THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, TOHTLAIID, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY . I, 1310. 0 TONIGHT S AMUSEMENTS jf ' - '" .." The Three! of Usw ggker...j-i-!5'.'i, - vaudeville Orphewn .''''..,.. Vaudeville Grand ..i. - .,". Vaudeville Eantage """" ; "The Twins" vrlc . Moving Pictures st? ::::::::::: : A7ber!tis j-and iiSday afternoon .gave Judgment TtSTtST in the fcaser Mrs. SJ Irvine sued'J-pr 800 because of automobile and Yost , wked Jor km on counter claim because Mrs. le failed tc .secure an Jtenrto lAaEe on- the uariana "w--: S ,? traded h, a. rt:of tth. tame of,&1' J08ts ""'''"" JT-Wmer.he turned over to vMri. ley . condition. The w"a it wrt repairing It when Si demanded immediate delivery and wSred any further worn upon it : , ; aoo(t seMide, The Seaside. Commer - ... Umied an attractive fphlet "descriptive 'of tl beach-ra. jampnwv 0,1a(, seas da. Oregon-i- ?rt'. and In it are many Xr halftones Illustrative -of ; Seaside ind cUv and .uburban jwldences. The. pamphlet are being distributed 07 nd the chambera-of commerce' and Sther commercial bodies of the north ether com.. issued is da- .criptlve of the Hotel arhart y the 8a, WMCn was uyoucu W uiv the publlo for its imi , . m Tin Tt or A hiillnt H 1111011 ' 1111 w " from a revoiyer " kitchen Of Mrs. Charles .Bfung. J071 Twenty-second street, aboui 10 o'clock last evening and knocked eonslderabla inter from m "" wonuuun piasier 1 lmm,Htlv after. eearcneu u 1 - - . ward but no trace of the party f respon- slDie coma uo '" -made an unsuccessful search. ..- Mrs. Bun does nol peiievo u.w Biiut-wiuo from an enemy and' is Inclined to think 1 careless shooter was 'to blame. , Vwtedin CanadaCharles C. Smith, wanted In Calgary, Canada, whera he Is Jlegd ttr have sold horse-untrustea . . . - vkkA n V A T ne Ml t -Anmrutnv to Mm vjr mo v.. a w. - , nd skipped with the proceeds, was ar- . 1 .v.i- MAnl0 at TMit niV Afllr jtrefitSi.. H jwas arrested Jytft sher iffs rorce on a aencnyuuu i u chief of police of Calgary last April to Rh.riff Stevens. He4s said to have sold the horse for $140j f . . . - : County Treasure After Reelection- County Treasurer John M. Lewis-has announced himself a candidate for re election by filing hla declaration with the county cleric. He says that if elect ed he will be pledged "to all the people the faithful discharge of a public trust,' indicating he does not expect to owe al legiance to an assembly or body less than the people at large. . - yelled "scab'' J a number of men tak ing the piaces of striking teamsters at Eleventh and Flanders street yesterday was fined iZO by Judge Bennett in mu nicipal court this morning. The arrest was made by Patrolman U H. Ackerman, i Tia retnris dFtha big fight will be received oy rounas at the . Portland Country club, July 4, with seven races on the program. - Admission 60 centa. including grand stand. ' ' .!? Riverside thriving club Saturday , and Monday. July and 4. Ten good races at Portland Country club. Admission JO cents, in- aaing-yrandsUBd.-"' -"JZZl"'1'' Tttonster Bale of ;ittaifBottlM Th-great-Uiree , day bargain event ends .tomorrow (Saturday), Open until ,10 p. m. Jimmia Qunn.' 815 Ore. bldg. Hear acrs. Annia si rnii-. ful InteirretaUon ot the 'tTpUfted Ber-. ounuay, 11 . XfL, Belllnf-Hlrsoh, Voluntary offering, . . . ;. iW. X Kay,-formerly of Baker county, Oregon,, is residing in Portland now, and has bis of flea in thV Mar- quam building. - , . , for Camas. Washougal and way landings, dally eept Burtday. Leaves Washington street dock at J ft-B..;,, l:7 : iyr Wpoag yrssa Tont oiotbM. alt for 11.80 month. Main Hi. A-4114 Wagon run averywhwa. Uniqu Tailor ing Co, 101 Stark. l- , . . Jama Oariok h Co, the hna nov rs! removed to" 110 Eaat Water treat Phone East 4417, f . . TVe . lortlaa4 Iwlaimbir Baths fi bath . daily4 Sunday. 1ST fourth. - . . -W. A. Wise and aesociates. palnlesa dentlsta,: Third and Washington. ' ateet mi at Woosterg. 406 Wash, B. O. Brown. Eye-Ear. - Uattuank Citizens' Mass Meeting A citizens' mass meeting to consider ways and means for better fire protection has been called' to meet this evening in GreetTs. half at 8:30 o'clock. The meet ing will be held under the auspiees of the Woodlawn improvement association. ind'all residents north of AInsworth avenue and east of Union avenue are urged to attend. , CHunes of Chance Closed Games of change operated rby Japanese, at Council Cteat have been clofed upon advice of the city attorney s office. .; Patrolman H. L Stanton made a report to the of IIm that the games were operated in a mtiuier which seemed to conflict, with the ordinance and was told that he was actlnr within the law, n ordering the I tamH stopped. Speolal rxcnrslon Bate to Barton, Eagle Creek and Eatacada, Saturday to Monday, round trip, return passage limited to 'laWra1nmstacadX Monday, July 4. - Tickets on sale a.t ticket otflces. Firsthand Alder streets, and East Water and Morrison streets, after departure of 10:45 a. nx.. train Hat? vrday. . It is Just as reasonable for a cripple to refuse crutches as for you to post pone the use of glasses when your eyes need them. Rubenstein. the optician. IU fit yerir eyes for eomf ort,ret and ease 189 Third street, opposite Baker theatre. Oregon Oltr Celebrates on Jutv Tasa the boat ride up there and hear the eagi scream. Leave Taylor street aw a, m., 11 a. m., a.p, m., 6 p. m. Leave Oregon City, ;S0 a. m., 18:80 p. vcu. 140 and :80 p. m. Round trip s 45c Troll V nmvainna Rnnilav tn ITnta. 4a and upper Clackamas river points,. 1 cents rouna trip. Trainf leave East Wr and Morrison streets every hour " :60 a. m. to 8:50 p. m. Tickets nuat be purchased. . , - Iwnrsionji, Inly 4, to Estaoada and "Kw Clackamas- river points, 75 cents od4 trip, Trains leave East Water "1 Morrison streets every hour from purchased. - ' '' '. Kut tn-r Walliiur guH TT Pie, a union sympathizer, , who F. W. Baltes and Company invito your inquiries for PRINTING Ho sea Main 165 I Home AU65 First and Oak wu yQur fireworks of us. we sellinK fireworks at a R.- KOHARA 205 3r(j co: St., near Taylor. Journal Want Ads brtng results. FORESTRY DOARD ISSUES WARuiilG Gives Advice In Movement to .iJreventForest-Fires;.. UstofDon'ts.': laws,' send for a copy. : Help enforce them. This notice is posted for your good and for that of the community." -.'A. B. Wastell, secretary of the state XarfMrr-JioardlJuaeoainhe-peeterej--io: Inro-every community. He asks that they be posted in conspiouous places. Large quantities of the posters are be ing sent to state fire wardens whe ere charged with . their distribution. The Oregon state board of forestry consists of Governor Frank W. Benson; B.1 Oi Stevenson, game -and forestry warden; H. C McAllister, master fish warden; a C. Bartrum. Roseburg; 1- & - Hill, Cettag -Grovet O. W . AB.-WaleIL Portland. Pe&yjrjOnaiixiTnese rwould you get fire to any ' man's houser queries the Oregon state board of forestry on clot V posters, that are being sent all over the state.. "If you saw Ma hpuse bgrning would you paaa byzwithont dotnr any thing jx; "Do ,youv realise timber is quite as valuable to the owner and much more io to. the community nd te youT-nHe can nuiia c new nouse, cut not a new forest v : -"Oregon loses' 200,000,000 feetef tim ber yearly through fire Each thousand feet burned is a loss of tSJolthejiwner. But the community loses 88 in wages. Timber means pay checks to surmort all Industries: but burned timber-pays no wages, ; Timber pays taxes : in your county, iz it burns other property has to pay the difference. - Care with smalt fires la the best means of preventing large onts.. Therefore" . . ; T)on't tosa away burning matches or tobacco. ' "Don't make a campfire in leaves, rot ten, oit against logs where you cant be sure it is out. - - - "Don't burn- your slashtags In dry season without permit from a fire. war den. ' "Don't 'operate an engine using fuel other than oil without equipping it with good spark arrester. "Put out any fire you find,, if possi ble; If you can't put it out, notify a fire warden or other puba of fleers Remem ber that little fires become big ones if left alone, J you don-'t know the fire TO TEACH INDIANS HOW TO KEEP HOUSE 1 i u Aiiiii-e "... ator Wesley L. Jones has written to Wapato that the Indians- will get all k ia ,, nf the Taklma Indian res ervation- when it Is opened. The peo-1 pie Of Wapato oeueve me governmom is planning to get the Indians ready to become good Imitations of American citizens, as it has stationed three ma trons among them, one at Wapato, one ... 4 -mi, t White Swan. Th. mutrnr nfmons the Inalanselo teach them how-to cook ad keep house BIO OPENING WEEK CrO ' TOTHB Greg onan Ice Cream Parlor tn list Ico Cream add Candies - Hosta Sretr Afternoon and XTentnswBoy Xlaf BBtertalaev, tM.8hUL, mm. Sufila01attt(r " TO CASCADE LOCKS and return, on ; Leaving 'Alder street wharf at - 9 a. 'nv returning, arrive at " Secure your tickets "early. 'Only a lirnited number to be BBTH ScTeifflficTlJ'alnless Den tistry . la knowledge and skill founded "on experi ence, and this is why THB BOSTON DEN TISTS are able to ex tract TEETH WITH OUT PAIN for half the sharge made by other 1 . - Moa. L A-Bftrtpr Strk tJompanv In - I . JtTTyW snvwei-n TT 8t Last week of the season. "The end Of. ttaxer Theatre ror air time. Evenings 25c. 60e. 75c. Mat. 25c. 'BOo. ' ; r - ii A perfect fitting and natural looking sec or artinciai teeth ; must ne as sembled by an expert in sclentlno me chanlsm; this Is j why THE BOSTON DENTISTS are ble.40i maka;set40f artinciai TEETH that restores the nat ural rfaeial7 contour and expression as weu, as to masticate food with. , The proper filling of a tooth requires a knowledge of the minute anatomy of the TEETH, Jaws and head as well as the adaptability of filling materials to be used, and antiseptic preventions bf- further decay after filling. This is -why THE-B09TON DENTISTS are able to guarantee their fillings to stay Oold and nnrcelaln ernwna Kn nron erly made restore broken down and badly decayed teeth to their former use fulness and beauty, and lest a life time This high class dental work is not experimental hut a lasting suc cess when made by a master ef the den tal science. .This Is why THE BOSTON DENTISTS advise this class of work where it is required. Tull Gifolbs, Inc. morrison. at seventh Tull k Giblbs, Inc.- Agcnts-for-ModafTCbrsets, Lily ; of France Corsets, Madeleine and Rengo Belt Corsets. Charge Accounts Solicited. Liberal Credit Extended to Those Furnishing the Home . Tom6gtow-lIjast Pay of the June Rose Sale An event thosewho have shared in its saving opportunities fnat today and tomorrow will not be found wanting in the genuine values that have marked its progress Repeating TMose Interesting Savings off Qjm WMeM Mdoln CMldvenL New Wash Dresses $2.95 DRESSES at $2.19 Of French gingham, in a variety of colors and plaid's. Beautifully trimmed in sol id Volors.aad large pearl buttons. Waist with deep plait over, shoulder, Two plaits down front, ifull box plaited 6kirt. . 95c DRESSES AT 89 Of navy and cadet blue per cale print. Waist, collar and cuffs piped; Large and small ring dots. Practical for morning wear. $1.50 DRESSES AT $1.19 Of checked percale ; col lar, cuff and waist strappings in plain colors, daintily trimmed with soutache braid. , Just the prettiest and most practical of stvles in Tub Dresses for little girls dainty frocks m. wonderful assortment and the best of washable materials absolutely color-fast. Mothers who usually make' up the children's summer garments will find that these are offered at the price they would expect to pay for the materials alone. These tell of a few of them. $1.95 DRESSES AT $1.48 Of light figured percales. Cuffs And belt piped in dark colors. Imitation yoke and full box plaited skirt. $3.95 DRESSES AT $2.95 6f fancy plaid ginghams. Piping of white. ;pique. Side button effect Large pearl buttons. Full plained skirt. ' m - $L50 DRESSES, AT $1.19 Of black and whifechecercale7 Collar, cuffs and belt piped and trimmed in scarlet. White pearl buttons. Waist has box plaits down fnt Full plaited skirt. $2.50 DRESSES AT $1.98 Of French gmgharri in large plaid.- 9S "89f ptam material inmmea wun iancy wnire Draia. riait over, shoulder. Full skirt. $1.25 DRESSES AT" 89 Of light, figured percale. Waist with two side box plaits and panel of solid color. Finished at belt with large white. pearl buttons. $1.75 DRESSES AT 69 Of dainty sheer French lawns. Dutch necks and short sleeves. Waists made with fine tucks. Fin ished at belt and heck with bias facings of narrow striped lawn, cool thin frocks for the hot days, $2.25 DRESSES AT 89-Of white French lawn with small figures. Square Dutch neck and short sleeves. Full plaited waist and skirt. Trimmed with piping of solid colors in pretty contrasting shades. The Chance to Buy a Sewing Machine Was Never So Liberally Presented as in Our Present Offer of $1.00 at Time of Purchase and the Balance 50c Weekly. Introducing and Demonstrating Our New "'Line The ."Supreme." Priced from $16.00 up.-.-. In Furriifiare These gathered" at ran dom from 3d and 4th firs. , $6.50 Center Table, with fancy top,' of quartered golden oak;4.75 $8.25 Center Table of best selected stock of quartered golden oak -for . i-. ...... ..vt....? 6.00 . $11.50 large Arm Rocker," of solid quartered oak, in golden finish, with high back for...... f 8.00 $18 Morris Chair, with heavy frame of quartered golden oak, dull fin ish for. . . ..?13.95, $35.00 ladies' Home Desk of finest , 4 birdseye maple, for....?10'0 - $45.00 ladies' HfimeJDesk of solid mahogany, for ....."....f26'50 $115.00 large and well proportioned Bookcase of best matched .stock of, quartered' goldenoak, with loval glass frontjjthfee secticms and three doors . . .....f 52.50 $56.00 ' Bookcase of best stock of quartered golden oak, with old - brass trimmings, with two doors, , for, . . ,............,. ,f3T.50 $21.00 Cellarette ef qflarter sawed golden" oak, with" two compart- ; tnr ' S9.75 '".OOlOTeironumedbak.wuC tiox: seat, tor Dining Tables, Buffets and GHiiaa Cabinets Some that are offered in the wind-up of the june'Rose Sale. 15.Q0 Round-top, -pedestal-base dining table of solid oak, golden finish, 6 ft. extehsiori-4J9.75. $38.00 Round-top, pedestal-base dining table, in dull golden' oak, 6 ft.- extension for $29.75. $39.00 Round-top, pedestal-base dining table, "of quartered golden oak; in dull finish, 6 ft. extension for $27.50.! .00 Eound-top, pedestal-base dining table, of quartered . golden oak, in dull finish, 8 ft extension for $41.25. $60,00 Round-top, "pedestal-base dining table, of fines't stock of quartered golden oak, 8 ft. extension, with massive base for $43.75. " ; : . , .. $55.00 Round-top,'' pedestal-base dining table, also of finest selected stock of quartered . golden oak.dtSll finish,. 8: ft. extensionfor $42.75. ' .$22.50 Buffet of quartered ' golden oak, with mirror for 814.50. ; $2300 Buffetofqu - witn large mirror ana sneit aoove lor $16.50. . $47.00 Colonial style buffet of matched stock quartered golden oak, dull finish. A -large -piece witlraTffeTmlrror 7nT $34.75, $34,00 Buffet of quartered, golden oak, with mirror for $26.75. $78.50 Large Colonial buffet of very fin est selected stock of 'quartered golden , oak. A high-grade, piece that has com pletej'ppdhtment andi a great bargain at the special price $46.75. $39.00 China cabinet of quartered golden oak, with oval front and mirrors behind . two top shelves for $29.50. $49.50. .ChinaJ cabinet, of quartered gold en oaic, witn ovai tront anJ plate-elass back now for only Convenient Payments Gold and porcelain crowns and brldga work mada strong and wall adaptod replaces-missinraeth nd for laanH nass and utility is the most beneficial and satfafactory work when made by ex perienced dentists who use the high grade gold and best material. This it why THE BOSTON DENTISTS are able to point with pride to thousands of pa trons who are wearing this crown and hrldge work with comfort and satisfac BAKER TEIAtBB Main A-S33ll . -Tjao. X. raxer,- Bat. San. Beyentli and Alder Streets. : ill Week; Matinees Daily. :45.- '. .. Armstrong MuaicaL Comedy oJtf Ll - . U ftl til ID IW Ct Tlinrsday Hight. Gold Watch Give. way . rnaay JTignt, Cntirug Olrli' oonten. Two performances nightly. T ;45 and rl5- p,-mr- neit wees, "Aiiuuiy aewo." , - BCAXSi O. &-1030 MAT. XVXBT DA'S- aniiti" 15-fl5- ' AJ) VAHCEDj TAUDEVTLIiB ; ManVs All StarBWlara Trio-intro-dnotag Harry P. Wine, Calvin W. De marast and Albert CkJPatlar, witlt seTaa other stellar, acts. ilWi ADVAKOED VAXTDEVTLU -Special Engagement JJxtraoiWnarjr BHEHO'S PAJBISIAK MODEU3 . The Four Jlusical Luciers, The Bram sonstWilliam inmaa &Co Elmer-B. Llasenden. POPUXAJt PBIOES KATTJTEB DAHY O RAN D Wek June 27, 1910 SDs. AJTD XCSS. PEKXHTS FISHES In , "The Half . way House" JOB WTTiTiARTt and HAJLB.T BOND Tha Battle of ico am COU The MoneU Tlve "An Evening at Horns." Mats and Meti "A Midnight , Rehearsal." Helen 8tnrt Society." .Well McKinlay oranaaecope tee Should be cared for by reliable den tists who charge for actual work done. This is why THE BOSTON DENTISTS are able to do high class dental work lor tne low prices. Ona Price to all Is tjta motto of The Boston Dentists Corner Tlfth and Korrisoa its. . Entrance 291 H Morriion street op posite Meier A Frank's and Postofflce. ' Open evenings until I and Sundays until 4 for people who work. Superior Blue Stem Patent Flour KAWtTTACmntOT BT THB PI OJfBEB TLOTOUrtt MTL1 J OO ZSZiAJTS CUTS, OBEOOW. The flour that all are praising. Mr. Retailer, if you will make a new customer for Superior Flour once a week, you are looking after your best Interests and making lasting flour friends. The houee wife who first uses It will cer tainly become a permanent natron. and will losenp jjpportualty 1 Bpeaic a gooa wora ror your store. This has been demonstrated over and over. Every single essential that goes to make good flour can be found in this brand. Write for particulars. D. C. Burns Co. 'BISTKZBTTOBS. 208-210 Third Street POETLAITD, OR, , CREST PKEE BOeKTC AMTJSE14I1TT PABX 120Q PEET ABOVE TKBfiZXT - - Moral. High Class Attractions. BEAunrrii Columbia bzvbb tbxp $25,000 new attraction. - BCTinO BT, OWE HUB .oxcr Come and enjoy yourself and see the- ?reatest view in the Korld. No liquor or sale or permitted Ton the grounds. the oaks ii:: Amusement Park. Koteworthy Suocasi I.IBESATI, His Pamona Band and Grand Opera Artists. Afternoons at 2:30, eVgs. at 8:30. Pro nounced approval of the new and spa cious Auditorium, beat equipped concert hall on coast Manjr attractions on beau tiful grounds, admission to which is only 10c. Transfer from any part of city to Oaks cars at E. Morrison and E. Water, or take a launch at foot of Morrison st. BASEBALL BXCBEATTOB PAKX Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Ets. VERNON PORTLAND JTUXY 1, a, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Games Begin Weak Days 3:30 P. H. Sundays S:30 P. U. Admission -Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 60c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children, Bleachers, 10c; Grandstand. 25c. L,adlos Day Friday Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. Painless Dentistn ttf Oct of aews aeooM ' ca have their plate . ad .brldsewotk &a uhed la ana das It neeeMar?. Will tmmti 22k gold ar eereelaK FIREWORKS At Prloas Barer Before Offered This is the last year that Portland's young Americans will be allowed to celebrate Independence Day with fire works, and as we can not carry our stock oven it will go at prices never quoted before in any city. Everything In the line, from fire crackers to rockets at ridiculously low prices. .,, i Chinese and Japaneae Curios Branch, Alder Street, Between Second and Third. Canton Bazaar 144 PUTS STBXXT. PLAZA HOTEL fwjf S3.50- oltr Cram S.CC 22k8rl.lnTwrt3.5f GoMFililRgt IOC EbmmI FHIIum ICt SUirer FiliingaV.SO - InlwFininn Z.CU fioo4 Rubber . MM Plitn 0.C3 But Rtd Rub- tf rum on .mm n rmm ' Mnleu ExtrTton ,&J WORK ttUARANTEKD FOR IS YEARS filnloM itnotloa t ree when pUte or bridge worH bordered.' OoainlUtloa free, Yoa cannot sot, bettas ialHa work done urwhere. Ail work fully sua r nteed. Modern elfctrio eqalpmnnt. Beet methoaa. Wise Dental Co. ttHiBDwa.ri. PORTLAND, OREGon WHOlBOnMi A, at. e tt.U. IiUn.ttav, .COOLEST HOTEL IN 1 NEW YORK W FIFTH AVE AT CENTttAL PARK V SUMMER GARDEN AND TERRACE fX ED 8TTJ1IY MANAOINO ftmECTON BMf-WS trnited States and Portirn Pecurea. Defended and Sold. rAcxrxo, coast patbbt agbbct, tno. Stockton. CaX FIRE FIRilORK Wholesale and Retail CUT RATE Kwonfl Santl Wa & Co, 103 V. 4th St., and 830 Washington St y$3 SAMPLE HAT $1.50 CUBAN CO.Bi.OCKE0500 Low Rant ta Bunost Raaaoa. Comptote Lib af Miilmery, LADIES' HATS Ramod.led PLUMESDrso 315ALDERSTCOR.f Journal -Adlets Pay Biggest New Departure The cast ef latameats have seen greatly reduced by the Holman Undertaking company. Heretofore it has been the custom o funeral directors to make charges frr all Incidentals connected with a fu neral. The Edward Holman Undertak ing company, the leading funeral di rectors of Portland-, have departed from that custom. When casket is furnished by us we make no e-tra charges for emboiming, hearne to cemetery, outside box( or any services that may be re quired of us, except clothing, cemetery and carriages', thus effecting a saving of $26 to $75 on each funeral. , - THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING 0. 920 THTBD ST., COB. SALLOW. Fireworks Our entire stock of Fireworks must be' sold out this year. This is the last opportunity for ' ceebratng in tha. city. We occupy two stores for re tart.'" All goods sold at cost. BOW YUEN & CO. 110 Second St 69 NortK 4th St. PER WEEK Ji. WILL ORE S5 YOU NEWYORK-OUTFITTING-CO HtB-wTWRST ST. JUST Off HORRI SON ft. JournanVanttrAre WlmJeri fe : 7M . i 4 "...Ju :.,