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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1910)
TT ro:;TLAi;D, rniDAY ev;.:;i;;g, july i. sij- & ft i W ' W MEB1IS Many Thousands . of Dollars Lost by Recent Shipments to the Yards Market is Al most Stagnant Here. - ' - Cattle Drop Sfverely. ' " '. - '- . Despite the assurance of the War --' packers that the market for cat- liLlii I f tie was better, it developed this afternoon Chat the inarket for X r both cows and steers, waft from SO to 750 lower. j , '.'We have had a very tad-market for cattle," says S. M. Kel- 41 ley,., buyer of Roseburg, who ships to this market, "and I 4 would advise shippers to hold ; back, or they will get hurt" PORTLAND UYESTOCK RUN.V, ' Hogs, cattle. caives-Bneep, Friday 147 -48 -- 21 Thurs. 101 Wed. , k Tuea. 81 , -Mon.....-.-'!) Bat. ; Week ago 3 743 n 896 ' 1 . 81 ; 125 - 320 IT 274 409 115 1557 - 13 , 278 Portland Union Stockyards North Portland, Or., July l.-rBuyers say that .the cattle market Is Improved. Ship-, pers say there is, practically no , de- 7 Promlnelinrr with the way buyers have laid down In the cattle market recently. " The big concerns have filled up with rCheari priced stuff, and are said .to be In a positlon)where they can hereafter regu late the market themselves. Today's run -ot cattle was very email. form the principal arrival In this line," and four loads went this morning at $3.75. : It la stated that - cows of this same quality sold . yesterday down to -a-.-i7 Hogs are firm with 1 10 stljS- being paid for supplies in the yaraa. xpaay run of hogs .amounted to 147 head; fttiont rap nnrl ft. half .V No sheep .came forward today butt me yaras are iuu iuh oi.,upiim were received some days ago. ; Because of their Inability, to sell ' their supplies, which must ; be carried over and fed from day to day. shippers to the local market at this time are losing considerable money.- Hay la ISO a ton, is rather scarce, and an expensive . luxury to shippers at thla time, they say. especially when they are-selling the stock for Ho-a pound less than they paid farmers. The yards are crowded with holdover !attl and sheeD and therefore the losses to shippers will amount to many thousands-Ofdollara. - One shipper alone At Is aald to have lost, about 118 1 lata venture. s ; AmOnjf tha Shippers. ; . Mr. Gasner shipped 10 head of hogs ' hv hnnt ta th varda todav. ' B. 8. Norwood had admixed load-of cattle,, calves and hogs on todays mar- -- ket. ' - - s5'f D. -R- Edward shipped a. load of cat tle and calves from Craln. Today's run : of livestock compares . with In recen-Fw fol ?lowa." -- -Hots.. Cattle, Sheep. , 1010 -U ; ,.,. 147 .,1.. 6 4 - .-. 1908 55 . 100 , . 770 1907 ; ... 192 41 1908 i .-.- 5 ' 49- 14 1905 'uii:,; 22 ' VJi '" A- year ago. today . there was a weak f tone In cattle but hogs and sheep of I- quality were steady. Following are -official sales. They represent demand, Supolies and quality and are the - only nrlces eeoured di rect from sellers In this market: . STEERS, ..iLs-- - Average Lbs. Prlee. ? "ateers'Ti-Vv. . . r. .1108 "v- - 85.00 17 eowgi 8 cows . 17 cows 9H :IU5 8.75 7 93 , 8.60 1U CO ill , 8.75 4.00 ; 4.00 - 8.80 V845 8.78 a l02v ' " r CALVES. 14 calves.. r480 i 4 -calves ........... 830 t calves , i ' . 5 "calves i ,. ... . 294 : 1 calf . 230 : 1 calf v ... . 290 calves . I ............ 171 r : . . HXTLLS.V - 1 bull .i .'. ....... . . . ..1530 X 1 bull- i' vl880 L HOGS. 22 hogS:"i' '..,.'..... 210 18 hogs . 303 1 .5'." SHEEP AND LAMBS. J28' lambs ...;...'...... " 70 85 sheep ................ 127 22 sheep ........ 108- 91 sheep ., . .. . . ..- 98 . . 48 sheep . f .. m .... r 12 lambs....... 84 in 8.H0 5.25 8.65 6.25 8.75 83.75 8.75 . lio.oo 10.00 f5.85 4.00 8.00 .4.00 .44.25 - 4.25 Contracted . General range of livestock values as i shown by actual sales: CATTLE Best Oregon steers, $5.50; ordinary steers, $5.00(g6.25; best Cali fornia, $5.60; common' ateera, $4;00; cows, best, $4.2504.60; fancy, $4.00; oor3.00; heifers , $4.804.75; bulls, HOGft-r-Best east of the mountains,'' ' 810.00;. fancy, $9.75Q8.90; atockera and feeders,. $9.00., ;; k, viw SHEEP Sheared best yearling weth ers. - $4.40. old wethers, '$3.004.00; spring lambs, $5.75: ewes, $3.764.00. CALVE 8-K-Bast, $.60J8.76; ordinary, 6.B06.76; poor, $4.0O5.0O.- :..:.,rrerrr :.' '.;.;x.T Ilumphreyg Funeral' Sunday, iSDertnl- Dicnitrh tn Thi Jonrnsl , Oregon City, July 1. The funeral of the lata Jonathan Humphreys, who died at Astoria yesterday morning of heart disease, will be held next Sunday. 'The Services will be held at the Methodist church at o'clock, and-sat. the grave the services will be conducted by the . Woodmen of the world. - Jonathan v Humphreya was born In England, , March 10, 1846,, and ,vat 84 years old at the time of his .death. He came5 to Oregon "'City- in ,1872 ;and : has been a realdprit. of .West Oregon. City ever since. At the time of his death he waavTslunfTTiIason Those who aurvive him. besldea his wlfo, are four sons, John K.', Charles, Fred W. and Nicholas T, and one daugh ' ter,- Jessie. : .- ;- --. -- : -. -.; in 111 mi iswassssasBPrsjsjaasssMpisisw mi wmmmmmmmt nli?:ill3B -: T J. S. FAIR TO-NIGHT ASQ SATURDAY FCRTCTISTERLT IKDS, i" . 'OREGOS I . FAIR : TO-HIGHT AND SATURDAT 'k.'FORJKWEST ERLt WIECS. - . WASHIHGTOBl 7 ' ' PAIS I0-BIGHT AND SATURDAY. TESTERL7. V IFDS Jr-- 6fUtt, vaucny I II l fnspector Ellicott Returns From ' Northern Trip on Which He Conferred With Governor : Clark at Seattle." ' That there la- an Increasing sentiment In favor of making 'asejjarate jight- msol7 li 'low ,$ T) , JMsh '; if -v . V'f. V M i Z0 ' 1 'J: I .War "" UOATD 1 Trt 'HIT rul1. A nTl C TITW n 11 V FOR LIGHTHOUS 0 on- biafnouae- district out of Alaska, - la the opinion of Commander J, SI. Ellicott, Inspector fpr the Thirteenth district He has just returned from an Inspec tion trljp toWlllapa bay and Grays hais bor, during which time he held a con- ference with Governor Walter Clark of Alaska at Seattle, In order to get his view on the subject. He said that the governor was strongly In favor of mak ing separate ' fllstrlcl 6f Alaska. The separation of Alaska, from the i.TJ).rtM41atricl,faaavaAwy4Mm-'V- vored tiy tha; different .officera who have held the position of lighthouse Inspeo tor here, and Commander Ellicott Is no exception,, aj he believes that the north ern territory should be-made a diatrlct in itaelf. He said that he went over to Seattle by train while on his Inspection trip In order to get the vlewa of Gov ernor Clark on the subject, as well as to advise him of the statu of the new aids that are being established In Alaskan waters. The governor,, he said, was not only atrongly In favor of the eparatlon, but he thought that tha headquarters shouldxbaJn Alaska. Hesaid-thaV he could not suggest, any pla, howeve;, but was willing to abide by whatever decieion , should be made. ; ; . The matter of headquarters Involves several Important Questions, according to Commander ITllltintt mant thAm "fta... I ing a - central loqatlon, the disposition of tenders and a United States deposi tory, and its location will probably de pend on these questions. He says that there 18 one faction of Seattle shippers Who want the headquarters - there and another equally s strong for headquar ters in .Alaska.' He would express no opinion himself, as he said that he I would wait until asked for it fey Wash ington. He is not in favor, however, Of-lh separation of Oregon And -Washington, as has been agitated by soma, GOOD SHIPPING RECORD Oregon and Washington Send 1,881,. . 257 Bushels Abroad Last Month. Wheat shipped from Portland during the cereal year ending June 80, accord ing to Merchants' Exchange ; reports, amounted to 9,723,861 bushels, while the figures for the' last month show 275, 138 bushels, all' but. 25,010 bushels of which was shipped to 'California, the remainder going to the orient This Is an Increase of 88,897 bushels over the corresponding month last year; ' . r Puget sound shipments of wheat for the month of June aggregated 644.&3S bushels and those for the cereal year uf 1909-10, ending June $0 amounted to T,6M.15t".'bttBhsls.. r -v . Fiour shipped from this port laat month was 28,757 barrels, to orient, Hawaii 'and "California, and the 'ship ments for the oereal year amounted to 456,469 barrels. Puget sound ship, ments of flour for-June amounted to 96,040 barrels and for the oereal year, 1,557,654 barrels.. - ? . ' .. The total number of bushels shipped from Portland last month, including 28,757 barrels of flour, was404,689 and the tofal from Puget sound, 96,040 bar rels of flour included, was 976,718 bush els, making a total- from Oregon1 and Washington of J,38J,25T bushels. .The grand' total for the season of 1909-10 was 26,476,631 bushels. - t -AKW JIUOYS PLACED Lighthouse Inspector Ellicott Re :r tarns From "Willftpa Bay.' After completing an Inspection of the .light, stations ' and buoys, on Wlllapa bay and Grays harbor, Commander J. M. Ellicott, lighthouse inspector for the Thirteenth . district, returned to Port land this morning. While there he es tablished .some new buoys. ; At . Wlllapa bay he made an Inspec tion of the Wlllapa light station., find ing it. in good condition. The tender Heather, bn which Commander Ellicott made the inspection, also picked up some buoys that had been pulled up on the beaeh at Nahcott-r--rt-tv'-:':,f'":t'' i The Inspection at Grays harbor Includ ed the inspection : of- the Grays Harbor l!8ft,t"rtatsorrand'Tn -trtabTi sirtn ztru new buoy in the dredged channel to Ho; qulam. '.Two new buoys were also es tablished on Whitcom's Flats and a new one in the channel to Ouosta. ' They were all spars. The spar marked JA Department of Agricultures WEATHER BUREAU v ; J - lXrUATORY NOTES, ' - OOtm'UMu ukn aUt, 4tvr(4Ttk amdUs mm.Ta ) irdwvd (o m - - ........... y Imm, er mhum BftM. put MreufB pwau iqui mt fi wi ' IWTHtua, or dotted Uno, pa through poialt ol (qui lufnitkfi id hrdrv lf far Kfi,fitaiac(0, and IflO. , SnianuuidKataataMcr mutxr: O ttwi O partly doudj; ltm(rtuw, ncood, 84-hour aualall, 1 a aquaii M iaah third, ai iv nuea par asur ar qor. , s In,tha,-ianneLto;..HoquJftWwat''lso..JF9- placed. ' The remainder of the inspec U5nTwTIcTnnTOTfXoT3!r 7Jr tWOOWff to Cape Blanco, will be made soon. RECEIPTS FALL OFF Custom House Figures Show, $13,- SSI Leas Thati Iaat. Year The dlvergance of eastern Shipments from the . orient to San Francisco are said to be largely responsible for' the - fact - thatwelpta, - t4h - utom - - houae for the fiscal year ending June 20.-being the duties on Imports, amounted to $18,881.08 lest than they did for the corresponding jperiod, last year. The receipts for the fiscal year of 1909-10 amounted to $720,848.78, while those of the preceding year amounted to $734, 229.86. ' V':' - While heretofore shipments to this port included large amounts of eastern freight, the collections this year were practically all on local stuff, or that which came in for Oregon consumption. Formerly the O. R. & N. has maintained warfthrtllftA hr tar mnttlno. an1 nthr materials tha.t go to makejulargellj, eaaiei(i ni(uuenva, qui inia year prac tically all the steamers of the oriental line running lh here have called at the Bay City, which took practically all of the eastern shipments. In former years du t4e fea ve ru welt-up to- the mi lUon mark, the largest collection having been three years ago when the custom house here ..took In $1,166,000 on duties. It is said also that the Interstate commerce commission 4s somewhat , re spenslbile for this' condition, as in a ruling .jnada.:.some time ago Urhecamj cheaper to ship oriental products to in terior points by way of New York or in some cases,, where the shipments go to the central states, by way of Vancouver, B. C and the Canadian railways. FALCOX HAS LIGHT CARGO American-Hawaiian Steamer Brings Only New York Freight. Carrying the lightest cargo that she has had for a long time the American Hawaiian ' steamer Falcon, Captain Daht quist, arrived last night from San Fran cisco and is discharging at Albers dock, slie brought 6nly the cargo from the STATEMENT of Security Savings and Trust Company ' V Portland, Oregon At the Close of Business, June 30, 1910 RESOURCES. Loans ' ...... . .$4,545,537.41 Bonds, warrants ;. 1,334,806.72 Customers liability, under letters of credit 25,255.82 Cash and duefrom correspondents 2,488,382.05 . Total, ............$8,393,982.00 !-' ' ' -J- ' LIABILITIES. . ' . ; " : Capital . ........ ....... ...... .........$ 5OO.OO6.00 -Surplus and undivided" prof its-.... ...... ........... 419,454.82 Letters of credit ........... 4; "... 44,467.46 Dividend No. 29 . . . 1 ' 25,000.00 Savings and Interest bearing certificates 3,378,449.80 Deposits commercial; individuals and ( batiks . . . , 4,026,609.92 - Total . a.. .. .$8,3938200 CpnDXSfSED The United States National" Bank Or FOSTZiASTD, OSXOOV At the Close of Business, June SO, 1818 JJ88ZT8. - Loans and discounts., ..$,T,08J,0B4.81 17. 8. Bonds at par...... 1,064,100.00 Municipal and Ry. bonds 848,854.83 Bank building 138,000.00 -Cafr-M4-ehaga . , , . a,184,tT. I, 813,887,827.08 1910 - lky O B rVm VtTSP!W??p4 3Q19 . CMtlTlY! wuid Maximum temper At ure yesterday 69 . steamer. Plaldes,.wWoa.mwnt, to. ,450 tons of New York freight She had no bonded goods. Captain DahlqulDT said that when the Falcon. -sailed from the Bay City 'the hatches of the steamer Alaskan, which was in San Diego with the cargo in one hold burning, had not been opened.. An. attempt was made to do so last Friday, he says, but -the heat was 85 fierce that thy bad h trlased Another attempt was to be made, he says, on Monday. The Falcon had strong northwest wmthexLOjLihewayjipwhich causedher to make a slow passage. She required 68 hours to'make the passage up to the mouth of the Columbia river,, being so iignt Daily River Readings. 8 a. m., 120 meridian time. 3 ta t emp a r a t u t rrrrrr.i 56 WJndDfretUn.f,11 Wind. V.looltr .... 4 Weather A . S -a s a tr p y -oil o r0 ! a -0.4 "5 t t e e i e Ho' 'o 0.1 0 0.4 0 0.1 0 BTATIONS. Lewlston. IT 80 "40 30 25 40 17 10 7 20 20 . ........ . . . ....... 4.2 Kennewlck. Umatilla. . The Dallea Vancouver. E u irene. iiaiflBWUl,,, ..... Albany. . Salem. . ........... Wilsonvllle. 1J. .( -U..rf 0.5 2.5 10.8 87 16 jfortiana Elver forecast; The Willamette river at Portland will fall slowly during tha uui, uiia vr luur uuys. " Towing Engln for Dauntless. The Shipowners' and Merchants' Tulr. boat company's tug Dauntless Is to be equipped with a Shaw & Spiegel steam towing machine of the latest model, ac cording to a report from San Francisco, the company having found it to be of especial service in deep-sea towing. This machine is manufactured by the American Shlpwindlaas company . of Providence, R. I. The Dauntless is en gaged in towing cement barges from the Bity City to this port. - , - Canal Work -'to Be Resumed! It was stated this morning at the of fice of the United States engineers, that OP CONDITION REPORT - 01 : ... r.Tanu.rnxiL Capital .-.i..3 1,000,000.00 Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided profit's ...... - 377,847.88 Circulation . . . ' 800,000.00 -OepeaiU IQJUUMAtL T- 818,387,827.08 the water has fallen la the tirpr Co lumbia, river to such an extent" that work on the Winters, Caujjhren & Smith contract on the tipper , -rtach .of Tlje Ualles-Coiilo canal will be' resumed nef t week. The work hRd to be suspended during the rerent rise in the river, but in spite of this it is -ald .Jhat the con tract win De finished on time, when is Wy-4r-l Ol 14'here- -ht-abou-t f otrr-rrronths more of work needed to finish that part of the -w.orkwhiclr tonalsts Of grading. The contract included- 236 miles of work. ALOXG THE WATERFRONT -Carrymr 2.162,560 feet of "lumber, the steamer. Nann Smith,- CarJaln B,W, Olson, sailed last night for Ban" FedroS The steamer Breakwater, Captain Mac- genn, will b due :idarrtve f rorarxoos Bay at" 5 o'clock tonight-A part of her eargo will consist of 200 tons of coal. In tow of the steamer Ocklahoma. the British tramp steamer 6t Dunstan was due to arrive at St. Johns from Bt. Helens this morning. . She will finish her cargo at St Johns. Another log raft for San IDego has been built at Wallace Slough by the Beqson Lumber company, and will be towea down there by the tug Hereules, which Is due to arrive today. The lat ter will be assisted down to- Astoria T .the steamers M. ; Ti Henderson and shaver. All of the Charles R. McCormick Lum ber company steamers will be in on July 4, and. with the exception of the Shoshone, which Is coming In .ballast for lumber, all will have cargoes of ce ment and general freight The outward cargri tor" the Oriental liner Hercules has been secured, and she will take -out IJOOO.OOQ -feet of dumber for Tokohama, Kobe and Mojl, 27,800 barrels of flour and 280 tons of wheat for Hongkong and Japanese ports. It has been announced that the China Import V Eiport Lumber company will Open offices here today, those in Ta- coma being closed, as it Is stated that this is a better point for obtaining and dispatching lumber cargoes. C. J. Butch, tit "charge -thaaf t alra ,of the-com pany for the Pacific coast will take a vacation, of several months In Japan, and E. Schulze iwUl'Mfinsra3''niiaaier.' v MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Or., July 1; Sailed at 4:30 . m-steamer J. B. Stetson, for San Pedro. Arrived at 4:80. and left up at e a. m. steamer. Maverick, . from San rranciseaT sailed at 6 a.-nt gasonne schooner, wilhelmlha, for "Taauina. Sailed it 7 t, m. -steamer Nann Smith, for San Francisco. Arrived at 8:40 and lefiB.aA.-10LBOeffllsleamer Break water, from Coos Bay, Arived at 11 Loans and .Discounts . .7. $2,207,758.94 Overdrafts ..'Y.;.- ..v.... ? . 9,038.84 r - ,U. S, Bonds to Secure Circulation t......i. 250,000.00 . Other Bonds andFiemiums-'r:.-T-rriVjri-V-.';7.!lrr,. 203,044.53 ' eaistate-V.'T.' ,.r ' 800.00, . Furniture and Fixtures 27,000.00 Due from U. S. Treasury ; $ 12,500.00 ' . Cash and Due fro'm Banks 977,463.20 . " - 989,963.20 . LIABILITIES Capital K Surplus and Undivided Profits--,...- Reserve (Of Taxe.s ........................ .. iivi).. '.., Circulation .Dividends Unpaid ....... ..v. .... ... .-.. .,". r. Deposits ..V ..J Mcii:.Cup'cd ... ' iPlcMy When Others Fall Call and let vs give yon a oantful, Satnsuklng examination absolutely free, ur opinion and advice will cost you noth ing. Perhaps TT little advice is all you need. X-Ray examinations, when neces. sary, free. No money required to com mence treatment, and you can arrange to pay lee when cured.1 Vh Sellable SpeolaUst, .. " 17 Years of Success In Treating Men MANY CASES CURED for $5 to $10 FEE TO MEN Sfc Dlsconrsged, IVern On! " rnOM DIBTl"A.TIOW A1TD XX vr Axb 00111 TO . KB. vet MliaTiTlf. HTBBNtt yjsL-AJO '.-1 VXXJlXiITX. No matter who you have been to sea or what you have tried, I can and will cure you, or I will tell you It cannot be done. To prove to every man that 1 have a sure and wonderful cure . for DlflBAfiES OT atfiiN, I want you to evil and have a friendly chat FREE, that I may show ypu why can and do our cases after all others tried have failed. WE . CURE SFnSSfe Kldny and Bladder Trouble, Urinary Obstructions and all Aliments Common to Men 7 w 7'- 11. ...' - '-' ' 1. , .!.'.:. i , ' '. i : ... i f ...., '..",'. 7, ';',"".. i'i If you eatonot call, write for free Book and Half Examination blank. Many caiscura at home. Hours a.rto 9 p. m. - Sundays; 10 to"lt.." OREOON MEDICAL, INSTltUTB SlH VOSSXHOU STBI3rr, Bet. lonrth and. Tifth, JOHTLA3ro, 0S2OOH a. m. steamer Elmore, from. Tillamook. Arrived at 11:30 a. in. steamer Golden Gate, from" Tillamook. . , .San. Francl.jCO,.. July. 1. Arrived at 8 a. m. steamer Catania. . from Portland. Astoria, Jtuly 1. Arrived at 12.45 ajul left up at 2 p. m. steamer Falcon,. from an Francisco. - , -' A8 1 orintJ u ly J.-7-Condltlon a t h e mouth of the" river at Ti a. In., smodthT wlndtjjorthwest- 8 -. mllcsr weather, cloudy. . - . . . ; ' Tidfg at Astoria Saturday High Wat er" 8:16 a. m., 6.1 feet; 9:01 p. m., 8.8 feet Low "water 3:12 a, m., 1.8 feet; 2:41 p. m., 3.9 feet-. ... --i ... 7T SIARESE IXTELLIGEXCB BeRTiia,r llaers IJue Beaver, San Francisco. ..' June 27 Breakwater, Coos Bay. . .June 20 Jolden Oat-e, TiUamocS July-1 Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook ...., July 1 Geo. W. Elder, fian Pedro ......July 2 Bear, San Francisco . , , , ji . .July 4 Roanoke, Los Angeles .July 8 Eeirolar-liners - Dnr "to3epart 7? Golden Gate, Tillamook....... ..June 28 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook,... ...June ?S Roanoke, San Pedro. ..... .June.9 HreaKwatsr, coos uay..,.T.,....juiy 1 Rutyka- Eureka -, , t,.,, i-trr. July I Beaver, Sah Pedro .............. July 2 , CONDENSED STATEMENT - ' BANKINO DEPARTMENT . Hartman & Thompson, Bankers . - . " - At the Close of Business, June 30, 1910 - -RESOURCES. . Loans and discounts ........-, $132,337.6(1- StockS and bonds v. 114,913.10 Real estate ; ' 21,41075 Furniture and fixtures 5,200.00 "Cash'on nand(and dus f rain "tanks 149,657.74 . UABILITIES. , '1 Capital stock ..v .$100,000.00 " Surplus and undivided profits 27,684.65 ; Deposits .....,.,,.. 295,834.54 ' . Total .;..l.;..;...;.ii;.;V..$423,519.19 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF LUMIEIRMENS IMATiGiNAL Bank At the Close of Business, June 30, 1910 RESOURCES DAM SIGNALS Examine Yourself Thousands of young and middle aged men are annually swept to a premature grave, through nervous complaints and nlftnil .llm.nla . T vnn K. v. anw nf thm - aympfriiTiB. consult jaa.-heforfl li is too late.". Are you nervous, wean, specks before your eyes,; with dark cir cles under them, weak baok, kidneys ir ritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, sediments in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn, expression, - poor memory, lifeless,, dis trustful, lack of energy and -strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change able moods, premature decay t - If so, I can promise you a permanent cure or no pay. - , c :s 'o, : L - i. ;.. .'ir - .j ;; ; . sflivJ s bbJblI -. v.: k'-'.t. f t.i r. :.-. H-'ar, Kn P'.s.-o 1 Rose City, J-.ui- lY.jiJ .,..', J , , :: - VeiWfl' w-(H. " -'"'" ' K!r, Nor., h-s. '..'...'..... . ,..I.: t. Pt. t Rainier, Am. hs;. ....... .(. ...... , t . Falcon.' Am. s v . Hercules, Nor. s. A ,.. . v Reaver, -Am. .' ............. A ! - " St. Dunstan, Br.' as:..... r .1 ' raetoi'usti3:'$K..-TtwiiTi':v ... r Coulsdnn. Br, sc., . ..... .Inm-o--!' Nann Smith, Am. as. . . . : . St. I .-..-: 1 Iverna, Br. bk ......... .MontX'imrry 1 Ninfa, It 8h. l'rcmou Joseph Pulitzer, Am. gas erh ...... . Port Xrv.lov-!i Washington. Am. ss... ...... Bt. Jninv Ea Bouts Vita Cement and General, Amiral Cornuller, Fr. bk. . ; . . Antwern ' BablnClie-vaye, Frv bk . I.nndon Ba yard. F frr-bkr t . . .v . , . . . , ,A ' i a 1 w Bidart,TFr. -Ttk.. .;... : . Artvcrr GanneblereFr.. bk..,,.;.... . .Glasgow Claus, Ger., sh. . . .-, . . j ... . . .Ilamimrg Claverdonr Br. sh. . . Tyne David d' Angers, Fr. bk. . . . . .Hamburg Glenholm. Br. eh............ -.Antwerp Hoche Fr.-. sh.. . , Li v ernool Iveraa.-Br. bk. ;j. ..Santa Eosalii Marechail de vCa.itrus, Pr. bk . . . Ty n Michelet Fr.- bk. ........... .Limerick ! Notre Dame d'Arvor,' Fr. bk.. Antwerp' Scottish iloora, Br. sh. ..... Antwerp Bt Nicholas,- Br.- cs .-.- -.Antwerp -Thiers, Fr.,..,,.......Antwero Titanta, ' Hor. ss.; . .... .. .... .Antwerp f .$423,519.19 $3,687,605.51 .,.....$ 500,000.00 7 45,073.11 t . Tirr 3,000.00 250,000.00 v. . ; ; .j ;""" 7,575.0Q - - 2,881.957.40 7 $3,687,605.51 M EN THAT ABB WEAK, RTB oxrs Ain bust xowv ' 1 Come to Ale and be Cured Pay When I Cure You or ay me as yon get the benefit ef my ; ireatnwnVji THBJ' DOCTOH THAT -CURES TEE TO A OVXB is lower than an specialist' in the city, half that others charge you. and no exorbitant charge for medicines. ' , "N. I am an expert specialist fTave haa Id years' practice fn the treatment of diseases Of men. My offices are the beet equipped In Portland. My method are modem and un to date. My cure are quick and positive. X do not treat symptoms -and patch up, I thoroughly , examine each ease, find the cause, re move it and thus cire the dl.sav I Cr"S Yatleose Veins, Contract Blseases, Piles and gpeoifla Blood Pot son and all Diseases of Man- SPECIAL DISEASES Kewly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and Inflammation stop ped In 14 hours. Cures affected in sov. ri d-vav i' -inMiHia uwy- man. a Jit eionx cut e. w 1 1 a . out taking medicine into the stomach. Examination free. If enable to call, write for Hat of questions j Office hours a, nv to 8 f; m. Bua days., 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. only. 7 PR7 LINDSAY 128U BBCKT BT. COS. p" ALSC, - i G.'.TI.AB. OB. L T VPP Chineie a luu, JJootur. yee ana eon s Rifmu-in t o., Spent lifetime stuiiy of hrt . lgrnted Diploma by . t 1 ' I'CIOT, wniWfi tut cur au oil ea of ,. mH ;"i t'ifi.-.. urhan hr . fm I i ftfi. . ! t v.ii I ft i 1 .'Mil hi " - n i-i a;; t L .a-SON'S MtTIICIftM CO., M , b. W. - !- Aiii-,-. i.. . ....fl.kW ....II fL M ....... .M - V. c 9 lmA 7 7 ). .:.;r,. '"-) jpSii,....,. p t