1 1J L Y lib J .. i i i i i - -. i c, - n iiii jacii jg Allison Ml IIHVRNHIUfi VoR. r f l. I'M' 4 Cwcw. m PUNCHES; CNST THINK WU PiCrtju.ti e0 M6U I 1 I ' I I I I 1 I I Whs r:i..R.u,6o : ... . ' . ,. '.. . ....... , Vm, MM"t . 7 Ljj-js-44i kia mA mm: ismm i . I I V V i r , V. f 4 -VII' L r. m ' W IT J: W J 1 m V - Mill ' u-rf B ! t'.' V i .J . . ..U 'Vlf I III IUU I 1 ''r "jUvf ' I '',.".. .1 " V . I . . . . . 1 . , . , . -,. 1 - . M,,.y .r. . . r .. . i . - f . . T Beavers Take Kindly to Willett While Tom Seaton Proves ' ". Puzzler. - ; k i S, ' , ,; , i 1 , Flattening the aeama on the ball and grabbing everything that cams, their way, our oxygenated Beavers came back at the Vernon bunch and won a J to 'game, "Tittering Tom" Beaton doing the shut out 'honors. Gus Fisher made the 'longest possible hit lnsld the ' boards, the ball rolling to the score ' board after eluding Jess stovall, and .the broad shouldered backstop hotfoot ed It Clear around the circuit, i Roy Willett, the collegian, tvlrled for the Brewera, and held the locals to four hits, but they were all of the hefty kind. Hetllng was the first to con nect and ha smashed the ball to right field for one base. Speas suicided to help him on, his way and after Sea&n walked, Buddy Ryan, who has been do ing some pinch hitting these days, de tected a sort of alliteration' between Willett and willow and he poled a sta rling two bagger to center field that cored Ous. , Buddy's trilbies Just wouldn't behave and when be got caught between second and third,. Bea- ton was forced off the last angle and captured at the home plate. Olson bunted down the third baseline but Willett prostrated himself after field ing, the ball And Ryan scored while Olson reached , first. Fisher got a two bagger In the fourth . and; was- sacrificed t- third by -Casey, but Ort and Hetling were outs, , Xn the sixth with two gone Fisher got his home run, making three for the home sters. - . i , i . , ., Portland 'robbed Vernon of possible chances to score by three fast '. dou : ble plays, distributed through the sec ond, third .end ninth Innings. In the seventh Vernon bad two on and two ; out but Seaton caused- Brown to sky to Olson. " . - - - .' . : i Score . ' VERNON. AB. R. H. PO.'A. E. Carlisle, If ... 3 0 1 2 0 0 ' Stovall, cf. . 4 0 I 10 0 Burrell. 3b t 4 0 0 1 2 1 Coy, rf J 2 0 2-0 0 0 R. Br&shevr, 2b..... ..4? 0 0 S 2 .'0 Vr, Fisher, lb. . ; , . .... 4 0 0 9 0 0 Lindsey, ss. .......... 1 0 0 5 4 0 Brown; o 8 0 0 S 0 "Willett, p 3 0 10 51 , Totals 2g "0"T241 "i . .- PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Ryan, If.............. 4 li 8 1.0 ,, Olson, ss.. ,...,.,... 2 0 0.8 S O Rapps, lb 4 . 0, 0 .7 1 0 "Fisher, c.......i..... 3 1 2 2 3 0 Casey. 2b.. 2 0 0 t 0 Ort. rf 0 0 1 0 0 Iletllng. 8b.... 3-, 1 1 1 2 0 - Ppeas, cf. ........ 2 0 0 2 0 0 , Seaton, p. . .. 2- 4 0 0 1 0 . Totals '..25 "7 4 27 15 "o ' SCORE BT INNINGS. Vernon ...00000000 00 , Hits 1021010117 Portland 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 Hits 002 10100 4 . SUMMARY. Struck out By "Beaton 2, Willett 2. Bases on Balls Off Beaton 4,-orf "Wil lett 2. Two base hits Ryan, Fisher Carlisle. Home runs Fisher. Doubl plays Hetling td Casey to Rapps,Het 1 ling to Rapps to Olson, Olnon to Cnsey to Rpps. SacnfMe hits Carlisle, Speas, Olson, Casey. Stolen bases Coy. : First base on errors Portland 8. Left on basesPortland 8, Vernon 8. ' Time of game One , hour, 40 minutes.. Um pire Finney. . GET $2 70,(11 DER FALSEST PRETENSES Views of Jack Grant and Dn B. E. LoomlSy as told in last night's Journal sport extra, combined with opinions that have been expressed by others who re turned yesterday and today from Ren4 Indicate that some 8276,000 In cold eoin was . secured by false pretense. . Jack Grant says Johnson, could have encased himself with a life sized barrel and then beaten jfef fries to a frazzle. Jack says it was evident that Johnson was cutting out his wicked punches to save Jeff unnecessary punishment and let the old fellow exhaust himself rathe than knock him cold. Grant says he was surprised at Jeff's weak ness, the big fellow" having no- more steam .behind his, punches than an In valid. i, Dr. Loomls detected a great deal of fatness around Jeffs legs and across his back and shouldeva, and feels sure that he weighed In the neighborhood of 240 pounds. Loomls la an oarsman and, a capable Judge of condition.' , TENNIS STARS Will RETURN NEXT SUNDAY r ''.'' '' '- www(nnn ' Portland's tennis stars who took In the International doubles " at Spokane expect to return 8unday from the" In land city. The winners in the Interna tional tournament held In Spokane are as .follows! Single B. P. Schwengere of Victoria.; doubles, Wtckersham and Gorrtll, Irvlngton club, Portland. In the Inland empire tournament, .following the Internationals, the following won: Singles, Joe ,Tyler, Spokane; men dou bles, Fits and Russell. Seattle; ladies' singles, Mrs. Mclntyre St Johns, wash.; ladies" doubles, Miss Dorothy Bean and Mrs. Cowlea of Spokane; mixed doubles. Mrs. Cowles and Joe Tyler. -r . , NATIONAL LEAGUE . At Boston R. H. R New Tork ;;v.i ..t:7;.; s i o Boston ,'. : 6 10 1 Batteries Raymond, - Dlckso and Schlel; Ferguson, Maftern and Rarldaa Called end seventh by agreement. At' Philadelphia , , V R.H.E. Brooklyn. ................ ,.f... 7 10' 3 Philadelphia ....4 11.2 Batteries Berger and Er win; Foxen and Jacklltsch. Eleven Innings. f . At Chicago R, H. E. Cincinnati , ..........1 4 0 Chicago ..." , 0 3 1 - Batteries Burns and McLean; Cole and Archer. , . At Philadelphia First Game:" R. H.E. Brooklyn .'. 3 - 7 0 Philadelphia ' .0 4 1 Batteries Rucker and Bergen; Mor&n and Dooln. . r .'--. '- OLSON, wn AI FISHER CATCH EYE Scout Tom O'Brien, Visits Park in Interest of. Connie, Mack. DICK BREEN, AN OLD P0RTLANDER, SOLD -'TO.CINCINNATIANS Vancouver, B. C, July I. Dick Breen, the hard hitting third baseman of the Vancouver team, has been sold to Clark Griffiths ' vof the Cincinnati Reds for 81500 cash, to be sent east at the end 4 of the year.. Breen played sec 4 ond last year for . Portland's Coast and Northwest, league teams, and was sold to Brown at the opening of the present, sea son. STANDING OP THE CLUBS At Boston First Game: R. HE. Boston 6 4 2 New Tork N 4 .7- 4 Batteries Curtlsa, Evans and Gra ham; Drucke. Crarf&all and Meyers.' AjUERICAX LEAGUE A At New Yorlfr- " . R. H.C Boston ......,1J 18 4 New York 4 9' 8 " Batteries Karger and Carrlgan; Vaughn, Frill and Sweeney, Walsh. At Washington- R. BYE. Philadelphia ". V...1 3 3 Washington - 4 "8 8 Batteries Coombs and. Donahue; Gray and Street - ' The'Bcst $3 Hat in the World .... f w ''fed ' The Best - : $3 Hat in the World "Olson Is a great minor .league short stop and' Rapps Is one ctf the most promising first basemen and Fisher one of the best catchers I have tseen on this trip to the Pacific coast" said Tom O'Brien, the veteran major league scout, this morning, "but they ane out of my eaohV.;.;;'vif':vrv'4,.::Js'i feWy.:?- Tom, who visited the coast two years sgo as the official scout. of the Cleve land club, Is now ..bushwhacking for Connie Mark, the Philadelphia Athletic manager. ' Tom arrived in town yeater-" day and will leave tonigfti for Spokane, where h will look over Ohe Northwest ern players for a couple of weeks, after which he will travel eatitward through Montana. , - - ' College stars are what the big league scout came out to scan, .for Mack, as much as the prof essionalmaterlal. 'Mack has had wonderful sucripss with young ball tossers and such flayers as Eddie Collins, the former Columbia second basemaii, Harry Krausei the St. Mary's college bojr, and ''Chief Bender of the Carlisle school are keegiihr his club at the top of the American league. Tom has signed Pitcher Leonard, now a stu dent at St. Mary's college, . who has showed great, promisee. And. 'then' he looked Over Bill Hogan, the Oakland slugger, who la Mack's property next year. f . tyha:; . w..,. . Classy Sflsl'lssr JTow. "Of course, one can't tell what kind of a hitter Olson irdght ba developed Into, but he is a clapsy enough fielder for most . any old league," remarked O'Brken. "He seems) a little awkward, but I notice he gets the ball away fast and that Is what counts. He also seems to handle himself Wffii on the bases. Un der some of the big, league managers his batting might be Improved a bit. But the trouble is this, there are plenty of finished fielders, tjut they can't bat. Take Blackburae of IChlcago Sox for ex ample. ..--) "I like the way Olapps comes In on bunts and his coretijol of hlmslf at all times. . He seems t have his heart - In the gams all the- lime and that counts for as, lot In a you og player. He takes a rflce position at rthe plate ahd meets 'the ball nicely, : 'f.':'1':: ;'.-- ' "Tennant of San; Francisco Is playing a corking game. Tfhey say he was trou bled by ground beJlls last year, but he has overcome- thati difficulty and scoops up everything thsjt -coraes his way. Be ing a left hander also gives him a big advantage and hh Is hitting tne ball hard, up near tlse .300 class, I under stand. ' I saw Wim start a couple of beauty doubles &st week." .. rishert looks Good. ! " "Fisher looks jvell at bat and showed me yesterday. ttat he has a splendid arm. That throw to Rapps at first In the eighth lnnint? was the hardest -thing I've seen tblr tHp. ' He-meets the ball nicely, his strike being more of a chop than a swing, arnd his double and home run yesterday (Hhow that he has plenty of muscle. j "If I had mty old Job with Cleveland IM grab 4haU trio right now. but I guess T mlghJE Just as well be on my way,' for Mr.; McCredle is tied up- witn tne warm that none or the other cluba has a chance at a player unless by draft, and) that's mighty uncertain. Guess there' no use for me to stay here and watch Mac's pitchers, for I'd never get near an of them." Tom will watch the game at Vaughn park again, ftoday- and take a critical squint at soiia of the, Vernon players. , ' - Seals iireak Losing Streak. Los Angolas. Cal... July The' Seals finally brofce- their- losing- streak nd beat the Agels In a 13 Inning game. Claude- Be;pry, the Seals' fcatcher, won the game when-, he stole home in' the inineenin inning, ne Angels were ahead untip the seventh inning, when Tozer weakened and the Seals Scored five runs, i Pete Daley, the Angels' center fielfler. pulled a catch that pre vented the Seals .getting two runs. Score: i " ' . ' R. H. E. Los Angeles- 6 13 4 San - Fran-clsco .. .... ... . ..... 7' U 1 v Battertou Toser and Waring. Smith; uaeuey, Hcewart ana Berry umpi Van Haltoen. ' ' ' " Indians Win, From Tigers. ' Spokane, Wash., July 8 The Spo kane Indians defeated the Tigers, In ft featureless game yesterday by the score of 5 to 2. Jesse Baker held the Tigers safe until the seventh Inning, when; he weakened' and the Tigers got our hits, which netted two runs. Butler" was wild and- the Tigers gave him poor sup. port In the field. Score: R. H. . Tacoma... . . i ........... .... 2 t 4 Spokane . , S 5 1 Batteries Butler and Blankenshlp; Baker and Shea. Adams Wins Game. ' f Vancouver, B. C, July 8. Jimmy Adams won yesterday's gams for the Turks from the Canucks when he Slammed out a home run In the tenth Inning. Joss, whom Dugdale sent to tho Washington State league and later re called, pitched good ball for the visitors. Score: R.H.E. Seattle ...................... 3 10 1 Vancouver .................. 2 10 . 1 Batteries Joss and Akin; Jensen and Lewis. Clght soccer football .elevens . have signified their Intention of playing for the championship of the National league I during the 1 10-J1 season. These are the champion West Hudsons xt New ark Brooklyn, True Blues of Peterson; Scottish-Americans of Newark; Pater son Rangers, Jersey A- C. of Jersey -City; Newark F C. and Wllberforce of Newark. . , ,...' .. . , ben- sEt Ling --LEADING-CLOTHIER Nelson Beats Hunt. Oaklantt. CaT.. July 8. A nitchefs battle between Hunt and Nelson, wit!f . V. . ' . . ... m . . . v . . 1 won yeucerday's game for the Oaks from thfc Senators; The Oaks; scored three rubs in the second Inning and ths LSenatorrt gathered In one In the first and Issu) Innings. , Score: t R. H. K. Oakland; ....I;.. 3 1 a 6 Hunt Sacram ento . ....t.t 3 Batterles Nelson and Mltae; and L4 Longe. . I The Oreaoniani : ' The (New Great Northern train to Spo kane. ,St Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago and all potnts east and south, , from Hoy street istation daily 11 a. nu tickets and WtSM4ity 4kket-f f ierl I - Third street, and depot. Eleventh and Hoyt streets. Electric lighted. You'll like our dining car service: - . j , ' - - Pacific Coast League. , Won. Lost San Francisco 65 43 Portland 49 89 Oakland ............. 52 44 Vernon 49 -47 Los Angeles 51 49 Sacramento , 80 63 ; Northwestern League. ; . Won. Lost Vancouver 45 83 Spokane . ............ 41 r , 34 Tacoma 36 40 Seattle 31 1 45 v . 1 1 : National League. . -- 1 Woii. Lost" Chicago ,. 42 xvew lorn u Pittsburg , 34 ncinnati as: Philadelphia, 82 Brooklyn ............ 29 St. Louis ............ 30 Boston ,. Zt 24 2 80 32 '85 37 89 48 P.C. fil .657 .681 .610 .610 .323 P.C. .677 .644 .474 .408 P.C. .,836 .606 ,.631 .628 .478 .439 .435 ' .361 2S' 1 28 American League. Won. Lost. Philadelphia 46 iNew i oric v.. ....... Detroit . .t 41 Clevlain$ 29 i..nicago ...... ...... y au Washington 26 St. Hbuis 21 31 30 33 86 43 21 P.C, .662 .682 .669 .562 .476 .465 .877 .318 POUDCWE IN JUNIORS GOOD Local Oarsmen Appear Strong at Vancouver Rowing Re , gatta Today. .. Vancouver, B. C, July 8. The strug gle in the Junior four event In the big regatta, opening today. Is conceded to lie between Portland and Vancouver. The James Bays from Victoria are not expected to ba serious . contenders In' this vnt, the most Important on the card for the opening day,. - ' Vancouver has two crews In the Junior fours but Portland will certainly beat No. 2, although No. 1 Is expected to put up a very hard fight for the honors. The Junior singles Should bring out a good race between Gloss of Port land and Godfrey of Vancouver,: Ken nedy of the James Bays is also a strong man. The Junior doubles will go to Portland, It is thought. t None Of the, visiting senior fours is conceded to have a chance against Van-" couver In that event as the locals will have the same crew that won at Seattle last year. . Should Portland- take the Junior fours they will enter ths senior event but are not called to win. , Sinclair of Vancouver : should beat Allen of Portland In the Intermediate singles but In the senior singles he will have a hard iight Xo wla. from E. Glossy and the wise ones have the Port land man picked for ths money. One of the closest events of the re gatta will bs the senior doubles be tween Moore and E. O. Gloss of Port land and Tennant and Cbaf fay of Van- couver. It will bs a toss up all the way. "Sjje James Bays and Portland crews have entered all ths events and the gen eral .competition Is expected 19 be keen. Nelson, B. C. is ! not having - any crews at the regatta this year. The events are to be rowed at Indian River park. . A new union of retail grocery clerks has been organized In San Jose,-Cai. . This Date in Sport Annals. . 1889 'At Rlchbuf g, Miss.. John L. Sullivan defeated Jake Kllraln In 76 rounds, for championship of the world and 110,000 a rflde., - 1 1890 At Buffalo, Ike Weir knocked out Jimmy Connors In third round. - 1894 At St Louis, Shoch of the Brooklyn team, made nine catches at center field, In a game with the St. Louis team. , 1903 At - San Franelsro, "Fighting Dick" Hyland knocked out Frank Walsh In third round. 1907 At Philadelphia,'1 Jack . Black burn had the better of Jim Barry in a six round bout. 1 Ttal electrlcaLexports for the month of April were nearly? $1,500,000. s . v NEAH-KAH-NIE MOUNTAIN "HIQHCLA55 BEACH PROPERTY : Desirable beach property la ths .XTorthwest Is very limited, witb Population Increasing rapidly. JWSERQUSOttJt. KMMXFS ViO&Mf BOARD Or. TRADE B LPS. Are Your Teeth Sound? Everyone knows the disadvantage of bad teeth. Not only' are they unsightly, but bad breath, sour stomach and numerous other undesirable ailments are caused directly by them. ALL OUR WORK IS PAINLESS AND GUARANTEED OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE Should remember that our -fcrce is so organized- that we can do their entire-Crown, Bridge and Plate Work in a day of necessary. Positively painless extracting free when plates or. bridges are ordered. , We remove the most sensitive ,teeth and roots without the least pain. No studentsno uncertainty, but specialists' who do the most scientific and "careful work. " READ THESE 'PRICES Pull Set of Teeth ..;.',.'....;., .$5.00 Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plates $3.50 to $5.00 Gold Crowns $3.50 to $5.00 Porcelain Crowns .. . . ...J $3.50 to $5.00 Gold or Porcelain Fillings ............... .. ...... $1,00 U? Silver Fillings ' , .50 to $t.00 Wrialebone or Gold Dust Rubber Plates $10.00 ; No Charge for Painless Extracting When Other Work Is Done ; FIFTEEN YEARS GUARANTEE WITH ALL WORK . Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays 9 to 12. -Uni6n7Dental-Gor- . FIRST AND MORRISON STREETS , Comoare ie New . 4- ''MygMrnWmW Bottled Beer with any other in the market and Note Its Superiority " fly li . ha Lwrl Great for Summer Outings Packed conveniently In cases of two and four dozen large or four dozen small bottles, In barrels of six dozen large or ten dozen small bottles. ,: DELIVERED FREE ; DEPOT OR WHARF Brewery's Own Bottling Cleanliness Unsurpassed Henry Weinliard Brewery Main 72 A-1172 Journal Want Ads b1ng results. I