rr t t 7- Ail -L.J OREGON DAILY JQU3 r, 1-- T fv I - t pi.- ! . ... t-a sfcasn :m scarce 10 IIS 25 KITS LIVELY BIDDING ME- SUPPORTS STOCKS EM AT CRITICAL POINT RECEIPTSARELIGHT AT STOCKYARDS lil Chickerr Market in Excellent Condition, ' Few." Birds Re mainirig for Next Week Butter Firm at Quotations. : Front street wat pretty well cleaned up this niornipir in all lines and the market was completely bare on soma. Cantaloupes and ' watermelons were hard t9 find and there will likely be a - plainly relt shortage or tnera ; in tne city tomorrow. - The cantas were quot ed at $3 but even at that tha supply was limited., , ; , ', Chickens Call "Welt , "Tha demand for chickens has been ex cellent all week and values today were even firmer than yesterday. Every thing: cleaned up so that next week will open wo under favorable conditions. About 23 cent la quoted on fryers. The epr market remained practically un- eoanjrea during uie day wun a rair de mand and steady quotations. Tha but ter market is firm at the advanoe an nounced two days ago. The cheese max ket , remains unchanged. Small rrolt la Demand. . Loganberries, black caps, currants and raspberries cleaned up well today with the -morning rush-on the Street and If there are no receipts this after noon the market will be practically clean by Monday morning. Loganberries sold at 11-25, black caps at $1.50 and cur rants at $2.25. Raspberries at $1.60. :. Crawford Peaches- Arrive. '! -'A small lot of Crawford peaches were received on the street this morning:, but the quantity was not sufficient to at tract much attention. Cherries are not very plentiful and some of those in the market . today were In poor condition. ' Early Cabbage Scarce. The vegetable line is pretty well rep repented, but there Is said to be a scar city of early , cabbage and dealers are talking: some Of importing from Call -f ornia, so one of them stated this morn ing:. He said more early cabbage could be grown here to advantage. . , FRONT STREET QUOTATIONS Confidence Established After 'Brief Flurry Due to Discour aging Government Crop' Re port Issued Yesterday. Hops, Wool and Hides. . HOPS 1808. prime to choice, lie: prime, U0ii,tfc;. medium, loc; 1810 contracts, r 18c. - - r - WOOL Nomina!, 1910, Willamette valley, 16S20c: eastern Oregon, 1317c. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, . 10P25O rail, short wool, 2offf 60c; medium vonl, tiOryil each; long wool, 76o $1.25 each. TALLOW Prime, per lb. 4c; No, s.and grease, 2M2c. ., .,. . CHITTIM BARK 1909 Nominal Be: 1910, 445c. .---- - .IIIDKH Dry hides, M7lir lb. J green, 78cj bulls, green, salt 60 lb. J kipa, 8lQc; calves, green, 1815o per MOHAIR- Nominal; 1910," 30B2c Butter, Tggu and Poultry. - BUTTIIWExtra creamery, aoc; store, BUTTER FAT F. 0. b. Portland, per wiei Jvr,eam. W Bour. 26- iAJr" iaK. ic; orouers, 2123c; fryers, 2022c; geese, old, 12c; young 1818c for live; 14lEe for dressed duck, young. 16ifj)18c; old, 17o: VU"'"' ; llve " 30 ?lo; dressed, 2 tit 28cJ - pigeons. : squabs, $2.60 uozen ; dressed cmckens, lo to 2o a poma nigner than alive. ... ... , EGGS Local candled, 1 select, 28 & CHEESE New Oregon fancy full 'i.'"' u-jpievs ana naisies, it ftrafn. Tlnn mA Yr. . BARLEY Producers price 1909 rew?fr42' ro11' r5s dewing. $24. - WHEAT Nominal Track, club, V f 81blUMtem 828SC Wl"amett S v"!0"' b: cracKeo $37 ton. -!f,AYTT?r01,u,?ers JPce New timothy, , .r uioaicuo (alley, xancy, izowzil ordi nary. llXV MKtnrM AfAMH I44A4i mixed. $15.60: clover, No. 1, $15.6016 wheat $16 i7; cheat,. $17 IS alfalfa $17&18. . - . - - fXrOUK Newcrop, patents," $118; .Willamette $5.30. per , barrel; local BiiaiKiiL, ji.vaufi.Bj; uaKers. 4.i)6Q)&.l&; NSW' York. Jill V 9 It, ran innirmf Shortly after th nnonfricr that . nriran. ized support was being tendered the uai, ana me resistance -thus afforded served to stem the tide of liquidation! ly awaited, and when arbitrage houses appeared M buyers, the short Interest proceeded to bid for stocks in an ex cited manner, with the result that sub stantial recoveries were c recorded throughout ' the roster. better than expected, but money rates iiu i wuuiu eorni (on a lurmer con traction in the loan Hem is necessary. This can hardly be effected except by llauldation unless foreign gold can be pecured. The outstanding short Interact is admittedly of large proportions, but stocks have gone from strong to weak hands during the past few months, and although public holdings generally are not considered large, they are never theless of sufficient extent to result In liquidation on a good scale on the drives. A continuance of the covering move ment may be witnessed during, the early trading next week, but much depends on whether or not stocks taken to support the market are distributed on the advances Business. Brisk Yesterday.'Af ternoon With Many Sales of Cattle; PricesRemain Prac tically Unchanged. " ' . Description Open Hlgh Low Bid Am, Cop. Co. Am. Car & Fu 0. do pfd ....... Am. rnt nil Am. Loco., Am. Sugar. 0. ..119 Am. Smelt, ... I 6814 do tM . I Anaa Min. Co.,. 86 Am. : wool., o. ...... . Atchison,, c. . , ... j 95 ao pra ....... 1... B. & O., 0...... 107 00 pia .... ... arooK. Rap. t. . -fl-J.3-,8-8 sham. Ha, i.nv. i yri ma. in- iim , m.t in AIILLSf UFFS Selling erica, car lota Brana 20j ixVddUngs, $29; shorta. tfil; chop, . 119 26. - .f Trice Track No. 1 white, $27j grray. ...... bruits and Vegetables. v clas, $3.754.00 box; bananas, 6Uo lb.; $8.76: pineapples. $8.60.Op. dos.i can-. ioiuujjm, t vtf a. o , peacnes, 4uuc; plums, 76c; cherries. Royal Ann. 6 8c; Binge. 910c; watermelons, 2 2Hc. BF;RRIES Ioeanberries. $1.001.26; blackcaps, $1.60; raspberries. $1.60 per crate of 24 boxes; strawberries, $2.00 2.25. . . ...... . POTATOES Selling. :: old, 8590c; buying, eastern Multnomah and Clack amas, 60c; Willamette valley, 40c; new potatoes. $1.251.60. ; - . v VEGETABLES New turnips, $1.60; beets,- $1.60; carrots, $1.60 sack; cabbage $22.26 per cwt.; tomatoes, California, $1.60; beans, 85e per lb.: horseradish, 12'ic; green onions, 1520o per doxen; peepers, bell, 1012iic per lb.; head lettuce, ' l$20c - per dozen; hothouse, 7oc berx; i radishes, 10124o dozen bunches; icelery, ... 75 85c dozen; egg plant, ( ) lb.; cucumbers, local, $1.00 doxen; California, 76c$l. 00 box; as paragus, local 85o dozen; peas 4c . -V......U.O, ,..,inf,.,ii gar lic. 7 ft 1 0c per lb. APPLES Old. 2.OO02.BO."' Brooerles, Huts, Etc, SUGAR Cuba, $0.65! oowdered, $.2B; fruit fr . berry,;, $6.25; dry granulated, SO 25; ; conf. A. $6.05; ' extra B, $5.65; golden G. $5.56; D yellow, $5.65;.beet, $6.05; ; barrels, 15c; half barrels, 30o; boxcR. fi 5c advance on sack basis.- Above quotations are 80 days net canh nuotations.) 5- . - ; ... . IUCE Imperial Japan No. 1. A He: No. 2. 6 He; New Orleans head. 031 7c; CreoliS, 5 "a C. vf- .- . - - ; , - .' SALT Coarse Half ground, 100s, Y!M .JI.tonj 60s.. 111O0; table dairy, tU. $18.00: 100s.; $17.00;. bales, $2.26; eNjra fine barrels, 2s. 6s and 10s. $4.00 tirt.i'0; lump rock, $20.60 per ton. DEANS Small, white. 6 He; large. y.1'1' ,'?c;' r!nH- 1 WltKci bayou, $7.5: I..lraas. $5.35; reds,. $7.26. HONEY-New, ISUq per lb. Meats, Tish. and JxovIclOttS. iMuufcfcjj-u Front street hogs, fancy, 124c; ordinary 1114 2c. veals, extra llo. ordinwry. 10O10K-": dprln lambs v" " Can, Pac, c. . Cent Leather, c. do pfd ...... , C. & O. W., 0 . . . C, & k 0... O Sr n. Col. F. & I., c. . . uoi. southern, c. do 2d pfd ..V. do 1st pfd ... Corn Products, c - do pfd DeL & Hudson.. O. & R. Qr'nda, ol ao pfd ...... Erie, c , . . . . . , , do -2d pfd . . . ; do Int nfd . G. Northern, pfd mmois central Inter. Metro., c. do pfd ....... Louis. A NMh Mo., Kan. & T., c 00 pra Distillers. . .... Ore. Lands . I.. Mo. pac. . Nat Lead . N. T. Central . . . N. Y., O. A W.,. Nor. & West p.. ... do pfd. ..,... N. American ... No. Pac c. . . i. . Pac. M. St Co... Tenh. Ry. P Steel Car, c., do pfd. .,,,,. Reading, o. - do 2d pfd. , , . . do 1st pfd. .,.. Ren. T A R . f do pfd. ........ Kock Island, o. , do pfd. .... i,. St.L. & S.F. 2dp. do 2d pfd. Rt L & 8. W. e.. SL L. & S. W. p. 80. Pae . ... :. So. Ry., c ...... do pfd. Texas A. Pun T., St L. & W C . ao nri Union Pacts. ,. do pfd. V. 8. Rubber, c. - do pfd. ....... U. 8. Steel Co., c do pfd. ....?, Wabash, c do pfd. ....... W. f. Tel. .... Wis. Cent. o. . . . Westinghouse . . Beet Sugar,..,,'. utan copper,... Third Ave Ice Securities... Cons. Gas , Big. Four Ry5 Springs..,.. Vir. Chemical,, . : do pfd ( .. . . . K. C. South..... An nft ........ Gen.- Electric. Wheel. & L. E.. Allis Chalmers.. do pfd ,...,. Amn. Can.....;. .- do pfd ....... Alton, c... G. W, pfd,...,, Nevada Cons. , . . 'Mi 187 Hi" 7Z 82 Smith Wants Eggs We will pivy .as1 fotlows for first clans produce. Ship by express:; Ta ., . .t ....... . ,, ;, ...o& Fori ....,,.,.,....;...,..., ,120 I.iv Jleng 160 Live SprlKjr Ch!ckss, pound. ;20c j. ,' Afllrsai ' TBAJTlJ Xn emits: HirAT CO, " riiimnfr the Seef Vrat,B . . . ToitiAsd, orc.ca. - 4MMKllalWaMW "ET '60 40 . 74 29 !. 123 18H 141 81 84 27K 69U 112Vt 118 25 128 14294 80 112 21 64 28 i i 158 114 17 34 61 1 l i so. 41 9 , 2S 131 69' 28 141 8 68 24 g 178 60 60 40 , 119 5 69 87 98 108 122U 142 73 32 74 f I , 26 " V ," a. 126 18 60 142 82 64 87 62 59 69 113 42 'i 87 118 128 144 e f 1 ' '6 n4 64 28 11 $7 71 115 IT 35 61 1 132 60, 28 141 8 18 68 49 '69 119 68 '86 '95" . . . . . 74 187 81 104i$ Hi 72 82 ' 4 74 . .. . 89 24 123 Sales, 825,700 shares. 142 ' t t . io t 41 ". - U2 21 00 27 168 86 68 114 16 34 o '69 80? 'I 22 131 4 a 69 '28 . . 141. - 8 18 60 60 112 B .69 25 97 10T4 rs 1 75 187 82 104 23 143 T 73 82 54 48 74 13 73 156 8? 31 41 124 127 18 60 142 82 63 27 63 681; 69 113 42 f7 67 117 26 1285 94 144 93 85 29 91 81 88 41 55 .29 B9 118 22 64 ?2H 48 161 90 86 105 70 1 OUT. 60 31 41 10 22 "? 81-69 120 28 61- 141 3 is 46 18 10llc; , yearling lambs, 10c; mutton, 22c;; breakfast bacon, -20B0c; boiled ham. 27 29c; picnics. 18c; cottage roll, (- ); regular short clears, smoked 18c; backs, smoked,. 18c; pickled tongues, 40o lb. TURPENTINE In. cases, 75c; bar rele, 696 per gallon. - LARD Kettle leaf, 6s, 17c per lb.; steam rendered. 6s. 16 o per lb.; com pound 6s. 12c per lb. OYSTERS Shoal water bay. per 1- cer gallon. 2.75 per 100 lib. ack, $7 7.60: CAnnftrl tonntArn Kfw n tc KA Am eastern in shell. $1.65 per 100. ; rion nominal hock COO, luc: imuuoera, bc; nanout. vc: , striped bass,A16c; catfish 10llc; fresh chl- to., DIUeOBCK, ILffpiZQ id.; soles, 7c; shrimps; lie; perch, 7o; tomcod, ) ; lobsters. 25c; herrings, 6c; black bass, 20c lb.; ' aturgeod, 13o v . Jf'i r "nieiUp vc id,; tiiaCK cod, 7c; crabs (out of season); dressed shad, 6c; roe shad, 8c; shad roe, 20c lb. ' ft, MR Harilohol! ' no- hn. i Iv. . ' ..... v. ... . . . . . . - i vva, . V. lu.. razor clams (out of season). Valnts, Coal Oil, zte . : 91c; boiled, bbls., 88c; cases, - 93c; ner rnllnn Into nf 9RA nil... i- i-: oil cake meal (none in. market). uciiMc op aegrees, cases, 190 per gal.; iron bbls, lo par. aal. lb.1. 600 lh. lots. In tier IK I ' 1.?. 8c per lb. ' . 1 ' ROPR Manila. Kr" kIh.1 tiz- CO A L OH Pearl, astral and star 15c 28c gnllon; headlight, 20 o gaflonnx- wi 4jc union; water wnite, "11 16c per gallon; special water white. ,16c gallon. . .'oAn? JljI!;.ER," " rown and motor. lfc.iO talloni SO mcniin. unatm. sallon.' ' " ' ""'""''S0 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Saturday ., -78 ... Friday '. 224 - 1 . . 491 Thurs. .... 120 101 11 . in Wed.:..,,.. . . i Tuesday .1, 633 '850 80 604 Portland Union "Stockv.r1 1 Knrth Portland. Or., July 9. Receipts were light today, being, confined to 78 head of cattle and 20 horses. Sales, too, were ngni tnis morning, out yesteraay after noon business was brisk at tha vsrda. v aiues snowea no sensational cnanges. Today's ' Shippers, , A. ' Chalmers of Hlllsboro, Or., cattle, one car. W. A. Stevenson, The Dalles, Or., cat- no, uno car. . s Chew Slrk of ; Shaniko, .Or., horses, one car. George Kohlhager of Roseburg. Or., cattle, one car. ., A. C. Divls of Halsey, Or., cattle, one car. - .-: .. ......v...-. . . . Bales Made Today, Following sales were 1 reported this morning "at the yards and give the of ficial figures . on actual transactions, condition and values: v Av. Iba, Price. 81 cows ............... 940 $3.26 82 cows ,. 738 8.00 6 cows ., 1068 3 90 13 cows 1008 3.90 6 steers 1085 ' 6.25 1 steer 1040 4.00 1 bull 1640 8.75 1 bull ;.,... 1260 ! 8.25 1 Stag ................. 1040 8.60 1 bull ..V1480 " 8.T6 IK -cows 1086 4.25 2 bulls 1425 -8.25 1 bull 1620 3.60 1 steer w............ 1220 - 4.76 10 cows 948 8.00 3 steers 1163 4.00 ;1 calf ........ 200 4.00 2 cows ,...,,......., 930 4.00 6 cows ................ 938 8.60 C cows 929 8.50 22 Steers 1363 6.60 24 steers ....... ... 1187 6.40 General range of livestock values as shown by actual sales: CATTLE Best Oregon steers, $5.60; ordinary steers, $5.00405.25; best Cali fornia, $5.50; common steers, ' $4.00; cows, best, 4.25?4.60; fency.' $4.00; poor, $3.00; heifers, $4.60 4. f6; bulls, $3.00uV75, , ... .. . HOGS Best east of the mountains, 810.00: fancy, $9.7509.90; stockers and feeders, $9.00. SHEEP Sheared best yearling weth ers, $4.40; old wethers.- $3.004.00? spring lambs, $5.85; ewes, $3.60 i.00. CALVES Best $6.50; ordinary, $5.50 C$5.75; poor, $4.0005.00. - . NORTrt BAM ROAD . ' ' KNOWS HOW TO' TRANSPORT STOCK The Spokane, Portland & Seat- 4) 4 tie Railroad company demon- 4 strated this morrflng how live- 4 4 stock can be handled with dls- 4 4 patch and safety. A tralnload 4 4 ot 15 cars of cattle was delivered 4 ' at the stockyards on the Penin- 4 4 suia after having been out but 27 ' 4 4 hours from arangeville, Idaho. 4 4 The distance Is about 600 miles. ; 4 4 The cattle arrived In excellent 4 ; condition, and the railroad com- 4 4 pany is tftday receiving the com- 4 , pllments of the stockmen at the 4 ; yards. V;V':';"r"?TT r'.' 44 - yORTtTUTST BANK STATEMENT PORTLAND BANKS. Clearings today ....... ...$1,877,943.10 A year ago ............... l,H7,286.41 MIMES, SilOV; EFFECT 0FCR0PREPORT Quotations Advance at Open ing and Fluctuate Little Be- , fore Closing HourCondi tion Reflected Elsewhere. . . Chicago, July 9. There was a sharp advance In wheat this morning on the strength of the government crop report, which came . out yesterday afternoon after the close of the market m July wheat opened at 106 and -rose half a cent higher during the day, but dropped back to the opening figure. . December closed at 105." . ' . ' Range of Chicago price furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Company; WHEAT. . . ; Open. High. Low. Close. July 106 r 106 105'; 106 - Sept 103" 105 103 104 Dec. .104 108 104 105, ' CORN. July 68, 67 , BS . 68B 8ep. ...... 61 61 60' ' 60 Dec 69 60 68 59 A OATS. July 41 - 41 41 ' 41 Kep. . 39 40 , - 89 ' 89 Deo. ...... 40 41 40 40 PORK- July .... .... 2430B eep. ...... 2135 2200 , 2185 2197B y. LARD. July ...... 1200 1200 1187 1187B Hep 1200 1206 1192 1197H Oct ...... , ......... 118213 RIBS July ...... 1242 1245 1242 1245B Sep. 1197 .1197 1190 . 1195 Oct ...... .... ' .... .... . 1135 San Francisco Markets. trallan, $1.65 1.60; Sonora. $1.60 1.65; good California club. $1.421.4S; northern wheat, bluestem, $1.65P1.67 cllib' . ii ?,: Turkey, $1.47 ; . - Russian red. $1.42. Barley F 'eed, good to choice, 98 c $1.05(8)1.07.; $1.01. fancy, fl.02; poor to lair. nr... i . & . . . . . vuv, uiu u re will if. ChAvallar ' Tinmlnol Eggs California fresh. Including cases: Extras, 28c; firsts, 25c; sec ands, 23c; thirds, 20c. , Butter California fresh, extras, 29c; firsts,. 28c: seconds. 270.; fancy, 14 c; firsts, 13c; seconds, 12 c; California Young America, fancy,. 16c; Potatoes New river whites, choice, SentaL $1.661.21 - onions New red, per sack, $2.00 i.zo; yeiiow, per cental, a.uuaf 2.2S; sil ver skins, $2.00 2.26, granges cnoice, ii.Boras.eo; extra RhntCA. 12.SO(7i).l &! VnlAnMaa HAa 8.60. , Increase today ,,,.,.,,,$ 260,657.79 Balance today . t ins9e A year ago 13s497!97 Clearings week, 1910, ...... $9,076,206.84 Week,, 1909, . . ... , . . . 6,617.149.72 v Increase week 1910 Ralant-ft wopt 1010 . Balance week, 1909,' . SEATTLE Clearings today i. . . . , Balances today ....... SPOKANE Clearings today ..... Balances toaay ' . , . . , ......$2,469,067.12 ......$ 899,078.09 ...... 727,980.33 BANKS. ..$1,822,195.00 261,915.00 BANKS. ,..,...$ . f72,20!1.00 60,290.00 TACOMA BANKS. Clearings today ........... $1,024,122.00 Balances today 72,457.00 Journal Want Ads bring results.' Seattle Market Report. Rpnttlp .Tnlv a TtnttAv r aii.a) . Washington.creamery, firsts, Sic; ranch. m f vuiii&i j , VJ-s t 4t Ova, Oregon, 21c; California, 81c. . ' jggs tper aoaen iocai ranch, J3e. rh,a. fnAF nnitn. TIllAmnAlr' mlM 1?l.ff?ll&A W .Ann, n -tttrth. 1ffhiat a. America.' 18c. Onions Australian, 4c; Texas Ber- Tn 11 H O 11 9R nor Arola" TXTn 1 1 n Ttr-ll $1.50 per crate; California, 2,2c, Potatoes Fancy graded, $18 20 per ton; fancy, eastern Washington, $1820 per ton; new California whites, lc. Now York Cotton Market. . Open High Low Close Jan. , ,1265 1265 1259 1263 feb. . .... .... 1264-66 March., .... 1269 1270 1265 1267-68 April... .... . 1270-73 July. . ..... 1547 ,1650 1542 1547 Aug. ....... 1488 1490 1477 1479-80 Sept . ..... 1346 1347 1337 1340-41 Oct. . 1284 1285 1278 1280r81 Nov. , 1271 1271 1271 126687 Dec. . 1266 1267 1261 1263-64 " " Details of Crop Report. Washington, July 9. A crop report Issued today by the department of agri culture shows that the average condi tion of corn on July 1 was 85.4 per cent of a normal crop as compared with 89.3 per cent In 1909 and 82.8 per cent in 1908. The average, condition of' wheat July Lw.as.S1-5 Per cent as compared With 80 last month. The harvest of 1909 was 82.4 percent and in 1908 was 80 6. The amount of .wheat remaining on the farms July 1 was 88.739,000 bushels compared, with 15,002.000 bushels In CHAUTAUCUA TO CTErj ' 0"J TUESDAY, JULY 12 (SppcUl Dispatrli to Tbe Jourutl.) Orec-fin C1tv. Tntw fl n n Tn. day morning 'the Willamette Valley Chautauqua association will open its doors and- for two week3 education and recreation will be delightfully blended lo all who attend. On -Monday the passenger cars will commence to run to the park for the b( nefit of thoso camping there. Freight cars are running at present, for the camping outfits, etc. During the past week many inquiries have been received for camping. Bites, and privileges, and if the good weather continues the out look for enormous crowds is good. On Tuesday The Journal band of Port land, will furnish' two concerts,, one in the afternoon and one in; the evening. Livestock at South Omaha. South Omaha, Neb., July I. Cattle receipts, 200. Unchanged. Steers, $7.50 to $8. Cows and heifers, $6 6.16. Hogs Receipts, 4000. 6c higher, Bulk $8.608.90. Sheep Receipts, 600. Steady., Year lings, $5 to $6.60. Wethers. $4.15(84.40. Lambs, $7.25 7.76. : Ewes, i $3.75!$ 4.25. Denosits of coal and oil on tha itiani of Trinidad, long known to exist but never exploited, are to be developed. At the Vancouver Churches. - (Special DlDtch to The Joom.l.) , Vancouver, Wash,, July K9, Services will be held in the -various houses of worship in Vancouver tomorrow as fol lows; f i . St Luke's Episcopal, corner East Eighth and ,C streets. Rev. Otis E. Gray, rector.: Celebration of the holy communion at 8 a. m.; Sunday school 9:45; morning prayer and sermon 11 o'clock: evening prayer and sermon 8 o'clock. , ' First Presbyterian comer Tenth and Park streets. Rev. H. . S. Templeton, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; morning service at 11 o'clock, subject of sermon, ,-Days Off The Christian's Vacation," anthem, by the choir, (wel come' to .new members;. Christian - En deavor at 7:30 p. m.; evening . praise and preaching service at 8 o'clock, sub ject iof -evening sermon, 'The Shelving Edge of a Precipice." Christian Science Society; 711 Wash ington street Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning service, 11 o'clock, subject-of the lesson sermon, "Sacrament; Wed nesday evening testimonial , meeting- at 8 o'clock; reading room at same ad dress, open ; to the publlo 1 from 2 to 4 p. m. dally, except Sundays. First Baptist Church- Eleventh and Harney streets. Rev. C. R. O. Poole, pastor, Bible school at 10 a, m.; morn ing service 11 o'clock; Junior society 3 p. m.; B. y. p. u. service. 7 m.i evening servloe, 8 o'clook. A cordial welcome Is extended to all to attend these services. : St Paul's English Lutheran Church. Thirteenth and Franklin streets. Rev. W.'I, Eck, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. , m.; morning worship at 11 o'clock, subject of sermon, "Th En richment Of Life." Luther League de votional meeting at iT p. m.; : evening worship at 8 o'clock, subject of ser mon, "The Voice , of God." First Methodist Episcopal. Corner Ninth and Columbia streets. Reverend William Park," pastor- Sunday school, :46 a, m.j morning service, 11 o'clock, sermon by tha pastor; Epworth league meeting, 7 p. m.; evening service,,. 8 o'clock. tEvangellstlo hour. Christian church. Comer Thirteenth and Grant streets. Reverend D. C. Kel- lems, pastor. Sunday school, 10:30 a. m.; communion and sermon. ll:15. ser mon subject, "The Three Great Ages of me world,"-Christian Endeavor. :46 p. m.; evening service, $ o'clock. First aiscourse on the Book of Revelation, Scripture text. Rev. 1:1-8. Special music. First Congregational church. Four teenth and Main streets. ' Reverend A. W. Bond, pastor. Sunday schooL10 a. J m.; morning service, 11 o clock; even ing service, 8 o'clock. . .. At the JQregon City Churches. . uregon .city; July Servioes will be held in the jQregoa City and Gladstone churches .tomorrow, as follows: ' f Gladatona f-hrl.tlnn rhurrh Ravi k '. H. Mulkey, pastor; services Sunday, July io. eiDie scnooi at 10 o clock; C. W. Hendricks, superintendent. Preaching by the pastor. Evening theme, "The Duty and Pleasure or Seeking God." Evangelical Lutheran, corner Eighth and Jefferson streets, W. R. Kraxber t'er. pastor. Sunday school at 9:80 a. m. Regular Sunday services 10:30 a. m. No evening services. ... .;. . St. John's Cathol 16 church. Rev. A. Hillerbrant, pastor. Low mass and ser mon at 8 a, m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 a. m. Evening services at 7:30. St Paul's .Episcopal church, Ninth and Walker streets, Rev. T. F. Bowen. rector. Seventh Sunday after Trlnfty. Holy communion, 8 o'clock. Morning prayer and sermon, 11. Sunday school 12, W. A. Shewman,t Jr., superintendent No evening services until further notice. Services of First Presbyterian church, Rev.- J.- R. Landsborough, pastor. Sun day school, 10 a. m., Mrs. W. C. Green, superintendent v Morning' service, 11 o'clock. Rev. W. S. Holt, D. D., of Port land, officiating. Christian Endeavor at 7 p.' m., subject "The Model Christian Endeavor Society," leader t Ambrbse Brownell. Evening service at 7:46, preaching by Rev. W. S. Holt D, D. Methodist Episcopal church, R. C. Blackwell, ' pastor. A Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning service at 10:45, sermon by the pastor, Class meeting at 12 m. Junior league at 8 p. m. Sunday school at Willamette Falls at x1R Vn. worth league at 6:46. Evening service at :o, sermon oy tne pastor. . First JBaptlst church, corner Main and Ninth streets, a A. Havworth. Preaching at 10:30 a m., and 7:45 p, m. In the morning service the Loyal Or atfgemen of Portland and Oregon City will attend In a body.? The pastor will preach on the Subject, "The Price of i-iDerty." evening sermon, subject "The Extended Hand," Sunday school at noon. " Christian Endeavor at S-iK Ti,- lor, 6:45. All are Invited. SIOAY SCHOOLS lj AN'iUAL CQriVErJTIOrj (Sjieclal TlsMtrh to Th Jiiurnel.t Oregon City, July 9. At the. district Sunday school convention held at Jen nings Lodge yesterday the morning ses sion was opened by a devotional service, led. by Rev. Mulkey of Gladstone, fol lowed by roll call and report of schools, appointment of committees and a round table conducted by Rev. Charles Phipps of Portland, '' After partaking of a bas ket dinner the work was, resumed at 2 o'clock. . Tha afternoon session was opened with' a song service, after which addresses were given on the various phases of Sunday school work by Mrs. Polnton, Mrs. S. A. Hayworth, Rev, Proctor and Mrs. J. W .Wllkins. A duet was rendered by. Mrs, Hoyt and "Mrs. Davis. 'v At the evening session Rev. Charles Phipps gave a splendid report of the world's oonventlon at Washington. : The county Sunday school convention will be held in Oregon City next Oc tober, at which time , Rev. Phipps will again give the above report 4 , .Orchards Church Notice. ; (Special Pl.patcb to The' Journal.) . Orchards. Wash., July 9. Reverend William Porter of Yacolt will preach tomorrow at n ' nvtnnir - - ' . 8 ia the evening. The Epworth league will meet at 7 p. m. The officers for the Epworth lemma sr. ... as follows: . Miss Anna Bued, president; Robert Kav. first vica.niarin.- .f r. H. Sparks, third vice-president; Mmn! B. lounn vice-president; Mrs. Car rie -Attrldge, secretary; Eritest Campbell, treasurer; Miss Elsie Price, organist Reverend L, H, Hucklns will preach at Orchards on July 17 In the morning, and at Proebstel ln the afternoon at. 3 o'clock. The En worth 1m ma 'will - Th.va charge of the evening service. . v On Sunday July 10, the pastor, Rev. erend E, J. Bates, will preach at Maple Grove ln the morning 11 at Yacolt lw the evening at 8. Express Company to Quit. mm (Spwlal Dlapateh to The Journal. Vaneouvar Waah Tnlw a oh-. i. - -, "t 1 J W,T,1K IU a disagreement with the Portland Ball- way wzni ana .rower company, the Mei chants' Kimm, nnmnanv tr- oouyer will go- out of business. The Offlp.a will ilnaA InnUht : ti..,' land Railway Light and Power company nHuio riio ireigni to tne uregon side of the Columbia river, and Scott brothara of Vinrniiv., m .v..-. charge and make the deliveries. AUIOS FcinEO 0.1 III 8pelal Dlsnatob to Thp Journal.) . Vancouver, Wash.. July 9. Through the courtesy , of Colonel G. K. McGun naglev commanding officer of the "gar rison,' automobiles will be permitted to enter the reservation tomorrow after noon at the foot of Main street and park their machines on the river front, from which a good view of the motor boat rtces may be had. The courtesy will be appreciated by autoists of Vancouver and Portland. - 13-YEAR-OLD GIRL ' . HAS RESPONSIBILITIES - (Special Plupatcli to The Journal t "Oregon City, July 9. Clackamas county has- poslbly the youngest book keeper. In the State of Oregon in the per son Of 13-year-old Annifl Dnrnthw Rro.' ani, daughter bf A, Stefani, who oper ates a sawmill in the Riverside district, near Canby, Miss Annie keeps the books for her father, among them a payroll of about J1500 a month, writes all checks ana signs inem ana acts as interpreter between her father and tha 2K man am. pldyed by, him. Deeds Filed for Record." Oregon City. Julv fl.--Th fnllrtaHn deeds were recorded yesterday at the recorder's office; Charles Labour and wlf to mvira M Miller. 1Q acres in the Ezekiel Burbage u. u. c; 42000. C. F. Bentlev ahd wife o w. m w H and 6. H. Harmon, 8 acres In the Al- irea xuarquam V. L. C J - ' , The Sanriv T.anil Da vies, lots 6, 7, 8, block 1; $650. The Sandy Land company to Leora H, Davis, lot 8. block 11; $76. , .yy -r, -s;- William Albert Cenrdnrf an wrfea Charles Geppert land In sections 25, 26. 85 and 86, township 1 south, range a east; $10. . v The Sandy Land company to Clara E. Hollister, lot 4, block 11 ; $50. William Albert Deardorff and wife-to Charles Oeppert 6 acres In section 86, township l south, range 8 east; $10. Josephine' Currier to Mrs. E. Wehr. helm, 6.88 acres ln section 3, township S south, range 4 east; $1.; j Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company .; v Corbctt BuUHng, Fifthtnl Morrison Streets ; - Capital and Surplus, $900,000 , ' Invites Accounts of '. . Merchants, InHividuals and Savings - .'in rTvsj First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 . . Surplus $750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mouniains -STATEME1NT OF COINDITION OP LumbeRmens National Bank t At the Close of Business, June 30, 1910 , ' . ' RESOURCES ' . Loans and Discounts ., ,) $2,20758.94 Overdrafts y 903884 U. S. Bonds to Secure Circulation . ...".".'. '."'.'."".HV 25000000 Other Bonds and Premiums ......... ............. .. ' 2M1U S1 Real Estate . . ;..............!.....'...'.", ' 800!00 Furniture and Fixtures,.,.,.,.,.,........,. ';.''. ''"," ""'"'"r 27000 00 Sutro?Ty- ? Treasury :......$ 12,500.0b"" "-' tash and Due from Banks ;..977,463.20 - . , 989,963.20 Capital ' LIABILITIES " J $W'6S'51 ' Sufplus and Undivided ' Profits V. '. '.'. ' ? .'n??'?? " Reserve for Taxes Snmnn" Circulation Zll III I I ' 2S0 m Dividends. unpaid ::::::::::;":;:;:; 25S uep , 8 ; ......2,881.957.40 '' deposits ' ' $3'687'60ss1 June so, 1909 isSttSSt v : , . Increase k.......?l,024,2 17,33 ' : -.-- r?..-:-Xi.:' . - . , , j : , .,; . 'V'. - t 8 ' ' ' :v ' ' . ' ':;-:::."', - Oldest Bank on the Pacific Coast Capitai ruIIy paid . . $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits $600,000.00 OFFICERS: W. M. Ladd, President.' -' Edward Cookingham,ViceiPres. W. H. Dunckley, Cashier. R. S, Howard Jr., Asst. Cashier, J. W. L.dd, Assistant Cashier. Walter M. Cook. Asst Cashier. Interest paid ,on time deposits and savings accounts, , - Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and individ , uals .solicited. Travelers checks .for sale .and drafts issued available in all countries of Europe. " ' For ' . STRENGTH, ; WEARING PROPERTIES ' And all other require . ments that go to make 'up an ideal pavement Overbeck & Cooke Co. . . -. - ' . Commission Merchants Stocks, Bonds Cotton, Grain, Etc. 216-31? Board of Trade Building "tfsrntirMrChtes gar oara ofTrmat -Correspondents of Logan & Bryas. , Cblcago, New Tors. Sostoa. We have the only private wire' connecting Portland with the astara exchangea