i i i ill Mil If I'UJIdii Ordinance Prohibits Sslo of ' ' High Explpsvc.s,;v.biJt...Will This Have Desired1 Effect? Many Leaving City. The celebration of -Independence day tomorrow in a seml-sarie way, may ap pear' W be like all former Fourths of, July. . If- so, it wllf be the last noisy and dangerous celebration, for street fireworks and explosives have been for bidden by city -ordinance. Hereafter ' patriotism will necessarily have to be. displayed lrj Borne more Quiet manner, than has been oocasionedby the aver- ' age American for the pa$t 134 year. the. effects of hla: attitude "of. the city In already being experienced Deal--. -ersin 'material " for celebrations ,are, making istrenuous efforts to unlbadi . their-fctocks oi goods. The pre-celebra-' tlona are not being"' made, as; usually ttm email boy begins making poise several days before-the official day. ' The amusement':, parks : and: ether places of recreation fyili clalni the, many hundreds Of people, who xyill close shop and home and eeIJ a day ot rest. Many are going to Jhe seaside, lit. llocj Will claim a large, number. ' , Traffic WlllS IJeary, , , The river boats) and strain and elec trie lines are preparing iq Candid large, crowds ot .men, . women, and, children on their way. to spots, where thv can foel tb' unrestrained, liberty. . ' " - The city park board exercised "keen ' foresight when ' they arranged ' for toe playgrounds to, be. kept open tomorrow, and further provided, for athletic Sports. At each of 1 the playgrounds physical Ulreutoi a' will ' he l cbarga;,."and each has outlined, $ program for the' children - that 'attend,.; l north,' Portland, where iiilni Margaret radahaw $nd IL T. . Bnnth, direct the children la tbe park,' sports -throughout th. day have been arranged. "pall gamea flag, drills and, children's, games 'will fee the order. " ..'Ttia First-Korweeten,. and panlsh M. H. churches, ' ' Nineteenth, , and., ' Hoyt streets, wm hold their iMjnyat plctitg, at Vernon, near,: the "end "Of the, Alberta, stieet car !IhCll'iarg9-"basket dinner "-wHl-bT-BTatQO-rc4'iisrof SIS'caS? era, for the occasion has, teen arranged, and ether farina, of amusement wllf be carried, put'" - ! " ' "'"' Sunday 'School on Sloaio. ' v " Te-Svvedisli-ilethodlstcljurcli-a'nd Sunday school will plonio at Piedmont park. A basket dinner will be the oidef at noon, and a program, of speaking ajd, -- athletic shorts in the afternoon. - Merabeiis , of Ascension parish will Spend the day" at MeUgaf park, 09 the ' Oregon Electrlo ' line. A program ot muBio and speeches will 'be th$ order In the afterooon. Arrangements, have beer) made to take, special cms at the, Jefferson street station. " '''' - ' . Societies affiliated with the eerer! : churches of the city have. arranged pro . grams for the day; . The greater part . of. these are in thi way of 'picnics f; All city and county c-f flees and, most of the ' business houses will be closed all day. m.:--,, --y- 'v-', - Chief -ot Pqllca Cox Issued aa order yesterday warning the publio against "the use of high" explosives,' apd: .the dealers aye directed not to offer them for sale. Arrests will follow viola tions of the order. . The ordinance has - placed them, under the ban, , Hood Voters Slow In Registering, Sp,lRl Dlspqtch to The Jonrnai.l '. " Hood River, or., July 2. Voters In Hood -River county are slow in register ing. Saturday evening the, following party voters , had registered: .t Republi cans, 84; Tjemocrats, li; Prohlbition- lsts, 1; Independents. 1. ' The total vote for the county s expected to be 1859. The Republicans are expecting to fill all the offices of the county thl? yf?. It la the first' general election td be hold iti Hood River county since Its ferganiaa-' tio n. ; ; , . : .,.'. .: ,1, ,;:.', ,:5',k. , ; x: A new blasting explosive, which needs a special, cartridge ,to ; detonate it, , is given the credit for reducing the death rate in-the Pennsylvania anthracite re gion by about BOO within the last year. 1 'j . July G Will Gather to Tlakc Ju- r.'cinaticns Regard loss cf Politics. V - f" ! f'r' (I M Parocb-lal resiflencV and ' chapel B,nd , ";V . parish, The nation'a natal day wHl be doubly celebrated by the atho lie" residents of gt. Johns, as the recently complete chapel- uid- f chool buliaiBg - fe-temi- ent 9 parish, St. Johns, is to be aeaicat ed nejft Monday- at 10 O'clock a. m. by Archbishop Alexander piyistle, asslste4 Dy consignor james iauw, yjcar f an tral. : : . 1 ' TbrtiundtTigsT-coTiststlng-p? f "chapel and;echool under one roof jind; a com modious parochial residence, were built by trie Catholics of the lower peninsula at a oost of about lS.OOQ.l.C'Qntrary t9 tfte nsual custom, the chapel is on the ground floor ' "the jnajh bulldlnr n4 Behoof bnft41ngs" pit 'gU, CJepienff St. Johns. the upper floor Is arranged, into t oujr large, -well appointed schoolrooms; The acBign .lg to use the chapel as a parish errfr-flTrtilat-tiTnr-frr"lia7 is able to build a modern church' edifice;, which will probably-be but a few years, as the district la growing very ra both In population, and wealth.' ' September l.the" school will be opened uuTjer-ttiBeTrsplces 'of the Sisteraof Francis pf Mllwaukle,, who also conduct the school at JlclllnnvUle,- Some time during the hext.year the Sisters of Bt I'rancJs expect Q begin the erection of a convent on property adjoining the hew III.WIITQ APPLYFORPARDO! Frjends, of Ranker to Make q Pie's Jo President Taff for Release. 1 - litiiLL I Uii bill.i! f-.-l os i-;'--r,. i), a -fled to H U . action si'r.i .1 setnMy." on July j 1 , ' .:i u:,'r:.,t P!;l c ; I fit.i lir-H-- ! i ro- i cu'lj irisc:, u. in the .il.(T3tli.!S of t .11 -as- n f !5"n'.?dy v'.H be held y l.i v i rs w i n will r d.'l.-icatfsi to the Rppuhifan a'-nmntuy will also be l.'.-i.lers in making t.he non political i: -!;.-cs cf the lawyers, and they will m.-iko a flpht to have the Republican?? JctlorM . tSia.:, candidates nanieii by the lawyers. Nominations for three places on the circuit bench o .Multnomah county will ije maoe ty the lawyers of the "county on the evening of July 8. ' The official call for the meeting was issued yester day by. the committee of the Multnor rnah Bar association appointed for that purpose at a recent tneetlng, th& com- rnltteo consisting of A. JS. Clark, Chair inan, R. E. piltner, George W.' Joseph and p. Soils Cohen. .' A : The "call is addressed to the lawyers of the Fdurth Judicial district, and af ter reciting' the Jijdlcfal places to be filled, departments Nos. 1, S, and 6, npw occupied by. Judges John; P. Kavanaugh jonn is. uieiana ana vviuiara n. ua tens, proceeds: Whereas, at, said session of the Multnomah Bar association," Jt Jvaa re solved am? determined that said assem bly ehall te composed of lawyers, an that every lawyer Whij 1s an elector of the state of Oregon, who. is admitted to practice In' the courts of the state' of Oregon", and who tesides'ln the' Fourth Judicial district; of the state of Oregon; sftall be entitled to participate in said assembly, without - regard to political affiliations. " ' - -.: Meet July 8. ' "Therefore, pursuant to the said au thority,, the undersigned committee so appointed by the Multnomah Bap asso ciation; 5 hai'' uly appointed ahd desig nated the 8th day of July, " 1010, at the hour pt 8 o'clock p.!'m. of said' day a? the time and department No. a in the Courthouse of the couhty of Multnomah, located In the city of Portland, bounty aforesaid, and stte of Oregon, as the place when and where the assembly ehaU'be held. ' '.: "Therefore, notice is hereby given to all the attorneys at law residing within the Fourtl Judicial dlstrlsf of the ifstate of Oregon, hPS electors of th? state Of Oregon and admitted to practice jn the courts ijjf the state of Oregon, tbat an assembly of electors of not less than JQQ will be held at and In department Jo. t In the county courthonse iri the city - of : Portland,' i Mfiltnomah. county. state Of Oregon; on the 8th day of July,: 1910, at the hour of fo'clock p. mLBOddftyJar-jaiajpurpoaa of- nom inating three candidates for the circuit bench"' of the ' Fourth Judicial district of the jptate of 'Oregon, to-witi ' v $9 Ifomlnate Three, One candidate for department No. 1, ueeeed the Honorable jotm V.lia-va naughi W candidate for department No. 3, to succeed f ha -Honorable John J3. Cleland,' an4 pne tan4ldate for depart ment No." 8, to Wfcceed the Honorable William N. Oaten1 All lawyers fa- GRAND FOREMAN OF : YEOMEN ON'WAY HERE Final arranggnjpnls have been made by Oregon members of, the Brotherhoo4 of American Tejimen; 10 welcome Wil liam Koch,- grand'' foreman, of. the or der, when 1 he arrives in' "Portland Wednesday, July 8. . In Portland he will be the guest of Portland Star Home stead No..' 42 and Independent. Home stead No. 580. . ,7.. Wednesday evepirtg Mr. Koch ..will h the gnest of honor at the hall of tbe Western Academy of Musc, Second an4 Morrison "'streets, - yhere a large class will be initiated. : A'receptlon and dlnr per wllj be given for him Thursday eve ning in the W. O. W. hall, corner East Sixth and Alder streets.. Many out of town Yeomen will be present at th$ function, - IliHt!,! ! UlMiLI, .ILlJjlud,, Tc!!3 Strikir.j' Tcrntcrs They Had Bcttrr return to Work ' ; With cut faisc. .'. FOURTH SHUTS DOWN MACHINERY OF COURT As the national holldav nreventa, ihe transaction oj court business tomorrow; Judge Butler wfll, on Tuesday liear ar- Klirliehts in Albert T5. TCorn'a Rii1f 'n s gtiaT4an; ;' for 'his'"' rnqther;' ' Henrietta Kern, against hlf ' father, Rev, J?Cju? ." J: I p T-n H nrt .Tnlin . 1 TliifonithAu ,: lit which the court is asked to set aside i conveyance' by Mrs, Kcrri . to Butenr schoen. because of lnfluenoe allHeerl to have been used by her husband and the purcnaser wnue ,sne was menially lp competent. " Thi will conclude Judg? Butler's Work In Miiltnnrtinh nnnntv h haying been called In f-orrj ;the Condon cim jobbmisi in clearing away tpe cvngeauon oj Dusiness M tfta June jeriri. Fpwr Vamhlf (fpns Pelebrate. Y,,.opMf..T,,?p'KP,' J"urnH , McMljinvllle. Qt-, July 2. Yamhill county Is to haye celehratjonsj rj four places this yearYaihhlll. Sheridan and Bernard Grove. The celebrations) will surpass all previous celebrations. Th? safe and sane Idea. a to be carried out as far as possible. McMJnvllle does not celebrate the 'Fourth on account of the oounty school fair 'which s.to be Circle ladles are . going to celebrate the Fourth by ' themselves at r ha Eower plant, eight mllesjoyh.B'estif Chf halls Pcf oat's Tacprjia; " (Special "Dispatch t Tpe JonrtmU ' ChehaUs, Wash., July -t: Chehalis de feats Tacoma li th State league todayi 8 "'to 1. Batferles, Chehalis. Htnw nH Taylor; Tacoma," Wll)ams, ReeJ and uni v,j?enaus maae eigni hlfs, Ja Journal Want ds""prihgs'Vesuns. V - A cornrnlttee from -the . Teamster's, union went before ERtyor Simon. yes terday, asking his aid In ending the striker: The union, rnen' hgped that th? mayor would approve their demand ,for 26 Cents a riav additional . w-kb-ph A 4)giiB statement was losued by O. A. Rogers, pusliiess agent or the tpamsters, following, the porjfen;npe, which is a4 follows: 1'Saturdav 'afternoon a fiommlttea nf the Teanisters' union and Of the 'cen tral Labor-: Council had an Intervtow With Mayor Simon on the tpjimntirs' strike situation. Friends of the mayor ttinj ,-ai,. Mia unions suggestea tnis con- rerenoe. Alter sq minutes' talk the Simon wss taking orders from the Emi pioyera- vassociatlon. He bluntly tol4 me committees that the Special police men. whlle caid'bv iha taxnavers. ooulil dq as. they pleased." .They; could drive nie leamj ano joaa ana unioaa tnem, if they so desired, i He,' Mayor glmori. proposed to keen thorn on tha umrnna and employ tiy number' required. ,t mvirvv oirauij-i repepieaiy Biaiea tq the committee that ha'fnvnrprl hi ti pents per day. Increase the teamsters asked; also stated, that he 'had so in- (PubllBbers" Pfi teased Wire.) . ' - Chicago, July "2. Formal application by- Johri H. Walsh, " convicted -hanker, who Is, serylng a 'five y?ar sentence In the federal prison af Fort Leavenworta, Kan.; .for a pardon," Is' hourly ' xpecte4 fn' Washington.- J-r r) ...(. ' ' d.' Tj UUcklhghamcoiinsel for "Walsh in Washington today conferred with James A Flinch, attorney In charge of pardons In the department of Justice. - Such action is believed to be the plan of friends of Walsh to make a plea to President Taft for the release of the banker. Many petitions from different sections, particularly Indiana,, hav? been circulated, and these, together with Walsh's, persona applfcatloaj far t par don, wlu fee filed at Washington. It la tfta plan to urge the petition be fore the pardon authorities at Wash ington, as soon as italsh attaches his signature to the - application, in the vent & pardon Is refused, the matter will probably be laid before President Taft and arguments will be made In support of the plea, , : ' ' Bo far Walsh has' declined to take part In any plan Intended to obtadn a paffon. Mrs. Walsh, contrary to expectations, also ha remained Inactive. Following a conference a few days " ago at ' the prison, the former banker is said tp hate agreed to take the initiative In an effort to obtain his liberty. - - SCHOOL LANDS 5&L ,' FOR LOW FIGURES (Special plsnatcb to Tt Journal. v. Ellenpburg, Wash., July 2. Sixteen five-acre tracts of state jfchool land, offered ' at publio ' auction by County "Avdltor Mathews at X0 o'clock this morning, failed to bring the high prices anticipated. Several of the tracts were sold at the appraised value. ' Only the choicest ' brought more than ' 8100, the appraised valuation. The state realized 113,717 by the sale. " l. . ' The Farmers' union claims a member ship Of , 8,000,000. . . ... ... , : ' ." - - ;...-, .. .... i- .- " ;:--V: ,. i . . CONDENSED' STATEMENT HartWn Tlipmnson, , Psnfers , At th? PJose of iisinesi, June 30, 1910 . - " - o- , -RESOURCES. ' . ' Lpani and IiscQtits $132,337.60 Stockjand bpnd , 114,913.10 Real estate -ji.4lo.7S Furniture end fixtorei 5,200.00 . , Cash on hand and due from banks 149,657.74 . ' Total ,,,.,T..C,,...,j $423,519.19 - ' ' LIABILITIES. . Capital stock : : $100,000 00 " Surplus and undivided profits" '27.6S4.65 - Deposits" ...... ..... 295.83j.54 Total '.S..'..$4?3,5J949 1 t l-il'Mv to w l ti lit t. i ' 1 11 9 C f 1 ' I;'a l.r,'i :) t . ! ... , i s!t on t!i; ':r r-.nrs i r ' tO tl-'i t'i i'lsi S. S , .- agreements, wi.ion ' hail- I u i blKTlbot b t f I m J ! M r linn i t fit 1 p t t i I t t piittee? - told tt.$ tnavor tl. -it t: f !-. r a (inion m as ft.sl.ins' 1 i - i- . -i of wages; that a siip of paper (..J n- t stand In the way of p-ice, mul i.. -. r did, as known to the draymen. Ti committees told the msyor that unul the Employers' "association forC-.-l Isi-i at the Comnierclal elub to e'ltt-i -v ssj.tj OarpQllcemen, not a singltj arrf-st fur the disturbance of the peace had b-tn made. That what violence in the'strikj had been cpmmitted can b? laid to Die specials , now paid by Jhe mayor ad the taxpayers.'' " c , i DALLES MAN WEDS . . ; SHERMAM OIKL (Special Dlspatoh t The JoticnaU 'The Lialles, Or., July 3. Quy your? Of The palles and. Miss Georgia I'lilHi'l wr mafrled at the boms of the bride's parents. n;ar parly, iSiierman . couiity, yesterday. Mr. Youftg and his brl-ie are', graduates. ; of Tfte.'-.lJallft H'gh- school, -hiving een rne.rn.hers of the 1307 class. After -a' short ' visit : at Trout Jii",. Wash., Mr, and Mrs.' YP"4T( will niaU their home In The Dalleg. - '.;vV'6?U-.ni8 Interest, ' (Special pispajcb to Th Jotirnal.-) :".fl)it8 - Salmon, -r.'Wjish (July,'. I" Order SflvQ th attention o hi? White galmon valley and Portland r?al estate Interests, JJ. L. Simpson has fid his controljpg Invest In the hardware ami implement business of McCliptork & Simpson to McCllntock. IfayinJ Arrange WUh faptpries Whom We . - V 'Represent We Will Accept " A I lUJUCry Coupons ,and Credit Certificates, No Matter ty At Regular Prices on Any', rjew Piano in 'Stock, 1 iiif ISq iwt K! S t : One Price to AH We Never Raise STORE CLOSED 'ALI, DAY TOMORROW INDEPENDENCE DAY js v.. : r m ' r mmmm ILtvlogf IRoCDinni ' IT "1 ; f! . Tl-'J : JL " .' 'r ppiiapeiippa jjt Stocks upnyajed in-beauty distinctiveness and corn.- "7, rs, v pieteness maKe tne lrnponani tasK oi selecting Living It '-'"f;ys -prt: .''- 'oom shings anjasy and. pleasant -one. ' No may r" ' ': ' " v- VV- ' '-'i tcr hoyr inexpensive you may want your-room to be, ,f t3Tmum trJjJ lw ve can rnsn it' comfortably and yet distinctively, A ' 'MitMMi' fPorr rray be -made beautify ffqd out-of-the-pr4inary as cheaply as it may.be made commonplace and un--r: attractive" ) " " " Some oi the Hew Tilings In Living Room Fupnlsliings Row in Slock arc Flanders Furniture, .made ' by Berkey & Gay. Quaint oak furniture, made by Stickley Brothers. 4- -Mahogany-Chairs in the-Ad.-, amsi Chippendale,' Hepple, White" Sheraton and Colonial styles. - . 'Wm; Birch; Ltd., English Easy Chairs and Davenports. . . v -Mahogany; Tables of every sort, .Bookcases, Davenporti, Wprk Tables and Art Pieces. Exclusive designs in Axmin-, ster, Velvet, Wilton, , Brussels and other carpets. Hundreds t of ropmsize Rugs in all the standard weaves.' .' Scores of Novelty Weaves Jri special designs and colorings. Double wjdth Carpets and Seamless Rugs. Oraperieo and Decor filiorio New, inexpensive Nets and Drapery Fabrics. . . New JTapestries and other up holstery material?. ' ' New Wall Papers end Japa nese leathers' " New imported weaves in' ex clusive Drapery Materials. ''"''-: 1 ; . . W . C . . - i r 1 .. . . .. . i . "w . .- '' ".'',..';.'..,. Flltli nntl Gtarlc FifSii and GfnrU ow 0 jJiw'JO ! fS Two . anil Hires Room Ajiarlni2i;i Elegant modern apartments; both furnished and unfurnished, now ready f T 1 intRates very f easpna,bTe on two and ; three-rooni apartrnents. Modern i; proof Duilo!ing,' hot- and 'cpldrunninw water, "steam heat; in every room.; K! - ct I arid gas lights. - Also several fine stores for rent on thu ground floor,. O y 1 ' tion for .any live business. Low rentlohgTeno. Apf-y c:i J'."! Y . ' ' :