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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1910)
i OrXGON DAILY JOURNAL, em io link: iratiED - CQOS BAY CiTIES FoaEEPffiiir DilllilGUlI ORDERS CIIAKGES Corporation Constructing EIcc- rOHTLAND, FPJDAY nVENIIIG, JULY -1,- ICIO. , 1 , . , - , .... - ... -1 - I - 1 ;illlrl Allin IfMfHin r ROYALr COUSINS WHO RESEMBLE EACH OtHER - W rtaAldAU i liJr it I I i I I m LL VLA V 4rioaliletweeft:ofth4 m- ' if it mm, m - - t 4 r . n r- V J. Business: Houses f Dan j team Postoff ice telephone Num ber .Upon Application; As sistant a& Secretary. .. Vj.: Charles B. Merrick Is now. postmaster :h - tf Port land.-s'.ji?3'- i4J-tmgan hia, active eervicejtMS lrSr- 1 . vlnis with- the commencement of businesa, -; and hlsvfirst officlar actwasjrtorite f i'letter :ti. the; heads aepartraents hav J '-Jng' safes in whicft7postof flee fund, are 1 1 nhept-andlorder jUie to ch8ng :tht eomr btnatinB n theiraafesr'TThen he signed I requisitions ;: fof tha "Quarter's supplies I and settled down to business In the big 1 :: "Viortheast room Of the postbf f lea7 build f In. v,;o,,r,.:H - immediate, changes in anything. J Ha f - stated this mornlngbat lia-would re- , ' tain W. .E. Williamson as his assistant I H postmaster.- andf Mlse-HMsmonaa shia -11 private ,'8ecretary;-rThes'.r7tha-nly two appointive offices under-tha change of the postmastcf. . , - "VUlj Save Plums number. ' Business men of Portland ; wlH-be given the postoffice telephone number upon application. That la - about the first decinlonreaffiedyW nevrBost master. In the past, while the post "office has bad telephone exchange., no on; knew th number unless personalis told by the postmaster. Postmaster. Merrick takes the stanc that business men of the city oftentimes have great heed to talk with the' post office over the telephone, He wllj grant this privilege. He would be wtlhng to extend thin privilege to the general pub lic as well, except that the general -pub lic seems to have a tendency To call up - -J-and-ak-4f th I card In , the general deljvery, which .delays biisl news and congests the line. - : Mr. Merrick' has not given the quest tlon of a new lte-and a new postofflce building much thought He, believes, however, that the new building should be In a '-central district, and is in favor of keeping it where It Is If that Is possi ble. , blsousses Postoff lea Bit. , "I believe that the postofflce should . be in a central location," he said. 'The postal savings bank bill that has passed Is going to make, this necessary. The people who want to" use the postal say- ings bank will not want to go to. an out of the way place to make their deposits, and I do not believe, that the little branch offices will be made "deposito ries of these savings funds. Therefore . I believe that the building for that rea- son alone should be In a central district. 'Then my connection with the City Beautiful project would lead me to de sire that the building be placed close to the other prominent official buildings of the city. However, the department will determine the question of tha location of a new building, and unless an,altempt - Is made to put it In some out of 'the way place I will do nothing more than rec ommend the site of my. choice." WASHINGTON MAN HAS EYE ON LOCAL POLITICS J. W. Lysons, former secretary of the Washington State Ra'ilroad commission, la At, the Oregon for a .short visit "In the city. It is the intention of Lysons to tako in theeffries-Johnsonpri2- Ttht "af"Rfeh6".Tfiehlie r 'will -return to Tortland and finish up by attending the state "assembly! called July 21. He Is the secretary of . the Republican State Central - committee of Washington and for 'hat rpflann lu t.Hfig i nviliij; m ttrest 'in the political affairs of the Northwest ::,i,,.r.., .!,,-.':. - Lysons has been connected with the railroad interests . of Washington for several years. He is a great friend of the assembly movement and desires to attend the convention In Portland and take pointers for possible use In Wash ington politics later. . . . , ' . . Kitchen -'U'ftnts Holder." : 7 ' (Sptclol Dlpt'nl t The -Joarnal.f - - Salem, Or., July L The governor's office received the following communi cation from Governor W, W, Kitchen of North Carolina this morning: "Hold George Holder at Coquille for murder. Understand Holder is under arrest at Coquille." - - - , - Requisition was issued from the gov ernor's office this morning for the re turn, to Minnesota of George A. Town fiend, alias J. T. Coropton, charged with defrauding Edward S. Bowman out of Explorer Killed by Indians. ,v (United Vttm Leafed WIM.) Buenos Ayres. July l.-Herr Frle, an Austrian explorer and scientist, was murdered by, Indians ln south Bolivia, according to- a -report received here to day. Herr Frle was living among the Indians and studying their language. Jt is believed hostile tribesmen drowned Mm. Better ThanBonds SAFER THAN THE STRONGEST An Investment Yielding 8 per Cent - t Per Annum Xo Taxes, No Jtisk, No Fees ipr Deduc- "' , -tluMif4-A ny-Kinih This is not a get-rlch-qu!ek proposi tion, but a legitimate, thoroughly safe guarded investment opportunity- that will commend itself particularly to in cMoru of trust funds. savings ac counts, and to persons who desire regu lar returns seml-annnalty Up6n money in large or small amounts. .,. 2i.iO.Cfl Invested this way. will yield $8.00 every 8 months. IIJOiJ.OtLJniesteitthis -way-will--yield 4ft.'.i0 tivery fi months. '; ISuOO.OO Invested this way will yield iioij.oo every . months. -. ' Thse 'Securities may, also be pur chased on the installment plan, not Iqkh on.-tenth payable In casli and bulsnce In fifteen -monthly payncnts. Jir it an opportunity for small as it!i at large investors It wt:j bear ci2fit lovewtlgation. -Tfcere are. Iiowi ever, not mow than- Irl',000 of these wruniins- ne naa. nnu jes tlmn Sfi.l.f.firt r'f snnthnr kind which win rot 4tn -m ufm. -' , Kr further"-wrtlnilars -'applyto Ti0'1ore Hanfee Trrsaurer. Suite "G" e-onil r,ii.r.- WaKhitiKtr.n V street cor- net of lark (Klghfh et-eew. Entrance to t 1 uI'.'IIp Sil Washings. - or IIS T;.'!hnn Private; E Bend and MarsMield. In- tares- months - North-- Bend - and Marshfleld will be the proud postessora of streetcar and lnterurban servloe. The Coos Bay Rapid Transit company has completed nearly all the preliminary work tdrV line 6 H miles long between the two towns. Its, cost- when coni- pieted Will be 1123.374. -inj-WjiR. Brownlee. a director and stockholder In the-compani: iold taw .Jhe. work Is progresslngrr-whlje heims lardrUana toda y.s;':''f ; ; ??"s;''!f iZ;; Ivtrii::;;; it VW ; are: Incorporated for - tl.000.008. or wnicii f 7.50,000 has already been subscribed," said Dr BrownleeOur 'PQWt3-i;xmk a. business man,, and the financial power backing .wjfc' xviiuirjr,- a uijf rvuny cweer. We have already .spent between $30,000 and $40,000 on tho preliminaries. Our terminals are worth SS5J100.--,We- have aawmTO -worth -fJO.000. "We ... have bupt a hotel. At one of our meals in tha hotel the other dajr lSOaat down io eat, ana 12 naa come from Cleveland, my old Jiome, witiln- tha last two months. W have Just a' litUe more than three months m whtnh to complete tne line, we have finished gradlmt. culvert building, and terminal arrange ments," :. ' ; r, Brownlee la on hts way to Cleve land, .where he expects to Interest cap.-ttaUata-tn- urther-pluna-foji-t ha-dAvelop. ment of ' the Coos Bay 'Rapid Transit company's Una. .: . - - , CHARGES DRESS TO. . . v MODISTE'S HUSBAND Having a dress made and then charg ing l to ; the husband of the dress-, maker, is the unladylike ,- act which Mrs. Edward Snyder of 414 Everett treethargorM! alia Jewell, giving" her address as 168 Park street Going further Mrs. enyaer charges Miss Smith and her husband, ..a'., chauffeur, -wltlv lllegal-co-habitation nd the. couple were arrested last evening byJJeputy Constable Wil liam Kiernan. , , ' Mrs. Snyder saya that- her husband gave her $8 a week and Dent the rent of hls BubBtanUal. earnings upon Miss ku.uui. . a jew weeKS ago Mrs. Snydar saya the young wqman came to her house to "size her un." Inoldentnitir nr. derlng a dress. When 1t was finished MISS Smith told her Snider wnnia iv for It, asserts the wife. Later Mrs, Snyder heard that Miss Smith was as suming the' fame of Mj-s. Edward Sny der and had charged .goods at various atores under this name. , She went- to the woman and protested, but received little courtesy. Her patience, at an end she went to. Justice. Olson's court and swore out a warrant for the "couple. FENDERS TO BEGIVbT '. : C TRIALHERE SUNDAY F. A. Nelson, agent of the American Automatlo Air Fender company, is In Portland, having come from Seattle this morning. Pursuant- to the action 6r the city council Mr. Nelson will Install three of his fenders on Portland's street cars, for ; a 80-day trial -in Portland streets. , If this thial is successful, the fenders will In all probability be adopt ed as the official fender of the city. "It Was contended against the Ameri can Automatic fender that "owing to the grades on some of tha streets and' the curves on 'the narrow downtown thorgaghfares. a projecting fend4MMKwld41i8 tuultiiuuar not be used to advantage. The trial of the appliance Is to. show that this con tention. is not well founded. . .The three fenders were-shlDDCd from Seattle yesterday and are" expected to be put In place toniorrow; They will malt their, appearance on the streets- Sunday morning. HIGH STANDARD OF "LENS" MAINTAINED This year's final number of "The Lens," the monthly publication of the students of the Washington high school, Is out It Is dedicated to the fiesta and graduation, containing much inter esting comment on Portland's annual flower show and mucl? sentiment rela graduation, and the significance thereof. :" - - As is usual with publications of the Washington high school, this latest number la a very excellent one. and fully maintains the high standard et by pre vious editions. It is a clever staff of young people that have-been gathered together for "The Lens," under the di rection of Miss Mary C. Davles, as editor-in-chief, Harry C. Vlereck aa asso ciate editor and Robert Jones as busi ness manager. M0T0RMAN ADVISES HER TO JUMP; HURT; SUES Having Jumped from a runaway street car on Corbett street when it atarted down grade on Hamilton avenue toward a bridge Jo the south, Anna Kolb Is sn ing the Portland Railway, Light & Power company for $5000 damages, $6S for the loss of a dress sne was wsaring and $5flr spent for servants after the ac ddent r ; Mrs. Kolb says she was advissd bv the motorman to Jump, he apparently, .n..,.9 .w0v -uii ui vi .ai una p make their appearance on the streets dent took placa on March N, She says her left leg has been permanently dis abled. . . . . . Alice to Sail in Alrslilp. tliBltwl Prws l.tutl t'U'.i - Plttsfleld, Mass., July 1-Mrs. Alios Roosevelt Longworth will soon have gratified her wish to Journey through the' clouds, .according .to a well-based roport- The former president' daugh ter will ascend, with s Clifford Baron, New York's millionaire aviator, in his racing balloon. other members of the paViy will probably be Mrs. WJlllannK. VanderblH Jr'.Mrs. W. Bourke Cockian and Miss Cornelia Bryce. 'It is ex pected, rhak the ascent will be niada be fors daybreak to permit the passengers to witness a. sunrise from above tho olouds. AccorHJng to the report, Mrs. Longworth andNher companions will cowe to pjttrield6arly next week fo the flight. r:. Paskid Jumps In IUvep. fit of despondency, Tke-Pask!e, who dis appeared from his home last Tuesday, la believed to have ended his . life by Jumping into, the Hoquiaro river, - A number of .men bean dragging the.rlver todHy for the borty. ' . 'l 'i it..'. 1 1 - ' ; ' I It w'?--;v - ;ii , 11 ::r .. . Czar Nicholas of Russia, ' Here arc three members of European royalty, whose facial and physical re semblance ls'remarkabie.. Beginning at the .ft wr Cyr TJirholBs of.RHnr and King Georgt of EJngland. AH three are re lated, which no doubt accounts for the likeness.- Kin George and Cs!arNicho- las are cousins. - The czar's mother waa the ' Dowager Empress- Marie,, having been Princess Degmar of Denmark, and -sister of .Queen. Alexandra, so that their resemblance Is due to their two Danish mothers. Moreover, both are about the same age, the ciar : having been norn May (, 1868, and King George, June 3, 1866. Two Fast Young Men Forge . Checks and Then Entertain. By passing worthless checks for more than $300 on merchants ".and sa loons. Harry Whitcher, oontraetorand C. M. Jones, both aged about' 25 years and living at the Clay hotel, have had a merry time for a week. The entire pro eeeds.irom the checks went 'to nay for entertainment of a numoer of women at various grillrooms and roadhouses. It was the lavish, manner in which the men the attention-; of Detecllvus Hell- yer and Maloney and the arrest of th penders following last evening, after he- clues . had lead to a dozen places abaut the city where the checks had Doing Team Work. Tha two checks were drawn by Jones In ravor or wnitcnor.. The. latter la known lii a number of stores where' he has purchasedbuilding supplies And in sev eral saloons. He. therefore, had little difficulty in obtaining cash for bla checks. ' Among those who accepted them and the amounts are the Columbia Hardware company. Fourth and Stark street", f B; Peerless, saloon. Third and Washington streets, $50; George Jones, Commercial hotel, $25; Fritz's saloon. Seventh and Burhside, $25: Madrona saloon, 'Sixth street, $75; Gus & Gus, First and Morrison streets, $25, and a number ef others. --The checks were drawn - on . thSiTUnlted States National bank of Portland., Jones declares that his father had an account there' and he thought, the checks would be accepted. gays Pather Will Pay. "Fathej will make good.''he' told the detectivuo a number Of t lines, adding that his parents live In Kansas. Whitcher declared that he believed tha checks were good and that he had been decelved by Jones, but the detect ives found a letter Jn his pocket written td" him several days ago. by the Colum bia Hardware company saving the two checks given to the firm "by him nad not been- honored. - The- officers say that despite this 'letter Whitcher con tinued to cash' the V checks at other places.' , SNELL, CHARGED WITH ' PERJURY, GIVES BOND (T'nlted Pre Leaieo- Wlra.1 San .Francisco, July . . After sur rendering himself andrnishihg 5000 bonds, Charles B. Snell indicated bg tha federal grand Jury for-perjury, was re lejtasa j:.c.ii.Uaday. Rncll, whose home is in Oakland, Cal., was indicted on six counts for perjury in connection with tho lfifnd fraud caaa. against Dr. & B. Perrin.. The testimony cited in the indictment' as falsa was Sncfll's statement that Dr. Perrin 'while writhrg out a check for $5060 told Snell the use of this check might send him to tbe penitentiary, as it" was to be devoted Jto brlbelpurposes at Washington. s ? , , -The government had evidence that Perrin -entered into an Illegal contract Snoll's testimony .was easentlal fn show ing that he had guilty knowledge of a conspiracy into which it was alleged he had entered. Supreme Court Fees Total $1201. -., t ... (Siidm Bureau of Tbe Joumtl.) Salem, Or., July 1. -Clerk Julius Cae?ar Morclnnd of jthe ,ayprj:me4j;9urt turned over 11201 in fees to ahe state treasurer today. -It is the largest turn over of . fees mad e by a Clerk ) n 't he history of the supreme court of this state for any one month.-r-Of that Hum $740 wes pald In by applicants for ad mission to the bar. ; SQUANDER STOLEN MONEY ON WOMEN Prince ,Hury of Prussia. Family relations are also the cause of Prince', Henry of Prussia . resembling tbacaar and King George. - He is the secoTSd ..cousin, of King George, .being the son of King B1 ward's daughferrtbe late Princess Victoria. . - ( The three monarchs are about' tha same build, there being hardly five pounds - difference between their weight.-.' The color of their hair is tha same. Their foreheads are unusually high and the lines of their face are the same. The most notable resemblance Is their Vandyke beards and mus taches, and all three cut them in tha same fashion. - - - ' .v The Emperor of Itussla la occasion LOS ANGELES CHURCH 1 P'' PEOPLE KEEP UP FIGHT - (Ualted Press Leased Wire.) . Los Angeles, July 1. The church Fed eration and the Federation club of Los Angelea hava wired Governor JDlckerson of Nevada an expression of - their .re gret that he will permit the Jeffries Johnson fight to bo held 4n his state, Tliey said that if he mada no effort to prevent the battle, reproach would bo brought "upon- th Amerloan ; republic, contempt - upon Nevada and moral ob loquy upon him. Th Church Federation has aligned itself with the other, churches and civic organisations that have combined to put an end to the boxing game in Los An geles. Ita members will use their in fluence to secure tha passage of a new city ordinance prohibiting the 10 round no decision bouts now permitted here by law. - .-.i". CONTEMPT OF COURT -vAGAINST EARNHART John B. Swltzler. an old resident of Umatilla county, owns an Island In the anttiia. iieKis ana u xne proaucis or tne district F. E. i Earnhart and , Frank Earnhart coveted the same and entered into the Switsler home, took possession and proceeded to harvest the crops.' - Switsler applied to the United States court .for, an injunction prohibiting the two men from molesting him. Ha got the injunction, but the two men did not quit. , ' Accordingly Judge Wolverton has Is sued an order , directing tha two Earn harts to appear before him Vuly 5 and howwhjrthey should not be punished for contempt of the authority of the United States of America aa expressed by tha courts. .. . Y-v,,. .C-,,., ; CLUB MUST PAY FOR PIANO PLAYER Circuit Judge Cleland gave Judgment for t the plaintiff in the suit of tha Ellers' Piano house against the Multnomah- club for possession of- a Weber piano player,' valued at $1000, but re fused to allow any sum as damages. -The plauu player was turned -Over-to the club in tha expectation It would ba paid for by proceeds from a cpneert to be given by-Bessie E. A. Croaker, but tha proceeds fell far short and the club would not surrender the piano. . IN THE King George pf England. ally annoyed ' by people possessing : a -fancied resemblance, to him, , and who do aHl Jn their power- to augment the likeness by wearlngthelr - beard anST" mustarhes'cut in the same fashion and Imitating; bis gestures and general de meanor.. "A certain count was so proud of his supposed resemblance that he asked his . imperial .master "whether he had not noticed it "Oh, yes" said the csar. "So much' so that the police think ! unsafe for you to go about un guarded, and I have consequently gTyen orders that you should be attended by detectives." The next time . the . em peror met tha count tha latter waa clean haven. -y-f,jjk.--,.iii-.i Supposing a man owns an Island In the Columbia river and the restless tide puts a rim of new land around the old boundaries, does the man. own It? "That is the question 4.hat 3 udge Bean- is con sidering today. The Taylor Sands Fishing company some time ago petitioned the federal court for an injunction against W. E. Tallant and the" Tallant Grant Fishing company, prohibiting them from using the tide land accretions to an Island in the lower Columbia for fishing grounds. The temporary Injunction waa granted and this morning the defense came Into court asking that tha injunction-'be dis solved. , '..;?;' The complainants contend that thoy are the owners of the island In aues tton. a" well & the accretions cast up by the tide;- The. dgfendant company has been -using the accretions or-its fishing ground,, thus partially shutting me -oia owners oir their land. advisement. INVOKE LAW TO - RETAIN AVIATOR (Bpaclal Dlanatch to tb JourosLt Hoquiam, Wash., July 1. In order to compel John Manning, an 1 aviator, to make flights In Hoauiam for the next three days, . in accordance with-a con tract entered Into, It was necessary for Attorney E.. A. Philbrlck to go to Port land and serv,e an injunction on Man ning. He had been offered better mon ey to perform at Baker City, Or. and he -wired r that 1 the t Jloquiam grounds were unsatisfactory and that conditions had been misrepresented. Tha commit tee in charge of ' the attractions got busy and , started legal proceedings to bring Manning to time. H is expeajed here. today with his, biplane. - V. .....-" jy. .... ; i i. - i I i , -'.,. British Expenditure ,EBtlinatd. (United Preat Leawd Wire.) London, July L Estimated expendi tures of $859,285,000 composing the 1910 of commons by Chancellor LIova Reors-n. This is an Increase of $48,000,000 over the expenditures of last yeah The bud get shows an Increase of $27,000,000 for tho old age pension fund." r. .- : EEL GRASS Witt " i1 a mm IS TIDE MADE LAND BODY OF IMO? ,:.v'"i m-i'llHlhlkilll Jessie B. Adkins Tells of Unique .Married Life in Action for h .DivorcerHusband -Obtains .Separation on Uquor Habit. WltHanT'Hr Adktns oldth -championship belt "as ji.'Wlfa deserter, ac cording; to the testimony of Mrs. Jessie B." Adklns, in the circuit-court this morning, where she appeared seeking a decree of separation. - She- said Adktns left her at least' 22 tiiSes .In ; three yars, -staying from one to five months at a time. -- - Besides this, .said " Mrs. - Adklns. he aomeUmeepulled.-:herL hair and pinched her until the flesh was black and blue. ALoXhermesJiia slappsd har and called herrbadname8OneHenr-e ent to the telephone to call for help ha tore the-' telephone from the wall' and threw it - Into- -the, street Adktns la a mill wright. The couple-married In Van- couver;;Wasrf.,- tn -October? i&o, -r Wife loved, Jiiquor. i J Maxwell EoJanower. said it waa im possible for him to live with Mrs. Kate Bojanower any. longer- because of her love for liquor. One month after they were married. In 1302, he said, his wife was "broughthome In a cab. Another time she was found lying on a sawdust pile in the rear of an Itallan.saloon on tha East Side," her baby belngr with her. Another time she wrfs jailed with the !laH.0v!";n,eh" An8"!. in' her. being given 60 days in Jait i One of the neighbors, said Mrs. Bojan ower - asked her to take care' "of the child for 15 minutes She; consented, but Mrs. Bojanower was gone for seven,, aays. xue enna js now with a Mrs. Campbell, to whom he waa awarded un der the custody of the father. MrsTFolgHDwer brought suit airafast her husband for the divorce, alleging he blackened her eyes arid did not pro vide weu xor tne family, but she aban doned the case when Bojanower filed a cross ; complaint,- upon which he won a divorce today, , ' Objected onggy Sides. ; ? Having provoked J. B. Dolbeers an ger by staying out longer on a buggy ride than he thought aha should, Mrs. Myrtle E, Dolbeer testified he went out to.. get !a (gun. She did not wait his return, but hld ovit that night The next,day ha still had the gun, she but he seemed sorry, and sirs continued to live with him until, last fall, when ha .waa arrested for robbery and put In jatl. She said he had threatened hr life., She named Marjorie Magi'nnis as co-respondent Dolbeer is a bartender and married his wife in Vancouver, Wash. - ; -William-Palmer wanted to sever for all time his relations with Sarah C. Palmer, wlfom he married In 186. He said he came west from Hlinnis In 1903, leaving nis wire to sell the. farm and follow, him. She aold tha farm, kept the money , and did not come to join him, he said, ahe 'is also drawlnr half, hia pension of $13 per month, ha being a veteran of the avil War. ; . , -1 Wreck Wracked Jones, Mrs. Minnie Jones testified that Burr Jones, a railroad engineer, would not support her after ha lost hia position because of a wreck., Ha was only shak en up, she said, and not much hurt, but heost-fcirmbttloff'forwdrkr He called her bad names and she was forced to work for- her living She r declared, so she left him" three Cars ago, while iney were living in Koseburg. Th were "mafflecrTn. Josephine oountv in 18931, .'.; ,. .. On the ground of desertion Laura Ea. tell Congdon obtained a decree against Ray Congdon. She said he left her In 1QAB , . ... . . a .... ' "i" marrieq lire Or eignt -yeaxti udge Morrow, to whom fell th of hearing the divorce cases today, was unable to finish the list at noon. Four pases- were continued untUv afternoon - ARTICLES ARE FILED FOR FIVE CONCERNS Articles of Incorporation ; have been filed -vlth the county clerk as fol lows: ........ , . George A, Bateson & Co., prInuV?g and stationery, - by George A, - Bateson, Charles E. McCulloch and W. C McCul loch; capital stock, , $25,000. ' Keynote Realty company, by Hugh C Gearln, Walter J Gearln and John M. Gearln; capital,- $25,000. - t . The McCusker comnanyi enhtractine. engineering and plumbing, by Joseph McCuaker, R. W. Wilbur .and S. C. Spencer; capital, $20,000. Lumbermen's Statistical Bureau, by Rv W. Wilbur, S.. C. Spencer and W. E. Farrell; capital, $4000. Supplemental articles-of tbe Case A Relet company., changing the name to B. O. Case & Co. , . " : Improve Telephone Service.! 1 (Sixclal Diapatcb to The Journal.) , ' Independence, Or., July 1 Announce ment has just been officially made by the Pacific States Telephone company soon as material arrives. on the ground the company's plants in this city and Monmouth wi ll be rebuilt. Ttris will mean- that Independence will have one of the rfiost-up to date, telephone systems in the country. - Automatlo sig naling will be one of the features of the new system, new switchboard, poles, wires and everything in connection with their plant Jn this city. . J. b. Butcher will arrive in Independence within a few days when the company, will go out after new business. These Jrnprove ments contemplate the rebuilding of the line between 4his city and alem. The Salem, line will give .two. more cir cuita. The approximate cost of these new iiiipimmiiienta is In the iiefglffli hood' of $30,00.0., . 1 "., Dayton Girl ods Starbnck Man. " "Dayton, Wash., July 1. Dayton so ciety; was out enmasae yesterday to at tend wedding of Miss Helen. "Guernsey, daughter, of - D. C. , Guernsey, pioneer banker, and Mr. Frank. E. Glrton. of Starbuck. The Rev, John Cole, of Grace Episcopal church, officiated, using the ring ceremony. House decorations were roses and tweet peas. A wedding din ner was served at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. George Price. Mr. and Mrs. Glrton will live at Starbuck, where the bridegroom la employed by the O. R. & N. company. The bride was born here and-has been prominent In society. . ' ' "k - Oklahomareud Ended, v v - miiitad Praas liaaaed .Wire V i Tahlequalv Okla., July l.-C. L. Pratt cashier.,pf a bank at Kansas,-Olka., paid off an old grndge yesjerday when ho shot and fatally wounded. Dck Terry, formerly federalv marshal here. Pratt saw Terry .approaching him threatening ly and fired at him , .. , Co-ConspifajE6ts Guilty in - Second Degree at , 'to Appealed.' ' tL-tSptcisl 1'Istch fo Tbe Journal.". . . Canyon City, Or., July 1.-r-For the lynching of Qllie Snydef'.iWhlch occurred gt; Hamilton, in northern Grant county, tn last Christmas day, -flva men now stand convicted and' mob law Is repudi ated in Grant county. Ben Hlnton waa convicted of murder In' the second de gree. , Last night .v Judge George E. Davis-pronounced, Cpon him" the sen-' tence . of life Imprisonment Today Shertf f C M. Collier left wtth Hlnton for thovpenltentlary at Salem. ' - - Deputy- Sharif f Caseday waa-ried this week and found guilty of murder in the first, degree. .Feeling waa strong er against Caseday than any of hi co conspirators. Ha waa an officer of th law.-he-had. the reputation of being a ' fearless gun man, and when It waa learned . that ha bad entered Into the conspiracy - to mob - his prisoner, Ollie Snyder, . the feeling against : him was bitter. , After ttha. conviction of Caseday yes terday his co-defendants. Earl Shields, Emraett Shields and Bert Green, sent word last night to District Attorney J. W. f McCulloch that they wanted to plead guilty. , They .were brought into the courtroom and withdrew their pleas of not guilty to. the charge of murder in the-first degree and entered a-plea of murder In the second degree.; Thla ; ends one of the saddest chapters; aver J written in the criminal annals of Grant county;. ;,"'1' ' '. ' '.'- '!, ; .With tha esception of Caseday,' the convicted man aaje ait under 30 years of ; ago. Caseday la a married man with a family. Green and Hlnton are each married and have children., Tha Shields : are brother-in-laws to Bert Green. The familiea are all well known In : Grant ' ' county. t ' - - -v During the progress of the trials tha courtroom' was haunted by the wives, " babies, mothers and fathers and mem bers of the families of the guilty men. Sentence will be pronounced on the co-'t defendants tn a. few days? The Caseday case will be appealed.' ASKS DIVORCE FROM .. RIDICULING HUSBAND 'i- (SalfU Bureau of The Journal.) Salem, JOr.. July 1. Frances Wary Small of tbe Cathollo faith", who resides at Sllverton, Marion- county, filed a com-'-'--' plaint for divorce against Ray Small ' today lh the circuit court for Marlon county, alfeglng that the bftptlsfti ofTher first child .'estranged her from hef hus-. . bind,; who (continually ridiculed her re-, , . llgton,. There were, three Children born to the couple, the eldest being 15 years old, The husband believes fn no church, , religious or .other association of people, j she anaei'ta; and was- particularly en- raged because she-joined tha-Wotnen of Woodcraft lodge. ,f BALLOONIST FALLS ' ; 2400 FEET TO DEATH; nnlti Preas raaae-Wlra.t-r- TMuncle, Ind.. July "1, Ralph Bradley, 34 ,"yrs. ex age, an aeronaut, was In stantly killed yesterday afternoon when hia parachute failed to operate afteru cut loose rrom bis balloon 3400 feet above the earth. The accident occurred near here last evening. Thousands saw the balloonist dashed to earth. Every bona In hia body was broken. v Changca ia Patteft Firm. . . Chicago, July l.A rsorganlza.tioi) of the grain commission firm of Bartlett, Patten and Company waa put Into ef fect today as a result of the retirement iv of James A.- Patten,- tha noted grain and cotton speculator. The retirement of Mr. Patten, It Is understood, ia in no way due to his recent -indictment by ; the federal government on a charge- of operating a corner in cotton, as hia in tentlon to retire was announced a month or more; before- tha lndlctmene against him waa returned, - Tha- new firm is to ba known aa Bartlett F"ra.- ler and company. . .;, , , ' "I r ' De Ifnff Resigns. - r . , - - (SecIU,trtpat4 to The Journal! The nallcj,, July 1 After hav ing b&m la-li employ of the O. It A N.. company for more than 35 years, 80 yeara of which he served as master mechanlo at this place, P. W. Da Huff " has resigned . his position and entered upon the pension list of the, company.' The X), R. Se N, has a plan by which Its employee who hava been' in contin uous service for 25 yeara are retired on two thirds pay. " " r- - Parisian Sage Girls t. Tou never saw a beautiful woman who didn't have beautiful hair. "The Charm of a beauteful woman lies in her hair. ' . . , - ' - Many women do not realize the at tractions they possess because they do not give- proper attention to. the hair. - The women of Pa. rs are .famed for Ihelr-beauty, not because - their facial features are superior to those, of other women, but because they know how to keep young by supplying vigor, lustre ana strcngtn to tne uair. Up to three years an Saga - could hardly bo obi - In. America, hair restorer But how this delightful can be had in every n America. Woodard-Clarke & Co. it -in Port- land 'for 0 cents a lafga hottle, 'and they guarantee it . 10 grow beautiful. Uixui UuL ,-liaJt L-ta, J unL-tjulLJJ tel esa. nair inio JUBiroue nair; to Slop lauing hairi'.to stop .Itching of the scalp. Un derstand, . Woodard-Clarke Sc. Co. will give you your money' back If it falls. Made only in America by Glroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, K. Y. The girl with the' aubiwn hair la on every, bottle. . 5 V :l fir Vh I "1 J ira All bigo Parip atned town 1 V