r i on sux : 17 I s g Red CIovcFDistrict Washington. County f: . ff acres rich bottom land,, 45 tr-iea- rich creek bottom sandy l,v;m, 0113 7 feet high grew oo-. tfW laud; other 5 acres slightly roUSr-n fine water at the house' in rate cement spring; living creek runs through rhfv place;- a go.l orchard with all kltnls fruit: on"the piace iff a tod house ef 1 rooms, 3 barns, 4U acre in crop of oats, wheat, vetch, rye, now 6 feet high., t-e the crop to Judge;-.. 2 acre early potatoes, 3 acres, land planted to lata potatoes; place on pood county road, R. F. jU an! milk route; phone la the toouse.' .There 4 goes with, the place 1 ' span horses, harness, , new wagon, 1 buggy, 1 new bind er, X raoyer new, 1 rake, 1 new disc, 1 plow, 1 harrow. I, culti vator, lots of small tools all new. 10 milch cws. t 'bend young.! Hock, 100 chickens paying $30 month income, 1 brood sow; SBUOO; $S00u to $4000, cash, bal ance on agreed tcrmf. W. .W. ESPEY ' . 819 Commercial block, 2d and Washington eta:, Portland, Or, . ' GENUINE BARGAIN. For Few Days Only. ' This Is the same' place we advertised o extensively a while ago, 'sold. it. got $100 deposit," but the buyer failed c to raise the balance of money, on a mort eape he had, and his time expired on July I, Come quick If you want this. Owner is crippled and nearly blind. SO acres, about 25 In cultivation; mors ready to plow; hay now being: put up; other crops; 4 room house, 2 barns, water piped - to . all ' buildings from spring; creek through place; 1 team, o yars old; 6 milch cows, 2 2-year heif ers, 4 dozen chickens; mower, new rake, Plow, hay tedder, spring and spike har rows, 1 light and 1 heavy wagon, good harness, cream 'separator, and cans: 'phone; good road; mile to school; 6 miles from town. 4 . , .. Price $3500; $1600 cash. bal. ( per et, S to 5 years' time.. ' ' Come up Monday , or Tuesday, boat or North Bank Rv -J" ' . . . &) ASHOUGAL DAIRY A LAND CO., Washbugal, Waal). - 10 ACRES, short distance, from city: all in cultivation; partly fenced and close' to station; $250 per acre. , ' 10 -acres,-only"80 minutes'" ride from Portland; mostly cleared; house and barn, good well; Close to transporta tion; $250 $er acre. - 4 - . i'Q acres raw land, Vfy miles from sta tion and 85 minutes' ride from Port land. .This Is a. good buy at $160 .per l "have a, large list of Willamette val ley farms, also some very choice Hood JUver apple lands for sale.' These are exceptionally good, buys; call and ln- vestigate. " J. G. BANDERS. -. 427 Lumbrmens lildg1. - IlERE'S A HUMMER. Tntwecrolttri g- for really goo.I''farm Should investieate this HO acra place cn Fale'ra Electrlo line, within 80 miles of Portland. It la a dandy farm. 130 seres clewed, all black loam, perfect drainage, no' waste, live creek, 2500 cords first growth Umber, 7 room house and ood buildings, "nkiu county toad, ho4 better land utidor the sun. Forced sale and 'barpatn at $150 an acre. $7500 cash. " Ideal for cutting Into 10 or 20 acre tracts, all .facing on road. You cannot get It's equal for $200 - DonU take chances of losinf this ' - - - JOSEPH 1L JOHNSTON. p T.sfayette bldg.. "Washington end th. 820 acres fine land Id Tamhill coun tv tust west of 'Willamlna; right In Una tt new railroad; a splendid speculation cr dairy, ranch, adjoining government forett reserve, lots qf free grazing land and an abundance ' of grass; orchard tracts In same section selling from $75 to $300 per aers. Owner needs the money end must sell, win mane gooa terms. investigate. - WARD REALTY COMPANY, JO Lewis bldg. Main 1975, A-532?. Stock and Dairy Farm I have a good 160 acre stock and dairy farm in Yamhill county, S miles from railroad, close to school and phone 1n bouse, county road through place; 35 seres in crop, 80 acres of fine timher. balance good pasture, all good buildings, gravity water system, fine lot of stock and Implements go with - place, price $6500; would take small home of acre age as part pay.. Neal Brown, 709 Bwet land bldg., 6th and Washington sts, J ' High Priced but Cheap ; The best 10 acre farm in Washington county. 15 miles from Portland. mile from R. R. Btation; good buildings, good fences, good water, fine herd of Jersey cows,, 3 good horses, ' fine lot of farm implements and small tools; everything goes, including all crops, for $200 per ere; terms on part See this and you will say it is cheap. Neal Brown, 709 pwetland bldg. ' ' , " Douglas County Bargain:,. 160 acres, 30 acres cleared; fine land near Myrtle Creek, Douglas county, Or.j fln . trout stream through place; , log house and barn; on good, county road; 8,500.000 feet Of good saw timber worth $;;fd)0. Price if taken soon, only $2250; $750 cash, balance long time at 8 per cent 808 Board of Trade! , HO acres, 85 in crop: fins 4 build - lngs; 6H million feet of good timber; stock, tools, household furniture, $ miles from good town, 89 miles4 to Portland. $7000, easy terms. Room 618-17 Kothohild laldg. i'to acres, level,' rich bottom land; 275 in grass and grain; 50 acres more about ready for plow; living stream thfeugh place; new, modern 8 , -room house, 2 . barns, 74x124, stone 4 dairy bouse.-Cost $1000: , hoisting, machinery, donkey engine, 2 mowers, hay Cork, end fl farming implements, crop.. goes with rdtice.; $S5 per acre, one third cash,-bal-ence easy terms; but 22 -miles from Portland. Y-616, Joumnl. 13 CS acres in Multnomah cotinty, on Foster road. Now lnnrees, stumps nd brush. Adjacent to Johnson creek. live minutes to car. Will sell all or any part only $4oQ an acre. - We have others. , , ;. , . One acre or thousands. "It will pay you to see our list" ... llrtRTAlAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerca f!ldg. ' " : 17 ACRES , Not far from Oreshntn, all in oultl--vsiion: 600 fruit trees from 1 to 5 years old;' fine home of 10 rooms, good barn una ouiouuuings; tnis is an ideal place i or you; lerins. . - RAND. BEAD & CO., SIS Board of Trade, ...... ... i . . -i.. - - - i ,w, ., ,. i.. .1... n-..-i...n .n. : iiiiip luira .ufrwoiiu; to acreH 111 CUl. Tr.ation, exeitrii joung nr liara, plun tv of loganburrlos and other small fruit, Kood house and barn, Is on main eounty reuti; 40 .uilnutus to Portland; price, in. eluding crops, elock and tools,' f 3000, V CrtJl, ITititflOt' I')I1K 111IO) Ul '!. H I AiJ "). 414 Ablrmrton bldp Farmers and Homcsockers, Hl)t.ievr wants a good flint f"any file and kind shall Investigate our lsrgi J:st of choice farms we have throughout tlit steta of Oregon. Bqunrft deal and c m a jiui riLii to ee' oi h, F. FFf'US, g2l 't Morrison St 89 a'te niiiii wir.li. lull tet or tnachin- fr, cowg cl.n tns, pi il, hl.ick jruik; HHtiiJ-w nt.T. .!! "T 7-"'f. t.1 .. tlvcr. -(ft Ttfft'4r. Tis-frr? r'is 1 ' r 1 M I to 1 n, 0 n ! . 1 acres f:oh.lt Timea4, .'.ance sssssss.sss ft .--n U t ii M J A S'FLEXDID- FA I'M INT Tl!:? .FAMOUS4 ESTACADA fn.it trict, n6 4 acres. 40 acres tin tor -cultivation.-14 acres' o"ii-s, N-w--4 town and Spitz. var! i i.-s. Fine creek running through pla.-. ftmJ 7 room house with modern con veniences, good barn; ; '.. oie and R. .F. IX Tills property must 1)9 , seen to be appreciated. price . $10,000. ; - . " A BARGAIN In a small place, SS nores 1 milo .from I -tJ S "arTine;. 28. acis in cultivation, B . 100 Tine fruit trees in full., .bears. S ' ing. ell Chole. varieties; good S wall and soring:' 'all fenced; -old 5 house and barn; mile to school, Sj S. 1 mile to church. price $30.09. S S .-' : ' 4 4 ' .' . - A FINE FA Ki ot acres, o miles from railroad, H"4" miles from rivtr town. 45 acres per- S fectly cleared; 26 acrs in good S pasture, some good standing; tim- 8 her; fine soil, no gravel; fine ; S Water. ' All - fenced and cross B fenced. Good barn with full g basement, $ room .house with B basement and other builditiRik : S Small orchard pf good VHrictli s; S abundance of small fruit.. Also . B" S fine team and liurness, cows; S 4 registered heifers, line brood S 8 - sow and a full equtpmunt of lm-. S S plements a.nj : tools of aU kinds-. B and household goods. Trice : b S $8000. Good terms. S I A BARGAIN FOR A AJRY- 8 S MAN. 160 acres, 10 acres fine B 8 preek bottom, 5.0 acres level bench ' S S land, balance tolling. 30 acres S S 'fully 'cleared, 20 acres- , partly , S S cleared;' tinllmited open range. , b S fine water, suppllei from whicn S 3 much of this land can be, 4rrl- 8 8 cated and water piped to build- 6 3 lngs. Some fruit. Good large S barn1. 2 small 4 houses. School Si right at place.' This property is Otrly 2 Vt miles Dy gooa gravei road from railroad town and the befrt of markets. " Trice $4500. 3 Good terms. : S - , ' ' .' -. a 84200 80 acres, 4 miles rrom. U Sherwood, 18 miles from Fort-' land,-, 40 acres in Hue staie oi S cultivation, 20 acres timber and S stumps, small creek, farnfly pr-. 3 chard. & acres hops, very best of S soil, fair house, good barti; terms 8 . Vi cash. , S - 1 - - - - 9 70 acres;, 15 acres under cultt S vatlon; $ . acres . slashed and 8 seeded; some timber; orchard; S good house and barn l miles ft from town, on R. V. D.: all farm ing :! tools, go with -this-- plaoe. Prlce $2b00. ' 150 teres; 50 acres cleaned, 20 rrnii filnche and Reeded: UU B acres tinder fence; orchard; large S house and two large barns and 8 other buildings; alsj I good cows, S mower, binder , and. rake go with S H ' nIneA It mila fmm church and : S S store: mile" from postoffbe. 8 t Price $5500. Term4 $3000 casli,S balance i years. S S -4 - ' B 8 103 acres; 35 acres under plow, -. -B 54 40 acres slushell and seeded, 75 8 i arA fonrflfl nil bnttnm land: , S Shma-nrtnnerlOTrrwtrse4 B"K. ft ham ttnifAther hnlldlnna: family H A orchard; close to school, church and stores. Price $6000; easy. S 'terms. ' ' , ? A fine , farm of 80' acres on mntw pnnnlv road.' nbont 5 , miles frotri Estacado, 25 acres n crop, , S 20 acres easily cleared, some good S timber. All fenced 4 and .cross , S, fenced, good water; 875 bearing S fruit trees, all varietlea Good S 1H storv fiois, tarn, ahioken S houses, tool houses, etc Also S 4 cows, poultry and a good sup- S ply of farming Implements. This S nlaiA In rmlv U rolln from school. . S on cream route, and the price. Is S only $50 per acrer;' terms cash, 8 balance 5 years at S per -cent 8 LET ME SHOW YOU THESIS . S ! PROPERTIES. '. B S205 Gerlinger Irtdg.. cor. 2d and 8 S Alder. Office Main 8430. ' S 8 . .. Residence Woodlawn 2159..' S 8 - S S SB S S SSSSS8BSSSSS . $600 PER ACRT3 for 24 acres. "H . mile from Beaverton. 6 acres .. fenulns beaverdam, all in onions. 2 acres apnles, best varieties, all ; in full bearing, balance In oats and timothy. Will take city -property up to $4600 in exohange and $3600 cash; balancs good terms. - 800 acre dairy or fruit ranch in southern Oregon, 8 miles from good town on S. P.; 600 acres In cultivation, balance " pasture, fine ' running .stream good buildings . and modern; this place Is located - in one of the- best dairy end fruit districts ,of Oregon. v Prlea, $25 per acre, good terms. . ' , Nice little vegetable and small fruit- farm in Clarke county, ... "' Wash.4,'" ti- tulles frrnrt good , ' town, best of bottom land, fine -, buy for an experienced gardener. Only. $560 cash. . . 40 acres adjoining a good town. 6 acres ? cleared,' all fenced, po other improvements or buildings. . . Price $1200; terras $600 cftfeft bal ance easy terms. $20 per acre for 160 acres in r, Clarke' county, Wash., 8 acres 1 cleared." no4 buildings, lavs - fine and sood soli. 6 miles from R. It ... station. .. - Y "'.... v '" , 308-808 Merohants . Trust bldg., - Portland, fith and Washington, phone. Main 2404; and 800 Main Ttfe Washington (Oregon Realty Co,'. st, Vancouver, Wash., " " 40 ACRES . CQlurnbia River Land Located 2 miles from R. R. . iepot on good, graveled road, 40 seres raw land, all slashed and ready to burn; 2 good springs on place, enough trood 6 lauding ,tlm- ""' tier to pay for place, Improved farms aU around this 40 acres,' : best roll . in Columbia . valley; pries $1200, easy terms ' Wi W. ESf'EY , . , 819 Commercial block, 2d and Wash, sts, ' 80 acres, a mites rrom uregon city, su acres in good- cultivation, good house, 2 barns, Diaismnn suop ana ' tools, horses 3 cows, 8 heifers, 40 sheep, 3 hogs,' a lot of chickens, . store building, $2500 worth of merchandise, 2 good wagons, hack, farm toohs, mill with 25 bbla. capacity feed chopper, water pow er, all for only $111500, half cau, balance easji, terms. y - ;18 seres, 75. In crop, . 7 room' house, good barn, good team, wagon, hack; 40 sheep. 8 head cattle, farm machinery. etc., all for $13,000, part cash, balance terms.' - FREYTAG & SWAFFORD. Near 8, P. depot, Oregon City, Or. - Half in Trade Eastern Oregon Wheat - and Stock'Ranch 11D3 seres near Morrow, JiiQ acres in wheat.,. 650- tillable, all under fence, 2 dwellings, barns, etc., all kinds; running water, controls 6000-acres fine outside . Pck n ? 3 . S IMP el.,iS,..tow Tn4!'"!'! half lu tmu.3. -hulHiics fJ'-V t rms Prko for all. including toolH, tc, $.'6,Ut'0. What have you?. 308 Hoard ut Trade. If you n ant you buy. 1 hi p- i o A. ir-n ' all i&uck, Fee me tefore fie? fit ri-ht :ECIAL BARGAINS On Easy Terms li'9 ncres. CO In" cultivation, wltn 3'I more oi.i-u and fiislly put under plow, is mm. i iu!i. tHin of mares, wouons. hafu".'s.i. -machin'Ty and tools; good hou.sn and two barns: also household goods; tine crops; ewrytnuig ready to go4 to vork: ' 'a mile to "scliooV J !,4 to i;v. and boat landing.' Only. $'JlO0; cash, ISUflO or $4000, bal.. to suit.. Ill acres. 85 In cultivation; house and barn., machinery and tools; two mares nnrl rct 7 i-viu-s' l.w mHrt to RcilOOl. 1 V'S to r.y. and landing, -lwerytlilnsf in gooa Ehape... rrice, $o per acre, hair casu. . -114 re,-0. i -ultivatlon; room housij, barn 60x100 a lot of luurhinerv, ereata-'BeparatuTan'tf butter ouUit; 13 cows, 5 heifers, 1 bull, some ptys, chick ens, dockland turkeys, 2 brood mares and colt; a' good diversity of crops; 1-5 mile to "school. 4H to Ity. and landing, Frice, $io,oou, oaiy 1-3 casu. 10 acres. 75 In cultivation: house and two barns, plenty, all kinds machinery and tools. 14 cows, 9 young stock, 1 bull. 6 horses, 7 pigs. n ioSir'neyf Siilci Irom Kyi lamliiiir. Price, $.14,600, only $5000 paying and lar each down : ; lit acres, fine location1 and view good 7 room house, barn 65xSQ; aU farm implements and tools; 12 cows, 1 b"H. 1 work horses . and yearling- c6lt; some pigsand chir-Kens. a place with irood feputa-tion; old folks -moving to town; everything (roea tor jn.uuu. oniy utii cusn oown. Daiance ions lime a ueaneu. i 1T4 iw 1T4- acres. 25 in cultivation; small new liouse. barn 20x40: Imole'ments and tools. A good 4uy at $5500, on terms. The above are all good buys, on easy terms, deferred payments at 8 per cent Interest Well located. ' on milk and cream routes, phones, and up-to-date in every particular, r Come and see them at our expense.,-. We have --smaller, low priced places,! also chicken ranches ana iruit lunas. Free" Round Trip FOft NONRESIDENTS ONLY. ' On Columbia river at Washougal. Wash., i and return, via steamr Jessie Harktns, leaving wasningjon street aocs, ror- iana, at i p. m.. -- -r - Present this advertisement to Can- tain " Ilosford, of the steamer Jessie Harklns, and 'it will be accepted as a ticket, , then call at our office and we I will suOdIv you with a return. Provided,-that yeu'-are honestly look ing: for a good dairy, fruit or ranch for general rarming. in a country xnai grows things, and has the highest, qual ity of soil, and fine climate.. A piace especially aaaptea lor grow-ib- reftra.- 3 -' If vou wish further Information be-1 rore DiaKing me trip, write us. Washougal Dairy & Land Co, vvasnougai, vvasn, 40 acre, farm; SO acres under culti vation; 80, acres In crops; m acres in orchard; team, cattle, farm implements, all sro: cream route 4 paying $75 per month:- 7 room house, barn, furniture:! 10 evervthins included; lHv miles from I R.-statton-. rncH-iOBOonerms. , j. Watson, It. F. D. No. 1, WashougaL .-!' .:'. 1 v'; '. .'..' . . "" . - Washlnston Countv - -' ; .' DAIRY 'FARM. . ' No "fcetter In Oregon; splendid build- lr-rrs. hcarlv-140 acres: ' Tualatin river I SI bottom that produces 3 to 4 tons tim- homestead in each county;., map at othy and mora of oats, clover, vetch., tached 21x28, showing new railroad and etc.. per acre; som nice upland ; oon towns, including eastern : and -central venient to town , wnnenscr. ere; short drive out from l'ortland. Better Innl this nn. HENKLIS & HAKRI30N, - 611 Gerlinger Bldg. ' FIU IT LANDS 43 Young Bearing Orcfiard ' - 27 Vt acres ; XlVt aorts In apples, , 2 acres In pears, 8 acres In wal nuts. Immense crop of loganber ries, raspberries, Mammoth black berries and Lawton berries plant ed bet.ween walnut trees; trees are ' 4 year old tops and have always had very best of care and atten tion. -This orchard has been pro nounced by authorities from the ' state agricultural college to be . the "finest young commercial . orchard In Oregon." Adjoins city , limits of to-wn of 1500, with good - schools and churches. ' Price on this fine fruit tract is only $400 - per acre, For photographs and " ' further Information call on Chester H; Starr , -10J2 Board, pf Trade bldg. "' ' . " " -- - ' : "; ' - ' ''-"' 'T? i-TTT" I iwnc - Over 7000 acres, 1000" cleared, level, border nn Timraui 'river, flrm fnilt land, all ' stock, implements, etc., amounting to several' thousand dollars. inciuaea in price or lis per acre; gooa terms. an loeai suouiviaing. proposj tiPo'..v;,:"":v" '-i- '.'. '-.: - . - .;.-.' 1809 - - " Acres In Jackson county; about three miles from It- R.; about 1000 acres ready to -plant (except plowing); plenty of good springs, deep rich Soil adapted to pears and apples; this is a bargain at fS5 per acre4 good terms, platted. fcliVliUttKiVlAlN, - - 621 Board of Trade bldg. HOOD RIVER 20 ACRES. 19 miles from Btation; all can be culti vated, the best of fruit soli; ever last ing spring on the place. Never again wui you nava a cneaper opportunity i buy than this. Good terms. vFor, tur- tper particulars, see - - , - JOHN UIUK ' 628 Henry bldg i 4th and Oak, SPLENDID BEARING ORCHARD. 240 acres. 10t) acres planted to or chard, 80 acres Jn bearing, about 80 more ready to plant; your own water pr irrigation 4 (and plenty of It); soil voleanio ash loam,-very deep: good crop, will be Bold with or wltliaut crop; will tnka. Portland .property "la part ' trade.' nave-photos or 'place at orrice. uooa terms given. For price, terms, eta.: call at .office,- ' . ilMM-JMlMAlN. 621 Board of Trado bldg. - lFHiTHftll $15 PER ACRE . T witl BiMHifice my 160 acres of Mosler rrutt iana at iu per.acrq. Tnis is ain A "No. l'lajid, and is covered with oak grubs and a little pine. This is a snap;' no agents. ' ' 8-660, Journal. 1 " . $1 PER ACRE DOWN. i Balance easy monthly payments, buys 20 or. .40 acres. fine-fruit laud;. -Ural r.cd shot Roll: Is mile from railroad station. 80 miles from PortlandjJawF'ls free nun, twin u , i,uiuo 4t fMt lll0 :;r 'vcau ft) ii in os . . FoK :?lJ:'r"" ' l"! I, SALE-'-ZO ttcve tract fine apple land near White Salmon. Wash.: SU aires Jn oialwrd,.l,.to 3 years old; house, Darn, -wen ana .stream on main road ; mall route, telephofio line; near church and school Vpw 13000. 3. B. Clarke, White fc-ii'mouWaeh. j-.-! -: -. Il.fV'E eciuity of ""is 18 50 in 11 'actes 'of ". llood River apple land. ' Must bavs i money, cucrurco iqr f jiiuv casn. 11. ju. J-lie;, b -jK tii. It BELL my own hind, in large or small I tracts and on. -.terms to stjlt buyer. I Geui'H -Aiiw-lr-i3'l-VhrrTrton fct " 1' nwiie iviain i4n9. 2 tine lots - to exchange - lor rooming house; or 2 lots and i roomed house i ti i - i i"i e h-i.()1. .lourno.f. 1 Kit S W.r.-fW-half interest in. 160 ai-reM of the J.rpt fn,;t ft. id wainnt land ;i Urcs'. U 100, J,,ii.ti.i,i-tii, ur, :, II I Off !i em; mm E3- Jill i It- - -till Opposite Hood River Valley . 10 and 20 .Acre Tracts First CI&SS '111 EV6fY PartlCUlar ' J Price Is $50 to $ 00 'an Acre j i C-Ji According to Distance rrom . . , ' T - ; -rv - I U W 11 i - ' i rs r. i . . . . i . P.rmS. 1-4 I JilWn. tild 3nCfi TO Suit Yourself t Ask for Mr, Nelson Columbia Jrust- Co. ..:""'''-'-.' -,-.'-;,. ' . ' ' : Board of. Trade Bldg, M, t BUflTY aui-es White Salmon. Wash., ao- pie land, Bplendid Boll, close in, best! district, $3600. 4 -Charles1 zomnger, $ii Corhett bldg, ' - r ... FOR RF.NT-M-3 duck' lakes Vfor. season,, . also pheasant hunting on 400 acrea W. S. Johnson.; Cleone. Or. Fhooe Wood- lawn 2772. ,rv:-..;:---..WANTElrrAK39 S3 WANTED The best farm that $2000 or i less will buv for eash. J. E. llellen, 184 Sherman st, Portland. IRRIGATED LAXDg ,42 acres Irrigated land, $400, 81 an sen lnwnj1jirtjftrr' per month no in, esfT no taxes. V-6ti6, Journal. ' ' acre down teresr, HOJIE9TEADS ' Ad vantages, of Oregon 81 pago hook explaining what each of the 84 counties is adapted for; gives amount of . government land open to UrsgoiKX Ml dllirerenl coioysf issuea March 1, 1910J latest map in U. 8.; gives homestead and desert claim laws,, how to secure 320 or 160 acres free, also general description of Oregon. Mail, 200. rsimmo as -.wuney,.. ia iimiunuu building, Portland, Or. HOMESTEADS to locate, this side of ' mountains, for farming. 2T8 Worces- ter bldg. ' . 4 TWO relinquishments, joining; 160 acres I ' ' l. . .. J i J 1 i : . .. i , .P . 1 1 cross fenced with. 3 "wires; fine creek and i good well water; 1 on county road, 2VS miles to P. O. and good town, l miles to good school; 4 horsea and other stock; all farming tools; household - goods and crops: also 80 acres timber joining could be taken - as timber claim. INUnmo & Rtiney,-313 Hamilton bids. WHO wants a homestead?-; Grass land - ana a gooa siock country. Main ois, FOR 8 ALE-XWIDEi; , S 860 ACRES of timber land-close in. ' with 46 horsepower mill, tforOcey en gine. ; and full 'equipments, 10,000,000 feet of standing timber on , premises; land,; timber and machinery all go to a quick buyer at $10,"jou; half casn. .Far. ties interested win oe.Bitown ine nroD erty upon calling , pn p. Wr. Te.bult. Albany. Of " -" I . ; . . . ' 1 WE are headauarters lor timber anil ' . , . ..' . M ,, J 1 1 ley" . tlII1PneF I Change bldg. lumper cnveryriBa u, Kiitua am. j WANTED 500 to 1000 cords green fir I .sturhnase close to railroad. A-6G5. journal. JlO.PWG 1JQV5ES FQR SALE 53 , ' ". ' ROOMING IIOU SE SNAPS. 83 rooms, on cor. near P. Q., all out side rooms, fine" transient' house, rent right, over 2 years'' lease; price iboo; i terms. These kind of houses sell quick; i investigate. -: - ? '"' .- ; . - Would you buv a rooming- house on Washington sw -worth $1200 for $800? If so, ee" James at once. " largain hunters read this . 18 room rooming house, near -depot; :. rent $0; price $950: terms. ' ' A nice, clean, 9 room house, clearing 850 month; best residence district, close in: investigate ana .you win buy; $soo; i JAME3.-88 10th Bt -Marshaiyi2!)8. 83 rooms, high class boarders. 4 28 rooms, money maker; snap. 27 rooms, 6 mintites from poatoffios. 1 rooms, ait tuieci gooa traao. -10 rooms,, near" Washington st Call 826 H Washington. .Room 811. Woo" 4. 34 . roeWrTTiouse. central, brlelet build ing, rent $125. clears 8100 per fnonth. 2 years', .lease. ' -Investigate. Terms. 402 commercial niK. ROOMING house. 11 rooms, 2 sleeping hlture, electrlo light, furnace heat; price reasonable; all rooms rented. ' , P-660, Journal. PRIVATlfJ boarding house for sale, at a bargain. If taken at once: must sell on account of sickness: clears $100 per month. - Marshall msx. ROOMING houses, any size, at prices Mo suit: we buy, Sell and exchange. ' PORTLAND ROOM1N8 HOUSli. CO, . 313 Henrv blflg.. 1 part cash; 21 room house, housekeeping, l clears ivu per muuin. sieany income; to- Plckness'l am. forced T to sell i (uz commercial put. - WANTISI Booming . 4 house. , over., 20 ' rooms., or paying business", '.; in ex change for lots or house. A-b60, Journal, 46 ROOMS, best location in the city; cheap- rent; a , moneymaker; .$2200. X-gti?, journal, 12 room rooming hpuse for sale cheap by owntr, . t an iuvi wasnington. Phone JM nln lab.- - . $100010 room . house and boarding house, city; 20 steady men how;housn lliwflys ftijl. Calf up A-70K8. -R'Nl?Tf6l7'SE;)tine IpcatiouwUl. "facTiffcbr'Clcarliirf $100 ..month; sell on eiiy terms. See Jajnes. 8 jOth'st, TEN rm pplendidly : furnished ,. large ;' on) Hide rooms, lease; -'bargain; reason CflVmot sltfd.4 - 41.4 '4th ft, cor. . UalL io'riMtn hot'! nnd l:r; wiuti i.-i .-, i '.- $S monthlr. gfSOO;4'-terms.. Jt-Co. Join -. ' SB9AIP3' , i. - . s . - 7 S . i t Houses .-.cut, ij e v, i .'i i;:uiiU handi.-s t'iis I'44 goo. crn t ) .! '(-. 1(1 T-llr:- 4 , rooms; 10 minute walk from rost- 1h ;i ut i ":iiiy f-.iriiisln-d, new, rood g h aw, clears f.:to per inont'a. Rocmin Houses 84 rooms, modern. rhc-aD rent. Ions ler--o,, l;-i:i..;oine furniture, swell -location, . $3iu0-' bandies this. - . 20 room's, Bnfln. Ions: lense. centtir of kity, only $300 cash to haudlo this. it- rooms, cheap rent, good lease.4 neat and ciean, pets $100 rer month.. .... -. 14 rooms. 2 vear lease This house mnkes good money. Is in fine shape and gooa iorauon; wouia -tracia pn iarger house if good, or sell cheap. . , S and 1Q room houses at attractive prices. , bquare Deal Realty Co. 14 4th St., 619 BOARD Viy Xiv - ' i T", TT tt TIVJ B0 ROOM3, 2 blocks off -Washington; ptenm heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, long loase, cheap rent; a bar gain a $400; terms. : 14' rooms on Morrison, all full: a money maker; good lease; pee this. Trice, 4'uuu. . -. . A LITTLE DANDY. S3 rooms, first class location, 4 years 1 lease, brick "building. .all good furniture. For a low gays outy,, f zubo; tiitou cash. , !Flne hotel of 83 rooms, decant car blocks from n Morrison, good lease, cheap Letock; price about $3600, Y-486, Joun ng,300 monthjy. ,3000 cashT Jjy ; ,cg rent, clear! balance easy, 603' COUCH BLDG. SWELL new furniture, modern 7 iroom flat, $700, part cash.- taegant xurni ture IS room house, only $700, - Mrs. Koontz, 232H Washington st, Phone Marshall '1194. ' . - SUSING STOCKS 08 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGB TALK" WITH FLETCHER. 1,500 Alaska Pe-t. & Coal treas. Special 1.800 Almeda TCon. transferable.,4. , Bid 10 ABUirlcan Life & Aco. V. . .Special 10.000 Black Eagle (Santiam).... .BOH 100 Clark Wireless ............ Snap -1,000 Comstock G. Gats ' .15 ! 6,000 Fidelity -copper . . . ... . MarKet s oo tieiv. Ktsnaara powaers , . . xjiq 25 Malloy Mfg., Will trade, V. Special,! 800-Meader-Cochrana Press. . .AiarKei 8,?75 National Copper ......... .05 10U 11. U--Feeic' auiq ivneei. .special 20 Portland Concrete Pile ..Special 1,000 Prince Extension. ......... Bid 100 Rose City .-....,..,..,..$1.90 1,000 Silver Trail .., Bid 6 Teiepost a ana conv... .tsargam 80 United Wireless pfd. trans Jt v Alir other stocks and bonds. Bee me befoiie buying. X may be able to do better. "" ' I WANT. Almeda Con. .15 Port Cement stt Fidelity Copper : Port, concrete, Kupreanor. ' Teiepost a or u. vort Jeorge-.-H.-CV--""" Blx lots, , about one-half company price. isas' ADtnton- utnff. Before BUYING or SELLING-any MIN ING, . OIL, WIRELESS or INDUS TRIAL stock, get our prices.' B-vidson ft Co., Lewis bldg. Marshall 7787 A-471 2. MlNiiNU properties,, ign graoe, jn kik bond. Address owner,"A-45. Journal. M1NINU and 4 industrial stocks; tele', phone and other bonds bought snd sold. C 8. Fletcher. 126 Ablngton bldg. STtiOKS 100 shares H. O. Js'eek-Autcr - vvneei, a per snare. , n if sweuana bldtr. - - 4 - ' - ', -.-'.'--'.-'. ,,j.-' LOT-S $500; $805 actual value; will trade lor Aimeaa stocK.-auow iiuo snare, .W-664, Journal, j- s ; " - . JF you wish to buy or sell mining MCKS, can on j. . -ureen. sin uaic J00O . National slock at-flc, I00 Fidelity . o. . nTni ilea ' stock at 9c. Main 1188 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS . 4Q ft:.. - A CLOPSET ft D EVER 8, PORTLAND. OREGON Iiois: - : Prompt Delivery lifiiiiiiii Any Length ; .'L. , . : Green and Dry Slabs Short or4F6ot - Phones: E, 182, C-1!7 - BUSIM33 CHANfJESr JtO FRUIT and chicken ranch; joins-city limits; 6o rare; snap; $uoo; $200 cash,. $10 per month. Inquire 88 10th. FOR BALE Restaurant and- confec- -nst Bid?? 350 N-68e "journaT ' - PHLjEiyxi.-: ? .. .n? ? J FOURTH or controlling interest $n a .fiust qlafss, meat., business! will --take - part ."ity property. ii-t9, journal. ONE of- best corner saloons: monthly sales $1200 to $1500; best location; ln-J WANT experienced . man to open - meat mnrKet in city. -npusuai opportunity. PhOne RjiKt 18liS. - - WANJCliD Neat young man with $500 as ptirtrier in nthnufacturlng biiBinega Make big money. K-W. Journal. 4 - SACRIFICH ICRIfelCH fele or ti'ade, family hotel, clearing $250 mjinthly.. F-6iif. Jour- CI nalv NINE rooms, rent $40, close in, fine "" furniture, cloara f DO monthly; terms R-K62, Journal. 4 ' . .. '- .; " r ELEVEN j-ooms, rent $25, 2, years' lens t use in.1 -Muu: y can. . :i-b)i. jour- PA HTNElt wanted; some one with a little money to pu"Rh a good invention, a good proposition. P-fifiS, 'Journal. - ' A "SNAP. - - .-Cigar and--candy-store for . fc'nle! '$400; pod ball, for roil. WifU. St. . i'. X LliCTT ' ) "v .' J ; V :loi-v 1- allun. ''. i inif Votn-e, i ' ' 1 L'u 41 -'1 s t. . WEST- m Oil Dairy Lunch", . A money maker, A-l" bnslnrss location, enjoying good, -ciean . in come. Rest of reasons for soil ing.' This is the one best buv in the restaurant business In Fort land today. Particulars. 4 JOS, C, GIBSON 8Q4-5 GKRJllNfiKtt BUDG, . 2d aud Alder gts. -.-V"-.-- mint-. FOR SALE A stock of merchandise, about $2300, In a good locality. Sales $lo00 per month; expenses $45.00, In-, eluding house and barn rent; will sell at a discount. If you are looking for a business that will make' you money, see the owner. C-644, Journal. , - - A Bargain v Confectionery and light grocery, 1 Ifv ingroom, good location; lease;-reason, able rent; stock and fixtures will in voice $1250. Oa account of other busi ness will sell for $800 on terms. Av erage sales about $30 per day. See own' er at 267 Yamhill st. Phone Main 4482. CONFECTIONERY Best located, most complete old es tablished business on east side, carry ing -a clean line of cigars, tobaccos, sta tionery, sporting goods, ' confections, With ice cream parlor: , a good Baying business the year round; will ; invoice journal. Parlor, soda fountain, groceries, cigars, tobacco, fins fixtures, living room fur-fl nisnea complete, s year lease, next io moving picture show, sil for $1200; $800 down, balance to suit. By owner, G. H. names, corner istn ana Alberta ' OIL AND GASOLINE BUSINESS. Active partner wanted in the hole sale and retail oil and gasoline busi ness; established IT years; pays over rial -given before buying. .Price $1600 casn. ' jf or sate oy owner, --it tsj. saa.T ket st. East 6318. 4 i v WANTED A grocery.'generaj merchan- aise or lurniture business; every propo sition must be oceii to thorough investi gation. Give all particulars, as Invoice of Stock, amount of business 'done, with best discount for a cash deal, in first leiior. r-mj, journal. WANTED In-small town ln statf of Oregon, a' location for hardware and furniture business: or would buv nn al ready estaDiisnea business at reasonable r gure. Address A. li. Kellogg, Cliutou. PAINT AND WALLPAPER BTOftB. Fine location'. No competition. Es tabllshed business, cheap rent. Must be soia tnis weeK. i'-B4U, journal. $5000 to $10,000 per- year in tho real es- i tate business. I will teach you how, and make you my special representative. Send for inv . List. fr -book, FftfrbrTt HurdV pres., 844 Dwight bldg Kansas SAWMILL - V 15,008 capacity, in operation -now: Pinner ' and donkey: ' 32000 worth oi Standing timber; ft snap if taken soon. Q-660. Journal.- ' rT- - ' - IF you have a moving picture-theatre jor saie or n you wish to buy or ODen one, communicate with a nermanent and successiuj company, peoples' Amuse ment Co.. W0-61J Rothcblld bldg., Portr mini, ur.- ,j ' 7- GIVEN away free to those answering tnis aavertisement before July 16, a map of all the . California oiU fields. Kagar-Loomis yo-t 701 gre'rc-Msn bldg, FOR BALE A first class general mer chandlse stock; also a good store puiioing..centrajijr.-jocaiea, nrmgin is per oeni caea rent, tiox 64,-bpnngnetd, ur. ii.-v-.,--- " ...(,-; PARTY understanding stock companies wanted to assist financing very valu able, thoroughly proven and world wide needed invention. Big thine for right party, v-ppu, journal, PARTNER wanted in real eetate busl- ness."ons who is honest and a hustler ana acquainted witn city property and values; small capital required. Address R-669, Journal. - " ' - ' ' IS'OTICJS -A small hotel with steady trade, Jn a small town, a chancie to grow with the town, will sell cheap, if taKen at once. writS'ic L. waiters, WH ponvlle, Or. ..,.,-; ., - - CHATTEL MORTOAGE. . - Up-to-date-fully eoulDDed chotorranh studio;4 long established; prominent lo cation: pay yon to investigate, W--66S, journal. i BLACKSMITH shop, close- to Portland toois, stock, furniture " or' 5 ' room house, garden; will invoice 1661;' can make $100 mouth; price $400. ' inquire HALF interest in laundry -business gooa iraoe ana piant tun to capaclt every wee, ouo .-tQ nandlo. ;.w-6B Journal. ' NICE saloon,; $600. , Barber shop and store.' living rooms, on 5 carllnes. in voice IWO,- cash, lease rent $25. "y: ue,i uum - ' - BIG BARGAIN IN GOOD PAYINCf CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS; MUST SELL AT ONCE, TABOR 238i UK 1U1.. ' - - ANYONE - anticlDatins enrehnatnw piano can secure a hundred dollar cnecK xo aopiy on same for $25 by sp iiiiiif m- laiiuiapy. ,ji ) t irsp SC. MODERN hotel, 67 light rooms; long . f hUpc, iwreia; ceni-rat; always lull; good transient trade. For 6al9 fey ,pwper. $2000 spot cash will buy the Weston . .eaaer newspaper,- jot-of fh-g and build Ing; established pusinpss, clear title. t:iarit vvooa, weston, ur. ' . FOR SALE At half price. fln eleotrlo pmnu. uiu ,uu onairs enq motion pic ture machine; Call 626 'A Wasliinirtoh gr pr pnone main B n s LIVERY : Near Portland can be boutSht for $1700 part casn. ivs i;ommprcmi pik. - w ain j.JiJ-r-jr'artner with some money. work; must be sober and. honest To .wain. znti. - - c . . . ' : WE CAN place you in paying business; ' before buying be sure snd: see us. Kinuey & - Sturjipher. 531-2 '.; LuratoeT i-;xctiange Didg. a-48(H, j25 weekly and expenses to trustworthy people to travel and distribute sam ples for big wholesalQ hpuaelf1ftJllrJr it,mry, . -sag,;-'Chicago, i ., LuOlCINa for an opening' Might have ''something tp suit: commlssiop " busi ness' every description. Louis Furcbt, 519 RotbcMH bldg.' ' HIGHLAND Notion store Confx-ctlon-- cry, cigars, tobacco, ' Want to go on homestead,, Good bus!pe?s; ' rent, $16. 1017 Union ave., N. FOR SALI0 Suitable for factory or ' mill, building, engine and:boilor on rented-ground nc.ir railroad' and river. T-fiHl, journal. WE have buyers for all kinds of bul riess opening-; we Can sell yours. H. E. - JAME8 INVESTMENT CO., -88 10th. Marshall 1S!8. FOR SALll or trade, mjllinery and drcsHing business; . lease, good biisl pesii, new fixtures; pall ell pr' pai't, to !5uit.;' sickness cau.e. A-662, -Journal. FOR . SALE pact or whole interest in finishing and furniture plant , 'Ad- d ress O, D. Khy.. qregfon City, pr. GROtEltlT and meat market, In nod suburban town: store, dwelling -and Slock, all ' for $1)500; only ftiuiket ' In. town, bo quick. - '' ',' . ' I lit fr. jj. y ic i , rieaverr on, ur- FMLI V-ncuum faPCt.ita4lilJ.4Utltf. - giis-oiiin' etiiiie, uoeh inai vias woi'K; money maker; at bargain If sold soon. Phono Tv'oodlawn l"''l after fi p; m. 1 A i'ii(U( fr-tYT store (Kiying "big divl dends; will sell, at a bargain; if you wi.'di to f?o into i'e;;. l:ic :? don't rnlfis fills '!:;inee. ' R-llfiS, .l.joi'eial. ' - " -oli "hi i.l, a-i; ;,"!"'.; - -iTr;nn 1 X ! y U.i :i. ! ie.. ,.; f?t. - WB pell nny ona w'no wants to wor e out a homo 2 to 411 aerie (or more) st $S no and take rayuicnt in wor:, civinst plenty' of time to ,o the WOI it. Owners, room .317 Hamilton. MEN wanted, age 18 to 33, for firemen, $100 monthly and brake-men $80, on nearby railroads; experience unneces sary; no strike; promotion to engineers, conductors; railroad employing head quarters over SuO meu sent to positions monthly; state age,;, -(.-end -stamp. Rail way. Association, D-tit)!. Journal. Y. M. C. A. The friend. ot the. young --man and' stranger; 'hearty .weleoma and good counsel are yours, without cost; constant call for men who can do something well; special .employment memDerstup assures emplovment; atter you have seen the otntv fellow, see us perore you invest money. SALESM EN--2 high grade men wanted lor a first class propositon; must have : good aouearance and excentlonal exrieri- ence as a salesman; good money paid to ' xne rignt parties; aon t apply unless you consider yourself a high grade man. Ask for salts manager 407 Wells Fargo DIUg. ; ... , - . : - 10.000 POSITIONS For rraduates last year; men' and we men learn barber trace in 8 weeks; belp to secure positions; graduates earn $i to A25 weekly: espert instructor: tools e free; write for catalog. JJoler System of Colleges. 85 NT 4th St.. Portland. liOOKKEEPEft and office man for city !: representative; my novel advertising contract will dress you for a year with out cost; 'JO openings7 for iea holding tcspwaipw positions. ' . IIKIMBACH IDEA, 281 Stark St , SALESMEN make 500 per cent profit J slgns and changeable signs; 800 varie ties, enormous demana; catalogue ires. Sullivan Co.. .401 W. Van Buren fit. Chi-. cago,' 111. ';-v-i., ';,.'.! , '.-v-.'- WANTED -Man ; must' boJ willing- to learn and ' capable of actlna as our representative; no canvassing or solicit ing; good Income assured. Address Na tional Cooporatlvs Realty Co.; 808 Mar den bldg., Washington, h C' ' WANTED Salesman; many, make $100 to $150 per month: som even more; stocK clean, growa' on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance week ly; laiuice or lerruory. Adaress wasn Ington Nurserv Co,. Tonnenlsh. Wssh. WaN t ed a F Mo 'learn i to spin yarn in a woolen mlU;', H5in worK, meaium wage guarantee to start: steady employment Apply at one WANTED PartjLto manage best up-to-date licht mannfactiirlnir hnalnoua . tn city. NO competition; will guarantea $6 peF day eulary;'-$700 cash required. If you mean businctnj coll 698 Qlisan st BARBERS' board of examiners for Ore- gon win. convene in tnis city July- il, 12 and 18. at 167 ft First St., for the pur pose of examining ail those holding permits.- T. M. Leaoo.' secretary. CAPABLE salesman to cover -Oregon with staple' line! high commissions. with $100 monthly advance: permanent poson to tight man. 5 Jess. H-: g"h Co., Detroit, ftltch. . ' 1. WANT toJtart-yw-iyeTingnroiftofs' t cuius m epare iime; anyone can easily make 4 dally; free booklet. and sample. G. T. Redmond, 261 Waln wrlght bldg.. Boston, Mass. ' ' EARN $25 per week in spare time In man oraer ousiness, Bening groceries-r at cut rates: all suoDlies furnished. Na tional Grocery Supply1 Co., Grand Rap-Ids-Mlch. ' ' . ' : - WANTED. Cntractors to cut from 600 to 4O00 cords of fine green old growth cordwood, good M grqund, near electric runway,.; ; g.: J& i-VYlgnfmaTi, ; urcharas, ANYBODY can add $J to $30 weekly to - tneir. income, growing musnrootps in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc.: bisr market: free booklft njTam Barton, West 48tl St., new orit. ' ?.,...-r- - $100 monthly and expenses to travel and aistrioute samples lor big manufac turer:' steady work. iB. Bheffer. treas- urer, C. 239, Chicago. . - . MAN wanted 'Monday rooming at 724 jjorinwicn - su 10 ciean up ana level grounds about bow house, wages $2.50 per - aay. WANTED Railway mall clerks, city -4 carriers-clerks, Portland, examlpaalons announced Julv 16. .' Prenaratton. Iree. Franklin Institute. Dept. 270 P. Rochessn ter, . ------ - - - MOTION picture operators earn $38 -weekly: easy work, short hours: learn business In short time. Motion picture Sohpol, 626H Wash., bet'i6th and 17th. SOLICITORS wanted lp Portland ana nearby towns: good commission; only hustlers wanted. Northwest Bug. Co.. 1,1 n nn ovm - - - l PER "MONTH Telegraphy taught Ju practical forms. Day and 4 eveninf Sessions.. Address Myers, 829 11th St.. Portland. Msln 8512. : - : ' " 444 ' T . WANTED A tutor, for a -boy during the summer months. Apply to Mr. Wallace, ropm 7, at 260 8d Port land, Or. --t' ' Ji- '--,- A-l SALESMAN wanted by old estabr ' Jlshed house; cjty and road "Work: per manent position; exclus.tva 4 territory. Address R-641, Journal;. -4 ' , WA N 1" ED N eat young man. IT to .4 years of age, to work In office; must be quick and active chancs " for sd- Vitncement K-668. Journal." ' A' COMPI2TENT" barltons "player, want for service in "Alaska, Apply U. 8. army recruiting office," li Ainswprtlj V,lI " Uni-linnd fir " - SALESMAN sids liner or exclusive; ad vertislng noveltlesf , liberal commis sions; samples free. -i Androw Faysen, Clinton, la. 4 ' ."4 4 " I 'MADE $50,000. in f ive years with small mall order business; began, wltli $5. Send forfree booklet- Tells-hqw. Ileacock.' 8078, TpekpQrt, N. .'"Ft14 ' " $80 "Monthly and expenses tQ advertlss and distribute samples for wholesale nouse; sieauy worn. n. luunroe, presi- fienr. i-c. iiieasro. WANTED Today. "..men to learn to operate motion picture maoiunes; b es: b salary. Call room-1J, Buchanan, ' J5S 14 W'aslitnteton st. WANTED Bids- for digging Cesspool at 40th and Belmont. Phone Dr. Larl- 1ng. :. v. -"' -' - . ,..! -4 - - '- MACHINISTS call at 370 Alder street, before going to work. Strike on for eight hours. Kd, Carlson, business -agent, " SALESMEN tor.tiayv.it.v on l illflinoolc bay, terminus of United- Railways. A nply tfl 'f umber FhtchiTB ge. - " - . ; FAINTER wanted. Geo. W. Merry, 49th - ami Biases eta.-, Uoe City I'xrk, st Rosebrook's house. - - MACHINISTS WANTrc.n 'Apply Smith & Watson Iron Work's, j 1'joiit end' Hal) sts. " -1 WANTED Reliable salesmen to handle j -"dust Jess floor brush. Room 300, New Grand 'Centra) hotel, FortlnniV Or. ' CHER headquurteis and helpers. Call ; fonfla Wine Depot '285 Yamhill, fiext to Jon rnal.. - '- ' ' ''. - . WAN TED At once, 4 pien to learn to ' drlvq and repair automobile trucks. Call 50 and 62 N. 7th Ft. ' - WANTED Men to take contract for , ; clearing land. WllUpms, 606 Lumber mens Milir., 5ili and Stark. - ; ; ' -4 WANT experienced man to open' meat . market iti city, UmlBtwl opportunity. Phone East S3t'2. , ! - ' . ' PUKE lager, .beer; gallon nu'de for 5c; . , guaranteed formul. .25o. D. 70. Mfir ritt Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. ' . WE PAY you $t I'oitTniission, you sell' the picture coupon for SB cents. jSt-OifS. ' Journal. 4 . ; ' ' EXl'EiUI'fNCED spinners'- wanted at once. Apply Portland Woolen -illllij, St.. Johns, Or. ' ) :""- .WKIVKiS wanted at fvitce. Aiiply Jpprt- mna vvnoien. jiina, pi., junna, ur. WA'S'llD-lotioii1' plnture.- operator: ' Mlpry' f "15 weekly, "L-669, Journal. - COMPLETK motion picture - outfit, jCar t.i rt tci7 1 n rV. -561, Jo urn at W.?NTEb Competent platen press ' feeders; Gifts & Prndlionime t'o. WANTKI l"'lif--for -To- buy -dinmonrts. and old rftHh. 358 Wssiilftcton "Bf, lys over i1) f.Ji. ,. t.'ii y. " i l.'ronf. o ml. Jii'inne ;'.a .tirulm-'il j : 4.. - 4-