'.:y liver.:--: Until 9:30-r:.:t All Day Fcrtl-J Agents fcr Ferry's c::J Tr.:::a Cbvcs ;r.t3 fcr Men's Ajax GuinmiecJ I!c:2 Vc:a's Victcr Erand Guarantee J Hoes far Vcrr.en anJ CLil-rcn fit 1 1 ! VJ 1 'i At Sales :'Wt7Di4 Force at Tlie Greater MeSer fmiii J w , - .1 v. ( i l. : ; iM . M''' !.3 p. yi'A 1 1 Hi ws it AO o p lit L3 Boy' Hose, 3 Pairs for 50c , The ,'famoti8;',Indestructiblc" bran extra-strong and fast color. Fine ribbed hos,re enforced ' at ' all wearing points, j all? sizes t come in black only. Regular' price 25c the pair, special tomor i row,. 17? the pair, or threie paif tor only w MISSES'- AND CHI D REN'S FINE? RIBBED HOSE, in. summer : weights, : ' black, .and "tab ' only, extra , elasticy tops; - regular price 20c-the pair, spe-. 1 Otie rial for tomorrow l2v 50c Women's Hose OUTSIZE LISLE HOSE for women, in lightweight and gauze textures, in black and tan only. ' Regular 50c grade, special tomor- OQ row, the pair, at only OOC WOMEN'S IMPORTED, L ISLE H OS E, superior quality,. plain 'or lace style, come in black- or tan ; P 0 reg.'$I and $1.25 vals.-.OjC WOMEN'S , SILK HOSE, splendid grade, wear well and look well? $Z 'grade, special sale $1.19 Saturday Ey'ng Djniier-;75c;p You'll enjoy your dinner thle time If you take It In our seventh floor tea room and listen to the Meier & Frank orchestra render pleasing music 'while you "partake of the following delicious, well: planned MLNU ' - Oyster Cocktail. Mock Turtle 8oup au Madera pr. ; Consomme Imperial. Salted Almonds. Pill Pickle. Baked Chinook Salmon a la Cham- bord. . : Porames Noisette. - Fried Crumbed Spring Chicken, Amerlcaine. .Bell. Fritters, Sauce PUtachlo; Roast Prime Bibs of Beef or Leg, of Lamb, Currant Sauce, Cauliflower, Sauce Bechamel. New Potatoes, Baked, Mashed or ' ' : ' Steamed. Ealade Homaine, with Tomatoes. Ice Cream. Assorted Cakes. Demi Tasse. ,4 Put On Your; Old Gre Bbhiiet fThe Latest Hit in PopularT l1 "Sheets 3 V Come up to our fifth floor Music Department tomorrow and hear thy charming melody played over by our pianist It is all the rage in the east, and this is the first time it has been offered in Portland at 1 a popular price. Special sate ; tomorrow at, the copy, only 15c That Mesmerizing Mendlssohn : Tune,' By. the , Light of the Silvery Moon. There's a TMr Crv Babv in the Moon. I'd Like to Snend a Rainv Afternoon , With You, Call Me Up Some Rainy Afternoon, Garden of Roses, When You Dream of the Girl You Love, In the Garden of Love With You, Pickled Beet Rag, Sure Fire Rag, Chocolate Creams IP of the Birds Reveries-special sale, price, at' I Raz. Awakening Special at 5c the Copy On a large table in the Music De partment, Merry Widow Selec tions, Slumberland 1 Song, Little Schoblhouse in the Valley, Fans & Glances,, a novelette; Playful Kit tens, a third grade study, etc., C special sale tomorrow at, copy vt Men's Shirts. 01.50 Values at 95c Special at 10c the Copy Sweet Pickles,; rag; College Girls Waltz,' Prosperity March, Come Down To the Old Red Barn, The Palms, and many other titles spe cially priced for this great 1A sale tomorrow, copy, only lvC OPTICAL DEPARTM'NT - Bring ryour eye troubles to otir skilled dptlcian and let htm fit you correctly with good glasses at : low cost We have a completely equipped optical , department and we do. repairing: as well as the most expert work in fitting glass es and grinding our own lenses.' Prices here are the lowest pos sible and a graduate with 18 years' experience is In charge. Frames straightened without charge. Broken- lenses repaired, ' sOculist's , prescriptions filled. MANICURING SECTION You'll find it a great conven ience to drbp into our manicuring and halrdresslng section, situated on the first floor balcony in. the new building and have your nails manicured or: your hair dressed ; while you ' are resting "between . whiles" on your shopping tours ' , through the . Big Store. Compe tent manicurists, hairdressers and masseuses to attend , to your ,wants.. .'.,- . ": " ' , Switches made from combings. Large stock of hair goods, includ ing switches, curls, puffs, etc -- I f Tomorrow, in Men's Section, a great special Tsale " on "Men's Negligee and Golf Shirts, made of fine imported blue cham bray, percale, madras, silk sol- sette, etc. Coat style, with cuffs attached t or - detached. Negligee styles have collars at- tached. All the latest colors, including tan, blue, green, lav ender, pink, etc; also a great assortment of stripes and fig ured effects; plain white pleat ed shirts included. Regular $1.50 values. Special for this sale at, each 93 c Men's Gotham Pajamas at Half A aample line of the famous Gotham" garments, for men, the best make on the- market. The materiah are fine French madras, silk soisette mulls, percales, lawns, chambraya, pure ribbed silk, pongee siHc, oxfords, etc. Military collar or low cut atyles, fine pearl buttons and silk frogs. come in all aizea, full finished; 11.50 to $12 values, special at HALF Men's . F our-in-Hand Ties, washable materials in great assortment of ,. luUuU. ,ij iju, uiuc, lavenqer, gray, green, nelio, white, etc Our regular 25c and 35c values, priced special at this sale for The "BabyTeek" Ends Tomorrow '' i i . . i , Supply Needs for Summer Tomorrow is the last day of the week-long opportunity to save liberally on everything for the baby'a wardrobe. - Youll be pleased with the offerings on these goods, because the mer chandise offered here is of the .highest quality. Read the de tails below; , FAwTS' DRESSES, hand-made or domes- r i . - vu iiiuisuvn anu lawn, irirameo in daintV laces nr Fmhmiit,nr- li.J i bone. and tucks; slightly soiled; reg- 1 Q ' "?i?t f JP & values, special price INFANTS' WRAPPERS, in hand-7mhroid. a ered cashmere, open or closed-front fcO no 5Sfif'J2&J and values, at aC.UO INFANTS' SACnims iwn wmuttm , u,AV0f 8od quality cashmere and t?A INFANTS--CROCHElED' INFANTS SKIRTS, made of good quality flannel, embroid-1 jI"7 TNPANTIWtpt 0fa"er"s; our regular $3' values, at INFANTS SKIRTS, made of heavy daisy cloth, with scalloped A A WAKTV rtviJllml 'T' T,gulai; t0c Z41"9' sale Price, 'at 45JC INFANTS , CAPS--A broken line of hand-made, caps of. fine lawn, dainhly embroidered; and ribbon trimmed,, slightly soiled; our tVHO regular $2.50 to ?3.50 values, placed on sale special tomorrow 51.98 65o Box Stationery Special at 33c On sale in tlje first floor annex, Stationery Department imperial 1inn fabric .Y-aper, 50 sheet, paper and &.t6r&n(& o? blue, wh'te or grayj regular 65c valuw, special for this sale at OOC Calling Cards---100 Printedfbr 33c mi Girls' Middy Blouses $1;50 Vals. 98c The ideal waist for girls' outingJ wear, suitable for boating, tennis, golf, walking, etc. Made of y white Galatea, with blue cuffs and collar trimmed with white braid. Sizes 8 to 20 years. Blouses that 1 sell regularly at $1.50. Special tomorrow in Portland's largest supply center, in misses' and children's apparel gt at this low price, ea. yjlV GIRLS'VYASH DRESSES $3.30 VALUES 51.28 Dresses for girls of 6 to 14 years, made -of gingham, percale, cham bray and poplin. The colors are blue. tan. oink and all , ' - - ? -- vviumihb- m i liii liUi I 1 li lift tions of checks and plaids. They are made in sailor, Kussianor iumner styles. Regular $3.50 values, tomorrow in our large second V O O floor Oarment Section, you can take your choice. of these at Pl40 Women's Tailored Suits at 1.98 They are made of materials that, wash well, and, the colors are white and blue only. Made; with medium length jacket, semi-fitted, button trimmed; splendid suits for the vacation trip or afternoon ffl flO wear. Our. regular $5.00 values, placed on special sale at $1.90 Women's $6.50 Petticoats at $3.98 For tomorrow only, 1000 Calling Cards, printed on finest quality-no linen or vellum stock, in all the newest tints, at lpw rriT ..!.r J JC Announcements printed on short notice. We makjsjprtalH, 0f f, engraved Callin g Cards and Announcements. - T akeadvantage now". WOMEN'S FANCY. WHITE UNDERSKIRTS, made of embroidery lawn or nainsook, with , . v.' ; .. - . ... av-1' nuuiumciv, irimmea with tucks, insertion, beading and ribbon. Separate dust ruf- ffO ftO tics. Regular $6.50 values, specially priced for this sale at dJ.SO WOMEN'S COMBINATIOSUITS of fine cambric or nainsook, two and three-piece garments; corset cover trimmed with fine linen and Val lace, embroidery and beading. Drawers are wide circular style, with or without yoke, trimmed in lace, embroidery, beading and 'rib- tfO AO WOMENfrHwi-"' Pvrid for this "le t OOM WOMEN S NIGHTGOWNS of fine cambric or nainsook, trimmed with embroidery and laces, tucks,, beading and ribbons, higlvme- &t ta WOMEN S CORSET COVERS, made of good quality nainsook, cam bric and lawn, trimmed in very dainty embroidery and lace edemas tucks, beading-and ribbon. These are well shaped garments no ,lji.it?fe;,, Rea" $1-75 values, special' sale at WOMEN'S CORSETS, made of white batistegood range Tf r sizes. Regular $1.25 to $1.50 values. Special' while, theyjast, each OC Wash Day Needs edals Tomorrow, in the basement, special teductions on daily" needs' for house- nVwK...B. v "i)sv bic iu icpjcuisti.your Kitcnen.ana laundrvv l.5 set Potts' Sad'Irons at 89 $1.60 Cop. Rim Wash Boiler f 1.27 90c Galvanized Wjish Tub, sp'l 71 45c Glass - Wash Boards, at 36f 25c Wire Clothes Lines, at 19 Clothes Pins, special, dozen; it 25c Cotton Clothes Lines at 19 7c Spring Clothes Pins, dozen &p Sugar Cured Hams 22c lb. In our Pure Food Grocery Department, i lot of 5000 pounds of Sugar Cured Eastern Hams, average weight 10 to lj pounds each. These hams rc irom young corn-tea nogs ana are tender and sweet We place these on sale tomorrow at the gpecial price of, pound MEIER FRANK COFFEE, fragrant, pure; high grade;: a reg- o" ular 40c grade, properly roasted,-special for tomorrow," the pound LoC Wc Sell 1 Automobile ;OilThe l3est 2EROLENE AND MOBILOILS, .the. best lubricants for motor boats, automobiles, motorcycles, etc. On sale now in our housefuraishins . vhv ; wutuAi jjntcs quaiea on ons in parrel lot 5-gallOn can Vacuum A Mobiloil, ?nced for this sale special f 3.50 -a1l6nir-6racuumTrJ oil, priced for this sale at f3.50 5-gaL ' can, Vacuum C Mobiloil ?3 5-gallon .can Vacuum ' D,: Mobiloil, acedjfctJiis6aIeUcaii.J4,5a 5-gallon can Vacuum E Mobiloil, priced -ior this ale at, can ?3.50 ALSO CARRY FULL LINE TRANSMISSION WE ' 1 OBEOON SHORT LINE t , ' UNION PACIFIC , CHICAGO A NORTHWESTERN Siiopt, Quick aiid ComSoHaMe v Line to Chlcaco .and 'All' Points' East V' : ' - " ;. " ' . PzarscTiiT pbotzctzo - - v ' ; With. Aut,omatlo Block Signal th Entire Distance " - ' : OrefloiiT Washington . Limited; (No Coarv PisscEstn Carried) - - - ,' . : , 4'.: '1' --- ..& urtyuii express t :;f r . 1 , ' ' ; , Leaves Portland I p, m. dally. Throurtt service to 'Salt TjiV ntw vJ.v' , " I ' and direct nneftHrtn- frtr fntr iA.-yrr-S4&a nd ChleaiWL . , f : : ' Standard and Tourist sleeoeri. chair ca.nAinin. ." oet eastern cities, , - v ,. -a , - ; Soo-Spolcane Portland ''Train deLuxe" :-' Leaves Portland dally at 1 p. nv for St Paul." throurh Hnnl' a- ni . EQUIPPED, ELECTRIC LIGHTED, SOLID TRAIN. thrSSSi wltht ?hr.DJ. T N. Cou, Spokane International, Canadian PaelfuTand Soo Llns rimi.S! yLl - R.-. r Summer Excursion Rates To Eastern OUes, 4 CHICAGO 7i.0'; WABHINaTON D. C i " uu: ' '. OMAHA. 0.00 "ST. LOUIS ' ' tVAl ' v , NEW YORK . v 1108.60 KANSAS CItV! 11;! !f! '"j "50 . t , .PHILADELPHIA .. ...... 10S.50 V' V" 40 00 Tickets on sale July 5 and 22; August S; September 4V ' " ' "T -'; Bis, ViVrtm&K "tUrn ,,mU th7 month- Stopover. Win limit ne way through (Mltot. toaeets? tlCk6U n! 0bt1,, "" ttoa st the City Ticket Office, Third and Wsshlng. WH. VKOVIATi Oensrsi ysssesfer Arsat, rottUad, Oregon. $25 Service Guaranteed Suits at ; . 7 m IwjfalirSaj . If . we .could by some manner. portray -the VALUE of these suits in type, our store would ( be crowded 10 minutes" after - vi -'V i.. i( the opening hour tomor- row. We can't too strong- felf Vi Iy impress upon you the v l advisability of COMING HERE for your suit, espe - dally if - you've ' been con- . . templating ... an . , outlay of . We'll sell you a suit at 5 915 that will give all the service suits at ?25 bought elsewhere could possibly " do. Come and sie. .' .' 'V .'" r.'.u. v,,,.'iv..'...yv ' a ' .ir::- m i tiiinfflruUimli natnuLJjuiwi J. L. Bowman & Co Popular Priced; Clothiers - ; . Fifth and Alder 'i ' ?1 C15)15);'s!L C15 K15 fl5!15fl5 1 T 1