The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 08, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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funeral iir.i:cror.s
Dunning McETrteeLKfr J
ev-v-detail. 7th and Pine. Mala 4SU
A-' "v Lady enaistant.
n onps: lady assistant.
'634 V 1111a n
tvi.. both
Most rnoiern
fHiil'Wshrnwnt In city.
icnrU The
SLrft aide underta Her.
l-LiniUlu ,L
V ... -
E. 6th and Aider.
"t f-rr-S-.--. o Third ana
J, r. riUiCJT.ti ?W1. Hedison.
Lady attendant Main . A-1693-
East- BID!; funeral Vl0XVui??it
ore to F. S. Dunnin. Inc. E. 63.
Undertaking . Co.. Main
61 S3. A-2235; lady as t
kAkio if l TV1 CEMETERY. -
Phones C-211 and A-4444.
V-SVARrv HOLMAN, undertaker.
Ifl at-
J.adjasslstant. Main 607.
CERTIFICATES t title, made ?,
Title & Truit company, U" "'"Sf
4th and Oak.
Charles T." Pembroke et al to
Charles K. Johnston, lot I.
block 1. Inn. Park. .......... .'.
"William B. Mow' and wife to
" Portland Pacific Investment
. Co., lot. 13, block s, rwven
WOOd ". , ........ . ... - -
George .W. Rhirle" et al to E. W.
tj.u. Ia( t hlwl- w, Thnver.:
Board of Trad bldg.s abstracts a
ABSTRACTS Of title. - U Alexander a6j
stract office. 4 IS Corbett bldg. Main
Pacific Title & Trust Co.
the leading
204-6-6-7 Falling bldg.
$3-90 SOMETHING good, corner, .TO
East 28th, north, rooms, attractive
tood -rhonse, gas i electricity, porcelain
bathi.--.Ankny:;r.'I8 door, phone
owner, Sellwood 63. .
SNAP if sold this week, brand new 5
room bungalow, fireplace, hot and
cold water, gas and electric lights, mod
ern In every respect, close In, good car
service;- terms.. Owner, Tabor 2101.
$2500 New 7 room house, modern; Im
proved street: on easy terms by own
er. Phone Woodlnwn 285.'
' ; Going to Build?
'-'''Let us finance the building of your
'home. If you ownflot small amount of
cash sufficient pur reputation for well
built houses, fair , dealing, reasonable
prices 1 bringing us many clients. It
will pay to see us.
Northwestern Const. Co, ,
.- Successors to
Portland Realty A Const Co., .
S01-3 Lewis bldg.
. LOTS, HOUSE, BARN. $1800.
Mt Scott line, each lot 40x137 ! 24
bearing fruit , trees ' all " fenced, $600
Half - acre, 3 room house, chicken
'house and yard, 8 dozen chickens, fruit
and berries. $1150; $200 cash.
' Vt acre. 4 Toom shack, chicken houses,
etc.; large garden; $800. $65 cash. -
, FRED, W.v GERMAN, ,;
829 Burnside. : Man 2776.
Plr.a T foom house. 60x100 lot facing
south, on a hard surfaced street, sur
rounded by f inn tomes, for - 8,1 for
$6600, less than half cash down.'. This
home is thoroughly' modern, very beau
"tiful In its setting, surrounding and ar
rangements, and is worth over $7000 of
any man' money, but it must be eacrU
iicea. fee un at once. - i
' 802-308 Lewis Bldg.
-, Fin new' modern S room house on
high corner lot for sale below its ac
. tual worth. Two tovy house, fireplace.
, furnaM lttiinv vrlnniu BnttilA, mnn
screens,' one block from ear.' Best buy
, in the district; 14000.. only . 1800 cash
needed t handle this.- " 4
- Chamber of Commerce.
50x112 lot .sidewalk;', graded Street
city water, paneled dining room, best
plumbing -and -fixtures,-full -basements
big floored attic, extra good porch, bal
ance of $2000 payable monthly; only 10
minutes' rltfs from new bridge; com
plete abstract Call at once, 616 Ablng
j ton bldg.-- ' - -
615-516 Ablngton bldg. Portland, O.
WHY loan to banks at 3 to 4 per cent
, Interest T Conservative estimate
how that Investors in Porter's Universal
Advertising System will receive at least
25 to 100 per cent dividends on their in
vestments from the beginning. Stock
purchased today will more than double
in value in six months. Greatest adv.
' system known. : "Investors limited. In
vestigate at once. J. Frank Porter Co.,
616 Commercial bldg. Phone Main 8963.
v 6 Room Dwelling 1
On E. 12tlt hear Thompson, in Irving
ton. Lot 60x100. House two Btorle
with full "Cement 'basement and modern
throughout. - Fine lawn and rose bushes.
Price $5000, half cash. McCargar. Bates
g iJiviy. Bia I'ai img Dia g.
Whv Pav Rent?
We will eell you a home and you can
pay us in monthly payments; we will
also build to suit you anywhere in the
624, 826 Board of Trade bldg.
Phone Marshall 478.
"100 feet from Union avenue. ' Lot
60x125 feet, with small house renting
for $10 per month.- Sewer and water
connections to front and rear of lot
Fine apartment site. Price is. .$3000,
with terms.
tin- ; .. 243 Stark St. ;
Modern, Att ract i veD well i n g
: Of 6. rooms on Clackamas near East
26th, lot 60x123. House new and very
conveniently arranged. Price, with
etreet improvements paid, $4800; good
term. McCargar. Bates & Lively. 315
Falling bldg. ' fc ' , .
Close in- home near the corner of
East 7th and Everett street. : Good 7
room house. Very cheap at $4000.
" . ..... stark St.
FOR SALE 2 five room bungalows at
a bargain. Just compMrd. choice lor
ca tf on. The best const r u c ted in the
city. Price and terms will suit. This
bargain will not be open long. Call
1 4 Couch bnlWing. Tel. A-7420
Five room bungalow? cheap; must
, sell ajt-once; lot 43x100. Call owner.
Sellwood 1643.
A safe investment should deposit hi
money with ue and receive interest on
tiie same, from 2 to 4 per cent.- Port
land Trust Company, 6. E. corner 3d
and Oak sts. .
FOR SALE by owner, new, strictly mod
, crr, 6 room' bouse, Just completed.
On E.-t0th st. Rose City Park, 1 block
from car. $3400; easy terms. Phone
IOK bAUi-i room house, full lot,
close in. 1 block to cat. nice lawn
lots of small fruit near Jefferson High
eriioui. iruurHuinuii, iu ujeveiana ave
rue, uwner.
NEW, modern, 6 -oom bungalow, Ure
pla a. double construction throughout
rvci j'iniiiK nm us. ,urgam price,
120 jtidHourt ave., Owner, phone wood
ltt.wn 1290. , '
$H(00. ail. cash. ; 6. room modern bunga-
iiiw jn vcrouiu uwner,' none J.
311 T. 983 E. fist st N. ' ,
$650 $250 down. $15 monthly, ."amall
room house, l block from car, in fine
diwtiiet. Phone East 846. -
VTR "SCLe-S roum modern- bungalow:
ir r;, Tirrnn' st.'
inriei?"' ,Brt
hh-K owiit. Hoth phones.
fcl rwm ifsIienWi -modern; 60x100 lot
I.. L P' :V, ner, aj :?naver at.
"i J;Ou.M boat liouso for tale cheap
Call at 4SU Flandora st
I'm Up Against It
Says Our Client
Lot, cost $000, house cost $3500;
total coat $4400. Will sell for
J3S00, - street improvements In ,
except paving. Two blocks from
car, with oust frorttaKe; 7 large
rooms, with big .porch; full con
crete bosem.-nl, furnncc, laundry,
fireplace, hardwood floors, built
in bookcases and china closet;
best plumbing.; In fact, everything
thaj, goes to make up a ueantl
fur and-, up-to-date home. His
'loss is your .sain. Situated among
nice neighbors In a. rcctrlctcd
district -
Suburban Land Co,
Marshall XS89- Home A-il05.
m m
mi :
Near Alberta' carllne, $500 cash,, bal
ance like rent.
$2550 for S room cottage, also near Al
berta carllne, $250 cash. ,
1 $3200 for 6' room cottage, all modern
Improvements; same neighborhood.
$3750 for 6 room house thoroughly tip
to date with modern conveniences; east
front, on 24th st, near Alberta, r -.
These are bargains on easy term.
24th and Alberta.
Phone C-1110.
Is all you need to tret1 the greatest
bungalow bargain offered this season;
payment of "$20 per month, same a
rent. - --- - .
Located on E. 88th. lust north ' of
Thompson In Itossmere; all street im
provements are in and paid; cement
wains around House. :
The house is Just completed. 5 rooms.
fpH attic that can be made into 8 mora
rooms, basement, laundr trays, beamed
ceilings, paneled din'ng room, fireplace;
mere are 2 wmaows. m eacn cearoom;
this place wa built for a home, you
will; never get such an opportunity
aeain. Bee owner, 902 Lewi bldg.
Marshall 648 A-7183. ,;, ;
A splendid home in one of the most
signuy locations on me east siae. lo-
oated on a - corner facinr south1 and
east Ground ' 874 by 109 feet, lying
about 4 feet above grade.-wlth a cement
wall about 8 feet hi eh and cement side
walks. House has 5 large rooms, den,
halt and bath room downstairs. -There
are 3 large attio rooms. Cement floor
in basement All modern throughout
A new-garage 16 by 20 feet-cement
floor, water and electric liahts. There
I, no incumbrance on tnis property, Trie
owner will sell for a very reasonable
figure and on easy terms. Magulre, 819
union ave. jn.
FOR SALE Beautiful 9 room modern
bungalow cheap. Best Duy In city
first class finish inside and out; every
thing city ' inspected; two blocks from
car; jawn, oernes, garden, lot buxitm.
iJuy otr owner ana aave commission.
Terms. raKe Bt. jonns car to Wil
lamette station. Inquire Chas. Martin
$300 DOWN,
Buy new modem- 5 room bunralow
32d and Clinton; paneled dining room
gas: electricity, sewer, eo-rt porch, sta
tionary tuDS, cement waixs, retaining
Walls,' steps and .lawn walks, fine loca-
420 Swetland bide. Phone Main-7776,
4 room plastered cottage, wall tinted.
electric lights, beautiful finish inside.
This is a new place, 5 or 6 -nice shade
trees, ' corner lot toxius, i mock rrom
car. Price $1100. Take W-W car to E.
41st and Gladstone ave. Phone Sell-
wood 634. P. T. Klepper,
Rose City Park -,
A beautiful bungalow for Bale.
rooms, all modern, fireplace, bath
electrio light fixture, flowers, lawn
full basement, wash tubs, large rooms,
V block from car: it is a beautv:
terms. . Call after 6 in the evening. 473
tj. 4tn w. rnone Taoor uz67.
6 room house and bath, with two hieh
and beautiful lots, for sale chean and on
very easy terms; 4" blocks from car; fine
cement Dasement, uuten aitcnen, modern
plumbing and hot water boiler; street
'improved; small amount down and bal
ance iiKe rent.
S02-S0S Lewis Bldg.
Fine new modern bun;alow. about 15
minutes out on car, fine residence dis-
mill I. A -n1A '-- P.II.1.U .r, V... I , V.
6teady position who can pay $32 month'
ly. jno money-down. Your rent money
wl!I buy your home. Owner, room 609
coucn nifig.
FOR SALE Modern 6 room house, 28th
st, near Killlngsworth, 2 blocks from
car; furniture, garden,, fruit chickens
cow with $20 a month custom. All for
82250: 31000 -down, balance monthly
Owner must leave city. Telephone him
woodiawn itu.
Fine 7 room house and large lot in
sunnvsiae. i diock irom car. lor salt
cheap; lots of fruit; half cash will han
dle it.
302-308 Lewis Bldg.
7 ftoom Dwelling
la very attractive locality on East
11th near "Tillamook. Modern and con
veniently arranged. A bargain at $5250,
half cash.- Jf cCargar, Bates & Lively,
816 Failing uidg.
1850 will buy 6 room house; bath, hot
and cold water, corner lot. 1 block of
car, $500 cash.
248 Madison st.
SUBSTANTIAL 4 roorrf suburban cot,
tase, plastered and tinted, with toilet
prtnH lnt find nhftria trnAt Po,l, ' em
terms, with some trade. Owner. J-67S
$1650 6 room house, lot 60x95. on E
32d; this property Is worth 32600: it
wyn i last ion jr.
K4T r KJtl UER,
Z s ManiBon st.
LOT and small house, all modern con-
veniences, 3 blocks from canine. See
this or you lose money; $400 cash, bal,
$16 per month. ' Phone Tabor 1935.
PIEDMONT 6-room house, first class,
everyining complete ana up-to-date,
for sale by owner, $4600. 1171 Commer
cial st.
SNAP Price $2000 for a beautiful 5
room cottage, cement basement china
closet, wood hoist; close In, east side.
Phone East 8682.
LOT and small house,, all modern con.
veniences, 3 blocks from carllne.. See
this or you loee money; $400 cash, bal
$16 per month, rhone Tabor 1935.r
BARGAINS In lots and houses by own-
er. Terms or trade. Phone Tabor
FINE, new 5 peom house, , lot 40x100,
only $2300, terms, Phono Marshall
1 545. 409 Gerllnger bldg.
ffsoo 6 room house, cement basemenT
. lot 50x100. 3 blocks from car. Phone
owner, woooiawn 418. ensn or terms.
NAT"teiiywc16aB oa, 50" foot lot, $60
cash, $10 per month. Gregory Invest-
trient Co.. end of Rose City Park carllne.
1 room house, lot 100x1 0 on west Bide"
im nroved
Price 36000 83500
will handle.
F-663. JournaL v
,. $300 Down, '
Feautiful new 5 room bungalow, one
half block to car In prettiest part of
Rose City-park; beautiful fir trees;
floored attic, furnnce, fireplace, finished
walls and floors; cement floor and waslj
trays in basement. Buy this and get
more than your money' worth. Priee
S10 LewU Bldir.. 4th and Oak St.
7 room, utrictlj- first class, with roses
and beautiful lawn. East 17 th et.,
closa in. Price $B00 . with terms.
243 Stark St. ' '
Three Elegant $1500 Lots for
. $1250 Each.
These lots are absolutely located in
the best residence section of Portland.
They are 60 by 100 feet tn slie, facing
on a most sightly street; the Improve
ments are water, gas, sewer, 'electri
city, sidewalks. 9-foot parking strips,
shade trees, asphalt pavements. They
ero two blocks from carllne and 17 min
utes from Fifth and Washington streets.
I also have one of the most beautiful
double , corners In Portland at a snap.
There are over 10,000 square feet in
this lot and it Is so well located that
It commands a view on five different
streets. The lot , Is 'worth $3000, but 1
can deliver it for $2300. You can have
the of term on any of these
l0tS" ' J, W.' GASKILL
' :" 522 Corbett Building. ' .
Jf." 1 503. Mar. 214. Mar. 215. A-1B1B
-$500 South" Portland Lots
To -close t)! the estate of iederlck
Klelnsorge the administratrix 1b selling
lots $200 below their actual worth, on
very easy terms, rigni'im chiuiio.. ui
rmrMciilars Ren J. A. Goodfellow. agent,
4,-t 9HQ rhalr mt . PhnnA
Klelnsorsre estate, 289 Oak Bt
Main 2828, A-828.
Are high and nightly, overlook
ing Irvington; nearMroad car
line; best City- improvement!
priced 26 per cent below -the inar
kaX Inquire AlfJieda Lar.i Com
pany, 322 CorbC.t bldg.
Just south of Hawthorne ave. on 41st
we offer fine building, lot for 110
monthly, nothing down. The largo In
crease or values coming with Hawthorne
bridga opening In Septemoer .win db
yours on email , investment. If you
want to make money in real estate see
owner, room 609. coucn mag.
Lot 7, Block 93 .
i r Rose City Park
A dandv aood buy: second lot north
of the Alameda on 65th t, facing west
Price $650; only $100 casn.
810 Lewis Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts.
Rose City Park
Cheap for cash and for immediate eale
6nly, a $700 lot, next to corner, close
to car, improvement in and paid, only
$575. Are you wiser xaite a iook ai
this one; ' ' . -.' ' i
810 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak St.
Quarter block on corner of Missis
sippi avenue, not far out Income $610
Ser year. Four cottage ; in good con
itlon. Inceme ran be increased. Price
i $5250. Terms.
' . 243 Stark St. .
8660 buvs 42x170. deen rich soil, high
buliful Richmond, only $65 down, bal
ance monthly, 6 per cent Better see
about it. Ja. C. Logan, 826 H Wash
ington St., room 404.
$272 Paid-in
On fine Elmhurst lot Owner must raise
money and will take. $200 fy his con
tract Get busy.
310 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Efts.
TEN Rose City Park lots, $3800; only
$2000 cash necessary 2 are-porners;
these lots are worth $650 each;' corners
are worth $750 each. Think of it, only
$8800 for the 10. Owner must sell
Clffke & Corbett 208 Allsky bldg., 3d
MdftrlBOn. M. 2407. ,
FINE 90x100 CORNER. $900
y iioo down buys this: l root
above grade, graded Btreet city water,
cement walk going in. ground is level.
near carltne, 10 minutes' ride to new
bridxre: comnlete abstract. Call at once.
Heilman & Lathrop, 616 Ablngton bldg.
On the; Peninsula on St. Johns carllne,
34500; will sell all or part Look into
this. ,, ,
One of the best on (Sedar Hill, one
block west of Ford street, containing
over 6000 square feet of ground space
and at the low price of $8000.
Z43 Btark Ht.
; On 80th st. carllne, facing east
cement walks In; snap' for quick sale,
$750; some terms. 420 Swetland bldg.
Howard Land Co. ' .
$860. -.'
J-nrett street. Corner 75x100. One
block to carllne. Fine buildtng site,
Easy terms. 1
243 stark st.
Lot in Menetee Addition
Attractive location, price $8X)0, on
verv reasonable terms, Thl is a snap.
McCargar. Bates & Lively, 315 Failing
onion ave., sightly lot new street and
beautiful surroundings; price is $700,
with easy terms.
. 243 Stark st.
" '. . Notice "
Lots il and 12. 50x109, lot 27. East
Creston, hear Clark's station, on Mt.
Scott line. Inquire at 1143 Hawthorne
ave. Tanor 2277. .--.-; -
WEST side lot on 2d st, near the Madi
son bridge, price $9000. This is under
Marshall- 658. 314 Hamilton bldg.
60x100, near 10th and Harrison, $9000.
C U erifJBTo,
420 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 7776,
lots, old contract; 1 block frota 'car
line, cheap. Phone Tabor t257.
VERNON SNAP. . , ",."
$700 down buys lot near Alberta,
C. L. 8HEETS. -420
Swetland bldr. Phone Main 7776.
WEST SIDE corner, 110x100, sple"ndld
- home site, fine view; 15 minutes car
rido, Cash $850. A. Diets, Hotel Ore
gon. '' ' ' ' - - '.
TEN Rose City fark lots, $3800; big
; snap.; Clarke ft Corbett 208 Allsky
bldgSd-Morrison.'' .,,-
TEN Rose City Park lots, . $3800; big
snap. Clarke ft Corbett, 208 Allsky
bldg.. 3d-Morrlson. '
LOT 60x100, East 9th, between Car
ruthers and Division; bargain. Apply
472 Washington st
FOUR lots in Portsmouth Villa Exi
tended, for sale at bargain. Me
Cergar, Bates ft Lively. 315 Falling.
FIVE EIGHTHS of an acre at Mt. Tabor
an in fruit, a good, in vestment for
31200. Call 805 d St.
CLOSE IN acreage for sale or exchange.
Robert A, Miller, 333 Worcester bldg,
Main 7104V - ,
2 6-10 Acres, $375 ;
$75 Cash $10 per Month'
4 9-10 Acres, $625 -$125
Qashi $12.50 Month
5 4-10 Acres, $1250
. "'IVith bungalow, clifcken houses, etc.
$250 Cash, $25 per Month
Half hour's ride- from Portland.
Half mile from the station.
On a good, well traveled road.
With a very easy . grade,
But sufficient to have a
' Magnificent view of the Columbia val
ley. . ' -. . . . ,
with. 6 snow-capped mountain in.
Call and arrange to see it
FRED F. HUNTRESS, 530 Lumber Kx
u u u vx u yjf u '
' No blistering sun. no winds,
no fleas,, no shivering cool
shady rooks; trout and deer; 160 .
acres,, $10 an acre; terms, 80
acres,, $15 an acre; close enough tor .
auto road. Fine streams on ,
both. ;;'. vt,;;,:rl
713 Rothchild Bldg.
IN ORDER to make a quick sale of
- the- 6 'and 10 acre tract of cleared
land adjoining the new townslte of
Slf ton, 11 mile from Portland, in the
heart of - the fruit Center of Clarke
county, we will gjye, absolutely free, to
each purchaser of a tract, a full sire lot
In- the townslte. Cars , leave 2d and
Stark st. every 40 minutes, connecting
with ithe. electria . cars - at Vancouver,
direct to the prctrjertyj ' $?50 an acre;
230 Stark st -
' 14 1-4 Acres, $725
10 Acres, $400
6 per, Cent Interest
. Half houiv'e ride from Portland.
Half mile from a station. :
Red ehot soil: ho rocks or-gravel.
A spring creek through-the land,
The. best kind of a chance .; ;.
For an orchard and chicken ranch.
FRED F. HUNTRESS, 630 Lumber Ex.
' ' .Double Your Money
Positively the beBt'buy In Portland,
suburban acreage, 17 acres, all in tim
othy and , clover except 3 acres -planted
to orchard; 35 minutes out close to car;
no stumps, rocks or gravel; ideal fruit
land. ' Only $450 per acre; terms. Cer--tainly
a choice piece of ground and a
low nap price. -.
810 Lewis Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts.
Tract near Portland on electric 'Inter
urban line: good soil and the cheapest
land in the northwest at $1(0 per acre.
BROWN, 411 uoucn Bldg.
15 and 30 acre tracts, running water.
26 mile from Portland in Willamette
valley; dandy soil;, adjoining property
sells $250 to $400 per-acre. Brown, 411
uoucn -Diag. -
0 .ACRES 1 rnlle. from Beavarton, 8
acres cleared. 3 acres easy to clear.
balance stump; land all around selling
from $300 to soo per acre, rnis tract
only $250 per acre. Would take Port
land residence up to $4000, balance
must be cash. A snap. Be quick.
Beaverton, or.
80 acres fronting Columbia river on
Sandy road on O. R. A N. R. R.,
eleven miles from Portland. Price $250
per acre,, good terms. -.,
, , A. GROENER & CO..
Room 6 Cambridge bldg.
Irrigated land, $400, $10 down, $10 a
month, no interest no taxes. B-660,
Journal. - ----- 4
12 ACRES, $1400 $800 cash, balance 4
, years. House, barn, and chicken
house. Implements, crop all go. Snap.
A-678, Journal.
WELL, if you want that acre all in
fruit at Mt. Tabor for $3200 you bet
ter see the owner at once at 305 3d et.
FOR SALE lhi acres at Oak Grove.
For information. B-676, Journal.
TO EXCHANGE for city property good
200 acre farm, 6 miles from McMinn
ville, 7 room house, 2 barns, well wa
tered by springs, 4 horses, good orchard
bearing, wagon and harness, 6 cows, 70
sheep, 2 hogs, 70 chickens, all farm im
plements and crop. Price $8000. .
McMinnville, Or.
480 acres, 1 mile from Gras Valley, Or..
280 acres under cultivation; good
house, barn, well; trade for valley land
or stock of merchandise In country town.
Wolff Land Co., 146 1st Bt
$300 EQUITY in large lot grapes, straw
berry, raspberry, blackberry,- filbert
snd English walnut trees to trade first
payment" on home. Address W. E.
Thresher, Mllwaukte, Or.
FIVE. ROOM modern bungalow, located
near . Killlngsworth and Union ave
nues, for desirable building lot Phone
Woodiawn 639. " "
IF YOU have anything to trade or sell,
or if you want to buy city or farm
property, see J. K. Horning, 319 Allsky
FOR SALE or trader for city property
or rooming house, 5 acres, well im
proved, close In. Bishop. 329 Mohawk
bldg. ,
FOR SALE Or trade for acreage, a 6
room house; lot 3714x110. C. 8.
Johnson, Yale laundry.
IF you want to sell, buy or trade, se
Shoemaker Inv. Co., 627 Henry bldg.
Main 4465. A-7434;
BOISE valley fruit land for trade for
6 or 7 room modern house.
Room 6,
Breslin hotel.
STORE and living rooms, good location
for millinery, drygoods or confection
ery; rent $20. 731' William ave.
IF you want to- buy, sell - or exchange
your property write or can at tiv
Oak t.
WE TRADE for anything, anywhere.
See u today. 411 Henry bldgr.
"swap colujet
TO TRADE or sale. Bush & Lane piano
check $105. What offer? 12 West
Fay st. . ;
WISH to trade or sell $105 Busirft
Lane piano cnecK. . vvnars your or-
fer? Main 4619.
FOR SALE'or Exchange $10 Bush ft
Ien piano check. B-675, Journal.
PHONOGRAPH .to exchange for house
painting. T-639. Journal.
PIANOLA to exchange for house paint
ing. T-639, Journal.
Want Paying Proposition? r
Income Property '
East or West Side :
Close in f .
$10,000 to $20,000
Have client who will pay cash. No
trlf lers. Your . offerings must - be in
shape to turn immediately. Brown, 41V
uoucn oiag. wain naze. :-s
house or bungalow with lot 100x100,
south-of Hawthorne or near Sellwood;
must be a bargain for cash; full partlo
uiiirn in rirat lerrer. a-by, journal
WANTED Lot or fraction; must
cheap for cash. K-666, Journal.
.101. SALE FAl-IS
On Easy Terms
150 acres, 60 in cultivation, with 30
more open and easily put under plow.
13 cows, 1 bull, team of mares, wagons,
harness, machinery and tools; good
house and two barns; also household
Roods; fine crops; everything ready "to
go to work; mile, to school, lft to
By. and boat landing. Only $9500; cash,
$3000 or $4000. bal. to suit
122 acres, 35 In cultivation; house and
barn, machinery and tools; two mares
uu i-uu, 1 rows; mne 10 acnooi, i
to Rv. and land Ins- 'Evervthlnar In e-ood i
shape. Price. $55 per acre, half cash.
13 4 acres fin In cultivation- ft room
j house, barn 60x100; a lot of machinery,
f fi: n n .... ......... J V. . . .'1 , r
cows, S helfersi 1 bull, some pigs, chick
ens, ducks and turkeys, 2 brood mares
and colt; a good diversity of vropS; 1-3
mile to school, 4 V4 to Ry. and landing.
Price. $10,000, only 1-3 cash, ''o ; , ,
-160 acres. 76 In cultivation; house and
two barns, plenty all kinds machinery
and tools, 14 cows, 9 "young stock, 1
bull. & horses, 7 pigs. A well Kept place,
paying good money; 2tt mile from Ry.
and landing. Price, $14,600, only $5000
cash down, : ' .- ,;-
21t acre, fine location and view;
good 7 room house, barn 55x80; all farm
Implements and tools; 12 cows, 1 bull, 8
work horses and yearling colt; some
pigs and chicKens. A place, with good
reputation; old folks moving to town;
everything goe for $14,(TO0, only $4000
cash down., balance long time if desired.
174 acre, 85 In cultivation; mali;
new nouse, Darn 30x4 Oj implements and
tools.. A good buy at $5500, on term. ,
The above are all tfood birvs. on easv
terms, deferred payments at. 6 per cent
Interest . Well ' located, on milk and
cream routes, phones, and up-to-date In
everv particular.
Come and see them at our expense.;
We have smaller, low priced place,
also chicken ranches and fruit land.
, Free1 Round Trip' '
On Columbia river at Washougal. Wash.,
and return, via steamer Jessie Harkln.
leaving Washington street dock, Port
land, at 2 pt m. . ..,. - . '.
Present this .- advertisement to Cap-,
tain Hosford, of the steamer Jessie
Harkins, and It will be accepted a a
ticket then .call at our office and we
will ' supply -you with a return. ;
Provided, that you are honestly look
ing for a good dairy, fruit or ranch for
general farming, in a country that
grow things, and has the highest qual
ity of soil, and fine climate.
A place especially adapted for grow
ing pear.
If you wish further information be
fore making the trip, write u.
Washougal Dairy & Land Co.
- - WashougaV Wash. -
L. F. Moore farm, 3 miles south of
Dayton, 148 acres, .8 5 acres in crop,
gcod 8 room houBe, fine barn, nice ber
ries and orchard, .60 head of hcgs,-'7
cows, 3 work horses, wagon and har
ness, 40 sheep, household goods; this
Ih a fine home and a good buy; all for
$15,600; half cash, balance on time at 6
per cent Interest. 1, "-.
William Forbes farm, 1 miles of
Dundee, 173 acres, all fenced. This Is
a fine stock farm, fine running watea
$2500 dwelling, good dairy barn, 17
cows, team, ..wagon, harness,' imple
ments. This 'is the best buy in the
county at the price, $11,600; $3000 cash.
balance on. time at ner cent Interest.
b. c uixon rarm, s miies soutn or
Davton. 125 acres. 95 acres cultivated.
giud f-room house, large barn, fruit
dryer; 80 acres fine apple orchard tn
bearing, in a good neighborhood and
good land; price $95 per acre. The best
buy on earth for the money. ;
438 acres., (rood grain and stock farm.
good buildings, water piped to house
and barn from fine spring; 75 acres
of crop goes with sale; price $27.60 per
acre; possession at once. . , ,. ...
' Al UlflN UASSU iu.
McMinnville, Or.
. Suburban Farm Home
15 Acres
Good, rich soil, 9 acres bearing orch
ard. 3 acres timber. 8 room house, near
ly completed, barn, woodshed, well, etc.,
14 miles .rortianci. 2 miies canine.
Columbia Trust Company
. 84 4th t
Positively here Is the- cheapest dairy
farm near Portland. 10 miles from rail
way and soon to be on an electric line
to Portland, 345 acres, 290 fine level
land, 40 acre heavy timber, 80 acre
In cultivation and lots of seeded pas
ture; running water and water powec
fair buildings, on county road, auto
stage, R. F. D., telephone. Reduced to
$27.50 per acre for quick sale. Mt
Rood Land Co., 712 Rothchild bldg.
10 ACRES on county- road,- 9 miles from
Portland; all under cultivation; or
chard, potatoes, berries, trout stream,
well, 5 room house, barn, chicken house
and sheds, 2 extra good cows, horse. 200
chickens, wagon, buggy, wood, tools,
renced and cross lenced; very fertile
soil $5000. some cash, balance on easy
We Have Others.
One acre or thousands. '
, Tt will pay you to see our list" .
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. '
; . Chicken .Ranch- ,
E acres, all In cultivation, well fenced,
with . wire fence, good new 6 room
house, all within 2 blocks of the busi
ness center of a town of .1600 Inhabi
tant. Price only iisoo,
9A" "acres, all in cultivation'.""! arrea
ilJVlTZJ. ll"LJll
within 2 blocks of business center .of
good sized town, Price 81650.
' ' ' ' 409' Gerllnger- bldg.
A Good Home
Five acres, 8 miles from .Vancouver,
all cleared. 'excellent soil; 5 room house,
barn and chicken houses; assorted fam
ily orchard, also grapes and berries;
crop goes with plaCer personal property,
horse, harness and wagon ; chickens. --
' Price, $2400,
202 W. 8th St.. Vancouver, Wash.",
Here's Your Chance' '
320 acres In Umatilla couptyr heavy,
black soH: north-hill slope; 'produces SO
to 45 bushels to the acre; -fine spring;
right In center of the best wheat coun
try; will trade half for Portland prop
erty or acreage, balance to suit. It takes
no cash to handle it See owner, 209
Lewis bldg.
24 acres, 2H miles from Salem on
main. road, -mile from electrio line,
5 room house, good barn, 19 acres in
cultivation, fruit of all kinds, fenced
and well watered, fine soil, no rock;
$200- per acre; $1000 cash, balance at
8 per cent Interest T. E. Davis, 206 H
1st st - '
FOR1 SALE By owner; 10H acre tract,
Vt mile town limits Corvallls; good 7
room hoyse, good barn, young orchard
and berry garden. : For price and terms
Odreas M ... w.,.KoniMr. Coivaliis.-Qi'
R. F. D. 1.' . - -. , .,,'?.. .. --,
80 acre farm with, full set of machin
ery, cows, chickens; sell, black muck;
spring water. All for $2800. On river
and railroad, . 26 miles 'to Portland. 16
acres In crop. L-6 61, Journal. , , ,
Barr Road
10 Acres $350 Per Acre, ;
; T.lai lffvffk flrnnri anfl. rnnnerviitivA in-
(vestment for good profit, owing to Its
proximity to city; or ideal suourDan
Um, alt-., iirllnt nns i sTtenrlino-
through this district; very easy .terms.
Columbia Trust Company
; Board of Trade bldg. ! v
5 ACRES All cleared, red shot hill
. land, X 4 miles from R. R. station on
rood county road, spring on place; at
50 per acre. . ; - -
409 Gerllnger bldg. '
Fruit Land, $60 'an Acre
830 acres of fine fruit land near
Sheridan.. Red soil, 40 acres in apples
and walnuts, 240 acre cleared, 40 acres
light - timber, 50 acres stumps. Good
buildings. A bargain that will bear in
vestiifation. 1018 Board of Trade.
wrp: Snap Fruit. Land '
.5 acres, located between Sandy ' and
Cherry vllle, near Mt Hood road, $300;
H cash, balance td suit ; Owner, 416
Commonwealth bldg. Main 1529.
t SELL my own Una In large or small
tracts' and on terms to- suit' buyer.
Oeorge A. Houck. 22? Washington st
j-none jaam inns.
FOR SALE One half Intereflt "-. in -160
acres of the best fruit and walnut
land In Oregon. ;.- Box 100, Philomath;
Or.- '-' - - - " ''- ---
360 ACRES of timber land close In,
wun 40 norsepower rout, aonKey en
gine, and full equipments, 10,000,000
feet of Standing timber on premises;
land, timber and machinery all go to a
quick Duyer at xio.ouu; nan casn.' par
ties Interested will be shown the prop
erty upon caning on - u. w. , xenauit
Albany, Or.
WE are headquarters for timber and
lumber 'enterprises or all kinds. Kin
ney 4k Stamnher. 681-8 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
16 room
well furnished,
' si
ras and
electricity. Rent $66. clears $76. This
must be seen to be "appreciated: terms.
ttatcn & Hiocum, 402 commercial block,
Corner building, brick, wide entrance.
all on one floor, lease: rent $110. Some
one will get a snap. Dement & Krider,
248 Madison st. '
GO and look at this for bargains':
. ze rooms on. 1st st. for $1600. -16
rooms on Yamhill for $1050.
14 rooms on 3d for $450. , '
- Call 305 3d st
36 ROOMS 36
Brick building; itood location. 2 years'
lease, $1500,
block. '
terms., 402 Commercial
ROOMING houses, any slse, at prices
to suit; we buy. sell and exchange. -PORTLAND
sis Henry Diag.
FOR SALE One of the best 16 room
rooming houses that has been on the
market; run or good roomers, call
Main 3479.
TEN room splendidly furnished large
outside rooms; lease; Bargain; reason
cannot attend. 414 4 th et, cor. Hall.
LOOK -Furniture of 8 -rooms', rent 25 ;
a snap at $250
248 Madison st.
come maae ofrer,
TEN rooms , fine - furniture $675; ; no
agents or- Commission. - Owner, 135
14th st. - " '
FOR SALE Roardinar house. 14 rooms
always full; transient' trade; rent $22;
lease. Main 1189.
$1000 M room house and boarding
'house, city; 20 steady men now; house
always run. can up a-vusb.
TRIAL stock, get our prices. L-vldson
ft Co., Lswls bldg. Marshall 778. A-1712,
FOR SALE Two placer-claims, located
in Josephine county, near Grants Pass,
or. w. rt. kosb, urants rass, ur.
MININa and Industrial st-jeks: tale-
phone and other bond bought snd
old. C. B. Fletcher, las Abinston plug.
IF- YOU wish to buy or sell mining
stocks, call on J. B. Purceii, 810 Oak.
HAVE established real . estate business,
but can't Sake care of it aloner would
take in a hustler with enough cash to
show good faith; want a hustler; big
acreage business. B-0711, journal.
GIVEN away free to. those, answering
this advertisement oeioro juiv is.
man of all the California oil fields,
Sagar-Loomts Co., 701 Oregonlan bldg.,
Portland, or. -- - -J--,- - .
CONFECTIONERY, cigars, tobacco, ipe
cream parlor, including soda fountain,
first class fixtures. UD-to-date stock.
worth. $1000; will sell at snap price If
taken st once, can at 62Z union ave. N,
HOUNG or middle ' awed man who is
willing to do his part can secure In
terest in' old established, business chance
office; gcod permanent paying business,
price very reasonable, call 191 4th st
Grocery and Confectionery
Good location, some furniture, llvini
rooms In rear; rent $25; lease; r $350 1
token this weeit. 401 Hwetianq bldg.
PARTY understanding stock companies
- wanted to assist financing very valu
able, thoroughly proven and world wide
needed Invention, Big .thing for right
party, o-eeu, journal.
SPECIAL Valuable information mav be
obtained regarding the purchase of
took In a. e-old mininar nroDOaition hv
calling at 11 ..Bijcanaii.Jbdor writtpc
f a.H71 tminial
CLEANING ' and dyeing establishment
will pay $18 per week for a good sollc
ltor; chance for better money if yoaira
worth it 587 Union ave.1 norths
SALOON, electric piano, grill .room
restaurant .3 years' lease, rent 370
lease 8 years; heart of city. A-675.
$600 Livery stable, 2 double rigs.
single rigs, 1 express Wagon, 6 head
horses; .rent $30; lease -4' years,. A-677,
WE CAN place yoa in paying business
before buying be sure and .see u.
Kinney & Stampher. 531-3 Lumber
Exchange bldg. A-4881. -
HIGHLAND notion store; confection
ery, cigars, tobacco;' want to go on
homestead; good - business; rent $16.
1017 Union ave. w. -- -- v
BAKERY for sale in country town;
equipped with machinery. Price $1500.
J-6 . 6. Journal. -
BLACKSMITH, -and-horse shoe Bhop,
best on east side; will, sell tools and
rent shop; lots of work. B-6 77, Journal.
SNAP Cigat and confectionery store
for - sale, cheap, ' small rent 232 3d
Bt, - corner-Main.-! ' - -" ' ..;;- .".; -:
FOURTH or ! controlling interest In a
, first class meat business; will take
part city property. K-84 9. journal
FOR SALE Butcher business in small
.town. . For particulars, call on or ad
dress B: l; Piummer, Aumsvnie, or.
FOR SALE Ice cream and confection-
ery at bargain; look, this, up. 788
Wjisnington st.
tn f- ,,'-! in-' -- -- y amnTtr " 1 ;
ONE pair Computing scales,, cheap,
A-970, journal.
BARBER shop for sale, $66 if taken, at
once. :, H. E. Laqnlre, Springfield. Or.
CONFECTIONERY store, good location,
. living-rooms, J650. 103 4th st -
l ail SALE FAR?,: 3
:.m. ; ciiAXCrs
I want two cood clumbers to go Into
PArtnership with me. in an old estab-
jsnen piumhing business, witn very lu
le money reoufreil. If vou don't wsnt
to work for other n,-nnle all vour lif.
here la your rhance. George F. Steven-
on. 23 Flnnders St.
WANTED Honest, steady man with
150; can make $300 to $400 a month;
250 guaranteed;- handle your own
money. Cull., not later than Tuesday.
. u. cowers, room 3, Arlington notel,
th and Flanders sts.
F you have a hiovmc picturo theatre
ror sale or If you wish to buy or ouen
one. communicate with a permanent and
successful company. Peoples' Amuse
ment Co.. 610-515Rothchlld bldg.. Port-
LOOKINO for an opening? Might have
something to suit: commission busi
ness rvcry description. , Louis . Furcht,
oio i-totncniiq ong.
WANTED Able bodied men for th U.
. Marine corps, between th ages of
19 and 85. - Must be natlv horn or hava
first naDers. Month) v mv 11 R tn a
Additional compensation possible. Food,
tiuuung. quarters ana medical attend
ance free. - After 30 years' service can
retire with 76 per cent of pay and al
lowances. .Service on '.board - ship and
ashore In all parts of the world. Anolv
at Breeden bldg., 3d and Washington
sts,, rortiano. ur . a..
. Salesmen Wanted
Tn aell a roal Mfal n,ni,rt,UUii '
with merit; - liberal Commission.
inis is nign class, so, onlyk high
class . salesmen apply... J10 Board ,
.. of. Trade.. j" t . ; ".': ,-,
ry WANTED. -
' f Independent or nonunion . "
282 Commercial Club- Bldg. - ,
10.000 posiTii-iNR..
For graduates last year: men and wo
men learn, barber trade in 4 weeks; bl I
to secure positions; graduates earn $18 I
i uo weexiy; expert instructor; tools
rree; wnt ror catalog, Molar Bstem
01 oueges, si in. 4tn st, Portland.
GOOD compositor and typesetter, capa-
ui 01 secung up and doing neat joo
work; steady Job; eastern Oregon town;
state wages expected; only man of good
l- n q ppiy. Aoaress oox si,,
Addition nronertv. . of waJtinar
ouyers- lurnasuea 10 experienced men.
Call 414 Lumber Exchange, before 10
. m. .--..-.,
WANTED Salesman: many make $109
to $160 cer month: some aven more:
stock clean, grown on reservation, far
rrom old orchards, cash advance week
ly: choice of territorr. Address Wain-
Ingtor Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash.
WANTED Party to manage best un-to-
date llsrht manufacturing hilalneaa In
city. No competition: will guarantee
so per aay salary; 3700 casn required.
If you mean business call 693 Gllsan st,
BARBERS' board of examiners for Ore
gon will convene in this city July ll
is and is. at i7V First st. for the pur
pose of examining all those holding per-.
jm 10. 1. m. ijeaoo, secretary, ; -
WANTED Salesmen In every , locality
In the northwest: monev advanced
weekly; many make over $100 monthly:
choice of territory, Yakima' Valley
iNurstry co., Moppenisn, wssn.-
WANTED Energetic and willing young
man, good habits, for automobile .or
real estate line, experience unnecessary:'
email capital required, call 826 Wash
ington st, room 416. - -
., .... a vj.-im, p-'uet uaiuo., nun
rerorences, can earn $13 or 315 per
week, write or phone to W. L. GoiBage,
Castlerock. Wash. ; ... - ,
SOLICITORS wanted In PorUand and
nearby . towns: good commission; only.
hustlers -wanted. Northwest Rug Co.,
1 Dis union ave.
ARCHITECT would like, to meet young
man architect with few hundred dol-'
lars to Jolw jne in building bungalows
and cottages. J-670VJournal.' -- t
$5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught in
practical forms. - Day and ; evening
passions. -Address Myers. 3H9-1 US" st.
Portland. Mam stuz.
SHOEMAKER wanted on repairing.-
Must be experienced. Good pay
steady Job. 486 Gllsan st, between 14th
and 16th streets.
A-l SALESMAN wanted bv old estab-
llshed house; city and road work: per-.
manent- position; . exclusive territory.
Address K-641, journal.
LEARN to drive automobile; low rates.
826 Washington st.
room 417.
Either phone, Main 6381. -
MACHINISTS call at 270 Alder street
before tolnar to work. Strike on for
eight hours. Ed. Carlson, business agent. '
WANTED Japanese boy who can speak
i-,ngiisii, to answer Deus ana ao bed
room worn, ion icxn. - -
SALESMAN, salary and contniisslon. In
ternatlonal Correspotidence
207 Marquam bldg.
YOUNG man wanted to deliver and take
orders; Apply after a. m. tomorrow.'
Boya Tea co., zu csaimon Bt. -
WANTED Boy to do oorter work.
Privilege of shoe stand, . Call at Oaks
tavern.-' -
WANTED Teams 50 teams wanted for
oity work: good wages, steady ; work.
C. J. Cook Co., 7th and -Davis sts. .
BOYS between 12 and 16 years of age
to help carry, papers. , Ask for carrier,
108 Journal.
CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call
fornla Win Depot 285 Yamhill, next.
to Journal. . - -' --- ; -
PHOTO coupon agents wanted.
Hogan, t25 Ablngton bldg. .
R. M.
WANTED Boy of 15 at Portland Cigar
Box Factory. 43 ft ssi. srd Bt.
MEAT cutter wanted. N. Wagner, 25 th
and Thurman sts.' ;.;.':" "; '-;.r- ' -
BOY to work in grocery store. .574 lt
. . FECIALS .- - .. .-2ft.
GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write ,
. for- Portland " examination schedule.
Franklin Institute, Dept 248 R, Roches
ter, x. - - . - -'..-- -'
wain 01 nee, z ri. zq St., r ortlsnd, :
Ladles department 7th and Wash. tU,
- . upataira, t'oruana. .. .
424 Front ave., Spokane,
87-89 4tn st. San Francisco.
-' Established 1878.
cu.. neadanarter.i tor K. R., work.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply th
ucimcuiu ikjv :iiuiu0 nursery atocK, oui- ,
fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital
City Nursery Company, Balem. Or.
- 1 - - 1 n - n ,1-. . -1 - 1- ---I- - - '
WANTED Girl for general housework,
in small family; references required
Apply 447 fX 21st Bt . Phone. C-2168.
GIRLS wanted, Willamette Tent ft Awn-
ing Co., 28-25 North Front St, near
Burnside. :. " '".'' - s.
WANTED-Female : teachers i for Chi
nese mission. 286 Taylor st,i -;7:20i.ta
9:30 p.-m, ' ;'--"-r'V;,,: !: ''(''""':'' '.
WANTED Girls ; to make shirts and
' overalls. Mt. Hood Factory, 233 Couch.
GOOu girl for general housework about ,
latter part ot July, , Main 6528. .
WANTED Waitress at Sweuand's
Morrison st. -' "- ; "'
WANTED Experienced chambermaid,;
-New Scott Hotel, 7th and Ankerry, Bts.'
WANTEDChambermald ; good wages
room-and boHrd.51 W-Yamhlll, ut, ,
SlRL for general housework.. 795"lloyt
st, Wages $35. Main 4064.
WANTED "Girl .for general housework
260 Grand ave. N.. por.Multnomah. '
EXPERIENCED pressers on ladles'-gar-''
, meats, Vienna Dye Works, 22$, Tiilrd.