The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 01, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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The banquet of the State ' Woman'i
Tvk':3 club of Ofeffon-fcpld -fast-Wedn
day evening at- the Y. W. . A:'wa a
delightful affair, enjoyed by. over 80
pen women and their friends. The ta
bles were beautifully decorated, the Cen
ter piece being large floral Ink well,
with a treat pen qt flowers Inserted
therein. The club colors, purple and
white, were largely used. An elaborate
enu. waa eervt. -
After the repasOhe preSldentr-MTa;
it L. T. Hidden, proposed a Series of
toasts, the subjects being all those of
direct, vital interest to our city and our
times.' '
Miss F. E. Gotstiall responded to "lit
erary Work from a Business Woman's
Standpoint"; Mrs. Clara Colby spoke of
"Our Parka and Boulevard System";
Mrsvlstiei Faxon--Additoii-ofUOTQmaa't
Place in the Campaign tst. Better Citi
zenship"; ,"The .People's Choice or the
Minority Rule" was treated in a very
clever manner by Mrs. Story; "Public
Health" was responded to by Mrs. C.
C, Chapman and Miss 1 G. Rlchardnon;
Mrs. Evelyn AlleH Altchlson had "The
Dally Newspaper" for her subject, while
JklraJSTt. AUen. a ye .lamft-valuabla. la-,
formation In; her talk on "The Broad--way
Brid and Public Docks." A clever
readint by Mrs. La Eowe was much en
joyed. Dr. Story responded very hap
pily for the ruests of the club, as did
also Mrs. Trumbell.
The banquet marks the close of an
unusually pleasant and prosperous club
year. Th . caJendarornmjtteelMcsJ
Julia I Uarre,"Mrs. Blanch Rafalsky,
Mrs. Addfton and Mrs.. Hidden are now
actively engaged In the preparation of.
the program ,for the coming year.
, Boulevard lor Two Cities.,
' CKptctal DlBDttch ta Ta Journal.,
South Bend, Wash, July 1.-A mbve-
ment la on - loot In this, eltjr- andj Its
sister city, Eaymond, only four miles
distant, to "bu!H a v,!- J f - -In"
"Width .to connect the two t ' . x
petition already slgripd by lui tf -
leading business men cf th's C'f
which wAU probably contain the r-u- i
of an equal number of Raymond t
tta-meri7w1!M3e" presented lr th i I .
of county commissioners at its nxt n -1-sion.
'-' " :
Aocnts SfuttnartcrrMcroclc, Carter, Cooper, Dr. DelrncPo Llheri Mesh Underwear, Store Open Until 9;3Q Saturday Nlplit
Men's i 25c Neclcwcar Now 17c
Men's 50c Neckwear . Now 20c
A very unusual' tale of- men's Four-inHands,
shield bowS"andihietdneclrlies, all goodat
terns; our best regular 25c values, offered 7r
special for the removal sale at low price of v
ANOTHER LOT of better grade Four-in-Hands,
open ' end and. reversibler also Bat Ties, Tecks,
iftc"., in fancy colors: Our best regular 50e OQ
values, on special sale at low price of, each vv
Men's $2.00 Cloves Now $145
50c Snspendersr Now lor -35c
2C0 dozen men's Glovef iacape, mocha and suede
HrtockforaeinJana and grays; neat fitting dress
gloves. Our best regular stock Value d1 :1 P.
$200. on special sale for the pair ylely
"SUSPENDERSi made of superior lisle webbings,
with extra . strong leather: ends j also President
Suspenders, m good patterns; all regular TJC.,
50c values, on special sale at low price of
fel:it&ip Make lor VVomeri
In all our business experience, we have never known of high grade "Velvet Grip' Hose
supporters worth 50c ."a pair befog sold for 16c a pair. We promised you many surprises
"indthh if surely one of thernr-They-are all in first-class fonditioruStyles. such as ab-
dominfll or pad front,' satin ! belt supporters and fancy frilled side supporters. Colors are
black, white, pink, blue, lavender, yellow, cardinal, etc Every woman knows' what J
they are. Every woman knows this is a sensational, bona tide bargain.- vais. ouc ea.v
65c Fancy Hose 27c
Child's 2Qc Hose 9c
HfTl verv nnu9ual spec'1 in Hosiery is this line of pink, tan, navy and
black Hose, with embroidered boots. Many very pretty patr
terns are shown; regular values to 65c pair, special to close I C
BLACK HOSE Why not lay in a supply, enough to last for many
months to come? Three pairs for the price of two is unusual in
deed for staple qualities in women's hose. They are medium weijrht
cotton,1 with linen heels and toes. Sizes 8J4 to K); our regular Cft
25c tock values, priced very special tomorrow, three pairs for JUi
CHILDREN'S HOSE-UIn tan of black ribbed cotton, with reinforced heels and Q
toes; guaranteed fast colors; great values for. school or outing wear; 20c values, at t
WOMEN'S NATURAL CHAMOIS CLOVES in one-button length, spear-point
backs, pearl button; they come in a complete line of sizes; our best regular val- CLft
ues up to $15 a pair; very special removal sale price, the pair OJC
omen 75c Neckwear 27c
S225 Embroidery FlouSaciiios ot 98c
C00 dozen pieces of ladies' neckwear, in all the newest designs of
Dutch Collars, in lace or lace effects; stocks .in many nevrnn
novelty patterns, jahots,etc, worth 75c each. Special priceMlC
NECKWEAR In all the new DutchTIara,rjaDots andtockde
signs; efective lawn and lace , styles, 500 dozen in the lot f
Values -up to 35c . Special Removal Sale price, each, LuC
EMBROIDERIES suitable for every purpose are included fn this -
lot Edees and insertions in most every width and an unusual broad
range of patterns to. choose from. Values to $1.00. Special, per yard,
FLOUNCINGS.Fuil 27 inches wide. Suitable for so martfdifferent
purposes, a great selection of -dainty patterns in Swiss or nainsook QO
Our regular stock values up to $2.25. Special sale price, per yard, QC
1 '
r ourint oi eJuiy saie oi w
oitien S8.5Q Sweaters at S2.95
gl5OQ Ltnen Tailored Suits at S7.4g
A lot of 300 wool Sweaters for women'a outing and beach wear, and
i .
oh, ao comfortable for long auto rides. We are determined to clean
up the stock; want to aell every one quick, to offer them at a mere
fraction of their real worth. Long and short styles, single or-double-breasted,
plain' or fancy weaves, mada of pure wool yarn. Fastened
with peart bnttont, plain' or shawl collar with pocket. Broken
lines, but all ateca in the lot Color? are gray, white and GO ftp
red. Values to $8.50, apecial sale for tomorrow at, each '"wJ
t)nly a few days until you will need a Unen auit very badly for the
sweltering weather.- . For, tojiay and tomorrow we 'Of fer 15"0nTcely
tailored suits of real linen, crash and pure linen material. They are
styled just like 'High-grade wool suits; semi or tight-fitting and ajome
RuBsian blouse effects. One,-three or five-button jackets, the hew-
3ft plaited skirts; color are white, gray, natural and blue. ' A lot of
plain tailored natural crash suits fa this lot exceptional flJ7"ilf
gpod valuca to $13.00, apecial price for tomorrow, auit TtJ
Crepe) Gloth Kimonos . 81 .59
KIMON,pS--100Q new ones just received. These were bought for the new store, but will
be added to what we have on hand, to effect a more than ordinary sale.' The "crepes are
cut full; splendid patterns in dark and , light colots; shirred in, at the waist (hj Va
line ftrimmedloribbons; we will sell them out at this special sale, price,' each OLD"
. . . i : '. 'i ' " . .. . ? :. .; r
PETTICOATSA , special purchase o JQOQ Petticoats, made pf,rich,lustrousjiiktaff,eta;
cut full in the body. Styled with deep flounce, trimmed in" neat tailored bands and tucks.
A full
range of colors-black, white,, changeable, grays, blues, , greens, pinlijS. Q j
s, rose, etc., etc :; All are regular values to$3.00. Special sale price wJuD
Evening Specials
- 1 -Jiu. i
I s. tt . - 5
V I I fc. !i J
Fporri 6 for'9:30
G2.50 Waist 9Sc
Few ; women vrili wastex
time and labor . making.
waists when-such as these
can be bought so cheap.
An assortment of i: 500
waists made of fine batiste-
and lawn materials, all
new styles, embroidery
trimmed. Just the waist
for every day, street and
outing wear. ValSTnr Ji,
to $2.50. Special, JDC f
It's the best Bering of the
season. Buy one to wear on
the Fourth, Values to $2.50.
Very special, each 05
SIO Plumes at S3. 39
A clean up of all that's left of these regular values
to $10.00 which we specialized at $5.95. There are
hundreds of good ones for your selection and we
urge you to take advantage of the evening close
out. This offer deserves the attention of every
woman who has use for' an ostrich plume. The
, m , , , ,
qualities are perfect Regular values to dQ
$1Q. Special evening price of plimie, weJeD!
S3 Hat Sliapes 59c
A general clean up of all hat shapes, black chips
and burnt rough braids. Large, small and fn
medium shapes, vals. $3. 6 to 9:30 p. m.OC
gST75 Turlas Sl98
Sailors 81.98
Hand made rough braid Turbans, very stylish
self trimmed hats, light weight for summer wear.
Also rough braid banded, tricorn and drooping
brim auto sailor hats for women. The favorite
summer hats. Regular vals. to $3.75. qo
Special from 6 to 9 ;30 p. m., each only vLmVO
Art All-Day Sale of
Meil' Oxibgcls-
S5 Values S298 Pair
We want to close out ourtock of men and boyV ox
fordl There's a very good line of sizes, and the prices
are so low that you should not wait a moment Come
before the size is gone. Lot 9Men'j Oxfords, all
high grade, m patent kid, guntnetal, tan Russia;" colt
and brown kid blucher, lace or button styles, in new,
to-date lasts and patterns;- $3.50, $4.00 tfO QQ
I $5.00 values, special tomorpw at, pair v6,UO
ANOTHER LOT.ofmen' Oxfords for um- $9 9A
mer wear; $340, $4.00 and $5.00' values, pair $OJ
Boys5 Oxf orclB
.. , v..v,; r- "
BOYS'XFORDS, in patents, gunmetl colt, tan, Rus
sia, etc; blucher cut; in three different style lasts. AH
this seasen's patterns. Priced at a saving of one third
off rcg. selling prices; $1.50 vals. for $1 ONE THIRD
$1.50 Umbrellas, special to close at 08ft
$1.75 Umbrellas, special to close at $1.39
$2.00 Neckwear, special to close at 95
$1.00 Neckwear, sale price to cloge, 65
25c Handkerchiefs, special to close at 9ft
Mens $1.00 Watches, special to close, C9?
Bathing Suits," special to close, 1-3 OFF
Men's 75c Gowns, special to Close at 49ft
Bath Robes, special to close st 1-3 OFF
dadet' Rifles, special to close at $2.50
Carbine Rifles, special to close- at $3.00
.Men's $3.50 Pafamas for $1.69
SOc Half Hose at 21c the Pair
"2Q0"uttF6f"inen,s Pajamas, made of good quality
.sateen, soisette, oxfords, etc. White, blue, tan,
grays and - heliotrope i colors; regular 01 CQ
$2.50 to $3.50 values, special, the.suit. H1.UJ
HALF HOSE--Aii - exceptionally good- assort
ment of . socks in black lisle, with silk clockings;
solid-colors in mercerized hsles, also fan- Of
cies; regular values to 50c, special, pair 1C
$100 Fancy Vests Now $2.19
$2.25 Sweaters for $L59 Each
Fancy Vests of good quality wool and mercerized
oxiora vesung materials, gooa sryies ana pat
terns. Regular stock values to $3.00, tf0 Q
special at low removal price of, each ' vm1 l
We offer a lot of heavy coat style Sweaters in.
blue, gray,or tan, solid colors or trimmed in con
trasting colors; our regular stock val- !1 PA
ues at $2.25; special removal price, each vlJJ
Foiaipfil oi Jutly Specials in
Men's S3 Fancy Shirts Ql.4S
The most particular young fellows in Portland are coming to us for their furnishings
because they have learned that the "Just right" styles are here at the "Just right" prices.
In this lot of shirts we offer 100 dozcrf very high class values made of imported fabrics
such as French Percales, Anderson's Madras, Austrian Zephyrs, Russian Cords, etc. Good
sellers and splendid values to $3.00. All the newest patterns are showing.
To clean up stock before we move, we price them at this low removal sale,
LOT 2 A lot comprising 2000 late style Golf Shirts, with plain or plaited "bosoms, with
cuffs attached or detached; light or dark patterns. . Odds and ends and broken r?.
lines. "Our regular stock values at $1.25, Special sale at low removal price, eachD DC
LOT 3 A general aale of 5000 Golf Shirta, made with plaited or
plain bosoms, -with attached or detached -cuffs. Coat styles or reg
ular cuts, made of such good materials as percales, madras, ox
fords, etc., in an endless variety of patterns an 3 colors, Which are
guaranteed, fast; perfect fitting. Also . white Golf Shirts
with plaited bosoms; all $1.50 values, special sale at, each3C
SOOO Negligee Shirts
A clean-up of over 5000 Negligee Shirts, varying in price from
$1.00 tcr$5.00 eachmade p"f madras, chambrays, sofsettes, siHTand-,
linen, pongee silks, pure white silk, ".French flannels', pure woolens " '
in light 6r heavyweight All colors and patterns. Prices as follows:
$1.00 VALUES FOR . . . TO-$1.50 VALUES FOR . . .$1.15
12.00 VALUES FOR .7. f i.38$2.56 VALUES"F0R .'. .fl.65 .
$3.00 VALUKg FOR . . .yi.85-$5.00 VALUES FOR ...f3.85
Men's SI Union Suits 59c;Ea
LOT 1 -A great many have taken advantage of the saving
opportunities of this great Removal Sale. It is the unan
imous verdict among our customers that our - offerings
are genuine The values and prices are just as advertised.
Here's an offering of 100 dozen undergarments -shirts and
drawers in mercerized lisle, blue, salmon, pink and white
colors and
weaves. Our regular stock
values to $1.50. Very special. Bale, the garment, v7L
LOT 2 A sale of 50 dozen union suits in the ecru color,
fine quality form-fitting garments, good sum
mer weights Our regular $1.00 values, special, suit,
LOT 3 Particular fellows who want excellent quality in
the very light weight cool underwear will find what they
like best in this lot of 25 dozen briefs, knee-length pants,
sleeveless shirts; nainsook or soisette. v Regu a
lar $1.00 values, special Removal. Sale price, only U U C
S6.SO Cowhide. Suitcases Now S4E.SS
Maltirag Suitcase ff 1.85
A good lightweight, clean, neat-looking suitcase, niatting
covered, good caseboard body; bound all around, leather
corners; fastened with bolts, or bolts and.
A real genuine cowhide suitcase, made, with straps all
around or with bolts; body of good strong lightweight
caseboarding, with lightweight, strong, steel frames; linen-lined;
our regular $6.80 values, special d 4 OP
at this low Removal Sale price, each; t?nly wHOu
Mil II II , I I . ,:: II.
2512.50 Canyppdhks
Don't have to travel by water just because
yol own a steamer. Here's a line of 36-
inch slatted steamer trunks, canvas-coverecl.
steel-bound and - heavy steel , bumpers ;
double, straps. The : handiest trunk for
traveling by land or water Q P
regular $10 values, special, each, Qj
A line of canvas-covered Trunks-not In
destructo -3 ply, slatted, fiber bound, with
steel bumpers, heavy straps and poo 1 fir""-r
buckles ; 3 hinges, good- lock, i.verytr
that belongs'to' the make-up' otlTfirKt -c'
trunk was used in this line of rc:y- f r
ular $12.60 value special pic
"'. ''.'4 " i