itiiHit-liUiiSiliU Trpcs Sold by Oregon Nursery Company Not Infected In Perfect Condition. Reports of tha existence of psar blight ln tha vicinity tff Roseburj appear, un founded. Tn a recent news story from that city the statement was made that - a large number of young pear trees sold by the Oregon Nursery company to . Dr. George A. Bradburn were Infected with blight when they came from the nur sery. Subsequent Investigation has not borne out the charge. A number of Dr. Bradburn's trees , died shortly after planting, but there is .no evidence, that this was caused by pear blight Commenting upon the original story, M. McDonald, president of the .Oregon Nursery company made the following statement to The Journal: 1 '. ' Xn psrfsot Condition. "Wi have sold no trees to Dr. George X. Bradburn. We, however, did sell trees to a dealer by the nam of A. I Kitchen at wholesale. Borne of the trees spoken of may be the stock shipped by our company to Mr. Kitchen. We Another Lard Special FOR TOMORROW SATURDAY - Notwithstanding the price of, hogs is , continually advancing, we still are able ftp quote an unusually low price on lard. ' We' advise you to stock up, as .these prices assure you a. great' saving, - N , 10 lb. Pail Best Lard . . $1.40) 5 lb. Pail Best Lard . . . 70c COMPOUND l6lb. Pail;.....?1.10 51b.Pail....wV..55 EXTRA The butchers Jiave been after us because we sell - meats too low, We appreciate the fact that we; : sell. meats at too low, a price;. but, judging front the,:" ;;riumber of friends we have made'for this busy mar-i ket, we think ifcpays, and, shall continue to carry ,' out this policy'. " , " ' " 1 ' - Pot Roasts' rr. 6c,k 8cr 1 0c Boiled Beef. ; ,6c, 7c,' 8c Choice Steaks V. . . .10c Breast' of Mutton. 8c and Here's Another Special f Sausa&eThas taken another jump," but' we have de--s tef mined to keep the price down for one'niore day. '' I ' Tomorrow Only " : HVER r V'JSAGE BLOOD SAUSAGE " 7 Bologna Sausage lOo Ifc. ; CAREFUL Be Sure1 to' Get the Right Corner: STATi 221 FIRST, CORNER SALMON POT ROAST lOc lb. AU our 12j4cylt Roasts they last, per pound PURE LARD id-lb. pail Lard. 91.45 5-lb. pail Lard. ...... .....75 ' 3-lb. pai! Lard .. .45 -BO-lb. can Lard.. $7.50 COMPOUND , , 5-lb. pail'... 55 , 10-lb. pail. ?1.05 50 lbs. Compound V..: .$5.00 aw 7. Fourth arir! Vamriill StY Freshr Dressed lChickeMs . . ;FOR SATURDAY , Spring Geese, lb. . . r.' .20 SKAHOKAVA BUTTER , a Roll 70c RANCH EGGS,;doz.. .30 Chinook Salman, lb. . .15 Salted Mackerel, .Salmon, Herring and Eel: - COLL'MBIA-FIS!! CO. BAY Third and Ankeny Sts. ' Main S. - -. $ A-5556 einit fay si to V t. Ii-nvevtr, t-e Ofiifrs shtpf.-! Kitchen wore.; placed with us very" lute in the season, after the time whtni trees 'should have ben planted In the Roseburg district, and at a season of the year when heavy losses would be expected from such late plantings. "All trees shipped to Mr. Kitchen were In perfect condition when placed on board the cars at our station and were received by Mr. Kitchen and ac cepted by him' as in first class condi tion so far as we know, as we had no complaint from him until almost two months-after the trees were shipped. Was rins Itock. "We might further pay for, your In formation that we ahlpped to the Bitter Root Valley Irrigation company, Hamil ton, Mont, about the same time some 300,000 trees, all of which trees were received by them and accepted as being in perfect condition. We afterward re ceived a special letter from their man ager. Mr. Moody, stating that this was the finest stock they had ever received. . "This shipment was sent Into a high er altitude where the spring season is much later, and when they arrived there it was the proper time for plant ing, while the shipment made to Mr. Kitchen was" long past the time when trees should-be set out in that section. "We are willing to leave it to the de cision of the best horticulturists as to whether any of the trees shipped to the Roseburg district are diseased with pear blight'- , f LINN COUNTY WILL " i r EXHIBIT BIG APPLES j , , . Albany has taken a great interest In the Portland Apple Show and growers of XJnn county will bs represented by a Hams Picnics ....... '..'..15 Extra choice ...... 20 SPECIAL; Hind quarters : Mutton -per lb, . .... ... ,A2c, Shoulder Roast of Mut1 ton 4. ;10c -? tomorrow., (Saturday) while . k - SUGA.CUREU.HAMS Sugar-Cured Hams, per lb.. 21 Sugar-Cured Bacon, per lb.. .25 . ALL KINDS SAUSAGE Veal Sausage .15 Frankfurters . '. , 13 J4 tfpiogna .... ............ '.10f -Liver Sausage". . t.Bt mum Phones Main 2830, A-2830 ill - ' l . ' . , Li xjL.iaa Best Creamery ' Butter 1 60c & 65c . . 1 Ranch Eggs, 2 doz . ; . .55 Best Hams :,..21 Good Creamery .J55 Dairy Butter ....i.V.. 80 and 55 Bacons , . . . ,: . .... 20-22 Compound' v.". ..... ... . , ... . , ,60 Best Lard ......... . ' ....... 85 Wisconsin Swiss Cheese . . ; 254-30t Full Cream .20 Half Cream . . . . ....... .; . . .15 Cream Brick W. .20 Llmburger : 35f Saturday is ouit chicken day Chickens 20c and 25c la GraiTdc Creamery 284 YASnULL STREET 1 BETWEEN T1I1KO. AND FOUKTU RmARKeT fine fsr." 't. Wor.i rf-:he..l the Com nirrclal -Jub yrsterd.iy from Albany that tlie va! y city will do all it can to make the Portland show a success and will participate to the fullest extent. Dates of the Albany show, which will be held after the apple harvest In the fall, will be arranged with" reference to the Portland enow and after the best fruit is picked at Albany It will be shipped to Portland and placed on ex hibition here. The Albany exhibit will also go to the Spokane Apple Show and after that, will be forwarded, to .the great annual land show at Chicago. ' "The people of Albany have already raised $300 to provide for shipping the exhibit, to Chicago. This shows an ex cellent spirit on the part at the Linn county metropolis for not only are the Albany people determined to advertise their own fruit resources at Portland and Spokane but to make the excellence of Oregon fruit known Jn the east as well. . ': . w : : " : .-. Albany observed ft holiday yesterday, with the stores closed, while practically the whole population turned out to at tend the opening day of the Albany Chautauqua assembly. Frank 8. Smith Dies ' In Mexico. (Special Dlnpttcb to The" Journal.) , Eugene,; On, July; 8. The news of the death In Mexico of Frank 8, Smith, a prominent citizen - of Springfield; has been received by his family here.' He went to Mexico a short : time ago In hopes of benefiting his health! and' the last word received from him was to the effect that he was much better. The telegram Informing, thefamily f lils death v stated -the 4 remains were i In terred there.. He was ,65 years old, an leave a wife, two aons.and one daugh ter.. . V.,v,... , HEAH-KAH-NIE MOUNTAIN nIGffCLAoS BEACH PROPERTY " Values her will double and triple orer present prices tn . very short tuna. U.W.FERGUSON Jff PEP OWAFft jtQ9tO-ll BOARD OF TRADE BLDS Superior Blue Stem Patent : , HAirvrAQTUBzs bt in n- . OXTXEB rLOVKUrOXCU ,' OO.t XSXtAJTD CZTT, ' OBsaozr. The flour that all ara pralstnf. Mr. Retailer, If you will make a new customer for Superior Flour once a week, you are looking after your best Interests and making lasting flour friends., Ths house-' wife who first rises It will cer tainly teepme a permanent patron, and Will lose no opportunity to speak a good word "for your store. This has been demonstrated over and over. Every single essential J that goes to make good- flour can be found in this brand. VYrlt for particulars. D. d Burns Co. , DXSnUBTTTOM. 208-210 Third Street POBTSAWD, OB. lMHssSHsisisaMf I ga ''CISS17''' 111 ,,... 1 .!i!js3 isiiP t. :mm -MMffiff i nr. nrsinnn iVjicninninnof rra4ir m m Slarxcn'slfcc Collce None Better Pound Anywhere. ' Worth 35 ' EXTBA B7ECXAX. rOB TOXOBBOW I IDs. ot the 40o Oof tee for.. .1 At ths Corner, just as you enter. . . . f . . N. t ..n -M . I ; . i n r- Hanson, the The SWISS CHEESE STORE FsfD ITssilf alan "Imported Swiss, per lb.. ..;..35 Wisconsin Brick, per lb.. ....25 rrUll WlUII Wisconsin Swiss, per lb..... 30 Oregon Cream Brick, per lb...20 jn the middle of :- Wisconsin Swiss (block) for Finest Llmburger, per lb.. . ..25o marVn e ' .t Saturday, per lb..... .'.25 Rocquefort. jier- lb ...500 incmarsxi. Be Sure to L.OOK Imported Olive Oila, Sardines, Msnaronl, Noodfts. Sausages, Boiled Choice Oranges : HimLfp. - . V " hmm 'VK' 2 dozen ...2l : ' ' i ' ' V .... .. ., . . Pure Fruit Jelly, Home Made, 10c Glass, at Jarvls Delicatessen Booth M JA8ICMILP THE LITTLE WHOLESALE BUTCHER : RETAILS AT WHOLESALE PRICES , Hindquarter Mutton 124 Shoulder 'Mutton " ..................... 10j Boiled Beef V . .V'.V.... ...... .,7f , Beet,. Roast Pork , .. .9-10 Rbiind Steak, two pounds . ............ .25 Pork Sausage, two pounds . . ... . ... ... . . . . .25 Hamburger ..Steak . . . i. ..... . .. . . . .. .10 ' Rolled Rib Roast . , . ...... . . . ....... 15 Mutton Chops, two pounds . .25 Veal Roast . .; . . . ;.. ........... 12-15 Garwood Cream Taffy; Best In IF YOU WANT The best S. ' Inspected 'Meat' Get it from -. MR FRIEDMAN At the lowest ' prices.' Next to - . Ocean Fish Market. ColumbiaRivfcr Fish Depot The leader of all in quality, the .new Kippered Salmon in-seasons-pound at ..... 4 . -v 20 i Broilers, Hens and SprinJ Ducks . . killed fresh ' every day. Live Crawfish, doien ... . . . .25 Columbia River Smelt, per lb. 5 Phone, Us Your Orders? Marshall 2177 A-3717' PASS 'EM ALL bp "AND LOOK for the . . X Vr' :,r ' ,.:....,V v: .C' v' 1 ,;'l'i7'.-j ..: ;' -SkataoKawa Bailer Stall - FIRE HflllSES OUT "The day for the horse in the fire departments is quickly passing' said a representative of the Gorham Rubber company yesterday In presenting to the fire committee bids for new fire fight ing apparatus.' . .' "The automobile is quickly taking the places so long occupied by the animal, and it is a reasonable conclusion that within 10 years, all the larger cities will have 'almost their entire fir de partments equipped with the motor drawn wagons, v "The experimental stage of the auto mobile has been passed, . The, concerns TOMORROW Sugar 18lbs.$l Sack for $6.00 BUTTER Best Creamery Butter, roll ..tfit Oleomargarine, per roll . . . ,40f 10-lb. sack of White Gornmeal 30 10-lb. sack Graham Flour 30 8 pounds of Petite Prunes ('.25 3 pounds of Peaches ......... 25J Raisins, per pound 5 Favor Raisins, per package Dned Grapes, 8 pounds 25 Sweet Pickles," per quart . . . .20 .Dill Pickles, per quart ,i,...10f Sour Pickles, per quart 10 4-gal. keg of Sour Pickles ..$1.00 FLOUR Special Flour, per sack . . . .$1.15 Special Flour, per barrel v..f4,50 Big Bend Flour, per sack '..fl.40 Big JBend Flour, per barrel f 5.40 6 bars of Castile Soap ....... 25 3-lb. pkg. of Washing Powder 15 1 quart of Salad Oil .i'.V.-iSOf : Gallon can of Honey , . . . . .f 1.00 1 I pint of Honey -- .'.... ...25 1 gallon of Syrup ...50 1 gallon of Catsup .50 1 gallon of Salad Oil ...... $1.25 2 glasses of Chipped Beef ,...25 Eagle Milk ,. ..... .t. . . 3 cans of Milk .....25 1& dozen Clothes Pins 10 8 rolls, of Toilet Paper ,.25 10 pkgs. of Toothpicks ......25 '8 bars of D. C Soap ......25 Cocoanuper pound ....... .20 Lentels, 3 pounds ...25 OCT TKB HABIT Cor 8av Xosay 17 lbs. Sugar for fl.00 7 boxes- Hood. Toilet Soap , .25 4 cans Oregon Milk .........25 2 cans Fancy Pineapples 25 3 cans Fancy Tomatoes 25 Frank Vincent MISSION TEA SHOP Specials Saturday Only Crawfish Spices . 25 lb. Lipton Teas, Yellow . Label, 60 5 lbs. Japanese Rice V 25 . 4 cans Oregon Milk. SANITARY FISH & POULTRY Co. FRESH SMOKED SALT AND XANNEDISIl. We kill all our own poultry I'AIR DEALINGS OUR MOTTO that manufacture fire apparatus have been quick to see that the auto can be usd as well as the horse. While a machine is more expensive, it is quicker. Just as certain and with reliable men hold of It, many thousand , dollars can be saved In fires. " "A good' test ' was recently ' made at Pasadena, Cel., where the auto demon strated. Us superiority. It was arranged that the horse-drawn chemical and com bination wagon should compete against a new and improved auto wagon. It was arranged that a run. of several blocks should be made, string 1000 feet of hose, and put out a pile of boxes placed In a vacant lot. The alarm was given, and the time counted between the last stroke of the alarm, and the time the fire was pronounced extinguished was 11 min utes. This record was made by the horses. . Under the same conditions, the auto made the run, carried seven men. strung the hose, and had the fire out ini three . and, one-half minutes." . . ' The committee la considering purchas ing two combination chemical engines - IS - BARGAIN New Potatoes 15 lbs. for 25c Strictly Fresh Eggs 25c Dozen 1st. and PaclUc Main 5700 PHONES Ilome A-1415 SPECIAL SALE OF LUNCII GOODS 7 cans of Sardines ........... .25 7 cans of Deviled Ham .......25 2 cans of Shrimps . . . ". .... .;.25 1 2-pound can Corne.4 Beef . . .25 1 1 -pound can Dried Beef ,.,.25 Durkee's Picnic Salad Dressing, 3 for 3 cans Van Camp's Pork and Beans MUTTON Mutton Steto, per lb. .......... A T Shoulder Mutton, per lb 0 10 Loin Mutton Chopslb.V.i.ia'i Loin Mutton Roasts, lb..,.12j Free Basket with every $2 Jirst and Washington Shelburh Butter and Grocery Store KTOCXAjj 70B BATXTBDAI' 25c Coffee.. .21 3Be Coffee... 29 4 cans Western Milk ...... 25 Fresh Churned Butter, roll.. . ... .65 Shelburn Butter, roll 70 1 bars Laundry Soap 25 1000 two-pound rolls, lull weight, Wfvtr roll. This is' absolutely fresh churned. It's just right. No limit. Buy all you want. . EGGS, Every One Guaranteed, Two Dozen 55c Full Cream Tillamook Cheese. 20 per pound. Young Americas the same price. Honey two for 25. ' . . ' . Tbe Elgin Butter Store : Just as you go in. Can't miss it. City, 15c Pound Choice Compound, the pail ..65 A-l Bacon, the piece .22 Small Picnic Hams" the lb... 16 Presh Ground Bone ., 5 AT- BiF,':,Jpnes! Market Eggs S5 Oregon State Brand Butter, roll . . . . .65 Oakdale Butter Store Center of Market Yon All Know JACO THE RELIABLE FRUIT STAND Fresh Fruiti in the Market LOOK US UP and hose carts. The Americas-La France peopje have made a bid of $10, 760. . Two trtird class fire engines of the Metropolitan make are also considered for the department These are to be horse drawn, and the same, company has placed a bid of $12,160. The Gor ham Rubber company, with headquar ters for the coairt at Seattle, have also submitted bids, but are above the other concern. ' It is the opinion of the committee that the American-La France bids should be Accepted, and a conference with Mayor Simon will be had, and it Is very likely that the dear will be closed. This will give the Portland fire' department, two pieces of fire fighting apparatus of the automobile type. It also marks the doom of the old. fire horse; and places the local department on the list- of cities that have taken op the automobile for practical use. V : . . . ' , V . ' President Plays Golf. Beverly, Mass., July 8. President Taft played golf, -today with Captain - DAY - AT - TfiErPEOPLE'S New Tomatoes 3 Pounds ; 25c THE ORIGINAL VrCASHSTORE 3 bottles Sour ' Pickles' 3 bottles Catsup 2 cans Sliced Pineapple l-lb.,can Flat Salmon ... .;..25 ...25 ...25 ...10 3 bottles Mustard" . 25 l-quart bottle Chow-Chow .25 .25 25 VEAL, Shoulder Veal, per lb i .tin ,14 Veal Chops, per lb... 14. Breast of Veal, per lb....:;..l2 Veal Stew, per lb. .... .10, 12 Order taken Homer-No Sugar Bread Islthe - WTO -'thedauesI Tiirnuireniiimiin nn?"i OFFICE 324 ABINGTON BLDG., PORTLAND. ' FEtlOTO jgbcceh m 849-351 OAK STREET 34S-350 ANKENY STREET - PHONES MAIN 2596,2596" V "Buy Where Yqu Can Get the Most for Ycur Mony-Coinpare Our Prices With 0 llicrs" Sugar 17 lbs. for J1.00 Our fancy , patent Rose City flour, per sk. ... .'.$1.45 Good family flour, per sk. $1.20 Best creamery butter, per roll 65 17 lbs. new potatoes ..... .25 iy, lbs, M.&J. blend cof- fee ?1.00 1 lb Fellows special blend v:.15 1 lb. green or black tea . . -.25 1 lb. pure black pepper , . . .25 3 cans Pioneer milk - .25 4 cans Economy milk . . . i, .25 5 cans Carnation milk . . . . T ,55 1 can Eagle milk ........ , .15 1 can Baker's cocoa ....... , .20 1 lb. Ghir. chocolate '. ... . " .30 1 eal. rail eood table svr- I ... " r n-.. ll t up 7 cans Amer. $ardine . , '. 5 . "THESE PRICES ARE Are;.:: : , . ' . mml on t ." i i The 1 rmif r i i t t today for (. ! :: tho J r. gcr sori. KEITH RETURNS GZ:.3 LOST DY f.Ti O C! t After defying J. C. Seed and tell1- him he would not return diamonds worth $600 which he had found, J. M. Keith, a Waiter on the steamer Potter, changed hi mind this morning and re turned the gems. Shortly afterward the larceny charge pending against Keith was dismissed In municipal court when Attorney Touts informed Judge Bennett that a settlement had been .reached. Keith had pawned the stones with a local Jeweler and when arrested blandly admitted that he found the stones and had disposed of them, believing that he was safely within the law. 'Doubts On this, point assailed him later with a re sult satisfactory to Seed. 30 lbs. Rice CI 5 lbs Navy Kct as 23c Mb. of Grand Special Coffee 25. 1 lb. Monarch Coffee . - . s 1 lb. Loaf Sugar 5 packages of Shaker Salt .. ...25 2S-oz. can Baking Powder .. . 20 ' Yt pound can Baker's Cocoa 20 . 1 lb.' Ghirardelli's Chocolate 30 ! 20-pound sack of $ugar ,.,$1.00, yt pounas or couee jji.jvi 7 bars Naptha Soap . ;T25 13 bars of Laundry Soap ....25 6 fulL-pound bars of Soap ....5 Large package of Pearline. ;,20 1-lb. can Crescent Bak. Pow. 25 Lulu, "great cleanser' 4, for 25 2 bars of Silexo 5 Shredded Wheat, package .'...10 3 b -unches Turnips, Carrots or Onions ..5 6 pounds of String.Beans . . . . .25 6 pounds of Green Peas ......25 Cabbage, per pound ...... ...... 3 7 pounds of Dry Onions 25 6 pounds of Rice for .25 3 pkgs. of Egg-O-See Corn . .25 10 pounds Lard Compound f 1.25 6 pounds Lard Compound ... .65 3 bottles of Chow-Chow .....25. 3 bottles of Stuffed Olives v.. 25 3 cans of Tomatoes ...;. .....25 3 cans of Corn V 25 3 cans of Beans .............25 3 cansof Apples ... 25 15 pounds of Loaf Sugar ..$1.00 9-pound Sack of Rolled Oats 35 Staff of life AND REQUIRES DALLES DIAMOND. OR . FLOUR ; To make a superior article. : Manufactured by ' , " :, " DIAMOND FLOUR MILLS ' Ask yoUr arocsr for Ths DallM IMamona or Liberty Bell Flour, or vu JM.IU IT0.I. . If W T in via upplle4. ' 1 large pkg.. Pearline ;.. 3 cans lye 1 bot, bluing or ammoia. . .20 .25 .05 MEATS Legs Mutton, per lb.. . . .11 Shoulders Mutton, per lb. .05 Boiling Beef,' per lb. ... . . ,00 Pot roast Beef per lb. ... : .OS Steaksf per lb, ...,"...10 to .15 2 lbs. pure lard . ........ - U5 s '.'Other meats; in1 proportion." Whole Rump Beef per lb. 1Gc "Buy your fruit jars of us." Pt. Mason jars, per dz. . . X Qt. Mason jars, per dz. . .'. .-"; Y gal. Mason jars, per dz. , T Mason caps, per dz Rubbers, 3 pkg. .Z't hfcgnffinr-rrrrrr.-:-: - ' Jelly glasses, per dz. ..... FOR SATURDAY ON'L LIBERTY BELL,