THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUHNAI PORTLAND, SUNDAY JULY 3, IS 10. ;i:. Lit AL REAL ESTATE 62 .HOLESALE men, attention! Antici pate expansion and investipate quar--f block near Washington treet with 100 feet of. Uatkuga. Fiiqe right. lerF1S'.TO?ErH H. JOHNSTON, . '" ?5 I sf.iyette bide., Washington and 6th. JIT Hamilton bids, owner of acreage and city property. Boll at lower price than others because they own it and have no com, to pay. -See them. FOK SALEHOUSES . Cl ' A GOOD THING WHEN ' . YOU-BEE IT ELMIRA LOTS LOTS . ' ELVIRA " $3 DOWN'" ' '," 13 PER MONTH. ' Five-blocka to - can sightly, all cleared, j Your beet opportunity-- Prices from IS 00 up. Fide room bang-alow, atrictly mod em, 'bath; f ull erflent basement; porch, front and rear: chicken house and barn; 2 nice large lots: fine lawn. - : - 100x100 ; 4 block to station; $3000;,, H cash, balance terras. , Choice lots at $5 down and IS "per month: 3 blocks to station; $325 and up. Choice acreage and other good buys. : Wiley, Allen & Co, . Mt Scott oar lo Lents. Tabor 1418. Home phon B-6111. Ask tor . Wiley, Allen A Co. CASH . BALANCE SMALL MONTHLY - PAYMENTS. ' We offer a lovely home of 6 rooms, hot and cold water;- bath room, good wood shed, nice garden,' on Millard ave. nice Sized lots.' : Evervthlng that will please. -$1250 $150 Cash' ' Balance small' monthly payments. OTHER BUYS AT OTHER PRICES. " Chambers & Farnsworth Mt. Scott car to Millard ave,- Balance IIS per . month... This nice coxy home ef 2 rooms can be bought for 750 at the shove mentioned terms. Electric lights, water In house, every thing conveniently arranged. , - Lot 40x100 r":"-i Fruit trees, garden. ilfiftB.tore-4iouea-ti4-rHrlrrir-'roorng, near Arberta, 40x100 foot lot, fine dla ; trict. , " . Call to see us for Jots and other good houses. ,!: - . .i. v . . J M, Repass & Son - ' - ?4th anq Alberta. .PhoneVpodjawklfSj $100 Cash, $20 per Month ',$2450 5 room bungalow, on E. 27th st.; bath, toilet, afnk. lavatory, linen, aud china - closets, cabinet kitchen, paneled dining 'room, beamed celling, rooms all tinted, wired and piped f or ' gas, attlo, m .basement Will take it good lot as part. P. A. BEARD CO.. 326 Washlnon St.. room I IB. . Bargain This Week For ' exceptional value in a 6 room . nunralow..aiL.:-moderconveleneefc fireplace, gas andelectdio lights,., fifll cement basement, laundry trays, every thlni the 'newest and Up-to-date; Just being completed at E,r42djnd Broad way sti., I block from E. Ankeny car. For quick sale will sell at a.Taargaln. vwr,er, xanor zioi. -- In Holladav's Addition " 6 room house on E. 9th between Hal eey and Weldler, Lot 76x100; house modem and conveniently arranged; lo cation very attractive;-, Broadway car one block. Price reduced to $5300, which Is $700 below value of property. McCargar, Bates Lively, 315 Falling , bldg. Hawthorne Carline - 7 room house and lot goes for price of house. - Inspect this and be convinced; near 85th st.; price $3000r $500 down. WESTERN REAL ESTATE & , 1 - BROKERAGE CO.. ... Mulkey bldg. J FOR SALE ' ' - Northwest corner loth and Columbia ts, with three houses; income $200 per month. For terms, apply to H. C. Bohlman, 48 Sta st N., ptione. Main Handsome House in Irvingtorr ymira unrua in mosx aicractive lo cality on Tillamook near E. 19th: ! 25 foot park strip adjoining; 9 room house, hardwood finish throughout; thoroughly modern. Price, $15,600. This is a very handsome dwelling and is a bargain at 116 feg te' $300 CASH ' BALANCE AS YOU LIKE. 6r?om' new modern buagalow: lot 78x100, on corner, 3 blocks from car nd school: full concrete basement This Is strictly up to date and a bar aln,at $2400. 402 Commercial blk. Modern, Attractive Dwelling Of 26th. lot 60123 Hnnia mo conveniently arranged. Price, with jtreet; improvements wld,. 4o5; good F.AKT !TH aTT'vnr " w - INCOM15 $40 PER MONTH v Broadway, 8 story frame flat building, containing t four room flaU esnni VJ010?'' EtLtt 'ront. Price $6000. Half cash. GODD ARD " & WIEDRICK tit pthtk pireet. ' Lookl A Snap! Read I Two new 5 room cottaires on Wlf ''"J8 v-i $fi00; terms. Owner.- East SNAP. StflflO 1 room house, all modern, -lmprove-jnents - all In; cash or ' terms. Phone jnam epnj. A-I4t. , Mr. Elliott EARGE new house, in restricted neigh. rulrhArtil', MAy)aaH ' 4 . . hardwood - floors, fireplace, ' fixtures throughout, etc; terms to suit Buy di Jt.rJrorn own',r no scents. Phono it ttnawer Journal, 6214x100 feet with good 7 room house. timm m HI Ala , 'T-8.. n n - GODDARD fir WHSDRlCK : '. 9i 9 CfAk.1 a . Inn ltf K K?-JTtri.. .' 1 :' - j-'. . win t'A.n.j Ci:'-...1 : ": . 1 . " ........ , i.anu uuuioiuu, room nouse -iwrT-ar liner 100x110 with-alfcsyHerge V tiiiuiven iioue nJCt; .wt i ti:o r dwv; " 'pure C&Anj , as in 1 him ,j, 1 , hi f, . .",wa. . m f 'i'lf ww : v a4iiv8- .v.v, ,u nun auu oerries, also ua jwueo; Tcry reasonable." Call 626 Howe St.. cor. ltH, WnnHI "$:59!4U "'iiioaera 6 roim bungalow In iwkijmui bv. aistrtcc. east front Improved -street; .' 5U0 cash, balance - 'Jy. Iwlallmints. call ; 31; Ki -Ji-'W SA Lli 3 room 'in.'uka n.,.l nt n.i, t-ktiUt, ij,- Juiui bug.; Tabor 1734. $150 61 8T..JiHM8HI3-UJGK 100x100 corner, on Ivanhoe-and Taeo ma; $3700; y cash, balance 1 and I years. " "' 60x100 corner on Burlington and Hayes; 34600, 332000 cash, balance 1 to , oOxlOO on Jersey st; 14200, This U Income - property. - , -""- "" . , acre and. 5 room house, fine fruit, 1 block of car; 12200, 3500 cash, bal ance I to 3 years. . Lot 60x100 6 room modern -house, fine fruit, 3 blocks of central school; 11360. 1600 cash, balance 110 per month. Borne fine lots in South St Johns at f g&Hfe AHHS--MI-'- i M r HIM ' See J. F.Gillmore, ; Phone Richmond 11.- 1XA 'on ocj ajv. $500 Cash Will , Handle . ? New 6 Room, by Owner :' On corner Jot with alley, facing east, 1 block from car; bath, toilet, wood hoist, full concrete Basement, large porches, reception hall and den why pay rent when you can buy a fine home for only 1 2 TOO on easy terms T - Phone A-1668 or Marshall 829; Sunday C-1287 or M. 1176. , - Blanchard & Clemson 815-11 Swetland Bldg. , BUNGALOW Will Take Good Lot in Ex '. ' ' change- Beautiful 7 room bungalow, new, mod ern throughout, nice reception hall, large' living room, fireplace, beamed celling and paneled walls, cement basement, stationary tubs, Dutch kltohen, full lot, 1 block from car;" sleeping porch. This Is a beauty; price $3500. will take good lot as first payment balance 2S per month. 808 Bosrd of Trade. SACRIFICE $500 below actual value. A truly beau tiful home, one half block from Shaver carllne near Overlook: 7 room house and elegant lot 60x100. Yon wen't find an other like It: profl $2700. i WESTERN REAL ESTATE & , j . , , BROKERAGE CO., Mulkey bldg. NONE OP THESE OVEH $800. ' 4 rom house, lot 60x108, Woodstock line, 016; file cash, ' , , 4 rooms house, lot 40x105, between I carllnes, $600; $500 cash. 8 room house, lot 40x400, Tremont, $660:1100 cash. , 8 room house, I lots 80x100 corner, $800; $100 cash. r , 5 room house, lot 43x100, a dandy, $800; $100 cash.- vrtvn w r.TBMiW '. - ' 329 Burnslde," Main or A-2778T $200 NEW furnished cottage, all eom . pleU and ready to move Into, 8 blocks from carllne. on corner lot, 40x60 feet This house has 2 rooms, 14x14, and 3 rooms smaller, 1 pantry, , 1 closet, 1 patent toilet. Housr all wired for lights, sink and water In kitchen, front and back porch. Price $1160; $200 down, $16 per month. Take the Mt Soott car, get. o'Xf at Jktlllard. avs-f-autt for Joe Nash, In office or Mr. L. Morse, phone Tabor 2812, . Pretty Iryington Home " ,$1500 Cash" Balance of $3300 to suit; SOxTOO elevat ed lot, east front, all improvements. In and paid: 6 rooms, best clumblne and fixtures; furnace, full basement, big lawn, roses, everything good.. If you mean nusinesa. can 619 ADington blow -Snap in East Side Home Walking distance, E. 18th st, near Bandy road, corner 80x100. .7 room house, beautiful lawn and flowers, fine lot of fruit. This clace must be sold and no reasonable offer will be refused. : It's a gooa investment; be sure and see It reai Brown, 709 awetiana mag. $2160 FOR 6 ROOM ON MT. TABOR uniy rew steDS to car. In beautiful lurroundlnga Ybu'd never ba sorry yo uia ana you wouia maxe money at this price for property In that neighs borhood ALWAJtS IN DEMAND; $350 cash handles. S. T. WALKER (Owner). su vornett Diag. A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE On . ITfiat 17th , rr mamm T)a1ma.4 Strictly modern 7 room bouse with sleeping porch. Furnace, laundry, full cement basement, wood lift, etc Fruit niu n. rnuc foouu. terms. : 14 s stark street, NEAR UNION AVENUE. TCnntt. strAAt inn fAf a t n TTm1a avenue. Small house renting for $10 per month. Further Improvements would nut inicnoro win present incoma rrice $3000, terms. ' & .WIEDRICK, iveiaric street. WANT partner to loin me In the candv business. I, am a candv maker: have an esiaongnea paying retail business ana warn 10 jod some specialties; will guarantee partner $25 per week from start; $600 cash for half Interest; will teach partner candy making. N-664, journal. ,.-..:...-;- -.- 6 Room Dwelling na On E. 12th near Thomnson. in Irvlti, ton. Lot 60x100. House two stories with full cement basement and modern throughout. Fine lawn and rose bushes. Price $5000. half cash. McCargar, Batea ik iivi-iy, gtp railing Plug, $350 CASH Balance $18 per-month and Interest, ouys a. e , room moaern nouse. au fur niture Inchlllnil- full )n iM.Liunmf Can von dnnllmt h) fnr M?nn, jni , : : 7 Room DwftlTmF" In VPTV ftttrflOtlVA Inrolltv ah Van 11th nPfU Tlllnmnnlr MnnArN ' ni - - . " ---v---uua i auu tun- veniently , arranged. A bargain at $5250, 'twwri oaies & uveiy, in railing piqg. iEVv strictly modern cottages, all I'ftfulv t n mnv intn 1 1 t.nn. lot, $1160: one, B room, extra fine. $1900; nn K room nvlri fino men t. Nash, Millard ave.f Mount flcott oar- FoR SALE New ' 6 room bungalow wiin. atiie. i uiock rrom oar. douMa constructed throughout, fireplace, china Closet bookcase, -full Dlumbin: will wkf00d 'A0.'.? part Payment, , Pbon uunifujpjw, uesi ; in forwana xor tna City Park car to 478 44th st, 1 "block north of carllne. Phone owner. Wood- mwn tun. ' Rose City Park Modern 6 room cottage, Including fur nace, 60xl0Q lot, ast front,' on your own terms. From owner; 3 blocks north of car, on mm, , Union ave., , for sale. If interested call. Will sell, reasonable; as owner uovui money, 83 Lafayette bldg.,'Washlngton and 6th 1A, t A, I'l". ' 1 - . . 1 r f ---w . r-., . p vm. m, VIM. 'jl LOT, 2 room house and basement , line iruii vrees, gooa garaen. ' it you See this you will buy li Only $900 cash. Thompson A' Schnlder, 205. Morrison Bi., rtmm a, or pnone raoor VI4 $1000 CASH, balance $1860 easy terras, will buy fine home three block from Kit iVilm haMH ' ... , JOSKPH if. JonVSTAW-'J? $ Lafayette bld,g.j Washington and th. $2500 Modem e . room houae, full bearlns j ft .awn. Laiy termi. B'OR "kALK bv Ownp nur ' 4.i!M4J MA!a erJ2' J1" lust completed. On JS. 80th at.,, Rose City Park, l block FGRtSALB by owner, choice corner 100 -it 100 ' In-irvinjrton Parki fine shade trees,; B-611. Journal. $2o0 eaah; rest easy, a nice 6 -room I $2250. .Inquire. 1150 E. 19th st, N. .'Fon SALE HOUSES 61 mm. E The next Fourth of July without owning a home of your own. Every American should own a little of his country's soil and have a horn on It Why not you: . 120 iter month-will hu this beautiful home In Rossmere; Just completed, and a dandy, too; . bungalow of. C rooms, panel asd beam; work, fireplace, .Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, full attic YOU. can't Jurllrt If tnr fhm mnfiavf Just 13100. . - . v - , ' Duuder ana owner at tOJ Lewis bldg. Marshall 646, A-7188. ' K v HOMEBUiiLDERS'TAKI uraia or- mi exorbitant fees charged "T v""0 lor pitni, com to us; we will prepare full working plans for your contraoU to reliable contractors im auperiniena your wont until turned over to , you for half the fees .B?2 tor by. "ler - locl arcblteole. Q-668. Journal." ' A MAM A.. . .1. . . lot 60x100, feet, front poroh- covered wtth roses, also back porch; trait trees, roses and shrubbery, bam. woodshed and other Improvements. 223 West ave N, Take Montavllla car to West ave. . ' Price $1650 ' : .Going to Build?, Let US finance the bulldlnar nf vnne home. If you own 'lot small amount of cash sufficient pur reputation for well built houses,' fair dealing, reasonable prices Is bringing us many clients. It win pay io see US.; v Northwestern Const,. Co, f-v. Successors to .Portland Realty & const Jo, , 901-8 Lewis bldg, - IN IRVINGTON. ' Fine 7 room house. 60x100 lot. facta south, on a hard surfaced street, sur rounded, by fine homes, for sals for eouo, less tnan nail cash down. This ome is thoroushlv modern, verv beau tiful In Its settlnar. surroundlnas and ar rangements, and Is worth over $7000 of any man's money, but It must' b sacrl- iicaa. bm ui t once. tt- '- V. VINCENT JONES REALTY CO, - , . auj-oua iewis mag. , ; FOR SALE BY OWNER 7 rooms: all tinted: Iht-ita hsllwav. buffet; built in drawers, woodllft, gas lixiuren, iuu cement Danement, every thing that makes a modern home com plete; nice large lot. fine laWn, 10 raln- &tea f.romhuslnewn..cwBUri 400O-termsr all "2 51 Adams, 2 blocks east Of steel pnage. ynQne East 6234. KENILWORTH DlTHICT ' 1 : 8 room house and hath, with two hltrh nd beautiful lots, for sale cheap and on very easy terms; 4 blocks from car; fine cement basement, Dutch kitchen, modern plumbing and hot water boiler; street Improved; small amount down and bal ance like rent. .'..r- Y. , "VINCENT JONES REALTT COH 802-303 Lewis Bldg. . JtST FINISHED. . New 5 room bunsralow: modern and every convenience: paneled dining room, stationary tubs, gas, electricity, walls tinted; 60 ft porch: wood lift, cement walks, ' steps and retaining walls; lot tuxio; sza ana cunton; $Z8o; $300 cash, i balance like rent. - -5, .. -, . 426 Bwetland Bldg. Phone Main 7776, HOMESEKER investigate; for lmmedl ate sale to get $600 cash, owner, of fers his modern 7 room dwelling for i i 0 u u 1 tiaui ana touet, launarywitn stationary wash trays connects with kitchen. Dart basement full lot with woodshed, fruit and roses, wide graded street Vancouver ' car to Dekum ave., 3 blocks west to 829. , Part furniture for me. NEW 6 room house, modern In every wav: lot 60x125: cement walk and street improvements all paid: Monta vllla, 8 blocks from car, J2500; $900 cash, balance like rent Thompson & Bcnniaer, 2ui Morrison it, room s, or pnone uaoof S4. CLOSfe IN - Home near the corner of East 7th and Everett Good 7 room house, full cement basement, gas, etc. Price Is $1000. Terms. .) UUUl'AttU at W1M11UU1L 243 Ktark Street. 100x100, small houaeC'20 bearing fruit trees, 300 strawoerry plants, line gat den, chicken oark. near Ocklev Green school ana jeiierson nigh, cash or terms. A O W . e v A MiVVIl liu t ktl OV1AU A block west of Ockiey Green station, St T 'J'lU UAatnn aim . r Irrr mawS-Ia a w. 4 1 jonns car. FOR BALE Modern 6 room house. 28th street near KUlngsworth, 2 blocks from car: furniture garden, fruit, chick, ens: cow with $20 . a , month custom. All for $$J50, $1000 down, balance month ly, owner must leave city. Telephone mm vvooainwn iviv $1000 FOR NEW 6 ROOM UNFINISHED" One block to St. Johns car, 60x100 lot: $700 dash,, balanc terms. A BAR- UAin, . 8. T. WALKER. 604 Corbett bldg. NEAR car barn, 6 room modern house, large lot: 6 fine fruit trees; fin chick en yard, nice lawn, on 29th st; bargain at . $2500; half cash, balance easy. Thompson & Schnlder, 205 Morrison st, room 3, or phone Tabor 734. . . PAV9 Irt TVtt Quarter block on Mississippi avenue, not far out, with four houses. Income ti.ou r mourn, irice is fbibv , GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark street. HOME AND LOTS Off priiiT Fine 7 room house and large lot in Sunnyslde, 1 block from car, for Sale cheap; lots of fruit; halt cash will han- V, VINCENT JONES REALTT CO, ; 802-803 Lewis Bldg. BRMTipna iTTirvntnvi One of .the 1 bes known ftrma Jn the City will build you a home on & email cash payment ana, the balance payable as rent We have th a lots to build on in a restriotea qistrict. T-56S, Journal, EAST 10TH STREET. 6 rocm modern house, lot, 60x100, 1 DiocK irom car, izicu; 31Z6O cash, bal ance 3 years, 6 per cent. ' A. J. OANTNrit ' 4th and Oak. 618 Board of Trade bldg. FINE home at a low price, on carllne, corner lot, many roses, fine neighbor hood, near school and church, furnace, gas; everything modern: worth $6000; for sale at $4600; terms. Owner, ,630 FOR SALE -At a bargain, 4 room cot 'taga and bath. Prioe, $1200; $100 down, uainiiuo, f au. yor uiunin ana interest 3 minutes to car. ... Call 11$ Main at, HIP, Vtt .... ' 1 i FOR SALE 7 room house, full :1 lot, , f.nmm fin. . 1 Slnrlr 4A klu :l. . lots of small fruit, near Jefferson High school. Information; 1042 Cleveland ave nue, owner, NEW," modern, 6 room bungalow, flre place, double construction throughout ?I?PrlnB rt Plaes. ' Bargain jrice, vv .'i'wvm, . t w., wnuo,, ynvii9 W OU FOR RAT.H Onft Int finrinn ,nl.k 3 rooms, basement fruit trees, small iruii nantira wooa garden. -13 96 m. nvwcm i-nune jaiwr tin. FOR SALE -Nice fl-rooin house on im- provea, sireet, ruu cement basement electric light,, gas, etc., bearing fruit trees: easy terms.- T-664. Journal. , NH,AT. cory cottageoa 50 foot lot $60 cash, $10 per month. Gregory Inveit ment Co., end of Rose City park carllne. $1660 will handle new 6 room rnbdern wllcisc,'. ouaxuu, kiubb in, owner ioav fi R(X).t residence;' modern: 60x100 ?ot sold at sacrifice. QwneV.231 Shaver ron SALE II0USC3 IE 61 READ EVERY WORD ABOUT TH5S - i BTTNGALOW. I will give $100 to any person who may find one misrepresentation in thU advertisement I wish to sell my home at once on account of, ill healths -It must be sold, therefore it will pay any one wishing a high class property to see this place before it is gone. The following Is nearly a full description. Remember, if not found as in following I will give youjjioa. HT'gold. i See This Today . TWO BLOCKS FROM HAWTHORNE CARS. - -:- - 60 FEET FRONTAGE- EAST. , . . LAWN JUST DOING FINE. A NICE GARDEN IN REAR. v 86 ROSE BUSHES. ALL GROWING V THIS 13 A NEW HOUSE. : PORCH, 80 FEET LONG. - ' EXTRA WIDE DOOR TO FRONT HALL, r ' . LEADED GLASS WINDOWS BACH SIDE. - . 4 , . Five extra large rooms, with large hall, bathroom, two closets and , (lower poroh at rear. , ALtr TINTED THROUGHOUT. ' DINfNO ROOM. . HAND PAINTED CEILING. 1 . KITCHEN WHTTE UNAMELED. - GAS AND ELECTRICITY ALL CON NECTED. - ' :- ' , - DOUBLH STiOORS THROUGHOUT. ' LIVING - - .AND DINING ROOM FLOOB3 HIGHLY POLISHED AND WAXED, ' ' ''.'Vr ,,- --i.. -. - THE WOODWORK; IS' DUTCH BROWN. ;- - i - ' SEVEN FOOT CEMENT BABEM-EJITl.. CEMENT FLOOR IN ENTIRE BASE MENT.. , ONE OF THE BEST !TIlUWlft.UJJ TOU EVER SAW. FULL ATTIC. WILL MAKE THREE ROOMS. - . I can- make the price and terms to suit any size pocketbook. It must be sold. Call at 35 1 E. 39th st. south of Hawthorne ave. No agents. A SDlendid List of Little Homes at ' Reasonable Prices 13600 S room modern house on Cor bett st. full lot. j $8200 6 room moaern nous on oan tenbeln ave., full lot $3000 9 room modern house on Mil- waukle ave., full lot ' sauuv - room nouse on neroy St., io 80x100. . $30006 foam, house on Kerby at, lot 60x100. . ... $3000 6 room modern bungalow, op posite Piedmont, full lot. - $1800 S room house cor. 18th and Florence, 1 block from Alberta; best buy on the market, $300 cash. ' 11750 6 room house on E. lzth st N., full lot This is one of the choicest lit tle homes, well kept, andjean be han dled with 3650. ,4800 -reom-houaeon a-36th t -N4 101 4UX1VV. ., 1 - . Terms can be had on all o( them. 0TF0.&'-HARK80M iEALTYGO.' 133 V4 1st sr. . , 1 k ii Is not much to pay for a room. $20 'a-Month On a 6 room Jiouse Is less than that, wtth toilet, bath, woodshed and cellar for good measure. , 1- .. Yet $1 a week for a room ft rent and a loss, and $20 a month buys THIS 6 room house-and pays for It In a few years, ;- .--., . - ,.. - Only one block from the Oolf club tractrwhere-Tnembert arrto-DAiilo"T)ala- tlal residences. - Only 25 minutes from house to city, and almost continuous service, Call-at 612 Linn.Ava Phone 1608. Sellwood.' " '-" - ; Sellwood. A modern 6 room house, with den, full cement basement, large attic, two pantries, china closet, fireplace, furnace, large clothes closet with built In draw ers. This beautiful home for $4850. Also $1200 worth of furniture, carpets and piano, whlob may be had for $400. uau today. , a Between Knott and Graham sts. Take Union or Williams ave. cars. 5, 10, 15 or 20.. . . Acres, 7 room plastered house, with frood basement; fine barn and outbulld ngs; good 160 ft well, water, like ice: gasoline engine to pump with; place all under cultivation; berries of all tklnds; fruit trees of all kindSj. on thebest county road running our of Portland, Itt miles east of city limits. Only $750 an acre, on easy terms. Thompson A Schnider, 205 H Morrison st, room 3, or phone Tabor 734. ' . ' Home in-Alberta : $27006 room house on full corner lot prettiest home in this district Investi gate, you'll like it. Price is lower than anything being offered for sale here. Western Real Estate A Brokerage Co., Mulkey bldg. ONLY $300 cash buys new 6 room bun galow, swell exterior, wide 1 project1 In g caves, full basement, big floored attic, best plumbing and fixtures, pan eled dining room. 50x112 lot, walk, curb, graded street, 15 minutes best carllne to city center. Balance of $3000 pay able $25 month. Complete abstract, title has been examined. Call 616 Ab- mgton Diqg. 60TH STr; near Hawthorne, 140x100. coA lot ana room gooa nouse ana base ment; a fine place to build a good home or an apartment house; fine view of City, only $4000; half cash. - Thompson A Schnlder, 205 H Morrison St., room 3, or pnone rapor ih, . SnaD in a Fine" Home ' . $3600 for fine lot 76x100, with 7 room modern house;1 property easy worth $4500 to any' one. , F. FUCH8. 221 Morrison St Five room bungalow cheap; must sell at once; lot 43x100.' Call owner, eeuwooa 1048. FINE' 8 room modern house, good base- mem witn cement uoor ana . wasn almost .giving it away at $6600; half cash. Thompson A Schnlder. 206 Mer rlson st, room 8, or phone Tabor 734. v EAST TAYLOR STREET, - 6 room medern house, lot 60x100. halt eash. balance 3 years. 6 per cent A. J. OANTNKR.' ' - 4th and Oak. 618 Board of Trade bldg. DO not fall to aee this beautiful bun. gaiow, a rooms, au modern; call Sun: day; it is a dandy; electric lights and telephone; full "basement; lawn-and flow- era. 47 m. ftn north, FOR SALE 6 Toom house- and lot, 3 blocks from stores and butcher shop; $900,- $260 cash, balance $10 per month, WEST SIDE, walking disUnce; home and aplendld speculation ; 2 houses, lot 80x108; easy terms,, $6000. Y-666, Journal owner, jrnomjuanor 91. FOR SALE Four room tilaatered tnt. tage: irun ana, roeea. ..irin f'4"ff. Appfy owherri49rE. 9tliTt? NT HOUSE and 8 or 1 lots, with fruit, for ate, ouna j ivj iaxweic ave,, p.. SEVEN room house and lot for sale. t.itn, ann weimont. ynowe f;. ut7. , NEW modern houses in Irvinglon, 1 R. B. Rice, owner. Both phones. s . VCH SALE HOUSES 61 516 WILLIAMS AVE. ' Phone East 337. C-1181, . I room modern house, on Tillamook, elose to Williams; price- $4250, $500 casn. , . - - 6 room modern house, 979 Vancouver ave.; price $2000, terms. ,.v 8 room modern house. 300 Stanton st; price $4500; terms. . . Mason and Shafer; price xibuu. Corner. 100x100. Garfield and Beach; price $3600,isnap. 100x100 nn Tttrnv St. (.. choice location. close to Beach; price $2800. . . Please call on us as we hay some good buys on Williams ave. FINE 7 room house, good" lot, H. I$d and ; Belmont, $3600; $5Q0 cash, balance in stallments. -. , Fine I room house on carllne, well lo cated and a good buy, $3000. - , Fine lot, E. 26th st. Improvements all in, $1600, $350 cash. . Fine 2 acre tract, well located; good t room house, barn and orchard; partly out in potatoes; - will trade for city or suburban property, ;- 1 i Fine 6 acre , tract near Eagle Creek, well located; $135 per acre, $100 cash. Fine 20 acre traot, some good timber: 800 feet from carllne station; a first class buy: $200 per acre, $500. cash. , CHARLESON A CO - 411 Commercial ..bldg cor .2d and Wash. A Vine 8 room double oottaxe located on Nye creek, the most select part of the coast; 400 feet to bathing, 200 feet to stores; street graded, both cottages oompletely furnished and ready to move into for the season; septic tank and other conveniences. 1 Price $1100; $600 cash. Don't let this snap get away from you. -. - . Call and look over theAJst of cottages and bungalows in all parti of Portland. B.A.KNAPP. ' LAYTON WISDOM, 624 Henry bldg. Main $26$. A-SS6S. A Vood home for a little money, 7-room, modem house, 4 bed rdoms, bath, linen clssets, china closets, book case, all built, In. .Owner Will sacrifice this place for $2900. - A small cash payment balance Ilka rent. Let us show ..vnn thlu Reoas's'" Wo"( I0&. Henry Bldg' :; EXCEPTIONAL HOME OFFERING Wa will sell one of the finest east side homes tn Portland, with one. two, three or four lots and, will include fur niture if desired, on VERY EASY TERMS. .Three sedTOomav-4w-f4mhed servants' rooms in 1 attic: large fire plac; massive beamed ceilings in large living room; reception hall; dining room and don. Everything of the highest class; large sleeping porches; screened back porch; lawn fruit trees; roses. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, - "Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 1 (Ul . . n - Buys a strictly modern 5 room bunga low; full cement . basement, Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room, built in buffet, wood hoist, full plumbing, gas and eleCtrlcltV. sewer. Thin la nn V.amt 29th and Caruthers sta.. two hincio north of W-R car. - Price only $2500, juu casn, oaianoe fio per month. R. E. Blaco, owner. Tabor 1129. GOOD BUY Lot 87xlOO,' one block to "car, with 6 J-Oom. hunxalow lus t bHin-eomrld fine fireplace in, cement wall basement porcelain bath and patent toilet, sun dry trays in basement; Dutch kitchen, piped for gas and wired for electricity. Only $2650. One-third cash, balance $25 per monin, mciuaing interest. Chittenden. Otto &Neill 0 810 OAK ST. Here is your bargain. 6 Room Home " ModArn.' fiirnlnhftd nn iinfnntah.t halH closet, 8 porches, , large cemenf noor oasement. , LOT 43x137. I fla4 , h . 4aAa at4 spa A-M ibviJ wnmm,m Terms it desired. Inquire owner, 1143 iiawtnorno ave. Fhohe Tabor 3277. i And $20 per month, takes this 6 room modern house, electric, gas, piped for furnace, sleeping porch; lot 65x112, 100 feet from "can the best for- the money; it is locatea in a gooa residence aistrict 620 Board of Trade. Near S, P, Car Shops ..' Good 6 room plastered house, fine yard, good garden. 6 large fruit trees; lot 45x112. This is a fine place; 8 cords wniwl lt a. flfiKft. WKth MaaU V.l . w .i, u. . ,.u.V vaau, u.l ance $15 a month. Thompson A Bcbni- aer, zud Morrison st, room s, or phone moor ta. - v START BUILDING NOW. If you own a lot and have a small . - . 1. w , , . . , ... unuuai gi i win loan you me Dai ance. Building estimates free. FURLONG. Contractor, . 333 Hth St Sunnvsidfl -T TtTllt tab- 'In a ,Mim mm nAttatfA Tnl flu 10 1 n.ln. .vwku .... rr vuhvBv., uvb ,VAIUh. rilUH, $2400. Easy payments. Phone Tabor 864, afternoons 1 to 6. ' LOOK this up. It Is no humbug. If you nave sisuu, cssn,-i nave the big gest sacrifice in a new modern 10 room house in the city. As owner la forced to eell; investigate: Call Woodlawn 828, Of Gib nmmgawortn, SEVEN room house with 100x100, mod- . ern.-new; price $3000, $400 cash, bal ance to vuit, o per cent, , G. W. GRIDLET, $3$ Chamber of Commerce. call Monday, SEVEN room house on E. 9th at, abso lutely new: -hot water heatine- trio light fixtures,1 modern throughout; price ftuuu, very easy terms. Main 2476, O. W. GRIDLEY. 838 Chamber of Commerce. STORE, with 3 rooms above unflnlah.- lot 40x100. rood location for mnt. business, $1500; -$100 cash and $10 a month, or $1300 all cash. Thompson A schnider, 205 Morrison at, room 8, or phone Tabor 734. --' v .., THE MAN THAT WANTS A safe investment should deposit his money With. ua and reoeive Interest on tne same, from 2 to 4 jper" oent Port land. Trust Company. 8. E. corner 3d sna uaK sta $700 $76 4own, $10 monthly, , good Shack.-on 60x100 lot 6 blocks north Of Klllingsworth ave., directly opposite lvenion. unis aistrict is rapiaiy in creasing in varujBA. Phone Eaat 846. S- ooo, journal. A BIG SNAP Modern 6 room house and large lot with beautiful view and within walk ing distance on west side. Only $1860, EAST SALMON. BTRktCT ,8 room cottage, lot 60x100, facing south; $1600 cash, balance to suit A. J. GANTNER, 4th and Oak, -61 -rd"-Trada hlflff. . For sale cheap: rW as aew; leaving injviiy. mam sznu. FOR SALE One 6 room houne and lot ouxiuii. isa xenlnn iva. ihnnn Coll, wooa lbui. . ' FOi: SALE HOUSES mmm. li, w U U Vr! U U LI 1200 III ei In house, rooms extra large. .. woodshed, 14 foot alley. . ." . Lot 40x100 , Price 8800. terms, liberal discount for cash, u OWNER. H,"E. POTTER. Whitman Sta.. Mt. Scott Caf. Wil- T On Council Crest with a moat beau tiful, view of Tualatin valley, I have a thoroughly modem 6 room house, which wa can deliver- for , " ..' $3800, Some Terms You cannot duplicate this In this city. HERBERT W. BIRD. . ' 809 Lewis bldg. Main ,1978. A-K328. TRACT Next to Kenton at Peninsular station, St Johns carline will be on sale in a tew day, for tha flrat tima.--i - Lots 50x100 " $.1Q Per JVIonth ' ' A. M4 DONALD. Agent. Peninsular Sta. Phone Woodlawn 813. Modern homes, close ta car. . on Inl stallments, or for cash,' ranging from $1200 up. " - - " Business lot, 1 good houses, facing Union ave., close in, must sell. Fine modern home in ..- Irvington, $ rooms, $4600, $1300 cash. - 6 rooms modern, close to car. $2300. $4100 cash. f Modern 8 Womr-closrt8carri2S00, ouu..can,-;v- .-, ;t fruit and flowers, $2560,; $150 cash, $16 per month, 8 ner cent .... Office on the ground. Coma Sunday. Phone Woodlawn 129. During the week, rtooms pig ana bit. Kotncmia pigg. Buys either of these I o 6 room, all modern, new bungalows. 1 block to 3 good carllnes with all modern imm-ove- menta. These plaeea must be aold and win traae ror lots -or acreage.- jTrices, $2750 and $2800, $100 cash, balance $20 a montn. . r E. A. KNAPP LAYTON WISDOM, Main 8263. 524 Henry Bldg. A-826S. Modern Home Abeautiful homt-pnJEtiMadlon.jU iot iuuxiuu; nouse nas-i large rooma and can have 2 rooms in attic; it, has eleotrio and gas,- full cement basement; the place has hundreds of roses, with fruit in far corner: cement walks: will sell corner lot with house, if you prefer l iot; gooa terms. - , . RAND. READ A CO., 816 Board of Trade. - HOUSES Nice 6 room homer modern, 32000 (worth 32500). terms to suit:: take-some In trade; also 6 room house corner lot, $1200; and house and $ lots, $1200; store and lot, $1200; terms to suit, irwners, room 817 Hamilton bldg. Fine Home in Holladav Add'n. 7 rooma, new and thoroughly, modern; very attractive inside and out: on Clack amas, in one of tha finest aectlona of very attractive district Cash prlc. $8250. If you are looking for fine home in the best residence district of the east side, this will please you. Mc Cargar. Bates A Lively, 815 Falling bldg Homebuilders. Read This On of the finest corner lota In Irv. lngton. on Stanton at. with all lm coin wjii nanais tms. Uwn err tapor zs7, or Kast 614. BRAND new 6 room bungalow, modern and up to date. Lot, 60x100. Price, $2250; $300 down, $15 a month, or will trslriA fnr lnt 6 acres, will sell or trade for city pruyeriy, oa u, vv.-f. canine, ciose m $400 per acre. 230 Lumbermena bldg, - HAWTHORDQE 'AYEBBU6-; Homes, vacant lota, business proper ty. We live here and know the best ouys. iawtnorne neaity Co., corner E. atn ana jrtawtnorne. xabor 6I6,'B-2B67, FOR SALE By owner, 6 room house, 4 lots on 2 cbrners; 85 young fruit trees Dearing; small rruit roses; $2600. 3 blocks to mu Bcou oar, 306 3d ave. and Marie at:, Lents. 5 room modern hiah clai himnins lots 60x112, I block from Hawthorne avefjoou. cash, $300, , balance $18 P' month and .. interest , Mrs,-. Prioa, iuto -mwinorne ave., nnone Tabor so. 1 WILL build a house -to suit purchas er on corner lot on east side. Small payment oown." balance monthly, V IIAAI - H ' 111 I . . 1 1 U"1. '. . 1 1 1 11 tiuuu a o room nouse, chocks rrom Stewart's aUtlon,lot 50xl00;4n pleas- iwihuui uuuu.- x-urt casn. wans DUfur. 303 Chamber of Commerce. NEW modern 6 room bungalow , near Union ; ave. on k Alberta carline, $500 down, $20 per month.1 Eggman A Blake, Liny union ave w, FOR SALE-rTen room house; fruit u ee, . snruDDery, .- cement walk; ovoryming- moaern. , in gooa location. paennceq sale, rnone Beiiwood 624 p ... i. uuuDD, bi, ,uuueiii conveniences,- $ blocks from carllne. See tnis or you lose money; 3400 cash, bal. to per montn. rnone Tanor 1935 E. ISthl near Hoyt; $1500. ; . Buy of owner, ui E. 28th,, N. v " " EQUITY 4nt l pr 2 lots in Waverlelgh Heights... Great, bargain. . W-6 60, FOR SALE By owner, 8 room modern jiuubd, g ienuiiuujo. j xige. tiJyUv, FOR fin's 'homes In Piedmont come to iggman uiaKe, 1143 ymon ave., n .new neiat piog. HAVE a" few choice . lota near Catholic acnooi.'fieamoni; easy terma. a. M venarq, box wcKay Diag, NEW bungalow, bath, toilet; price $1200; y casn, onap in iocs, ruone wood- uwn tot. $1800 6 room house. cTrnTrTtbasernlBrit iui .ouxiuu, i uiocHs irom oar. mons owner, woodlawn i.- cash or terms. FOR SALE New apartment house, 18 rooms, 12 furnished; new, elegant; terms, owner, A-.50l. l'.OR SALE New house. 8 rooms: lot r.onlOO: take M-V. cr to d 'st TBiK norm to Tso, aus. isee owner. l Gil SAL1 lUT A Good Look Ei' - "READ'-nrui am 111 OAS ';'"-' -. i . CI Two Six Room' Houses ' ew and modern, on Improved street, hlnolc f rnrii nr one A 1 fit TAP 1 i in nrnvom rn cf sni4 "tHAi.,j inR cement Sidewalks and curb. . iiitaij uuuaca uro weu Duut and au L4f InfilnA ftnlsh Ja nnrla 4HAM , . , -twin urnv as lected frain wood.. They are completa WITH FIREPLACE, ' NICE WIDE BUFFET : FULL-DUTCH KITCHEN BEAMED CV.u.TKn. iw i-txtxti ROOM. r- x w ROOM. . NICELY TINTED WALLS. ' ELECTRICITY. " urt The price is Only $3000 each; $500 cash, balance easy monthly payments. If you are looking for a cosy home on easy payments don't overlook these two good buys, as it will not be long before you will have to pay considerable morev money for auch houses in such desirable location.- - . , Take W-R car, get off at 89th, walk one block north call at 1170 Ivon uZ mono xaoor sin. iO-EAGH inl t. new 5 room bungalows, "close to school and car. These bungalows cannot be dunllcat- ed for the price la Portland, when you consider the location. Now. just listen to the deacrlntlon and see if you can. resist coming out and making a personal Investigation. That is all wa ask you to do. FIREPLACE,- CHINA CLOSET, ,. PANELLED DININGROOM ' : r PLATE RAIL BEAMED CEILINO. FINE BATH AND FIXTURES. FULL BASEMENT. Dont delay they will not laat long. Come out today! " Take vv.-k, car ana get oir ax sstn, walk 1 block north, call at 1170 Ivon at., or phorte Tabor 379. . JUST finished and never oecu- ' " - pled by anyone, several new Bungalows and Houses Can glva you your choice of any - section of ,' the city.- Wa " have, for example, a $3200 bun galow, on easy terms, that ans wers tha fallowing .description: Sightly located, one, block , from car, oak floors irt 3 rooma, all floors finished and waxed; hall closet, bevel-plate door, fine fireplace, ' two bookcases, buffet beamed celling, large closets, Dutch kitchen, cooling , coll. shower bath, full attic, half tmBTnent"froor cemented r-taun dry trays; everything Of" tha best. - Wynn Johnson Co,. Room 203 Gerllnger bldg., 24, . and Alder, . , i Ona block to Hawthorne ave. car; here Stands a splendid new modern 7 room residence on . - ' ' Lot 50x120 . 4 In the choicest location of these "beaufl- -f ul terraced hllla;- The location la Ideal.:: Think of it.. The milllonalrea are lo cating, in these beautiful acenio foot hills. One only haa to aee this beautl tur residence tor becrmvtnced. Price $3700 700 cash, balance on easy ternns at er cent. i T. A, Sutherland 86th and Hawthorne. Open Sundays. Res. Phone Tabor 65. Office Phone -Tabor-2017. . . Elegant home, 5 rooms on first floor and two unfinished In attlo; the fire place is a beauty; window seats, buffet, ' Dutch kitchen, beam celling, hall closet with bevel mirror door, wails all tinted, floors all waxed, roof stained. Take Rose City Park car to brick drug store,, ask tor key. Phone owner, Eaat 1392. The price is $3200 cash, $3400 terms. 6 room house and large attic, modern, in every way, full concrete basement, , cement floor, wash trays In basement, double floors, i piped for f urnaoe, nice ; fireplace, finished in select slashed . grata fir, t dining room paneled 6 feet high, walla nicely tinted, china closet in dining room, large clothes closet In each bedroom, linen closet in hall, -, upstairs, b corner lot : one block from Hawtorne car. Only $3500; terms. Phone Tabor 465. ---- .:., '".: A SNAP. j lIew 4 room bungalow, bath and ce ment basement Price $1300; $300 cash. J. W. Gunther, Take W-W car-to 89th, 2 blocks soutn. iu reet west. LEAVING city; best offer takes 4 room cottage and half acre highly Improved situated corner 39th and Francis. Phone Sellwood 1626. ' - ' FOR SALE LOS 16 BUY- a- lot- In -KINGSTON, the beautl-- ful park located a half block from the depot at TJgard. Tlgard has a good ' opening for a general store, and Kings ton offers tha location. ' Go out Sundaj', or the 4th, and picnlo In Kingston Park. Lots a low as $125, on very easy pay ments. Brace-Olsen, owners, 808 Boards of : Trade bldg. . Mrs. Barnett,. . local fegent at Tlgard. Call at electric depot. ; $3: DOWNS -: $3 Per Month -' Good soil, fine location. Aenly J. H, Dorman, Flrland station, -Mt. Scott car.? BUY THIS Lot 86x100. for I860. Build a home; Bull Run water, fruit and' garden now - in;- half block -rrom Bpo kane ave.; one to Sellwood Park and awimmlng pools; f fine view Oaks and river; two blocks Oregoa City car.. Al new three story house, corner lot 60x80, for $2800. See owner. D. W. C. Merrlam, 435 Spokane ve, Sellwoolr. $760 takes 2, Hlt'fe.lats rT tiet and car, r in Tjeautlful RlfltuvDnd; best , Boll, clean, clear grassy lots; $80 down, bal ance monthly, 8 per cent. Nowhere else so close in can you secure auch nice property at ao low a price. It's a chance to get started. - James C. Logan, 826 Va Washington at., room 4U4. A Bargain for. Somebody I am going to leave the city and -will accept best offer for tny 100x100 cor ner. fcenlo place (ner Columbia Park)." A-8,-"wnh " 1 ' "" '" Cheap View Lot;. Walking Dis tance. - Head of 14th St., on College at. Terms, uwnr t, 1 1, tjartann, 4H college st. STOKE location $750; a 2 minute ride on west side carline;. terms. Jas. C.-Lo-gan, 326H Wash; St., room-404. U Willi BEAUT ' - $3410: UtiFILOIII' illllffl UTS!