T A T PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE t 1210. A IXLj DAILY JOU: 43 Wellington Court Beautiful 2. ;s, 4 room furnished apartments, steam heat. free, phono. Janitor service, rent reasonable. 16th nd Kvcrett tits. Main 1245. ; . MADJ SON PARK APARTMENTS. .f Pun four room, completely furnished rapurtment, facing park; automatic ele ' vator, , ' Main 8656. ' 697 Washington 3 room apartmento, - all outside, -.free phones and janitor service; hot and cold water; reason able rent. HOTELS 64 THB " OHIO Newly furnished rooms, $2 tip per week, near Oregon Elec- irio ,apot. jToni ana Maaison.- HOT lit, PORTLAND European plan only: IS. ts day. VALLAMONT Furnished rooms for rent. 878 Yamhill. ' BELVEDERE.. European. 4th and Alder.' k. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 - : ' WEST SIDE ;- "ONEONTA"- apartments, 17 17th near ' Yamhill. -HTake W ear at depotV 8, I and 4 room furnished suites. Hot and cold, phones and baths frea. $20 per month. IS per .week and up. Main 497, A-4739.- " - WELL furnisred housekeeping rooms, 1 $8 month; 3 for $12: furnished cot stage, 6 large rooms, $30; lower flat, 4 -rooms, $18. 364 26th, north (west side river). W car from depot, 6th on Morrl- snn to 26th, block north. "NICE front rooms, $2 per week up; tei " ephone and bath free; 4 minutes' walk from postofflca. Phona LlndelL 828 4th at 'TWO very desirable outside furnished 'rooms for light housekeeping; reason able; also, one sleeping room. 257 Chap- j man St. $1.75 week, large clean furnished house- Keemnar rooms r launorv. Datn. rob. clean linen. ,184, Sherman. South Port-H , lann. 14.75 week, suite, nicely furnished, run ning water; also housekeeping room. . 82.25 week. 241 ISth st. N. .THE COLONS Furnished housekeep tt lng rooms with all conveniences, $10 find up, central location.' 603H Alder st . HOUSEKEEPING rooms. " ' suites, walking distance, .castle, 3d and Harrison sts. single and The New- 39 a month,, three large housekeeping - - rooms; gas plate, steel range, 618 7th at. Main 4529. . : TWO front rooms for light housekeep lng; well furnished; bath, gas, phone. 421 Jth st. ' ONE large room," with alcove, gap, laij),' phone; very desirable. 38 & ntn. klTCHELL Housekeeping rooms; light! gas; moderate, ,7th & Flanders. A -4075 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE " . -i- 48 ;PAGE APARTMENTS, E. 8th and Burn , side, 1 elegantly furnished 3 room apartment, 3 unfurnished apartments, all. modern' conveniences, steam heat, private phone, ' private bath, hot and cold water, laundry and steam dry In basement, reception hall, fireplace, auto matic freight elevator,-janitor service, very reasonable rent; no children. Phone B-1018. . . . ,TWO large, light, furnished housekeep '" lug " rooms, reasonable, water, gas; .also furnished single room; near Steel ' brlhsre. . 164 Cherry t. 1 - ' ' t'i per week; clean, furnished housekeep ' ing rooms; laundry, bath, heat, yard, phone, clean linen.. 406 Vancouver ave. NICE, clean, cool rooms, single and en suite. 249 Holladay ave. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 . .WHEN you' move youii neec new ru tilture. Buy Judiciously , and your savings will exceed moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES mad us on of the largest furniture houses, In -the city In: less than two years. , Lookers shown same courtesy as buy ers. MOROAN-ATCHLBY FURNITURE CO, iirand ave., eor. E. Stark st Est Ankcny and Russell-Shaver Cart , ' pass our door. " - DURING July and August will rent our-home, 8th and E. Davis, completely- furnished, $40 a month;, six rooms. Modern - conveniences; nice yard. ,. In quire Routledge Seed & Floral Co., 169 Id st. - $13.60 McFarland's 6 room cottage,-272 Myrtle street Mt Soott .carllna. See Wells, Stewart's station Phone Tabor 660. ASThalf of - modern double house, 663 E, Main st, cor. 18th (Hawthorne Park, 7 rooms, $30. Phone East 4961. FOR RENT. .,, $25 Modern 6 room house, choice lo cation. 697 Vancouver ave. FREE rent' In Gregory Height. Greg-t- . ory Investment Co. End of Rose City Park car line. FIVE room house for rent at Monta- villa, large yard "fruit and flowers. C9.ll phone Main 6289. . UPPER half double house, 6 - rooms, bath, separate entrances; South Port land; barn privilege; $12. A-2564. EIGHT room house, with barn, not mod ern. 1607 East Pine st, $1) per mo. Phono B-1973. - SrV!ui rooms, modern, good location. , Phono Main 8686 or call at 134 2d st FOUR room cottage on Eugene at; In quire S40 B. Stark st HOUSES FOR REHT, ; FURNITURE FOR 8 ALE 82 MY HOME of 6 large, weU finished rooms, attractive building, quiet resi dence location, walking distance; adults. ' Phono East 849. ' .FURNITURE for sale of 9 rooms, all ''in good condition; house f or - rent, rooms all rented; 6 minutes' walk from ostofflce. 509 Morrison st. IS room house for rent, and furniture ' for sale, cneap xor casn. uau iz.o "12th st, N. - - ' ' FURNITURE of ( room for sale and house for rent good location. Main .T469. 186 N. IBtn. " - CLEAN, bright housekeeping rooms. ' CXUBO tu, vol. o.uu. 'KeHwood 805. J ., .M 91 S. rooms. HOUSE : for rent, ifurnlture for sale; 4 rooms, cheap for cash.-" 218 West ave. Mt. Tabor. . ' - ... . ' Furniture 4 room fiat, east i... rent $11. - R-639, Journal. side; . ' SEVEN room furnished house for sale; " Moss In; $400. Main 6575. 867 6th st FURNISHED HOUSES SO COTTAGE for July. August, 5 rooms, '. furnished, modern, electricity, gas - range, refrigerator, piano, lawn on car Une; adults only. Phone Tabor 1196. FOR RENT To adults only, modern 6 . room cottage, nicely furnished In South Stinnysldei, price $25; t Call fi-1506 , lor particulars. A. SNAP if taken at once; furniture In seven room nouse clearing 20 per mo, $250 cash. 289 Halsey st Phono East 1599. . - $o Modern 6 room house for summer, west side; walking distance; piano, fas, phone; clean, attractive. 149 PorT er. A-4460. A FURNISHED house of 4 rooms: mod. i erni at E. 11th and Ankeny. Phone East 243 or E. 6620. SIX room furnished house, for rent Call 1290 E. 12th st, N. SUMMER KESOKT8. TOR SALE or rent, "Seaside, reasonable. 5 room cottage. . A-3662. Even HOUSEKEEPING rooms at Gearhart Park. Hardlng& Reynolds Co., 813 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Six room furnished house t-Garhrfe-4U.U-B-146 .ronv -ar-m4 to i p.'m.- -- - - . - 86 COTTAGES to rent at Seaview. - i. Hwltkemper,. 386 Morrison st. FURNISHED FLATS 50 NEWLY tinted 5 room flat; E. 24th and ' Burnslde. $12 60. HTrnTSti ED "flat ef "7 , modern; 408" Park. fine location, with" apaiitmiints SO NICELY furnished upper flf of - 5 rooms, with pifnola, walking- dis tance, and on rarline: for rent up to Kyf. 1; West Side. Phone Main 9J9. tio Klegiuit furnished flat, 5 large rooms, walking distance, adults only; during owner's absence. - Phone Hast S49. FOR RE-T -FLATS 13 NEW modern 4 and 6 room flats, one furnished on Williams ave. and Farge (tTall 290 Fnro or phone Kast 8305. FOR RENT 5 room modern upper flat; -full -attic; -$15.. 888 Williams, ave.; Inquire on premises. STORES AND OFFICES 11 STORE 26x70 with basement; steam heat; the beet opening for general mercantile business. Will give good leasn to right parties. JOHN DICK 626 Henry bldg., or 649 Union ave. N, FIRST class outside office rooms for rent ' In new building; steam heat, electrlo and gas light with Janitor ser vice. N. E. cor. St. and Madison.' MODERN - store "15x65, Tow rent, free - heat, with basement. 565 Washington St., J. Wolf. ; . DESK room for rent $17 Aliaky bldg FEW 'nice offices In the Couch and . Chambers bld.gs. 5cl Couch bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 HORSES FOR SALE. $ black mares, 2350 lbs. $325. ' 2 black mares. 2300 lbs., $275. 1 sorrel mare, 1200 lbs., $135. 1 black horse, 1250 lbs., $165. 1 gray, mare, 1300 lbs., $150. 1 black mare, 1160 lbs.; $125. 8 ponies, ride or drive, $40 each. 1 bay gelding, 1100 lb.. $125. 1 span nay mares, 2200 lbs., $250. 1 spotted gelding, 1200 lbs., $140. 1 black mare. 1150 lbs.. $125. And others too numerous to mention here. All are guaranteed stock. , - HAWTHORNE STABLES, 4Z0 Hawthorne ave. SALE Team, wt 850 and 1100 lbs.; light spring wagon and harness.- Fair of fine driving ponies, well broke, 4-year-old; sound, good for ladles or, children, $126. One shot tire top Jtuggy, $25. Must sell at once. . 148 Moro tit; take Mt Scott car to Kern Park station, go north tfc DlocKS. i FOR 8ALE Team horses. 6 and 8. 2600 lbs.; new heavy breeching harness; light spring wagon. Mt. Scott carllne, Tre mont station, up Kindorf road to Cooper st., secona rouse soutn on rigm nana side; price $400; would trade for good rooming nouse. FOR SALE Span of mares, full bred -Percheron, 10 and 11 years old,' kind and gentle, good fur coach or hearse. woman or children can ride or drlvs them. Vrlce $500. Inquire George L. Barnholtaer, Martin Bluff, Wash., or 230 Btark st, Portland. A THOROUGHBRED KenUcky saddla noise, nicely gaited, city broke. years old. color dark sorrel.: Address 1350 E. 17th, near Hawthorn ave. Phone j aoor ioo. - FOR SALE One team of horses, 9 years old, weight about 2400; also one good light wagon. Call at 253 N. Hoyt st, after 6 p. m. or Sunday. Mt. Scott car. , . . WILL, trade piano, household furniture y or real estate for rood team, harness ana camp wagon, ask lor uourtois, 216 jewis piqg. - - , HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week and month; special rate to ousin"ss nouses, etn ana tiawtnorne. fcJaet 73. I WANT to buy a sound, gentle work horse, not less vthan 1800 lbs., from owner. , State price and age. T-649, jnurnai. weigm vau ids. Aaaress 114 seventh ave., ients. Home phone 1713, Lents. FOR SALE Horses, guaranteed aulet ior riaina or arivina: once zt. z4 m. 7tn st. East 7S. : -j FOR SALE 1000 lb, bay saddle mare, city prone, rnone xapor imp. STALL, for rent, Inquire Herrlck gro cery, poo jerrereon si. -' BUY Keller's Guarantee! Ham, 41 WORTH SIXTH ST. DRIVING horse and buggy . for sal. fioneer faint co., isb jhirst st ' LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 33 FOR 8ALTwo pup of Great Dane crossed by St. Bernard, for particu lars write or call on Mrs. M. E. Dixon, Lenta, Or., route 2, box 26. - FOR SALE Twenty-eight, chickens; Rhode Island Reds and Leghorns; rea sonable. Phone Tabor 735. 214 E. 74th. TWO good fresh cow, 709 Harold ave. Taka Sellwood car. Phone , Sellwood 1171. FRESH Jersey-Guernsey cow. second calf. 4H rallons a dav rich mlllr. SR E. 80th. Phone East 6505. ' FOR SALE 20 good Plymouth Rook and wyanaote cnickens. inquire 1400 Hawthorne ave. Grocery Co. FOR SALE 16 Inspected and tested dairy cows. Inquire T. W. Bleu, 80 N. 6th st. FOR SALE Beef cow. Tabor 1657. US 8th ave., Lents. W, H. Crawford. FOR SALE MISCKLLAXEOUS 19 I HAVE a lot of household good that I wish to dispose of. Bedroom furni ture, carpets, sanitary couch, gas range, bath tub, wardrobe, linoleum, 40 quart tee cream freezer. Call 3S6 E. Alder st, at once. - FOR SALE or trade Indian Motorcy cle, twin cylinders, - model 1909, in first class condition; owner going away, No cash required, good security, V-635, Journal. - NEW and second nana poo, and. bll a Hard tables bought and sold on easy term. Bowling alley. . refrigerator for immediate delivery. Address. the Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 46 6th. FOR SALE OR TRADE 4-rootn house- boat; furnished complete; electrlo lights; and a 30-foot launch, 17 horse- Sower, two cylinders. Inquire M631, oumal.' FOR SALE U foot launch and launch house; -upholstered cushions, canopy top and fully equipped with light and whistle. Phone East 2806. 421 E. Ash at. Cheapo - FOR 8ALU Piano, Brfmter make, new, never unpacked. $276: also a-uitar and kodak. 110. Address. L. W.. ceneral delivery. v -. FOR 6AL Portable organ, also baby (rood for traveling show, etc. Call tween 16 and 17. 526 H Wash. t, be- 1UH BAtii. Heating stove, $7; - gas neater, i; gas stove, ; almost new. Hester, 631 Columbia st. VIOLINS, banjoes, mandolins, guitars at naif regular prices, uncie Myers, 71 6th st ' LADY'S first class ticket to Denver, me- dium height middle age, dark, reason able. M-637,-journal. - . LADIES' gold watch, crescent hunting case, 12 size, worth $26; $10 take it w-4b, journal. FOR SALE 100 shares of capital stock of tho H. O. Peck Automobile Co. Ad dress T-647, Journal. , . . , - v FOR SALE 8 shares Range boiler In sulator stock, one-half price. W-641, journal. R. S. MOTORCTCLB. America Best" Racycle bicycles; motorcycles and bi cycles repairea. uyaman uros.. jo uau. NICE furnishings of 4 room flat alt - complete for sale cheap. Phone Mar- snau loiia, c-ii. FOR SALE 16-foot -.. roll-up awning, gooq as new, cneap. j-nii; journal. NATL. CASH -REG., 6 drawer. Individ. ual total. Archer scnans, ttn & OftK. A-l second-hand motorcycle, 1810 model, reasonable. Enquire 189 Morrison. LAUNCH for sale $166, full government ouTiu.r.nonB JJ-hb, .,. FOR SALE CHfiAP NevTlaunch with 4V4 h. P. engine. Call 3 Water st THREE chair bootblack stand complete, onfnp. jnnn duck, wa Btn si. $10 Dome8tlo sewing machine with at tainments, rsii JIS3 F). Morrison s FOR SALE chaj check for $125 on loca piano house. Phone Marshall 1 287. fyps to be sold cheaa, fieatUa-4 HofTiann. 204 Stark at. rUKXISUED ILAI3 wanted misci:llani:ou3 5 WANTED For July 4 and 5 at Castle- rock. Wash., free aots. nMionn oscen- tlon, a slide for lif.:. all kinds of at tractions, 1 0.000 . people to draw from. All communications addressed to Dream land jnipatre, 'aslgrork. Wash. WANTED to take contract to clr land or exoavitlng, all kinds of work done by the contract. F. P, Lemon, 41 N. 2d st. GET our price on your furniture, as li win pay you. w want ue gooas. Savage and Fennall 361-3 1st SL- Main 860. WANTED People of Portland to know that we Dav nisrnest casn price iot second hand household goods. Seater & Oustsvson. 143 Huptsell. East !B6il. BE W1SC; set more tor your second hand furniture by selling It to -Fprd Auction Co.. ?11 1st . Main 8951. A-2445. WANTED To buy one or two good barber chairs. Price must be rea- BotiP.'nle. Phone jabor 2017. I DO most all kinds of , work by con- - tract Charges small. . . What have you X-640, journal. ; : OLD. rubber boots and shoes. 8c per lb,; auto tire 7 Ho per lb. J. Leve. 186 Columbia t.' Main 6198. YOUNO lady would like to care for two Lor three girls of from 5 to 8 years old. A-642, Journal. - WANTED t-.. Moving picture machine, films, etc. .W-640, Journal. SPOT cash paid for- your rurnltuie; prompt attention always given. E. 1067 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 , MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 . Chas, E. York . Band Instrument and Music House. Repairing, exchange. 88H 3d t ' FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 SEVERAL second-hand automobiles, in fine condition, for aale cheap. Some of these maohlnes are almost new. In formation will be mailed to you If not convenient to call. " Special Inducements offered out-of-town dealers. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 1 622 Alder St. Portland. -. , Phones: Main 2683; A-4944. A BARGAIN Ford automobile. 2 or 6 pass., tires, topv lamp, good shape; price $225. Main 6381. Room 417, 326Mi Washington st FOR SALE Five - passenger Cadillac with tOD and era lames. $850 cash. No trades. Call 710 Rothchlld bldg or pnone M. 6. A FIRST CLASS runabout, almost new for sale cheap at Van Matre-Fandy Auto Co., 603 Alder st. LOST AND FOUND 1 LOST X bunch of keys, Saturday, be . tween Burnslde and Morrison stj on 3d; finder please phone Pacific Main 7i; rewara. LOST Yesterday $ p. ni.. lady's black mongolla furs, on Washington St., bet 21st and 12th, Reward; return to 864 Upshur, city. LOST a bay saddle mare, brand VII on rignt nma leg, no snoes on, ite ward. Call up A-6702, Main 6488. FOUND Trunk and baby carriage left by John Mackey, expressman, at is etn st. Main Z316.- - FOUND A place to get calling cards; 60o per ioo. ,15 Maaison u Mar LOST A pin and watch fob; reward. Z93 Hawthorne, jsast 47, LOST Watch fob bearing nam of E. R. Shepard. - Finder return to journal. FINANClAli 81 QUICK LOANS On furniture and pianos, storage re ceipts, life Insurance policies, live stock, real estate.' ir U. 8. REAL ESTATE & BROKER- ' AGE CO.. r Room 312 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d St Phone Main 2084. IE M. E. THOMPSON CO. Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts. LOANS WANTED SO WANTED to borrow $1400 for five years on timber .land located in tne Deschutes valley of central Oregon. Property will cruise three million feet or finest yeuow pine. Aaaress ui-j Buchanan bldg., Portland, Or. : WANTED A loan of $4700 on city rea estate; first mortgage; no commis. sion. D-641. Journal. WANTED To party $2500. best security. borrow . from private 2 or 3 years: can give B-847, journal. WILL pay 8 for $3760 on improved 1 arm, close to ro.iana. A-aia, jour nal. $900, 2, years, 8, ,jm 10 vacant lots, . journal. JIONEY TO LOAN c . 27 -Vacation Loans And the place to get them. $10 to $100. At the lowest rates. All we require Is that you be em ployed on salary, and you get the money quickly without mortgage, lndorser or otner ecuriues. . , , , Call and see us. : v Do it now. , .State Security Co, 308 Falling Bldg. $75,000 Want to loan this amount on pianos, furniture, horse, warehouse receipts, real estate mortgages or any rood col lateral. A special loife-rate In order to get this money out We - want your patronage and are making a rate to get it - ' THE KING LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. - Room 610 Buchanan mats. THH f!RTCHC!iriTf T LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchlld bldg., corner 4th and Washington. The lecognlzed bank of the war earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer, or employ can ob tain money of u on hi not without security. ? $16 return to us....... .1 4.00 a, month $30 return to us.........$ 8.00 a month $50 return to us. ....... .$13.36 a month Confidential; no '-unpleasant Inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. CASH paid for mortgages or seller' interest in contracts on real estate anywhere in Oregon or Washington. Mortgage loans negotiated cm improved roperty. , . it, tu. . ODie, uynoermens Idg., 6th and Stark. MONEY advanced 'salaried people, house Keeper ana otner upon ipeir -own name without security: cheapest rate. easiest payment; office In (6 princi pal 'cities; save money by getting our term, loiman, 317 juumper M,xcnange. YOUR CREDIT Is good at the Employes' Loan Co., 121 vi ADington, lUttii 3d t Wb LOAN money 00 diamonds and lew- lry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. at m. eiovage, jeweiers, 269 Washington t ; MONEY to loan on real estate In any part of Oregon; low rate of Interest Marshall 658, 314 Hamilton bldg. MONEY to loan on Portland property, , MULTNOMAH TRUST CO.. Marshall 668. 314 Hamilton bldg. MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent, uooanougn oeiis, 1 is -toara of Trade. MONEY to loan on improved city prop. rty. Wfh. MacMaster, 302 Worcester block. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans: lowest rates; nr in urance. W. G. Beck, 812 Falling. $100,000 on" mortgages," city " or fanti property, fire Insurance. McKensle Co., Qerllnger bldg., 3. ana Alder. ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, fir insurance. 881 sneriocK DHif. -SUMS of $2000 upward on real estate, Ooddard A weidricK. 143 Btark. LOAN for the asking, salary or h tel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg, iUIC loans en all secuHtiew, 6. Wi King. 16 Washington bldg. Main (109, 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district court of th United States for the district of UreRonln the matter or u. c. llluir, liankrupt; No. s93 in bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given that on the 22d dav of June, A. D. 1310. R. V.. Blair ol rortland, Orregon, the bankiuut above naim-il. whs riulv ad judicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting or his creditors will be held at the offices of the undersigned, rooms 401-2, Fenton buildlnjr, Portland, Orvgon, on the 6th day of July, 1910,-at 10 a. m.. at wnictv time a!d creditors may attcna, prove their claims, anroint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt, and transact such otner Business as may properjy come be fore said meeting. (Jiaims must be presenteu in iorm re quired by. the' bankruptcy act, and sworn to. Tne scneduia llira discloses assets amounting to $56, wages. CHESTER O. MUKrnt, Referee in Bankruptcy, Dated June 23d, 1910." QUARTERMASTER'S .office,' 322 Arcade Annex, Seattle, Wash., June 22, 1910 seaiea proposals, in triplicate, inuorsea on 'cover "Pr6posal for Lumber," will be receivea nere until 11 o ciock a. m., jiiiy 22, 1910, for furnishing and delivering at Seattle or Taconta, Wash., (or other Puget sound 'ports) Portland, or other Pacific coast ports, accessible to vessels of deep draft, or Manila, P. I, 2,647.- U3 reet or lumber required ny tne v. department In the Philippine jsianas, For further Information address W. H. Millar, quartermaster. : THE public is hereby notified that the a partnership. of Debuhr & Bartram has been dissolved and all bills due and pay able will be paid by R. J. Debuhr and ell bills collectible will be. collected by R. J. Debuhr. and sa d R. J. Debuhr will not be responsible for any obligations incurred from this date unless lncurreo by himself. (Signed) K. j. ur-m'tin. SEALED bids will be received by the undersigned at his office at the court house until 10 a. m.. July 6. 1910, for six months' supply or stationery ano sup- lies tor tne - airrerent county oinoes oeclficatlons and lists can be seen at my office. The county reserves the right to reject any and all bids, F. S. f leias. county I'lern. C CARMICHAEL, formerly at 266 Pine, removed to 31 jarst st. jNortn, oe. tween Burnslde and Couch. PERSONAL ,22 ONE MONTH'S TREATMENT ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. .The doctors of the Pacific Coast Med leal company, specialists In all chronic, nervous and complicated diseases of men, .have opened offices S. W. corner first ana wasnington, opposite uity Market ' Entire second floor of seven rooms: separate parlor. to suffering men: come to our ornee and wo will make a thorough, search ing ana scientific examination or your case free of charge, and if we find that your condition will yield to the lnfiu ence of our advanced-methods, we will treat you for one month free of charge (remedies excepted). Remember this offer holds ood only until July 1. Of flee hours 9 a. m. to S p. m. write for question piann. ' DR. ALICB A. QRIF . Disease of women and 1 children ex- cluelvely; Women are often saved se ver surgical operation by consulting me. nervous aisease - 01 cniiaren 1 specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinement cared for. Cor respondence solicited. No charge for consultation, fnones, Main svzs, a-osu Office room 10, Grand Theatre bldg. Washington ana paric RHEUMO Promptly cures rheumatism, lumbago. neuralgia, raiatlca, blood poison and tainted biosu Bold by an arug. sis. Sample by express 50c. T. J. Pierce; 311 Allsky bldg. - . i Men Cured Quickly Modern electrlo' treatment for disease or theorostate, nervous aeouity. pile. etc. w. L Howarj, M. v., st- now cum bidg., 4 th ana Washington. XR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon; treat women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations; examinations free. Main 4047, A-2411. 606 Common wealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. GERMAN book, magazines, novels. tc German, English? French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for eign books 01 an tuna. Kcnmai Co 829 1st st. , DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cure . diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sores, uloers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 1st. Port land. - MEN When weak, nervous or despond- ent, use oexoia ruis as a oracer; re stores lost vigor price 11 per dot. boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, 811 Allsky. SANDERSON CO.'S Savin ana Cotton Root puis, sure remedy ror aeiayea periods, 1 z per pox or j Doxes tor 19, T. J. Pierce, an AjisKy oiag, RE IN style, learri to drive an automo tills: T furnish car. teach lady or sent For rates and hour phone Main or 6381. RADIUM treatments for all cancers and tumorous "gro win. r. w. c Maiiory, jrtotnonua Biag. tvnMKN. use Femolds when othara fall" for sale by the Ausplund Drug Co. 106 IN. etn st. mam eiuo OHCULT. new thoueht. liberal, aclen tine dooks, jones uook store. 284 oak st. RADIUM treatment for all skin dls. eases, pr. w. c. Maiiory, Rothchlld csiag, DR. T. J. PIERCE, Specialist Diseases of women; cui irregularities corrected; no exposure, call or write 811 Allsky. RaIUM treatments for all chronlo riis eases. Dr. w. c. Maiiory. Rothchlld Biag. WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected in 15 minutes; ire aemonstrations, 216 Fuedner biag. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spiritual scientist. , 21 Selllng-Hirsch PlK. M. 0821 BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of women. 6Z ueimont st. East 2498 ?r.IXINE Pills only 76c box. Call or a dj-ess Bridge Pharmacy, 186 Morrison. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Moorehouse & Co., 411 Wash. st. ABsATCRS WELLS &. PROEBSTEL. assayer. ana lytlcal chemists. 204 Hi Wash, M. 7608. MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testing wor. iss Morrison. ATTOKNETB A. El. COOPER, attorney-at-law. Gen oral practice. Abstract examined. 716 Chamber of Commerce bldg. M. 71 and A-2071. ' .- ' - y CHR1STOPHERSON MATTHEWS. General practice. 411-13 Buchanan bid. BUSINESS CARP. BOWK, DAVIS COMPANT. 101 2d st Blank book m'f'g; sets, for Jones' improved Loose-Leaf ledger; ee th new Eureka leaf. A-818. Main 183. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving,- sidewalk and. cross ings. '817 Beck bldg, TIN ' roofing, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. LoslL 313 Jutttf wn it. Main 14Z4. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. Portland office, 404 Worcester bldg. ms. Mci. wiuu & cu., ail kinaa or in surance, surety bonds. McKay bldg; BICYCLE REPAIRING NEW, second hand wheels, repairing, ksY, safe and lock work. Hummer, 183 10th, CARPET WEAVING NORTHWFST Rujf Workj Rugs from Old carpels, rag ru js-.carpet cleaning. it3 union ave., near ja. Morrison. WR -jresve r? carpets, hnth room Tttrs, etc. 1518 Patton ave, Woodl&wn 2685, NOTICES C.UIJET CLfcAXIXa THE IONR Carpets, cleaned, refitted, la i4. Feathers renovated. E. 360. B-ZTM. CHINA PAINTING EH30NS Orders; firing dally. Edwin Smith, 2'J2 12th st. Mr. I . cuikopodist; CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 4 29 Fliedner bldg. COAL AND WOOD :f 0TICEpK?aln SLAB WOOD GREEN SHORT, WOOD, per lpad..$2.60 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. $2.60 INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load .,..$3.60 block wood, per loaa ....... SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Peruana Slafcwcod Co. 1 ' Main 8119. A-7001. Yamato Wood and Coal Company . CLarccal PROMPTLY DELIVERED Wool Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st Wood, Coal and Dry Slab - WESTERN FUEL COMPANY. 287 E Morrison. East 226, B-1026. SOUTH PORTLAND PLaBWOOD CO Main 2153. A-3842. Dry Inside wood. green slab wood, clean sawdust, for bed ding, Out fuel; cordwood. ' ' ; White-& Benson Fuel Co. 415 East Morrison. East 314.' 1 Formerly Q. K. Wood and Coal Yard. NEER & FARR, dealer in all kind of fir and hnrd wood-, nromrjt delivery. 305 Water st Main 4696. A-4547. A. H. Edlefsen, the tuel man Ch. of Com merce, sells aninreclte and catinel; o cheaper grades of coal and dry wood. WF. WILL saw your wood cascade - wooayara. 1906. Phone Marshall CEDAR block, $1.60 for 30 days. rnone, wain Z153,. a-8842. ' STEEL Bridge Fuel Co, wood and coal Phone C-1773, E. 424. SHORT dry board wood, $8.60 per load. rnone Marshall JU. COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent account col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 701 Hoard of Trsde bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. Portland Collection Agency All kinds or oeois collected. 317 Aiisny oiag, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ATTENTION Carpenter work neatly done, new or renalr work; mv sneclal- ty. All general jobbing, 905 Maiiory ave. pnone c-1781. ' ' WILLIAM F1SHBECK. carpenter and builder, lobbing and contracting, gui 4th. Main 6241. " A. J. F. BOWMAN, carpenter and builder: plans and specifications free. Phone Woodlawn 2363. FOR cement work, plastering, brick work and excavatlnsr call on Olson & Smith. Marshall 1441. A-4020. CONCRETE, brlcKworv. excavanng, eto. Drop postal, j. wempe. 187 K. iza st. DANCXNO WALTZ, two-step, stage dancing, les sons 25c; now opening summer classes tonight. Prof. Wal Wlllson's school, 386 Wash, st, bet. W. Park and 10th. RINGLER'S school Mon., Sat' eve. Western academy.- 2d and Morrison. Phone Main 9212. ,. ELECTKOLTSTJS MOLES, wrinkles,- superfluo ' hair r- movea Mr. M- V. Hill. 4X Fliedner. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Motors for rent or sale. Pacific Eleo- trlc Engineering Co., 213 Second st GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY- and marine; electrlo eoulDments; launches, accessories. wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co., 186 Morrison. LEATHER FINDINGS CHA8. U MA8TICK ft CO., 74 Front Leathe ' of every description: tau mauracturers, iinamgav LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library, 186 6th, bet Taylor ana lamnui. hooks ao per day, MUSIC TKACIIEKH E. THIELHORN, violin teacher, puoll sevcik. Mar, istv, A-4ieo. duu Marquam PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolin. Prof, B. a. smith, m lztn st OSIEOPATU1U PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronlo diseases. 317 Fenton bldg. Main 8PI1. DR. SMITH, graduate Klrksvllle, Mo., 1898; Dost grad. 1907. 818 SweUand bldg. DK. F, J. BARR. A. S. U, 207 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison. Main 2236. PALMING AND PAPERING FOR painting, tinting, paperhanglng, phone East 13(6. All work guaran teed saiisractory, FOR painting, tinting, phone East 2093, C-ZisttB. j a. a. UBoouin, son j wan lngton st. FOR best work, price right, call P. A Doane. 104 Union. Both phones. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSBN A CO.. "High Standard" paint ne, cor. 2d A Taylor. M. A-177L PATENT ATTORNEYS - INVENTORS OF OREGON and the west are Invited to correspond with Northnacilc Patent Bureau. Lum. bermens bldg., Portland. A home office dealing direct' with u. b., Canadian and Foreign Patent Depts. President, R. A Kellond,-expert of 80 - year' practice. Advice free. HANDBOOKS for Inventor free; toll now o ootain ana vaiue or patents, trademarks registered. Beeler dt Robo, 17 7-lal Mcuni piqg., wasningion, u. u, J. K. MOCK, late of the examining corps U. 8. patent office, book of inrorma- tion Tree, sza- Aoington oiogs R. C WRIGHT. V. B. and foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. 604 Dakum. PLATING. PORTLAND PLATING & MFG. CO. 22nd and Thurman. Main 943, A. 6282. Plating on all metals In all colors. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING THE most essential part of plumbing Is good work. It avoids after-expense. We guarantee our work. Independent Plumbing Co., 220 Grand ave. E. 963. PRINTING, WELCH IFOTTIira COIPAHY "Doers of clever thing with type and ink on paper." 141 lt TH EAGLE "PRINTING CO.. not in trhst; close figure, good work. 108 Goodnough bldg. Phona Main 4131. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cuo- nlngham Co., 231 Stark. Main 1497. SAPEa TTrarTIolSlcrSafe CdTTOS Jd st : Safes at factory prices; repairs, lockouts openeo; Bargains in secona nana sares. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES -of very decrlDtloni bank,, bar and store fixture mad to orcer,. The L.utKe Mfg. Co. itti t Mure T iiitiouiti iit.ii newand old showcases, cabinets, store J and office flxrtlres. 28 Couch. M.303.' REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY NAME . Baker. M. D . CltT Farm Property. ..Su.'i ..110 ..5"2 .. S ..625 ..6"8 ..8".!4 Brong-gtw-le Company .. prumiaor a itent-aict..... Butterwortb-Stepbetwm Compnur. lnc Card Realty & Investment Co Cook Co.. B. a Chapln It Herlow ;Jfl Fine. D. V. Co. Woodntook) Hnhart ft Maretiall, rarmn. City Property. Hnuck, Ge-.rK A. (ColonlxutloD). Knaiip & Mackey W. 11. 1 Ori'foo Heal. Latato Ce., The Shield!. J, H 5:... ;W5!'i"" M.la IU1 Tbompsoa. M. B. Co....,........" '"5,i "rJL?hW ?' Mala SMU. A-3s7 Walker. 8. T..... itir:'lL"'l Main 65 SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER - KLEI3ER, 'i V".' est sign makers Jn th nSw, nd Everett sts, Phon P'- E- Home A-iioo. -SIGNS THAT ATTRACT' --Portl cl fn ST Ctark . PaclfSO 10 Portland 6UKVlkOi-v rVALTER M, OBER. platting,subdlvld- Ing and TOpograpnic n.y- -.Jalty. mn nth t..N. B-2099. . lOVaikL bLl'PLI CLEAN towel daily. comK i .... nn,h Portland Laundry at iwel Supply Co., 9 th and Couch ,.t I hone Main 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AND STOKAQH Oregon Transfer Co. 1 Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agent Storage, free trackage.. . Office, 810 Hoyt at. t. 6tn ana sin. rnonee; mbvih , GTO. PICK Transfer Hioiage i flc and commodlou 4 tory brick warehous. eparat iron roornand fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine st. Piano and furniture moved and packed for hlp- ment. Mam o. a-io. "miinM.BntS TRANSFER CO. i ,,.n,fw . anil atoraae. safe. SnlPPeO. U Ua IU Many. - .. INDEI'ENDENT Baggage Transfer Co. Storug. , 824 Stark. , Mala 407. A-4169. .. -'- TXPEWRITERS ALL make rent paired. old. Cun- . nmgnam co. Stark. M. 1407 VET-KIN Alt', AN DR. A. G. SMITH. V. S., V. & Stable, 848' Front! Main 4156. Re. Main 1803. WALL PAPS.. HOUSE painting, paper hanging tinting. and the goods that go with them. E. H. Moorehouse & Co.. 411 wash, st WHOLESALK JOBBERS BVKRDINO A FARRELL, ProflU" and commission meichants. 140 Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. M. A. GUNST CO- DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORT LAN1). UK. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocer. manufacturer and coffee roaster. 4tn and Oak sts." - ' ' ' ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES. BANKS IRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. 1 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $2, - 360,000. . , v : . -. - ' ' -.',.. GKEMAN-AMERICAN BANK Portland. - Or. ' Corner Blxtn tnd Washington Bts. Trana acta a general banking bualneea. Drafts laaoed available io all the principal eltlei of the United State and Europe. Four per cent interest paid on savings accounts. Safe de poslt vaolt. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS (5BBIS BHOTHRB8. Chamber T Com. mere B. tiding.- Municipal, ralirtfad and ubllo service corporation ponaa; DOWKINQ-HOPKINa CO. Utoek and grslo brokers. EstablitWd- 1803. . Portland, Seattle', Tacoms, Bpokio. Private wires. 301-2-3-4 Coucb Bldg. TRANSPORTATION S" ALASECA :..' AND BACK Including Berth and Meals ' SUMMER EXCURSIONS via Smooth "ItuirJe Pastage" Twelve delightful excursions from Seattle to ALASKA and bock cheaper than , ' , staying a$ bom. Don't wail until tamr ar soef ut Wrltt quick for cfefail and n nation ' -T.i-- t , Pacific Coast Steamship Co. 249 Washington St. PORTLAND Columbia River Scenery Fast Excursion Steamer CHAS. R. SPBNCBR Leaves dally except Wednesday, S a. m.. For Mood River and way landlnss and return leave Hood River, 2:30 p. m.; arrive Portland P- m: TJHDAY rxcxnttBioirs Leaves 9 a. m.; returns, 6:30 p. m. ' First Class Meals Served. Fare, One Dollar Round Trip. ' Up-town Office, 69 6th st, Phones Marshall 1979. A-1293. Landing and Office, Foot Washington st. Phones Main stsr.t, A-zts. Lowest Rates to Picnic Parties.: ' E. W. SPENCER, OWNER. Tha Open Blver Transportation Company Sir. T. N. TLAL Tor THE D ALLXS and Way landings Leaving Oak street dock Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 7 a. m re turning, leaving The Dalles Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, making close connections at Celilo with STEAME3 TWIT CITYXS for Lewiston, also IS LAHD rMrlBB for Pasco and all points up the Columbia as lar as rriest napiaa. CAPT. W. S. BUCHANAN.. Supt A. S. WHITINq Agent COOS BAY UlNti 5- SAY 8EBYXC- The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Portland at 9 A. M., June 8, 13, 18, 83, 88 and tranr i day, from Atnsworth dock, for Worth Bend, Marshfield and Coo Bay points. Freight received un til 6 P. m. on day before. Passenger fare, flrat classi $10; second class. 7, Including berth and meal. Inquire city ticket office, -34 and Washington sts or Alnswortn aocn. rnone Mam zss. San Francisco St Portland Steamship Co. New Service to San Pedro Every S It ay From Ainsworth Dock, Portland, 9 a. m., S. S, Bear, Jun 83; Beaver, July, 8; Bear. July T. From San Francisco for Portland, 11 a. m., S. S. Beaver, June 85; Bear, July 8; Bos City, July 6. North bound irom nan reuro, o. o. xna,ver, July 8; Bear, July 13; Rose City. July 18. " if. G. Smith, C. T. A.. 142 Third sti rhiTiir Mai" A0a..A.1.4B2.-';J-W. jmv1 Sgent, Alnswortn umn, pouna iviain i9tt, SAN FRANCISCO AND V ' LOS ANGELFS DIRECT ', NORTH paCZTIC S. S. CO. 8. a XOA-OKQ and S. 8. riO)XB CAIZ. Every Wednesday, alternately, at 8 n. m. .H"" Aiuvi. rnonesrM. isif, A-iji. - . YOUNO, Agent i i:..rbett Rids A-l; lixi 7' I Snnil St Main an! i i- o McKar liWs Wlndwir H.-ibta, ,nla .'. : Lut.ayett Klr!g.,,ih and Wash. Mum v. Henry Bldg. . .Marshall 1567, A-trT Cwbett blrijr Mala A :t 1 Chamber of Commerce..... M:iti K' 1 .,ii-u!iur ana XUKnn.,.,. ..Koom 7. 2o4 AUcr .. 49 Labbe Bid?.......,... ,, 7 Chauibcr of Cominarce. ......fiellivMi s i Mala 'Tt Main l.- ..Mala and A-2"1H ""SDc, A; n4 -uituomVh".'.".'Eaat'r, c-n.4 "i'v- .? ..Uaia Sl. A-2. ...MalD 2i'J CRASP CEITTBAL 8TAT70H. Boutiarn Irifin ieavitiv ii.i. ..Tr Ashland ttmrntn"7 ".''.' bata Limited 4:13 p. ra. ornl Expreia .!.""" rests' ":::::.:;::I;S SIlTertei pSf.1'"''"'"'-'''' 0p.m. roreet Grau P! Ret '..., :60a. a. Arrlrl,, iT,."",!!'lfc- B:40 D. a. Ashland tuaWB--"---'........,1:fn. Portland Exp?el f -A...... 6:80 p.m. Shat Umitpd .11:00 a. o iS? '.:::::r.:::::::v.:: 8t fet-fe ' Sheridan hS ' " V;8 Korthani Paolflo. "Sound?"' Umit la Puget "O'tf toeat .10:10 a. M. Wmited via Norrh mill Eaatera Ixbu1 K'tL,Bank.. 7:00 p. Z illasoori J1 Krtn Bank... U:uo a.m. rfS-::::::::i oor na month izzr . Nor Cot' t"M T' Nor" Bnk. 8:18 p. Bank c via Aoruj NorUiei-B ' p;'V: V il .... 7 :30 . m. m. Sound . ugt 7:10 p. m. via Korta Ballk W Bxprea via Wortli aVwtUnd.Tam.-.a::i:,",V",""''. ;0 m' lJain i.rT - mureai and K t'IiT?.pl Sooth Bad and !n!..8?i::: 7:10 p. m. 10:30 p. m. ..... :O0 t. ol. ' OrexoB Eallroad Karbjatlew re. r,t?!,S fortlaud : " i'aat Mail " . ! S'a sBDokahe-portuna ri'.::::::::::: S- Oregon Ww..,.;;,",", s'uo 5" Arriving PortlandJ- , ' , ' pe OsUes Local.. .............. ,.io-15 ' Spokan, Klyet ,..'1!!!"" ! Tao f 2" Oregon-WaahliiBton Limited 8:00 p! a. Astoria 4V Columbis. Elver. Leaving IWMu'nH . Seaside Express "aa ! Shore Lialted ...... SstuHlay Seaside Special.,. Seaside Express ..:.. 8:00 a. m. ..... 9:20 a. ra. ..... 2:30 . m ..... 8:30 p. m. niuicr I'sasenxer : . ,. i.i9 p. m. Arrtrinr PnrtinA -.. v, m. Seaside Express ........,.,..,..,.12:03 b m Rainier "and tCK'i::"" i P' ?' jUlaler and PortUad Passenger!'!' 6:00 k m. Omadlan Paoiflo Railway oe. Leavlns PiuZT" C. P. E. Bhort Uue vU rkai... tm. . Via Seattle .......... .;....T."" 7 C. P. K. Short Uue vis SDokan..' it r-nnrr Oregon Wahlntton RaUrosd Coropaay. Leavlus l'orlliut sfmiil? it1'l,Ke5,-8r' 8:80 a.' at. Bhasts Umltcd .. J;00p.io. OWl . it ... Arrlvlna- Portland . Shasta Llmtled ... g-sn T Portland Passenger 3:45 p.m. JEfTEIlSOlf STREET BTAIIQM. Soutnera Paoifio. Leavlnc Portland " Dallas Passenger ......... Dallas Passenger ...,,...... iso P. a. Arriving Portland! "... - t . Dallas Passenger 10:15 a.m. Dallas Passenger B:M n. mT ELEVENTH AND EOYT ST&ia PA BENQEB STATION. ' Spokane, Portland tt Seattle Railway t Leatuc Portland Inland Empire Express ............. :00 a ' For Chicago, Paul, Omaha, Kansas city St. Louis, Billings, . Spokane, Wasntucns. KshloUui, . Pasco, Koosevelt, Granddalles. Ool' dendalo, Ljle, White Salmon, Steveuoa and Vancouver. The Oregonian ....................11:00 t. - For 8t. Paul, Spokaue, Pasco, Granddslles. Lrls. White Salmon. Sterensoa sad vn.vi... Columbia Blver Local .., 4:30 ft. North Bank Limited .............. TKiOp.au tor Chicago, St. PsuL Omaha, Kanass City. St. - Louis, Billings, Spokane, Waahtums. KahlotiU. I'aseo. Roosevelt, tiranddalles, Lyia. White Salmon, Stevensoa sod Vancouver. . Arrlvlug PorUaud - The Oregon! ... ................. 7:0S a. m. From St. Paul. Spokane. Paam M.,.hiii l.yle. White Salmon, Steveusoo and Taneo'uvrr! nortn nans ijiuhipu. j;jo t mt - Prom Chicago, St. Paul, trmina. Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtrna. ivanioiuw. r.Ku, niwwTiii, uranuaaiies, Lji. White Salinmi, Stereunoa ad Vanoouver. -TT - Columbia River Local. ........... .12 so . tm luland Kmplre Kxprnf .............. g;i5 p. m. from Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha. Knii.it CltT. St. Uuls, BIHliigs. Spokane, Wasbtucna, Nablotus, raaco, nooseveit, wrauudallee, hjlt. While Salmon. Stevenson and yancouver. lime Card Oregos Kleotrlo Banway Oe. Depot foot of Jcfrtrson st, orUaniirt5f. Leaving Portland tor Salem and Int. sutlone :3U, 7:00, U IW a. Cl.l Jt.OO, f.bO, 6:30, 8.40 p, m. - Lin-ted for TualAtla sud Salem a. m. Local for Wilson? Die and Int. stations 6:10 p. in.. Daily axrerc Sundayt-tor points ou the Salem, tails City A Western Ry. vis Salem, m ai., p. m. Sunday only. ll:w a. u. ' Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and Int stalious 7;05, 8:30, 10;!W a. m.f 18:lo, 3.1'S 8:au, 6:30, p. aaturoay eoly. ii.m n. m. ""-' - ' Arriving tt Portland ' from Sslem and Tut stations 8:40, U;UP- a. tu.j 1:16. 4:0O :(M, 8.20, 10 vl) p. m. . Local from WUsonvills and int. stations, B.40 a. in Dally except Sun day, and 1 :36 a. m. dally. Arriving Po-.tland frotn forest Grove n lot etatlons :0t), 9;S'i, - ll:o s. m i l:iO. 8:60, :2 :10 p. m. Saturdsy enly, l;eo p. Bi. Btiposy puiy. p. uj. Pomssd Milway, Lllt fwe Compaay. . Cars Leave. - - Ticket Office and IValilug koot sUst sud Alder sau Unl WaUt' and taet Morrison streeia, 4 . CARS LEAVB KAaT WATKtt AXD - MORRISON HrREKlS. Ore.-hn City 4:00, :30 a. in. and verf 80 mlnuies to sud Including 9 p. m.; thea iu.t-u, li m p. ni.; lt ear midnight.- Greaham nu luteruiviliiite pr5n(ik M, 7:4fl. Si45, :4ot.J0:45 S. .. 13.46, .6, 4 il a s 6.4j, :4- 11: P- . Kalrvlew sud Iroutdale BS 7-!l,' ill. 8:45, 10:45 s. : 13:44 1.46, . $.4i, t.tu, iitii., I ;4A Jlyvy w--.irxirrrrwj'-f ei j" r 10:45 a. ta., 12 5, 3, 4.45, Hi p. u, Vancouver 'licli-t ottlce and waiting room,. 8wd a;4 n-...i,ii nie.n atrst.. i M. 6:13, -60. 7-J5, 8.00. S M. li:. lt-W. I11'1"' p." M.-12;i't. :i:l'U..'), 2 .Vi. 4:SO, ;10. ,'.', M, J ', j.i.o... "II it. third Miii-dne In ff-r W''" ear l e i sDaliy eicci aun-iiy. as, 8:11, fa i "-'i ... .s