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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1910)
cr.-con .daily jou:.::al, tortlaud. wediidcday nvnimo. ' July c, mo. osirn o 0 LL 1,1 Uii Fl 10 OUTCLASS iiiw iii iiinTnnif - n iv in in v i ii u w Mm I IH IIIOIUIU Immense Crowds, First Class ' Fruit . and Good Weather ' Promised Thursday to Be . : Portland Day. F0 PSBIIS FULLER FUlffl . CATS TO OKI Two geared' cats mummified, by the Egyptians about. 4000 years ago have been placed in the-clty iruseuiru 'i he exhibits were installed by Arthur H. Devers of the firm of Closset & Devers. Mr. Devers secured the specimens upon his recent trip abroad. v One cat is still wrapped in the mummy cloths, while the ether has been un wrapped and placed-in a case for In-, spection. , The ticeleton is still In ' a good state of preservation. "Part 0 the skin is tightly drawn over tnn frame work. ' The skeleton is identical with FBI! MENS THE STRANGER WITHIN OUR GATES Body to Be Buried at Graceland Cemetery, Chicago, Beside ' That of Wife. . rage and Delaware; builder, same: $50. K. O. Armstrong, erect one story frame dwelling Clinton street, between Thirty-first and Thirty-second; builder. P. L. Peterson; $1700. Trinity M. E.. church, erect two story frame dwelling. Hemlock- street, be tween Locust ana Harrison; Dunaer, T7- v jr..v.i T.'-iueorse Trotter: tzovu. back to the. old towri for me; back w half story, frame dwelling, 290; East tne lmie namiet amontr the hills where I ortiein. street: oetween nawiqorne ve only been in Oregon a. few years. lMJ:.VaS'.vt''tJtZ i . . . v , , fc i.n.(lwmuiiK, Alias i. a uii vij sat. v. t. t cm but I'm homesick.! Back there I couldn't skldmoFc- and Mason; builder, I Koss; matte u a year, mm it usea to De nomei iiBOO. v ; and I want to go back and look -the I Charles Hellmar, repair one- story Dlace over.. But I'm rolnar to return to I frame dwelling. 849 Halsey street, be- Oreeon. Mv. but Portland has srrown I tween taai t weniy-BCYentn ana t v..-- r I Twennr-eisrhth ' (United Prem Leaaed Wire.) Chicago, July - 6. The body of the r i (Salem Bureau ef Tb JourBal.) ' ..: Salem, Or., . July . Everything Is In readiness for' the opening tomorrow afwhat. nromlses to be the most suc cessful Cherry Fair-in 'the" history of capital city festivities, The commit tees in, charge of. the different parts Of the three days' entertainment- are ' more than pleased with the indications, "wh'ich Inclide favorable weather, im mense crowd and large Quantities of " first class fruit." The fair, beginning on Thursday will extend over; Friday and Saturdays closing with a grotesque 'parade and merrymaking on the. street j Saturday night. , ' , v - Woodburn Girt Queen, .. . The opening feature will be a grand parade Thursday morning. Miss- Nelle Cow lea, a j statehouse- employe whose home is at Woodburn, was the i success ful candidate for jueen- or me jesu ' val and she will be crowned Immediate ly following the big parade. A king, to be Selected later, , will also be crowned with the queen "and; Saturday night the king of mirth and laughter will be FOwhed after which there will be no Hm4t to the joy. - 1 , " -FIT Counties Is Contest ;The display ot hrrl-is being in stalled la a long low pavilion on High street in front lot4 the court house. The. cherry exhibit Is expected to be of exceptional quality this yttv v Though the early varieties are nearly all gone, the later cherries such as the Bings, Lamberts and Royal Annes will be on display In their greatest glory. Among the counties. that will compete for hon ors are Benton. Linn, Lane, Polk' and Yamhill The season varies ; so much In different parts of the state it Is Impossible to' have Wasco and other distant, counties compete as the santo time with the Willamette valley coun ties. :v - - Tbuxsdajr Portland Day. , Thursday will be Portland day. Ar rangements have been made for special rates over the Oregon Electric from the metropolis to the capital elty, Albany wilt have a day at the fair and will be entertained On that day by the hosts of the capital city. Hundreds will . visit the city from Polk county by means of the Salem, Falls City & Western rail road, which will materially increase I the crowds, for one year ago the Saiem Falls City line was not in operation 'No event to take place at Salem has been better advertised throughout the length and breadth of the Willamette valley than the fifth annual Cherry Fair. There will be plenty of amuse ment to entertain the crowds and plenty 6l prises have been offered that have made it worth while to the exhibiting ' fruit growers to display their best product. thai: of a cat todav. the only percootible late Chief Justice Melville W. ' Fuller difference being the length, of th tail. I will arrive here tomorrow, , The funeral The specimen shows the animal hed an will be held Friday, afternoon andthe exceedingly long tail.". .'; .' body' will be buried In Graceland come Mr. Devers got the specimens at OS-1 terir beside that of his wife. . Rev. souan on the Nile. They splendidly 11- James Freeman will officiate. The pall lustrat the Egyptian method of em- bearers will be Justice Holmes of the balming. The cats at the time; these United States supreme court.: General were supposed to, fcftve beun tMnbaimeq Thomas Hubbard, William D. Hyae, were held to be sacred, and s were wor- Hugh c Wallace and Tacoma Natnan shtped as a God. The method of cm-Mel Francis.' balming Indicate that they may have be longed to some royal household. Ufll I AnAV DADf 'CPCMt A necklac made from clove was also 1 1 Wl-unwn l . I niu wwMib placed In the 'museum by Mr.'Devors. This was also secured in tfgypt, and came from Soudenese. ,It was worn to keep away diseases and evils. ' NOTED WRITER ONE OF ..CHAUTAUQUA SPEAKERS . . i ' - a i l weniv-BiKnin caxuo cere. Anreo years Eu ki ,K0 " r Vinna nett anlv sin AVArtwnwV. witww I viibmj fvwvi builder, Williams & OF CONCERT TONIGHT Brown's Park band will play at Hot laday Park this evening, the concert to begin .at 8 o'clock. Holladay Park Is reached by the Irvlngton cars. The pro gram for the evening follows; March "Regimental pride"; overture, "Marina- waits. "Murmuring Waters"; barltona , Madison CT Peters, the distinguished solo, by Eugene-CiOffii-"Glances From reacher. writer and orator : of . New. Bright Eyes"; ten minutes lntermis- York City, is announced as one or the slon; Moroeau characteristic, "uawn oi star attractions at the Willamette ValH Love": gems from the "Bohemian GlrL"; ley Chautauqua assembly, which con- caprice, . "Badinage"; medley of popular venes at Gladstone park, July 12-24. melodies; two step, "Mary"; "The Star Drv Peters will deliver : three rleqtures Spangled Banner," -- ' - while here.' He Is scheduled to appear . 7., - , . . . .PJllJmll . Suffragettes Raise Money.' T't heof ! hl2 ' ' '"nlt P.. taawd Wire.) July 13 at 11 av m. 1",?, J?? L n ii London. July 6. Mrs. O. H. P. Bel- dates, as above, his jmbjects will M tf Mlss-mei MlMhoHand.-AmcN .Tritoteh suffragettes, who, have Just ar- n"ww' thljlJ a2 Done for here, said today that at a meeting ?hWoHd '-- Jew Has Done for of passengers held on the steamship ptVi ihit inoii nerhans as Lusltania during the voyage from New ,J&EJmE2& ycrk 1Doo wasubscribed for he suf- former line he has to his credit such fragette cause. Senator Chkuncey M. books as "Justice ; to the Jew" and Iwpew of New York presided at the Alter yeain mnaii nuui imvo m "" ..,,... - -- -r into7 tfio many thousands. In all, he I r : - . ' '- 5 r::; : Liberatrs Proaram. . virile havtne written siirned articles - the following .is the. program for tho tnn ImiI nv Tiuhllpa tlntm. liievenius i-uiivm u- v un vans wuoj . 1- 'r Tarn 4a nUt. nt thn I March. "PuRot 'Sound" ......... .Liberatl fnost widely read newspaper authors' in Petite Clarinet Fantasle . Btal the. United States. f Walts "Tout Paris"-.. . .'.Waldteufel Ronrano - solo. "Coro. ' Nome RIko- . .... 4, verai Miss K. Klarer. t "Rosamunds" ..... v. Schubert solo, "Dio Possente-Faust" M v ....... .... .. Gounod . Siar (i. de LuchL . wngni ore. . .Rossini Now it Is a-flourishing, up-to-the-mln- frame dwelling. Rochester and Earl uate city and has the , best prospects of I streets: builder, same; $1200. any city on the Pacific coast Yes, Ore-1 Annie M. Jennison-, erect two story gon ana roruana stwi iook gooa to me. i f1" uw .auuUM,u irai. having sverythlng that any city really wVbaX, and "Emerald; needs, Medford is to have a federal Iii 60. v ; ? . . buildihg as soon as a site can be se-l o. K McCord, repair one story frame lected and John Allen is hustling and I dwelling. Grays avenue, between Court getting matters in shape so that the building of ; ah electrio . line that will encircle the valley can be commenced. Then, no matter what may come, south-1 ern Oregon will be the finest place to! live in in America. - The only thing that will be lacking IS the road to Crater lake, and tMedford persistence will get even pat. . William Murphy, Lyle, Wash. To the manJ who Is looking for a delightful place to camp and fish and enjoy a few weeks, Lyle Off ers the finest induce ments of any other place in the country. The streams are all full of mountain trout and the air is surcharged with a I distinctly' different flavor that makes i J Joy it and Foster road: builder; G. S. Mc Cord; $150. ' Mr. Rutherrora. repair one Biory frame dwelling. 60 East Eighth street, between Pine and Oak; builder, J. A. Bellamy; $50. H. McClane. erect one story rrame dwelling. East Slxty-eiRhth street, be tween Slskljou and Stanton; builder, E. Grotvik; $1800. John BuitnamD. -erect one story frame- dwellinsr. Richmond, .between Houghton and Waverly streets; builder,, same, $800. ; : Eva M. Adams, erect one story frame dwelling. East Yamhill street, between Eighty-first - and jsighty-secona; Duiia er, - same; $ 1000. -. - r r ; - Joseph Reldel. repair two story frame store; Eighteenth street, between Washington and Alder; builder. J. ,W. Thurman; $250.. . ' : ,. Mrs. Olson, repair two story frame dwelling. 689 Tacoma avenue, between Twenty-first and Twenty-third streets; builder, same; $75. : ' Oi R. & N. R. R. company; erect one story frame office. northeast comer Oregon and Adams; builder, 'WaddeM & Harrington!; $150. ..-. . G. Rosenblatt repair two story frame store. 409 Washington street, between Tenth? and Eleventh; builder, L. Jen nings; 1200V. i.. M.. W. Mathlepn. Tersiir fi " I hoif story fr.unn li.tin. fcm'v street, brtwern I'lyniouih. and i -mond; builder, same; Jioo. J. Kahm. erect one stnry f: i- . wacon Bhei, Seventeenth tret, t -tweon Main and Salmon; builder, l.ol Hong; $100.. - P., 0. BUSINESS SHOWS CENTRAUA'S GROWTH (Spwlal rtlsp.tch to The' lounal.) Centralis, Wash., July 6. The flsral year just closed was the largest in the history of the Centralia pot"fflc. The receipts for the vcr amounted to $17 844.01, a gain over last year of $3312.54. or 23.6 per cent The number of special delivery pieces was 85 per cent, and tho number of registers delivered, about 40 per cent greater than last year. Wilson Speaks at Centralis ' (Special ri'patch to The Jonroal.) i : i Centralis, Wash., July 6 Johi I. Wilson of Seattle, candidate for United Statessenator,spoke to an enthuslastla audience her last night' ALBANY'S CHAUTAUQUA . OPENS NEXT FRIDAY letto" Overture, Baritone .. .. . . . sembly will convene Friday and end Contralto solo iolets", July 17. " The-Program Includes some Baliet mv,Bc, "William Tell' very noted speaKers, ' . ine openma- u - j Aioany uay. , in has been designated the evening a musical program will be given by the Fisher Shipp concert com pany. Saturday afternoon airs. aran J. Evans of Portland, president of the State Federation of Women's clubs, will deliver, an address, .W-.rJ Among the speakers will bs Joseph W. Folk, ex-governor oft Missouri; . Colo.nol George- W.' Bain, Fredericks V;' Holvnan of Portlandi and Dr Benjamin Yuung of Portland. Ross Crane, cartoonist and Edwin Brush, the humorist are on the program. The Oriental Limited. . The swell Gieat Northern train, elec trie" lighted, through tourist and stand ard sleepers, Portland to Chicago in 72 hours. No change of cars. The best or dloinaf ar servi You'll liks the eom partment observation car, From Hoyt street station daily, T p. hi. Tickets and berths at city ticket office, 122 Third street, and depot, Eleventh and Hoyt streets , ,Jtot.,,..wi -t-v'- . . . , i . i 1 1 i I ii ii " MORE FRAME BUILDINGS GOING UP IN PORTLAND The following building permits have KaAn teoiiiirl tvvai sduudm , A"tomlo Venziana, repair two story frame dwelling, 245 Baker avenue, be tween Fourth and Fifth; builder, same; tvnn ----- . . - ... W. J. Osgood, erect one and one half story frame dwelling, Willow ' street between East Sixtieth and Franklin; builder, same: 1500. , M. Frager, repair one story frame dwelling, Fourth street between Baker and Sheridan: builder, same; $25. T. LeyDourne, repair one story rrame dwelling, 1019 Corbett street, between Hamilton and Bancroft; builder,' same; Mrs. D. M Seton, erect one story frame dwelling, 972 Mllwaukle, north of Holgate; . builder, John Adolphson; IX0UV. fran.e dwelling, Milwaukle, north of Holgate; builder, John Adolphson; $1600. v -'-, : rr: Edwin Anderson,, erect " one - story frame dwelling, Roselawn avenue, be tween Seventh and Eighth; builder,, C. B. McCarthy; $1650. . T. Beuttenmiller. repair one story frame dwelling, Boulevard; builder, same; $50. . Centralia- Investment company, repair two story frame flats, Williams ave nue, between Wasco and Clackamas; builder, Koschlntzky;. $25. - J. J. Harris, erect one story frame dwelling, 178 Xlllingsworth avenue, be tween Delaware ana uay; ouuaer, i a. II IIIWUII.M. A W U V. A. C. Kellar, erect one story frame dwelling, Kussett street, Deiween ren lnsula and Burrage; builder, same; $50. .. F.tla Kissel, erect two story frame dwelling, Weidler street, between First and Socond; builder L. R. Roberts; 12000. Frank Presley, erect one story frame dwelling.' Watts street, between Bur- rage, and Delaware; buiider,..sameu$804 iv j, uowniny, ereci uiio Biury immo dwelling, watts street, oetween ur- V f . STEIN $20 SUITS NOW $25 SUITS NOW $30' SUITS NOW $35 SUITS NOW 1 - - -- JlM..ssaSJjSM$SSSSB '''''""'''SssssaSaSaSSSSaMSa . . riTi)T? -BLOCH SMART Business Suits S15.00 S18.75 S22.50 SPECIAL SALE PANAMA HATS . $5 TCT$10 NOW f 4.35 -,-$$20' NOW J?T-43 FIFTY HATS TO CHOOSE FROM SPECIAL SALE MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS $1.50 VALUES NOW 95 . FIVE HUNDRED SHIRTS TO CHOOSE FROM . WHEEE T06ET THE BEST WASHINGTON STREET, NEAR FIFTH H I " ' ; ------J---MM,MMiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasisissssisssisise T i " -.... . . r t ' At every one of the 5 M0YER STORES STOP--LOOKLISTEN YOU WILL THEN PURCHASE Durins the entire vea'r we SPECIALIZE on MEN'S $15 SUITS giving you as good at this price as any other store sells for $20 and it is r hardly necessary for us to reduce these prices. But in line with our policy of cleaning house twice a year we are going to put these in to the L SALE and give you an unrestricted choice of any $15 suit in the house at $11.85. Think of itl Other stores $20! This store $11.85! 250 180 MEN MEN 'S Last Season's $10.00 SUITS, NOW 'S This Season's $15.00 SUITS, NOW The above lot jiist purchased from MARVIN G. WHITE, who has closed out to us his stock on Alder Street Boys' Suits KNICKERBOCKER MTS , $3.95 SUITS NOW.t...; $5:oo.suiTs now: $6.00 SUITS NOW: . , . $6.50 SUITS NOW... 7...... $3.15 . . $3.65 . . .'$4.35 .:.$4.65 Wash Suits, Half Price 50c WASH SUITS NOW. ....... . . . . 25 $1.00 WASH SUITS NOW. ......... ..,.50 $1.50 WASH SUITS NOW........ . .....75i $2.00 WASH SUITS NOW. . .......... ?100 Men's Suits $30.00 SUITS NOW ?21.50. $25.00 SUITS NOW. J . . . .$18.75 $20.00 SUITS NOW. $14.85 $15.00 SUITS NOW $1185 mm? izMEMBER -Wfien YouiSee It In Our Ad Its So KL mm. ' f JSV s t . Ii " flu -s Tamn,,, 5ireeis ILLOA.i. SO (tstreet. , . . First and Morrison Streets! Second and Morrison Streets. v XJ1 -,! nHa U wllm '-,sr , :; ; i-a t 11 ssjsn. . . "t .'' V -.i",-'- ' : : ; . :J V'l I",':-.''. V : '