The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 02, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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. . "The Three of ra"
. . ........ . Vaudeville
........... Vaudeville
i ' "The Twina"
Moving Pictures
....... Liberatl'g Band
( 1 ...
The Oaks
- - Did Hot Desert 'WlfVBecause the
testimony Indicated that A. C. Schu
machr only Intended to desert his wife,
instead of actually doing ao,' County
Judge Cleeton yesterday dismissed the
non-support charge brought against him
by his wlfe.7Tho testimony showed that,
after failing In an effort 'to have hla
wife declared Insane, Schumacher packed
up nd started for Seattle, being arrest
ed at the depot. His wife admitted tho
- rent for the; tionse was Tatr a month In
advanee,Jh"ocery bills were paid and. she
had $40 on hand. Judge .Cleeton decided
this testimony woTitd not sustain" a non
support ' charge, although it. appeared
' Schumacher: intended. toquJtJiU wife.,
Dentists Hold Banquet.- A banquet at
;.the Oregorr tiotel feature last night the
second day's sosslon of the Oregon State
Dental association's annual convention.
The subject of this morning's discus
sions was a paper by William C&va
naugh on ('Force, Normal and Abnormal
in Its Effects' on the pental . Arches. '
: The discussion - was opened by George
A. Marshall of Portland. Other, speak
ers were Gere "H. 'Wilson, of Cleve
land, and H. Prlnz, of St, Louis,- The
Besslon will end tonight byjprrelectlon
. of officers.
Church Dedication The dedication of
the new St. Philip's Catholic church at
.. Dallas will be held tomorrow, morning
- at II o'cloek-lThe dedication sermon
will be preached by Archbishop Christie.
His subject will be, "Why Are There So
- Many Different- Christian Churchesr'
The Catholic Chapel car will be In
Dallas for the dedication and remain
until Monday, when it will go to Mon
mouth, where & mission to Catholics
- and non-Catholics will begin Monday
' evening,. July 4, and end Friday, July-fc.
Auto Breaks BikeAn auto carrying
two women, one of whom was driving,
ran down Gordon Lawrence, aged 14," a
messenger, who was riding a bicycle at
' Third and Washington streets last even
ing. The boy escaped Injury, but the
bicycle was - demolished. The women
did not stop, v The auto was No. 2888,
owned by the Pacific, Automobile com
pany. Lawrence 'lives at 122J Boston
' right-Ove Unionism Roy Rounds, a
teamster, and Elliott F Leonard, a wait
er, became involved In a quarrel last ev
ening In a shooting gallery near First
" and Madison streets, over unionism, and
Rounds IS said to have wielded a knife.
- Leonard' war "cut " In, the neck and- sent
' to - a physician for attention, while
' Rounds was placed under arrest on an
. assault charge;- - . " .
- Union Gospel '. ipeetintf Unton full
gospel meetings. will be held every
evening for the next two weeks at the
' Gospel Tabernacle, East Ninth and Clay
streets. . Sunday sfternoon at 3 will be
the opening' service with an all day
meeting July- 4. . Several interesting
apeakers will, participate. J. C. Baker
of Spokane will have charge - of , the
music. -
-'"SpeoiairjSicurslon "Bate to "Barton,
Eagle Creek and Estacada,. Saturday to
Monday, $1 round trip, return passage
limited ' to last train from - Estaeeda
Monday. July .4. Tickets on sale, at
ticket offices. First and Alder streets,
and 'East; Water and Morrison streets,
a f ter departure at H;46 , a. m. train to
day. . ' ' ' '
' Celebration at - Yanconver On the
Fourth steamer lone will make". four
round trips .leaving Washington street
dock at 8:30 a. m.i 12:30 irm.r-4:30 and
8:30 p. ,m. Returning- will leave Van-couer-at-10:3a.
m., 2.30,-6:30 and
10;30 p.. mu fare 25c ,. , ' . , ,
-: - - ' v r
' Pnbllo Installation The Women Of
Woodcraft. Astra circle, officers will
give a public installation with the offi
cers pf PrbHpeet camp next Thursday
night Ihl their hall on Eleventh street,
..IJnnoing.'re'freehments and. a, fancy drill
"will be features.
Services . Toalffht Services will be
held this," evening at Congregation
-Ahaval Sholom. corner Park and Clay
streets at 8 o'clock- Music . by , the
choir. Tomorrow morning services at
8:30 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abrahamson will
officiate. ( . , -
X Oregon City Celebrates' on July 4.
. Take the boat ride up there and hear
the eagle scream. Leave Taylor street
dock 8 a. m 11 a. m., 2 p. m., S p. m.
Leave Oregon City, 9:30 a. m., 12:30 p. m.,
:80 and 6:30 p. m. Round trip 45c
' Trolley Excursions Tomorrow to Es
tacada and upper Clackamas river points,
78 cents round trip. .Trains leave; East
Water and Morrison streets every hour,
from 6;B0jat:m.tO 5O.,mJ Tickets
. must be purchased. s -p: . " '
- Excursions Xaly 4 toEstacsdrmidirp
tier . Clackamas river points, ' 75 cents
round tripr Trains leave East Wafer and
Morrison streets every hour from. 6:50
a.m. to 6:50 p. m. Tickets must be pur
:;'XhflBed,:ttiZr'Vsrf:T Z"
. , ., v - -
' . v Oregon City Boat Sunday . trips
leave Taylor st. dock 8 a. m., 12, 3 p. m.
Xeaye Oregon City 1Q:S0 m, .1:80,
6 p. m. Round trip 45c. Tickets good
on O. W. P. cars. This is the only
- short river rlda out of Portlands .,...
'. "The Vital Tow." is the subject of
Dr. EenJ. Young's morning sermon at
Taylor street Methodist church., Even
lng topic, "Four Square." A cordial
--welcome to all. -t - -: ' - .
-' Restrained from rilllHgDitcn Dep.
uty United States Marshal William
Griffith served a temporary restraining
order on Fred A. Yates and others yes
terday, preventing them from filling up
Vreacbes Sunday at
' . Twelfth and Taylor Streets,-
""10:30. A- M. . -
i "Who IsThis Jesus?"
Lord Y Supper Observed
; Solo, Mrsf Lulu Dahl Miller
7:30 P. M.
Paptism f Organ Recital
Music by Quartet and Chorus
, . r '1
a;:T I '-' in c-i-1 sr: J r. fjai
HI) ,''(''! i v
t l
l'i find us 1 i l I n i urs c r 1 h
s.u!'Ljt J r y t:.: (uui lit-tit i 1"' t.
1 dl t-, J Is w !.-. J , ' r 1'. I 1 ii" 1
Leroy W. Furnas, d -sired to fill un the
ditch, but the government decreed that
It nu st-m I it-open-. W hen ff twnnwit
employes 'attempted to- -cli:;r out the
citch they were hU up by .. Vates with. a
shotgun. In order to serve the Injunc
tion, Deputy .Marshal Griffith. was com
pelled to visit them befare daylight-yesterday
TApprentioes ' Desert EMji Leonard
Saunders and Oscar Turner, apprentices
on the British bark Iverna, are being
held In the county Jail, Awaiting the
order for their return to ship by the
captain, Patrick 'Fajjan. , The boys se
cured leave, of absence Thursday, then
secured Jobs -with' the Gauld company.
They were arrested by Deputy United
States " Marshal Nicholson. , The boys
shipped as apprentices three years ago,
but hecarne tired. of life on shipboard.'
Captain Fagan said: "I will attend to
you on' shipboard."--The boys answered,
"Well, we will attend to you." They
expect to be severely punished for their
effrontery, after they cross the Cplum
bia river bar. By desertion they for-"
feit their' right to officers' papers. .;
: Siberia to 1it Exhibit Secretary
Giltner, of. the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, has received - a 'communica
tion calling his attention to ,the first
exposition of Siberia, which is to be
held ircOmak from June 28, 1911, to
August it, of the same year. The-ex-poaTM.on'
is being arranged by the Omak
sectlbriof the Moscow agricultural so-'
ciety. It-will be the, flt agricultural,
forestiv -and commercial-industrial fair
held Siberia. Oregon ' commercial
bodies are asked to end exhibits. ' .4-.
railed to Obey Policeman. B. F.
Hart, an 'automobile . - owner, negluc ted
to observe the signal of Crossing Of
ficer Sherwood- on East Morrison street
ytsterday, and did not s top to permit a
truck 4o pass when tho officer gave it
the - right of way. Hart was arrested
for violating the. traffic -ordinance, and
in municipal court this ' morning ob
tained a continuance of his hearing.
. Embessleoneat Charged J. A. Conro,
solicitor and collector f orpine Interna-,
tional Text-Book company, was arrest
ed today on a. justice court warrant
charging embezzlement -Conro is ac
cused 'of , having collected sums which
will, total nore 'than $100 and falling to
turn over the money . i,
Thieves Steal Brass. Chief Camp
bell, .of. the fire department today rer
ported, to, the police that thieves Vers
stealing the brass caps from standplpes
in the. business section of the city.. De
tectives are searching the Junk yards,
where it is believed the thieves have
sold them. '
-1439 Arrested- The report of Chief
of Police Cox fpr the month of June,
issued today, shows a total of 1429 ar-
rests, of --whom 69 ; were women been placed-on a dla-
L'lrTs. ' Intoxication ctiarrea. u . uauo.1.
led, with ' 608 accused of thdulgln too
freely. Vagrants numbered . 192. .:
Excursions, July 4, to Estacada and
upper Clackamas river points, 75 cents
round trip. Trains leave' East Water
and Morrison streets every hour from
6:60 a., m.. to 6:50 p., m. - Tickets must
be purchased.
The returns of the big fight will be
received by rounds at the Portland
Country -club, July, 4," with seven races
oij. the program.' . Admission 60 . cents,
Including grand stand. . , " '
r -' . " ' .
Baces - Baees Races Riverside
Driving club, Saturday . and - Monday,
July 2 and 4: Ten good races at Portland
Country club. Admission 60 cents, -including
grandstand-' .'.;'-
Steamer Jessie SarkTns, for Camas,
Washougal. and way landings, -dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street'
dock at S p. m.
Beautiful Oroherd. Stop and see pic
ture of Beautiful Orchard, now on ex
hibition in Hall's window. 830 Wash
ington street , , . .
" JMreworks.--Our entire stock to 'be
sold at cost This la ths last year for
celebrating. - Seld-Baek. - 8 10 First
street. - -
Old Jewelry Wanted. We bay old
goldnd sliver. Uncle Myers Collateral
Bank, Tl Sixth street, between Oak and
Pin - v - ' ' '
Entertainers Ben Davis, Ed. Leigh
ton and Bob Forrest at Twelve- Mile
House, afternoon and evening. .
' Jeffrtes-Johnson fJht returns at the
Oaks Tavern.- Meals a la carte. All
kinds of liquors served. " .
" W. A. Wise and aesoclates. palnlese
Jen t lots." Third and Washington. -,. .
Jsck -Xlnft Turkish- Bsths. " Largest
In city. Imperial Hotel Annex. ,
r Eleotrio Cleaner Bented M. 1283.
Low Rates East -
The Northwestern Line will sell
round trip tickets at special rates to all
eastern .points July 5 and 23. Two
through trains to Chicago, variable
routes. Apply V. Holder, jgeneral
agent,' 10 Third street. .
The laborer In Belgium Is poorly paid ,
and poorly treated. There Is little in
hlr -working conditions : to commend '
them to American workmen except' the'
precaution taken to - protect him from
needless " slaughter" in - workshops and1
factories. . I
only onc"besri,
J I bargain ''.J!
There can" be .but one best W
. acreage bargain in the Port- x
) land market,, and -we want a
"vchantie'to Show you that Ban-
ner Acres is that best, buy, -An . j
t lnvestlRatlon will convince any y$v
. fatr-mtnded man or i woman l
thet it is the mcst sightly Vg
I tract, the easiest of access,- of : J
the very best soil, adapted to fcrt
fiult raising or- garden truck- x
ing, has the finest of pure- wa- A
l-ter--nnd for residence sites It (il
Us'anequnlod. Aside from this SJ
' the price is only. 8100 to 8150 Y
peiv acre, which is a. less price
-thin is askd for many trsets fijl
not worth half as-jnuch.-There oJ
may be other acreage bargains;. V
-In - -the- market, but Banner A
Acres .Is the one best 'bargain, fji
fii Eoom 1, Worcester B'jTg ' fS
il oronnd rioor, T III
V Phones Mala 5339, A-7307. V
. i
Illkl I i'JjJ iiliLi
Frigid r.'ccting of "Couple De
scribed in Divorce Court:
. by Witness.
. She How d'ye do? (timidly.)
-He How d'ye do? (mildly.)
She How d'ye do? (still testing his
temper.) - -
He I'm well, (very matter of fact.)
This Is the start of the" conversation
between D. H. Blakclock and his wife.
Margaret P. Blackelock, after she ar
rived in Portland from Boise, Idaho, and
met him for the first time after she
had parted With him in BoiseNo hugs,
no kisses, not even a shaking of hands
was Included In the greeting, according
to the testimony of Harriet Churchill,
who saw his wife arrive at Blakelock's
office. Ho Is "employed in the govern
ment reclamation service, -t ; "
" Blakclock himself gave much the
same testimony as to the frigidity of
that meeting. He admitted, he and his
wife- had some difficulties before they
left Boise, she having, sold tho furni
ture and kept the j money before he
started for Portland. ' She was to fol
low at once,: he having been transferred
by his superior officers He left on May
26. last year, and he three-days later,
but she did . not - visit him -until two
days after she arrived. Sho then in
formed him she", was registered ot a lo
tel as Margaret Blakelockand-.did-.not
desire-to" have lr known she was mar
rled to him. : "-.f ;v":-::- ,
She told him he might come to. see
her. vhe. said, but to send up his. card
and meet her In the parlor. He could
pass as her brother-in-law, she suggest
ed. - She explained she-was rolng out to
the theatre with another gentleman and
did not care to be annoyed by a hus
band.. -tJudge Morrow, who heard the testi
mony In a suit for divorce, took the case
under advisejnent. ' The wife, did not
appear. The Blakelocks ' were married
on the, last day of the year'1505 In
New, York City. - -
r Summer school announcements fof the
Oregon Agricultural' college may be
consulted In the scfcool- department of
ths Public Library. A few copies will
be given to those Interested. Although
the ffret term opened June 20, It Is not
too late to - register - for the second
term, which . opens.; July 6 and.sloses
August 5.,
IThe books on the high school vacation
play rackiin . the 8chooldepartment J.of
the library for the convenience of those
who wish to take up these courses. ' ,
Sunday School teachers Interested "In
the reading of thelr'classes are invited
to visit -the school department Small
collections of books', especially suited
to the age of a class, will be furnished
the teachers as long as thes upply lasts.
Beginning July 3 the University Park
Reading Room, Portsmouth station, will
be open every Sunday afternoon from
1:88 until 6:30 for-reading only.
i'.'Jl I.:' ill:.') I'll
Important Notice
Holders of Piano Manufacturers' Prize Criecks, Credits, Etc.,
:J. ..Note -Carefully. J.i.
The Opportunity Has Come for Eilers Music House to Dem
onstrate Its Supremacy and Its Ability to Furnish- Better '
Pianos for Less Than Obtainable Elsewhere; Eilers
Music House Will Do This in a Manner Leaving . No
Room for Argument I '
.1 .We have completed arr'angerrients with nine of -America's forer
most-pianrj mamifacturers,-so-that -we shall accept piano contest cer
tificates, prize checks and credits, irrespective of the amount,
matter by whom or. to whom issued.' Injapp1jMn? your rizgwardj
toward payment of a piano, no mattef if it nbTTfu or"$ltioror even
$125, Eilers Music House will sell atif of these high grade pianos jSl.'
its lowest established cash" price, and will furnish a far better in'stni--ment
than can be obtained elsewhere, and 'the price will be lower, and
terms of ownership will be made far easier than can possibly be se
cured elsewhere. '' ' '
No concern East or -West possesses the advantage embodied in
the EilersV sales . system of high grade , pianps. Nowhere else are
highest grade, factory inspected, specially ' selected, and fully guar
anteed pianos sold upon a basis .so advantageous to the retail buyer.
. JMany.callera yesterday investigated these broad claims of ours
and they found, them to be facts. ..Invariably filers. Music House was
found to be imposition to furnish the identical pianos-for which $500,'
$475,- $550 and' even $600 was asked elsewhere. At ' Eilers Music
House these same pianos were iound tf be obtainable in many cases
for almost a thirties? and in all other instance's atjnbre than 20 per
cent less. Toward payment of these-low prices, a credit certificate
is now accepted the same as so much .cash. How we can afford tq
,do Jhisha-ben-explained' in our annoTincementss time and again.
0ur prices are one and, thejsame! to all alikfrr-ar -child can- purchase
here as advantageously a's can the shrewdesf shopper. ,
Don't pay the fat, round price small, dealers "are compelled to
ask until you are convinced that you cannot do better at Eilers Music"
House.' W sell more musical instrument annually that) do all the
rest of Western dealers combined. - -
. This" is" no mere. idle statement, it is a fact.' The reason for our
extensive business is twofQld;IiJFirst .of allXilers-Music-Housfr-han
dies the finesTand choicest musical instruments to" be had in Amer
ica, and secondly, Eilers Music House offers these instruments for
a great deal less money and on; easier terms of , ownership than are"
obtainable anywhere" elsi. This" situation Js worthy of most careful
.investigation. You will find pianos here for $368 for which $500 is
asked elsewhere, nd - many others r at correspondingly low prices.
Every instrument sold by us is guaranteed. If you are not prepared to
yllJ-f a$lvLbrwjL$20 -of $K, oftyeu onlySTilc;" together ;wtnn
youffrize award, even u calling for as much as $125, will be accepted
as initial payment. Arrange to pay the balancers best suits your
convenience, . -'
Come today, .
Eilers Music Hbiise
A.,.,,,:..'.v:JWs3 WASHINGTON STREET - '
: America' Foremost and Mpst Responsible Dealers '
Wholesale Department,: Fifteenth; and Sixteenth onr Petty grove St
Sunday and 4th of July Excursion
v V TO CASCADE LOCKS and return, on :
. Steamer Dallcy Gatzcrt ' " "
Leaving Alder street wharf at 9 a. m., returning, arrive, at
5:30 p. m. . - - ' ' - ,
: FarcOaBoIIapR6iiad"TrIp
', Secure your tickets early. Onl'a limited number to be.
sold. Phone M. 914 or A-5112. " ' ,
l. ..iJ III U K lu L ill I
Favors Purchase of Scerw
Spot for" Park if Price Is
The park board at the regular meet
ing yesterday afternoon authorized the
collection of data relative to the pro
posed purchase of Council 'Crest as a
public park. Thl is the first movo
taken by the board.1ri"wWc,ah indica
tion Is shown of acquiring one of -the
most scenic as well as historic points
in this section, of. the country. n- '
, Commissioner I. Lang brought up the
question- bf ore the r board by l.saylng:
"What are -we goln to do about Coun
cil" Crest? I have heard much about
that question of late," .
It was the general opinion, of the
members of. the commission 'that the
city should own the place. "The ques
tion of Importance" was the price to be
paid for it, v - ' . ;
Fears Bold-TJp Osme.
Dr. J. H. Wetherbee said it was his
opinion .that if an attempt was made
to. buy the place a regular hold-up game
would follow, as he understood the
lease runs for 20 years, and that the
lessee last year cleared -110,000. Under
such conditions. tho board would be un
able to get a fair pride on the site.
It- was the1 opinion of Commissioner
Lang that if the site could be purchased
at" a-reasonable""7" figure. ' the city
should take It but he wouldn't counten
ance any hold-up. It was also his idea
that the board should examine the title,
lease and other-features In order to find
otft the exact condition of affairs. He
was authorised by" the board to gather
such data to bex presented before the
board at the next regular session.
BeJeot Proposition. ' r r
' Cold water was thrown on a proposi
tion to purchase a'slte near - the- ter
minal of the boulevard in Fulton Park
addition,' which proposition was for
making small public park." This site
is owned by the Fulton Improvement
company, and contains 10 acres. . While
it-Would be a desirable place for a park,
ancLthat is about all it is gocd tor, It
is said, the board was Inclined to say
that-it was too far out, and the best
thing to do nowiato.vlmprov - what
sites the city oertis. ,
Superintendent Mlsche was instructed
to proceed with the erection of a publio
comfort station in Sell wood park, to
cost 82000. He also reported that the
Installing of fixtures in the playgrounds
is being done as rapidly as the parapher
nalia ,...arrlves-aJULjiajexpectedtO-i be
placed by July 10.- Instructors and dl
rectorsere, provided fojiea.clLcjLlhe
playgrounds, which" are now open to
-the- children "-ifesH-f-
The following building' permits have
been Issued: '
F. H. Lind, erect one story frame
garage, Klrby street-between Mason and
Shaver, builder J. Cr Duhrkoop; 6150.
F. E. Mallory -erect one and one-half
story frame dwelling. East Eighth
bii- --i.-r a. t .-,vi. ' I
n. . .1 r ( i P 1 i.nn-J nt
tiotv 1 r i i ,i' 1 1 J i if t, I nrtv- .
t'Dt i p 1 1 1 i i iwi 'i ioi i lauu aii4 Al
ucr, t ; I . -- snm; $jt)0.
A. K. iUcnar.Hoii, oreet on story
frame dwiiuis;, Knst l-.lKiity-slxth street
hetwppn. Bai r lload and I.roadwaj-, build i
er same: $-00. .
C. W. lioser, erct one story frame
dwelllntr. Button street between Buf
falo, ana Bryant, buUiler..sarne;IJ400....
J. Oarvie, erect one story frame
dwelling, Watt street between Albina
and Mississippi, builder same; 1800. t
Mrs.' C Morgan, repair- one story
frame shed, 381 Kast Kighth street cor
ner Schuyler, builder same; $100. --
Donald DcLeod. erect one and one
half story frame dwelling, Weldler
street corner Twenty-sevnth, builder
Oregon Building & Trust Co.; $3000.
E. H. Weber, erect one story - frame
dwelling. Terry street between Dela
ware and. Brandon builder same; $1200.
H? W. Seig, erect one story frame
dwelling, Terdy street between Brandon
and Derby, builder J. J. Gee; $1500.
-C-A,-Llftdberg, repair one Jitory frame
dwelllng;r753 East' Pine' street between
Twenty-second and Twenty-third, build
er HanseirtJros.; $1350.
O.-i?.,, Baldwin, erect one story frame
shedr Drew street between Fish and
Druid, builder same: $100.
- 3. M. Clark. - erect one story frame
dwelling. Hillcrest Drive between .Bollha
and Bella, builder E. T. Jones; - $1600.
Alfalfa Mill for Echo, ',
(Spec-lit Dispatch t The 'journal.)
' Echo, Or., July 2. Fred Andrews,
well to do Meadows . rancher, has or
dered equipment for an alfalfa meal
mill. The mill will be located on Mr.
Andrews' plaoe and will be used to
grind for local and shipping purposes!
Power will be- furnished toy a three
cylinder, 80 horsepower gasoline en
gine. - Mr.. Andrews expecta to cut up
wards Of TOO tons of alfalfa.- on his
own place; the second, crop will be ready
for" the mower shortly after July '4.
"Jt Cotifrvatlw Cu$todl4n'
' ,AYS y-
' :if '.' ' t '' V I W '- '-
For the convenience .of
its customers on;Satur-'
day evenings from 6 to 8
1H Second St, "
Cor,,Washington, Port
land, Oregon.
We Are Making
Things Hum
In this store.' Come and see the verit
able feast of bargains in fine hardware
we have - prepared for you. - If you be
lieve that a penny saved is two cent
earned, come here and save many -of
them. Remember the saving is not at
HW"-agtfteo eg quality, iifem'11 appre
ciate that fact the moment you step In
the. store. . .
Avery &
oaiorzrAX swxxpnra comro'trra
aoo lb. baiulz:z.s.,. ............ S4. oo
100 M. BAJUISZ.S. . r. i .......... 82.50
Made br ' '
Portland Brush & Waxine Co.
rhore Marshall 768. 160 IT. Third.
Get "your fireworks of us.
Wearfselling fireworks at a
sacrifice. . .
; 205 3rd st hear Taylor.
j Wholesale and Retail
Kwong Sana Wa & Co.
103 X. 4th et, and 830 Washington It
jnlte4 Stat and Poretgn P?curd.
Defended and Sold.
laom t. toe. ton, uaj.
' liieOnlr Womaa'aColles oathe
t aciHe l out .teleairaly
f or Teang Womea
Located among id beautiful
nill star Oakland, California,
do to Saa Franciaco and tne
great Univeraitiea of tL Weat
Full collrtfiatt eourae leadin
lo degret. bntrance and graduation requirements
Jiivalf nt to those oi Stanford and Univeraity
Calilornla. Training fits students for teaching
regular lines of academic work, and offer special
advantages for music, art, library study and
lorn economics. Well equipped laboratories for
acienee. Special attention to health of students,
Modern fymnaaium thoroughly equipped. Out
door life and souaements ia the ideal California di
SMte. Alumna ia every eityaatha Jaafic Coast.
ton Catlouc aaosr-Tr- - -fasaiDCNT
Losi-LA Clay Carson. LL. D.
, Mills Colleob P. 0 California -
Tits Boys and Girls for ;Oollsre.
Graduates enter on examination Har
vard, Princeton, Tale and Massachusetts
Institute ot Technology; on certificate,
Amherst;: Cornell.. Smith, Vassar.' Wil
liams, and colleges and universities bt
the Pacific coast Well equipped; lab
oratories in chemistry - and. , physics.
Field practice in surveying:. Depart
ments in charge of .college men and
women'. Classical, scientific, modern
language and commercial courses. Gym
nasium under skilled director. . Track
and field Athletics.
Included. Corner of Montgomery and
Thirteenth. Easy of access from nil
parts of the city. -Office hours for
summer to 12 and 1 to 4. Send for
catalogue. . , .-
r ear ot Matara of f t. Jobs UapUat ( Kpi.oopal
Coltaslatte. Ailinie ana uemmtair
Depta. Mmlc, Art. KloentloB, Grmnaalum,
(Beeldmt pa pile moat b or 14 jaara of a and
wall raoom mended. The aambei la limited to
fltty. Application ahonJd be mad oarly.) Addna
Tha Sitter Snp-rwr.Oilir. 3 Sl.Halatu Hill.Partlma.Or.
Home and Dar School for Clrla, near Manloid Uoiraraltr.
kecreditrd it coUeeet tut tad Weat. Grammar and Prim
ry department. Four new traildinni S Reaidence for 40
puellii s Kecitarion Hall of 12 roomai a Crmnuium and
Auditorium a Domeatic Science Bunealov. Extenair
f rotrndi. Mude, Art, Domemc-Sdenee, Out-oMoor Phyt-
cal Trtinlnf. School oyeal September, lyio, Writ lor
UluMrated cataloriie. .
, rtlnclpal, UAKI I. LOUaEI. A. B., rale Alt. Uallt,
Main 3
A 036O
Geo. IV. Baker, VLgr.
Tonlgnt, Bun. and Mon. Mat. every day.
. tinker Btocle'Campany In
"thb teiib or XTS" ' -Xaohsl
Crother's Celebrated Play.
Last of season. The end of Baker The
atre for all tfme. Fight returns at Mon.
Mat. Ev., 25c, 60c, 76c; Mats. Z6o, SOo,
I V Le I 1 PAMltiT
Seventh and Alder Streets.'
All Week; Matinees Daily, 2:45.
tr Armstrong Mualcnl Comedy COiJn .
Thursday Wight. rold Watob Given Away
rnaay Kignt, cnorus oiris' uonienf.
Two performances nightly, 7:45 and 9:18
p. m. Next week. "Affinity eaca.
icAia s. A-ioao
WEEK. i iriln . nn , . 'TM
svtra 87 I 1K4IKC
Kank's AU Star Billiard Trio, Intro
ducing Harry P. Clin Calvin W. De
mare and Albert O. CuUr, with seven
other stellar acts. . ;
Special Engagement Extraordinary
The Four Musical luciers. The Bram
sons, William Inman & Co., Elmer E.
Lisnenden. -
POPVX.AX yBJCES mathteb daixt
Q RAND ' : Week Jane 27, 19IO
In "The Half
Way House"
.i-v-.-j.'-n'nd'- '.
HAXKT soars
"The Battle of .
Bunco Hill" -
The ISoneta Plve
"An Evening at
, Vets and Meta
"A Midnight -Rehearsal."
- Helen Stuart
Veil MoKltiley
Orandasoopa -: '
Moral. Hiah Claos Attractions.
$75,000 new attraction.
Come and enjoy yourself and see. ths
greatest view In the world. -No liquor
for sale or permitted on the grounds.
1 na JAl3 Amusement Patt.
noteworthy ' Success XjXBEXATX, Hla
pantons Band and Grand Opera Artists.
Afternoons at 2:80, evgs. at 8:30. Pro
nounced approval of the new and epa
ctous. Auditorium-, best equipped concert
hall on coast Many attractions on beau
tiful grounds, admission to which is only
10c. Transfer from any-part of city to
Oaks oars at B. Morrison and E. Water,
or take a launch at foot of Morrison st.
bjbcxeatxoh' pass
Cor. Vanghn and Twenty-fourth Sts.
nriiT i, a, s, 4, s, e, 7, b, and 10.
Games Begin Week Days 3:30 P. M. .
Sundays 8:30 P. HL
Admission Bleachers. 25c; Grand
stand, 60c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children,
Bleachers, 10c; Grandstand. 25c. - -
aUadlvs' Day Friday
Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers
Wednesdays .
' At Trloes Haver Before Offered
This is the last year that Pui Hand's
young Americans wll) t be allowed to
celebrate Independence lay with fire
works, and as, we can not -carry our
stock over, it--will 'go at' prices never
quoted before in any cltv.
Everything Jta.,..UieHne,from,.lire,i
crackers to rockets at ridiculously low
Chin and Japaneie Curios Branch,
Alder Street, Betwen Seoond and I hircl.
Canton Bazaar
144 rem rrr.rxx.
tsrtttrrtr t o. jL AL '-- laW.iW at. fc..
The medioal fraternity bare freely
criticised Dr. luiton for advertising in
the newspapers. -: But Just as In her ,
praptlce so In her advertising. Dr. Pul
ton ; has again ' demonstrated that ths
Msruropatb "Biaies the Trail" for otaers
to follow. - - - - .
The following extract from art Iow
newspaper demonstrates that the.Metl-
wai Fraternity are waking up to the
necessity -of advertising: . v :
."Waterloo. Iowa, April" -B.". 1910-Dr.
W. R. dothern. vhn rnmA here a vear
ago frona Illinois, has created a- mild
ensaiion in the rankspf the meaicai
men, by Overturning the long estao
ilsifed custom of not advertising in tht
newspapers, lie will run a series of ad
vertisements and in his Fore Word ha
says," etc., etc. j
Dr. Pulton has built up her wonder
ful praotica by adverting, and then by
aotually curing the cases which com to
ner. xnoi aoping or patcning up, out
performinar nosltlve coxes, which are not
so-called miracles, but simply Xattus'a
laws fulfilled.
ur FuIWh is ourlug daily-the most
obstinate ' cases of. nervous trouble, .
asthma being one of the worst; also
stomach, bowefand kidney, trouble, par
alysis and fill Torms 'of rheumatism. In
fact, she la curing every day the people
the doctor have riven up I This la a
strong statement, but Dr. Fulton la .
making herself famous In our olty.
If yod are still skeptical why not, In
vestigate? A wise man. follows Nature'
laws, but a fool follows ths quacks!
Which course will you take? One leads
to health and happiness; the other to
suffering,! poverty and misery. It is
for you to choose, but a moment's- sober
thought; will convince you that Katnra .
has provided for all her children, and
only man has failed to take advantage
of her help. t
Dr. Pulton Is showing hundreds the
way to true health and happiness rf
yon are suffering, why not let her help
youf 1 '.v.-
8 TO 18 AHD 1 TO 5.
-Other hours by appointment.
Rooms and care of patients during
treatment i desired. . , .
Office Cer. 12th 4 Clay Sts.t West Side
Midway, Between i3th St. and Mt.
Tabor Carlines.
' PHOSTXS MAIN 7338, A-B133.
Diagonally Acioss From Jld Office
Painless Dentisinj
1 Oat of town paople
i ma am taair pjme
and bndaework lim
lulled ia eae (US
It Booaaaary.
wiii tinns a gx4
;22k ptli sr Mrceia'
rwfr $3.o J
J Gold Fillings 1.C )
!S!lvr rilling , ' .C J
Mnlav Fillinn 2.13
JGood Rubbar - a
! Plitai O.UJ
But flail (tub- m
t.AWII, rWrrmsUsssjs
bar riatea I.C J
. . ..... e -
mmvm jmrnrnHmm ' nialMt txirtim .vJ
tiinlaaa Extraotins tra waaaplataaerbriJa) wrt
ordad, OonanltatloB Fraav ToaMaotttbtte
alnlrai work dona aaywaar. AU worn mu rriai
iiii teed. Uodarnalnctrto ialpmint. Heat mvtaodaa
Wise GHtal Co.
BtrlOSSOOUi .. ta .. aaar.ttoi.
Our entire stock of Fireworks must,
be sold out this year. This is the last
opportunity - for celebrating in the
city'. We occupy two stores for re
tail. All goods sold,at cost.
110 Second St ' 9 North ith St.
v5avo Your Teeth Now -
. You save a dollar, we-,
make a dollar and the
Expensive Dentist lose
"I Itwo dollars whert we dJ
J your work. ' We work
ror prices you can pay.
Open evenings until 8
and Sundays until '11:30
for people wlio work.
Offices, established ten
years and our guarantee is good.
BOSTON DENTISTS, corner Fifth and Morrison sis.,
entrance 2914 Morrison St., opposite
, Jf eler & Frank's and Fontoffice,
Special attention given to restoring old
Violins, repairing Hows. Mandolin. .! in
ters, Cello or Bass. Many violins are
weak on some, sirlmts; I strVnu(n-u
them and eiuallse the tone. jr. Xj.
COATXS, Violin Maker, Rt-palrer, 1 5
3d tm ni'rtr Morrlsun, room H, HortUml.
4f ' Y TtU?5TlrliliJ1
ie-7 FiRST ST. Just f.r r nr. ? .
( ii ;
-i is,.
wfl-- tw'-t-S.