o;:tlai:d, ::v.:";ni; JULY 1:10. 1 rr 4 TWO riently furnished hO'.isc'.crcplns rooms In privato .family. nw nousc, everything furnished. On Sunnyslde carline. 'llU Brlmont' St. No "ehil-I rtrcn. $16.- . , ; ' , ! i'oil Ki'XT 1'urnh.liei ; 3 or 6 rooms; housekeeping; hot, coid water; bath: yis or wood rooklnHr; walking distance." 1'hone Knst lSuO. With private family. TVO furnlslujil houriekceplnsr rooms; liKht, bath, water and phone free; good car servloe; good location. Phone , ?:. 1433. ; ' l per week; clean, furnished housekeer luf rooms; laundry, bath, heat, yard, phone,clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. FOR BENT nOVSES IS WHEN ?ou move youn nees new ru ' nlture. Buy Judiciously and your savings -will exceed mov'ng expense. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of' the largest furniture houses In the city In lees than two year. Lookers shown same courtesy as buy' ers. MORGAN-a JCHLBT FURNITURE CO. iirand ave., cor. E. Stark at East , Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars pans our poor. FREE rent In Gregory Heights. .. Greg ory Investment Co. End of Hose City rarK cart line. 6 ROOM double modern house in good condition t. only CIS. Call 749 Missis sippi ave fF' ,V I ",' ' ' ... ll'", I, ' l" ROOM house, modern, fireplace, $27 654 F Ash. Inquire 808 Salmon st fioom 6 i ' -r SWe room x cottage,' bath, electrlo - lights, shades, Dutch kitchen, lot 100 ALMOST new 7 room house, large lot. $15 a month, with water. 6J5 E. T4th St. N. Montavma car. 15 'Modern, 7 rooms, owner, Woodlawn 285.' ' jiew. Phone owner, Woodlawn 285.' ' ' FOR RENT Large 4 room house, walk i ji... ...foe nm W aSKI. : uik UJBiau'j?. imj vt..j' 1146 room cottage, 61 E. 28th st. J. J. fjeder,- eor. urann ave. ana n. nru; TrOOM' house. 104 E. llth st. 26 .per moiun. was. Dam auu cicmi m ROOM house, Just across Steel bridge, $20. Owner, room 825 Worcester bldg. HOUSES FOU KERT, FURNITURE FOB SALE , '82 FURNITURE, for sale of 9 rooms, all In good -condition; house for rent; rooms all rented; " minutes' walkfrom rostoffiee. 609 Morrison st. BIX room house, cheap rent, .. large -lawn, furniture for sale, almost new, SO young chickens. Union, near Rus sell. . i -060, journal FOR BALE cheap Complete furnish-lna-s of 4 room flat Phones Wood- lawn lcozj c-1197. 8 room furnished "flat, rent $17, rooms an run; good location) walking ais tance. , 641 First, SEVEN room furnished house for sale; close In; $400. Main 9575. 367 6th st FURNISHED HOUSES 80 COTTAGE, well furnished, $20 month; lower flat, 4 Tooms, $16 month; two housekeeping rooms, $8 month. Wert side river. Apply 864 North 26th. W car from depot, 6th or Morrison to 26th, diock norm FOR RENT New modern 7 ' roomed ' Vinuan. i new auic t wrnlture. an . Haw thorne aye,,, close in, $40 month. Phone Taoor 2UO. - IN - Irvlngton 8 rooms, nice lawn, nice home. . . rariic.iars to juomson opp. -Tull- ue Glbbs. - FOR BET FLATS 13 2 $ ROOM apartments, furnished or un furnished, modern, with bath, gas, new building, saayj let, $266 room modern flat, independent, no connections 11th and E. Harrison, Wood st ocR car, walking distance NEW modern 4 room flat -on Williams ave. and Fargo St. Call 290 Fargo or phone East 8306. every convenience. Phone East ; 6, FURNISHED FLATS 60 FIVE room flat nicely furnished, piano included if desired, small payment down, balance on time ir taken at once. 439 college. Mam 4427 ) URNISHED upper 6 room madern nat, gas, yara ana , porcnes. od Commercial street, corner Monroe.' $20. VV1III lkS DllDDli UUIIICI J'X Ulll Wt SS4IV FURNISHED three room flat. $26; no Ph"ne B-S688. . APARTMENTS 43 1518 APARTMENTS, 704-706 Hoyt St New brick apartments now ready for occupancy; 2, 8 and 4 room suites, pri vate bath, phone, electric and f ireleas cookers, eleotrio lights, large - sleeping porches, steam heat, beautifully fur fished; Janitor service; references re- quirea. ;f none Marsnau zm Wellineton Court r Beautiful 2, 3, 4 room furnished apartments, .steam heat, free phone, janitor service, rent reasonable. 15th and Everett sts. Main 1245, THE RE-UK AN APARTMENTS Mar shall between 19th and 20th; elabor ately furnished, all the latest improve ments. ideal location, $30 up. See these fberore deciding on otners, FURNISHED apartments, west side, modern. Piano, phone. '" 3 single rooms. Close in. 362 Third at. Iris apartments, cor. Mill st ViTLMT.V fii.taharf otMlii hMt, anaTTZ merit, reasonable to desirable tenant 421 W. Park. st. Apart. C : ; STORES AND OFFICES li BTORE 25x70 with basement; steam heat; ; . the best opening for . general mercantile business. Will give good lease to right parties. JOHN DTOK. 626 Henry bldg., or 649 Union ave. N, STORE for rent, good location for drug, grocery, dry goods; wlll- remodel to suit Inquire .720 Mississippi ave., up stairs. 3t)ESK room for rent, in well located of- nee. ,sjlo jvewis oiair. FEW nice offices , In th, . 'mih Mil . unsmpers omgs. 6C1 Couch bidg. DESk room for rent ' 817 Alliky bldg, SUBD1ER RESORTS. WANTED Small furnished cottage on Northj. Beach. Ocean Park preferred, 728 m h "M Av,.Sfu,- P1,0na Sellwood 8 ROOM, furnlsned house at .Long Beach; . 35 for season. Phone East 4866, " 26 COTTAGES to rent at Seaview. G. Heitkemper, 2S6 Morrison st. WANTED TO REXt 7 WANTED To rent; with option of pur" chase, 1 to 5 acres, with, house and barn. 0-663, Journal. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 . ... . - y-. - ,w 1. ssiwiejsssj,,!!-! A FINE coal black J.160 horse, 6, gentle every way; will sell or trade for larger; A first class mare, single or double, gentle, fine for delivery. 666 HORSES and buggies Tor rent by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorn watt 7Z. FOR SALE One 900 lb." horse and buggy; will sell separata; horse well broke, 6-year-old. 835 H Cook ave. Own er. FOR SALE--Good 1100 lb. mare; will sell cheap; first class for delivery or family use, St Johns car to McKeima ave. New house. Come see her. GOOD -imj wag-fr-Mti-eh.-.f trade top lot - C,J. Culltson, 205 Moirlaon St.; FOR SALi3--Good. sound 1200 pound work mare, P.. D. Newell, Jennings tjUJT Kellers nuarana Harness, , - 9 NORTH SIXTH ST. . , , lig. n FOR SALE Gontle coml. '.nation horpn, nearJv nsw Hutley huv end hrir nes. Roberts Bros." U and Murrlwon. 11"0 pound hoi-Hf, brnke fclt'.e and dou- VlI .i. ji l 4!.. .n...littrtn UICi ni Y gV!lt.i3 AMU III i,lW .uuu.uvriii with plenty Biyle, hiring his kf'P, price no limb wern. I'UrilMIKl JltiUUlllO ,n. i-u Patt.nn Ttonrl. I lilncka nmith. lnoulre at iiHiry rancn. PLATFORM spring wa((;on,.$35; set dou- nia narnetiH, i,onage in rain an. 12th and Madison. ' , LIVESTOCK AND rOULTRY 33 JERSEY cow fresh, leaving city, for quick sale, $36; take W. W. car. to Mann station, 6 blocks east on Kelley ave., at tent house, 3 fine Jersey cows; have been tested; nJ room, must sell; 9 gallons per day. 196 rV 7Xth st a., Montavma. FOUR good fresh cows at 709 Herald ave.: take Bellwood car. Phone Bell- wood 1171. FOR SALE 16 inspected 'and tested dairy cows, inauire T. w. Bleu. . so in. tn st. BixfY head luborculln tested, fresh Hnirv mwa Roa MnVr-1 Ttrnrn t'.n.. etor.lt yards. Phone Woodlawrt 2400. J FOU SALE MISCKLLAIfEOUB 19 FOR SALE. An Opportunity. j 1700 bdnd. Portland Irrigation Co.. now taken up by 'Spokane capitalists: bond call for easri July 8r or choice of 20 acres land at Paisley, Or under the Cary act. ' I cannot leave to make choice. Any one wanting land can pay me $700 ana cost r this advertisement; win make email fortune, Tfoll East 6654, Tints Tents! Tents! - And camp outfits of all kinds; also a large assortment of all kinds of house hold furnishings; sold on the Installment plan,, too. . , : : , Western Salvage Co,-- , 627, 629, 681, 688, 635 Washington St.. HO! PIANO BUYERS1! I have a piano check for $105 which anyone can have at a ba.rsra.ln by rail ing at the office of The Oregon Jour nal; check void after July 13, 1910. ir-eoY, journal NEW and - second nana pooi and Ml Hard tables bought and sold on easy terms. Bowling alleys. refrigerators for Immediate .delivery.' . Address, the urunswick-Baike-coilenaer- vo., 4 -Bin. FEED store, team and wagon, 1- block from electric depot in brick building, cement floor, well located; will sell at Invoice price; Hlllsboro, Or, L-666, journal. CABIN launch, 80 ft, 7 ft. beam. 12 h. p.,- 4 cylinder,, new engine; swell out fit, t bargain.: Must sell. Main 1346, or 1 write K-o, journal.. Vlo'LlNSV banjoes, mandoline, guitars at half regular prices.' uncie Myers, 71 em sc. R. S. MOTORCYCLE), "America s Best' Raovcle blcvcles: motorcycles and bl cycles repaired. Rydman Brosj 808 Oak, SWELL millinery store; good lease low rent; central; bargain. 13t 11th, Mam 4S3Z GOOD cleaning establishment reason able rent, long lease, for sale on ac count of poor health. 27N. 16th. PORTLAND July 4th piano check. Bush & Lane company, for $115, for $36, at zp'tt urana ave., jrortianq, Oregon. FOR SALE 1910 car, slightly used; will stand closest kind of investiga tion; if interested write C-669, Journal. BINO cherries, 7c a pound; also fresh picked red raspberries. ; Phone Sell' wood 1885. ' ' . A SNAP, $850 will take seven roam house, completely furnished. If taken at once." io conimDia. $100 check to apply on purchase price of piano for $10. Good. till 15 Inst E-662. Journal. ? -v ' . ; LAUNCH, complete, $65. , Masons, foot n.a,st yvBBningion. FOR SALE $100 chek on Bush & Lane piano ror $zo. Li-te , journal, &R SALE Bush St Lane piano check $100, for $10. , Phone WoOdlawn 804. BOY'S printing press, 2x4, self-inking, 8, aeatxie anormann, zot BtarK st. COMPLETE motion picture outfit for sale, particulars, M-S61, journal. $10 Domeatlo sewing machine with at tachments. Call 883 E. Morrison. TYPE to be sold cheap. Beattie t Hermann, 204 stark st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS .5 GET our pries on your furniture, as 11 win pay you. we want me gooas. Savage and Pennoll. 8518 1st st Main So. WANTED People of Portland to know that we pay highest cash pries for second . hand household goods, Seater ft Qustavsort. 143 Kuasell. East 166a. BE WISF; get more for your second nana rurniture oy seiung 11 t f ora Auction co.. til 1st . Mam 8&i. A-i4b. OLD rubber boots and shoes, 8c per lb.;' auto tires 7 Ho per lb. J. Leve. 188 Columbia st. Mam 6ls. WANTED To bu diamonds and old goia roi casn. gz vvaanington st. WANTED Moving picture machine, films, etc. tW-64Q, journal. SPOT cash- paid for "your rurnlture; prompt atteritlorf always given. E, 1067 FOR SALEAUTOMOBILES 44 nUTU y AUTOMOBIL TRADERS, Have that car painted and get -a bet ter price. Best shop in Portland; no elevator, no fire danger;, brick building: work by an expert; best local 'refer ences; reasonable prices, 131 H N. 8th. FOR BAL.E Brand new car. k son for sellintf same. Will sell at cost, savins of 20 ner cent to you. If you mean business write D667. Journal. FOUR cylinder Ford, snap. 280 ft Grand ave. Phone East 896. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 31 YORK BAND INSTRUMENTS. From the "House of York." The Chas. E. York Band Instrument and Muslo House. ' Special Distributing Agents." 88M1 3d St. FINANCIAL 01 $ Quirk loans . on furniture and $ pianos, storage receipts, life lnsur- 8 $ ance policies, livestock; real estate. I $ etc." u, S. Real Estate & Brokerage $ $ Co.. 212 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. $ LOANS WANTED 30 WANTED to borfow. $850, on good real estate security, for a term of 8 to 6 years. E-664, Journal. -. 310NEY TO LOAlT 27 YOUR CREDIT Is good at the Employes' Loan Co 821 , . "Ablngton, 10V4 '3d st $100,000 on mortgages, c.Uy or farm property, fire insurance. J.. H. Mc Kensle & Co.. Gerllnger bldg. 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan, any amount 6 to 8 pe o.r annrinoiiffh & Belts. 718 Board WlllCHW SlONEY to ioan on city or farm prop erty, low rate. E. Jt. Hlckson, 817 Board of Trade old. MONEY' to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; firs in- snrance. w. u. jpbck, an riuu, 81000 of private money to loan on real estate, v;. r lecu, ova uiiuc . uju. Phone Main 6352. 1 MONEY "to" loan on Improved city prop erty; . Wm. MacMaster, 302 Worcester diock iioo.ooo on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insdrance. McKensle t CO., uerungwr piag., i-v na iutr, ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, firs insurance: ar snanwa uiugj. 4VUMS 4f i3d00.4ipward uu. real. estate. Goddard ft Weldrlck. 248 Stark. , LOAN for the aak'.ng, salarv or . chat tel. The Loan CO.. 414 Dekym bldg. $b00 to loan on good .real'estale. M-667, Journal. -' Q (jTCKioans on alt securities.' 8. W. King, 46 Washington bldg. Main 610& i.;;:r ti! SALARY' LOANS OX PLATN NOTE3. $in to $100. LOWKST RAT::.-! IN PORTLAND. S 1 0 repaid in installments of ......$ .45 f -0 repaid iit !nstnlluients of 90 $.i0 repaid in installments of 4 2.00 Larger amounts in proportion,, All we retiulre is vour personal note; no morfffRce. no -inrlnrser. or security: everything strictly confidential.- MTATK KKCUKll I CU., 308 Failing bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 408 Rothchlld bldsr.. corner 4th and Washington. The lecognized bank of the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist engineer or employe can ob tain money of us on his note .without security. . $16 return to us.,, ....$ 4.00 a month $30 return to us.........$ 8.00 a month $60 return to ust, ....... $18.35 a month Confidential; no unpleasant inquiries. cpeciai -fates on pianos, lurnuure. eto, CASH paid for mortgages or seller's interest In rnntrnotH on rent estate anywhere in Oregon or Washington. .Mortgage loans negotiated on Improved bldg.. 5th and Stark. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 66 princi pal emeu; save money oy gelling our terms. Tolman. 817'Lumber Exchange. WE LOAN monev 00 diamutida and lew eiry at reasonaDie interest ior long or short time. A, A M. Delovage, Jewelers, 269 .Washington st MOX1CEB 26 REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE. In the circuit court of the Rtnlo of Oregon, for the county of "Multnomah: In the matter of the application of the Merchants Loan & Trust company, a prl v.ie corporation, 10 register tne line 10 the following described real estate, to wit; 1 Beginning at an iron pipe in the center of the Powell Valley road, where the same is intersected by the east line of Gideon Tibbetts donation land claim: thence running southerly along the east Una of said Tibbett's donation land Claim 461.20 feet; thence north 67 de grees 5 minutes west, 1085.35 feet; thence north 0 degrees 9 minutes west 451.70 feet to a point in the center of the Pow ell Valley road; thence southeasterly siong the center line of said Powell Val ley road, 1086.63 feet to the place of be ginning, containing 10.367 acres, the same being situated in sections eleven (11 and twelve (li), in township one (1) south, range one 1) east of the Wil lamette Meridian, and being a -part of me saia uiaeon xiDnetta oonauon lana claim, also known as Powellton, versus Margaret A. .Fraser, Mary E. Barlow (formerly known as Mary E. Connell), the only surviving: trustees of William Connell,- deceased, Joe Noel, and all whom it may concern, defendants. To all whom it may concern: Take notice, that on the 23d day of May, a. v. Jiviu, an application was filed by said Merchants Loan &, Trust company, a private corporation, in the circuit court of Multnomah county, for initial registration 01 trie title to ins land above described. Now unless you appear on or before the 16th day of July, A. D. 1910, and show cause why such application shall not . be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the application, and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. - F. 8., FIELDS, Clerk. ' By. H. C. SMITH. . Deputy. A. C. Emmons, W. J. Makelim, Appli cant's Attorney. . PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE AND BEDDING. San Francisco, Cal., July 1. 1910. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here, and at office of quarter master at Fort Rosecrans and Pesldio of Monterey, until 11 a. m., August 1, 1910, and at the office of the depot guartermaster, Honolulu, H. T until :0Ca .m... Ausruat 1. 1910. and then opened, for furnishing, during $ie fiscal year ending June 80, 1911. forage and bedding for poets and stations In the Department of California. Preference given to articles of American produc tion, conditions of quality and price (In cluding In the price of foreign produc tions the duty thereon) being equal, and such preference given to articles of American production produced on the Pacific coast to the extent of consump tion required ? by the publlo service there. Information furnished on appli cation to the quartermasters at Fort Rosecrans and Presido of Monterey, the depot quartermaster. Honolulu, H. T., or to undersigned. F. Von Schrader, cnier quariermasrer, SEALED bids will be received at the oince or tne scnooi clerk, city hall, Portland. Oregon, until 5 p. m., Thurs day. July 8, 1909, for the grading and Improving , of- Ockley Green school grounds; also, the grading and laying of concrete walks on the Irvlngton school grounds. Each la to be done in accordance with plans and specifica tions, a copy of which may be had at the clerk's office, BMs are to be sub mitted on each school separately. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS. '' School Clerk. JTOTICE . of stockholders' meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mid way -Oil company will be held at the office of the company, 22i Stark st, Portland, Or., at 3 o'clock p. m on Wed nesdny, the 20th day of July, 1910, for the purpose of electing a board of di rectors, and for the transaction of such other business as may legally come be fore the meeting. A. E. DAVIS, Secy. QUARTERMASTER'S office, 322 Arcade Annex, Seattle, Wash.: July 1, 1910. Scaled proposals, In triplicate, Indorsed on cover "Proposals, for. Forage" will be received until 11 a. m , August 1, 3910, for furnishing and delivering at Seattle, Wash., forage and straw re quired 'for public animals during fiscal year 1911. For further reformation ad dress W. H. Miller, quartermaster. $5 REWARD for Information that will lead to the recovery of V collapsable gocart with leather top, nickel rods and green handle taken by mistake from the bnggage room at union depot on Saturday, June 4. W. F. Groh. LOST AND FOUND LOST Between Piedmont and Wood lawn, a red leather covered memo randum. Finder will receive liberal re ward. Call phone Woodlawn 767. Dr. Ketohum. LOST Tuesday, long purse, $10 in pa per., valuable papers, also receipts to Emil Stalder. Will call for if notified. Liberal reward. Route No. 2, Portland. LoST July 4th, gold beads snOocket inscribed Ida. Finder return to Bar ton hotel. Reward. Between Morrison and Washington. WILL the party who ; took the basket off the Woodlawn car by mistake July "4 kindly return silverware it con- twined to 648 Borthwlck? E58T July 3, Cocker Spaniel dog; an swers to the name Mapor. Return to 454 E. Ankeny and receive reward. Phone B-2308. LOST Prst O'Lite tank on road to Mt Hodd Sunday. Phone Woodlawn 298. Reward. LOST 7-3 small leather satchel, con- tainmg papers vaiuaoie omy to own- r, Phone laDor FOUND Lady's gold watch; can have same 'by calling Mr. ue tiurgh. 440 E. Taylor. . LUST Bunch of keys. Monday morn ing. Finder return to this office and receive reward. LOST Bill book with, contracts, deeds? etc. Return to Journal' office. Re ward. FOUND A place to get calling cards; BOo T'r 10- 185 Madison sf. Mar- shall 1546. - UMBRELLA, J. F. S. on handle, at res. taurant 862 Alder st; return to Jour rial; reward. . . PERSONAL 22 OCCULT, nawthought liberal, scien tific books. Jones Book Store, 234 oak st, WRIN kles removed, aasririna: corrected in 15 minutes; free i demonstrations. 216 Flledner bldg. DR. T. J. PIERCE, Specialist Diseases of women; all irregularities corrected; no exposure. Call or write 311 Allsky. 13ALM of fiKS, reme?dy tor diseases of women. zv weimont st. rcast 3498. BEJclNE PilTs only 7Se box. Call or ad dress Bridge Pharmacy, 186 Murrison, 10 i.o.irs 1 j:;..,o::.il we OK M IE1 OSflOf ' PAY WHEN CURED The Pacific Coast Medical Co. The leading- Specialists of Port land, no Money required to com mence Treatment We treat all chronic nervous and complicated diseases of men.., Our methods are modern and up to date. We want to talk or write to every man in Portland and the North- : west, who Is a sufferer. In the treatment of - Diseases of men, 1 we acknowledge no superior. We will tell you all about, your -case without charge, and you need not take treatment unless you wish to do so. Sepa rate parlors. Pacific Coast Medi cal Co., cor. 1st and Washington sts., Portland, opposite City Mar ket. If unable to call, write for list 1 of questions. " Office hours. 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sunday, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. , $40,000 office equipment 14 treatin g rooms' in the most expensive and fin est equipped private office in America; 4 years' practice in Portland and never lost a patient; thousands of testimonials irom tnose who have been saved from operations; every modern method known to man la used to save life and cure disease.- The methods used are radium. X-ray, violet light, electricity, heat, hot ovens, baths etc. Free lectures Wednes day even4rrg. Dr. W. E. Mallory, 812 jtvoincniia oiag. . - , - DR. ALICHI A. tJRIFS. Diseases of women and children ex clucively: Women are often eavari se vers surgical operations by consulting me. nervous - diseases or cnnoren a specialty.' Private hospital accommoda tions. .Confinements csred for. Cor respondence solicited.' . No charge for consultation, v nones, wain S928. A-esur Office rooms 10, Grand Theatre bids vvaeningion ana l ark. . - - RHEUWO neuralgia.' caiatica, blood poison and tainted b!od. Sold by all dmreists, Sample by,, express 60c. T,' J. Pierce, 811 Aiisky f)idg. 1 . Modern electric treatment for diseases oe the prostate, nervous debility, piles, etc. WT L Howard. M. D.. 804-6 Roth chili bldg., 4th and Washington. DR. LEWIS. pnyaician and surgeon: treats women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations; , examinations free. Main 4047. A-2411. 606 Common wealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for eign books of all kinds. Schmale Co 1M lBt St. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men. blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid' ney. bladder and piles. 181 1st, Port tana VIOLINIST wishes to meet pianist or . small orchestra in some thriving town for dance work, etc, -and to. do light work through the day. J. H. R., 875 N. 19th st. WILL teach few more ladies or gents to anve automoDiie. at present low rates, Phone A or Main 6381. Call 826 M Wash ington st, room 417. LIQUOR and drug habits permanently cured in three davs: no mffrtntr Cardlola Institute, 1627 Peninsula ave. MEN When weak, nervous sr despond ent, use Sexold Pills as a bracer; re stores lost vigor; price l per box, boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, 811 Allsky. FREE readings Cushions for sale like nobody else makes. 129 10th, between Alder and Washington. Ladles please WA TED to correspond with a Chri ti lady, matrimonially inclined, one who would like to engage in evangelistic worn. Answer, v-000, journal. SANDERSON - CO. S Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 per box or, 8 boxes for $6. I-.- J. fierce, tii aubkv oiag. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental anil spiritual scientist, 21 Selling-Hlrsch big. M. 6824. i SEE Thomas Kay for confidential re. Dorts secret service. McKay bldg. Marshall 258. WOMEN Use Femoids when others fail; sold and guaranteed by the Aus plund Drug Co,. 110 N. fith st. Main 8106 WANTED To make the acquaintance of a middle agea laay, to go on ranch. onject matrimony. j-t, journal. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Moorehouse & Co.. 411 Wash. st. AbSATEltB WELLS ft PROEBSTEL. assayers, ana lyiicai cnemiBcs. aui wasn. 01. vous, MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testing work, ikb Morrison. ATTORNEYS CHRISTOPHERSON ft MATTHEWS. General practice. 411-12 Buchanan bid. Bl)SINES CARDS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d St tsiantc docks m rg; agts. ur Jones Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers: see the new Eureka leaf. A-3188, Main 183. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- ings. 317 Beck bldg. TIN roofing, guttering, repairins and general Jc iobblnn. bin. J. Losll. 812 Jeffer son st. Main 1424, THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., 'Portland office. 404 Worcester bid g. iAS. Mcl. WCX3D & CO.. all kinds of In surance. surety Jionds. McKay, bldg. BICYCLE REPAIRING m.- NEW, second hand wheels, repairing, key, safe and lock work. Hummer, 133 10th. CARPET CLEANING THE IONE. Carpets cleaned, .refitted, laid. Feathers renovated. E. 860. B-2236. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING . Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST Rug Works Rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, .-carpet cleaning. 153 Union ave., near E. Morrison.1 WE ?sve rag carpets, bath room rugs, etc. 1518 Patton ave. Woodlawn 2686. COAL AND WOOD PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO. 'Dry Inside wood, per load. $3.50. . Small dry Inside wood, per load, $2.50. Green short slabwood, per load, $2.60. ' Planer trimming, $3; blockwood. per load, $4. . Phones-Main $709, A-7856. Wood.CoaUnd' Dry Slab WESTERN FUEL COMPANY, 8IT7 E. Morrison. East 226. B-1026. Whiter Benon Fuel Co, 415 East Morrison. - East 914. Formerly O. K. Wood and Coat Yard. SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO., Main 2153 A'3842. Dry inside wood; greeo slabwood, clean sawdust for bed- dlng. cutXiel; btockwood. NEER & FARR. dealers in all kinds oi fir and hard woods; prompt delivery. 80s Water st, -Main 4596. A-4547. ...... , A. H. Edlefsen, the tuel man Cn. of Com merce. sells aninractte ana cannei: w Cheaper grades of coal and dry wood. STEEL Bridge Fuel Co., wood id coal. J'hone C-1773, ta. 4U4. SHORT dry board wood, $3.(0 per load, f hone Marshall 1906. REAL ESTATE NAME " ' Baker, D. M.. City, farm Property..;.... BronR'Steele Company Hruhnkpr Benedict...... Biittcrworth-StepheniKin Comimny, Ine Cam Realty IuTeetment Co Cook A Co.. B. ti Oiipin A Elerlow... Fine, D. V. Co. (Woortstocsi. Hoburt Marshall, Frm, City property., Houck, Georaje A. (Colonisation). Knapp ft Mackey. t Oratron Real Estate Co., That... .... ' Bohalk, Oeoraje D. ...... Rhieljla, J. H. ...... ...................... Xfiompaon, M. JS. vo IX)AL AXD WOOD R0TICEpSa?.n slab wood GREEN SHORT WOOD, per I?ad..$2.S0 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord..$2.E INSIDE DRY SHORT, per loaa " BLOCK WOOD, per .load $8.60 SAWBU8T. for fuel and bedding. , , Tlie Portland Slacwood Co. Main 3119. A-7001. Yamato Wood and Coal Company. Qarcoai PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st WE WIL.Lt saw your wood promptly. uascaae wooayara. rnoge iijm 1908. . - - CEDAR- block, $1.60 for 80 days. Phone, Mam 2163, A-a4z. COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent accounts cot iected. wells MercanMie Agency, iva Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak sta Portland Co'.loction Agency All kinds or debts collected, an Aiiaity diq;. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS WILLIAM FISHBECK. csrpenter and builder, jobbing and contracting. 206 tin. . MainBgii A. J. F. BOWMAN, carpenter and builder: plans and specifications tree. Phone Woodlawn 2363. ' v ' 1 -'. FOR cement work, plastering, brick work and excavating call on Olson, Marshall 1441. A'402O. DANC1NO WALTZ, two-step, stage dancing, les sons 25c; now opening summer classes tonight. Prof. Wal Wlllson's school. 886 Wash. St., bet. W. Park and 10th. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES rMotors for rent or sale. Pacific Elec trla Engineering Co., 218 Second st ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluo hslr re-moved- Mrs M. p. Hill. 42 Flladner. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and marine; electrle equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. LEATHER & F1NWNU9 CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description: tap maufacturers, findings). LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library, 186 5th, et Taylor ahd Yamhill. Books 80 per day. MOTION PICTURE BUPPLIES Laemmle Film Exchange handles all kinds motion picture supplies, new or second hand machines, parts, films, slides. Over Pantagea theatre, Portland, Or. (Independent.) PARTS, complete machines, films, song slides, films, reasonable, 626 Washington st. ' MUSIC TEACUEK3 TLryi-t' .'Mii-iii Ji i n -1 , "1 iir-l --- B. THIEI HORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. Mar. 1629, A-4160. 900 Marquam Pi AND. violin, cornet, mandolin. 1'rot E. A. Smith, 892 12th st EASTERN graduate teaches piano, 708 Clinton. Sellwood 282. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, sps clallst on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 217 Fen ton bldg. Main 8961. DR. SMITH, graduate Klrksvllle, Mo,, 1898: post grad, 1907, 81$ SwetUnd bldg. DRTF. J. BARR, A. S. O., 207 Monawk bldg., 8d and Morrison Main 2226. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR painting, tinting, phone East 2093, C-2398. A. S. Oabourn, 388 E. Wash- lngton st. FOR best work, prices right- call P. A Doane, 104 Union. Both phonea PAINT, OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSEN ft CO.. "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. 2d ft Taylor. M. A-1771. F. E. BEACH & CO. Pioneer Paint Co., 136 1st st. M. 1334, A-7013. PATENT A1TOUNET9 INVENTORS OF OREGON nd the west are Invited to. correspond with Northpacific Patent Bureau, Lum bermens bldg.. Poftland. A home office dealing direct witn u. uanaaian ana Foreign Patent Dopts. President, R. A. Kellond, expert of' 80 years' practice. Advice free. ; haniirooks for inventors free; telle how o obtain ana vaiue 01 patents, trademai-ks registered. ' Beeler & Roib, 177-181 McOill bldg., wasnirigton. U. U, J. K. MOCK, late of the examining corps u. . patent oitice. uuua oi iniurma tlon free. 323 Ahington bldg. R. c. WRIGHT, u. 8. ana roreign pat ents: inrringemem cawa cm u'Kuin. PRINTING uuei'fc 01 clever uungs wua iyyu Ink on paper." 141 1st..- . .. fTi'E EAGLE PRINTING CO.," not trust; Close iigures. gooa wora. , sua Goodndugh bidg. Phone Main jiil. KUUUKR hlAAU'S AD SKALfct STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningl.am vo.. tsi ptara. main iam. bllOWCASKS AXU FIXTURLis SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar ana store .iixtures mae to ore" er, The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO., new ana old showcases, caoinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Omrh. M, 203. bltiN AN ti BuOW CAiWto FOSTER ft KLEISSK. signs; the larg est Sign makers in the northwest; 6tn knd Everett sts. Phone Priv. Ex. 66, Home A-1155. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co., 287 Stark. Paelflr 1698. PLUaiBINQ AND GAS FITTING THE most essential part of plumbing Is rood work. It avoids, after-expense. Wa , guarantee our work. Independent Plumbing t o., zzoGrand ave. sa. SURVtYOsU rVALTER M. OBER. olatUnar. subdlvld log .and topographical maps a spe rJalty. 160 E. 28th st N. B-2099. 8AFE3 THB M osletrafs o.,-l8 8 trt.-fes ' at - factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened; bargain in second -nana saxes. SHINGLES BEST in- Portland. - See thern, Washtngton St., 6. E. Gilbert . 201 DIRECTORY ADDRESS, TELEI'HONK ...Wi3 Corbtt P.ldj .....A-44!'2, Main 741 ...110 Second B -.. '..Muln and A-2.Vfi ...frta McKay BMs Windsor HeiEhta, Mnln Mil ... Ki Lafayette Bldg.,,6tb and Wash. Main 2 ...fi'JS Henry Bids? '.MarabaH 1,W7, A-1SH7 ... 6:3 Cnrhett Bids. ........... .Mala 95.1. A-8M ...8-2 Chamber of Comaeree .....Uais ler.J ...Roch.etcr anil Yukon Sellwood r77 ...Room 7, 2M)H Alder........ ....... .Main ef71 " 2 A-abD Bll.'...i 1 ..Main 1 ... T Chamber of Commerr,...Mnln and A-2010 ...Crand Ava, and Multnomai. . . .Kaat 7, C-1708 ...Zt& .Stark 8t .Main Jfl2. A-2an3 Gerltnirer UlclR... ............. ..Main 84 M ...Henry Bldg., 4th-Oak. M. 8064. A-3327 TOWEL surrLT (LEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, $1 ' per month. Portland Laundry it Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sts. I hone Main 410. A-4416-. - TRANSFER AND HTOKiGU Oregon Transfer Co. - Established 1870. , Transfer and forwarding agents. . Storage, free trackage. Office,' 810 Hoyt st, bet 6th and 6th, Phones: Main 69. A-1169. C O. PICK Transfer ft Stoiags Co., of fice and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate iron' rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; . north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed . for shipment..- Main 696, A-1996. - OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO . ' General transfer and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oik st 'Main 547, A-2247. Independent Baggage & Transfer Main .407. Co. Btoraee. 824 Stark.'. A-4169. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun ningham Co.. 281 Stark. M. 1407. VEXUKINAIUAH DR. A, G. SMITH. V. S.. U. S. SUbles, 848 Front Main 4156. Res. Main 1801 DR. L. R, DILLON, Hawthorne avenue stables. East 72. 697. B-1869. WALL FAPKL. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, and the goods that go with them. E"H.Moorehouse'a Co., 411 Wash, st WiiOLEdALE JUiitUOlS KVERDING ft FARRELL. produce and commission meicnants. nu f ront at Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. M. A. GUNST ft CO DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND.. OR. WADHAMS ft CO.. wholesale arocera manufacturers and oof fee roasters. 4 th no uas sts. ALLEN 6 LEWIS GROCERIES. BANES T?IRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. P CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $2. rlEBMAN-AMERtCAN BANK Portland. Or, T Corner Sixth and Waablnston Sta. Trana. '' acta a eeneral banklne bualneaa. Drafts leaned aTallable la all the principal cltlee of the United States and Europe. Four per cent Intereat paid on faring accounta. late a. poalt Taulta. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS ffl ORRIS BROTBEBS. Chamber ef Com merce B.'ldlng. Municipal, railroad and public eerrlce corporation bonds TOWNlN(l-BOPKINS CO. Stock and grain II brokers. Eetabllaned 1'ortland, Seattle, xaeoma, Jooaane. 201-3-8-4 Couch Bldg. Private wire. TRANSPORTATION Includlns Berth and Meals SUMMER EXCURSIONS via Smooth " Inside Pauage" Twelve delightful excursions from Seattle to ALASKA and back cheaper than staying at home. Don't wall until (earner are told oat Writ quick for Jttailt and rafraatlont Pacific; Coast Steamship Co. 249 Washington St. PORTLAND ColumblaRiver Scenery Fast Excursion Steamer v CHAS. R. SPBNCBR Leaves daily except Wednesday, 8 a. m., For Hood River and way landings and return leave Hood River, 2:30 p. m.; arrive Portland 8 n. m. BUKDAY EXCUBSIOHS Leaves 9 a. m.; returns, 6:30 p. m. . First Class Meals Served. Fare, One Dollar Round Trip. Up-town Office, 69 6th st. .--Thones Marshall 1979. A-1293. , - Landing and Office, Foot Washington Phones Main 8319, A-2465, St Lowest. Rates to l-'icnlc Parties. E. W. SPENCER. OWNER." The Open Elver Transportation Company Str. J. N. TLAL For THE DAXiKES and Way Landings Leaving Gait, street dock .Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 7 a. m.. re turnlni?. leavlnft The Dalles Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, making c'ose connections at Cenlo with BTEAUEB TWIN CITIES for. LewiSton, also X ZiANS EMPIKE for Pasco and all points up the I'oiumnia hs rar bs meet Kapias. CAPT. W. S. BUCHANAN. Supt. a. . WMiTimti, Agent. COOS BAY L.11NB n Ti.. .a.,.1.1 Ct. U,Mlm..tt I...... j. uiuauu " . ' 1 "I w, AUg. U, , , A! US', irom A1I1K- worth dock, for North Bend, Marshfield anu vuua aujr ivi(iva. ririgiu icueiveu until 6 p. m. on day before. Passenger fare, 1st class, $10; 2d class, $7; includ ing berth and meals. Inquire city tick et office. 3d and Washington- streets, 1 J..h 1 1 U n .. n I,. I .1 lr AlliSWlMlij uyv . j nunc ixxniu . Ban rr an oisco & Portland Steamship Oo, New Service to Xros Angeles, via San Francisco, every ive nays. From Ainswortn aoeit. rortiand,. a m.. . viy 11 jsuhb vii.y, 19: Beaver. July 17. From San Fr IMJ lUi rUIUAIIU, lll.l , W, Vm VAIlJT jtilv a: Beaver. July 10; Bear, July is, From Pan Pedro, Beaver, July 8; Bear, July 13; jaose City, July 18. H. i. titniin, v. x. in 'imra St.; phone Main 402. A-1402. J. W. Ransom, seetlt. Ainswui'iri l-hwiv". pnoni? ivifiin 4nt. HONOLULU 3 I f Bpecial Reduced Bound Trip ! ' rirst Class (Formerly 8136). Splendid 8. B. Sierra sails from San Fran cisco, July 9, July 30, etc. Line to Ta hlti and New Zealand, S. S. Mariposa, sails Aust 6, etc. Tahiti and back $125. : New , Zealand (Wellington) $216.25, first--class round trip.. Secure your berth now.- Address Oceanic S. S. Co. -673 Market street, San Francisco, BAH FKANCIHCO AND " . ; LOS ANGELES DIRECT .,.,..gflSTg..gACIgia.Sjav COL-. 8. B. KOANOKB and 8. 8. SUJEB CAIX. Every Wednesday, alternately, at 6 n. m. Ticket' office ,132 Third." near Alder. Phones M. 1314, A-1314. . . MARTIN J. HtGLEY. Pas. Agent. W. H. SLUSSER, Frefght Agsjnt Iftiu.g l,.in.,i.J Anuiand Fstwwngpr ... iuMcuurff Most,k.r ..." bliaittc Llinilci puvertoa Jraasi'oser .'..! San Franlnio t.iprelii VVest Side V CorTallia I'aastnR'r , hiwrliiin PaaaeiiKur " bilTerUm Padfseniier 7 0 . !..-. 1 . " . 4 - p. S'.W) 0. i. Form Gro Pai v::::::"'' ;i n a. Ui. Arrlrinc iwil.j Oregon iiXpra .an m m A.uiami i-asenr Koaeburg Paaaenzer e r .np ft u - .. iO;(..l p. tn Snaata Limited , bllverton local . :$: e s eli .7rU B. - w, 8-W P- ................... t.M a. oi, vt Bide ' Corram, i-aen(te. ; Foreat Orore Paasenger toieat (now pgeng;,. , , S 2n p. n, 6;a. n. . .......,...li);Wa. ta. , 8:w a. m, ........ .;. llo a. nw 1 :4U p. ik. Vorttwra Peotrie. 'Leavlritf pu..i... N oSn. U"t UuUted Pt iwut MfJ t?Pre Tf fuget bound.. M p. n. Mf,?. btwi Ban... S:M.n. Poi-nlhrt" &" tJWaVSaj PrwtLi.Atr ...,...... S: S. Sh rurtUna-Vancrui.o. n.i.i- k tluHted, ' braye Ha. aSTlt'il Bead toasSes.7... 8;80p.m. .. TSi,rssf..i n h'0"i H1"4 Bn. nortS Uoeat Llmir..i .i. t . uTa ;.o : Bank pr vis Murts OLUiin PaclVte Kipren'Vu 'KiVet ... To. fa. Keltic 0VV,Vr""iV"V'ik ,sl'"i Pact tie Coast Uxyrea tia Paget Bonnd w!;!t ixm North Bank... ;U.in, falal ?Prw" I1 iut Mound.. IttSs. a, Blaaouri ttTer v,Dr.u -1. Nnth iiiwwuri bjtu 'Jin.Ll;;ziv.''.,' r"1 Kxpreae via Hound ' ; ; 'i " "" Portland-Tacoma-SeetUe Expreas ,ni front i.iimi.1. . . ! Irom olvmnL Bouth Band and ; - -.ww. ...... Fuiret Kiuiiiri r.imii.j ;w n. aa. if-.T .....W..,,..M I :iu D. B.. . ........m 7:10 p. bv. Oregon 'Eellroed 1 yTlgtl em - -- Leavlui Porti.iui r- ' Bak.r city Paaatnger 7-40s.'ta. eposene Jfljrer , a-oii ii T ' Kaat Mail ....:.";""";" aftS'S 800-6D0kane.Poril.nA ? ? ArrlTlng PortlanoV- . - . .' The PaUf Local...;..,,,... in-lBa n. -'- -::..:: t; .: S: taker i!it"r;V p 2:0.ai. f.. r1,1001 P"enger T:0o p. a. . Urc-gon-Waahlngtun Limited ilou & m! Astoria ft Columbia Sirar. LaaTlnr Porfl.nH ,- Seaaide Kxprees " e:M a. m. yan (wore Limited . 6 30 .. aJJ Epwlil :: : W m deaalde Expreas Batoto, p.nger ....:.v.:::::::: KMijuiKr KimftnnirAi. ... - ..u K. i. -'. .' W il. , tf heide Special n:W p. at Seaaide Exprea 10;00 S S Ocean Bhor Limited ::" lo;i6 S Si Ra n er and Portland Paasenger.... 8:40 a. m. ' Baluler and PortlttndFaaaepgBt . . . B'Wp. m JJanadtaq Peelfla Benwey Leaving Portland - -C P. R. Short Line via Spokane 7:00 p. m, ," ' ueaiixv ...... .,. ArrlTinc PnrtlanA-. .........uiu a. sa. - C P. U. Short Une via Spokane vie Seattle .................. ; f. . 8:00 a. 8K " .. 7:00 a. m. ; Orogoa Weahlngton lUUroad Company. ' Leaving PortlauO- " . . . , SuaBU Limited .................... 8:00 p. m. Airivtoi'tYaVd " 11146 " Owl - " ghaets Limited BisoJ: Portland Paaaenger j.ls p! a. rarTEHSOjr STREET 8TATI0. Southern Paciio, Leaving Portland Dallas Pasaeuger T:40a.su i 0Ua Paaaenger 4:30 a. B. . ArrlTine PorHann t Dallas Paasencttr '.".fn-is . ' Dallas Paaaenger 1 p. m. . .: . .... : . s ; . ELEVENTH AND 1I0TT 1 STRIETi PAS BENGES BIATIOjr. Spokane, Portland k Seattle Railway 5o7 LeaTlnr Portland . . Inland Empire Expreas "... rOOs.SA, tor Chicago, 8t. Paul. Omaha, gansaa City, St. Loula, BllUngs, Spokane, Waehtucna. Kahlotua, Paaco.KooaeTelt, Qrallddallea, Ool dendale, Lyle, White 6almon, Btetenaoa and VaucoUTer. . , The Oregoniaa llx)0 a. is. For Ht. Paul, Spokane, Pasco, Granddallee, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson and VannwTer, Columbia liirer Local ... :30n. in- North Bank Limited ..i.... ....... T;00 p. nu Par Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. KanaMa ru-r. Bt.- Loula, BllUnga. Epokane, Waahtnena. Kahlotua, Pasco, Roosevelt, tiranddallea, Lyle. ' White Salmon, Stevenaoa end Vancouver. - - Arriving Portland - The Oragonlan .................... T:06 a. m.' from St. Paul, Spokane, Pasco, UaryhlU, Lyle, Whita Salmon, Steraaaon apd Vancourer. North Bunk Limited 70 a. m. . Prom Chicago, St.' Paul. Oxttti, ganaaa City, St. Loula, Bllllnga, Spokane, Waihtucna. Kiihlotu.i, Pasco, Hooserelt, Oranadallea, Lyle. Whits Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver, Columbia River Local. ..,.,.,,. ...12:35 p. Bl. Inland Empire Expreae. ............. g;15 p. as. From Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kanaas City. St. Louis, Billings, Spokane. Waahtucns, K ah lotus, Paaco, Uooaerelt, Granddallea, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson and VancoeTer. ' great Korthem Railway Comrany. Leaving Portland 11th end Hoyt sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle......l0:00a. at. I The uregonlan, via North Bank. .. .11:00 a. m. i Oriental Limited, vie North Bank.. 7:00p.m. ; Taconu, Seattle sad Vancouver, B. C. 10:00 1, m. Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. 6:10 p. m. "' Tacoms, Seattle end Vancouver, B. CH'80 p. m.. i ArrlTlng Portland 11th and Hoyt era. Oriental Limited, via Seattle. ....... .8:40 g. at. ; The. uregoulan. vie North Bank 7:06 a. to.. Oriental Limited, via North Bank... .9:15 p. m. Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and Tacoma. 8:40 as m. ' Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and Tacoma. 8 &) p. m, Vaneouvor, B. C, Seattle and Tacoma .6:60 p., st. lime Card Oregon Xlectrlo" JtaDway' Oo. Depot foot of Jefferson st Portland, Or. Leaving Portland tor Salem and Int. station :30, 7:50,-11:00 a. m.t 2:00, 8:60. 8:30, S:u p. Hi.- Lln-ited for Tualatin and Salem : e. at. L'1 (or Wllaonville end Int. etatlona.-. 6:10 p. m. Daily axcart Sunday' tor points on the' Salem. D'elU City A Westers Ky. vie Salem, 0:30 a. a., ,1:00 p. m- -Sunday only. 11:00 a. ta. . Leaving Portland for Forest 'Grove end Int station 7:I5. 8:30, 10:20 a. m.; 13:10. 2:lo, 8:U0, 6:SO, S;26 p. ta. Saturday oIj, til.) "'ATrlvlng at 'Forttead frots Salem end Int stetlons-:0. U:00 a. m.; 1:1ft. 4:00 4.0.L 8:20, 10:iOp. m. Local trom WUaonvtlle and int. StHOna, vmmf vvvi, W.W-. ni. Sunday only. 4:40 p. w, Etit-ind UaUwey, ilgM ' lowe Oempaay, ' Cars Leave. '- , Ticket Office end Wilting Poom, First and Aider and East Watery and Eaat Morrison Street. CABS LEAVE EAST WATta AND MOUIUSOS STREii-lJ. -" Are -on City 4-Oi. 6 -80 a. to. end every $0 minutte to mui Including ; P. W.S then '10.(HH, 1 1 Ki o. ; lest ear fnnlgbt ilrtaham end lutertuedlte point (18, 1-it. s"5, :4N W - m ' & 4-45 a:46, :4;, H:S6 p. ta. vilrview and Troutdl o5, ' T-4ff. M, :4ft, 10:43 ll 3;4S. . , 4:i, t:fttM6deroPand "lutarfB'rti-.te potnts-d.M, i 10-46 pa! m-. li-''. t-!" M o-14 for Vawouvet . ilcket offI! end watting room, -.ti-J ar.g fi-fui uy.Sii, llao, U.dO,. i.12 )i. 1:1-), l, I. !H, 3' , a iui. :W. 6-P,(. 6 s0. 7 S. 1 .i 6 mm. !'. ' ll 4.1. ' ' ' In tiiiid Moo'ley ln every Bf.n'a t" Ivl ' III, V dt.U 'I .WV M .... mw.. J tut. atatioua o-wv. m ..-. . m.t I2:iW. 6:2. .ln' tu'y "W0 p. 1 Mnansr "I" "tf Sr.a'S t. Iv at T.-04 A. ut. taeepl f-uil,.. fll ' i I V'"' - ear leav ai lny v-rw'.irlw.'-'i w