The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 08, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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a rolpji a co.
British Ship Will Bring Coal
From Newcastle; Take Car
v go of Wheat Home for Same
1 '' Another wheat shipment was added
to those already listed for this port to
' carry out tl e :cereal during the coming
aeason. She is the British ship Invera
L von, Captain Ledingham, and she ha
been chartered by Hind, Rolph & Co.
' for the round trip, bringing coal to
Portland from Newcastle, N. S. W., and
f taking a cargo of wheat home.
The Inveravon is a vessel of. 1768 tons
. net register. She wilt bring about 3009
tons of coal while her wheat cargo tor
the United Kingdom will amount to
about 115,000 bushels. She sailed from
London for Melbourne on Christmas, day
, and was last reported March 26, when
- she was spoken in latitude It north,
longitude 27 west , 8he should be in
Melbourne now. r ,V'
.This is the first grain ahlp that has
been fixed for some time for the coming
season's loadlngjuid she swells the list
to five ahtos wlth. total tonnage of
8591. Altogether they will take out
jAbout 660,000 bushels of grain. The
other vessels of the grain fleet, so far
taken, are the British ship Andromeda,
176S tons net, with a capacity of about
, 115,000 bushels, the French ship Koche,
11. tons net, capacity about 130,000
bushels, the French bark St .Rogateln,
1889 - tons net, capaelty ' about 80,000
bushels, and the French bark Vln-
. cennes, 1740 tons net, capacity about
110.000 bushels. "'):'. ; -'While
an occasional grain ship is
being taken, local shippers do not look
' for any particular activity in that line
for the present, as tbey are waiting to
see how things, look later, according to
one prominent shipper who said that
wheat exporters are afraid to take an;
vessels now because of the talk of crop
Shortage in some of the sections of this
country, which would take all the sur
plus from this section and would leave
them with the ships on their; hands. He
blamed; the labor situation, too, ; to a
large extent,: for the inactivity among
shippers in taking vessels. ? He also said
that until they get better transportation
facilities 'into . this place and better
transportation rates, - they will not
really know where they are going to
. get oft, as grain can . be shipped from
Fuget sound to South America and the
orient, at rates under those of this port,
due to existing conditions.
Another factor, which is said to be
responsible to p.. large extent for the
slowness of chartering for grain is the
fact of ao mucl. steam tonnage being
headed . forv this coast That class of
vessel does not require being taken so
far in advance because of being able to
get from one" place to another In so
much shorter' time. .
Engineer Officer Ordered to Seattte
for Duty. '
Major J. F." -Mclndnn rurtttv
graphic communication from Washing-
ion xnis morning aated July 7, which
ordered Captain Arthur 'Winiams to be
relieved of his duties in this district
and report to Seattle for duty there.
Ths contents of the telegram follow:
"Orders Issued today -relieving Cap
tain Arthur Williams from rllltv linear
your immediate orders and directing
jura ip proceea wiinout aelay to SeattK
Wash, to take station at that place and
report to Major Charles W. Kuts for
duty under his immediate order. Cap
tain Williams to relieve Major Kuts
of the funds now in his ehargeand
to retrsnsfer them, to .Major Kuts at
such time as the duties prescribed In
paragraph 10,' special orders 166V July
. war department, - will perm'it Major
Kuts regularly to resume his duties
.Causes 95 Per Cent
of Diseases
Advice Concerning ; Stomach
, Troubles and How to
1 ' Remedy Them.
Io not neglect Indigestion wnlch
, leads to ail sorts of Uls and com
plications. An eminent doctor once said
that ninety-five per cent of all the ills
ct the human body have their origin in
disordered -stomach. " , v
- A physician who made, a specialty of
Stomach, troubles, particularly dyspep
sla, after years of study perfected the
formula, from which RexaU Dyspepsia
TahletA are mada
Our lexperience with RexaU Dyspep
sia Tablet leads us to beliewe them to
be the greatest remedy known for the
, relief of acute indigestion and chronic
dyspepsia. Their ingredients are sooth,
lng and healing to the Inflamed mem
granes of the stomach. They are rich
in pepsin, one of the greatest digestive
. aid known to medicine. The relief
they afford Is almost immediate.' Their
' use with persistency and regularity for
a. sort time brings about a cessation
-of the pains caused by stomach dlsor-
,. ders. ' ....
Rex&ll Dyspepsia Tablets will insure
healthy appetite, aid digestion and' pro
mote nutrition. As evidence of otr sin
cere faith in RexaU Dyspepsia Tablets,
we ask you to try them at our risk. If
t they do not give you entire satisfaction,
we will return you the money you paid us
for them," without question or formality
They come in three Rises, prices 25
; cents. 10 . cents and tl.OO. Remember
you can obtain- there only at The Rex
all Store, The Owl Drug Co., Inc.- cor
ner Berenth and Washington streeta
- t. ' Aone Tetter, Poison Oak,? Pimples, eto., show that me tin-
healthy humor or aoidi Impurity is diseasing and corroDWaVtha ronutS
eo that instead of supplying nourishment and nolL it:
ttaially pouring out its acid and unhealthy accumtions wSZ
tSfl jxternal appUcations, may reUeye some of the ItSi
ti rt0Syskin diseaaes, but such treatment haslS
effect on th blood, where the seat of irritation lies, and therefore cannot
cure. A thorough cleansing of the blood is the one knd only cSS f w .kto
(:----- - .o'' u yuuiuauuu ami removes -everv rjarriria 1
if homor.r whether it ; be an infeeffon of poisonous : plants, m SSC
t to soothe, soften and nourish fttalkfilM I cHrtttSSaa
; it with flerr humors. -. Book on Skin Disease. anTany mXal edftce
tret to afl who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC . CO, ATIaAHTA, GA,
II I .
1 . t 4-fA I
v i v. vr i t
HlGil Jjf jo WILLIS L.MOORE, jChief. '
50Aa yi-h $8 0 ST L W'yTN' ? f V?
PflSTUUID ASu VIOlBiil I ' ' .
" . . . . M 1
VIS03 ' Ccurc, tampvtttmi MMad, K-koor raiafall, V It aqoab -01 beat third,
-l I ntocKv Dl 10 nils per hour Oram. .,..'
I .:;
at his present station. Advise Captain
Williams by order of the secretary of
war." "
The telegram, which is signed by Ad
jutant General McCain, is taken here
to mean that Captain Williams 'will
taka temporary charge of the Seattle
district while Major Kuti la attending
to other duty as special ; orders 166
have pot as yet been received In the en
gineer offices here. Captain Williams
has been in local charge of the fortifi
cation work at Fort Stevens for some
time, and during : the . illness of Major
McIndo last year, was temporarily in
charge; of the district.
Underwriters Probably -Have Ynca-
y tan Repaired by Local Firm,
Now that the Alaska Steamshlo com
pany and the " underwriters are unable
to come to terms in regard to renalrs to
be made on the wrecked steamship Yuc
atan. It is. probable ,that, the. underwrit
ers will give the contract for the re-,
pairs to the Willamette Iron & Steel
wonts -nere ana after she , Is repaired,
try to compel the owners to accept her,
ccordlnar to the Ban frrnnniMr-A tih
Commercial News, whloh has this to
say about it: , . .
"The' Alaska Steamshin
formally notified the underwriter. ,v,.t
they , refuse . to accept the .damaged
a trainer lucauut even if she is re
paired, 'on .the ground that she is a
constructive total loas. - The Seattle
company has notified Captain W. H.
Logan,, special s agent of , the - London
Salvage association, and Frank Black
of New York, special agent for the
underwriters at Seattle, that this decision:-has
been reached, and It Is ex
pected that a lawsuit will result
Meanwhile efforts are being made to
reach an adjustment , ef .the disagree
ment between the owners and under
writers. '
"If the dispute Is taken into court
the litigation will be of extreme Inter
est to shipping and Insurance men,
being, perhaps, the most Interesting
case since that of the Aim(nnta Brim
years ago. The whole case rests on
me question ox what constitutes con
structive total loss. The owners have
a POliCy Of 1180.000 .I-nlmat riTfol In.
on the steamer, and the underwriters
utw to restore tne vessel to them in
the same state as she was prior to the
accident of February is, last. The
owners claim this cannot be done, and
that the work necessary to the steamer
cannot be accomplished at the cost of
$89,000, which is the bid tendered by
the Willamette Iran a atui .-
of Portland - for the repairs. " The
underwriters. r on the other hand, nay
that they have prepared specifications
providing for such work as will renew
the steamer, and are prepared to do
"If the owners maintain rhoL (.
tude, the underwriters wil probably
award the contract for repairs to the
Willamette Iron & StMl vrnrlf, . an1
afterward wil tender the repaired ves
sel w we owners, ir v they atlll re
fuse to accept her when renewed the
Only recourse orwn tn hnm In in ana
for the payment of the Insurance money
nem uy me underwriters."
Norweston Tramp to Load Lumber
Here for Australia.
J. J. Moore & Co. have chartered the
Norwegian tramp steamer Torsdal, J 29 J
tons net renister. for
to Australia. The Torsdal, which was
xormeriy me Btrathnevis, . sailed from
Baltimore for Honolulu, April 13, and
Is eXDSCted to rnnh riara fiafnra tti.
end of the month to begin loading.
ine urinsn steamer St Dunstan fin
ished the cargo that she Is to take from
this port at pie St. Johns mills and was
scheduled this morning for Puget sound,
where, she will finish. She cleared With
1.127.967 feet of lumber, the value of
the cargo, being placed at I18.56S.57.
Her cargo is 'destined for Adelaide.
When lifted on Jthe Oregon drydoek,
the steamer Klamath; was -found to
have the tips of all the flukes on her
propeller broken, supposedly from hav
ing hit a sunken log on her way up
the river. She was floated ' from the
lit IyC rbn
, '-Qi
txrLMUToay notes.
- mtk - to
" , LI T : " . . . .. .
IteuB, arestlmou Butt, ptm HmmA poiaM f (qui atlv smml
hnntt w doul Htm. rwi Ikrautk vott tl mit Icniwnui:
M ii i n v.
dock laA night " -.,.
After having ' her machinery over
hauled at the Willamette Iron A Steel
works,' the Port of Portland , tug Wal-lula-
wjll be, placed on the port's dry
dock at Bt. Johns for s- cleaning and
painting. : .-. . . , . .
So far as is known now the oriental
liner Hercules, Captain Bjerck, -will sail
from here for the far east on -Wednesday
morning at daylight. She will have
25.090 - barrels' -of wheat, the largest
shipment 'from here since that taken
but last fall by the Knight of St
George, and 1,000,000 feet of lumber..
"With the barge Nehalem In ' tow, the
steamer.' George , R. Vosburg;, Captain
Rorvik, will sail from the Albina deck
this afternoon for Nehalem; The barge
is laden; with construction material i
Carrying. St. passengers and 250, tons
of freight the steamer Breakwater, Cap
tain MacQenn. sailed at. 9 o'clock this
morning for Coos Bay. :
At 9 o'clock this morning the steam
schooner Washington left down the, riv
er : from Portsmouth for Goble, ,where
she will take on a part -of her cargo of
lumber for San Francisco. She will fin
ish at Kalamal
Jfo tow of the steamer Ocklahoma the
fchobner Alvena will leave down from
St Helemr for Astoria today." She is
laden with lumber for San Francisco.
Before the Ocklahoma started for the
Alvena it was expected that she would
hlp the ; Norwegian steamer El r down
through the bridges this morning. The
latter will probably clear today.
After discharging some empty gaso
line drums at the Washington street
dock, the gas schooner Wilhelmlna. Cap
tain Tyler, which arrived last night
from Sluslaw, went to the Port of Port
land drydoek where she will be cleaned
and painted. She Vill sail again about
Tuesday after her annual Inspection.
Very good time was made by the
Port of Portland in getting the Brttisk
bark Iverna to sea, the ship' leaving
here in tow of the Ocklahoma and ar
riving out over the bar Just 24 hours
later. She started down from here at
12:30 Wednesday afternoon and arrived
down at 8 o'clock yesterday morning,
and being taken in tow by the Oneonta,
arrived out at 12:J0 yesterday after
noon. She drew 23 feet and was laden
with 8800 tons of wheat
Astoria, July 8. Sailed at 11 a. m.,
steamer Rainier, for San Francisco.
Sailed at 9:15' a. m., steamer Thos. L.
Wand, for San Francisco.
San Francisco, July 8. Sailed at 10
a. m., steamer W. S. Porter, for Port
land. San Pedro,' July 7. Arrived, steamer
Fair Oaks and steamer Beaver, . from
Astoria, July 7. Sailed at 12:10 p. m.,
steamer Catania, for San Francisco.
Arrived down at 8:30 and sailed at 5:30
p. m., steamer Bear, for San Francisco.
Arrived down at 4 and sailed at 5:30
p. m., steamer Capistrano, for Aberdeen.
Arrived down at 10:30 p. m steamer
Rainier. .' .
8an Francisco, July 7. Sailed at 2 p.
m., steamer Asuncion, for Portland.
San Pedro, July 8. Sailed, steamer
Beaver, for Portland, , and schooner
Irene, for Columbia rivter. Arrived yes
terday, steamer Coaster, from Columbia
river. Arrived today, schooner Schome,
from Columbia river.
Astoria, July 8. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 8 a. m., smooth;
wind northwest 15- miles; J weather,
Tides at Astoria Saturday High
water, 2 a. ffl., 9.1 feet; 8:35 $. m., 7.3
feet;., low water, 9:08 a. m., 1.0 feet;
9:17 p. m.,.3.2 feet. , i-'
Dally River Readings. " J
iewlston ......
Albany . . ,
WJlBOnvllle . . . .
' River forecast:
at PorUand will
ary for the next
2.6 0
8.4 0,1
11.6 0.3
1.8 04
0.8 0
3.9 Ov
9.6 0.1
, The Willamette river
remain nearly station
three days.
Wireless Messages. 1
(UniUd "Wireless, viaTNorth Head.)'
- Steamship Rose City, at sea. Jul 1
t p. m.--Longitude 124 west, latitude 42,
nortnr barometer 2J.g; temperature 68.
Fresh" west wind; weather dear.
Steamship Rose, -at Sea, July 8, 4 a, tn,
-Longitude.124 west, latitude 44 north;
barometer 30.12; temperature 60. Qn
We north breese; weather foggy.
' :'ji"'''t-. ' ..ii' ii, ;,& .
, Xegalar XJners' ue to Arrive.
Golden Gate, Tillamook. July 7
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook Julv"v7
Roanoke Log Angeles . .... .July 8
Rose City, Ban Francisco..,, '..July1 8
Breakwater, Coos Bay.... July li
Beaver. San Pedro.-.. ,..i?.Julv i
uhjm.ii ii fv-'i jinn, f Ti , , , , a j u ly 4
Bear, San Pedro.. ........... .,,jui 17
Begular. Users Ius to Depart
Breakwater, Coos Bay,.. ,.,.. July '?
Eureka, Eureka- I .July '4
Rose City, San Pedro July li
Beaver, San Pedro July n
(Portland. Ore,. July t, 1010
. . .
' Baroaet "Ti.1 r- '-..vr;. 80.11
Temperatars :S.t3t... 61 ,
Humidity V "U-"- 84
Wind, Ofreot loa I
Wind, Velooity ... . 8 1
-Weather - 'CLEAR
Rainfall , 0
Max imam temperature
k yesterday -j. - 61
Geo. W. Elder. San Pedro ......July 19
Bear, San Pedro. ............ ...July 22
Teasels In Port. ,
Elr, Nor. sa .. Port Lbr. Co.
Rainier, Am. as Oak st
Hercules, Nor. ss .....Alaska
Willamette, Am. gas sch Port drydoek
Mable Gale, Am. sch-........Prescott
Klamath, Am. ss O. & C. dock
St. Dunstan, Br. ss.... .St. Johns
Pactolus, Am. bk. ,.,Inman-Poulsen
Coulsdon, Br. ss.,..."....Inman-Poulsen
Ninfa, It sh. ,......;..n....Prescott
Joseph Pulltser. Am. gas sch
. ; i ..... .. Port Drydoek
Washington. Am. ss ............Goble
Ea Bouti With Cement and General.
Amiral Cornuller, Fr. bk. ....Antwerp
Babin Chevaye. Fr. bk.......,..Ix)ndon
Bayard, Fr. bk. ............... Blasjrow
Bidart, Fr. bk . . ... Ant werp
Canneblere, Fr. ..bk ............ Glasgow
Claus, Ger, x sh Hanfburg
Claverdon, Br. sh Tyne
David d" AngerB, Fr. bk .Hamburg
Glenholm, Br. sh, . . ......... .Antwerp
Hoche, Fr. sb.. .Llveroool
Iverna. Br. bk. . , , ,j . . . .Santa Rosalia
Marechal de Castrus, Fr. bk ....Tyne
Mlchelet Fr, bk ....Limerick
Notre Dame d'Arvor, Fr. bk.. Antwerp
Scottish Moors, Br. sh........ Antwerp
St Nicholas, Br.- ss.'. ..Antwerp
Thiers, Fr. sh...' .' Antwerp
Titanla, "Nor. ss. Antwerp
Vincennes. . Fr. bk. ........... . .Antwerp
Miscellaneous Tonnage to Arms.
Glenlee, Br. ss San Francisco
Coulsdon, Br. ss.... Comox
Elr, Nor. sa ....Moji
St. Dunstan, Br. es. Honolulu
Coulsdon, Br. ss. .comox
Aagot, Nor. ss. ........ San Francisco
Alert. Am. sch..'..,..... ..Honolulu
Otaru No. 2, Jap ss. ...... Hokkaido
Irene, Am. sch ,.Un Pedro
Sark. Nor. ss. ........... Wancouver
Ninfa, It sa. . .. ..i. ..Honolulu
Pactolus, Am. bk. ...... .San Francisco
Geo, E. Billings, Am. son.. San Francisco
H. K. Hall, Am. sch...... San Francisco
Inca, Am. sch Honolulu
Luzon. Am. sch...... Redondo
Strathspey, Br. ss ...... . San Francisco
W. F. Jewett Am. sch. .... .San Pedro
Jim Butler, Am. ss......San Francisco
Effect of loslam, the Kew Bkin Bemedy,
, Is Immediately Perceptible. -
"1 have been troubled with red nose
arid eczema for nearly eight years until
I discovered poslam, the new magic
cure. My face was a eight, and I was
ashamed to be seen on the street I
was surprised to see the Improvement
after a month's treatment and I have a
nice, clear; complexion from which the
pimples and my red ' nose disappeared
like magic," says Charles .F. Slutter,
Wllkes-Barre, Pa. My nose would be
like a boil." says Carl D. Stelnhoff, Co
lumbus, Ohio, "not only painful but em
barrassing, t have given poslam a
thorough trial. My face became smooth
and fair. My nose is a natural color
and does not get sore."
Poslam Is the new skin remedy, nat
urally flesh-colored, 'which heals and
hides all skin lmperfectlona Although
primarily intended for eczema stopping
the Itching with first application and
rapidly Testorrntr the health of the skin
poslam shows Jmmedlate and surpris
ing results -when used for less serious
skin affections, such as pimples, rash,
blotches, inflammations, etc.
Poslam is on sale in 60-cent boxes
and 82 jars at all druggist,, particularly
the Owl Drug .company. A free sample
may be obtained by mail in plain wrap
per by writing to tie Emergency Lab
oratories, 32 West , 25th street New
York City.
Kidney disease advances o rapidly
that many a person is firmly in its
grasp before aware of its progress.
Prompt attention should be given the
slightest symptom of kidney disorder.
If there is a dull pain in the .back,
headaches, dizzy spells on tired,
worn-out feeling, . or if the : urine is
dark, foul-smelling, irregular and at
tended with pain, procure a good kid
ney remedy at once.
Your . townspeople - recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills. Read the state
ment of this Portland fcitizenv i ? 1
f H, S.-Baldwin, 188 Boundary ave.,
Portland, Or., says: "i't gives me
pleasure to recommend Doan's Kid
ney Pills., t When'' I was suffering
greatly from my back and kidneys,
this remedy was brought to. -my at
tention, and the use of a few boxes
drove away ; the pain and strength
ened my kidneys. I Am now enjoying
good' health' , i' 'W 7-i i 'J; :
Vnr aa1r hv all., Healers. . Price. 5(1
Makes Rapid Headway
'iejeents-f'oetef-Mt.biuro Co., . Eufal,
New York, fcole agents tor the united
States. ; , . ' - '
Remember the nameDoan's and
take no other.
Many People Seriously Injured
From Bites of Insects Oil
to Cover Swamps.
' (United Freas Laed Wire.) - -Galveston,
Texas; July 8. Mosqultos
have Invaded Port Arthur and vicinity
In great swarms, and today between
600 and 700 persons are 111 from mos
quito bites. Five persons have been
seriously injured by the bites of the
Insects, and it was necessary to-amputate
the. leg of one woman to save her
Ufa. , ' - , , . - .. i
" Ten thousand barrels of oil have bee u
donated by a local 'oil company to be
used in covering the swamp lands ad
jacent to Port Arthur, for the purpose
of destroying mosquito larvae. : ,
Continued from Page One.) ' '
but is not inclined tor seek the indorse
ment of his fellow lawyers,
Judge Kavanaugh, who was appointed
to the bench a few weeks ago in place
of Earl C Bronaugh, resigned, Will have
no opposition. He is ill with- typhoid
fever, but his campaign has taken care
of itself. . '
H. W. Strong is one of the attorneys
opposed to the making of nominations
tonight In outlining his reasons today
he said: '
. lawyer will Vomlnate, ,.
"It has been supposed by many that
the proposed lawyers' assembly would
merely suggest names of candidates to
go on the ballot at the primaries. A
reading of the call for the meeting, how
ever, shows the assembly is called under
section 2791 of the code, which provides
for nominations to go on the ballot at
the genera election. This is a section
not expressly repealed by the direct
primary law, although the primary law
repeals all laws in conflict with it
"There Is a question whether, the as
sembly of lawyers has authority to
make nominations under this old section.
If it does, the nominating by this meth
od is opposed to the principles of the
primary law. The candidates named by
this assembly will go on the ballot In
November whether named at the pri
maries or not. I suppose the lawyers'
candidates will go before the primaries
and take a double Shot
1 Will G& on Ballot, - 4-
"The point I make is that the candi
dates nominated tonight may go on the
ballot, according to this call, without
any regard to the nominations made at
the primaries. As a. friend of the direct
primary I do not believe this is a wise
move." ' . - - 1 t
Invitations to attend the meeting to
night have been sent to every lawyer
in the. Fourth Judicial district by Ar
thur Langguth, secretary of the Mult
nomah Bar association, without regard
to whether or not. the lawyers are in ac
tive practice or hold membership In the
bar ' association." : ; - '-s .
Mr. Gelsler's letter declining to be a
i r
! tute
Why waate money "try
ing'' different doctors r Go
to the St Louis Medical Co.
in the first -place and get
cured and avoid experi
menting with poor doctors.
v 1 - I
You Can Pay Fefc When Cured
Some Cases Cured as low as $3.50
If you have an old ailment that has been hanging en for months, and
which medicine from doctors and druggists can't seem to cure. thet Is
some reason. have a scientific cure. for these cases, and will cure you
right quickly and cheaply. Don't let your disorders drag you down in
health and weaken you. : ' , v , 1 ,) , , ,
Blood and Skin Disorder ftsstf " ;
ism, skin dtsorders, , eccema. Don t go to Hot Springs. I can cure you
cheaper and better. Under my eclentlflc treatment all these terrible
symptoms quickly disappear and robust health returns. If others have
failed to -cure or are not henef lUng you, eome to me. , I cure permanently,
quickly and cheaply. . .. . . ',
A U. I CO S C V C I N 1 occur on the left side and
... w AKI VVOL . ,w 1. r a often cause dragging, aching feel
ing in the groin or loins, worry, nervousness.. They are usually caused-"
by strains, lifting, bicycle riding, prolonged standing on the feet sedeh- ',
, tary habits. I cure without pain. The cure Is safe and absolutely cer
, tain. Come and see me, free. ' : . ..
Bladder Trouble and llldney Disorders
Have you backache? Do you have to get up at night? Do you pass
gravel t Have you muddy complexion? Have . you' weak ' or fainting
spells? Do your feet swell? If you have aay of these symptoms don't ?'
wait until your case gets bad. I will givve you a careful, examination
free. s.f Come now,. "vi',-r..., ,'.,-..:,.. v7 .. ::.. :,.,.i... :,..,,;? .,.-;..,. .,,-,,;,
" M P r i n ii al Mtn wo? ncx nr bzo, tbv habdit
; 5 e r v o u s rien Aia xo wn a t b id! i
: ' This is how you feel. There Is usutlly pain across the email of the
back, blue rings under the eyes, specks before . the eyes, sleep does not
refresh you, bad dreams; you get up in the moratner feeling tired: your
memory Is poor, your mind wanders.) you are hollow eyed; you axe fear-
. ful, always expecting th worst to happen; nervous, no appetite,- bear
reader, oome to me and I will lend you a helping hand. I cure cheaply
and qulokly. Come today don't. put off 'any longer. : ,
:'.':' .! , OOsTBVXiTATZOSr A3TO ;. BXASOSrATIOW niji '";.; ::v''
At office or by mall. One personal visit is preferred, 'but if this is im
practicable, write us a full and unreserved history o your case and get
eur opinion free. Many cases oured at home. Medicine fresh front, our
own laboratory,. f 1.60 to fl.SQ per course. ,i r- v v
Soon, i i. sc. e..
candidate before the lawyprs 13 el
dressed to the Multnomah Usr apaoclti-
tion, and reads as follows:
II. Gelsler's tetter. 1
"A conclusion which I have reached
after earnest deliberation urges me' to
write this letter, and I ask that it be
read at the bar assembly on Friday
night July 8. 1910, as it may help to
shorten your labors with respect to rny
own candidacy. '
'Ih my opinion greater rood would
be achieved by our profession if it con
fined Us energies to an expression of
approval or disapproval, regardless of
party, of the men offering themselves
tor judicial positions. , than by makina
actual nominations; for, In the latter
case, we are seemingly usurping the
ngnis or me electors at large. Judicial
auuer, or course, have nothing what
ever to do with political partisanship;
nevertheless, no one can deny that it is
desirable to have contending parties as
means xor Desc results; -
"At all events, wishing to be consist
ent, I cannot ask the nomination of two
different ' bodies whose determinations
may be opposed to each other. There
fore, ; while I sincerely appreciate the
kind support of my lawyer friends, I
cannot, at this time, be a candidate be
fore that body, since I nean to run as
a Republican, and the nominee of our
Republican citizens, or I will not run at
au.,r , - - . .
Whether Riverside shall have cement
or vitrified sewers in - the proposed
sewer district will be a Question for the
council to decide. At a session this
mornlnar of the invn'mmmitt..' ii
proceedings relative , to 'specifying the,
aina - or material to be used were de
clared eff. and all bids for th rnrlr
were rescinded. ' ,
In the oriainal ' crooMtriina' . vitrtu
pipe was proposea. At the request Of a
number of Riverside
Counollman Ellis Introduced a resolution
cnanging the specifications to provide
for either cement or vitrified sewer. An
ODiniOn from' the cltv attnrnav In thi
effect that the council must specify one
particular material again changed the
specifications. Next came , the city
engineer witn, a resolution v to throw
out all bids for either material, which
resolution gained two votes for and two
against it this morning. The matter
now goes io me council. ,
' - I i ' i! ".'' '!
..- auv .um u.l,
Salem. Or... Jul 8. Of flr-loi nHin.
uon was receivea irom - tne southern
Pa'ifio COmoanv bv the tra.ltn-narl Ann,-
mission this morning to the eff eat that
ins cmoti niwetn cenverion ana wins
burs' will ha blaced In niwritlrm f.m.v
July 15. Quicker service will then be'
umuguiaicu uoiwcrn pumui on me xam
hlll and west side divisions of , the
Southern Paeifin svstem. an1 -nt,, tn
those. points and Portland will be reduced.-..,,
.. , . ,.
The company asks for permission to
file "hew rates, to to Intn ffar within
10 days. The law provides unless per
mission is granted by the commission
new rates cannot' ra Intn Afff in.M.
of 10 days after they are published. The
raiiroaa coin puny rates mKing reduc
tions to points on the west side and
the-Yamhill divisions will be published
tomorrow. - . ,
The new cutoff will also open four
new , stations Bonlta, Tigard, Scholls
and Fanno. .
Some of the western rallrmtis will
use wireless so that trains can be run
ta;a ainaa of , weather...--Vv-c'-v
tbbsts, voxTXksjra, oaaooH
. During Its' many years of uninter
rupted etlvity this extensive establish
ment has become exceedingly popular
among the si ok and afflicted' of the
Northwest It is business principles and'
rules Fair reeling. Faithful and Con
scientious Serrloe, Reasonable Charges. 4
Buccessful and Prompt Curescave ee- '
cured for It a large patronage, whkh
cannot be lnfluenoed by announcements
containing extravagant promises of
transient, temporarily established com
petitors. Aside from securing the good
will of the publlo In general, this lnstl-
has established Itself firmly In the
esteem of the business community. Ths
8t Loula Medical Co.-Invites invesU-
- gatlon for the purpose cf proving that
- is is the largest and best equipped -Medical
Institute for the treatment of
ofaronio, Nervoua, Blood and Skin IMs-
orders of Men of Portland. Its methods ,
of treatment are tried, according to
latest discoveries and according to re
cent teachings.
' I issue a positive guarantee of a cure
In every , case undertaken or money re
funded. X want nothing I do not bon-
estly earn, sad If I fail to care you 1 ,
aadaya, 10 to 18.
miM Fllllll;
: FlflYliMiS
Foreman Attacks Two Trouble
; Makers and Enrages Entire
Gang Deputies to Rescue
land Captures Effected.
' (ValM Pnm Iaaed Wlre.l -Olympla.
Wash., July 8, Deputy
sheriffs have rounded up a majority of
66 men who fought a five hour battle at
the construction camp of - Rayott A
Faubert on the Northern Paoifio at
Grand Mound yesterday afternoon; Six
Americans held pff 60 Hungarian labor"
ers in a pitched battle that started when
the American foreman attacked two of
the' - foreigners : who were stirring . up
trouble in camp. . ,
The entire crew turned on the fore-,
man, who ran to a steam shovel a half
mile away, where five other Americans .
were working. The battle began with
sticks and stones as the weapons, r A'
spectator brought word to Chehalls and
a carload of deputies was sent to v the
scene. .When they arrived they found
several of the Hungarians unconscious
and seriously , hurt by flying atones
and shovels. 1
On the appearance of the armed men
the Hungarians beat a hasty retreat Into
the- forest, carrying , most, of their
wounded with them.
"A hundred miles of mono-van road (
is to be built in Alaska. t
When Parisian Sage is Guaran
teed to Stop Falling Hair, ;
or Money Back?
A luxuriant head of hair ts God's
birthright to every man to every wo
man. , , ,
If your hair is falling out"; If it Is
splitting; if it is turning gray, if if is
full Of dandruff. If it In htrah mA ,,wwJ
contrdilable, . then it ; Is diseased, and "
prompt acuon snouia do UKen. '
Parisian Sage is a real hair restorer;
it will darken . fadarl .hair? It will aim '
dandruff in one week by promptly kill-
ing me germs inai imesi tne roots of
the hair, ',... - "
-Parisian Sage is the most delightful"
hair dressing in the world; it is pleas- '
ant Invigorating and . refreshing. It
malcM tha hair aoft hmiitlftit on -
urtant Wherever Parisian Sage Is '
Known, it is tne laaies- favorite hair
dressing. --i-
, We urge all women who desire beau-
ttful hair, to try Parisian Sage.
If iftor tiatnar An hhrtla vaii Jin
say it Is the most delightful hair dress
ing you ever used, you can-have your
money back. The price is only 60 cents -
a. iflrs- hntti ait Woodarrl riortr, ja, tv "
or by ' express, charges prepaid, from
uiiuu mil. vi suiius, , x, m
girl with the Auburn hair. Is on every .
bottle; , v fv.-'Si'iite
Come to Me
and be Cured
When I
Cure You f
or say me . as yoa
get' the benefit . of
say . treatment. . .
. TXX TOM A GVMM Is lower than ant .
specialist In the city, alf that others -charge
you.- and no exorbitant charge
for medfciiiea
I am an expert specialist Have bad
80 years' practice in the treatment of ..
diseases of men. My offices are the ,
best equipped In Portland. My methods
are modern and up to date. My euros
are ulck and positive. - X do not treat
symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly -examine
each ease, find the cause. , re ,
move It and thuai eire the disease
I Crr-B Tarleose Veins. Oontreeteg '
Diseases, riles aad Speeif le Blood Vet -Son
and all Diseases ef Hen.- -, ,
traoted- and chronlo cases cured. All
burning, itching and Inflammation ston
ped In 14 houra Cures affected in sev-
en fl-v
tuoiu-aa) every man a lifelong cure, with
out taking medicine into the stomach.
Examination free. If unable to call,
write for list ef questions -
orrice nours a. m. to s p. m. aun
days, 10 s in. to 1 p, tn. only.
I T VFP The Chinese
L.t I , I LfLr. Doctor.
Yee.and son s Medicine Co.,
spent lifetime study of herbs
and research In China, was
granted Diploma by the Era
peror, wonderful eure all ais
eases of men and women,
when others failed. If you
,aniffa mnttirm twe 1st. cor. Alder, Portland. Or.
'i II ii'
a i
t -. . m
Journal. Adlets Pay. Biggest