TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS rnnsralow ..Henrietta Crosman Orcheura Vaudeville Grand ..................... "Vaudeville . Puntages Vaudeville I.yrlo . . . ,..... "Affinity Beach" fctar. ................. Moving Pictures The Oaks... ........... Liberates Band . The Journal at Resorts. , ,4 e The following agents win sup- . ply-Journal subscribers at regu 4 y lar city rates: .""'.- . 4 - Seaside. Or.: ' Horace A. Wtl- 4 ton,' agent; headquarters at 4) Lewis & Co.'s drug store. 1 Long Beach, Wash.: .Kerlee & Co., agents; Aberdeen stores. : Newport, Or.: William . Bur-, ton, agent -, . '' 4 Gearhart Park, James Cellars, agent. - 4 - Columbia Beach: E. O. - Lin- e don, agent. ' Ilwaco, Watfh., and all points on North Beach: Louis Cohen 4' news agent, . Ilwaco railroad agent ' 1 Breakers, Wash.: Breakers-' e hotel. Collins, Wash.: C. T. Belcher, e) agent. Carson, Wash.: ; Frank McGtn- Mils, agent. ' :. ' fieavlew, Wash.: Kerlee A Co.. .eV agents. Aberdeen store.1 : . w ; Shlperd's . Sprihgst Mlnorar e 'Springs Hotel Co., agent ' 4 Hot Lake, Or.) Hot Lake Sanl- 4 ' tarlum, agent 4 . Wilholt Or. : FY W. McLeran, 4 4 agent 4 4 Wenaha Springs, Wenaha Hot 4 4 Springs hotel. 4 444 4 444444444444 Organiae Hew Church Petitioned so to do by cltliens of the village, the presbytery of Oregon last night organ ized a Presbyterian church afSutherlln, Or., which Is about three miles south of Oakland, dr. Exercises were held In the rooms of the) Sutherlln Commer cial club. The sermon was preached by. Rev. W. 8. Holt, IX B., field secro tary of home missions for the church, 'and the organization was perfected un der the leadership of Rev. W. F. Shields, of Medford, Or., moderator -of the pres bytery. Three ruling elders were ap pointed. More than 11500 was pledged toward the erection of a church edifice. Xyangellstlo Meeting will F. Mar , tin, the evangelist who conducted the , meetings last summer In the Cotton tabernacle on East Tenth and Morrison has pitched his tent on East Thirty eighth and Morrison In Bnnnyslde. His first meeting will be held this even lng at 8:18. Mr. Martin will toe assist ed this year by C. F. Falkenberg, a .-capable young minister. Extensive ar rangements are made for'muslo. A good Chotr wlll be under the direction of Pro fessor O. E. Johnson. The subject for tonight is, "Will the Nations Ever Dls arm e-r-Wll! .There Be a Time of Uni versal Peace Before the Coming of . Christ---::-:: A.: -,c.v Merchants and Shippers, Attention! On and after Monday, July II, 1910, the freight business of the Merchants' Ex press CO. and the ' Portland Suburban Express .Co. will be handled by the Port land Railway, Light' & Power Cot Freight will be received and delivered from' freight 'house, East 'Water ' and East' Clay streets. For further lnfOi ' mation, Inquire of agent local freight Office, East Water and East Clay eta. Both phones: East 88, Home B-2233. Dismisses Butt Circuit Judge Butler . yesterday dismissed the suit of Ernst A. Lang against : E. W. Oarver. -The plaintiff claimed a balance of 88500 due on the sale of a shoe store on Killings worth avenue to Oarver and wanted Gar ver restrained from pressing an action . for the return of 11600 already paid and 1500 damages. - 1 ' Gives notice of Ueatlu Captain, of t detectives John Moore received a tele gram today from a firm of San Francis co1 undertakers asking him to notify Mrs. Lillian Reynolds and Louis Preoseo, a . sign painter, sister . and brother re spectively of Mrs. Annie Whitney, that - the Irtter is dead. ; Officers have been ' unable to find the relatives named. ... Vow .Oregon, patents. The following new patents have been granted to Ore gonlan Inventors as reported by Paclfio Coast Patent Agency, Inc., Webster, & Webster, managers, Stockton, Cal.s C. P. Church, Portland, traction motor; L. J. Osborn, Portland, water motor; E. D. ZInnlgef," Portland, door look, - ' " lawyer Dies. John P. Anderson, saw yer at the West Side Lumber A Shingle - company's mill, who fell 10 feet from a scaffold yesterday and fractured his skull; died at 8 o'clock last night at St Vincent's hospital. He lived with his mother at 470 Park street and was 27 years old. t , ' ' ' - -' ' "'" Act of Mean ltaa. An unknown en emy entered the barn of H. Goldstein at Third and Meads streets last night and slashed a double) sefr-of harness In to small pieces. Goldstein told the po lice that he suspected a peddler with whom he quarreled during the day. . , Df. Toakum's Meetings A continu ance of the Dr.. Toakum meetings healing of the Lord for spirit sourand body ever Sunday, 2 p. m., and every Monday, 1 p. m., at Drew hall, 162 Sec ond street corner of Morrison.' All wel- Blg Olearanoe Bale of Men's Fine Tailored Suits. 830 to 835 values 817.50; 825 to 830 values, 813. 85; 818 to 327.60 values 811.85. How do I do Hf That's easy. -No high rents or elaborate fix tures (office rent 130 a month). Jim mle Dunn,; 35 Oregonlan bldg. Caught Lifting Lid. Bud Duots, sa loonkeeper at 35 North Second street was caught selling liquor seven minutes of tor .tho closing 'hour this morning and arrested. He- failed .to appear in municipal court this morning and his bond. was forfeited. ' . .. .v , rine Teaste Thomas Crowley, a striking teamster, 'Insisted In municipal court this morning that he was entitled to strike "any man who took his job" and was fined 110. Crowley In an alter cation with D. B. Stlva, a strikebreaker, Slapped the tatter's face. v Took Salt of Clothes A sailor entered the store of M. S waits at 3 Q 7' Front street this morning and opened negotia tions for a suit of clothes. When he ' found one which met his. fanoy he ex . pressed a desire tc- try It on and Swalta NEAHKAH-N MOUNTAIN "HIGH CLASS BEACH PROPERTY - " "lively lea-cuta wiuctt tends xj make a summer retort attract- We focuid at tfeah-kaU- MontB. J.tVFerffEf SOAf fffP OWNFH 209IOir,BOARD. Or TRADE BLOB. cor-nt-l. 1 . t - t .. f,,r a moment and when he r.,M;i turned Ms attention to tho sailor he saw him dart out of the place and vanish down the 6'trert. leaving his Bailor's eult behind. Swalts appealed to tho police to recover the suit. Pick TO rUeiL Albert W. Pick's will was filod In the county court today by Wilheimlna pick, the widow, and William P. pick, one of the sons. Mr. Pick died om February 10 and left an estate valued at 85750. The will gives the family residence (to the widow for her life and all the property at her death to eight children, share and share alike, except 3100 devised to each of three grandchildren, Vivian - Elizabeth Paine, Gustave Relnhold and Otto Pick. Cave-in Injures Workman An em bankment 'near the Portland Flouring mills in lower Albina caved In- this morning .burying Felix Oliver, -a la borer. One shoulder was dislocated and he had sustained Internal Injuries when fellow workmen rescued him. He wss taken to St Vincent's hospital In Hoi man's ambulance. . ,-. Sentence Suspended. Dr. ' M; L, Fen ton, a dentist, tried to drive onto the draw of the Burnside bridge yesterday Just before it was about to be turned and was arrested. la municipal court this morning sentence was suspended on condition that he observe the vehicle and bridge ordinance In the future. :u '; i-,fy S300 Watoh Stolen. A watch valued at 8200 was stolen yesterday from the residence of D. 'J. Metxler, 718 Thufman street The' police are searching for a man who was observed loitering in. the vicinity. . , Bate War Steamer Klamath sails direct Saturday evening for San Fran cisco and Los Angeles.. Cabin' 810 and 818, steerage 35 and lt, 'berth, and meals Included. Frank Bollam, agent 128 Third street . Kan rails In Hole. An employe of the Portland Railway, Light ft Power company left a manhole open at the ffr 'THE J. K. GILL CO., THIRD AND ALDER STS. W r i Vdcafcion 0avs. Arid the Good Old Summer Time Make your vacation the more pleasant by being prjoperly sup plied with the kittle things" that . go to make an outing really en joyable, such as a Fountain Pen, a Tablet, a good Book, a Lunch Set, etc., etc ' You'll be glad you spent a few minutes at Gill's after you've started on your glorious outing. Booksellers zt jj 1 $ Crtnpefe and vCfHl 0fffcc Stationers i l l Outfitters FRIDAY AND SATURDAY LAST-TWO PAYS OF THE Oonniiffl(D)iflitt Saille of You will find the most wonderful bargains all through the store. Don't miss this opportunity '. iCome earlyv M. Hv BECKER 375 WASHINGTON ST. i 'i f uj VSZZt? 'fi ,H s I ..! i II V 3 yMawv"" i. Ml , roHT cf F:ih ftni : ' ' l elfe'i?, pc to a report to the roI-r this morning, end a blind man named Simp son stumbled into it Simpson rread hts arms es he fell end succeeded In breaking the fall Ha was elightly bruised. Chief of Police Cox ordered Sergeant Riley to obtain a warrant for tho arrest of the employe responsible Manufacturing Company Incorporated Clarenoa C. Page, Robert TucKer ana C. J. Wellman have Incorporated tho Pacific Manufacturing company, with a capital stock of 315.000. The com pany will manufacture wrapping ma chines and appliances. Motor boat and yacht races.. Vancou ver. Additional cars will be operated on the Vancouver line on Sunday, July 10, 1810. leaving Second and Washing ton streets on regular schedule time. We Sponge and Tress Ton Clotti, all for 81.50 month. Main 514. A-4814 Wagons run everywhere. Unique Tailor ing Co, 80S Stark. . Steamer Jessie starktns, for Camas, Washcuga! and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday, Leaves Washington street dock at S p. m. Old Jewelry ' "Wanted. We buy ' old gold and silver, tfnele Myers Collateral Bank. 11 Sixth street between Oak and Pins.' . . James, Oarteit fe Co the house mov ers: removed to 180 East Water street Phone East 4437.'. '. - : XeVs Go BwlmmlngElegant steam shower'and pltpge. 187 4th. Dally 25c W. A. Wise and associate. pstnlesa dentists; Third and Washington. Slootxte Vacuum Cleaners rent by day. Any on can use. Main 1283. ; : v Sr. Arthur H. Johasoa has returned. Medical building. ' St. 33. O. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquara. Campers outfitted. Wooster, 403 Wash, GREAT the I The Old, Old Story SW tl .. t ' w jruu vara oduia; the Tonr kind of hardware Is never .. toia nere. vot we don't Keep that kind. The kind of hardware m do handle can be depended upon to prove as satisfac tory after buying as before, for your satisfaction is our -success just as our quality Is your economy. Come and In- ttgette-f or yourself. ' . ) Avery & Co. ;-43 3rd Street -The careful buyer will find here some of the greatest bargains ever offered at this. store. In order to make room for fall stock we have cut prices on all seasonable goods to the limit in every department. Following are a few examples of the ex ceptional offerings you will find here Saturday and Monday: . t . Ladies' Wash Suits at $3.65 Saturday morning we will place ; on sale a full line of Ladies' $6.00 and $7.50 Wash Suits at $3.65 ' These are stylish, snappy, well-tailored suits in three-quarter jacket and the pop ular plaited skirt. They are made in good quality Indian Head, in light blue, pink and white. Just the thing for your summer vacation v . 1 Muslin Skirts $1.19 Painty Muslin JSkirts the coolest pret tiest skirt ' for ; summer wear, These skirts are made from an- extra good quality of sheer muslin, daintily trim'd in lace and embroidery. They are a real bargain ; at this price. Regular $1.50 and $1.75 values. Saturday and Monday $1.19 Until Ml Are Sold Unusual Reductions in the Men's Department Beginning tomorrow and continuing until there is room to place our fall goods, we are mak ing an extraordinary offer in Men's Suits., Cassimeres and worsteds, the regular 1910 patterns and the usual careful, well-fitting models. These suits are great values, look splendid and will save you much by" their unusually low price. - , - , $18 and $20 Quality Makes ; ttow Onlf$mb " $13.50 to $16.50 Values are Offered at $11.00 You will have to hurry to take advantage of thb great offer. ' Shoe Bargaini Bathing Suit Days Some splendid exceptional values In Men's Select a Suit From Thia Splendid Offering Patent Colt Oxfords, 1910 styles, excellent fit- Ladies', men's and children's. An unusually ting, the quality kind that wear well; $3.50 val- complete line in the newest styles, all sizes, ues, have been reduced for Saturday and Mon- fast colors. These suits have a distinctive ap- day to .....$2.68 pearance. Look and wear well. Quality val- ,'J, . .: 1 .,"7' 1 ' , 11 : ""; 111 : " ".' : . 1 "s from 50c to $4.50. ( . Extraordinary RedutUons in Wash Goods .1 .j' . '.T '-"'""" "-r.'-""?." You can make big savings by taking advan- (jTQi ValllCS ill VJssh Sfrf tage of the unusual values offered this week in III tcfdll tJAirp all Wash Materials. Large selections, splen- ' $1-50 Pleated Skirt for Only $1.09 did quality goods. Prices are cut away down, Attractively tailored, made of excellent, qual- Buy Wash Materials this week during the big ity Indian Head." They 'fit beautifully and sale. ' . make a dandy appearance. Colors are blue .'''" 1' ' and white polka dot, black and white polka Corset Cover Embroidery dot' " p"in whil' 25c and 35c Values Only 10 Per Yard ttr fnmmpf fntprt OQr Individual attractive designs, splendid values. Jlt Vu'?c' wu,rcf An opportunity to renew your embroidery sup- Dainty Cambric Corset Covers, prettily made ply at a great saving. and trimmed with lace and embroidery. Reg. 35c values. Saturday and Monday...... 29 Unusual $3 Bargains, $1.95 , .. , ! , n 17 Ladies' attractive Gunmetal and Patent. Colt LdflieS liCSjS UUVJl IC Pumps. These are the new, dressy styles that Ladies' Sleeveless : Vests, " splendid quality, fit well, wear well and are greatly admired, fizes that will fit nicely. These are the regu- The regular $3.00 shoe for only ...... .$1.95 lar 25c values. Now reduced t'o.....,., 17. Basement Department Mrs. Potts' Nickel-Plated; Sad Irons, consisting of three irons, handle and stand. Regular price $1.25. Saturday-Monday. ...98 W. H. WRRKELL & COMPMY EAST M0RRIS0H STREET F; W. Baltes invito your inquiries for PRINTING 1115 Fir iit and Oak .COOLEST HOTEL IN 1 NEWYORK nrniAVE AT CENTRAL BOSK SUMMER. GARDEN AND TERRACE V nm STIHRY MAMAOINO BIBICTCJ Jparaal Wants Are Winners PLAZA HOTEL M it ' -n j i r s. r I M'-m iry comDea On sale Saturday and Monday at, .. . . Adjustable strongly made Window Screens, Saturday and Monday flit s ftas 20 Dr. Wythe's Dentists 148 5th St. Opposite SlelM si rraak'i rifth street eatranoe, Znoorportxted trades the Lsws of the States of Orsyoa sal wasnlafftoa. BXaWSST CXkAM OX WOXX Fillings m Gold, Silver, Platinum VL, and Porcelain ...... .50c to $1.00 ?5M Croyn and Bridge Work,. $3, $4, $5 . ltSKI" X AH VULXXXa A BPBCIALTT '07 TOMCEtULVX BBTDOB WOBK. This Is, wlthoat doubt, tbs most beaatifnl snd last work knowa to dental solenee. sjpsoes wbere one or more teetb bare been lost, X replaoe to look, so Bstorsl that doteotlon Is Impossible. Ask to see samples of tols bean- urai wore All Work Done by Ontdnate Dentists Wythe s system OFFICES TMH T. W. a A, COTTAQB For young women, st Oearhsrt Beach; Rates per day. 11.26; per week, I5.S0. For Information snd. registration apply TotUtf Women's ChrlstlsA Association, Cor. Seventh and Taylor, Portland, Or. CCHVAB PRINTING CO lOSOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE 3 A-"7 STARK STREET r T ' ' rr - t-t ri - Ladies' 25c Hose Mc , Splendid quality Black and Tan Hose,- with high spliced heel, and toe, made of good qual- yarn ana guaranteed to iwear 14c ...... ladies' Drawers 69c Ladies' Fine Quality' Cambric" Drawers, made with three rows of tucks and trimmed with in sertion and edging, some trimmed with em broidery. This is our regular $1.00 garment and will be on sale Saturday and Mon- a ! day at OtlC Bargains Ball Mason Quart Fruit Tars special at, per dozen . . . .57 p iNot more man a aozen to a per son. No phone orders. . CORNER UNION A VENUE L ...BJBSWS. HIQHE8T OXA9S OT HULTEJUAI. $5 Who Thoroughly Understand the Br," or Painless Dentistry, Portland, Or.148 Fifth Street. . nDDirr? n Seattle. Wash., X116 leooad ATenus. Jr-rt-rIWt5C SEASIDEHQUSE . SSASX9B, OKEOOIT. fiDend your summer vacation at this popular resort. Fishing;, boating, fresh end salt water. Purohase railroad tickets to Houaday station, opposite hotel. Amer ican -plan. Free 'bus. Rates 12.60 per day and up,- Under new management. $3 STMPLfc HAT $ 1 .53 CLEANED.BLOCKCD50C Law Rent ia Buoant Rraioi, """-l.Ai )IK.S- HATS Rmr.HU PLUMESOris 31S ALDLRSTCU.S l 1 Scientific ra ':.:- I tlftry Is kn;n 1 ' . : Skill fountl '1 nn e-.. - eri-. at"! t'-''t la 'i h LO'sios x .. , Tic 13 ir siiie ' i 'tract Tl-'2Tli . 1 : . OUT PAIN for h t'.f chares mide by oi.jcr JentHts for painful extractions. TBETB A perfect fitting and natural looking set of artificial TEETH must be as sembled by an expert In scientific me chanism; this Is why THB BOSTON DENTIST8 are able to make a set of artificial TEETH that restores the nat ural facial contour and expression as well ar to masticate food with. TEETH The nroner fllHnr r tnnth nnnlm a knowledge of the .minute anatomy Of the TEETH, laws and head aa well as the adaptability of filling material io oe uea, ana antiseptic preventions of further decay after fining. This is why THB BOSTON DENTISTS are able to guarantee their fillings to stay In. . , ' i . . TEETH Gold and porcelain crowns when prop erly made restore broken down and badly decayed teeth to their former uee- xuiness ana neauty ana last a lire uiiiv. '.. inn niKn eiass aenia.1 . wnric Is not experimental but a lasting suc cess when made bv-a master of the den tal science. This is why THE BOSTON DENTISTS advise this class of work where it Is required, TEETH Gold and norcelaln crowns and bridge work made strong and well adapted replaces missing teeth and for cleanli ness and utility is the most beneficial and satisfactory work when made by ex- penencea aenusts wno use u mgtt grade gold and best material. This is why THE BOSTON DENTISTS are able to point with pride to thousands of pa trons who are wearing this crown and bridge work, with comfort and satisfac tion. . TEETH Should be eared for bv rellnhl ifan tists wbo charge for actual work dona. This is why THE BOSTON DENTISTS are able to do high class dental work for the low prices. . . une nee to au is -rue. motto or The Boston Dentists Coney fth and Morrison Sts. Entrance SflH Morrison street, op posite Meier A Frank's and Fostofflce. Open evenings until and Sundays umu for people who work. AMUSEMENTS BUNGALOV7 THEATSB ) latb k Koxrtsoa rkotaM Main 117 and Tonight, 8 US. II Special Price Tomorrow Wight IXUtbaee Tomorrow I Henrietta Crosman " Xa Comedy, "Aatt-saatrlmoay" Evening, I J.00 to B0e: Mat.. 11.50 to !So SBAT SAZ.B OPBVS TO I) AT "BUNGALOW THEATRE " t" Nights, Beginning Sunday ' Charles Prohmaa Presents - William Collier XV COKZ9T, "A XiTJCSCT STAB," . Prices-12.00. tl BO. St.Od. 75o and 80o K&xa s, A-ioao E7EBT DAT ITigbtS ASTAVCBS VAUSSTXX.X.B Mr. Edward Dawls ft Co. presenting1 "The storr of Sorcaa Gray," and eiglit 1 other fine sets. QRAISD Wsek July 4, 1910 WATOST-HtTTCH The Pour Xio Bros. BUly X. Wells. Ward and Weber. . Barry Springold , and Marie Girard. . Mabel Valenteene ZBS-EDWAXOS. The Eminent Paro Ists, la their laugh able Interlude, . "Sohmaits's Sight Off." Moore. Matinee Every Dav. 1:Z0: an seat. lSe. Evening performances at 1:3 and 9:18; Balcony, 18c; Lower Fir., 15c; Box, 60c VD I C'EP" ; Seventa sad Alder Streets.' All Week; Matinee Daily, 2:45. Armstrong Musical Comedy Co. in "APPINPTT BEACH!." Thursday algkt, Gold Watoh Given Away Prlday Kight, Chorus Girls' Contest, Two performances nightly 7:45 and 8:15 o'clock. Next week "Kalley's Comet. P AOTABCBO yAUDBVIXXa Attraction Extraordinary. MB. CKAJUJSS XJVBKOXiM $t CO. The Three lreamers, Wallno & Georg ette, Rerres Brothers, Payton & Wilson,. Special Engagement Miss Vloletta wegner.. OXTKTAnr 8:30, T:30 and 9:00. ' WtJCJ I PABK 1200 feet above ' the city; 3000 square miles panoramic 'view; best scenic rail way In world; trip up Columbia, observ . atory, wild woods, photo gallery and score of other attractions. Ideal plcnlo f rounds. No liquor. Thursday chll ren's day. ' TI4IT AAKC Portland's Grand ' 1 nOe VlVO Amusement Park. . last Pew JJays . X.IBBATX. Remarkable PEKTOtMXBfG DOGS ABTS' MOBXXTS. Don Carlos' Trained Ani mals three times dally.' ; TWO OATS OHXT JTUXiT 9-10, TXAVZT7. Eminent Russian Cornetlst and world famous concert band. Musical sensation. BASEBALL BE CREATION PAXX Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Cor. Sts. VERNON PORTLAND JTIT 4,. B, , T, 8, and 19. Games Begin Week says3:3o p, n, . ; Sundays U:3') P. M. ',; stand, SOc; Boxen, iuts extra. irnvKni, Bleachers, 10c; . Grandstand, 25v Lndlon' Dny Prlc!: ;- Boys Under 1J r"r ti 3 ' WsdneiJyf .