i i. Oi..i-. 1 i- V . iF FIGHT GOES TO 45 BUI UlaiT; "Mir' ii; t '! Hi ' ilj ij ilLlhi!Lii!iLlii!lU rami CnCON DAILY JOURNAL, ICIITLAIID, i j "... f . . i 1 (.- - .. : - .. ' " '." t JP f .--- - x - .J .. I . - tt - . !4r ill ' I LI U.iiii I UETReSOD i'll! FOR JEFFRIES His. Plan to Take" Punishment Nobly and" Fearlessly -Until ' Opponent Is Tired Out, Then Go in and Win. ' - Br W. J. SIaUery.v ; ISpertal DliNtch fft H nirnl. .".s:v Reno, Nev., July2.--"lvrriax take d evil of a licking, but I wil get him," Is the manner in which Jamee" J.. Jef , fries staed up the fight while talking with Jim Corbett yesterday. This stern- , hearted. workmanJeffrlos,- la a Saxon .farmer come to gather in'the "hay. Ha r -will .-waltr patiently -4a - thati-riftg until the crop la ready for the barn, and then he. will mow it, carefully and speedily. . .,, He is a atrong. stubborn .workman. That is the" impresslpn which personal lty and physique tlve. It may be rainy weather for a while, and the drops may fall' thick iuad fasti Bareheaded and barebodled he will stand up while they roll of from him. When tha time comes he will finish up bis tak. ; ':-'r; Glory, ambition, the adulation of thou sandsthey, don't mean" anything; save nuisance, to this big man of the. soil, this hired man. who will have earned his money on the evening of the Fourth of July and before he can go away to hunt and fish, , "-"Will JM Sftttla la Kls Own Way." He has his own idea about the best way. to earn that, money, too. He la. a stubborn Individual, and -; would . not change his mind to learn more boxing, tit spite of trainers' advice. That plan of his Is to' go ahead and take his lick-' lng, to keep on and take more, and then mora- etill and-to keep -walklng-in and In and in until the marvelous defensive machine before him. Is tired out, until the black'-Frankenstein has" beeii got under control. And then J Imagine when that time does come he will sigh as a field hand ' slshg ; when he sticks his fork in the last mown pile and after ward he will go home to dinner. . STo Tricks; Just Hard Knocks. He is a man without a sign of , sub tlety without finesse or tricks or pol icyone who goes along a straight line, and that a line of his own making; a fighter who Is hot skilled " In self-defense, nor skilled in deceit by which to gain openings for blows, but endowed wih a maddening, stubborn advance, and owning a face Which stays Impas sive under punishment,- a man who doe not-jo-e his taroper,Hbat .maintains a sullen, smoldering, gVim determination; Every trait he hat shown is- along these stubborn gaxon-ilnes. - The man , atlcks out in him. strong, often unrea soning, often impolite, taciturn always, and always lion hearted. His bad points ar these of a strong masculine Indi vidual. - The things which have made people dlalike him -tha bearlshness. the huge intolerance of those whom he does rot know well, or does not like these eami thingr tiave made people respect him. " They Si spell strength. ' rPMemlnatloa All Throngi. . ' And. yet It Is not the strength of the fighter who loves to fight, not the - quickness of - mood ' amounting to fe rocity; rather the strength of one who wants, to stay at bom, but who, when ' forced to Tight, will fight; If needs be, all day and then all the nlghtv Deter mination to do, that la it He has been known to stick to whipping a barren trout stream hour after hour, and then to' go back again, because he knew Where there was a possibility of chanca. . in little jthlngs this - determination . sticks outT-Sometlffifetrwhen he -1 ap .proached with a proposition, he answers quickly. Again he talks the matter over. But when he decides, he decidea "What I' hava said,"f-hav said," 'is hla way of doing It. ' " ' Anyone who has ever talked with him knows the Incisive, quick sentences he Is In the habit of delivering, i A period every 10 words Is hlarmanner of speech. ' Boyish When He's Himself. v He is a simple hearted man, a b'oy when he is himself. That Is to eay, when he is away from the crowd, which ! ' angers him to his sullen rags. He tus sles with his friends; ha keeps his likes; la spite of everything ha hangs to them. You can't bear tales to Jeffries about anyone for whom he cares. He is true hearted to a fault But he is a fond of fun as a boy.- Hit very fae when he Is loafing is boyish at tlmea f ; Jeffries4 JHghting race. But get him in tha Ting, and how that face changes! It grows impassive. It arrows so Impassive that It Is like stone. . Tha eyelids droop a little, the heavy - brows draw a, little closer than their wont. And thus the face remains so . , long as the other man batters It "2J Aa the body stays unshaken, so thai race stays undisturbed, impassive.' 'And th man conaojiiHeJkeeps , coming s on, ttern, stubborn, but tremendously undisturbed. - Ha looks jlike a man do ing hard work, accustomed to toll, bent on finishing It steadily, until he strikes; then the face wakens and those heavy lines , beside the mouth -deepen, while the scowl becomes , pair of crevices "between the brows.- " -. -.-; r; 4 : - That is thewax-tha jnan-has looked -" and acted intlhe past ; Those ara the , traits he has eh own to those about him, om of them, ara but little things, but they seem t mec.to Show things, fax beneath the skin.' And it is on those things deep beneath the skin on the very soul of the man that everything uepenas, au pmer tmngs peing equal. Haver Snob Contrast la King. ' It wllj be the. strangest combination, tha most remarkable pair Ot opposltes ' In ring history. The sullen fighting nimn, m. marveioua lighting machine, - the grim advance in spite of ounish- ' , ment; opposed to this, the lightning defense, the , mind fixed on a cerUln nd,: the senses acting InsUnUy toward that end. Jeffries, so normal that only appears through being a splendid . typa of a stubborn-race;' JohpRon, un canny la his wonderful abnormalhy; the big man with a skin the color of dulled orasawaf ainst the biaclc marvel JefTi righting Zs Cold Bosiaess. There is no romance In sueh fighting as Jeffries does. - It Is Jiard work for wages, j He killed . the. romance of tha neavyweignt ciaaa: he made nanilam like tossing hay into a wagon. p4 thei e is something bigger than glamour in his way of doing thlnga It is aa , different from Johnson' way as tha rr.ia north wind ia.sfrom the breeze of xne naming: south. ' Jt 13 the stubborn way of A hairy breasted raoe,-who rude- H-oia wnat mey had set out to do. "I may take the devil of a licking. uj get nun." najput it tersely,. J t. Beck, commissioner of labor' and 1 r. '.u trial. aUUaUca .lViaoNiny4iaar uiiiigtne last few months, Investl ftd ooo cases of child labor in the ise. and as a result states that the , . let ':'attirft ebould enact several laws Itr dPtnvirg r-rcarnt conditions. in i (CUT Also if. Rickart Can't Pick 4he --Winner When Limit Reached " Will Fighters Stand Draw? Is Question. -t'BjM&X' Balthasar. (tTnltfd. PreM tnnri .Wlw.j . Moana Eprlnaa Training Camp, Reno, Nov., July l.Whllevvery few students of form expect the JeffrlesjJohnson right to go 45 rounds; soma have begun to figui e onJtha possibility of what may happen In case the battle goes the full limit with nothing to choose between tha Awo-flghtsTB.-""' -"f" Jeffries, It has been asserted with mora confidence , within the past few days than, at any time since It was de clared that ha had ''come back" in the true sense, can go 41 rounds with ease. The same claim has ben made tor John son. But If they do go 41 rounds with out; either having a sufficient Shade upon which to base a verdict, will Jeff ries stand, for a "draw," after all the clamor about tha restoration of ; the heavyweight crown to the white race? Tom Flanagan, on behalf of Johnson, declares unequivocally that if the fight goes the prescribed limit without the referee being able to call a winner John son: wilt be perfectly wllllngo'go as far as necessary to arrive at a decision, even if a knockout be demanded. Johnson Steady tor tha rinlrtu . '' We do not believe the fight will go the limit, because 'we feel confident that Johnson will win long befor the forty fifth round is reached," said Flanagan. "For this reaaon we have' never figured on the contingency of. its going further than the limit called for by tha articles Of agreement, but if at tha end of the forty-fifth round. Rlckard la unable to pick the winner, then ws will be ready to proceed 10, 15, 10, or even 100 mors rounds, if necessary to decide which of the two Is the better-man. -V.v "If the Jeffries crowd does not want to stipulate ah extra number of rounds, should they ba necessary, we will be ready to go ahead to the extreme limit; by i which' I mean;, that Johnson will fight until either ; he or - Jeffries k is knocked :6ut.;-;' V'u'v A t a r j,fTi Jten Sooff tha Offer,;:; Tha Jeffries" camp treats with acorn the auggestionthat-Johnson .will last 4 S rounds.. Tha most nessimlstlo man at Moana cannot concede that theegro will be on his feat more than 10 rounds and the probability of a draw has never entered their minds. , . Berger, when told of Flanagan's stand. said: "What is tha uaa of crossing a bridge befors reaching It? The fight Is not going ,45. rounds and Johnson need not flgure that it will be necessary for Jeff to go Into extra rounds to reach a de cision.;" Would Jeff go beyond the : 45 rounds If both' men were' on their, feet at the end and Rlckard was unable to reach a decision? Now you're trying to cross the bridge before coming to It" Whatever Berger'a feeling may be in the matter, Farmer .Burns, who baa greater confidence i Jef f s ability than anybody in campwould be willing to let Jim go 10 rounds. If that number were necessary In order to arrive , at a de clBloB, Jjut it will not be up to Farmer Burns to decide that important cues' uon, snouia t anse.-w -,.-:, :, i..f'-,y Wnat tha Burgeons Sxpeot. ",v' f-hat:tho amajt atmjr:6f surgeons se lected to take charge of the receiving hospital to ba ; maintained within the fight arena wpect to be kept busy is shown by x& "pr e'paration they ara making, injury-to the fighters la not bothering them, as they know that tha physical condition into which Jeff and Johnson have worked themselves is such as to make it practically impossible for the contestants to Inflict mosa than or dinary hurts suffered by well trained lighters, barring, of course, such acci dents as. that , which sent Tommy Mc Carthy to his grave following tha battle witu owen Moran m Ban Francisco. . It is to the spectators that they look for patients, and tha larger number of cases that they expect to treat are heat pros trations and victims of heart trouble superinduced by the excitement of the contest and tha altituda . MISSOURI PASTOR SAYS , .FIGHT IS PROPER THING " '- Tnitd Press laaaed Wlra.1'5 i 'Carthaaa Mn...Jnlv sTk Tfi.. Johnson flghV baa found a champion Iff mio jtvev. n..' cj. iraue, pastor or tha First BaDtiat church hr ; . . . . j -jvery man wiui red blood in his veuift-ioouia . leu jrmii mmih a chamDionahln.' said rr. Tr r ,. Ueve Jeffries will win before the tenth rouna. . , ; .; ,r .r ' "I do not see the iiartn in being Inter ested in the fight I would be glad, to See it if I had "th t1m anH iuM km - . w ... j . fim a mlnistemnd-a inan I bave a right to "Thia wUl be tha last big fight Prise iignung is goin out or business. It has fallen Intn mrt aa if. j is sealed... It is. not So brutal as foot- oaii, out rootbau is in good hands. ieffisWh . -f. .-. 1'.. PAY- ALL HAPPY (Continued from Page One.) fore SUCh a hulklnr flrhf.F t.h.. on,jremarked ona of the bystanders. ;. . Bnru nrprised..;,.;; iw Burns seemed genuinely surprised at the difference that a. year and a' half in training had made in Jeffries' appear ance. When he last saw big Jim, at Los Angeles a couple of years ago, Jeffries was the prosperous proprietor of a sa loon and looked tha part" He bulged about the waist, his neck tplded over his ' collar and he had a well defined double chin. ' -.' ; ..... I wondered What training would do for him, and It is hard td believe he is theleeme itun,- aald Tommy, :?He must - c wi.-.vMiiuiaiii;n if Dung riartr-therrjnrtmo!rTie'irTnrTex- jioiii, iv in nun wiQ. ana I aon't thing the fight will go very" far.' , Some of the men around Jeffs-quarters questioned Tommy In respect to Johnson's fighting abilities, feeling that Jack Johnson poses for' a heavyweight who has been through 14 gruelling rounds with Johnson ought to be considered an authority on such subjects.':' ''.-s. .:.;v:v,ii-A;V.s;;iv,.''-iiK. .:'(!.;:;;:; jolmsoa. ot'atnolv""'. ' 1 suppose I am pireJudleed.V said Tommy, "but I'd be willing to match with Jehnsotnigbt over , s gain "If he would give ma tha chance. I see where ha is claiming to be a strong man, among other things. Well, 7 he is a strong fellow, ; but not ao Strong as I expected to find him.. In our fight his strength did not last' He was a pretty weak Johnson in the clinches that oc curred in the last, few rounds,; As to his boxing, take away his short right up percuts and he has-nothing left. He took advantage of his height and strength. He used to1 hold me" by the back of the neck 'with Js left and up parcut nia with his right . Ills upparont Is no good, and In my opinion he is simply a luck fighter, lucky in having so many ' men who- ware shorter than bo for opponents, v i , ; . , t . vfrtxittda" SzarcUafor;Jeff. - ' ' 'Jeff said that . a -. few sprints and strolls were all that he would engage in, in the way of exercise, between now and Monday. He has begun the drying out process; that is, the shortening of his. allowance of liquids, i As a rule a fighter's trainers begin to dodge him when he is placed on short commission of water, beer and iced tea, but Jftoday. is a criterion Jeffries will get through the drying ordeal without belrig par ticularly grouchy. . : v ' Jeffries wllK wear bandages In this fight and It will be the first time in many a year that bo has had his hands bound In adhesive tape. In his early battles Jeffries' hands went wrong fre quently, and In the course of time, by experimenting, he . found that he was less liable to cripple" his hands if he. re frained from bandaging them. When he won the championship from Fitzslm mons he fought without bandages and h followed the same court a in air his engagements until he finally .went into retirement - -su ,.iU ... .( . , , ...-.! Just why JIra has taken a notion of returning to first principles is not clear, but it is possible that he feels that the thumb he .Injured while sparring at Rowardennan will keep in better work ing shape during the fight if tapa bind ing is used. , ."".Jeff Xs Voi worried. Jef fa Jolly demeanor yesterday was the subject Of general comment f It served to dissipate an opinion that pre vailed, namely, that worry bad marked the big fellow for Us own, and that ha was looking .forward to the. clash wKh Johnson with a certain degree of trepi dation. ' .'' "V. "What a ''ridiculous idea," said Dick Adams. - "Why. -this fellow sleeps like a baby, and a man who sleeps that way la hover a target for worry."' "How many hours do you sleep, Jim T' was asked Jeffries, who stood a few paces away ' "Eight or nine," as a rule," waa the replyJSndiljometlmea. sleep an Aour or two during the day. I am going to hays a nap this afternoon." :v;r y -; It was doubtful, however, if Jim had a chance to enjoy the siesta aa he had planned.-The camp was too well peo pled, to begin- with, and to add to tha congestion tha moving picture men de scended again upon , Moana and, di rected by W. T.' Rock and Jack otea son, arranged, several groups and scenes,:" of which Jeff was the central figure, . . . , Many Old Time . Tlgaters. -- It can safely be said that there never was an .occasion -like it in the history of pugilism., Nearly all of the famous men of the prise ring, both 'active and retired, were on hand, the list includ ing Jeffries, John L. Sullivan, James J. Corbett, Tommy Burns, -Bill. tang of Australia Battling Nelson, Sam Lang ford, Jack Scholes, former heavyweight Champion of Canada; Abe Attell, Eddie Hanlon, Jake Kllrain. r Joe Cboynski, Sam Berger, Jack Burns - of Salinas Jack Boot and Bob -Armstrong. . - -In addition to these there were mana ge rr of pugilists, promoters and men who have become prominent through their relation- to sport, , both in the United States and foreign countries. As for sporting critics, their name is le gion.; .-. ; .- ' -- ; ' v. - -Good Pictures Already. : r- .' In tha opening picture arranged by the-'camera men, Jeffries' manager, Sam Berger, and Jim Corbett sitood out on the lawn aa a committee of reception and alLtha notablea, referred to passed singly In parade, shaking hands with thejjHr-j;bre ,!l.Jheyovdlato.iocua. and out. The . procession lasted JuUy half ah Hour, so if there never was a fight at all, Billy Rock of New Tork tnd Tom O'Day Of San Francisco, the principal stockholders in . the picture concern, hava secured aiset of films - . i - ' - . ' . ! ; . t ' v - a picture juBt "before beginning an Rirtgside Writer Points to Won " derful Form Miracle f Johnson Beats Him. ' . 1 By Max Balthasar. . Reno, Nov., .July J.-In my' opinion, James J.v Jeffries fyill win this batue with jack JOhnson Monday within- 15 rouada I base this prediction upon the wonderful form into which he has worked himself. . I believe he is as good, if not better, than when he fought Corbett seven years ago. 1 His speed and strength ara ail that could be de sired. It la not necessary-o- touch upon hla gamenesB - . . I am bearing in mind, in making this expression,- that "in - Johnson, Jeffries meets, iths moatdattgerou jnaa" Jtt his career. Giving Johnson due credit for the possession of many wonderful fight ing qualities to Jeffries ha is meeting a giant almost superhuman and If he succeeds in beating the white man he must be bailed as tho most remarkable pugilist of all time. - ; - ATTORNEYS WHO DREW UP PICTURE CONTRACT v SUE FOR SERVICE FEE - . -- ' tVntM Prw Leased WW.l Reno, Nev., July 3. Although Jim Jeffries endeavored to get all. his finan cial matters cleared tip before the big fight, another, suit is pending against him in the Reno courts. The lawyers wuo drew up the contract for the deal whereby Jeffries and the promoters dis posed of their moving picture lights to an eastern syndicate have filed suit for $5000, which they claim is a fee due them for their services. - Tex Rlckard and Jeffries are seeking to reach an agreement with tho at torneys out of court, ; , BETTING AT CHICAGO FASTER AND TIGHTER; . $75,000 AT 10 TO 7 (TTnlted Ptets Leased Wire.) Chicago, July 2. Betting on the Jeffries-Johnson fight has become faster in. Chlcago-AA-wager f 478,000 at 10 to 7 on Jeffries has been-made. , From Canada iioo.doo has been received to be wagered here, WHITE AND COLORED MEN NOT TO MINGLE ; AT BULLETIN BOARDS 4 " .'vrnlted Press Leaaadl VTbiX". 4 Birmingham, Ala-. July 2 Ne ; groes and whites will hot ba per- ; 4 muted to congregate before the 4) e same bulletin boards to watch re- j turns or the - jerrries-johnson 4 fight- Monday.: Mayor O'Brien e today Issued an order instructing 4 e the pofio to keep the Whites and 1 4 4 negroes separated. Ha declared 4 4 that he intended to taks no 4 4 - chances on a riot in Blrmlng- 4 4 ham, -4 4444 44444444 44444 that will constitute a Show in them selves. - And there were other groupings. One was composed of Jeffries, -John L Sul livan, Corbett and Tommy Burns, each or wnom has held the championship. Another interesting piotura was secured when Jim Corbett and John L Sullivan stood in fighting pose and made playful passes at each other.-A-irwK'r1 ;'.-;"-: ::, ' Timothy D. Sullivan of New York, offlcal " stakeholder, arrived yesterday. Another arrival was" Frank Goteh, who teud-4ke-4WWtry-wtthJef fries- before the -latter-wen ttnta - training. tJotch anu Jeffries are staunch friends, and as Cotch is one of "the jolllest men alive the good humor which has prevailed at jerries' camp yesterday, Is almost sure to continue. - afternooa't work. HOURS OF LETTER -. CARRIERS WILL BE CHANGED AT ONCE (Continued From Page One.) viaesthe work of every man, shortening mo wng routes, lengthening the short ones, ; andpreventfng ;. shirking. Soma carriers, the auperihteBdent say a, would be glad to take tha opportunity to, work nine hours for seyeral days, then get Saturday off In accordance with tha 41 hour ruling. -' - - - - r Mall deliveries are heaviest on Mon days and Tuesdays, lightest on Wednes days and Thursdays. Carriers have re ported that at times they get a day and a half behind In their deliveries, due to tha fact that they must quit after work ins )rht hfilira- nth Amvm hm not put in more than six or seven hours. ina jaw requiring tnat a carrier must nos worn more man s hours a "weeK was passed in 1900. A decision of the court of claims. Anrtl .111911 i aa. authority for today's order. ; compilations of -ths postoffice ra celpts for June shows that the postof fice made 14.fl nar rnt lnii In business over June of 1809. -The re ceipts tor June, HIO, were 175,879.29; for June, 4909,-H4.402.8, with a money increase of 19,47141. : vi,t - , L Notarial -CommiasiOB. ' (Salem Buret a of The Joumil.) . . Salem. Or- Jnlv t. A notorial mm. mission has been issued to C K. Hale of. ellmra. t, . - - will be bulletuied in front of : THE IOURNAl OP FIGE -- , . ti- ' ,-" ' , - '"-"j." f . mm,r--'-ih.-j,t ' t -'-!l t' -'" t-rr-Tr -"rr T rr;rezr::Jm4IH,-,-',, y ."";. with its leased wire service 4 THE . JOURNAL will receive the news of ' every move made by the fighters "almost instantaneously. . v fEVERX30DY WELCOME The fight is scheduled to start at 10 P. M; Sharp Tl'B'SVEICT Was Not Old When He Retired vand Is Now Only in Prime Has Been Boxing Secretly for Weeks. By Roger Cornell, chief trainer at Jeffries' camp. - ' .netted tm teased Wlre.1 Reno, Nev July J.- Contrary to the popular-belief, there Is nothing Incon gruous Im th statement that Jeffries will be-fln-ths bear: conartlon of his career when he enters the ring on-Mob- nay. xnera- la notmng miraculous in thafaot-thatthia-trtta expression Is br ooming an actuality, v j : " The reasonfot. doubt-was L that Jre tlrement'v is commonly asociated with old aga Jeffries' .retirement -.earns when he was only 50 and before his aotual physical maturity, which. In men or targe pnysiqua, often : comes lata This is proved br "tha factthat ha is larger boned now than then and that he has developed in every way. Jeff ries has not had to come back. In ths sene of ae"has beeV' but aa a precau tion ha has devoted a year and a half to preparation for this fight He has usually given six weeks to preparation. : .:r---;.; '. Miaa Svar. - -'. . Jeffries will bo faster Monday than he has been In any previous fight: His whole system of training baa been de signed to upbuild his speed and to soften his muscles. With soft muscles he will be better able to stand punish ment" than when, nature's armor la made hard and- rigid. JtJJ..jV. jexrflea actuauyhas spent more time on the massage table than In exercise and the result will be an athletic mas terpiece of speed and endurance.- - - -" Beoret Xs Told.- .- ' " A great deal has been said of Jeff ries', lack of boxing practice,. On the ever of the fight, and now that secrecy is no longer of value, I will say that Jeffries has had practically double the amount of boxing and massage that the public has heard of, for. several weeks past, and that practically on every day when the crowd was disappointed at not getting a chance to see tha big fel low, work, Jeffries has been rising at 4 o'clock In the morning and hauling out hla Brother Jack and Bob ArmBtrons; fof secretbbxIhgT Thes"ewdrkoutsT in variably hava been followed . by mas sage, the whole proceeding being kept secret in order to clinch, the belief in Johnson's camp that Jeffries wa not working as hard- as necessary. - - Jeffries will win in well under 10 rounds,"but should the battle go beyond that it will sea Jeffries carrying the fight and so full of speed and vitality as to surprise all but his most intimate followers. . - ' Liberati Program The following is the prog rant for to night's concert at the Oaks: v March, ."Taanhauser . .. ....Wagner Duet for clarinets........... Sauer Big. Raffa and Combattenta -Tenor solo. "Funlcula,, Funlcula'.Denza Big. C. Fricddl. Soprano solo, "Jewel Song," -Faust - , . . . Gounod Miss Klarer, , "Q16w Worm" ......... .....v.... Links Vocal seceltion, "Martha". .... . .Flo tow Misses Klarer, Do Aubrey, Slg. C. - Freddl and De Luchi. "Reminiscences of All Nations" Godfrey v The tile roofers are the beat1 paid building mechanics in Germany. They receive a wags of about 2.10 a dax Bricklayers and carpenters come next with a wage of 11.87 a day.. The aver age wage of building mechanics is about' $400 a year. - . - mm RETURNS Each round of the . ' . , , , f - r k - ' . JEFFRIES - JOHNSON MATCH . .- Charged With Murdec in Sec ond Degree Wants to Make Statement. "- t?perll D1patph to' The Jonmit ' Monteaano, Wash.. July 2. In the su perior court yesterday, County Attor ney William E. Campbell filed infor mation charging J. Kllngenberir. former donkeyrmanoa-the achooner A. J. -Weat, ana conressea accomplice of William Gohl, "with murder in the second de gree. As the evidence against Kllngen berg does not ahow - premed itatlon,- the charge of first' degree murder was not made against him. . It is now stated that KUngenberg will' not be. brought before the grand Jury to i convene here next Tuesday.' - Ho has asked for theN chanoe to appear before that body. say-..t lng that he would tell a different kind of a story from that "which" he -told oa the witness stand, in the Gohl trial, which was the most important of the . trial It IS thought that the confession. -ha made is one reason for the charge against him not being any heavier, . No date has. been set , for his trial. , -' MAN'S BACK BROKEN " BY STEAM SHOVEL ' '(Special Dlipitch t Tae JoareaLI -" -Pendleton, Or., July 2 Charles Smith, a young man about. 5 years of age, who,' wasemployed in thaO. JEt St N. con struction .camp at Coe station, is lying in the hospital In this city with a brok en back and death is only a matter of a few.daya. fimith was a tripper for tha big steam shovel and In this capacity it was hie duty to trip the big dipper," causing its load it be dumped into; the dump cars, . Just as the whistle , was blowing forhc qui fling TiouF.T'harsday" night in eoma-mannerT-thr dipper, weighing several hundred pounds, waa dropped squarely on his back. . , :-j The injured man waa rushed with all, speed to this city and everything done to relieve his suffering, bi,t death la in-: evuablerji4-i4rt. Ef torts are now befng made to locate a slater, Mlas Ethel- Smith, who is sup posed to be somewhere In the Willam ette valley. Other than this nothing is known of hla relatives. CRABTREE BRANCH -: READY FQR TRAINS (Special Dispatch to The Jonrnal.) " . Lebanon, Or., July 2. A work train and crew Is ballasting the road Just, across tne river on the Lebanon-Crab--tree branch. It is sald.hls train will; continue the work daily until the entire road from here to Crabtree is ballasted and put in order for .regular train sorv- " ice. , Track laying has , been completed, thus closing the gap between Lebanon and Crabtree, allowing work trains to pass aver the road. As soon as bal-" lasting is finished, .a regular train serv ice will be inaugurated t - ' Everythrng is in readiness to comi mence work On tha center pier of tha steel bridge. - As soon aa thls-pW '-la -completed tne work of placing the steel '' In position for the bridge will com mence, but. this latter work will not ' Interfere in the least with the opera tion of trains. 1 New Hotels for Klamath. , t Klamath Falls, Or4 July 2. Plans are now on foot for tho organization of a corporation for the erection of a mod ern reenfonced concrete hotel In this" city,." Considerable atock has j already' been subscribed. Indications are that ' the movement will meet with, success. . If this undertaking materialises the city will have two modern hotels, as the ; Klamath Development company has al- ' ready let a contract for the erection of a modern hotel in its addition. y. - 1 r." ,1 -Is ... I i I f 'A j-fS-asav1! - -