Jt ft 1 ' IXGT AM) 1 OU.3 13 . Here Look Nicely furnished front room with board; pleasant surroundings. Call mornings, 345 Clay, walking distance. Oood horn for risht. man. ' FOR RENT In strictly private family, 1 nice large airy room suitable for 1 or 2,' with or without board; all modern conveniences and home comforts, west . Bidet and walking distance, phone Main 1002, trrrs. '''''. ' ' . '"I ' . ' . - - iiuu 4 young men in -private ramuy. home privilege; can Sleep In tent If oesirea. jB-zias. NICE, Quiet home for those desiring pri vate meals. 990 E. Yamhill, corner . of 38d at. ' -. KOOM and board, or room with break fast; home cooking; first class; mod ern. Mb'fr jNortnrup. a-37q. : PftlVA.i'j!l family would like 2 gentle i men boarders, )iom privileges. -663, ! GOOD home cooking, close In. reason I able prices. Main 8.8.22, 252 7th. j WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 i WANTED-'-Tb rent furnished or un j - furnished modern house or new flat. 688. Journal. 1 hotels 04 HOTEL FOSTER Portland'" newest medium priced fireproof hotel; 190 rooms; steam - beat, hot and cold run ning water In eevry room; rates 754 and flvfull half block; 247250 Davis ft. 2d to 8d. i fciOTEL PORTLAND European plan , only: t8. 85 day. ' ' VALLAMONT-r-Furnlshed . rooms for - rent 876 Yamhill. ' P.ELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder. HOUSEKEEPING R0031S 8 WEST SIDE. ... . WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 $8 month; $ for 818; funlshed cottage, largs rooms, $20; lower flat, 4 rooms, $16; 864 26th north (west side river).. W car from depot, 6th,, Morrison to 26th; block north. -.-.- - "ONEONTA" apartments, 187 -17th near i Yamhill (Taka W car at depot). 2. I and- 4 room furnished 'suites. . Hot and cold. Phonea and baths free. $20 rr month. $5 per week and up. Mala 4697, A-4789. - ' $1.75 week, large clean furnished bouae - keeping rooms;' laundry, bath, gas, clean linen. 184 Sherman, South Port land. - - ' . . -- .. HIGH CLASS HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: NO CHILDREN REASON ABLE RATES: EASY WALKING DIS TANCE: MODERN. 389 6TH BT. SEVERAL fine housekeeping rooms; 1 suite with private bath; one front room; nice location. 64 N. 18th. Mar shall 1117. THE - COLONS Furnished - housekeep ing rooms with all conveniences, $1Q and up. cntrai location. 60 Aider at. $3.75 week, ; large, nloely - furnished nouseiceeping room, aiso smau one $2.25. ' 24t 16th St. NT. ; ' fcOMFORTABLE, clean, single housa- keeping - room, .', bath, -; gas, -: laundry, pnone. - 4ob etarK at. 61'LeNDID suite- roomer large,- airy, a, newly .calsomlned;, furnished; fine lo cation; hoth phones. 634 Morrison THREE nice rooms furnished for house- " keeping. - very reasonable. - 491 Clay, Main 6342.. - - NICEvdean housekeeping rooms in fine , residence location ana walking dls- rMlj7j at, gill JLVLll Pli - '4 13 14th, corner Clay, large, light I and 8 room housekeeping suites. - TWO suites of housekeeping rooms for 1- rent: private family. 840 Front lain;, at sxu jLVLn PL FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, inquire t n. baimon St. MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; light .- gas; moderate. 7th & Flanders. A-4078 - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EA8T SIPE 8 TWO neatly furnished housekeeping . rooms in private family, new house, everything' furnished. On Bunnyside earllne. 1111 Belmont at No ohil dren, $16. - " ' -'- - FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping ; rooms, with bath and alcove: $20 per month. 660 E. . Morrison, after (30 ,p. m. FOR RENT FVirnlshed; 8 or 6 rooms; , i Housekeeping; not, coia water; tatn; raa or wood cooking; walking distance. 'hone East I6QQ. with private ramijy. . (TWO furnished housekeeping .rooms; light, bath, water and phone free; good car service; good location. s Phone K. 14SS REB furnished- rooms for light lousekeeplng. 488 Tacoma ave.. Soll- wooa. 12 per week; clean, furnished housekeep lng rooms; . laundry, bath, heat yard, phone, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. ' FOR RENT HOUSES 12 WHEN you move vouii neea new rur w - niture. Buy ; jMlclously and your MiUB win vavh u tiiv tug vayousvsj Our NO-RENT PRICES made us on of the largest furniture houses la the city in less than two years. . Lookers shown-same courtesy as buy ers. - MORG AN-X J CHLEY FURNITUItB CO, Crand ave., cor. B. Stark at East .Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Can pass our aoor, FREE rent in Gregory Heights. Qreg ory Investment Co. End of Rose City Park ear line. C ROOM double modern house in good . condition; only $16. ' Call 749 Misais- fippiave. I ROOM house, modern; fireplace, $27. : 654 B. , Ash. Inquire 808 Salmon at , ttoom 6. . a FOR RENT 8 room house, $22.60 per '; month. 1st and Meade, 698 1st at jinquira nv jnooner, 1 - ALMOST new 7 room house, large lot, $16 a month, with water. 616 ET 74th -ft r . , . i .ft. -wmnaYiMa.cnr, - il6 Modern, 7 rooms, new. ' Phone owner, Woodlawn 285.' - ' ' FOR RENT Large 4 room house, walk ing distance. 228 Cherry. E. 8SS1. ji. WANTED Small furnished cattage. by Sunday. J-677, Journal. 8 ROOM house, 104 E. 11th stf $25 per month. ; Gas, bath and electrlo light?!. 7 ROOM house, just across Steel bridge," 8"Q. Owner, -room 825 Worcester bid g. ' , HOUSES FOR REST, - . FURNITURE FOR SAUBK' 33 $600 furniture of 10 room house; best location, 10 minutes from P. O.; bring ing income of over $200 "per ' month; party leaving city; bargain; terms. Give phone number. J-678. Journal. ,, FURNITURE for. sale of 9 rooms, all in good condition; house for rent; ' rooms all rented: 6 minutes' walk from . .-AMI rAfl . v SIX' room house, cheap rent' large lawn, furniture for sale,- almost new, SO young chickens. Union, near. Rus- sen. , s -bo n, journal. FOR SALE cheap Complete furnish- mgs or 4 room iiat i'nonea Wood- 1 ?awn ipQiii .u-ny. $85 FurniturrJroom flat, bath, porch, - separate entrance, rem n. n-665, - o uuni lutniHiieu icuk rooms ' all full; good location; walking dls tance. ""641 First .".u - SEVEN room furnished house for sale; close in; $400. Main 9675. 867 6th st. yL'IlMSUED Housm SO . COTTAGE, well furnished, $20 month; lower flat, 4 rooms, $18 month; two housekeeping rooms, $8 month. West . side river. Apply 364 North 26th. .W car from depot, '5th' or Morrison to- 28th, "IN Irving! nn. 8 rooms, nice lawn, nice home. Partic-lars 345 I Morrison st, - pp Tuil Globs. lY AM) I Ur.: rc 'lis. fr I! r: it ri r t.- Mi tt t'K .,!!. "III II M li'rt j.cn 1 .fw i , . . i -n 7 ro"()i('J house. neW oiut turniture. on 1 iaw thorne ave., close In, $40 month. I hone Tabor 5270. ' ror. i.:.x ixAxa 13 2 3 RfyOM apartfnentg, furnished or un furnished, modern, with bath,, gas, new building. 629 1st. NEW modern 4 room flat on Williams ave. end Fariro et Call 230 Fargo or phone F'efit 8305. FOR RENT Four modern 4 room flats, every convenience. Phone Eaat 6, B-1404. - NEW modern. 6 room corner flat, 675 E. Wash. st cor. 19th. Phone E. 1300. TWO modern flats, close in, $18 and $22.50. Phone M. 7157 or E. 2173.': FOR RENT 8 room upper flatJ37.i month; Br 6 th and Oregon t- 60 FURNISHED FLATS BO FIVE room flat nicely furnished, piano included if desired, small payment down, balance on time if taken at once. Ana lll . r 1 MM tii vuiigse. wain- mi. MODERN 4 room famished flat in de- - slrable E. Burnslde district: also 6 room unfurnished flat. Phone East 8211 FURNISHED three room flat, $26; no children. 604 E. Couch, near 10th, Phone B-2668. " APARTMENTS 43 liOIS APARTMENTS, 704-708 Hoyt St. r New brick apartments now ready for occupancy; 2, $ and 4 room suites, pri vate bath, phone, electrlo and firelesa dtfokors, electrlo light, large sleeping porches, steam heat, beautifully . fur nished; Janitor service; references re qulred. Phone Marshall 2010. on Court . Beautiful -2. a. . 4 room furnished apartments, steam heat, free phone, Janitor service, rent reasonable. . 15th na Kverett sts. Main 1245 THE RE-UKAN APARTMENTS Mar shall between 19th and 20th; elabor ately furnished, all the latest improve ments, ideal location, $80 up. See these prmie ucc nuns on oiners FURNISHED apartments, west side, modern. Piano, phone. - t single roonia. Close in. 862 Third st Iria apartments, cor. Mill st ' STORES AND OFFICES 11 STORE! 36x70 with basement; ateam heat; the best opening for general mercantile business. Will give good lease to right parties. ' . i rr t-T xr Tynrr . ... ; - 626 Henry 1ldg., or 649 Union ave. N. STORE for rent rood location for dm. grocery, dryroods; will remodel to suit. Inquire 720 Mississippi ave., up stelrg. . , DELICATESSEN atore, all furnished; good location; one mqnth free. 103 th ' St. X': '; OFFICE and desk space, with or with v out phone and -atenographlov service. FEW nice officea In the couch and wnamoers piogg. 601 Couch Mdg. DESK . room, modern building, both phonea 60S Couch bldg. CfeSK room for rent 317 Allsky t bldg. . SUBDIER ; RESORTB." $ ROOM.' furnlsned house at Long Beach;, $35 for aeaaoa , Phone East 26 COTTAGES to rent at Seaview. u-. rteunemper. zsb Morrison st HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 FOR SALE Gentle combination horba, nearly new Bailey buy and har ness. Roberta Bros., 3d and Morrlsoa, $150 Buys Team and , Harness Team welgha 2400 lbs., sound and good pullers every way. ' Harness ia nearly new. Call or address private residence, ( eavier Bl. TWO. horses, young, weight 8000 lbs rubber tire buggy, leaving city Mon day; no reasonable offer refused. W. W. car to Mann station, 6 blocks east on jvwiiey ave. to tent nouse. $100 Buys Express Truck All ' complet with quick - ahlf t . top, nearlv new: hnul Sftfld . Poll M 9CfK .... ... b.v. MATCHED, team . 1660 pounds,, sound, true and firm, win be sold regard less of price. 998 East YamhllL Tabor 19V0. - - - - HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. EBEt 71 FOR SALE One 900 lb. horse and buggy; will sell separate; horse well broke, 6-year-old. 386H Cook ave. Own er. FOR SALE Good . 1100 lb. mare; will sell cheap; first class for delivery or family use, St Johns car to McKenna ave. xsew nouse. come see ner. FOR, , SALE Top Studebaker panel wagon in good conditions $60. Tucker, union ave. ana xamniu si.- FOR SALE Good, Bound 1208 pound work tnare, P. D. NewelL Jennings Lodge. ' v" -'.-'-. - PLATFORM spring wagon, $35; set dou- bla harness, $12. Cottage In Park. E. iztn ana Maaison. FOR SALE Cheap, "good atrong truck xeam. to to. oaa st. .-.-..:. . BUY Keller's Ouaranteea Harneas, ' 49 NORTH SIXTH, LIVESTOCK AND PO 85 FOUR good fresh cowi at 708" Herald ave. ; take Sellwood car. Phone Sell wood 1171. FOR SALE 1 6 inspected and tested dairy cows. . ' Inqulra T. W. Bleu, 80 w. tn st. btvtV h dairy cows, pee Mokcl Bruce Co., stock yards. Phone Woodlawn 2400. WANTED Ten S. C. White Leghorn - pullets. 736 E. Palmon st.--- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 VIOLINS, banjoes, mandolins, guitars at half regular prices. Uncle jtlyers, 71 6th- st. DAIRYMEN attention About 40 tons of hay near city at a sacrifice. Room zoo Board or Trade piqg. FOR SALE 2 set tools, -leas atock, lots worn, v-au u-ray s crossing, i,ents, fortmnn. ur.; no toners. R. S. MOTORCTCLB, -America's Best-" Racyc'e bicycles; motorcycles arid bi cycles repaired. Rydman Bros., 908 Oak. GOOD cleaning, establishment, reasorr- able rent, long lease,, for sale on ao count of poor neaitn. ' 21 is. nth. , SECOND HAND phonograph machtneB and records bought sold and e,x- cnangeo. ia xnira st. PORTLAND July 4th piano. check, Bush & iane company, xor sua, rcr 35, at 2H Grand ave., Portland, Oregon. QUICK sale, two rocking chairs, two bedroom chairs, chiffonier, kitchen ta ble and oil stove. 444 12th st - FOR SALE---1910 car, sllghtier used? will stand closest kind of investiga tion; -if interested write C-669, Journa'l. $100- piano check for sale cheap for short time only. "Call or address Mo- Kay, 1271 Macadam St., city. A SNAP,' $360. will take seven room house, completely furnished. If taken at once. -430 oiumpia. LAUNCH, complete, $65. . Masons, foot Eafet Washington. . I'OR ALK Bush -&-L.na,iano.liac3t. ioo, ror iu, fnone woodlawn 304 EOY'S prlntliig press, 2x4, self-inking, $6. . Beattie & Hofmann, 204 Stark st. $10 Domestic sewing machine with at- taohmentwi Call: 383 K. Morrison, FOH SALl--Tlcket of ChicagOj gentle Kian. J-B75, Journal. $115 PIANO CHECK Bush & Lane Co. tor $10.-. -Call 01958,-,,.,-. K"W Bt-1 f 1 ! 1 J "i R- 1 l;.ird t'-l-l.-a bouc'.t ind s.i'.i Oil r-. I tnrms. ltllnf ';' s. rfrlarat"- 4 j for Immwinti Ceilvet y. d'lre". t 1 .runs ii k-i . lk-i (i! i wn,r Co., 4 i f. i. j hr.,,i) stoi'M. tertni hii.I vHKn, 1 blo it , from electrlo ,dfpot in brick bullillnfr, ceniont floor, well lasted; will pell ft Invoice , price; Illllsboro, pr. L-68B, Journal. '.(-. FOR SALE Chesapeake duck dog; pedi greed. 2S6 Morrison St. TyPK to be sold cheap. Ifofmann. 204 Stark st. Beattie & WANTED SHSCTXLANrOCS 8 GET our price on your furniture, as it will pay you. W want the goods, lavage and Fennel. 861-8 1st at Main WANTED People of Portland to know that we pay highest cash price for aecond hand household goods. Seater & uustavfon. 143 Russell tiast ioea BE WISP; stet more for your aecond hand furnJture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 811 1st . Main 8951. A-2446. OLD rubber boots and shoes, 8o per lb.; auto tires 7o per lb. 3. Leva. 186 Columbia st Main 6198. WANTED To buy diamonds and old gold forc-ash., 828 Washington st 6POT cash paid for your rurnlture; prompt attention always given. E. 1067 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 31 , YORK BAND INSTRUMENTS. From the "House of York." The Chas. E. York Band" Instrument and Music House. -,:., bpeciai Distributing: Agenta. ,. WANTED--To buy a piano from pri - vate party; must be reasonable;, specu lators need not answer. 919 E. Ever- tt -"-J.-- ',; FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 FOUR cylinder Ford, anap. 280H Grand ave. ' Fnone East 895. FOUR passenger steamer $300. Room 417, 826H Washington st Main 5381, FINANCIAL 01 ' Quick loans on furniture and pianos, storage receipts, life lnsur- $ artce policies, livestock, real estate. I etc. U. S. Real Estate & Brokerage $ Co., 812 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. $ CONTRACT on house and lot $1056; will sell at a good aisoount: propert M block off Bawthorne. J-679, Journa LOANS WANTED 30 WANTED to borrow, $850, on good real estate security, for a term of to 6 years. E-664. Journal. MONEY TO LOAH 27 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO -$100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10 repaid in installments of .,....$ .66 820 repaid In installments of ...... .90 $50 repaid in installments of 1.00 Larger amounts in proportion. All we require is your personal note; no mortgage, no indoraer or security; everything strictly confidential. t - STATE SECURITY CO., - 808 Falling bldg. - ' THE CRESCENTLOAN AGENCY. . 401 Rothchild bldg.. corner 4th and Washington. The lecognlzed bank of the wage' earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist engineer or employe can ob tain money .of us. on. his noUwltbout security. . " - - - $16 return to us., ,.,,.,.$ 4.00 a month $80 return to ua.,..,.).$ 8.00 a month $64 return to us......... $13. 36 a month Confidential ; no unpleasant inquiries. special - rates on pianos. lurniture. eio. CASH paid for mortgages or seller's - interest In contracts on, real estate anywhere in Oregon or Washington. Mortgage loans negotiated on improved property, H. E. Noble, Lumbermena bldg.. 5th and Stark, MORTGAGE loans on Portland real ea tats zor porrower or ienaer. -, . JOS. & GIBSON, Successor to . Gibson & Holliday, 804-5 Geriinger mag. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and ethers upon their own namea without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; officea in 66 princi pal Cities y aave money by getting our terms. Tolman. 317 Lumber Exchange. TOUR CREDIT la good at the Employes' Loan Co., S21 ' Abington, 10tt 3d at; WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jew elry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage. Jewelers, 269 Washington at. $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. J. ,H. Mc Kenzie & Co., Gerlinger bldg. 2d and Alder. ' : ' - . .. : MONEY to loan, any amount to 8 per cent Goodnough & Seits, 718 Board or Traae. MONEY to loan onjsity or farm prop erty, low rate. , - & R. Hlckson, . 617 Board of Trade bldg MONEY to loan on Portland real estate. Harding A Reynolds Co., .818 Chamber or commerce. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. building loans- lowest rates; lira in su ranee, w. ti. tecn, mi railing. $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKensle A CO., uemnger piag.. ana Aiaer, ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, fir i ual OV. 1 ft. . SUMS of $2000 upward on real estate. Goddard & Weidrlck. 143 StarK. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel, xne Loan co. ueitum bldg. $800 to loan on good real estate. M-66 7, journal.- ; QUICK loans on all securities. 8. W. King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6106, NOTICES 26 NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET lng Tha annual meeting of the stock holders of the t.Coeur d'Alene Develop ment Company, for the election of a board of directors for, the ensuing year, and for the transactlon-of such other business na may -regularly come before them, will be held at the office of tha Company rooms 601 to 604 Chamber of Comnierca building, Portland, Oregon, on August 1, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m, . .. . v GEORGE-F.. HOLMANr Secretary Coeur d'Alene Development Company. -- . . t c- Portland, Oregon, July 7, 1910.. NOTICE of stockholders' meeting.- wotica is nereDy given tnat tne annual meeting of tha stockholders of tha Mid way on company win oe neid at the office of the- cornoanv. 224 Stark at.. Portland, Or., at 8 o'clock p. m.. on Wed nesday, tha toth day of July, 1910, for the purpose of electing a board of di rectors,, and for the transaction of such other business as may legally come be fore the meeting. A. UAV1B, Becy. QUARTERMASTER'S office, 322 Arcade Annex, Seattle, Wash., July 1, 1910. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, Indorsed on cover "Proposala "for Forage" will be received until 11 a. m.. August 1, 1910, for furnishing and delivering at Seattle, Wash., forage and atraw re quired for publto animals during fiscal year Ull. For further information ad dress V1HiMiller!irarterma8ter. LOST AND FOUND . LOST ; Tuesday, long pursa, $10 In "pa per, valuablepapers, also receipts to Emll fitaWer. : Will call for if notified. Liberal reward.' Route No. 2, Portland. WILL the party who took tha basket off tha Woodlawn car by mlBtake July 4 kindly return silverware It con tained VO 648 BortnwicKT LOST July 3 Cocker Spaniel dog; an swera to the name Mapor. Return to 454 E. ' Ankeny and receive reward. I'none B-zauti. LOST Prest O'Llte tank on road to ML Hood Sunday. Phone Woodlawn 298. Reward".- LOST 7-3 small leather satchel, con- , taming papers vaiuaoia omy tq own- id. - X 1 1 una i auui ,i "FOUND -Lady's gold watch; can have wtiuo uy lulling jpuigu. Av e;, Tayior. LOST T-iiincti of Veys. - Monday morn-Ins-, Finder return to this office and receive rawari - --.- ..,., .,, LO:-'T $:i2.75, black . pure. Initial P.. st Meter iv Frauk'Sr Liberal rewnnl. r turn J. p. ZlrnKlchel, 6b 1st 6t. bign h-'tip- L.u.-iT A black- dog with brown fonts arinwrc niH motnn 8nd loot Kindly return to 1144 Kasr Iva Kf vnr-t. land.- Reward. 1 O li N i La .1 y'a gold watch end chain near Lents, July 1. A. H. Cooper, i.ems, kit, itnure l, t?0T b-Jl. LOST Bill book with contracts, de4a. eic. xt.eiurn to journal, omce. Re ward. I. FOUND A place to get calling cards; aoo per 100. 185 Madison at , Mar lhftll 1548. - - PERSONAXi S3 PAY WH The Pacific Coast Medical Co. The leading Specialists of Port land, no Money required to pom ', mence Treatment ' We treat all' chronic nervous and complicated -. diseases of men. ' Our methods -( ere modern and up to data, We , want , to talk or ' write to every man In Portland and the North west, who is a Sufferer. , In the treatment of Diseases -, of men, -we acknowledge no ; superior. - We will ' tell you all about your case, without charge, . and you need not -take treatment : unless you wish to do so.- 8epa--rate -parlors. Paclfio Coast Medi . cal Co., cor, 1st and Washington ' sts.; Portland, opposite City Mar ket If unable to call, write for list of tjueetlons. . Office hours, .9- a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sunday, 10 i a. m. to l p, m. $40.000.. office equipment 14 treating rooms In the most expensive and fin est equiajped private office in America; 4 years' practice in Portland and never lost a patient; thousands of testimonials from tnose who have been saved from operations; .every modern method knowp. iu man , is useu to save lire - ana cure disease. The methods used are radium, X-ray, violet light, electricity, heat, hot ovens, baths, etc. Free lectures Wednes day evenings. Dr. ;W. E. Mallory. 812 rtoinonuq Diag. DR. ALICE A. SRIF. . Diseases of women and children ax cluelvely; Women are often saved se vere surgical operations by consulting me. Nervous diseases of children a specialty, private hospital accommoda tion a Conflnemeats , cared for. - Cor respondence solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones, Main 8928, A-6607 Office rooms 10, . Grand Theatre bid. wasnington and rarit LADIES Ask , your druggist for Chioestera Pills, the. Diamond Brand. For 25 . years known aa best, safest. Always . reliable. Take no other. Chi chesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. - - , . . .. ... RHEUMO - - Promptly cures rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, eaiatlca, blood ' poison and tainted blosQ. Sold by all druggists. Sample by express 60o. T. J, Pierce, 811 Alleky bldg. - . WMQii Cured Quicto - Modern ler trie treatment foriaasaea of the prostate, nervous debility, piles, etc. WTL. Howard, M. T.. 804-8 Roth child bldg., 4 th and Waehinrton. - - DR LEWIS, . . Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively; private hos- rltal accommodations: examinations ree. Main 4047, A-2411. 606 Commont weaun oiqg.y tn ana Anxeny, WOHKINGMAN of 2S, good appearance ana gooa . position, stranger in tne west, would meet respectable working GERMAN books, magazines, novels, eta, German. , English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian .dictionaries; for eign books of all kinds. - Schmale Co, zz ist St. DR. WALKER, speclalisf; quickly cures diseases of men,' blood and skla dls easos, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and. plies. 181 1st, Port land. . .. LIQUOR and drug habits permanently cured' In three days;- no suffering. Cardlola Institute. 1827 'Pentntnila. mv.. v ortiana, yjr. MEN When weak, nervous or dpnd ent, use Sexold Pills as a bracer; re stores lost vigor; prlca, $1 per box, 6 , . FREE readings Cushions for sale like nobody else makes. 129 10th, between Alder and Washington. Ladles pleaae ..oil poxes lor o. i. j. j-ierce, 81,1 AiiSKy. WANTED to correspond with a Chrls- tlan lady, matrimonially Inclined, one who would like to engage in evangelistic worK. Answer, v-ddi., iournai. SANDERSON CO.'S Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed period, $2 per box or 8 boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, 311 Allsky bldg. ' ': MRS. SQPHIA.B. SEIP. mental and - spiritual scientist, 21 Selling-Hlrsch Big. m. SEE Thomas Kay -for confidential re ports secret service. McKay bldg. Marsnan zo. WOMEN Use Ftmoida when others - fall; sold and guaranteed by the Aus- plund Drug co no is. 8th st. Main 8106 WANfcD -To make the acquaintance of i a middle aged lady, to go on ranch. object matrimony. c-6s, journal, OCCULT, new thought, liberal, sclen tifio books, Jonea Book Store, 834 UHK St. WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected In 16 minutes; free demonstrations. Z16 f iieoner oiog DRT. J. PIERCE, Specialist Diseases : of women; all Irregularities corrected; no exposure, can or write an AllSKy HAVE $110 check, good for any piano, wnat nave your tx- a., aa casson St. BALM of figs, remedy tor diseases of women. 629 Belmont st. East 2498. SEX1NE Pills only 75o box. Call or ad- dress Bridge Pharmacy, l6 Morrison. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARTISTS MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Moorehouse & Co.. 411 Wash, st. AaaATERS WELLS PROEBSTEL. aasayera, ana lytlcal chemists. 204 Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testing work. 186 Morrison. ATTORNEYS CHRISTOPHERSON ft MATTHEWS. General practloe. 411-11 Buchanan bid. UUtiLNESSr CARDS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 Id Bt Blank books m'f'g; arts. - for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see -tha new Eureka leaf. A-8183. Main 188. WARREN. CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, siaewaixs ana cross- Ings. 817 Beck bldg. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and ' general Jobbing. J. LoalL $11 Jeffer son sr. - wain 14Z. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office, 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all kinds of in surance, 'surety bonds. McKay bldg. BICYCLE REPAIRING NEW, second hand wheels, repairing, key. - sate ana locK-wor. Hummer.m ivtn. C1UKOPOD18TS CHIROPODY" AND PEDICURING--Mra M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST Itff Works Ruirn from old -carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning, it3 union eve., npe. v. Morrison. WE t-8ve rse car pets.i-) th room runs. . etc . ISIS l attoa ava.,Voodiawa 26ii. wmm m mow ' IEN CURED " i - i4 r ""i a "r"i - J J, A- t VrXe.r, D. M., CltT, Farm Property BriingStwl ronipnny Pruhnkor -A Bmiediet Hutterworth-Stnpli-Mion Company,, inc.,.,. t ard ltealtT ft .Investment Co Cook & Co.. ft. B. fhnpin & Herlow rlne. D. V. Co. ( WoodntncK I Hobart i Marshall, Famtt. City Property. Houck, GnrRi A. (Colonisation) KnaPD & iluikr Or-on Ral Estate Co., The... Bcnaik, Q,-or l. i ,.,.TM ...,& Hhlelda. J. H Xoompaon; M. K. uo,. ........ CARPET CLEANING THE IONE. Carpets cleaned, refitted, laid. Feathers renovated. . E. .860. B-2238. COAL AXD WOOD N0TICEprp!a?.nSLABW00D GREEN SHORT WOOD, per lrad..32.50 UHKEN 4 FOOT WOOL, per cora..;.c INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load J-W BLOCK WOOD, per ioaa ,.. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. , ; Tte Pcrtland Slatwcod Co. Main 8119. A-7001. PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO. , Dry inside wood, per load. I3.B0. Small dry inside wood, per load, 12.50. Green short slabwood, per load, 13.60. Planer trimminar. 13: blockwood. Der load. 34. - rnones aiain iu. A-iaua. - ; Yamato Wood and Coal Company; promptly . vwrrnd VA.aU VUBU DELIVERED 11 VVH Call Main 8787.' Foot of Curry at. Wood, Coal and Dry Slab - - WESTERN FUEL COMPANY. 'J 897 E. Morrison. East 228, B-1018. White & Benson Fuel Co, - Formerly O. K, Wood and Coal Yard. SUTHORLlJraBWO 'Main .163, A-8842. Dry inside wood, green slabwood, clean sawdust for bed ding, cut rueir DiocKwooq WE WILL saw your wood promptly. cascade wooayara. rnone jaaronaii 1906 NEER & FARK, dealers In all kinds of fir and hard woods; prompt delivery. 805 Water st. Main 46. A-estT. A. H. Edlefsen. the fuel man Ch. of Cora. merce, sells anmracite ana caonei: ; -o cheaper grades or coal ana ary wooq. STEEL Bridge Fuel Co., wood and coaL rnone vj-n .a, a. -- - SHORT dry board wood, $3.80 per load. pnone Marshall iboo. - " - kCEDAR blook, $1.60 for 30 daye. A fnone, Mam ziea, A-Bsta. BEST 4 foot fir cordwood $5.60 deliv ered. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both pnones. COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent accounta col lected. Wells Mercantile. Agency. 708 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak sta Portland CoUoctlon Agency All kinds of debts collected. 317 Aiisicy Diog. COfTRACTORS AKT BUILDERS rt, j-sajiiu--i-L.i';-t-if'.aj-al'J-ir---t." -fci-i--irJJ-ii1 -i-- T WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter and builder. . Jobbing nana contracting. ; w 4th. Main 8241, r . - - A. J. -F. BOWMAN, - carpenter and - builder; plana and specifications iree. pnone wooaiawn zaos FOR cement work, plastering, -brick worK ana excavating can ; on .uison, Marshall 1441. A-4020, DANCTNO WALTZ, two-step, - stage dancing, ' les- ons 25c; now opening summer classes tonight. Prof. Wal Willson's . school. 8884 Wash. St., bet. W. Park and 10th. ELECTRICAL S17ITLIES Motors for rent or sale. Paclfio Elec trlo Engineering Co., 218 Second Bt. ELECTROLT513 ; MOLES, wrinkles, superfluo 'B hair -removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Iti Flledner. GASOLINE ENGINES assaajp--a1a-ts-aaaaii- STATIONARY and marine; electrlo eaulpmenta: launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. RelerBon Machinery Co.. 188 Morrison. LEATHER FINDINGS CHAS. L. MASTICK CO- 74 Front Leather of every description; tap maufacturers. findings. LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library,- 188 6th, bet Taylor ana xamniii. ooas o per pay. MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES . ft. A0 T n.mm. tTtlm ltrnhiLriivM hnnlAat alt kinds motion picture supplies, new or -...-a i a ' L. t . ju, second, nanu inuuuiuca, imi is, mmu, im. river Pnntaares theatre. Portland. PARTS, complete machines, films, song slides, films, reaaonable, - 626H Washington st. ' - - . MU4IC TEACHERS B. THIEiaORN, violin teacher, rt-pU Sevclk. Mar. 1629, A-4180, 900 Marquam PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolin. Prof. B. A. Smith. 292 12th Bt osteopathic; physicians DR. LILLE BELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, aoute and chronlo diseases. 817 Fertton bldg. Main 8981. L 1898; post grad. 1907. 818 fiwatland bldg. DR. P. J. BARR. A. S. U, H07 Alohawk bldg.. 8d ana Morrison. Main -zz. - FALNTING AND PAPERING FOR painting, tinting, paperhanging, phone East 1368. All work guaran teed satisfactory. FOR painting, tinting, phone East 2093, C-23S8. A. S. Osbourn, 886 E.. Waeh Ington st. - ' v;v;. ; r;:";' .! FOR best work, prices right, call P. A Doane, 104 Unions Both phonea. . - PAINT, GIL AND GLASS RA8MUSBEN St CO.. "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. a ay.ayior, m. A-mi. F. E.' BEACH & CO. Pioneer Paint Co!, 136 1st St. M. 1384. A-7043. PATENT ATTORNEYS HANDBOOKS tor Inventors free; tells -. how V obtain and value of patents, trademarks registered. Beeler & Robb, 177-181 McGill bldg.. Washington, D. C J. K. MOCKlate of the examining corps U. 8. patent office, book of informs- tlon Tree.- nza Apingion oiog, R. C, WRIGHT, V. p. and foreign pat ents; lnmngemenmcases. out iaKuru. PRINTING Ink on paper ' 141Mi 1st . . 1'HE EAGLE PRINTING CO.. not in trust; close figures, good work. : 803 Goodnough bldg. Phona Main 4. It KtliBEK STAMPS AND SEALS STENCIL. and. -of f lea - ataUonry-Xun nlngi.am Co., Zil btara. Main 14, SHOWCASES ANtr, FIXTURES SHOWCASES of everv ' descriDtton: bank, bar and store fixtures inade (o orcer. . l.ne uuikb wrsc. wo. THE JAM EST MARSHALL MU'O, CU. new and old showcases, cabinets, store and efXlce futures.. 2 S a. Couch.. ML. ,03. n ' --v r Ti s r it t t t APDREPS - TELEPFidN!'; " .....R"3 Cftrbett Bldg... A-4i'.2. Main 7I:1 ....110 fifcr.nd St Main antl A-Z.i ....6"i McKay liltli. . . .W-Indsor H.'lj,'ht, .Main H19 .... M Lafayett- lil(lg...6th and Wnsh. Mutn .,..625 Hnry Hide..., Marshall i.W, A-l.ViT . Corbett bldg. ; Main-A.!tS ....32 Chnmlwr of Cninmerc Main lfl'2 ....Rochester and Yukon... ..Sellwood f77 ....Boom 7, ZMU, Alder ....Main W'Tl ...... i,Dty- liidg.. , ..Main 12T9 ....,7 Chamber of Commerce. ...Main and A-2"10 ....Brand Ae. and Multnomah Eaat fl7. C-170S Stark St '.......Mala &2, A-2Wt ' Gerllne Bid.. Main 84-tO ...llenry Bldg., 4t.U-Oak,...,.....M.t 8084, A-3327 SIGN AND SHOW CA1ID3 FOSTER & KLEISER, signs; the larg est sign makers In the northwest; 6th tnd Everett sta.. Phone Priv, Ei 65. Home A-115S. XlGNS THAT ATTRACT" - Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Piict fir 1598. PLUMBING AXD GAS FITTING THE most essentia part Of plumbing Is good work. It avoids after-expense. We guarantee our work. Independent Plumbing Co., 2?t) Grand ave. E. 952. SUliVETOfUk fVALTER M, OBER, platUng, aubdlvld log and topographical maps a spa iiialty. 160 E. 28th st N. B-2099. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co, 108 Id Bt Sataa at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened; bargains.-in Second hand safes, SHINGLES BEST In Pgrtland. See them. 201 ' Washing. t. S. E. Gilbert 10 ,JO. btPPLX CLEAN towels t'ally, comb, brush, soap, .81 per mqii.-v Portland Laundry & Towel Supply C-Ju. 9th and Couch ata, I hone Main 4 !. A4410..; - - ; - -- TRANS t ,'.1 AND HTORAGB -IW.- .fty-yt.-f " i.iift.i--ii'-i'ift, li".. .i.i Orr':; Transfer Co. i,rl.it.i'hed 1870. . TranfY.r .dft.Xorwardlng ageata. ,-. syinrgej mvea trackage. Office, 81 Hoyt St., bet 6th and 6th, Vfo dnesi- M a')ii; 6, A-1169. C. O. PCKi Ta-'Sfet A gtorage Co., of ; flee -na I . jaodloua 4 atory brick warehoua, ivc--i,at Iron . rooms and fireproof t4f "a r f of valuables; north west corner I'fnd Pine sta. Pianos and furniture nioved 'and-, packed for ship ment. Main 9 8.- A-1998. . OLSON-KOEi TRANSFER CO. ' General ' transfer and storage, safes, planoa and furniture moved, packed and snippea. zua uyi st. Main 57. A-Z247. INDEPENDENT Baggage . & Transfer - Co,- Storage. 824 , Stark. Main 407, A-4169. '. V- -V- .TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cub- ningnam co.. Z31 Btark. M. 1407. VETKKINAK'AH, aasBaalaaa-s-ajsatsgaait DR.. A. G. SMITH, V. 8., U. & SUblea, 248 Front Main 4168, Res. Mafn-1808. DR. L." R, DILLON, Hawthorne avenue staoies, Kast 72. f7. h-13B. WALL PAPS-. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, and. the goods that go. with them. E, H. Moorehouse & Co., 411 Wash, st V. HULKS ALfl JUUUElUt EVERDING i FARRELL, produce and commlsa!sn mi chants. 140 Front at. roriiana. or. J fnone Main i y. , M. A. GUNST CO., -, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. '1, V PORTLAND. OR. WaDHAMS '& CO- wholesale arocera manufacturers and coffee roasters.. 4th and Oak sts. ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES. DANES GORMAN-AMERICAN BANK Portland. Or. :r Corner Sixth and Washington fits. Trans s.t. . n r 1 h-nVffn. Kai-ln TWa Iaed arallabie in all tbe principal cities et tha United States and Europe. Four ner cent interest paid on . sarinc accounts. Safe da poii Tames. . -. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS ORBIS BROTHERS., Cbimber ef Com- meres It. '.Idlng. Municipal, railroad and liublie serTlce oorporatloa bonds. - DOWXINQ-nOPKINS CO. Stock ' an grain r brokers. Sstabllataed 1SSU3. Portland, - Seattle, Tacoma, Upokana. Prlrata wtru. 5W1-2-8-4 Concb Bldg. . ' . -. TRANSPOItTATIOlt Columbia River Scenery ''". Fast Excursion Steamer CHAS. R. SPEINCOR Leaves dally - except Wednesday, S a. m.. For Hood River and way. landings and return leave Hood River, 2:30 p. m.; arrive i-omanfl p. m.- v SUITDAT SZCTTBSXONS -Leaves 9 a. m.; returns, 6:30 p. fa. First Class Meals Served, v Fare, One Dollar Round Trip, Up-town Office, 69 6th St. Phones Marshall 1979, A-129S. Landing and Office, Foot Washington st , Phones Main 8619, A-2466. Lowest Rates to Picnic Parties. E, W. SPENCER, OWNER. Tha Open River Transportation Company Str; T. N. T1LAL Tor THE DALLIS and Way tanflings L,eaving uait street oock xwonaay, Wed nesday and Friday at 7 a, m.. returning,-, leaving The Dalles Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, making close connections at Celilo with STEAMER TWIN CITIES for Lewlston, also m LAHD EKFIBB for Pasco and all points ud the Columbia ns'far as Priest-Ranids. CAPT. W. 8. BUCHANAN. Spot , A. o. whiting. Agent. COOS'BAV LINE 5 Day 4!evioa- Btr. Breakwater leaves Portland 9 a. m., July 8, 8, 13, 18, 83, 38, Aug;. 3, 7, 9, 14, 19, 34,-39, from. Ains worth dock, for Korth Bend, Marshfield and Coos Bay points. Freight received until 6- p.' m. on day before. Passenger fare. 1st class, 810; 2d class, 87; Including-berth and meals. Inquire city tick et office, 3d and Washington streets, or'jUnsworth dock. Phone Main 26. San Francisco 8s Portland Steamship Co. New Bervioo to Xs Angeles, via San rranclsco, every Piva Days. From Atnsworth dock, Portlsnd, 9 a. m., S. S. Bear, July 7J Rose City, Jnly 13 Beaver, July 17. From San Francis co for Portland, 12 m.j S. B. Rosa City, July 6? Beaver, July 10; Bear, July 15. trrnm San Pedro. Beaver. July 8: Bear. July 13; Rose City, July 18. It. G. Smith, C. T. A 142 Third st; phone wain ojs, a-J-us. j. w. Ransom, agont. Atnsworth Dock; phone Main 26S. HOINOtUUUU Glin Special Reduced Round Trip M J pirst Class (Tormerly $135). SpTendid S. 8. Sierra sails from San Fran cisco, July.9July 30, etc. Line to Ta hiti and New Zealand, S. S. Mariposa, isalla August 6, etc, , Tahiti and back 8125. - New ; Zealand (Wellington) $246. 25, first class round trip. Secure vour berth now. Address Oceanic S. S. Co., -678 Market street. San Francisco. SAN FKAXC1SCO AND "T! 'ZX3lT'XKCtATXSrX)W'AuCT jtobth picmo s. a. co. 8. S. ROANOKE and B. S. ELDrB EAIl Every Wednesday, alternately,' at 8 n. m, Ticket ., 'fit flea ' 132 Thirb. near Alder. Phoncs-'M. 1314. A-1314, ' ' MARTJN J. HIGLnr. Tass. Agnt. W, II, gLSSi:!'., l-'f 'iht A? r.t A..,ih.1 i - .. ... . ..P iv,--'r 1 --r Lllh.i.l iiuii irnu hjur.- Ban FranHj.-o Li .ire, Cormllis laWnrir b!l"rton pnr, sr ". Forest Grore Pa.uLr... ArrlTic fortlasd Oregon Eprea . Ashland iasfner""'"' Koaehure P.ielit forUanf Eipp,,." fchaat, Ucjlted . ! BilvertoD iocsi ....! ! Went Bid '-. S lrertoo PasD.I. :; SherlUau asaUg., 1 A Q- t , ,f--0 . t. , tt p. t-t. . i p. til, , .;. tiw . 1 . i p. Bi. . ti.-t'j . LL,. . 7:"0 i .10 ll p. Ei. . t . 'M p. !. .11 :(! . ra, . 3 p. w. . 9.MJ a. m, . S:Jt p. to, . 9;ii0 a. va. .lu.M a, m, . 8 to a. oh .11 J a. m, . .0 p. m. ..... ....... il. 1 renrer.. romt ttore Pa.,engr toreat Vro-, P.Wg;';: Korthra Paolfio. Jli vl tii -. . Sad1"" t4 -I. Puget Nui-tu -. tom VV;. "-."-'-.-..10:l a. m. " Um 9 j m rtjv iwiti tii rt""" " -si aottoa.. ;w . a, 7U ",ia ;wo. . Portal v.Bd to"" 8:43 S. m nt.Ut Si. aa oracns..,.. p. m. . , Arrivtag i-ortund . '' -" 'uw 7 lSlru . AfticreiM u NorU -V P-fUle fcoiat " i: ' Vft. 7 -10 p I fcaua . ...... " """,., . W.r.rn IT''' eao... a:ia p. m, "'.f1 " Hitrv .In iiortta Bound uau'tid JoSS.!!; XlLUIl,ifi111i 'l:io Z : ;WI,B. Oregon Railroad Wivlrstl, rx LeaTlnx ' Pnrrlaitirl Baker Citr Pahmsi ! T .40 . 10 OO a. ttmftlr. ......, - 4 :Ou p. . uait , , boo-BDoJftHn.-Pnrtl.n. " ' ou p. SO p. m. IB. tt .aa p. :uu v. :1S a. :30 a. :30 a. :00 a. 00 a. DO p. uo p. &.iftrMl ................ Tha D.Ues Local...... . , Bpokaiw rirer .. .......... ..10 I Boo-Spok Mae-Por tliiid " ft..U VMM niurM. ..10 .. . 7 . T; . ; JOa Baiter City Local paengr. Ur-goa.Wft.ftihia.toii Liuilted ' Astoria Columbia Xtr-r, Seaside Lipreta ., ..a, shor uted::::.::::;:: Setilde Express . 8:00 a. ra. . 8:20 a. ra. . 2:30 p. m . 8:30 p. m, . 1:18 p. m. . 8:45 p. m. ,13:09 p. m. .12.80 p. bjw: .10:00 p. m. !: IS p.: m. 9:40 a. m. . 8:0u p. n. aaiuier faceuge , ....,. naiujer raseng(r ........... oeaaide Kipreaa. k.?.? .i'slde Bpeel.l '..: beaaide Expresi , Ocesa filiurs l.lml4.,,,.'.'';' nujnjer ana fortland Pasaenaer. giUiler and Portland f aaaengei . , Oanaaiaa PaolfU KUay cm. W ttr...'''-'Mr: ' Arriving PorU.ntl-i: W-W a. . avV. ..!!110rt m fU Po--.. 00 a nu - Vl battle 7:00 t. S Oregoa g, Wuhingtea EaUn4 Com pan Lea-lna? Pnrtina Seattle - Passenger . ,.VL. r. I-So' m. Arriving rorUsnd V....U.44 p. a. Portland Psasengw """""""i: 2; jnEFFEBSOIf BTREII tlATIOir. Southara Paoific. Leaving ' Portland ':. , .... Dallas faaatoger . .....,..' T'40 a. Bat aL, : 4i80 p. an- Arrlrlng PorQand tiallas Psmenger. B:o5 p. g;. ELEVEJflH AND HOYT STESSIg lAaV pokane, rortiand A SmrI Silwa ia. " '" ! - Oaring Portland " .' Inland Kmplre Kxpreas . fHM a. av, ITor Chicago. St. Paul. Omabs. Kansas City.;. St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, WashtnmM.' Kahlotus, Paaco, Koos--.it, 6rBddslles, Oo. ! dendale, Ljle, Wbite Salmon, bUTsnsoa and VancouTsr. ' Tbe Orcgonlsn 11:00 a. au . K" h.'t Si11118. Pco, Granddalks. tjlt. White Salmon, Sls-ensoa and Vanooumr. Columbia Riwr Local 4:Op.l,: hortli Bank Limited .............. TaX) p. 5.' tot Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas Citr 8t. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Waahtucns, Kahlotus, Pasco, Rootstelt, aranddallss, Ljie. White Salmon, Steienson snd Vaacourer. Arriving Portland Th Oregonian 7:08 a, m From St. Paul, Spokans, Pasco, MaryhilL Lvle, White Salmon. Stevenson and. Vsnconrsr. Korta Bank Limited 7:30 . m. from Chicago, St , Paul, tneaaa, - Kansas City. St Loula, Billings, Spokans, Waahrucna, hahlotua, Psaco, Rootwfelt, Oranddalles,- Lla. White Salmon, SteTensoa and Vancouver. Columbia Rlvsr Local ,v.,...ai:85 p. m. Inland Kmplrs ExpreM 8:13 p. av From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kanaaa Clly, St. Louis, Billlnga, Spokans, Waahrucna. Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Oranddalles, Ljis, White Sslmon, Stevenaon and Vsncouver. ' Great Northern Balhrar Oompany. Leaving Portland 11th tnd Hojt sts. - Oriental Limited, via Seattle ..10:O0 s. m. The Uregonlan, via North Bank. ...U:uo a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank,. 7:OOp.m. Tacoma, Beattie uid Vancouver, B. C.10;O0 a. m. Tacoma, Setl and Vancouver, B. 0. A :00 p. nu Tacoma, Seattle and- Vancouver, B. U.ll :80 p. aw Arriving Portland ltth and Hoyt sts. Oi-lontal Limited, via Seattle. . ...,,..8.40 a. m. Tbe Uregonlan, via North Bank.....T:t t. m. Oriental Limited, vis North Bank. ...8:13 p. to. Vancouver, B. C, Seattls and Tacoma. :4o t. m. Vancouver, B. C, Sasttla and Tacoma. 3:30 p. in, Vancouver, B. C, fpattle and Tacoma 9 :S p. m. Time Card" Oregon Elactrlo Katlway C. Depot foot of Jefferson st., Portland, Or. Leaving Portland tor bslaui and Int. suilou -14:90, 3:60, il;W a. m.l 8:U0, a:50, 8:80, s:l p. m. Lln..ted tor Tuulatla snd Balem .:ii a. n. Local lor Wllnouvllts and InU atattona 5 10 p. m. lially xc 1 Suntlay lor points, on the Saltm, 'ail City Western By. via Salem, :o a. in., 2.0U N m, , euuday ouly, 11 ;uo a. m. - Leaving Portland for roreat Grove and Int. atstlous 7:05, 8:BO. 10J0 a. m.i 13:10, 3: Ha. 3:), bMi, n.ii p. m. .Saturday only, li:i 1lArrlvtpg st Portland ' troa Salem snd Int. stBUon--:4o, . ll:w s. m.; l:lft.j :, .. 8-20 10:iO P. ' Local (rotn WUaounUltK aud int. ' sUtlona. 8.40 a. m. . Dully sxcupi buo day and 7:36 a. m. daily. ArriTlng Portland from t'orst Grove and IntT stations 8:00, 9:6 11:40 s. m.; 1:30, 2 iW 6:, Siltf P. m- awiuroar p. m'. 'suiy p. ' Fwilaad aiaUwsy, " Llgjt 81 Compsay. .; Cats I-sv. ; -. - Ticket 'Office and '-Waiting Ro,,m, ' First and Alder snd tt Attar snd Kaat Murriaou fttrefta, ( ' CABS LEAVK KAST WAIt.lt AU UOKHISO.X 8XKti.Xd. Oron City 4:X), :3o a. r is. and nverf mlnv.U to sud lucludiog 9 p. m.i Uia lu.tH ll-'-uo P.' w-i i'1 aildiiltht. iir.itfiam sud lBt'irmadi.ls pjlnts ., .T( Us, 9:-lS, 10:46 a.. 12.tJ, 8:40, 8.4 443 8:o7:45, 11:88 p. m. t .lrWr and lwu,dal:BS- n:4,-: $ ;lo, . 10:43 ; 8.-, 8,d,- .. lBdtriasd 'latarmedlaie poisN -4 10-4O . u- iiM 6 j p. tu. L..- v........iv.ir " ItoliM oiius anirviji'.-j V,aUinti ti''l- - r a M. :il, 11 0, 1 -t, n "i 10:80, lIUw. 11'. P il.-l2;". I:i'l, 1 V, 1 ;- . '-!!,..- --u.i.'. I Or H'trti Mf-n'tny i (car I' ti at ! ". p..m. i l,ii..y akcsl uuiuiitj,