CmCOU DAILY JQUniTAL, FOr.TLAlID. THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 7, 1C10. Gpocial in Notion Department Special in Notion Department Ocarfs and Squares -i 40o Values, Friday AVC Tomorrow, at the Art Department, a special sale of Fine Art Linen Scarfs and Squares, shown in neat hemstitched patterns, with one row of Austrian drawnwork. The squares are 30 inches and the scarfs are 18x50 inchesthe kind that sell regularly at 4e each. a 'On sale Bargain Friday at.-.'. . ... , L 1 iC Leather Bolts Best 50c Vols. 300 A special Bargain Friday offering of 100 dozen Women's Belts, made of good heavy quality patent leather, with black enamel buckles. yThey come in medium widths and sell regu larly at 50c each. Specially priced for aa . CfM ' ' Y ....M.lliTiU this sale ... . afirC The Host in Value The Best in Quality iJ I III v Bo Snro to Attend Our Gr eat July Sale of Summer Goods Qw, 'ft 1st ESar gain Friday Each succeeding Bargain Friday has to eclipse the former in money-savjng opportunities that's how it is these sales have; become so popular that's why our Bargain Friday crowds are growing and growing, People have learned, to expect that everything- we. offer is a bargain a genuine,' bona fide bargain coupling dependable merchandise with very low prices. This Bargain Friday will be no 'i 4 v . v exception to the rule,' and "a list of bargains is offered that will loo sen the purse-strings of the most thrifty buyer. . . ;.. nErpdhiary Sale. 27 to 36-inch Pongee Silks, shown in all the popular new weaves Chefu, Shan Tung, Cloth-of-Gold, Tokio, .Tussah Poplin, etc In 75c, 85c and $1.00 grades. On sale at. . ... The Bieeest and Best Sale of the Season The most important Silk Sale of manufacturers' clearance enables you to buy the most desirable Pongee Silks at 1-3 to 1-4 less than regu lar. You can confidently figure on the prettiest and best grade silks ever sold by this store for anything like 59c a yard. All these are in natural color and come from 27 to 3$ inthes wide, genuine Chefu, Shan Tung, t Cloth of Gold, Tokio, Tussah Poplin; satin striped, rough weave and Kai Kai Pongee Silks; also 1 Rajah, Tokio and Tussah Poplin Pongees, in the most wanted. plain shades white,' pink, rose, light blue, apricot, golden brown; champagne, black, unmetal natural, etc, beautiful new silks that wash perfectly; wear splendidly and are extremely fashionable for summer wear; regular 75c, 85c and 51.00 grades, on sale Bargain Friday at the season tomorrow! A 59c 65c and 7 5o Foulard Silks at 39c a Yard SPECIAL PQR FRIDAY! A sale of 23-inch Silk and Satin Foulards of fine even weave, shown in new designs and colorings., principally malL designs, polka dots and. pin atripes, an. excellent. wearing silk OQ . always in style; regular 65c and 75c grades, on sale Bargain Friday at Wash Belts Values An 'extraordinary' showing of pretty Wash Belts, shown in all col?, ors and best earr buckles,, good ad justable clasps. To close the entire lot we are offering these 75c Wash Belts at, 25o A Great Special Offering of Chil dren's Rompers and ns Anro Good, serviceable garments that chil dren can wear and have solid comfort. Made of good quality gingham or cham bray and best 50c, ,65c and 75c values. rain ' .. 3k . ... An extra special Bargain Friday offering of Children's Rompers and Aprons, made of excellent quality gingham or chambray, and shown in solid colors pink, tan and light and dark blue, also check and stripes. They come in sizes for children from 1 to 6 years jiuLnre well made and neatlv finished garments. They are especially Specially priced fqrjhis sale at... ...lJW nice lor the little tots summer Regular 50c, 65c and 75c values. 7 1 Muslin Drawers Values to 3 So at 19c A special sale of women's Muslin" Drawers, made of good quality cambric or muslin, with cambric ruffle, trimmed with neat pin tucks or neat lace edge. All made good full site and well finished. Regular values to 35c,... Special for Barr 1 gain b rtday " .7. . I w C Muslin Gowns 5 0o-6 5 q Edues 39o A special sale of women's Muslin Gowns, made of -good quality cambric, nainsook or muslin, trimmed with lace or neat; pin and hemstitched tucks. They come in the high or V shaped neck, also the low neck slipover style. All made good full size and neatly finished. Regular ,50c, and 65c values. Bargain OQ Friday ', ... . . . .V, .... . . . ... .. . . ... . . .0 JC Children's pU miii 'd Eziral-AUoi Onr Women's White Canvas Oxfords That Have Been Selling at $2.00 and 83.50 fk lor. Only A most out-of-the-ordinary sale of Women's White Can vas Oxfords, a dozen styles in all sizes, with both hand turned and heavy soles, made of first quality canvas. Cool, comfortable and serviceable; regular. $2 and $2.50 values, on sale tomorrow at less than one-half the . manufac turer's cost 60 A PAIR $2.37 Women's 93.50 Oxfords at Special for tomorrow, a sale of women's .new style Oxfordsf shown in all fashionable leath ers, all sizes, n regular $3 and $3.50 tfO 07' values, on sale Bargain Friday at... Women's $3.00 (fe-l WQ Pumps at . . . . aPX t A sample line of Women's. Fashionable Pumps, including allthenew style's and leathers. Most all sizes in the lot; regular $2.50 and, l 7Q $3 values, on sale Bargain Friday at. lIV FrMaySuit Special Do not underestimate these magnificent suit values. They are all jthat we say for them, and more. Superior workmanship, excellence of qual ity and intrinsic value are all important factors in these garments. Elegantly tailored coats and pleated skirts in new styles, coats lined with satin. A good range or materials, sucn as plain and stnpea serges, diagonals ana worsted suitings, economical snoppers should 317.50 Values 3.00 not miss this occasion. Women's and misses' sizes.. Regular $17.50 values Bargain Friday at Great Sale of Silk Dresses, Vals. to $25 Priced at $12.00 Great reduction pn one-piece Silk Dresses for Friday many of them reduced fully one-half. Fine quality silk taffeta dresses in many beautiful styles, including some very at tractive, though plain, models, with tucked yokes or pleated fronts. Several pther beautiful models with rich lace yokes and otherwise lace trimmed. Skirts in several new styles, including plain gored, pleated and paneled effects. A wide range of colors, including black, navy, brown, gray, tan and others, light or dark. Actual values trom $17.50 1H An to $25 Bargain Friday Special 31.UU Silk Petticoats Q3.90 Good wearing Silk Taffeta Petticoats, deep and wide circu lar flounces on several styles, some 'plain and others more elaborate in design. A great many colors, including black, navy, brown, tan, gray, rose and many other dark dJO QA and light colors; $5.00 values Bargain Friday at rO7U Childr'n's Coats $2.95 Children's Cbats in the latest juvenile styles. Some smart, fitted and semi-fitted effects, some with collar of velvet and some of the same cloth. Materials are blue and red twilled flannel, black and white checked coatings, and others in solid colors: $3.50 to $5 values; sizes 6 to 14 years 9 (C Bargain Friday at . . . ... .5 $.30 xi . mmM X 11 . II itHin , $12.00 Covert Coats $3.90 Stylish wodels in Tailored -Covert Coats, 32 to 36 inches long, fitted or semi-fitted. Extra good quality of covert cloth, plain or striped, in several shades of tan. Q QA Regular $7.50 values Bargain Friday at $J.2U Children's Dresses $1.39 Children's Summer Dresses, in several pretty new stvles, in cluding some shown for the first time this season. Thev are of percale, gingham and chambray in plain colors, plaids, stripes and polka dots. Values up to $2.50 CI QQ Bargain Friday at 10 J Long Kimonos 01.10 Full length Kimonos of challie or lawn, in beautiful flowered i - j . t : . a.i - aesigns, win saiin caging 10 narmonize. miners in oriental patterns of various colors, with borders special 1 1( tomorrow House Dresses 51.05 Good quality percale House Dresses, in dark and light blue,' black and gray, neat figures, fancy stripes, nurses stripes ;. Two styles, high collar or Dutch neck, plain or $1.05 and checks. tucked yoke, belt and plain skirt; $125 and $1.50 values Bargain Friday at Wash Petticoats 48o A special for tomorrow fn WasH Petticoats, made of striped gingham or tan chambray.. Plain strapped flounces, AO with underlay and dust ruffle Bargain Friday .IOC Specials in the Hen's Section Boys' Sweater onA Specially Priced MC A special ' Bargain Friday offering- of boys' Coat Sweaters, made coat style and finished c with white pearj buttons.' 4 They come in plain ( gray and gray trimmed in navy or cardinal. Just the garment for the boy's outing. Spe cially priced for one day only Bargain OA Friday .......... ...i...... ...w7C Men's Shirti H O A Priced at OUC An extra special offering of men's shirts, made of excellent quality material and. shown with pleated bosom, cuffs attached. They come in plain blue with wide or narrow pleats, also pleats piped with white. Pricea for CQ this sale ..v.-.' OUC Men'e Ties -i 25o Values 1U An especially fine, offering of men's washable four-in-hand ties, made reversible and shown in white, with polka dots,, stripes , and small figures, also ; plain colors. The very 1 0 best 25c values. Priced for this sale....lC Men's Sox lOo Values 8c A sale of men's Cotton Sox, made seamless with fine ribbed top. They come in plain black and assorted tans and will wear extra well. Best 10c values. Priced for this Q .sale, per pair ' ........OC Specials in Fancy Goods Handkerchiefs at Special Prices ' Hundreds and . hundreds of Handker chiefs on sale at special -prices. They are made of good quality materials and finished with neatly hemstitched hems: All regular 20c values, special ......84 All regular 10c values, special ...... 6 All regular 5 to 7c values, speciar . . . .3 Silk Finish Veils 79o An extra, special sale of Silk Finished, Veilsfull 27x72 inches. They are made of good, heavy quality material, and can be used as scarfs as well as auto or beach veils. Shown in all wanted shades, beautiful rich coloriniM. -Retrular TA $1.25 vals., special while they last I SJC New Embroideries 15o This is undoubtedly the greatest Em broidery sale of the season; 75,000 yards in this great clean-up sale, Era-v broideries suitable for all purposes, made of fins sheer Swiss, heavy nain sook and -cambric and shown in thou- , sands of new dainty or elaborately embroidered patterns. It comes "full 6 to 14 inches wide and Is best quality to 45c a yard. Specially priced : C; for Bargain Friday IwC 1 50o Neck Pieces SOo . A choice offering of iover 1500 new: Neck i Pieces, comprising our entire . Fancy Ribbons 16c Another reat specif 1 offering, of ' Fancy jRibbons, over 15,000 yards on sale at less than factory cost It's a" great, clean-up of fancy rib bons, ribbons that, can be used for any and all purposes, add are best grades up. to;35e ;a yard. AC Special1 for Bargain Friday IOC $2.00 Lace Yokes 89c A special offering of over 100 doi. v Lace Yokes, made of- extra; fine Venise or Baby Irish X,aces. and . shown in all the new shapes, either DOinted or round, with - collar at- kjut enure line oi lueseipreiiy col lars; good values(to $2, 'on OA " sale att each . ..... . , . , .0 JC in the newest snapes ana designs.. .Best values up to 50c, priced for this sale .20c 3000 Wash o o (is Remfflants at : Malf Lawns, Dimities, Batistes, Percales, uitingi s, etc yards r j . f ' 9 v . . Zephyrs, Galateas, Suitings, Sateens, TT 0 Silk Mulls, Foulards, etc, etc. In I ITPTl tTfPa lengths from 2 to 12 yards each. On ' & JU JLL iLVW W length sale at .......... ... . . . p. Great Bargain Friday Special - in the Domestle Section A splendid opportunity to secure the most reliable Wash Goods for summer, wear a, sale that few women can afford to overlook. The assortment includes some 3000 remnants in lengths from 2 to 12 yards each. All the hew styles are represented, in the most desir able, colors in, light, medium and dark shades, There are white and colored Lawns, Dimities, Batistes, Percales,' Zephyrs, Galateas, Silk Mulls, Suitings, Foulards, Sateens, etc., etc. Never before have we shown such pretty wash goods at such ridiculously low prices. Al though the assortment is large,: we suggest an early visit to, secure best choice. Remember, you have choice of all at . y Vz the Marked Remnant Prices Hosiery, Knit Undepw'r Women a Hose, 3 5o Values at lOo A very important sale of Wo men's Lace Stockings, coming', as it does right at a time when these stockings are. in greatest demand. This offering consists of over 2000 pairs of fine Lace Lisle Hose, in black and tan colors, shown in a full variety of "pretty new designs. They are made with double heel and toe and wear splendidly. Best 35c values, on sale Bar- Q gain Friday at .IJlC Children's Hose, 25o Quality at 12c We were fortunate tc? secure from one of the best mills, 1Q cases of chil dren's Hose at half regular wholesale, price, and for tomorrow's sale we offer them to you the same way. Fine rihr, lisle finish, best grade Maco Cotton Stockings, made with double heel and toenail sizes, in both black' and tan colors, standard quality stockings that sell regukjrly at 25c a pair, on sale Bargain Friday at y,Tl!.l&2C ' Sleeveless Vests, 20e Values at lOo At twenty cents these are one of the best selling vests we carry. They are : of fine white cotton, in low neck,, sleeveless style, with nicely trimmed yoke, fine form-fitting garment' in alt sizes.VBest 20c values, on '1ft sale Bargain Friday at i i; ; . ; . . S . . . .. . . v x M . ' i . . ,';vi ; i . , . . 1UC A Broken Line oi Children's Underwear, SOo Garnients at 5c IA ridiculously Jowrjcejto; induce yott to' adiusMhe stock of chtf ""dren'sTKnit Underwear., FTh'e"rib6ed cotlonvebfiTm 1uw"filck7 tHz-i style, nice cool garments, tor summer wear, m sues 10 to a only. Kc ular -20c values, priced while they last Bargain Friday at... vC