JULY 1::: seventh arri Thurmsn streets; conu'l efatlon $12,r?0. ,. .An improved 10 foot fronts, on the east fule of aeveland svenu be tween Jarrctt and Prar streeta was last week r.urchssd by the PleiJmont Pres byterian church from Henry J. Herd for $3000, The Portland Paciflo In f cor"rany has taken title to blook 14 In Hawthorne avenue addition, paying Tar it $16,000. v In Berlin, Germany, there are 230.000 card holding -unionists. Is the assertion of tl;8 savant Professor Wood gives no recipe for the capture of the animal, and does not tell Just how one Is to be enabled to enjoy the meat V "No animal Is more unjustly1 per secuted than the skunk," asserts Tro fessof Wood. "It is the best friend the farmer has, destroying enormous quantities of grubs, beetles, grasahop-. per?, mice and moles." ' fM.il I I ITjLII il III Old, Bahcr Theatre Vill Linger in Memory SAYS HE LlitES HEAT at Champaign, 111., July 2. The much maligned skunk has a defender In the person of Professor E. Wood of the Illi nois state laboratory of national his tory, who declares the animal Is good to eat as well as being otherwise useful. ul L 1 UlLiuwUI ItiKiii FOR WHOLE WEEK That the flesh Of the much dreade beast is white, tender and of $. delicious flavor if the scent glands are removed Beer $1 per dosen quarts, delivered to your home. Spring Valley Wlna Co. 1 1 1 " 1 ' 1 Business ' Reported Is Strong Indication That No Lull Willi Bo Caused by Warm Weath er; One Big Deal. - IllZ OREGON SUNDAY- JOUr.ITAL, rOHTLAlID, GUNDAV St'-'" ' i Realty ooerators , were by no meant ..-r backward In-rportlnf ta--consummation: of large transactions during the past week. In fact, measured by trie volume of property which . changed hands, the' closing week of th month was far ahead of any similar length of time, since the early spring. Not only did realty In considerable Quantity sell, but the week was enliv ened by at least one large building prop osition developing and the report of a near closing of a lease for one of the most valuable downtown corners lnthe City. ':'---' v Tvs.: -4-;.;--.-r . - - Generally speaking, realty dealers had concluded that this summer was not to be different from past warm seasons, 1 . In that trading In real estate would ex perience a marked lull. But from the . business reported last week - it looks as if the' summer of 1919 may be unique i J;hla respect , . 9100,000 ZSTOlTSd. . mi. . . , , . . j u tn ..wthi suigie transaction rv ported was that of the sale of Wllbur- W. "Wilbur, and.: located at the western - extremity of the peninsula highland, be- property was purchased . through the O'Brien Realty company by the North, western Trust company from the estate of K. M, Wilbur, the consideration in? .volved being $100,000. It comprises a tract of acres, which has been sub divided into tlO lots. It has a half mile frontage on both Patton avenue and Portland boulevard, and is .bounded on the west and berth by Denver and 8ry . ant street. - -:-s - .-- ; ffha Northwestern Trust company an nounces that the present plat will be allowed to stand, but that first class improvements will be mad throughout the property without delay, such as ce. ment sidewalks, , hard surfaced pave ments,, wide parking and the planting of ornamental shrubs and trees, A building restriction will also be at tached to the property. - raid 9100O aa Acre. . The late R, M.. Wilbur acquired this tract about Jthreeyeajs agafrom JUC Alnsworth, payln $1009 an acra for it , This aaU' very forcibly illustratM ths immense rise in peninsula real estate since IWl: Hundreds of acre that changed hands In 1907 are now worth more per lot than the purchasers at ' that time paid by the acre, , Another illustration of the rise in ' Portland oroDertv is shown in the oy Bcott Brooke or the smarter; blook . at the southeast corner oft Fourth and Jefferson streets for $50,000. This holding is located in that portion of the city which has probably been affected least by the recent rise In values, yet Mr. Brooke sold It for Just twice what it Cost him three years ago. It was purchased by a syndicate of California ' Investors, and will probably be held as an investment Aa least so far as la known no improvement 1s contemplated - vy mo new owners. 'Sargent Closes Deal. James Sargent, auditor of the' Port-J land hotel, closed a deal last Thursday lor tno purchase of the property known as the . Barry tract, which adjoins the. townsite or Burlington, on the United Railway Una Mr. Bargent bought the property, from tho estate of James. Barry and paid 114.800 la cash fr itj 'Ai. nil wuuv Sheffield and Riley, the realty opera tons who sold tha Soott Brooks property at Fourth and Jefferson streets, have . purchoaed tha Quarter blook at the southeast corner of Twenty-foelrth and Johnson " streets from Robert Holmes. . The cisMeatioff Involved In the sale '"was $2S,iS.A large modern 13 room house occupies a portion of the parcel It is probable that the new owners will erect an apartment house on tha itaoc eupled area, although the purchase Was made primainliy an a speculation. . J. B. Eisman, a Michigan timber'pi inl-'A;: '.' - - , . V V QiL-i. - eli OJd Baker theatre TMr4 and lamhijl streets, which is to " come down to make way tot , a modern The passing of Baker theatre from the Portland theatrical map,, while empha sising the march of . progress from village- to meuopolltan stancHngr;na thus belnrn"Venl of "welcome Impor tance, nevertheless, has its sentimental side, which appeals strongly to every nature susceptible to such influences. It is like the rasing of the childhood home to make room for tha modern house for in it's 10 odd years of active existence it has been tha childhood home of thousands of the threatre ftatng in habitants of this city, and they have a deep rooted affection fox. its snug in terior , and honnly exterior that will linger In their memory all the jest of their lives. . I Affactloa for Ola Things. The new will be all very fine and brilliant but there is that peculiar af fection for the old things that will not dlel It Is the thing, that causes so many to store ancient relics of furniture etory business hlock. In the garret not because they ever expect to use .. them again, bat because they haven't quite the heart to destroy them. And thy kind of lava to- go aip and - visit them once in a while, pull out squeaky old bureau "drawers, fum ble amongst ancient trunks, or dream of Christmas dinners served long ago on the humble old table now standing in an obscure corner of the garret and covered with dust and discarded arti, clef .ot. former glory. . , Bot the passing of this old friend of a playhouse in which so many really beautiful plays and noted players have contributed to oar pleasure 'and amuse ment is bound to conjure up some tender feelings of regret , - . Onrtain Sropg Kaat Time. On the night of July t the Baker Stock company, whose life Is so closely allied with that of the theatre, will give thr final performarice. tha play being Rachel Crother's The Three of U," th orchestra wl softly play Anld ang . Syne, the last . curtain descend, and the audience will pass slowly out into the streets? the lights will go out and then it win be eternal ; Jarkness and oblivion for Portland's historic old theatre. ' ;-:',-:r i. v " " The closing ' of the Baker i theatre means that the historic old frame build ing is to come down to make way for a modern six story business house. Don ald McCleajr, owner of tha property, has agreed to build for the Ira F,. Powers Furniture company what will be, when completed, one of the moat modern and up-to-date f uniture , warehouses and salesrooms on the Paciflo coast Archi tects Whjldden and Lewis are ge'ttlng up the design for Jhe structure, and it is their .intention to , hava construction work under way Just as soon as the site can be cleared. The building will be of mill construction, slow burning interior with heavy exterior wails of brick and will cost in the neighborhood of $160,000, eratorv who recently removed to Port land, has closed a deal with W. W. Helmbaeh, through the Columbia Trust company, for one of the handsome new homes in the Brasee street addition, for which paid $7800. i . Bold for 9BSO0. , ; ' A two story modern frame dwelling, handsomely finished on the interior, lo cated on Spruce street In Ladd's addi tion, near Biroh, was sold last week by E. M. Rasmussen to Fred J. Barber for $1500. The building is new and up-to-date, and will be occupied by Mr. Bart ber as a home. . It was sold through the ageney of Strong ft Ca v The same agency has sold for Mb. Rasmussen the house and lot at the northeast -corner of East Twenty-eighth and Belmont for the same owner tha residence en Larch Street near East Harrison. This property, which? has been occupied by Mr. Rasmussen as a resldenoe, was sold to Abraham T. Wright for. $6500. George M. Qulggle of Long Beach, Wash., has purchased a seven room co lonial type , residence located at East Forty-sixth " and Brasee streets, f or $4500. The building is very TOOdern and up to date. It was recently com pleted by the Building Investment com pany." . ''''y slew Booming Souse.' ' A new two story stone store building 50x100 feet located on Kllpatrlck street for investraentt pur-J and adjoining the Bank of Kenton, was purchased last week by George F, Rus sell, who paid $15,000 for it The prop erty belonged to Flnnegan ft Ballou, The lower part is divided into two store rooms, and the upper portion Is fitted up Into a high grade rooming house. The top figure for East Burnslde business property was reached last week, when a local Investor paid E. W. Mutch $45,000 for the 60 by 100 foot lot located at the southeast corner of Union aveuue and East Burnelde. - The property has a frontage of 100 feet on the south side of East Burnslde street and Is covered with small frame store buildings. , The sale was made through the agency of B, J. baly.. . -Adams Brothers ot Seattle closed a deal last week through tlur agency o X- O. Elrod." for alj of block 4, in York addition, which fronts on Tork street and extends from Bast Twenty-sixth to East Twenty-ninth. The block has a frontage of 400 feet on the O. R. ft N. road and adjoins the Doernbecher furni ture planton the south. The considera tion named in the deed of transfer was $20,000. .. . .... Throngh the agenejr of W. "Wynne Johnson, Mrs. ' Mabel C Flanders, widow of the late J. Couch Flanders, has purchased an attractive, home on Willamette Heights. The property is streets to BS. M. Lambert for $4000, anaTIeented on a Rugby street corner, one Moak south of Thurman street . It for merly Belonged to Mrs. Flora Hubert, and was sold for $19,0007 Mrs. Rosa A. Buchanan' has - sold to W. J. Hawkins a Quarter block at the northeasr corner of Nineteenth . and Myrtle-ntreetsofSOOlT-- The cheapest piece ' of east side warehouse property that , has changed hands In a long time was sold last week "by Buchtel ft Kerns to Fred Frits, The property is the quarter block lo-1 eated at the southeast corner of East' Madison street and Union avenue, and 1 was sold for $17,000,-which is at least $3000 under the market Quotations for quarters in that vicinity- , ' The quarter block at the northwest Cornet of Fifteenth and Overton street has been sold by W, . Jelllson to tha Frank A. Sweeney company for Iti.OOO. The same company has also purchased from Mr. Jelllson the 100 by 100 located at the southwest . corner of Twenty MAI :'.:":v:i;-;o: .'1 1 s;:x;::v.-vvj; i : , ii wmm This substantial structure just completed at Second and Columbia, streets. Now the permanent location iof the Portland Wire and Iron Workscoast leaders in Ornamental Iron Work THE PEER0F THEM ALL Si 7h A Pari $400 PER ACRE "PORTLAND'S MOST: SCENIC ACREAGE" AND UP 40 Per Cent Down V Per Cent Per Month Xhe time is not far off when it will be impossible1 -.to -purchase acreage on the' west side or close in as -' Willalatin Park, it will not be long until this sec tion will be laid out in city lots f a lot then will cost -you as much as an acre now. GET IN AHEAD OF DEVELOPMENTS. The trustees of Si Helens Hall are now preipar ing: plans for the new home of this well known girls', seminary. TheyJiave purchased 20 acres in Wil lalatin -Park and will erect handsome buildings and have beautiful grounds. ... rljis th6 natural increase in'value, makes v Willalatin Park the best real estate investment in Portland." DonX forget that' this beautiful tract is" on the west side, right near a. 5 cent car service, with a scenic elevation and soil that is rich with plenty of depth. - Modern: building restrictions. You must buy at once to reap the largest gain. Make it ;a point to see Willalatin Park at your earliest' con- ' . vvenience. i -WILIiraINVEMrtO 1 214-215 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. - Why Not Better Your; Condition1? LET US HELP YOU lITo the ayerage man or womap, we have a very attfactive proposition as.to price, terms and location, to those wishing to better their condition for the future, while as an invest ment, we can assure you it is absolutely a ea one. W.gre offering; - - - . Home Acres water piped tb each acre, one and a'quarter miles from the city limits on the Powell Valley road. IfWe are offering for your prompt action, "Suburban Home Acres,' five minutes' walk north of OoW..-P. car line; Sur roundings are excellent and well worth your time for personal inspection. - - ' - ' ' " IfRecently we sold out In email tracts, sixteen thousand acres of land on the Columbia river, in the state of Washington, our record for the sale was rapid. Why? Because we gave our customers property of good value and reasonable terms. By doing so we gained the friendship of our buyers and with their coooeration our success was phenomenal. . - : . CJfHence we are looking forward to your investigation of the "HOME ACRE TRACTS" as they will be on the market but a short time, at the present price and terms," Why not call -A. -..?-.' i! ... ! . 'ti . on ua ai gncc lor miormauon wmcn win cniy taice a ew min utes of your time. . " ' t v , flWe are satisfied that before long, this property will be sub divided into lots and our price for an acre now will, then be the selling price of lot, , . k " IJNow while waiting for thb tojeome, -don't beadle, get busy, and put the soli to work for youZ.. UAn acre under cultivation "Will net vou returns far eveeAmtr your fondest expectations, and greafly assist you in climbing the ladder to the elevation of your desires and wishes in thisx life. '. , t . .: .l ' ffThe reason a great many people have, not .bettered their present condition, is that they have never had the chance, to do so, or th- have overlooked opportunities. ? , A! Every day we hear the other fellow say "IFt IF, IF.M ' j CNqw we will.be only too glad'to show you this acreage, if it appeals to you, buy it, if not you will in no way be obligat ing yourself. " 1 ' IJOur terms for this-month will be 10 per cent cash and 2 per cent per month. -'; " v, . ' IfOur automobiles are at your disposal to investigate the HOME ACRE TRACTS. " If you are a married man be sure 'ancLbring your , wife Jivith ycaxJSTelephone our pi ficc when you will be ready to go. and remember we always keep our appointments. V Or take the Oi 'W, P. Co. car at East Water and Morrison streets, j Tell the conductor to let you off at Gilbert, station, walk north five miriuteT towards the Powell Valley road-". Salesmen on the ground all 'day Sundays. SUBURBAN LAND CO. 5KLHENRX-BLDCJ?ORTLANDrORE. '" , Phones, Marshall 189, A-W95.; (fNotice: . For your convenience our office will be open in the evening from seyen till eight o'clock every night. ' v Anooucenrsint . -1 - - " . The following named parties wish to announce to the, public that.:; they have organized a real estate company to be known as. the i Co-operative Realty Company, -and will conduct a general real h. estate. business: ., H. A. Styles,-president; O: C. Graves, vice-pres- mcnt; -j, i5. navuana, sccona vice-presiaent; u a. jn-amoreux, - secretary, and S. S. Wood, treasurer, All the" members of this company are experienced real estate menahd are thoroughly t; acquainted with the values of farm and city property. . We, nave ',a large list of homes and gilt, edge "investments which we. would' "be pleased to go over with you at any time. 'f List your property with, its and you will receive . courteous . V and businesslike treatment. -Through honesty and integrity we , expect to build up,afvciy substantial,, reliable - and . permanent . business. . ' - : ; r - ' ' y Watch for Future Announcements vr . We are temporarily located at 525-527 Bdard of Trade buiM - ing and will have offices in the' Railway Exchange building, as - soon as completed. - 4. a ; ,t .'4 VU.M, ,, ... , M. ,M ..... ..... ., , , ,,,, (Journal, Juna tsth.) , "TVtthln SO oays. acoorfllng' to th stlnata of enginsers. ths axtensien of tha United Railways Hoes to Mount Calvary, - which Is about .rotles vast of Portland will b finished and raady to ' oporata trains ovsr. Work has already btan starts and today a laria number of ateara. shovels and -teams -wsra' grading,. - i Th( Mount Calvary .extension - will run from the head of Washing-ton street directly westward. The route was se lected after considerable trouble, and aTter one, which would have taken the tracks through Maoleay park, had been abandoned.. As far as scenery roes, the route will be one of the moat attractive In this region, t "Work will be rushed. A large num ber of men are now working and mora will be added . If the work proceeds as rapidly as Is hoped, engineers say rtralns -will be running over theline within tl) days." . ; : Tills XiUleWciVG Item ; - Means Development It means the openingup of the most desirable , , residence section on the -West Side, where the , air is pure, where there is no noise or smoke where there is more sunshine than there is on this side of the hills,-where the view is mag- . nificeht. , ' ;, is one of the best located properties in this favored section. Portland Heights' ; No. 2. .has been placed on the market -long before operations were commenced ori this line." Portland Heights No. 2 therefore was purchased at a low fig ure and consequently is selling at a low-price. In fact, it is the cheapest buy, in the city today, At the present" price ot acreage it would be impossible -for any one to cut, up a tract and sell it in lots as cheap as we are selling Portland Heights No. 2. Portland Heights No. 2 will be ori the'best, equipped and fast- ' est carline running into the city. . - - 5QjilOQ;020fi SSSSLiL. UNITEO MAIN 9416 THRUST : COMPANY 917 BOARD OF TRADE A-3183 r - r