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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1910)
OHEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY JULY 1010. f ' 1 1 t 1 1 t I TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS TIT" OUT JUDGES VORtt Orpjimm. ... Grand..... PantageS. , . l.yric ...... Mar v The Oaks . .......... Vaudeville ........ Vaudeville r........ Vaudaville , . .."AfC'nlty Beach" Moving Pictures . .. . .Llberatl's Band ' ' The Journal at ftesorts. . Tlie following agents wilt sup- ply Journal subscriber at regit lar cijty rates: : Seaside. Or.: Horace A.' Wll- : son, agent;-- headquarters at Lewis & Co.'s drug store. , Long Beach, Wash.: Kerlee & Co. agents; Aberdeen stores. Newport, Or.; William Bur 4 ton, agent. ; Gearhar Park, James Cellars,' . agent. . r Columbia Beach: E. D. Lan-' don,' agent. ' ' - i . . , Ilwaco. Wash., and all "points on North .Beach: ' , Louis. Cohen . news , agent, Ilwaco , railroad i m agent, . . . Breakers, Wash. j Breakers , hotel. ', , . . Collins, Wash.: C. T. Belcher agent j - , Carson, , Wash. - Frank McGln- -nls, agent. - - , Seavlew, Wash.:' Kerlee &' Co., agents, Aberdeen store. 1 ' ShlpenJ's Spring's; ' Mineral Springs Ildtel Co., agent - " Hot Lake. Or.: Hot Lake Sftnl - -tartum. agent - . .s-. Wilhoit, Or.: F. , WV McLeran, v agent. ' 1 Wenaha Springs, Wenaha Hot Springs hotel. " : . : . :. Three of Them Will Be Engaged In Hearing Testimony for Few Days. FIREWORKS Mi, OiiLYWB Six - Small - Fires - Also Result From Sane Celebration of July Fourth. Although, vacation has officially be gun In' the' circuit court, three of the Judges are hard at work today and all three will be occupied In the trial of cases for two 05 three days longer, judge Gantenbeln is hearing a damage cailf with a jury, Judge Butler from Condon mistenlng to distracting chap ters from married life in a. divorce case and Presiding Judge, Morrow lsr trying a garnishee ,, proceeding between . an other warring husband and wife. ; . '.s Judge, Cleland has gone to the sea shore, Judge Kavanaugh la ill with ty phoid fever, and Judge Gatens, after five weeks of the trial of the Oregon Trust & Savings bank civil suit, has a respite for one week. -, Net Monday the defense in that long-drawn suit , will begin to put in Its testimony. Presiding- Judge Morrow this morn ing announced that the trial- docket will not he called again by him. The next call' when cases may be set for trial will be on August 22. when Judge Cleland will assume charge as presid ing ; Judge to direct the reopening; of court after the vacation period.' . Judge Morrow also announced this morning that, the formal opening of court during . vacation ; will be at ' 10 o'clock each morning, Instead of at 9:30 0 clock. :Thia will be for the purpose of hearing ex parte and emergency mat ters. Annual BsnaloiFormer residents ASSEMBLY JOKE IN jnopiujer hum, mvuuw . wuiihjr nciu their fourth annual reunion and picnic yesterday at Columbia park, r A per manent association was formed with W, L. Mallory as president He was from childhood a resident of Morrow. Mrs. J. N. Brown was chosen secretary and Mrs. S. P. GarrlgueB treasurer. A pic GILLIAM, ONLY TEN " DELEGATES PRESENT ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal Condon, July 5. The assembly. is a ioka in Gilliam county. The ': nio !unckLwas.-mucheriJoyL and. promptu speeches were made by J.- N. 1 Brown. N. C Maris and G.. B. Alley. Mrs .Holmes' delivered a recitation and greetings were received from several absentees. v Mr. Alley was made chair man of the program committee and the association adjourned until July 4,. 1911. Quarrel ; reads Ito- Siootlnff. In a quarrel In a Greek coffee house at 10 North Fourth atreet this morning. Peter Stavrako, a Greek, was shot In the left leg by a fellow countryman with whom he quarreled over' some trivia matter. The Injured man was taken to the po lice station In' the patrol wagon and af terward removed to St Vincent's hos- f ital In the. Red Cross ambulance. His nlnrv la.nnlv a. flesh wnnnil. Phlftf Co- ordered the arrest of the .coffeel house proprietor and officers are search ing for the man who did the shooting. Examination for - rftsman The United States civil service commission announces an examination on July 27, iriaks certification to fill a vacancy in ' the position of draftsman (maley,- soil nurvey, bureau of soils, department of agriculture, at .$1200 per annum," and vacancies requiring similar, "qualifica tions as they may occur. Applicants should apply at once to1 the United Statps civil service commission, Wash ington, D. C. , the county In the state, assem- ' bly were chosen by seven pre-: . clnct committeemen. There are 13 committeemen in the county and because of the small attend ance, thQ first meeting was ad journed to a later date, and a grand effort made to round up and bring In -the absentees. The fruit of the effort was a fjnitat tendance of only seven, and these in a closed .convention selected the delegates who will, go to Portland as representing the "voice of the ueople" of Gilliam. The sentiment here1 among the masses is constantly grqwing Stronger against the assembly ' plant a-nd 1 the manner in which the delegates were chosen will intensify the general view of the movement. .. . . - FiGilTCEtEBRASlTS 111 POU 1 I OELMITIIK MYSTERY TRIAL Local Negroes Hold Their En thusiasm Within Bounds ; But Several Overstep. Six , small fires : and about a dozen accidents - generally producing , only minor Injuries, marked the celebration of., the Fourth ; in! Portland this ; year, forming1 the most' sane observance of the holiday since the municipality has assumed the proportions of & metropoli tan city. -Most of the fires camo late at night and the fire department, after a peaceful 'day, was kept on the jump about the. time It was r,eady to retire. several pieces of a. gas pipe used to make a ' toy cannon imbeded them selves In the leg of Borkjey Laughlln, aged 14. 867 East Madison street, when the noise producer exploded. He waa taken to the Good Samaritan hospital Henry Tunberry, aged 24. was reading about, the Reno "fight "on his front porch at 1193 Corbet street when some alleged Joker .threw a cannon cracker at him. It exploded close to his face, badly burn ing him. Other accidents were as fol lows: Glenn Steele, Minnesota street, face burned by gaspipe cannon explosion; Mary Good, aged 12, 118 East Forty sixth street, burns from premature ex plosion of giant cracker; Elrlco Angelun, East Twenty-eighth street, face burned by explosion of loose powder; Barney Lahkowsky, aged 12, Second and Car ruthers street, hand burned by prema ture explosion of giant cracker: Doml-! nio Jalouse, 868 Fifth street, fingers lacerated by premature cracker explo sion. '".;' ' :" A sky "rocket ignited the roof of a dwelllna; at 348 North Seventeenth street last night, but the flames were quickly extinguished. The awning of the Ar ca8e hotel, Sixth and Couch streets, was burned by a tossed. ' firecracker. - The roof of 843 Flanders street was slightly damaged by a. skyrocket The house at 909 Thurman etreet was"flred, but tha family put out the blase with a garden nose. -i nere was aiso n-, nman rare m 268 Second street, sparks iVora a Roman candle starting It. . .. .. To Teach Hog Raising. Dallas, Tlxas, July 5. The first-or ganized campaign to spread the gospel of hog raising was Inaugurated this af ternoon with the departure from this city of a demonstration train which will make a three weeks' tour covering a large section of Texas. Stops of a day each will be made at various points. where Interested persons will be Invited to listen to practical talks by experts In every branch of .the hog raising and marketing business. The movement Is backed by the Fort Worth Stockyards company .which has secured 'the co operation of the railroads and 'others interested In the hog raising JndHStry. In contrast to the negro residents of most . other cities, Portland's colored population was well behaved last night and of more than 200 prisoners in mu nieipal, court " this morning only two were of a dusky hue. One of these, Mrs, Toyle Little, a police .character, was arrested befere the fight took place and her actions in becoming Intoxicated and battling with an of ficer could hard ly be blamed , upon the Reno contest She was glvn .24 hours to leave the city this morning with a suspended sen tence of 90 days as an incentive. 'U' Pearl Williams, a ' burly representa tive of his Tace. who tn build and fea tures ' greatly resembles the Nevada conqueror,. celebrated last evening with large quantities of poor whiskey. Rur lnsr the evening he insulted a number of white women, including Mrs. Farrar of 183 Holliday street He was arrested thnrtlv afterward bv Patrolman R. F. Steward and Mrs. Farrar appeared against him in municipal court this morning. Judge Bennett Imposed a fine of $iqo. ... Another happx man after the -fight wan Levi Jones, colored bootblack at the Perkins hotel.,. Jones won $25 by e-iiMRinff Johnson would win in the fif teenth round and as soon as the pool was riven him he started to spend; it in North End saloons. In one of these he boasted to a number of white men that he could "lick" any -one In the crowd. There was no acceptance o his challenge, but an hour later Jones was found unconscious in a gutter near the Steel bridge with his face battered al most into unrecognizable form. He was taken to the police station where Police Surgeon Zlegler attended his injuries. Defensefile Demurrers Setting Forth That Indictments Are Faulty; Pleas Postponed. constitute a crime and attempts to state more than one crime. Tha district at torney's office professes no fear that these demiirrers will be sustained. Filing of the demurrers postponed the time for Webb and Mrs. Kirsh to plead, this proceeding having been fixed for this morning. They will not be called on to enter their pleas until after the demurrers have been ruled on, and they will not be. argued until after Judge Cleland takes his place as presiding ju'dgS" August 22, " 1 1 1 "IT- r --T . The longest and highest cableway in the world Is In. Argentina, traversing 21 miles of mountains at heights varying from 3250 to about 15,000 feet Availing themselves of all the time possible and apparently intending to make use of all objections that the law allows in the hop of picking, a flaw in the state's armor, the attorneys for Jesse P, Webb and Mrs. Carrie Kirsh. indicted for, murdering W. A. Johnson by hitting him with a bludgeon and tnen surrocatlng him in a trunk, today filed demurrers to the indictment In the circuit court 'y. -' . z -t Moser & M'Cue and Seneca Fouts filed the .demurrers, . one for Webb and an other in identical form in behalf of the woman. , The demurrer Is on the usual general grounds asserting the 'Indict ment does not state facts sufficient to HOTEL. SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square . Jutt opposite Hotel St Francis European Plan $1.50 a day tip American Plan $3.00 a day up , Hew tteet and krick structure. - Furnished at cost of $200,000. Every comfort and con venience. On carlines traosferring all over city. Omnibus meets trains and tteamenv Send for Booklet with map of San Francises SEAT EAL2 OPX53 TOPAT, Phones Main 117: A-2.i. Three nights, beRlnnini? next T!mi-..! ... nspeciai priced matinee tjaturday.. Henrietta Crosnian In the Corned'. "Anti-ratrlTTony., Evening. $2.00, J1-B0. 1.0, 75c, Sfr; ---Matlnef. 2V.50 to 2cf 1 MArci e, a-iujo &LA.T. STXKT DAT Hirlste TM jtLV-4 i THRATrP. " v ; ADVANCED VAUDETTXIOl . ' Mr, Sdward Davis, Id. A. ; In 'Thei ?ictur of Dorian Gray," ' ' - . Headllner. Q RAN D Wek July 4, 19IO WATOST-HtJTCH INS-EDWAH.DS. The Eminent raro ists. in their laugh able Interlude. , "Sohmaits's xignt The Pour mo Bros. Billy X. Wells, j Ward and Weber. -Barry Springold and Kane OUard. Mabel Talenteeoe Koore. Matinee Every Day, 2:30; any seat, 1S Evening pertormance at 7:30 and. 91: si ir., Balcony, 15c; Lowe 26c; Box, un. ' LYRIC x-aiuiiY PLAYHOUfm , Seventh and Alder Streets. All Week; Matinee Daily; 2:45. Armstrong Musical Comedv Co. in ' "AITTSint BEACH." Thursday night, Gold Watch Given Away rnuf Aigni, voorus urns' vuniest. Two performances nightly 7:45 and :15 : o'clock. " Nejct week--"lUlly'B Oomet" THE OAK Portland's nB Va Amnsemen Par. XJist rew Days of XJBXSATI. Special music 4th of July. Remarkable performing Dogs and Monkeys. Don Car los' Trained Animals thrw times dally. TWO DATS OHXY JTC.Y 9-10. , 'fl'-J THAVXU. - - Bmlnent Xnsslan Cornetlst and world famous concert band. Musloal sensation. Police WOtoan for SacramentoTT" From the Sacramento Times. ' The members of the Retail Merchants' association -are going to ask the. city trustees to appoint a woman police of ficer, according, to the announcement made recently, and her duty Will be prin cipally to enforce tHe antl-expectoratlon ordinance along the main business afreets. The nlan is to dress the feminine "eon" in a neat blue uniform, with prop er helmet and star, and have her call the attention of expectorators that they are violating the law as well as spreaa lnr disease. -r 7 The embarrassment thereby inflicted is deemed to be sufficient punishment to avoid .a repetition of the ofrense. She will also be a valuable aid to wo men strangers coming- into Sacramento. Journal Want Ads b"lng results. THE BREAKERS HOTEL AMXBICAlf PLAN. irrMmMfii y n Ml 811 ' !-'. r-Yftit;rMit in rru 7Yirilfiwi,ftii,,,-iifr-'-iTi-iTr'sTiisssviJ DEADIHa STJMMXK BESOET OP THB PACITIO H0BTHWE3T. Electric Light, Steam, Hot and Cold Salt Water In Every Tub. Buy Tickets to Breakers. Faclflo County, Wash. Fostoffice .Address, Breakers, Wash. : - ADTASOED VAUDETTLLa . Attraction Extraordinary. . sot. zjarDHOUtc co. The .Three Dreamer, Wallno & Georg ette, Rerres Brothers, Pavton & Wilson, Special Engagement Miss Yloleita . wegner. . OUBTAZX fi -30, 7:30 and 9100. BASEBALL BECBEATZOir -' PAXX Co. 'Yanghn and Twenty-fourth Bts VERNON O-nnboat to Arrive Monday Command-, r Victor Blue, of theOunTHiat Torktown, who is well known in Portland, nas written to Secretary Glltner of the Portland Chamber of Commerce., that the Torktown will arrive in Portland about July 11. The letter was written from Anacortes,. Wash., Commander Blue saying the gunboat Will be kept at Belllngham today and tomorrow, will po then to Bremerton for coal, proceed ing from the navy yard to Portland, " V Dr. Alt Deaps and Is Hurt Dr. J. A. Alt of La Grande. Or., leaped from a Portland Taxlcab company machine when It collided with an auto driven by C. Harrison at Third . and Jefferson streets yesterday and struck his head against the curb. He was" removed to the Good Samaritan hospital, where he regained consciousness and left after a s:alp wouna had been dressed. The cars Were hardly damaged by the collision. FEtreWAITRESS-ANtr ' KNOCKED OUT HIMSELF X A. Burbank was fined 115 Wmu niclpat court this morning after strik ing Miss Edna May. Hendricks, a wait ress in theRoyal Canton, Park and Al der streets, unconscious last night and apparently without provocation. , Burbank had quarreled with the cash ier of the place, alleging he bad been 'touched." According to witnesses, Miss Hendricks passed with a tray at this time and Burbank is said to have turned and struck her without even the ex change of words. O. C. Ostrander, who was standing: near, stretched Burbank to the floor with a single blow on the jaw. ' - Patrolman Kllngel was called and af ter placing Burbank under arrest, sum moned Dr. Fred Gullette, with offices in the Medical building, and the physi cian restored the unconscious girl. JJe said her injury was not serious. Bur bank was taken to the station, his fath er narrowly escaping arrest on the way because of ' indiscreet attempts to ' in duce Kllngel to. release his son. Bur bank was released on ball of $25 and this- was forfeited when he at first failed to appear in court this morning Thecase was reopened when he arrived shortly afterward. - Boasting Will Cause Arrest A boast to the effect that he had not used a, tall ' light on his auto for a year made by Al bert Verstepg of S 94 Broadway in a crowd ". wua overheardi-by Patrolman Hennessy, and brought to the attention of Chief Cox In a formal report by the patrolman. .,vlow VersteegB pride over Ms achieve ment with a warraniw ; - W. C. T. V. Meeting Central union W. C. T. U. will hold its regular meet Inii Wednesday, July 6. at 2:30 o'clock. F. W. Baltes aiwL Company, invito your inquiries for PBINTING First and Oak X good program has been arranged with aft I T. U demonstration by Mrs. M. E. Pugh of Alblna union. Kill Companjr ftioorporated The Irv ington Mill company has been Incor porated by E. H. Mills, E. G. Lelhy and N. Jacobs, capital stoca 15000. 3 Old JTswelrjr Wanted. We buy old gold and silver. Uncle Myera Collateral Bank, .71 Sixth street between Oak and Pin. . Steame' Jessie Sarkins, tor Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally tept Sunday, Leaves Washington street lock at a ft ro. !,.. . H. R.'licoorenose k eo Interior and exterior painting, papering and ttntlng.i r-Dealers in wallpaper, paints, etc. 411 Washington' st. , fHaving Arranged With . Factories. Whom We v Represent We Will Accept , ! ; - " . ' AM Pnaeo Coupons and Credit .Certificates, No Matter by Whom Issued, from $1.00 to $131. Accepted at Full Face Value At Regular Prices on Any New Piano in Stock, - by ' - " ra: 111 Fourth St. One Price to All We Nevfcr Raise Bayocean Tent City SEASON 1910" fiayocpan tent city is a canvas-covered hotel, American plan. Rates $2.50 and $J,per day, $15 and $17.50 per Veek. jWectnc lightcq, heated, I" ' purest water,; sewer .fystem; gravel walks. v Further Information Will Be Mailed You On Bequest T. B. POTTER REALTY CO. Kansas City ' 514 CORBETT BUILDING , San Francisco 208 R. A. Long Bldg. PORTLAND, OR. 802 Monadnock Bldg; PORTLAND SJTXtt A, S, 0, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Oames Begin Week Says 3-30 p. St. Sundays 3:30 P, M. - Admission i Bleachers,' SBc; Orand- ' stand, 60c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children, Bleachers, 10c; Grandstand, 25c. Uadl?; Deiy .r'rlday " ' Boys Under 13 Free to' Bleachers -v-?'".,; Wednesday, -v.--.'-.', ,:v COUNCIL CREST PBX15 SCtnrtO aMTJS-EMEITT PABX 1200 mt 1BOTB THB OITT - Moral. Hlith Class Attrartlons. . BX!a.TXTIFUX COLtraiBIA BX7SB TBXT $25,000 new attraction. BtTENIO BT. OSD MXLE I.OWO Come and enjoy yourself and see the greatest view in th world. No liquor for sale or permitted on the grounds. Painless Dentistrl Beautiful Hotel Moore CLATSOP BEACH SEASIDE, OREGON Portland's Nearest Beach ResortVia A. & C. R. R. Open All Year Directly overlooking the Pacific; Ocean. A delightful Summer and Winter resort. Hot salt bath's and surf bathing. Sea foods a spe-v cialty. Walks, drives and boating. DAN J. MOORE, Prqp. 1 4 : ' - - . On nt imra nannla caq bTI thair plsr ! and bridsewerk Snm, nhed la on Uf 1 The Shelburne BEAVIEW, WASH. WrMTJIXEU" k BOABS, Frops. Large, shady playgrrounds and yard for children; hammocks, benches, Bwlngs and cronuet lawn. Large, sunny rooms. We raise our own poultry and vegetaMes. Special rates on table board and for families. MAKE YOTB RXSCBTATIOVS BT KAIZh lit Wiutiya roo-i, 22k rl4 r Mrctlmii ; mm for $3.60 1 loltf Cramt 5.03: 22k BridctTettb 3.50' Gold nninn '- 1.C8; EmimI Filllnia 1C3i 8ilvrFiini.sCl2' ItiLyKII'mw, 2.63 QeodRubbr - Wttw - - O.UJ :.: But ReJ RuW e - ' WORK GUARANTKCO FOR IS YEARS Lonlcnd. OonaulUtlon Frea, 1 m eutnot (t betto ; MlBlea work dona uywkam. , Ail work fully runr (uatMd. Uodera aloctrio equipment. Vmi maUuxllt jWise Benfal Co &W portuvAd.oTegom We' Sponge ana Tress Tour Cloth3i, all tor Sl.SQfoonta. Main SI 4. A-4814 Wagons run everywhere, unique Tailor ing Co 101 Stark. Diamonds 3ems of the first water only. C. Christensen, 2d floor, Corbett bldg ' Take elevator, '., ; ' '- - vmmmA ' ' - 1 Wanted at Onoe Dishwasher, woman, to work In delicatessen kitchen. 40S East Morrison. r . , Swiss Watch Repairing C. Christen sen, ZU fir, uoroeti oiag. lane eievator. W. A. wise and associates, calnless Sentiats. Third and Washington Coleman and Mackle Abstractors, have moved to SOO.Orcgonlan building. BRIGHTON BEACH $40 to $250 . . ..- .'...; .-. i, - j. , ' - . v . . . ' ' All Improyements ; No Interest -J ; ,v Send for Booklet BRIGHTON BEACH CO. 412-413414 Lumber E. Bldg. TV Any, ictrlo Y tcnt-un Cleaners rent by day. me can use. Main 1233. . Sdg&v H. Browu, rectal diseases. 822-823 Corbett buildlngv - i . - - - Sr. S. a Brown. Eye-Ear. Marinam. . The Oregonian. The New Great Northern train to Spo kane, Bt. FauL Minneapolis, Chicago and all points east and south, from Hoyf street station dally 11 a. mH tickets and berth at city ticket office, 122 Third street, and depot. Eleventh and Hoyt streets. Electric lighted. You'U like our dining car service. CCHVVAB PRIFJTirJG CO rUSOLICITS YOUR PATROMAr.r 2-4."7 STARK STREET Four Days More .Closing out? sale at Le Palais Royal Come early, it will pay.yout 8J6 Wash ington street. - '. Journal Want Ads bring results. Excursion Rates East Chicago 7 and Return JtyJ 2.50 Special round trip excursion rates will be made to other eastern points, at correspondingly low rates. Tickets on sale-July 5, 22, Aug. 3 and Sept, 8. , Have your tickets read via the, CanadiarfPacific Route ' .j -.i j :. - T.i . 'I- -, i .i v. '' ' . ' ' V i The only .real scenic route. The line that gives you the service,. Four Trains Daily "' For" rates and pull particulars, apply at .142 Third street or address,' , ' ." 'v, Frank R Johnson, Gen'l Agt. Tass, Dept., Portland, Oregon.' HOTEL Offers special induceme n t to the Sum- ' t it n i. w161" pleasure AtGolumblaBeach Beekeri lt is located on' an elevation overlook ing the ocean. Boating, bathing, canoeing, clam digging, hunting and fishing. Cuisine the finest Fully equlp'd with tjeddlng and complete cooking out- TENTS fits' may be had at 85.00 pet week. Located on the banks of Neacoxle Crekv In the Nob HU1 section, cl(Fse to Idlewild Park, ' 1 Make your hotel or ient reserva tions now at our offices. Columbia Trait Company boabs or tbasb Btrrxszzr iGcideiit txs xsABxxa kotbi. ojp ASTORIA FREE "BUS MI5ET8 ALL TRAINS AND BOATS. Seaside Sanitorium OWPOSTTB MOOBB KOT3ET SEASIDE, OBSOOS. Everything for the convalescent Surf bathing and hot salt baths; equipped with hot water heat, electric lights, etc. Located at the best health resort on the coast. Ors. "Lewis h Calnea, MEDICAL DIRECTORS. ' eparture The : White ho use toso beach, wasbhs-qtost. A favorite hotel with Long Beach vis itors; large, . comfortable rooms, over looking the ocean; unsurpassed view. One block south of station. -Homo cook ing. antg. Q. T. WBJTEHOTJBB, grog. SEASIDE HOUSE . seaside, ossaoir. finend your summer vacation at this - A- .. . . I .. . I u k.A,lnrf. fv.ah i CODUlar rcBOri. riouiUR, mmiun, o. i tn vfnMnAnv station. oriDofiite hotel. Amer ican plan, ,Tee dub. Jtaies j.ou per day and up. -UndeT new management 3 3 II t HOTEL, SUNSET Beach .center. Open July ." Qfeatiy improved, accommodations; 80 rooms; newly furnished. Ocean In full view, only one block. Trains stop at, entrance to grounds. Beautiful yard , for crocjuet and hammocks. Sea food served daily. Special rates for families. P. O, ad dress, Long Beach, Wash. . Mrs. W. H. Dedman, prop. The cost of Interments have heta greatly reduced by the Hoiman Vndertakintr oompany. Heretofore it lias been the custom of , funeral directors to make charges for, all Incidentals connected with a fu neral. The Edward Hoiman Undertakt lng company, the leading funeral di rectors of Portland, have departed from that custom. When casket is furnished by us we make no extra charges, for embolmlng. hearse to cemetery, outside. box or any jservldea. that may be re quired of us. eixcept clothing, cemetery and carrlage, Jthus effecting a saving, of S25 to 175 on each funeral. . , . ; . THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO.- 30 THXJU) ST, COB. SALMOSr. NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON The Hackney Cottage haa enlarged tboiti 'dining room capacity- and electri fied the house. Beautiful surroundings and most pleasant spot on the beach. Unsurpassed surf bathing, home com forts; (excellent table board. -Special rates by the week. Make reservation hy mall or wire. - Hackney Cottage, mall address, Seavlew, Wash. . Pacific View Hotel Necanicam Station, Seaside, Or. 1 5.00 A WEEK AOT TJP. Electric lights and, batbajDlnln rooms anc iwrt watarr 'PtirchaeeTfttlroaa cketgTtnr Rltchen enlarged and Improved. AU conveniences -for parties wishing, te do , ugni nousenpeping. Ii. P. HABBESCKOU, Prop THE CHAMBERLIN COTTAGE Private board and rotims; good view of ocohn; pleasant rooms; home cokln(r. s. ''ciiAsaEaunr, iorg ici-Jv.'Waa. Save Your Teeth Now LYoB save a' dollar, ws make a ,dvilar" and the Expensive ljentf-it lose two dollars when wo do your work.' We work for prices you can pay. Open evenings until i and Sundays until 12:84 for people who viork. Offices ebtabllshed ten years and our guarantee is good. - BOSTON DEHTISTS, , Offices corner i'ifth and Morrison ., entrance "391 Morrison St.. opposite Meier & Frank's and POntOffice. UBAYOtKGUTFlTTiK'Q-CO v7iigiT3Ti ju5Torrrio(?isoM sjt irnftetj n rr" i : JJifon-ln-t r PACirW COA.1 r r.i i '. rt A i'