The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 04, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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pr! CcrccIIcrc::, J I Villi Cc:::r-Icl2.,L!nc3"' Royal Worcester, Bon Tcn.Mmc. Hc!cnc,r.:;irr
Worrier nuctProol and Icdlcrn -Corccl IIoivcI and LaBcau Front Lace, Rcngo Belt Corsets, Calilln Waists ci
lines .; . vinii-ciair- TO.y;ai)iruuaaMidHiiMMp isuw(2 mmtF
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Child's $2.00 French
Dresses for 98c Each
very attractive assortment of
French Dresses in fine lawn, and
Buster Dresses in reps, trimmed in
ine lace and insertion; sizes trom
I to 6 years: regular values
up tp $2.00, special sale at.
Child's $1 Pique and
Linen Coats tor $1.08
Just the' coat for ,Summer wear;
they always look so neat and cool,
they launder easily; siaes frpm 2
to 6 years; regular values up to
$4.00; . very 'h special" to QO
close them out,, at, each vlJO
Children's Summer
Coats lor Hall Price
.Your unrestricted choice of our en;
tire stock of .children's Summer
; Coats, made of such good materi
als as broadcloths fine serges, etc.!,
Sues-2 to 6 years; regular ?2;25 to
$15 valuei, reduced ONE HALF
S5c Lonqcloth j or 22c
UnbFach'd Sheets 50c
Longcloth, in extra fine quality, 45
Inches wide, especially good 00
for "dainty lingerie; 35c val HfaC
SHEETS Extra heavy unbleached.
Sheets for coast use;, large CH
size; priced very low. at, ea. wUC
$2.00 Regulation Raz
ors at 49 cents Each-
100 Razors in, this lot, all made of
best- quality steel, plain ; or fancy
. handles'; Claus & Roberts manufac
ture; some are slightly rusted, but
in no way damaged; values AQp
. to $2.00 specialized at, each TVw
35c Wash Belts at 23c
50c Elastic Belts at 29C
200 dozen Wash Belts, in plain and
embroidered styles, fitted 09
with "pearl buckles; 35c vat. OC
ELASTIC BELTS, extra good, maJ
terial; brown, I black, navy, gray:
novelty buckles; vals. to 50c ..29?
45c Ribbons Only 23c
85c Ribbons Only 43c
Scotch Toweling 10c a Yard
Table Cloths at Halts Price
81 Table Damask 75c
They are
Richardson Linens are deoendable.
woven in Belfast; Ireland.; where, the flat Is
grown. k The operators in these "old country"
mill are educated from childhood to weave and
pattern table linens and linen fabrics of all kinds.
The goods are never adulterated; they: are the
pure flax product We are agents for Northwest.
TABLECLOTHS High grade embroidered
Tablecloths: also Bedspreads, about 25 In the lot.'
They are slightly mussed from handling, but a
little ironing wul put them ia fine shaoe. For
speedy closing we will price them at ONE HALF
TOWELING All-linen heavy unbleached
Scotch Toweling, suitable for all purposes
TABLE DAMASKVery pretty designs in "pure
flax, every thread linen; 16 different pat-
ems from whjch to choose; reg. $1 .quality
BATH TOWELS A delayed shipment of .3000
. dozen Bath Towels, in cream or bleached. Towels
v t for the home, for hotels and rooming" houses, for
, "coast, etc. A big-assortment, and all REDUCED
i "pure
Electric Portables
13.00 Lamps $9.85
Brass Electric
Reading Lamps,
square . -art - glass
shades; a very
neat pattern in
one--ef-the new
designs.' Regular
$6.90 -value, sale
price, each,? 4.95
Electric Reading
Lamps In brass,
styled with a
square base, and
stand; ' art glass
shade; our regular
$13.00 ; value, on
special sale at
this price f 9.85
ING LAMP, in a
very . neat attrac
tive designed pattern, with decorated shade;
our best regular. $16.50 values, ffl f OA
sale tomorrow.' each yv
special sale tomorrow.'
shade; our regular $25 valued sp'l f 18.95.
READING LAMP, "unusually choice de
sign, art glass shade; our reg- 099 A C
ular $42.50 value, ' special at WOMD
Also a $46.50 value, reduced to f 36.10
07.50 Handbags at $4.69
$6.00 Handbafls at $3.89
$2.00 Handbags at 98c
Three . big specials in ladies' Handbags
great values at very low prices. They must
be seen to be fully-appreciated.'; Therei is
fine goat seal. stQck, walrus and mat seal
stock in the lot; good assortment of colors;
fancy mountings, one or two strap handles,
fitted with coin purses, etc. See them.
Sale Panety WEiite Waists
5-inch all pure silk Satin Taffeta
Ribbon,, ? in every 'wanted OA
shade ; worth to 45Cj at, yd. C
ODDS AND ENDS in fancy Rib
bons, plaids, Drcsdens, sol- AOl
id colors; vals, to 85c yard "OC
01S J Valimss att &M
..i. in ,, , i .11 M i .i j i J ! i'i Ji in in . . in. V
This may sound unreasonable to you, but if you will
come and see, these beautiful waist creations you will'
agree that it's the best lot you ever feasted your eyes
oneven at twice i the price. They are made of .the
best quality of -batiste, mull, lawn and pure linens. '
They are trimmed , in Irish crochet, Anglaise and f
Plauen laces, or St.'"" Gall embroidered and hand em
broidered ' designs. They are tempting indeed. No
woman who has an eye for daintiness can
resist' buying these values to $15.00 for
Children's Rompers
Reg. 75ie Vals. lor 39c
Don't le,t the little ones' ruin their dresses or suits. You
can't keep them in these days. It is necessary that they play
out 01 aoors. oo we volunteer to neip. you save laundry
bills and trouble by. offering gingham and chambray Rompers, in sizes, from 2 to QQ
6 years; our best'regular'valuts to 75c, on sale at this -temovil sale price, pair 0fC
$2.25 Combinations Only $li59
$1.50 Combination Suits 98c
Petticoats at Halt Price
Hand Embroidered ' French' .Lingerie for women.
The line comprises, gowns priced regular from $2.25
to $47.50; chemise mced regular from $1.50 to.
$22.50; corset covers, $1.50 to $16.50; drawers, $1.50
to $18.50; skirts, $5,00 to $60.00;. combination suits,
'$4.50 to $37.50: Princess slips, $15.00 to $37T50; three
piece sets, $16.50 to $47.50. These are all imbbrted
; please the most refined taste. Your unrestricted
choice ot stock, tomorrow at less unu thiku
COMBINATIONS of allover embroidery, drawers
and corset covers to match; regular $2.25 01-CAll
values, special for this sale tomorrow at , v pr
COMBINATIONS Drawers' and corset cpvers, on sAjj
skirt and corset cover combined to match. Made ox ,VM
- l ; , , i i
gooa quality -nawsooK, lace ana emoroiaery inma;;
the drawers have full flounce, nicely tailored, tops;
our best regular $1.50 values, on special sale QOv
tomorrow at" this low removal price of VOQ
PETTICOATS of food, quality, heatherbloom" and ;
satine; black and colors; regular$l. 50 to $7.50 val
ues, special during this sale for ONE HALF PRICE
All Om $22.50 lb $350.00
,V4,, ,:, m , i m,, , ; , , r
(Sbwiis ; and BfcssSs
a 11 . .cai -nam.
It was with some little hesitation - that the
manager of the garment section consented to
make this sweeping reduction. In fact the sale
would not have t been launched without the
sanction of the heads of the firm.- This sale is
so broad in its scope as to embrace every fine
imported gown and dress; as well as the New
York made garments, varying in price from
$22.50 to $350.00. If you buy one of these
finer, gowns it, will mean a saving of , over
$100.00 to you. Think what it means to the
firm when we sell a hundred or more. . The
styles are so varied that description is imprac
tical Suffice to say, the best known materials
were used in making them up. They are all
this season's styles. Trimmings are the best-
workmanship is faultless. They are sure to fit
and please you. - Your. .. unre
stricted choice of . the - stock
You can choose any dress
marked $22.50 at this sale for
You can choose
any gown . or
dress marked $75 at this sale for
You can choose any, imported a a a a v
gown marked $300, this sale, SZUlhUU
$50,00 Values fioF $ii95
For Tuesday we offer the greatest ;clean-up.
sale of women's one-piece dresses ever held ir
Portland. This Is no idle talk; it's a fact. For
who, ever heard of selling seasonable dresses,
values vanrinir nn tr 'M(l OA fmr -ftll fid? TVi
materials are fine mulls, lawns, batistes, linens'.
and silks. All of this season's best styles. Thc
delicate lingeries are trimmed . m imported
laces and rich embroidered effects. The linens
come in allover embroideries, with lace yokes
and sleeves. The silks are Foulards, taffeta
messalines, corded silks, etc; styled in the
very latest tunic effects and fancy trimmed
bodice. Values up to $50.00. They are
priced very special for the July
opening sale at, your choice,
Sale ol Linen Suits
S10.00 Values for SS.95
1 1 ' ' "
200 suits in this lot. Made of natural color
and colored linen suitings, also linen crash
suits, styled in the medium length jackets,
semi or tight fitting, "with plain tailored or
shawl collars, faced in embroidered effects.
patch or set-in pockets, pearl or bone buttons,
skirts are styled m the tunic or plain plaited
effects. Seasonable and exeep-
tional values to $10.00. Choice
Sale Lace Curtains
S5.60 Values
SO.OO Values S3.SO
0.50 Values S4.SO
015-850 Tailored Suits m Off
All Suits 05ff Up Half Price
A general sale of our entire stock of wool tailored suits. Including all kinds
of new materialsblue, black and white serges are included. Also all two
and three-pieced high-grade suits. Plain or fancy tailored. Reductions are t
Your choice of any suits priced from
$15.00 to $50.00. An excellent
opportunity atlthis reduction
All high grade two and three pieced
suitsr priced at $50.00 and up. 1 a
Each suit specially reduced to
.25 Bozen 'Val Laces afi 98c
gl.75 Embroideries Only 75c
'.v. TSSTj. ?
4 ,li.Mlt ..1.
4 M (Vaa'..Y.,t.5r.7k.
Positively every yard of Laces and Trlm
.' mings. in our immense stock is priced way
under valft' Braids, chiffons, nets, etc, are
reduced for a spring clean-up. See them now.
up is the order.. Round and diamond mesh
r effects in many. dainty patterns; edges and in
' sertions to match, v For ipeedv 'closing,1 pf
Jered at .Yhe iollowing" extremely low prices;
' 'Iff- i i
$2.25 doien values, special sale, at, dozen 98
$15 dozen values, special sale, at, dozen 994
75c dozen values, special tale, at, dozen 48
EMBROIDERIES Thousands of yards of
all new patterns in Swiss nainsook-and cam
bric embroideries: widths from 2 to 18 inches.
Iin a large assortment of dainty patterns, 1 7
FLOUNCING Embroiderie jn many; dainty
I designs, in blind and' open s patterns; regular
i stock values to $1.75; Very special to- JC1
I morrow at the low '.removal prifre of, yd. IDC
Sale New Black uede Pumps
vTne Nea' ummer Shoe is;the white canvas they are neat, In appearance, easy to
clean and comfortable to wear, The plan is this: Buy a par of good shoes now and
we will give you free a pair of white canvas Oxfords, your choice of several styles.
We do not carry any poor shoes with every pair sold st regular price from $3.00 up
.l lT T0 ,Pair oJ csnyas vacation Shoea,,free Don miss this opportunity.;
. FREE ALSO With each pair of white canvas Oxfords sold this week at removal sale
prices we will give a bottle pt White Canvas aeaaer, free. A much needed article,
.VERY SPECIAL-Women's black suede Pumps and Oxfords7that will not slip at the
heel. We sell tljem; most everybody wants them, and few stores have them; low prices
A Sale of Neckwear
81.25 Values Special at 47c
65c Values Special at 27c
Several thousand pieces of Ladies' Neckwear In cas
cades, jabots, stocks and Dutch effects. All new stylish
patterns. Our regular stock values to $1.25. Very a m
special for speedy closing of Removal Sale, price 4 1 C
ANOTHER LOT of 2Q0 dozen pieces; all the newest
effects including Dutch collars, jabots, stocks, etc, in
lace and lawn combination. Our regular stock tm '
vals. to 65c. Come early for this great special Zl C
QIO Trimmed Mats Q2.95
; mm :
rfne above represents a special purchaser of
Irish Point Curtains, in all new patterns,
ivorv and Arab colors and few two-tones.
They, are, a. portion of that big mill clean
up which we made a few -weeks ago. The
values are ; extraordinanr. ,; . Builders and
housecleaners should take advantage of sale.
Sale of Dinhier Sels
$11.25 Values for Only $6.69
$22.50 Values lor Only $13.15
Hizh crrade English
Porcelain Dinner Sets,
uresaen design Doraer
and double goM "lines; y
a very ciassy sei 01
pieces. Regular $11.25
-value, at, set f 6.60
60-piece set of same,
$14.85 value, at f 8.40
100-piece , set" of same,
$22.50 value . f 13.15
.. Syracuse China" Sets,
with dainty rose ! bor
der; '50-piece set, l our
icgumi yu.ou niuc,,
special, et;: f 12.192,
60-piece set regularity
$1975 value S15.75l
100-piece set, regular
AUSTRIAN CHINA m rich border design,
Derby shape, heat and show decoration;
50-piece set,- regular! $2125 tAQ
value, on special sale at, yset lCf.0
60-piece set, regular $31.75' value f 23.75
100-piece set, regular $47,50 value: $35.63
HAVILAND CHINA four decorations to
select from; 100. pieces to the ffOQ A il
I., set; .regular $30 'values, for 9faO.lU
J50.00 Velour Portieres 037.59
30c Japanese Malting at 22c
Three-Yard Curtain Samples
Fine quality,- French Velour Portieres,' double facedV all new patterns in red,
green, blue and old rose. Very choice values at $50.00 a r(
pair. A bargain not to be missed. 'Special Removal Sale price $o ?U
MILL END CURTAINSA great clean-up of mill ends in Lace Curtains
3 yards in each strip, novelty nets in block and striped patterns, suitable for
any room in the house, priced special as follows; $1.25 to $250 values.
75f) to 1.50r-$2.25 to $4.50 values, $1.50 to $2.25 a strip. See them.
MATTING An unusual clean-up of Japanese Matting, plain white ro ;
and colored. Our reg. 30c quality priced very special, for speedy saleC
Persian Silks, 89c, 01.12 and 8L35
I I I i il i i- . mi 'In I i ii i- .-il I ii i . . I. ' . H IT 'l i in
$1 Mohair lor Bathlnfl Salts 79c
New Persian Silks, the reigning thing for mak-
TJie final cleanup of this linels slated for tomorrow. All hew styles; trimmed
according to the latest vogue. ; Some are the products of our own exclusive ?
work rooms. They are put together to stay together. ' Our reg- ah
lular values up to $10.00, priced special for. tomorrow'? final cleanup 2)aC ud
ing turbans, for trimming pongee dresses,
'coats, - etc.i" taffeta and messaline . finislyin
bright, sparkling designs; priced ( O r 1
special for removal at, yd., 98c, $1.12, cliilJ
NEW FOULARDS, in pojka dot patterns ah ;
extremely popular fabric ior Summer dress el,
offered at very low removal sale prices now., ,
MOHAIRS, the best, and most popular fabric
for bathing suits; water does not' affef t it. It
does hot cling to the form.; i Very, serviceable, '
jJiicad very-peaaif4w4hisle-4Mlirir!r-
Regular 50c values arfc on sale for only 42c
Regular 75c values are on sale for only 63 r
Regular $1.00 values are on sale for only . 79.
Regular $150 values are on safe at only ?1.19
.'"V i r A "