TIID CIUXOI! DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY. 6, 1310. ."BEST did mw OIGOil 10 1 SEAR Ml LVLU nioEii in i nun of m Oil BA1BII 111 Members of Portland Auto Club- " Royally Entertained on En e joyable Outing of Four Days; Sleep in Tents. Wiir Address State Dairy Asso ciation in Portland; Fa -, ther of Industry.--- Dairyman of the Willamette' valley will be arlven an opportunity or near In one of the greatest experts In dairy- Ins- in the world lecture when Profeasor Bernhard Boegglld, of , the Royal panlsh Agricultural collage at Copenhagen, ar rives hero July 18 "The best automobile outing In the Although Portland , was not in- the hlstorv of "ths Portland Automobile eminent authority's . itinerary, through , Club" is Hhe. sentiment of 100 motorists J efforts qf Philip Bates, publisher of the who (BiragKiaa into rpriranu iio jmi raciiic. avi uiwhi. in? o w" '"" terdav afternoon and last night from I to come here and address and visit witn , the four flayf outing to Bayocean Park, I the people forT three days--July iJ, 19 made possible through the invitation or and 20. . " X the T." B. 'Potter company.: i - i n "X: I i The professor and his wife will reacn ' Twenty-one machines, decorated wttln Portlandf Kundav. Julv 17.- tout lmmedl- pennants, announcing the destination of ately upon their arrival Mr. Bates will me party, ana loaqea wun numo whisk them down the Willamette vaijey Portland's most" prominent citiaens and ln .: wwa thv will visit the -their families.-left Portland early last I ; Saturday morning and .arrived t.Bay-1 galem- Fore,t Grove and McMlnnvjlle. , ocean pant jaw tnat nigni. vn me way They will be entertained ty the com 1 w:?," f',idJi? -n,teriained ai nier.cial . clubs of these, cities and .will jucjuinnviiiv , ana iiiiamuw "li- 5 riven a few .surprises that were greatly visit many dairies on the trip: s Returning Tuesday evening; arrange nlnvad. flvnr Rundav and Monday the I ... " " - i. ' ...I... w .Ii. $ ... . 1 ments ;wiu oe maae ior me vn w w , Py wm Bivep ino iuwy wx v... cU of memberi 0f tne gtattf Dairy ' ntte'snea visit was an eye -Nation and on Wednesday afternoon ll"' tha expertenC' v 7 at the Commercial club rooms the pro fessor will address them, v Wednesday evening at the same place the state opener, - Wtola Party "Arrested , Tl"!TrriZ' invited to attend a lecture. "."r. " Tviri i Professor Boekglld's Visit to ' this Civic Implement association on ' a c.f untfy 18 "Tu charge ofst driving. Sheriff Hender- " tudyln vAmariean method, .d , Cond . uk .7,i tt, tions as well as to lecture. In view of - iAi' sai-th-i ;rPat'an hhe-fact that authorities in this country ' -.7. a .ik ,m th'.mw concede that no city in the world sur -selves. W. J. Clemens, who was lead- passes Copenhagen in the matter of qual- ' ing the party, was the first to fall Into ity and cheapness of milk, the dairymen " the trap set by tha McMinnvllle offt- and others Interested ln the Willamette elals. He protested vigorously before valley are fortunate ln havingr-the op- ' he detected a peculiar smile on. the portunity to- heai the lecturer. ; ' sheriffs face and saw through theVuse. The professor is recognised as the - B.-Henry-Wemme-and-erower-who 1 father' of the" dairying Industry In Co ' left Portland an hour and a half after penhagen.t and his Influence has made the rest, had more trouble than any one Itself felt, not only ln his own country, : with-the obstreperous sheriff. On the but over a large part of Europe. Mr. outskirts of the town the machine" was I Bates believes that it is essential that 'hailed and the occupants declared under! the professor be royally treated while " arrest for exceeding tne -Jspeea umit here so that he may carry a good lm through the town" of Dayton, the sher-1 presslon of Oregon and Portland back . iff declaring that the information, had 1 10 his home country,-and for that rea- been telephoned ahead. It was an-1 son tne commercial clubs of the various . nounced the fine would be 125 lor eacn cities throughout the valley will vie . occupant or tne car. jnr. rowo uTCa,"Mwith each other In their entertainment angry, out Mr. wemme, Deing n uipiu mat. offered his hand to the sheriff and also f or that reason a good , attendance Is desired at the lectures. FIGHT FILMS CAN BE SHEWN IN PORTLAND No attempt will be made ln Portland tried to smooth matters. Cheer KoKlnnville. The whole party was conducted to a dining room and served to an elaborate luncheon, f.nd while this was going on baskets full of big cherries and wai- ' lot. hr pher for McMinnvllle to follow the course ; of some other before starting on. cities and prevent an exhibition of the At Tillamook City the reception to moving pictures of the Johnson-Jef- the Portlanders was no less cordial, fries fight,! according to Chief of Police They were taken to the Commercial I Cox. club, entertained there and given a U "That matter came up oHce before,1 - sumptuous dinner. "Webster Holmes, the he said, "and after taking the subject up 'coresident of the club, gave an admirable with the city attorney I learned that i address . of welcoitie to the crowd, and, iwt , could not atlm fitti. pictures on'det t in behalf of the club and TiuamooK, f tto- lawT; we caiPopIyi proceed to stop Coffered the right hand of fellowship to I movlna nictures when thev are obscene . the visitors. The reception by Holmes and fight films da not come under this t was one or me ieaturoa oi mo irjp. . classification. Personally I don't be Taken n launches to Bayocean late ueya pictures would, oause any die eaturaay evening, uie. amnri u. turbance here, anyway." party were put io pea mere in iiib ipii i. city in beds which were pronuoaced by all to he about the best they hsd ever T. B. Catron, former delegate to con II llicy linu tci i . .. . f, . 4 .wi4i .jinrtim slept In. Sunday was spent in looKing p. p;nHMlpv fnr ITnlt.rt ...., over the site for the new resort which , ,r - extends for several miles along the . peninsula It was evident to all that the possibilities of the place are for the greatest coast resort in the nortnwest. 9100,000 la xacninery. One hundred thousand dollars worth ot machinery are on the grounds and V 85 skilled engineers and mecanlcs are working on the' street grading, the new hotel,the natatorium, and the numerous other features.' The elace is aireaay supplied with , electricity and fine wa ,ter and a sewer, system. The streets are all being ent through and plans are tMnv kudu to' nave them later." The ' plan la for a hotel larger than .the Port- 7 land. The lounaauons ior ,tms are oe ' Inr laid now. i Various features of -entertainment were furnlsheo) the crowd on Monday, These Included a costly display of fire 1 works ln the evening, a ball game and an exhibition by the Tillamook head ; life savins- crew. The total cost or en. - tertalning the Portland crowd on the whole trio was about 13000. Returning, most of the party eame 5 over to Tillamook yesterday morning ' and left for Portland at about li o ciock. , c W. J. Clemens, the vice president of the Portland Automobile club, tried the speed of his new Butck tomlng back, and was the first In. covering the dis ' tance in five hours and 45 minutes, actual running time. He took the bumps ! slowly and speeded on . the smooth s" stretches, trying to see just how fast the trip could be made safely. 3 William Bewley, who drove the press ear, refreshed several members of the .party with .an elegant dinner at his , ihome in Sheridan on the-way back from New Mexico after statehood. Twice tch year we have a. SALE which has become 'to be recognized as. the sale event of the season. Everyone in the city 1nows that the REDUCTIONS are GENUINE and PRICE CONCESSIONS unequalled. POSITIVELY no exaggera Hons ever permitted in my ads. It will be to the interest of all intending purchas ers lo COME EARLY to participate in this FEAST OF BARGAINS. EVERY SUIT IN THE "HOUSE MARKED DOWN. Men' Suits College'Suits Boys' Suits Wash Suits $40 SUITS NOW $28.50 $35 SUITS NOW $24.50 $30 SUITS NOW $21.50 $25 SUITSN0W?18.75 $20 SUJTS NOW $14.85 $15 SUITS NOW $He85 $35 SUITS NOW $24.50 $30 SUITS NOW $21.50 $25 SUITS NOW $18.75 $20 SUITS NOW $14;85 $18 SUITS NOW $13.85 $15 SUITS NOW $1135 KNICKERBOCKERS $5.00 SUITS NOW $3.65 $6.00 SUITS NOW $4.35 $7:50 SUITSNOW $5.35 . $10 SUITS NOW $6.95 $15 SUITS NOW $11.85 HALF PRICE a $6 WASH SUITS $3.00 $5 WASH SUITS $2.50 $4 WASHSUITS $2,00, $3 WASH SUITS $1.50 $2 WASH SUITS $1.00; $1.50 WASH SUITS 75 MISSES AND GIRLS Wash Suits HALF PRICE - $10 WASH SUITS $5.00 . PM WASH SUITS $3.75 $6 WASH SUITS $3.00 $5 WASH SUITS $2.50 OREGON! N PURCHASE 0L0 MEXICO TRACT ronr-rajenfr Coupe, XtCng Wheel Base. .. Ampls. Boom. Oushloa Tires. Bo Punctures. Frank C. Rlggs . BETEWTH ABB OAK STS. After July 15 la One Bew Pord 8er yio Bnlidlnjr, Cornell AoML Tw.ntj- third and Wsshlngrtto -BtrMtl, TEXJBPXOKSa MAIN '4542, A-1127. George F, King, a -local timber opera , tor connected with James D. t ttacey & .Co,, has JUjt returned from a trjp to . Old Mexico and reports the purchase t by himself and other Portland Interests " of a 60,000 acre tract of fine Irrigable agricultural land. The syndicate purchaslnf the - land ; Is composed of George T. King, Wll , liam I. Vauter, H. U. Lumsdcn, C. I. Hutchinson of Medford, and Charles H. Kins: of Portland, The syndicate will fence' the entire hacienda and then lease It to cattle men for a few years, after .v which an irrigation system will be put ! In and the land developed. ' The land i is at" an elevation of 1600 to 1700 feet, and the temperature ranges from 70 to 90 degrees the year round. f Mr. King says the land la very fer tile and will produce abundantly ' of sugar cane, rlco, cotton, tobacco,- corn ".and all kinds of small fruits, berries 6and melons. ' The same syndicate bonded a 60.400 acre tract of . white pine which ruftV about 16,000 feet to th acre, iv- 3 Trains Daily 3 . 7 New Great Northern train service to : Tacoma, Seattle, Everett, Belllngham, xV s rtvp, D. '"Off points: Electric lighted trains. Ele . gant dining car service. . 10 vi m 6 p. m. 11 :3Q p. m., from Hoyt street sta ' tion.' Eleventh and Hoyt streets. Tlck- eta, berths and parlor car seats at 'city ticket office, 122 Third, and at depot. TALKS on TEETH By tfcs B2X PEJTTAI. OO., 9EBTI8TS, OUR v MOTTO: Here it is In four ..sentences; .. -:! Have a produot as nearly perfect as will and skill oaa make it. Throw your own personality Into It, Advertise th truth about It Beep advertising it all th time, rain or sun. Alveolar Teeth Wher Bridtfework Is . unpossioi. If only your front teeth are left," say three or four or more, we can replace all those 'that have been . lost on both sides, clear back, with perfect Alvsolar teeth, whilst brldgework would be im possible even If you had eight or ten front teeth lo tie to. If you have only the back teeth on each sloe, say molars, we can supply all the front teeth that are missing with beautiful, serviceable, life like Alveolar teeth. This could not bossibly be done by the bridge route. And wfrere bridgework Is possible there is .no cdmDnrlson between tha two. r A very- large- percentage- of -our Work ts taking out brlflgeworK put in -ay sup posedly hiah class dentists, and repUc ins it with the beautiful and artistic Alveolar teeth. And, - unlike bridge- work ln artother'resoect. it is practical ly painless, No boring Or cutting Into the gums,, nothing to be dreaded. Now, then, prices being equal, which would von ehooanT ' V OorinJIr Pyorrhea (loose teeth), a dis ease given up oy omer aenusis as in curable. Is another of our specialties. We cure it absolutely. It's a boastful statement to make, but w can do any- thing that is possible in dentistry, and what we do is always of the very high est class.- Our booklets, Alveolar Den- id lnteiTiieatrHstTyr"w' wntrtor-rme-tf-yotf cannot can. we nave samples or our work to show at all times, and the very best of; references, an army, of tnem, tn this city ana state. ; . TKB BSZ SEBTAXi CO., DEHTISTS, 311 to 314 Ablngton Bldg., 106 H 3d St. , xerms. to itcuaeie reojpis. t We cannot emphasize too strongly the merits of this S ALE. We expect to CLOSE OUT every garment here advertised within ten days. BEN JLJJLJ TWO. LEADING CLOTHIER f- In; ... Ai:& t,, j: ..... 'Li':.. if gScSi Miss Tracy, the expert cooking teacher of the Port land Gas and Coke Co., will transfer her school from Christensen Hall to Woodman Hall, East Alder and Sixth Streets on July 7th. This will enable ladies residing on the East Side to attend the valuable free lessons on H ro-cooKW ffl GAS Miss Tracy's knowledge of cooking is of the high est order, and many are the dainty di hes she will prepare for her visitors .COLlMcfJ M I Ike Oaly Wosua's Collet. th Pacific Coast ExclnuTtl . forYeang Womea t Located among the leauti'ful tilla sear Oakland, California, dote to Saa Franciaco end tin .... mm - great Univeraitie of tk Weat. full eolirguta coarae leading to dttfrce. Entrance and graduation requirements . touivalent to thoaa o Stanford and Univer.ity l ... . . .. ! , . ' of Lalilornia. training hta atudenta Ior teaching regular line of academie work, and offer special advantage or muaie, art, library ttudy and pom economic. Well, equipped laooratorie for cienc. Special attention to healtk of (tudeot. Modern gymnaaium thoroughly equipped. Out door lib and amusement ia the ideal California di i roa Catlou Aobacas ' Prbsidknt Luilla Clav Carson. tt D. , MILLS COLLCal P. CALII-OSNIA . , POSTXJk.BI ACADEMY Wtathntatics and Scleno Physics Course In General Physics with special work in Electricity, Including measure ments, primary batteries and X-Ray work. Chemistry 1 year pf General Chemistry, Advanced course inf qualita tive and quantitative analysis, and chemistry Of carbon compounds. Math ematlc years' course, including Plane Trigonometry with flfeld practice ln sur veying. Send for catalog. " yporthxnA. Orron JF TwiHeat and Day School for GlrlanBder Vi r M of Biataraof 8fc Joan BapUat ( Epitcopal ) Colhislato, Aeademte an tnumiurj Ipu. Mulr, Art, elocution. GjronMlum. (Seaident papil mart N or.r 14 jMnef iM end tttv, AppUoMtom .hoold b. naU. rW Aadriwa The Siitw 8uBri()f,0mc 3 1.HelmHM,wtiii Or. rtartimfiittlrt1 Home and Pay School ior Cirla. scar Sunlotd University. Kecredhrd by colletes Eaat and West Gmmmu and Pitmt fry desarttnenti. Four new tmlUinftt a Uitdenc iof 40 fupllsi a Recitation Hall of 12 roomn a Gymnuiua and Audltoriumi a Oomettic Science Banrilow. Ennnuve irounda, Mualc, Art, Domettlc Science. Ont-oMoor Phya i cal Tralnlni. School open September 12. 1910, Write tot Illustrated caalorue. . ' - ; " - - frlactixl. MART L tOClBT. A. Jo lit. Callt DON'T TAIL TO ATTLND . Woodman Hall, East Alder and Sixth Streets Thursday, July 7th, at 2:30 P, M. IPfRWEEK NEWYORK-QUTFITTINKO JT. JUSTOf F110lR(SOM BJ PATENTS trnltd States ' and roratcn ronr4, S(ndd end Bold. - VAOirzo coast rA-ezmT aoxhct, Zno Btookton, CaJ ccn;vADr.i..iTi:;a cr hJSOLICITS YOUR FATnc" ' C 3471 stari; r,T,'r.rr 1 -r Jouriiat -.Wants An Wl" -