The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 08, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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    di;tla::d. itjday
vof.iAii i;j JAIL
u miL
Ti- n-Ti -n t nATtV T TV ' T
st mn ii i
HUii us-
Grand Jury Begins Second Day
of Quiz Into Averred $15,000
Rakeoff on Courthouse Built
in That County.'
Democrats Endeavor to In
crease Output of Sentiment
for Ohio Man. ','
. PjMKltt Wnntrh to Th Journal. a
Montesano. Wash.. July ;
Rt.pp, publisher of the Aberdeen World
.'tad Aberdeen Tribune, and A. C. Glrard,
newspaper writer, spent the entire morn
,ln before the grand Jury today.-teatl-fvln
tn the alleged $1S,000 courthouse
graft, which has been the main cause
of calling the Inquisitorial body. Prom
Information grlven out the officers of
the county and-muntcipalitlea will be
thoroughly investigated. . .. .
County Auditor- Fred Rosmond was
the first man called before the grand
Jury when it convened yesterday and
he spent the entire afternoon before
he im-eRtieatinr.body. That the rec
ords and books of the county officials
will be the first .matter to be probed
now eeems a certainty. The Jury was
charged by Superior judge Mason ir
win. who called the last grand Jury 21
years! ago. ' - '
' Tti4VaM1iia Am unrat. "
Judge Irwin stated that the deliberaS.
tions of the Jury must be secret under
penalty of contempt of court, and laid
narHoiiinr atress noon the body expedit
ing matter. . The .opening talk . and
charges brought were given to the Jury
hv Prosecuting. Attorney "William E.
Campbell, and after a few minutes' de
liberation the first. subpoena was issuea.
The following men compose the Jury:
K. J. Palmer, rancher of; Montesano;
Thomas Connor, saloon man, Montesano;
w. M, Van Lewin, rancher, Montesano-,
. Peter Anderson, carpenter, Aberdeen; H.
V. Reynolds, lineman. Aberdeen : Emll
Pfund. Jeweler; Aberdeen; Fred Straub,
Jeweler, Hoquiam; Robert Ewart. lum-
, berman. Hoquiam; A. E. reteraon, ium-berman.-Hoo.ulam:
Robert Shlpmen, la
borer. Hoaulam; W. D. McCormlck,
rancher, Vesta; A.-. S. Staples, rancher,
Satsop;- Fred Spauldlng, .rancher. Sat.
sop; R. P. Ames, rancher, Oakvtlle; F,
R Reader, saloon man, Aberdeen, and
Alfred Carlson, laborer, Aberdeen. .
(United Prnm Letted Wlr-
Charlevoix. Mich- July 8. The boom
of Governor Judson Harmon of Ohio for
the Democratic nomination for president
In, 1912. cradled in Ohio, has slipped
across the state border Into Michigan.
he Ohio executive has reaffixed hl
0. K." to the summons nlfcher,- and a
number of Michigan Democrats, are bus
ily engaged In increasing the output of
Harmon sentiment today. . : .
Harmon's Michigan indorsement ame
after a political conference here, at
which he was present. " He assured the
gathered party, leaders that he would
heed the call If it came "from an the
Democrat." . . , - -i.
m ' .
OVER S2 500.000
. Medford Shows Heavy Increase
r Over 1S)09; Mapy New Res
idences i Are Built.,
Tommy Kincaid's Mechanician
Says Speedway Involves
Too-Much Peril.
Indianapolis, Ind July 8. Johnny
Altken. . who .'-was mechanician " for
Tommy Klncald when the latter was
killed on the Indianapolis speedway in
the wreck of his car, the National, to
day declared himself through with
automobile racing. : The game, he said.
offers too many hatards for any-man
who values his life. : j '
Divorced Wife of George M.
Cohan Fools Her Little
World in Paris. ' ' '
(United fttM Leased Wire.) '.
Paris. - July 8. Parisian "chappies"
boulevardlers are disconsolate as a re
sult of the reported marriage of Ethel
Ievy, the divorced wife of George M.
Cohan, to Pierre Crepln, a wealtny
French horseman and man about town.
For two years tho -dainty American
dancer and comedienne has been the
toast, of the stage door Johnnies of the
French .capital, where her American
songs and wonderful dancing have been
a great hit. ,
According to the report, wnicn De-
came current today, the wedding took
place in England several months ago,
but has been kept secret.
Walks to Ellensburg, by Agree
ment, to Give Up $50;
Then Walks Back.
V.. (United Press Leased Wire.l
Cle Elum, Wash., July 8. Fred Zent
ner; a local cig:ar man, returned this
morning from Ellensburg, where he had
walked trt pay a 50 bet he had made
with T. W. Satterwhlte, of that town on
the Jeffries-Johnson fight .i; left Cle Elum at 3 . o'clock
yesterday morning and plodded along
the dusty .roads to - Ellensburg. arrlv
lng there at 8 o'clock yesterday after
noon. ' The loser, bad agreed previously
to walk: the- distance to pay the bet
- i
Motffer of Two . Children Who
Passed Bogus $15 Check
- 1,-to Be Released.- I J .
Spain Would; Prevent' Others
;From Joining in Present
: Controversy. - . --
Miss Nelle Cowles, ho has" been
: crowned : Queen Anne II of . Sa
lem's annual cherry festival ; ; r
Buenos Ayres, -'July 8.-The United
States Is expected to come in for some
lively criticism at the handa of the
Ntcaraguan 'delegates to the fourth In
ternational conference of the Pan-American
union, which will convene here to
morrow. It Is reported that the Nlca
raguan delegates will attempt an agi
tation agatnst the United States.
The followers of President Madrlx are
already circulating protests against the
Interference . of . the United . States In
Central America, They are said to be
secretely canvassing the delegates to
the conference In an effort to secure
a resolution criticising , American tactics
in Central America. 2
Delegates representatlng 21 republics
are' here to attend the conference. The
American delegation consists of Henry
White, Colonel Crowder. Louis' Nixon,
John Bassett .Moore, Bernard Moses,
Lamar Qulntero, Paul Relnsch and Dav
id Klnley, . V ,.
After reading the account last evening
In The Journal of ttiv arrest of Mrs.
Mary 8chells, mother of two children.
for passing bogus checks, a sympathetic
eastern visitor to Portland came to the
rescue of her husband this mornlrig and
donated enough money to get her out
of the trouble, He left. 815 at The Jour
nal office,, with instructions that t it be
applied, to raking up the: check held by
L. Shanahan, m Third street, whom the
woman defrauded. '. .
Investigation, shows the woman, has
been a good mother and wlfe.v Her only
fault has been a mania to pass small
checks; ; , This Is the s fourth " time she
has been arrested for such a charge, and
was out on parole under a six months'
sentence when arrested. Her husband de
clared, he would pay all the checks she
has passed, which-will amount to about
I30,'V-'J,;'' v.;: ; .i V:v..-, .-:,'-:..
District Attorney Cameron',' Who has
investigated the case, la incline to
consent to the dlsmiasal of , the charge
against her. Judge Bennett' said he
was glad i to, give , the? woman1; another
chance, ? Bhanahan Is more than willing
to give her another chance, and told the
husband that be could take his time: In
paying the check,: but he expected It to
be paid. The money left by the sym
pathetic easterner was -turned over to
Shanahan this afternoon. '
The husband of the worrian now pro'
noses to either have her taken to Buffa
lo, N. T., where they formerly lived, or
to have her placed In a local sanitarium
for a short time. : It .Is thought she
has been on the verge of , a nervous
breakdown from worry.
The woman is still In the city Jail,
but will be released this, evening.
c Hospital -for i Wallowa. .
Wallowa,; Or., July;8.--Wallowa will
hiva a first class hosDltaL Drs. Oree-
ory & Gregory having seeured the resi
dence built for the late Mrs. 'Theresa
Mlmnaugh.' Among the equipment will
be an x-ray machine. The hospital will
be opened by August 1. :
. , (RrHl rtntrh to Tfce ImtrniL)
Medford, Or., , July s.With Unola
Sam making preparations to start con
struction on a federal building in thi
city at a cost of $110,08.0,. provided In
the public buildings bill, and the break
ing of ground for a six story hotel
building which Is to cost 1100,000, aside
from the erection of a score of minor
business buildings, it seems certain
that Medford's building record of $3,
690,000 in 1909 Is to be surpassed this
year. Although it 1 but July, the oper
ations this year total over $1,000,000. '
Aside from the federal building and
the hotel, other public buildings to be
. erected include a new public school at
an estimated cost of $60,000,' and a Car
negle library at $40,000. : ,
The Southern Pacific company 1s
, completing a $65,000 passenger depot
A natatorlum Will be opened to the
. public on July 14. which Includes,
aside from the swimming tanks, billiard
, . i halls, v bowling alleys. skating . rinks,
dance halls and several other forms of
amusement. This building Is the larg
est of its kin t.n ;the state' and cost
nearly $60,000. V, ; 1
Other buildlnss to be erected Include
a four story -butiinesa block by Dr. P. C.
Page, at a coet of : $50,000. and a Ma
onic temple .to cost about $45,000.
., Building . activity , is. most . marked
throughout the residence sections, over
. . 100 residences, costing over $7500 each,
: being under way. - : v :
Whenever they say Jim Jeffries was
s dased prior to the fight that Corbett
had to load him down the aisle into the
ring they are daffy." This is the asser
. tlen made this morning by Charley
eheq.jWho returned yesterday - from
Reno.' i - , . .
"Jeffries was as brown aa umber,- and
everybody remarked what great cdwdi
. tlon he, ws . in. . .He certainly looked It
from the outside. I believe he was In
' as good condition as a man can be who
has been out of the game for six years.
It. )s the old utory of fighting once too
"Johnson' was loo clever and too
Strong for Jeffries. Jeff never saw the
day that he could beat Johnson. At
infighting, which was always Jeffs
F. ,E. Tork. whom the United States
would like to entertain in a, federal
rlqon In theeast, ta also desired by
the alithorltles of Klamath county, and
will In alT probability receive the legal
hospitality of that section tn the apart
ments reserved for Its "guests at the
state" hotel in Salem." " ' ' r
Mr. York went to Klamath Falls not
long-ago and at once became one of
the prominent citizens and - boostecs of
the city. In a short time he Inveigled
some $8000 out of a Klamath Falls bank
and removed his activities to a new
About the same time ! the iUnttnd
States marshal's of t tae begat t'a , eamp
oni Mr. York's trail, actuted , By the
urgent requests of federal authorities
from the east, who represented that the
man had, under oath, told things mother
than the truth.
Bo" now it la a tosa up who gets htm.
Klamath -county officials want to send
him to the penitentiary for working on
the confidence of the Klamath Fall
banker to the extent of $800p. "The
federal machinery would like to get a
crack at him and it is a toss up which
will win.: Since Uncle Sam never for
gets, and the state sometimes does, It
is understood that Mr. Tork is hoping
that Uncle Sam will get him, send him
east for a longer or shorter time and
give the. state a chance to forget if
not to forgive. He would rather do thai
than to spend several years as the guest
of the state and then have a blue-
coated - . representative of Uncle- Sam
waiting at the gate for-him.
8a Inn Butwie f The Journal!
Salem, Or., July 8.- A. woman , giving
the name of Beatrice Lyde, a cherry
fair visitor, who was arrested yesterday
afternoon by Officer Murphy at tht
Cottage hotel, was today boijnd , over
to the grand jury, now In session,
charged with larceny of some women's
wearing apparel.- She wired Walter E.
Marrlon of Vancouver , to come (o her
assistance. " She signed her name Mabel
land cautioned Marrlon not to tell her
mother. It Is thought her home Is In
Vancouver. She is being detained In
the county jail pending the action of
the grand Jury..... ' ,
. The grand Jury returned a true bill
against Theodore Larsen of Silver Creek
Falls this morning for larceny of a
horse belonging to E. O. Freeman. A
true bill was also returned against
Glen Burton for , obtaining money un
der false pretense's. The aum -"obtained
for which he will be tried was llO. The
chief witness against the, young man la
P.. A. Crossan. ,
Bin East Side Store That Solves the Economy Question
The East
OOO-ODO East Morrison St.
Meal Grand Avenue
A veritable storm of eager buyers .besieged this popular store e'e'n
before the doors were opened and all during the day ever anxious
t..i .1...- t u. u 4 rr...j kj
w Hvut iuui .uatc ui ins sianuu uaiaiit wuuucib uucicu. niu
more than surprised every one wast Friday the first day of the sale
surprised hundreds and hundreds into buying actioni-and this stunning
collection of bargains for the next day of the sale, Saturday, will thrice
increase the enormous attendance for tomorrow, , :
m- A .;- ii
l!nite(l PreM ietui Wire.)
Atlantic City, N. J., July -Signals
hoisted at 9 o'clock this morning
brought a crowd; of several thousands
to the board walk to witness a flight
by Glenn It jCurtiss, the New Tork
aviator. Curtiss lifted his 'machine at
10:30 end for 10 minutes maneuvered
strong point, Johnson made a nionke)' above the crowd, alighting easily after
of hlm. ;.He uppercutted one after an
other, whenever he wanted to, and Jeffs
face looked like a puff ball. Once he
took Jeff's famous left arm In a clinch
and almost put a hammerlock on him.
In fact, I believe he could have twisted
it out of ths socket. Sullivan, Corbett
or Fitsslmmons never saw the day when
they could knock this wonderful negro
out. He has a marvelous defense and
he oa'n hit like a tnphftmmer,
,"2io, Jeff never had a, chance."
Homeopathic Candidates!
' '' - (United Pre V4 W t
Pasadena, Cal., July . Three candi
dates are already In the field for the
presidency of the American Homeo
pathlo institute, which will meet in Its
sixty-sixth annual convention here Bun
day, , The retiring president Is Dr.
James Ward of Ban Franolaco, The
. men who would like to succeed him
are Dr. J. Jones of Cleveland, Dr.
Thnmes H. Carmlchael of Philadelphia.
ana nr. , juaiiey. or Lincoln. Neb,
Tbe 'election will- be held Wednesday
having covered... about" seven miles.
Brooklns, In a Wright machine, will at
tempt a flight thlseyenlng.
John Davies, the back hand check
forger, who has confessed forging all
the checks for which. O. R. Blystonc
was sent to the penitentiary,; was sen
te need to an Indeterminate , term of
from 'two to. 15 years . by Presiding
fJudge Morrow in the circuit court. He
pleaded guilty to forging one of the
supposed Blystone checks, and an ef
fort is being made to secure a pardon
lor Blystone.
, i i min'iii , i :'-..; :(; ... :-;. .-
flrcult Judge Cantenbeln has granted
It is estimated that 600 physicians will j utttw "on "thr frndnd 'of Promy "-He
tti4.i,iM i. mi i ..i i i .TiftptfrTTrriiaT3-;TrrKyT
, Rome of the largest observatories in
the Alps are covered with sheet copper
aa a protection against lightning. '
mutation, and did not attend to her
household duties. -. The court' ordered
Jacques to pay Ms wife. $Z0 per iponth
for, tho support of their child. - ;
- frf
e Window Shades 15c
For a big Blue - Pencil . Sale inducement Beginning Saturday
an astounding lot of fifty, dozen heavy oiled opaque Window
Shades. They have ' the best Columbia Rollers and are plenty
large for a window 3 feet. wide. Not more than six to a custo
mer; and on sale beginning Saturday at 9:30 a, m., at this 1 P
A tit-
tremendous reduction to only
A Condensed List o! Great Reductions
:14 Bars' of Bannon's famous "Honesty" Laundry Soao at only 25
Infant's OneStrapped SoftSoled Shoes, all colors, at only 25
vvmen White Canvas pow shoes, $l.uu values, at only .v.. ,.CMf
i Best grade all-over Amoskeag Gingham Aprons, 85c values i. .. ..50
Our best 25c. Sleeveles Vests,-lisle-thread, at only ,10f
Best 50c Corset -Covers you'll find in the whole city, at only ,...25tf
'Best Unbleached Sheeting, famous hV 8c grade, the yard .5
Best American and Simpson Calicoes, 754c values, the; yard 4
Famous. "Burson" Hose Seconds, 25c to 35c grades, the pair . . ; . . .10
Best Fresh-Water Pearl Buttons,-all sizes, 5c values, only... 2e
""Busy Bee" Thread, three bigOO-yard spools for only -.5
Peet's Hooks and Eyes, the famous 10c kind,, at 'only .3
. Pillow Tops, new handsome designs, 25c values at only 10
Best quality large size sharp pointed Steel Pins, package
Hair, Barrettes, new style, 25c values, vry popular, at only ...,.,.101
,The popular heavy "Whalebone Stockings" for boys, at" only .....10;
Stylish $6.50 Two-Piece. Wash Suits, values to $6.50, at only ..$1.39
: Fihe Lawn Baby Bonnets, the best 50c kind, 'at this sale ........ ;25
Fine Silk MohairiJfair Nets, the 10c kind, Saturday at only ......5
Fine White 3-p6urid Comfort Cotton Bats, 90c values, only, 59
Boys' Khaki and Cottonade Knee Pants, the pair at only . . , . . .15
Boys' White Percale Waists, 25c values, at only ............. .10
. Real all-linen Irish Table Damask, $1.00 value, the-yard .........50
Big ten-ioot roiuot iuc crepe Jfaper, all colors, at only 5
Ana nunarearot utner Astoundm
- l V- - ili'
ling Reductions-
Be Sure to Come
Neat $1.50 Kimonos 59 c Ea,
On Sale After Seven -;
. Saturday Evening
A startling Saturday after-supper event "fof" this wonderful sale,
beginning. at , 7 p;. m., vphile the Jot of 30 dozen lasts. Fine Lawn
and Challie Kimonos, .long, big flower designs, all colors light and
'dark, ribbon faced, a big $1.50. Two only to a customer, CO '
Toh.igbt. XttJ: o'clock for only . '. v . ; . - Vt , . . .OuC
Sale pn Saturday Only
98c Waists Very Neat35c
Another sale ..for Saturday to
crown this bargain sale of bar
gain sales as the most astonish
ing event ever held at this pop
ular East' Side Store. A great
lot of fifty dozen Gingham and
PfXci'e ' Waists, over twelve
styles in the lot to choose from,
including the wanted College
.Blouses J-and Middy Waists.
They come . in all sizes in plain,
white or colored. The' most
splendid value we've offered, a
big 98c-4eller. Not more than
two to a customer at - this as
tounding Blue Pencil Sale,
marked down to nly, begin
ning Saturday at -9:30 9C
a. m. . . . , .vJC
2itiL.2l9it Thfin TiKotL-a
- Customer and on Sale
Saturday Only. .
Sale on Saturday Only
SS Hocse Drcsi $1.39 Each
A - peerless bargain, for the
big, -Blue Pencil Sale that is
offered for one day only, be
ginning Saturday morning at
9:30 o'clock. Our entire stock
of lovely One-Fiece Percale and
Gingham 'House Dresses, many
Styles and colors, some trimmed
with . piping and embroidery
edging. w They come in all col
ors, high or low Dutch neck
styles; values that , sell usually
at( $2.50 to $5.00. - Remember,
this surprising offer-means the
entire choice . of our whole
jtock, vaJl izesv and colors, at
the one low price, beginning
Saturday . morning aljt OA
V' Customer and on Sale
, , . Saturday Only,
.. .
:-f(f!i .
1 United PrM tcMd Vlr.
Madrid. July A bill prohibiting- the
entrance of any more religious orders
Into BDatmmtll the dispute between the
Vatican' and, Spain over the concordat
la settled, drawn by Premtfer canaiejas
and slBned by the king, was introduced
In the cortes today. , '
Th hisrarchv Is defying the premier
and Is declaring that the foundatlonof
the movement for ft dissoiuuon or i
rsligloils establishment and the impeacn
ment of the church Is radical action by
the premier,' independent of the states
Wilt" v ; V--:, .
. The Spanish revolutionary movement,
which includes an antl-clerlcal propa
ganda ana tna aciivuy vi rrv
in Spain, Is regarded as a leading cause
In the action of the premier and . the
king.;: .'.'iv,i:.f-' ;i ..r -:,:: .i;; V'.,v-. .
s.Both sides admit that a crisis ;ls P
proachtng in the affairs of the nation
and those who aire opposing the priest
hood doclara that the disposition of the
bill in the cortes will be a test of the
sincerity, of the King s erioris to nmn
the power of the church. , , s
'nu.1,1 nUrofrh tn Thi lottrnal.) 1
H.nrner. Or.. July - 8. Miss Emm
Zlnck dropped a match tn some gasoline
while starting a iire In a gasoline stova"
Wednesday morning, and her ; clothing
caught fire and was , burned off. She
died from her burns Thursday afternoon.
(United PreM Leased TTirs.)
Kansas City, Mo., July 8. James
Brady and William Rothenbarger were
Instantly killed today when a wall ,at
tne plant ofPeet Brothera' soap factory
collapsed. Jurying them under debris. -
In Role of Nemesis He Is Due to
Hurl Back Accusation That
-He Tried to Throw Fight
Johnson Lionized.
U . (United Pri Leaned Wirt.)
Chicago, July 8. Qeorge Little,' de
posed manager of 'Jack Johnson and
the champion legal Nemesis, . on his ar-'
rival tomorrow Is expected to add to
the excitement or tne negro's stay here.
Johnson has accused little of having
offered blm 150,000 , to fthrow the
fight" to Jeffries, and those who know '.
Little expect the ex-manager to have
several things to Say- in reply.
: Attorney Marks, representing Little, -
said his client had not instructed him
regarding Johnson's charge. It was .
Intimated that Little would meet the
accusation as . he did former ones
brought by Johnson, . by resorting to
legal, measures to obtain satisfaction.
: Meanwhile the negrbr careless of the
approach of Little, is the hero of the v
hour. If Jack had been given the free- '
dom of the city he could not be more
royally entertained. i Even hl pro
verbial ' enemies, : the policemen, who
haul up automobllista with speed burn- "
ing tendencies' overlook the delln
Quencles of the big black when he is "
motoring. ' Jack Is allowed to apeed to'
his heart's . content and - he la not r
"pinched", therefor. -. ' .
If the dusky champion could accept j
the banquet Invitations extended to him
ha would have free feed for a year.
Johnson's welcome has been one con- ,
tlnuous fete and the negro population ...
la not alone In expressing appreciation
of hi fistic ability. 4 , ' , ' . .'
At the concluding session of the .re
cent convention of tjhe Association of "
Railway Superintendents of Telegraph,
In Los Angeles, Cal., I. T. Dyer or the
San Pedro, Lpa ' Angeles & .Salt Lake
railroad, Loa Angeles, was elected presi
dent. It was decided to hold the con
vention next year at. Boston. r. , ' .
Summer Shoslust Go
For a final summer clearance, .this store offers substantial price
reductions on all seasonable merchandise. Handsome, new mod
els, every desirable leather, at surprisingly, reduced prices. ; . '
4 -,-.1.--ft;w'4.rjr-A-ift -
$2.50 Women's Oxfords
at $1.45
" A four eyelet Blucher tie. made of soft kid Mock with hand
turned sole .and military hesL Shcly new last 1 AC
and a splendid $2.50 "Value for only v.l .,,,'1.4D
$2.00 Summer
Shoes $1.35 '
This is a very comfortable
low shoe and suitable one
for the big girl. Low hetl, '
pat. tip, soft vici leather.,
A solid $2.00 shoe J JJJ
Children's Summer
Shoes 50c
Dainty Little Shoes for summer wjear, made, up in
ankle strap, two-strap and other pretty styles;; PA.
black, tan or oxblood, flat or spring heel, only' OUC
$3.00 Values Women's
Pumps at $2.45
These are the best powible $3 values. Every pretty model
and new design. Short vamps, high toes, military dn if
heels. Made up in every desirable leather, for only $LnkD
$3.00 to $4.00 Canvas
Oxfords at 50c
Canvas oxfords-from 'foremost makers.' Goodyear welts'
handi turns, every desirable style, lace or button. $3 to CA
$4 values, only ...ulIC
$3.50 and $4 :
Men?s Tan Oxfords
These i shoes are - the best
possible $3.50 and $4 values.
Low tan shoes made of first
quality calf jjtock in newest,
snappiest rnodeh. High
toes, wing "or straight tips.
Regimental heels and a
wide 'selection, to IJO QC
choose from," only.
Hand Welt Shoes
' $3.15 ;'
Soft J kid leather shoes. A
light summer weight but a
stylish, v comfortable last.'
This shoe is strictly custom j
madeand has been one tot
our' best $4 sellers.' For this
sale we offer this dJO 1 C
1 shoe for only . . . .. M liJ
Baron's Shcg Store
230-232 Morrison
Near Second