessarv to "make a bargain" is found, in nine cases out of Journal Want Ads Cost One Cent v GENERAL. REAL ESTATE 03 WBW h Procrastination is the First Step to Negligence . nail r '11 ' (IMA ' k "..-It ?i - Daiance, per iviunm . Email house and lot, ouxmu; iir trees. Trice M50. i; Balance $3 'per Month ' . Buys nice1 house, ana ioi toxiuu; nne ' ,rden; $366. ' . 1 it, yuji3 uuviy I ,J . t9An ImnnitMri' frnlf trarva 4 ' ijcc ' ;iuio, tVAiWi ncuucu 1115111,11, '$470; for the two. : . i.'l;PEllllTltg;: Easily Cleared ' IHvOOCordsWood. t i a oom House Small barn. J ' mile from small town; 1150 worth -91 new, lumner on piece. a i ft a r f ; . - rnceuu , , $300 CASH-'- Balance on term. 1 ' BaJanoe easy terms. - small s room nouse. All fenced; price $800. " ' . tr. n i. a am v a i . ... f , i Phone B-6 111. , Ask for t h - , wngni Jtteauy no. V 665 H Williams Ave , Phones East SOT, C-I631 ,$$50 New 8 room house on 200x109 lot 112,000100x100, corner location, with. 3 rooaerii nouses, ail rented, close is-.; in; , $8000 90itl00, corner location,-with rv muuern nouses, m renteu, close in. $7500 Good corner on Rodney ave., 60x j ; iuo lot, with 2 houses, gpod Income. 412,000100x120, with, 10 room modern , nouse, on oaney ave.,. . It $2200 Buvs & good business) corner os .i yye-femnsuia," jine location.- u ' ...... . il4fio--7 'room- modern house on Wil. ! ' llnms ave.. on 60x120 lot . $6000100x105 in Kenton, a dandy bust. X , . nees corner, . . .. . ;, , k ,$21008 -8 rooW st; teriiji modern house on E. 19th $300 cash, balance easy. '$7000 Wood and coal business; no op position. $3500 A dandy confectionery, well es , tablished; would trade, for -small " -;. farm, as owner Is sick and must , get out of town. , . mm IE I ii iiiii i'iiiiiiEiiiii GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 -mmm -:. FRUI ' TAKE . . , ADVANTAGE ' , .-.OF. ; LOW PRICES" ! V .:' OFFERED HE;RE : Farm Buys Four acres on Barnes Heights, a fine platting1 proposition; only 11500 per acre and we will five 'you terms; wv , - 40 acres near carllne, 15 acres .under eultlvatlon, balance easily cleared, 2 fine sprinfrs, all under fence. This is an ideal piece of Jand for; 13700, easy terms.: I ; ' ; 20 acres, 18 miles out, near Reed vllle; all under fence, cleared 'and good new buildings. Price 1350 per, acre. Will sell all or one-half. Terms, y West section 2J and the N. W H right on the Mt. Hood Electlrc lino.s V 411 Q1! UK llftUQ, f Vl iWC Terms to suit:; - "' ;.' 40 acres, 1 mile from carllne, 10 acres cleared and fenced; fine stream' of wa ter; nice little new house, 15 acres of finest fruit or garden land in . Oregdn. Price 12800, $1200 cash, bal. on terms to suit - 80 acres this side, of Boring, right near the car station; a fine stream of water and all fine land for $4500. Terms. 40 acre of land ror sale at a sacri fice, 17 miles from Portland, rich, block loam, about 10 acres bottom land, all very rich land, about 2 or 3 aores cleared, balance easy cleared, small, rough lumber house, land Joining this place Is- selling' at $160 and 1200 per acre, but the parties owning this wants to sell very bad and will sacrifice at the very low price of $1400; $8O0t,cas. "(.- r .-. . , i ' . )i::s-i4, yHOMES-t.' " Modern 9 room bungalow, has 4 larg bedrooms, nice clothes closets, large re ception hall and den, china closet ball seats, woodlif t ' and everything up to date, nice terraced lawn and Bhrubbery, lot 50x100, alley In rear; price $3200; $400 cash, balance $15 per month. Give this your closest attention, for this- is certainly a. snap, wens tic uurur, sua rhnmher of Commerce. Nice little 4 room house. 2 blocks from carllne on nice graveled street, a beautiful llttle'home and can be had for $1100: $300 casn,, balance it per montn. This is a snaD. A new bungalow, modern, 4 large Km 4- V i41a4 ottrA r1 i i v tr alor. trio lights, fine porcli, with lawn, shrub bery and flowers. A nice home built for myself, but must sell. Price $1750, $500 cash, balance easy terms. 1 A 5-room houso, 2 lots at Kern Park, 2 blocks from carllne, only 25 minutes out. Fine shrubbery and fruit trees, all bearing. Price $1650; very easy Six room house and 2 lovely idta, hmhhrv nil fine beartnr fruit trees. 2 blocks from carllne, $300 cash, bal ance $10 per month at per cent. A beautiful ;-room modem cottage, all eomplete, lot 60x100, 2 blocks north nf Firland station. This is a dandy heme. Price $2760, $750 cash, balance $20 per month at 6 per cent. Nice lot and 8 room house, very nice garden, about 6 blocKs rrom canine; hmid new end is a snan. Price $1350. $950 cash, balance 2 years. This is one of the best buys In the city. Call and see us. 1 ; WELLS A DTJFUB. S08 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 689. - Look at Other Farms, Then - Look af These ' 125 aores, $80 per acre, 65' acres cleared, balance timber and pasture. All bul'dtngs practically new, house 7 rooms,-large barn, hop house and sev eral other buildings; 6 acres young hop yard, mile to good town, mile from boat landing, Willamette river. If bought soon crop Included in price, cash, balance at 6 per cent 120 acres This farm must be sold. We want you to Inquire why and make an offer on it 95. acres clear, 80 acres of this farm is under irrigation ditch which- may- be used -if -desired-.-- The farm touches the Willamette river and Is not more than 80 miles from Port land. Land around this vicinity is worth $80 to $100 per acre. Let us in troduce you to the ; owner. First class set of buildings; 13tacres la hops. . : 100 acres laying mile along Salem Electric, hi, mile -from West WoodbUm station. 80 miles Portland. All but about 8 acres cleared. . No waste land oh place. Gently rolling, well drained land, There are not leas' than 70,000 feet of lumber in the buildings on this place. It is the best proposition we know of and we believe there are' no hotter. Price $13,000. $4000 cash, bal ance at 8 per cent with release clause. This property can be sold in small tracts so as to net you $7000 to $12,000 on your Investment of $4000. 160 acres $65 per Acre; 106 acres cleared, complete set of farm buildings. This farm is all rich Willamette river bottom land, very near boat lan din K. 2 miles from railroad, it' is the nicest dairy proposition we know of. Running water on blace. 80 miles from Portland. 16 acres 8 room log house ceiled in side, good barn and other buildings; 4- acres cleared, 2 acres - timber, balance pasture. ' Running water. . no waste land; price' '$1700, $300 cash,, balance S 15 acres 9 acres cleared, 14 aea timber, balance smallStumps and pas ture very easily cleared, 6 room house,' good barn and. other bulldlDfirs.; fenced and cross ' fenced, .- running water, nof waste land, 2 . acres, good -bearing or chard, fine garden, well cared for, sev eral acres in grain and.sotatocs: all In- Htluded ln price. 12200, $1200 cash,- bal- a ace at t per -cam, j nis piara.Asjtgot. at the edKtt of a fine town and only mile from boat landing on Willamette river. ' . If you are looking for. farm land let us show you our list , MAGINNI3 .. LAND & INVESTJSENT COMPANY, . . . . 814-1T Lewis bldg., 4th aiid Oak. ' ID'BUYS a Word-Cash GENERAL REAL ESTATE . 62 Adjoining Bayocean On the. South Graded streets. -k. . .- Water to every lot., Beautiful shade trees.- - , -'; Slopes , gentl-, toward ocean. .Where'. - - . ,. You will find the beat ' Of hard sand beaches.-, Bavoeean's lots sell for prices ranc- ing from $450 up to $2500 each. ALL OCEAN VIEW LOTS WILL ADVANCE IN PRICE FROM $25 TO $150 " PER LOT ON JULY 16; NO LOTS IN OCEAN VIEW WIIiL BE OFFEREp FOR SALil AT A PKlCfi TO ; , EXCEED $200. ' - ; : ' s. - . And . residents of Ocean View have all the advantages of Bay , ocean,, .nd besides these lots are H level and located on the malo- land, ,; yi 4- -. , ! Can 3?ou peat this offer" io an investment and vat the same time get a desirable summer home where you can-have the supreme ..enjoyment of. big, game hunting, , i, . the best of' fishing and good boat , . ing and bathing, right at your Uwl I . . For further Information re garding Ocean View fill out this coupon and receive com plete and minute details by mail. Name ....... Address ...... ..,.. V. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE CO Inc. THREE OFFICES:' LENTS - OFFICE 1 01 MAIN ST. PHONE TABOR 1433. ' " EAST SIDE 840 EAST ANKENY ST. PHONE EAST 704, CITY 449 SHERLOCK BLDG.. COR. 3D AND OAK PHONE MARSHALL 1468. ......... . P. S. Two railroads now building to Ocean View. You know what that meana to lot owners. Mt' TABOR HEIGHT! One block to Hawthorne ave. can her stands a, splendid new modern' T room residence on Lot 50x120 In the choicest location of these beauti ful terraced hills.'' The location Is ideal. Think of it The millionaires are lo cating in these beautiful scenio foot hills. One only has to see this beauti ful residence to be convinced. Trice $3700;:' $700 cash balance on easy terms, at 7 per cent.---, .,, -... TVA. Sutherland 86th and Hawthorne. Open Sunday. Res. Phone Tabor 65. Office Pbons , - , Tabor 2017. V ; M'GUIRE & HENNINGS. 665 Williams Ave. .V Phones East 607. C-2636. $S50 New 8 room house on 25x100 lot,' renisuiar station. $2100 Modern 6 room-house in Vernon; $300, cash,-balance $15, month, 6 per cent . $27507 room .modern , house, close in. on Monroe st. - i , $2400 5 room modern house on CI eve .. land ave. - - -i- ' 144007 room modern ihouse 'on Wil liams ave. ! -i 421006 room modern house on Al- oina ave. , . i i i $12,0002 6' room houses, Graham1 ave.; . very close ia . ; $7000--9 - rooms near .-i.Broadway and w Union ave. i - ; . $8600c 8 room modem 'house, Fargo st i;;buu 8 rooms, noaney ave. 136006 'rooms, Gantenbein ave. - We are adyertlaers of. good things. If you fall to- find what you want in this column, call at our office and se lect a home, farm or a good business opportunity. - - .-' - l , , - - - See Me; Before jYolr'Buy . For bargains in' improved and unlm proved' city property.' fine, ' suburban homes, vacant lots, suburban 6 acre tracts, - improved ana unimproved, easy . .. v THOMPSON & 'SCHNIDER. ' . ; """ 111 WBH'Morflsori. Town i. FOR SALE An 8 acre tract mil east of -Tlgard station; 1 acre In strawberries, ufid 1 ncre in orchard and an Hinas or small rruu and berries small house and a fine well, no rock; at $4uo an acre, -part cash, balance ot 6f; Cn 6 years' time; TnqUire grj. Blank wner Tlgard station. lEf . UTS : $5 im GSia 1EW LOTS Sell for prices ranging from , . milt tj is vj lyj iy 'FBOM CITV- W,ISI, FEET Oh the ground you get $1 per cord for 30,000 cords of wood. $30,000 Land-will bring $100 per $30,000 acre Total : $60,000 We can .sell for $40,000 ILL MERIT TittTll in, '- . -Eraf 232 Chamber of Commerce MILES m lira TOlif ;- INVES INVESTIGATE JOSEPH C. GIBSON 304-5 'Gerllnger Bldg. Financial Investments Real Estate Owner of Lots in Belgrade are selling very rap idly. Particular people are buying there. Will yeu not look at these sightly lots and be convinced that you should buy now 7 My auto is at your service. Terms are 10 per cent cash and 2 per cent mommy. w. 0 LEASE Large storeroom 5000 square feet, Park and Morrison.- A dandy location investments Concrete business block 60x125, leased for three years, income $2700. This is located on a busy improved street, and IS a gooa ouy; i.v.uuu cunu win uuuic. 11 LEI Beautiful Quarter Block on . Alder Street, $1000 per month net for 20 years; here is a fortune for the man who takes this lease; come In and figure it over with me. Fronting on Halsey Street West of 60th st. all clear; land is level and Just on grade, overlooking Laurelhurst For quick sale, at $2500 per acre, cash. . A Dandy Jarm ; Of 320 acres near Walla Walla, 4 miles from railroad station on O. R. & N. 240 acres of wheat now ready to har vest, which goes with the place. If sold right away. . Land lays well, good soil. no rock or waste land. Fenced and cross fenced. Old buildings. A snap at $25 per acre. Terms. . 804-5 Gerllnger Bldg , 2d and' Alder, i ' Portland, Or. . - mmmi lELfflilE wits rail SEVEN' ACRES-f 1 is n 1 A HOME THAT IS COOL. COMFORTABLE AND A MONEY SAVER FOR YOU? WHY PAY HIGH RENT AND SWELTER IN A COUPLE BTUFFY "ROOMS 7 YOU WON'T AFTER CON SIDERING THE FOLLOW. ING BUY A LOT ON THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN IN GREGORY HEIGHTS AND WE WILL BUILD YOU A DANDt LARGE TENT HOUSE. USE IT ALL SUMMER. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. BY FALL YOU WILL HAVE SAVED ENOUGH TO START A BETTER AND A PERMA NENT HOME. MANY HAVE FOLLOWED THIS PLAN WITH SUCCESS. WHY NOT -YOU 7 YOUR PAYMENTS WILL BE EQUAL TO ABOUT HALF OF YOUR PRESENT . RENT AND WILL SOON PAY FOR YOUR LOT. NEW BUNGALOWS AND COTTAGES FOR SALE ON GOOD TERMS. ,TWO 6 ROOM . BUNGALOWS RE CENT? COMPLETED NOW RKaDY FOR SALE. GOOD .LOCATIONS ON 60x100 FOOT LOTS. ALL STREET IMPROVEMENTS. FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST BUYS IN THIS FINE SECTION OF PORT LAND, SEE OUR LOTS XT $200. THESE LOTS ALL PROVE TO BE RAPID MONEY MAKERS. TEN MINUTE CAR SER VICE; 25 MINUTE CAR NOW. NEW CUT - OFF SOON TO BE COMPLETED will 1ake this' much Les.- , -, .,-, . - 5 ?. ' ', NOW IS THE TIME TO ' GET GOOD BUYS IN GREG ORY HEIGHTS. '. TAKE EAST ANKENY AND ROSE: CITY PARK , CARS AT THIRD AND YAMHILL STS . RIDE TO END OF CARLINE. COME OUT SUNDAY. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO, $2350 $250 Cash '8WELL 6 ROOM BUNGA IXW, BEST ARRANGE MENT, LARGE , ROOMS, FIREPLACE, PANELED WORK, BEAMED CEILINGS, DUTCH KITCHEN, COM PLETE PLUMBING. PIPED FOR GAS, WIRED FOR ELECTRICITY, IMPROVE MENTS IN AND PAID FOR. THE BEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR THE MONEY. $2500 $300 Cash RESTRICTED DISTRICT. 50 x90 LOT, FINE ARRANGE MENT, BEST OF WORK THROUGHOUT, CEMENT BASEMENT, FULL ATTIC, ELEGANT FINISH, FIR TREES AND NIFTY IDEAS EVERYWHERE.. . . $3 1 50 $500 Cash, ;rv; 6 ROOM 2- STORY" HOME, THE BEST IN THE CITY FOR THE MONEY, CKMENT BASEMENT, LARGE ROOMS. FINE ARRANGEMENT, ELE GANT FINISH, EVERY THING MODERN THROUGH OUT. $3000 $300 Gash ' Hi Ul-ii IV' I' 1 Ul II t VUT UI.l M1 I LOW, FIREPLACE, BEAMED CEILINGS, PANELED DIN ING ROOM, BUFFET, DUTCH KITCHEN, COMPLETE PLUMBING. FULL BASE . MENT AND EVERYTHING MQDERN. THIS IS CER TAINLY A GOOD BUY. WE' HAVE LOTS OF OTHERS 1 F THESE DON'T SUIT. THESE PLACES ARB ALL INSIDE THE 2 MILE CIRCLE. DIVISION ".STREET IS BfciNG PAVED. THE -CARLINE ' IS BEING STANDARD GAUGED "AND WILL RUN OVER 4 THE NEW MADI SON STREET BRIDGE. . PROPERTY WILLY ADVANCE RAPIDLY IN THIS DISTRICT, SO BUY AT ONCE BE FORE THE RISE. . . HA.'.Askwkh - TAKE W-R CAR TO MARGUERITE WHERE YW GET OFT. SEtXwOoi 1705, B-12 0.7.' ' . v, -'lBffi(hllBlCIBTW.fe . H, . UU SB IT- Ualfil U 11. 4--., We haveja fine 61-acre farm within 17 miles of. Portland, highly improved, stocked .and -ready to move upon; which we can ; trade all or in part Jon4 Portland ' property. , - It has 87 acres in cultivation, 16 acres of the finest of creek bot tom of which 7 acres- are In hay. ' , A nice large creek runs through the place.. ,v. y, . . ': I' . There Is a .ood. 8-room house, a ? new barn1 66x76 ft, an orchard i of IVt acres, all varieties of fruit This .farm" Is close to a good rail- , road town and Is, in the heart of one of the rj,ciiest - farming dls- tricts near Portland. The owner recently met with a mishap and moves off the place, " leaving , stock, implements, etc.. Just as they are: S cows, 1 wagon, 1 buggy, 1 haek, set of hack harness. 1 mower, 1 binder, culti vator, rakes,, plows, small tools , harrows, etc.' . ,s Price, $7000 We 'will sell It on easy terms or will take city prop erty In trade - up to , the full amount ;,. t RAI.PH ACKLEY. 605 Corbett Bldg. nr Income more than $1200 a month, '. Zz Pric $12,600 Easy terms. 6 W1H - take' good rf arm In trad. , . We offer a new select apart- ment house, 30 apartments, run- " .jiln.full. capacity at all times;, r and bringing the following month ly income; . ,' ;,, 9 2-rooro apartments $35 "' -4;4-TOom apartments .s ..... 60 -" , -4 3-roorn apartments ....... 50 i It 3-room apartments ....... 40; 2 8-room apartments 85 'All but four apartments, are -" rlchlv furnlslftd with the best of of quarter oak furniture.. Every ' apartment has bath, toilet, and the most modern conveniences. Electric elevator and electric . lifts for each apartment. ' We will sell thin on reasonable. " terms. '' - '" I- We will trade this for a farm. ; You cannot fall on this proposi tion. It is located within walking . distance of the center of the west side business district We are ' . prepared to show you what ths proposition has made since the day it opened. . , . Price $12,500." RALPH ACKLEY. 1 605 Corbett Bldg. - - n On Electrio line. $1200. We have a snug little farm of 4 -acres close to the Salem Elec tric line. There Is a fair 6-room . house, furnished.? The main county road runs through the place. 45 chickens : are included at the price, v This would be money-maker as a chicken ranch and It is quite close to the mar ket. Within 1-3 of a mile of the farm you can Ret Portland prices for your -produce. - Price $1200. RALFH ACKLEY, 605 Corbett ' Bldg. I. ,If you are looking fop a city- -, home and , want . to look about , alone come In and we will furnish , you with a list of over 100 homes, the sjreet numbers and the own er's names. We would prefer to 'show 'you these homes, but we.""' never insist You, anay have our list for the asking..,- RALPH ACKLEY.'- . - v 60S Corbett Bldg. .' $2500. For sale or .trade for Portland ' , v .- acreage. This is "desirable 8-room house Is modern, and at thfl price of fered Is a snap. ' If vou have an 'acre or two accessible to a rail road we can trade you this prop erty at the sale price $2500. 'This fine home Is 3 blocks from the carllne, has 4 large bedrooms, 4 clothes closets, large front and rear porches, uament basement, close to City school, tins Urge re ception . hall, porcelain bath, . kitchen with pantry and pass pan try, and many other conveniences. Lot 50x117 feet. We will take improved or unim proved land in trade , '." Tot sale or trade at $2500, ; "605 Corbet ''.